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tv   FOX News Sunday  FOX News  February 11, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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st real food. it's an idea whose time has come. no charges for president biden over its handling of classified documents the national debate about his mental acuity, blown wide open. ♪ >> i am an elderly man and i know what i'm doing.
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shannon: political firestorm igniting just a month before super tuesday capping off a week of wins for chief rival former president trump. >> it up biden department of ingested liquor could show off the hook for some of his very egregious crimes. quick to the president's attorney general -based pressure over his appointment of a special counsel? >> the way the president's demeanor in that report was characterized, could not be more wrong on the facts. and clearly politically motivated because he will get reaction to all of this with republican senator tom cotton democratic congressman adam smith. then, israel prime minister order to's military to come up with a plan to evacuate more than a million palestinians sheltering in the southern gaza city have been expected ground offensive rigorous military operations would be a disaster for this people nuts on something we would support groups will speak with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu live.
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plus, in congress a bitter border battle. a failed attempt to impeach homeland security secretary and still no deal on foreign aid. >> all week long senate republicans have looked more and more liriker house counterpartsd transform themselves into the chaos caucus. shannon: our sunday panel weighs in on the politics of the impossible all right now on "fox news sunday." ♪ space axilla from fox news in washington. it has been a 127 days since a horrific terror attacks against israel on october 7. now, israel spoken thing it's attention what it calls the major at last hamas military stronghold in the southern gaza city or that a million pal seems reportedly sheltering there after fleeing from other areas targeted by the idf. world leaders are reported to have a catastrophe of a major
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offensive is launched without significant evacuations first. in the moment we will ask israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu about that and more first will take you back to where all of this began. our own and benjamin hall this week toured the neighborhoods were so many israelis lost their lives that autumn saturday he is talking with family still waiting for their loved ones held hostage in gaza. benjamin hall joins us now from southern israel. >> hi shannon, and all of these that were attacked four months ago they are empty they light broken and burned a quarter of all the people who live in this committee were killed or captured its tragic hearing stories. just a few miles away inside because you can hear the shouting, we can hear the artillery the battle there is escalating and there is no sign of it stopping. >> after israel announced to bring a ground invasion to the southern city of rafah one half million palestinians current
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live there many have been fled from elsewhere in the gaza strip and the fear is the death toll already at 27000 could rise dramatically. >> we think a military operation at this time would be a disaster for these people progress israel said rafah as a last stronghold for hamas ranging of evacuation of civilians. it's unclear where they will go. hopes have been raised this week hostage deal might be reached that fell apart on wednesday secretary blinken left israel empty-handed. >> are some clear nonstarter's plan hamas' response, we do think it creates space for agreement to be reached. we will work at that relentlessly. until we get there. >> the proposal hamas had suggested was a phased release of hostages in exchange for a total cease-fire the release of 1500 palestinian prisoners. they prime minister netanyahu called it delusional. >> only to continue the military pressure is a necessary condition for the hostages
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release. since rank to the delusional demands of hamas will not lead to their release it will only bring about another massacre. >> elsewhere in the middle east u.s. attacks continued as well. i once at u.s. air strike killed in a radiant backed commander in baghdad in retaliation for the death of three american soldiers in jordan. there were more strikes against the jet eight in yemen on thursday and friday and attempt to stop them attacking ships a. >> this is the start of our responsible be additional actions taken tol all the eye rc and affiliated militias accountable for their attacks on u.s. and coalition forces. despite of the growing tensions in the region families in israel just what one thing, they wondered 32 hostages to be released. many people here believe the government should prioritize that over the defeat of hamas. >> we got betrayed there's no way to said in other words by the country. by the army, by the government,
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the people that was in charge of our life. we got betrayed by them, all of us. >> big question across is reveille speak to said should the pro to be bringing the hostages home no matter the deal or the total defeat of hamas coursework most people feel you cannot do both of those side-by-side everyone we speak to said it should be a deal that should be the number one priority. shannon: benjamin hall reporting live from southern israel ben, thank you so much for joining us now is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. welcome to "fox news sunday," sir. syrup or. >> thank you, good to be with you. quick. owere been left off the eradication of hamas versus bringing home the hostages can we have both? >> they are not mutually exclusive. in fact they are mutually compatible because the only thing that will get the hostages released is the thing that will defeat hamas which is a sustained military effort. it got half the hostages release build of the other half to but i want to say one thing to your audience which people do not
