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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 11, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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only sleep number smart beds let you each choose your individual firmness and comfort. your sleep number setting. and actively cools and warms up to 13 degrees on either side. now save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add an adjustable base ends monday. only at sleep number. they spoke by phone this morn for thfrom 473 it's a presidentg netanyahu not to let his military push and a rafah
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without a plan to protect over 1 million palestinian citizens who are sh were sheltering theid the prime minister says he needs the idf to go in and dismantle and destroy the radical islamic terrorists of hamas once and for all. this is a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am eric shawn. molly: i am at my delete line in for arthel neville. israel's military operations under mounting scrutiny as they focus on rafah the area borders egypt has been a key crossing to get hostages out of harm's way and humanitarian aid into the war zone. egypt is now threatening to end a decades long peace treaty if israel enters rafah even biden sharpening his criticism of netanyahu thursday >> i am of the view, as you know, the conduct of the response in gaza,
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in the gaza strip has been over the top there are a lot of innocent people starving. innocent people who are in trouble, they are dying in his got to stop. >> the white house reportedly does not think biden is taken a strong enough stance and his support for israel's butt biden at odds with arab-american voters all of this as the senate cleared a major hurdle today toward passing a massive aid package that includes a billions of dollars for israel. we have fox news team coverage on everything that is at stake. chad pergram on capitol hill found the key senate votes. trey yingst is in tel aviv kansas are or publican senatorr marshall voted against the foreign aid package all coming up we start with lucas tomlinson at the white house with new details on biden's phone call with netanyahu. >> molly, "fox news sunday" shannon bream ask israel's prime
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minister about president biden's over-the-top comments thursday night here was the prime minister's reaction. >> i do not know what he meant by that but i can tell you where we are. we were attacked in the worst attack on jewish people since the holocaust. what would america's response be? i would say it would be at least as strong as israel's many americans tell meat we would have flattened them we would have turned them into dust. >> there is no mention of over-the-top comments from the white house statement summarizing the phone call earlier today between the president and the prime minister it did give the following suggestion about the upcoming israeli military operation in southern gaza along the border with egypt which says quote biden reaffirmed his view of military operation and rafah should not proceed without a credible executable plan for ensuring the safety of and support for the more than 1 million people sheltering there. earlier on your show congressman mike walsh said right now the white house and israel are not
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on the same page. congressman saying the white house wants to see a two state solution between israel and the palestinians. he says the israelis want to see hamas destroyed. now what all this was taking place u.s. forces in yemen continue to carry out a series of airstrikes from u.s. warships in the red sea and drones what some people are calling a low-grade war in the middle east u.s. central command said it last night and over the past week the jets and drones have destroyed 29 missiles before they could be used to launch strikes against commercial shipping tomahawk cruise missiles being launched from that warships as you see hear from the guided missile destroyers for 10 drone strips from iran's rebel army were also destroyed braid tonight president biden will be returning here to the white house during the super bowl. tomorrow he meets with jordan's king jordan being the site of the place three american soldiers were killed in that drone attack just two weeks ago.
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>> 's efforts continue to reign things and in the middle east mt but lucas tomlinson thank you. wes is really prime minister reiterated to our shannon bream this morning the goal in gaza that which is to defeat and dismantle hamas and defeat the terrorist once and for all. this is the prime minister's ordering the plan to evacuate rafah and president biden returning both leaders saying they will remain in close contact. trey yingst live with more than the prime minister's remarks. ask eric, good afternoon but we are learning more about the call today between this really prime minister judgment netanyahu and president biden is really source telling fox news the call lasted around 45 minutes the pair discussed a variety of topics including humanitarian aid the ongoing discussions to get hostages released from gaza and the possible israeli operation into the southern most city of rafah all of this comes as the
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israelis say they have uncovered something new in the northern part of the gaza strip. you can see in this video what the israelis say is a network of tunnels underneath the headquarters in gaza city. you can see a data center as well as an industrial power begs the israelis say along too hamas. they have denied any knowledge of the facility official said they must have known. were getting new insights on the israeli plans to enter gaza's mouth southern city of rafah 1.3 million palestinians are sheltering. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said this today on "fox news sunday." >> we have cleared out and conquered and destroyed most of the hamas terrorist infrastructure and the rest of the gaza strip there is plenty of room for them to go to that is where we are going to direct them and again urge them and direct them to do so with self votes in safe's six quarters ar things. >> the prime minister is not
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laid out any details of how such an evacuation would take place as comments to come amid a tragic update from inside gaza but a palestinian girl whose fate was unknown for nearly two weeks. [background noises] it does not look like we have a story for you this was a story about a young girl just six years old it was missing for 12 days after calling the palestine red crescent she was searching for someone who could come and save her after her car she was traveling with her family was reportedly hit by h is an israei tank shell unfortunate your body was recovered over the weekend. >> trade just horrendous. they say obviously it must be defeated thank you. >> u.s. senate in a rare sunday session breaking a filibuster to advance and 95 billion-dollar
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aid package for israel, ukraine and taiwan faces an uphill battle in the house. we have congressional correspondent chad pergram live on capitol hill on this sunday with the latest. >> good afternoon. now it is just a matter of time before the senate passes the bill the senate voted 67 -- 27 to crush a filibuster on the foreign aid package 60 votes were necessary. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell was one of the 18 gop. >> we must reject the most shortsighted views of our obligations and grapple instead with actual problems. we give those who crave our leadership more reason to wonder if it's in decline? >> there is consternation among republicans about the leadership of macconnell he is one of the most vocal supporters of sending aid to ukraine. yet a majority of gop senators
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voted to block the bill. conservatives are not happy about macconnell's leadership. >> what we are asking is we be given the opportunity. most of the senate republican conference was concerns with the bill would like more opportunity to debate and offer amendments to this bill. >> 67 is a robust votes. bill supporters believe the sub applies a pressure on the house especially house speaker mike johnson. >> i think it says it's going to come out of the senate. we hope this will keep up this boat with a strong bipartisan vote, a lot of momentum. and again the situation in ukraine is getting worse by the day in terms of low stocks of ammunition. i think the house will face a moment of truth to protect the house could go around the speaker if a bipartisan coalition secures 218 signatures for what is called a discharge
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petition. those are ra really successful y the senate might not pass the bill until early wednesday morning. >> inside baseball stuff on a football day but chad pergram willing to be there on a sunday, thank you appreciate it. >> i've warned about the growing threats to america's national security and the growing coordination among our adversaries for the time to stand up to these gathering threats is right now. every time the peace and prosperity are threatened we stand with allies and partners who trust in that leadership and the credibility of our commitments. today the future of the world i have just described is in question. >> minority leader mitch mcconnell on the senate floor earlier today. just before the said advanced of aid for israel ukraine and taiwan he is urging a vote yes
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for one center voted no joint jestelle kansas republican senator roger marshall also serves on the homeland security committee how we know we stand later on in the game but senator walkable talk with at the moment. first this bill why did you vote against it and give it a thumbs down? what are your concerns? >> eric, two thirds of republicans voted against this bill we are about to send $95 billion overseas and we have not funded our own federal government. we set america first. but i promise of not vote for funding for ukraine until we secured our own border. there is nothing in this to secure our own border. we need to take care of people at home first we are losing 300 americans everyday from fence fl poisoning alone. let's secure our own border first then i'm going to address some of these issues. lastly it not only $60 billion in this for ukraine, $10 billion of humanitarian funding