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realize. victory is in within reach we have already destroyed three quarters of the hamas organize terrorists battalions three quarters 1824 we are not going to leave the other six it's like cute leaving a quarter of isis and iraq and slate they can have their little territory it is okay. obviously isis would reestablish itself. hamas isis would reestablish itself to if we do not finish his last remaining. at the same time i agree with the u.s. and i've instructed the army accordingly to give us a plan one it to vacate the population the civilian population because we are not fighting them. we are fighting the terrorists. and secondly to destroy those remaining battalions. i'll strive for the common target to destroy hamas that gets all the other objectives he gives us hope for the middle east hope for peace with hamas
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rating intact. >> i want to dig into several of those that you brought up. he says there's no daylight between you and him this is what he said thursday night. i am of the view the conduct of a response in gaza and the gaza strip has been, over the top. >> the "washington post" post is reporting talking to several senior administrators and can be influenced in private has angered u.s. officials on several occasions and just the past few days. i want to get your reaction when you heard the words and the president over the top and have you spoken to him? >> no i haven't i speak into a regular i've not spoken to him since he made this or marks i do not know what he meant by that.
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but i can say where we are. we were attacked in the worst attack on jewish people since the holocaust. thoctober 7 massacre was equivalent to 29, 9/11 and one day the equivalent of 50000 american slaughtered, burned, maimed, raped, beheaded in 10,000 americans taken hostage including mothers and children. so what would america's response be? i would say it would be at least as strong as israel's many americans tell him we would have flattened that we would have turned them into dust. we are proceeding as jon spencer a world renowned military the head of urban warfare at west point said we are proceeding as no other army has on earth and taking precautions to prevent civilian casualties. we are putting flyers -- mike we are calling on their cell phones palestinian civilians telling them to get out of harms way. hamas is trying to keep them in harm's way at gunpoint and often
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gunfire. we are creating safe corridors we are allowing humanitarian help to get to safe zones we are going out of our way to prevent the civilian casualties i would say israel has responded in a way that is responsible. and also determined we have to maintain the right efforts to secure civilian exit. but at the same time iron determination to wipe the hamas a terrorist organization off the face of this earth and that is something we will do. we will do it and we will do it responsibly for. >> at saint "washington post" report quoting again those unnamed sources saying they are casting doubt on exactly how much of hamas you have taken out and it will be able to take out you talk about total victory is it realistic to think you get every hamas fighter, what about civilians who may sympathize with hamas who may be a left and would give rebirth to it at some point and what about the critics to say this very aggressive posture you have taken militarily as potentially elite in those folks who may have
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otherwise been won over to your side of this conversation? looks i do not know how you could get these people to come to your site if you do not defeat hamas. they will continue as a pledge to carry out the massacres over and over and over again it is like asking an nazi german you completed three quarters of the job in conquering nazi germany and said let's leave the last cordquarter we have to go into berlin, or munich or whatever. and if we leave them it will be fine. if we don't leave them -- and i could be going finish the job the german people will never forgive you. just ask yourself the other question what if we leave hamas in place? there is no hope for better middle east there is no hope we will set back the ironic terror acts in fact they will have incredible victory. we have to finish the job. think all these people who aren't naysaying or sing we can't do it they use are the ones who said three months ago do not go into a ground offensive you won't be able to go into guys that you won't be
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able to get rid of the hamas strongholds without killing all the patients they were all wrong they also said you can't go into the tunnels they are a terrible death trap our brave soldiers are in the tunnels there doing the job right now and i think we have to finish the job. victory is within reach that is our goal total victory what is it mean? who do not have the kill the last german soldier but you defeated the nazi regime. nazis may be around there maybe neo-nazis they don't rule germany. we have to get hamas out of there. we have to destroy its military infrastructure. we have to stop it's in governance over any territory it is well within reach and we're going to do it. shannon: let's talk about rafah he told her military got to of echoed that area. critics say hundreds of thousands may be more than a million people have evacuate from elsewhere in gaza to that location. one former u.s. envoy saying these people have nowhere to go and no way to get there. so again you talk about total victory but at what cost
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question again where you expect these people go? of the egyptian said anything to you about this they are publicly saying that those people start crossing the border it potentially up at your peace agreements with egypt. >> we have cleared out and conquered and destroyed most of the hamas terrorist infrastructure and the rest of the gaza strip there is now plenty of room north of rafah to go to that is where we are going to direct them. again urge them and direct them to do so with cell phones and safe quarters and other things. we see things differently. we managed to do it up until now and this is the directive i gave the army right now. i think the people who are telling you, you can't do what you cannot go into rafah under any conditions are basically saying don't win, lose and if we lose everybody loses you lose too because this is a battle against the ironic terror axis this is a battle of the forces of civilization against the worst forces of barbarism on the planet we have to wit not only
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for our sake but for the sake of our common civilization. it just has to beat -- mike you have to continue purposefully, methodically and responsibly and we are going to do that by the way this position is not just mine it is the people of israel. people do not understand how united the people are out brave and determine our soldiers are across the political spectrum people understand we have no choice but to win this war because our very future and in many ways the future of peace and prosperity in the middle east depend on this if we do not defeat hamas worst things will happen if we defeat hamas i think not only will we have peace and prosperity i think the circle of peace will expanded dramatically i said that but we did the abraham accords before he didid that nobody believed me got for historic peace treaties i am telling you that now. we have a terrible future if we do not destroy hamas of a brilliant future once we do and we will. shannon: we know the people of israel are very much grieving
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the events of october 7 and have great resolve. prime minister, thank you for your time. >> thank you for the district present by and committed to include human rights conditions in any u.s. military sent to allies like israel it's been a busy week for the commander-in-chief was facing fallout from the special counsel classified document report it's short of pricing hit with a crime bit rate question was much like you to fox news chief political analyst brit hume of fox news senior congressional sl correspondent chad pergram. fritz, i want to start there at a very busy week and a difficult one for the president. after these comments he has diminished and forgetful he decided to hold a press conference thursday night it would little bit like this. >> i am well meaning, i'm an elderly man and i know what i'm doing. what tquick they do not share classified information. i did not share it. with your ghostwriter? i did not guarantee you i did not. i did not say that the cooks and audrey. >> that is your judgment that is
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your judgment. that is not the judgment of the press. >> they have time for national review it was an unmitigated disaster. what you make about the of how e president is handling this? >> i think this is all bite in. this is so very much like the joe biden we witnessed over the years he has at times impulsive and heat blunders, it makes mistakes the afghanistan withdrawal as a single example i think people lost confidence in him after that. pointing out not so much as h at that time but his judgment but now we see the age has affected him. his denials and claims his memory is fine are going to ring hollow to the millions of americans who have seen him in action and have seen the fluffs and blunders and forgetfulness and so on. there is no point in trying to spend their way out of this for the white house staff and the president. because people have already seen it and they know it is true. the press conference was an abject failure progress all this is playing out as the president
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try to push through one of his priorities which is a supplemental package. your work in this week and you're always working but a special this week in the senate is in session they're going have a procedural vote on this today it's in the time open sniping among senate and house members even within their own party. twelve a proration bills have to get past in the next month. there is a lot of doubts congress can actually get it together brit mitt romney said this days ago politics used to be the art of the possible now it's the art of the impossible we've gone from the sublime to the ridiculous how dysfunctional are things over there? >> are going to have a procedural about this test vote at 1:00 p.m. this afternoon if they get 60 votes they probably have the votes to eventually pass this international aid package this is kind of like maxine at nightingale the singer back in the 1970s they were bat right back where we started this was the original plan to work on the international aid package and at the border that border package fell apart last week. there are certain radioactive isotopes at home together longer than that border package.
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what this really underscores here is mitch mcconnell deep minority leader is not in control. these are some of the same problem speakers of the house had, jon weiner, paul ryan, kevin mccarthy, you had josh highlight their public and center from missouri sink mitch mcconnell does not talk to his people. he plays his cards too close to his vest. keep in mind the former president trump does not like mitch mcconnell he had health episodes last year. he might beat one health episode away from their trying to be a push for him to leave it. shannon: against all of that you have covered washington for years. what you make of his current environment are wheat post- statesmanship and bipartisanship? for not stabbing each other in the back they are stabbing each other in the front. this is congress at the most dysfunctional i've ever seen it it's a function to a great extent the nearest majority in both house and senate democrats ain control the senate sort of.
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republicans in the house, barely. the result of that is only a handful of dissidents on any issue and stop the process can prevent majority. it is very hard to pass anything. consider the border bill that todd is just talking about. yes, did fall apart it was easily in my judgment from what i have seen over the years the toughest border bill i have ever seen come to congress. it's been a very long time since there's been any serious border bill. this is as tough as it gets. there are some things in republicans did not like the border hawks would not like but the border patrol union was a very much in favor of it yet it died that gives you an idea of how bad it has gotten chad mentioned mitch mcconnell is not in control. nobody is in control that is how the matter stands majorities are
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a factor but the perverse politics of our time are big factors well. shannon: quickly chad 12 appropriation bills next what's the likelihood? >> they have to pass these by march 1. march 7 they are willing to give right now mike johnson come the speaker of the house some leeway on this if they have to do an interim bill the best thing he has going for him right now is he is not kevin mccarthy. the second thing he has going for him is he is not kevin mccarthy but if they have to do an interim spending bill maybe they'll start to push on mike johnson. >> oh boy. remember the last several rounds of that. brit and chad thank you for your insight and expertise good to see you both. up next morn the maxim dysfunction on display on capitol hill and the white house this week. we are going to talk to lawmakers from both sides of the aisle about whether it is possible to overcome the logjam. that is next on "fox news sunday."
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the failure of the nicest congress if it occurs to not support ukraine is close to criminal it is outrageous. shannon: present biden pointing the finger capitol hill over u.s. u.s. funding to your grade being held up for months this will make a struggle to file a compress will be joined from lawmakers from both sides of the aisle arkansas republican senator tom cotton washington state democrat congressman adam smith we begin with you center cotton, welcome back. >> think was good to be back with you. you are working this week and there will be some votes on move this big supplemental so here's the deal the president wanted all this money for ukraine, israel, other priorities.
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the senate deal is going to attach border fighting or border policy changes that has gone away so he ends up with the money he wanted in the first place. note border deal and he gets a point to you guys is killing the border deal so how did you get here? because it's important to look at how we got here for two years the president has said he will stand with ukraine for as long as it takes for three years though he has allowed an invasion to occur at our border almost 10 million migrants have crossed into our country so it last fall we wanted to take the opportunity to force the presidents at uncooperative president to force them because of the border. especially to stop the abuses of asylum and parole practices which is driving this crisis. so we engage of humans of negotiations to save the democratic priorities are and we learn the priorities are open borders, not securing our border putting ukraine and other countries borders ahead of our own border. that is why the legislation went down for it was not because he wanted to pass in the bill just for the sake of passing a bill. the one to solve the problem the democrats were simply unwilling
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to solve the problem they are ideologically invested in open borders. shannon: is that why you will be an overall though in the foreign aid passage? ox we spent months promising the american what people we would focus on our border before focus on others borders that's one thing i have serious concerns about the $19 billion of nondefense aid in there a lot of money in there i think james lankford it is good of a job as he could negotiate with a bunch of stubborn democrats preaches and calls it a great job trying to get more defense aid and less nondefense aid. that the end of the day you have $19 billion going to things like budget support for ukraine's government. almost half of the $19 billion could go to gaza which really means going to hamas because hamas does not commandeer aid. it does not steal eight it accepts aid it's a governing authority in gauze of the guardrails on the bill simply are not adequate the $19 billion cannot be spent all but a time s only a chilling dollar deficits or it could be spent on things
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like three new virginia class submarines are what had 70 stealth fighters are more than 5000 precision strike of missils that is another reason. >> will watch the sefton action senate there. present biden not only does it blame you guys about the board he gets the blame at president trump alisa take the whole deal. so you want to keep it alive as a campaign issue basically he is writing the gop at this point politico says it is devastating trump sees unmatched control over gop talking a quote and analysts saying he's got a strong hold the former chair of the nevada republican but i do not know how to explain it is completely mind-boggling to me the type of brainwashing that has been done. critics say there's no check on him within the gop you are all afraid of him you have endorsed it what you make of this argument he's essentially takig away your autonomy as a senator? >> what president trump saw about this bill is what most arkansans saw about it. what all but four republican senators so it does not solve
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the problem. yes it had some positive reforms but in the end but institutionalizing her codifying present biden's abuses of the last three years it would allow the flow of migrants to continue but what i want to do, or most are public and senators want to do what president trump wants to do to stop the border crisis. i know we can see with joe biden ideologically invested in open borders would stop the crisis is to elect president trump this fall. he did once come he can do it again. shannon: speaking of elections the white house not happy about this report talk about the president saying he is got a hazy recollection but no criminal charges for him the president supported say that's been missing this whole thing. here are some of the response of the report. >> i dispute that characterizations about his memory that were in the report are accurate because they are not. >> i believe is -- as a former prosecutor the comments that were made by that prosecutor
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gratuitous, inaccurate and inappropriate. >> writing about this over the near time says it is a hit job by the special counsel adding it was full of snide, unwarranted obviously politically motivated slurs he called it disgusting. critics say you're going to need almost 400 pages to describe it or not processing the president too. >> the report makes it clear president biden intentionally took classified material and heat willfully disclose it to his own ghost writer. that is clear that's exactly what donald trump has been charged with. special counsel how to explain why he was not going to charge president biden with a crime since president trump is facing the exact same crime the explanation is president biden's memory is failing not just now but seven years ago when he could not remb talked to his ghost writer about whether his material was classified. there's no new bombshells about present biden in this for the american people is seen for years that he is a man with a failing memory.
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what this report indicates though each of a blatant double standard if joe biden is not going to face criminal charges then donald trump should not be facing criminal charges either. the reason he is, not just in the documents case but the other cases joe biden is a failed president the democratic party knows the only way to stop donald trump is to convict in a president that's what you'd expect to see in a place like pakistan and brazil nothing i said to america. think of your time. janet me now at washington state democratic congressman adam smith the welcome back sir, good to see you. >> thanks appreciate the chance it. let's start here. the buy demonstration is facing nonstop criticism regarding a region you spent a lot of time in the middle east clearly it's in the headlines. you are in our interview with the prime minister moments ago. there is a criticism he is not effectively managing the proxies the iranian proxies in that region who are operating.
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former secretary of state mike pompeo right this week saying the u.s. and military must miliy high value iranian targets including toronto nuclear program may be an oil infrastructure for telegraph strikes at empty warehouses achieve nothing appeasement have never worked a song single time in history will not work out ranking member and house armed services do you think we have been tough enough with iran? >> i do. it's not appeasement to take out the houthis ability to shoot missiles and is not appeasement which is what the biden ministrations on the last couple of weeks. but that spreading. that's what's not appreciated. as bill has thousands of missiles aimed at is that they are controlled by iran. if you going to full-scale conflict with iran and they on leash hezbollah that dramatically shifts the interests and the interests of the u.s.
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president biden has done has struck back against the militias in iraq, in syria and in yemen that threaten u.s. forces in a way to degrade their capabilities without spreading the war. lobbing missiles into iran runs a distinct risk of a massive escalation present biden has handled this crisis remarkably wellin cooperation with our allies and partners of the region. shannon: dude there's a growing sensor is daylight between our president who heard they have not talked into breast president said on thursday night i think she's gone over the top and gaza. you talk about the threat they have from the north and for many reasons it's a very dangerous place for israel to exist. how do you explain to people under all these threats why he voted no on the standalone aid package just days ago? >> is a lot to impact that question. let my start mixing at think the prime minister netanyahu did a good job of explaining what they're trying to do.
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hamas is a profound threat to israel in a difficult one to deal with. they use civilians as they hide behind civilians they do not protect their own people it's a very difficult challenge for israel to go in there and root out hamas. when a disagreement with primus or tron what is what is the future of the palestinian people? what comes next? you can't have a situation of there's no hope and no future for the palestinian people and gaza and in the west bank for that matter. saudi arabia is poised to do a peace agreement with israel but not if there is no future for the palestinian people. that is the biggest area of disagreement. in the aid package the biggest one for me i'm not going to abandon ukraine. ukraine cannot be more important than u.s. border better patsy
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abandon ukraine number 20 humanitarian assistance in the arab allies at absolute zero humanitarian assistance to help them. >> i want to turn to the report give your chance at this as well. you know for the moment it was announced or be no charges criminal charges against the current president. supporters are going to continue to stay so let's walk through this year's president biden talking about president trump's document case back in 2022. >> when you saw the photograph of the top-secret documents laid out on the floor at mar-a-lago what did you think yourself looking at that image? >> how that could possibly
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happen? how anyone could be that irresponsible? >> yet the report released these images we are showing snow showing boxes haphazardly in a garage. they talk about them be a collapse of dog crate for the box in such bad shape summer falling apart. prompting former president trump to say this. >> if he is not going to be charged that is up to them. but then i should not be charged. [cheering] this is nothing more than selective persecution at biden's political opponent, it may be a quick that resignations to millions of americans. can you assure them there's not a double standard in the justice department? >> the biggest thing the president trump said this week that concerns me is when he said if nato countries don't meet their 2% requirement putin should go ahead and do what he wants with them. the national security of ukraine
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is a pretty huge focus. shannon: to be fair this a little bit of nuance those remarks are getting a lot of attention. and certainly frightening a lot of people progress it does not make us feel better about deterring putin. deterrence is you have to say do not attack us we will defend des of the lack of determent is. president trump has made it clear he bought the justice department over and over again appeared he lied to people he tried to hide the documents. president biden, once it was discovered self-reported the documents and turned them in. that's the biggest difference president biden cooperated with the justice department the moment it was discovered president trump pop them every step of the way and has said it is declassified if i say is declassified. the biggest problem with that biden had is primarily notes that he took. yes there were some actual documents but the things he was
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looking at were notepads he had written during the time he was there. there is dispute about is what you wrote down classified or not? there's a case of president reagan. i kept an enormous amount of notes in a classified information there. there is clearly a distinction. present biden cooperated president trump said they are mine get away from me. there's a big difference. shannon: they found their handled irresponsibly by president biden. the trial on the mar-a-lago documents is still to come. will follow that likely the center congressman adam smith i was good to have you, thank you. >> thank you shannon paid. shannon: up road with traditionally democratic supporters we will bring in our sunday group to talk a new round of what's been called panic within the democrat party after a tough week at the president. next. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't.
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dad: family art hour! what do you think? mom: you got jokes, you're funny. vo: learn about adopting a teen from foster care. you can't imagine the reward. learn more at >> a big news is there's a special counsel appointed to investigate president biden. i came back and exonerate him completely >> is clear after reading this report they have chosen to weaponize the justice department against the president trump while all the while making sure they did everything possible to protect joe biden. shannon: democrats or republicans with two very different takes on special counselor roberts reports on president handling a classified docking plus take up with our sunday group. rightist white house correspondent jeff mason, one of wayne's flock to senior political analyst.
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i look at the, matthew continetti and mary katharine hamm a great columnist f ray grt to see you this morning. jeff, what did start with you during together by the present of the white as an archery made the call got very spicy after her report was that you were there of the room what did you make of it? what think he was angry. it's up to the white house to decide whether that's the emotion with the president to show. it must have been because in part that demonstration of emotion and particularly his really being upset about being questioned as to whether or not he remembered when his son died. that may be sympathetic to some people and some of his voters. on the other hand in the same breath or at least on the same few minutes he was there making a mistake about a foreign leader did not really underscored the argument that he was trying to make which was yes he is elderly, yes he is well-meaning that his memory is fine. shannon: the federalist puts it this way it begs the question
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biden is too old to be charged s and he too old to hold the most powerful position in the world? it is not too old to hold the most powerful position the world why is he too old to be charged? >> would be nice if we could have won a major canada under the past several cycles who does not egregiously obviously ms. hannah find classified documents so we have to have this process a visible time. look i think the problem for biden moving past the actual findings of the report is what's being noted when it comes to his memory is something 75 plus percentage of american voters have notes and have an issue with. it's noting something everyone already sees in the room i think that press conference double down on it. >> and he did not think about wasn't paul former clinton advisor here was his reaction the next morning. >> i slept like a baby last night. i woke up every two hours crying and wet the bed. this is terrible for democrats but anybody with a functioning brain knows that.
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>> anyone knows it democrats are in trouble it's not a good thing. >> it was a bad day do date of s any question about it. i think right now most democrats aren't livid it with the special prosecutor did. i was just listening to the quote we read from the federalist. they said he was too old to be prosecuted? no, they did not say that they said because of his age he might be a sympathetic figure two i guess a jury or whoever progress shoot have to admit they said it's issue with the memory would make it tough to prosecute. >> to me that's a little offensive as an older person but have got to say if he is not too old to have it dealt with so much. he's the president was passed the most legislation in any generation and generations let's put it that way. he is the president who has arrairained and inflation. who has kept host a covid out of recession he is the president that's facing off against putin and to say all the sudden this
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guy is a mentally incompetent? he is not that i got caught up in bullying, charges of sexual assault the guy who seems to pursue grievances over past losses and then lie about it. he is not the guy who says racist things like the blood of the countries being poisoned by immigrants. so to me in a way he is lucky he is running against this old guy who was so offensive. shannon: what about that, matthew, the biting campaign this is not a gift they would want to receive but they are going to have to counter and pivot to these other critiques it looks like the man they will be facing progress onc one saide democrats are angry that is just one stage in the stages of denial. eventually you get bargaining which is trying to switch the conversation to donald trump and eventually you get arrive in acceptance. the week began with joe biden losing the election of donald trump for a variety of reasons one of them is 70% of the country thanks he is too old for
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a second term. the week ended with not only biden's justice department raising serious and doubts about his capacity to serve a second term but biden himself confirming the public's worst fears it is been a bad week for biden no matter how people might try to change the subject donald trump. shannon: there are a lot of headlines out there, jeff. politico says ominous news for democrats in the latino belt the "washington post" said democrats on the alarm they're taking there taking actiongets biden'sy retreats threats i cannot read mount writing i typed that wrong. left my butt threats. vulcan boarding series with young voters, those they would traditionally plan are now worried. >> and they have reason to be based on the polling and based on the impact of third-party candidates could have. but to go back to it all of you have said based on my reporting speaking to be of the white house and the campaign with their going to do is make it a choice election they think even with some of the negatives at the end choosing between donald
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trump or joe biden is going to be a choice for biden because i don't think it's an easy choice for they have made a tough choice. shannon: will pick up that theme we come back panel do not go far. the following targets this week we're standing by to see where the justices lent on colorado attempt to kick president trump off the primary ballot as another trump legal fight is set to land at the supreme court on monday. up next to brecht on the implications of the cases and a contentious election year. a few years ago, i came to saona, they told me there's no electricity on the island. we always thought that whatever we did here would be an emblem of what small communities can achieve. trying to give a better life to people that don't have the means to do it. si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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>> because a migrant crisis. he costs the voter crisis. now he is saying he would like to go back and fix it. >> george santos got elected by lying about his record. when you get elected lying about may perplex to fill the house
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each have ousted republican congressman george santos is heating up every single vote at a premium on capitol hill we are backed out the panel. matthew, politico sums it up this with a margin of control is razor thin at the moment even a one more democratic or republican vote could legitimately shift the outcome of some congressional votes. >> absolutely the house majority house majorityhad a historicallw margin. i think the special election called national implications but the fact is if they retain a seat for the republicans on the basis of her campaign on the issue of illegal migration was the impact have been to new york city then be another bomb shelter drop in the city, washington d.c. democratic panic will be turned up to 11. shannon: but what if your guy wins? >> democrats have been doing very wellin special elections. i think that is part of it. but to speak to bath use point,
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but we saw in washington and the last week in the house especially if he loses a one vote and puts them even further into a region of risk. shannon: how much is at stake? lexis is interesting at it's a t for the battle of the suburbs that will be coming into the future as well. the pits are public and liabilities with concerns about abortion with the against democrat liabilities with concerned about immigration certainly were not the hot issue is immigration one. frankly the middle finger migrant photo has to create l in a lab to help the republican cat has a compelling personal narrative on her own and orthoinorandorthodox church ands early american is it a sort of candidate for the moment it's an uphill battle in the suburbs will be interesting to see how the building is each other. >> how close you will the white house be watching this? what's abide people that came in the white house would be watching very closely. for the reasons everyone here has articulated brit in part because it's a bit of a referendum a biden of whether or
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not he has good luck coming in the suburbs but it is also it could be a gift this week with arguments most of us agree are probably another case on immunity's got to appeal to the supreme court or ask for state by tomorrow. it has delayed the underlying trial by jack smith by special counsel per the "new york times" editorial board thanks he supreme court should leave it alone. not good of all. which would cause another major delay saying the supreme court has repeatedly underscored the importance of letting the american people decide the most consequential political matters in this case. that means allowing the generous six trial to proceed as soon as possible. matthew, the supreme court's gets about the delays all of that, "new york times" editorial prices don't do a progressive another win for trump. i think the court might not get involved in this one. they may just say let the d.c. court ruling stand that means not only will tr trump face of
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trials this election year biden will be secluded from the public. neither major nominee will be all that visible on the campaign trail. very unusual election once again. >> our buddy running at national review says the supreme court should not be worried about the political calendar. not in their completion at a rapid pace with an eye toward the campaign calendar it is the defendant not the government to whom the constitution guarantees a speedy trial. >> i think they want to be seen as an institution obviously is impartial. our candidates keep putting us in very difficult positions. it would be helpful if for instance a colorado case there was some unanimity that would be a good sign for the country and for the supreme court. and reading the court is more gigged than mind you know more than i do. it's tough to celia super involved in this and not suffer consequences. as close on the clock we have got to go but we've asked
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everyone for the production for the big game tonight. not who you want to win necessary but who you think will win please reveal your selections week but if you got? upside down she but chiefs. you guys are unanimous in this. i will be the contrarian and say the 49ers that will that will pay off hugely if that happens who knows but enjoyed these snacks and commercials good to have all be with us. thank you panel. cap next we are going to talk but the media build up around the big game in the big name is sitting it out this year. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to tango with tails on tails on tails? try lobster lover's dream
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>> five months of regular season football leads us here to arguably one of the biggest nights in sports. kansas city andy reid and patrick mahomes fourth trip in five year to the big game to cement as nfl dynasty on the other side the san francisco 49ers and kyle shanahan searching for elusive super bowl victory and america eyes tonight fixated on what's happening on and off the field host of fox news media business john joins us now. >> great to see you shannon this is one of the instances where sports and campaigning collide. >> it's the easiest layup with a biggest audience in politics, the super bowl interview. but president biden turned it down for the second straight year he does very few interviews
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other than quick answers by the helicopter. as advisors try to shield him from the press that puts a spotlight on his blunders confused with -- from germany looked at me and said, said -- you know, why -- how long you back for? >> he later told the same anecdote naming cole who died four years earlier when special council robert hur declined to charge with mishandling classified documents, but calling him a well meaning elderly man with a poor memory -- the angry 81-year-old president held a news conference -- and confused mexico's leader with egypt's. >> my memory -- my memory is fiend. my memory take a look at what i've done since becoming
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president none of you thought i could pass what i've passed. >> not as qualified person in the country to be -- and finish the job i started. her a republican had no right to inject personal opinion and as for super bowl 58 held in las vegas, the media buildup patrick's mahomes taking his kansas city chiefs into their fourth championship game in five years since the san francisco 49ers and tight end travis kelce besieged with questions about girlfriend taylor swift with insane amounts of media attention especially with biden wanting her endorsement. >> to get another four years that's how bad your four years have been. asked andy reid about unfounded taylor speculation. >> that's, way out of my league -- >> taylor swift could prompt
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legends of young female fan to check out boosting ratings higher and wishing joe biden had done the super bowl interview. enjoy the game shannon. dan:you make a good point are yr snacks ready? we will watch a show and then watch the big game tonight thank you howie that is it for us today. thank you for joining i'm shannon bream see you here for the next fox news sunday. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ maria: good supgd morning everyone. g twok "sunday morning futures,"ev i'm maria bartiromo. thanks so much for joining us this today, twoom fable to prosecuteo buset apparently just fine to rn the free world. stunning remar


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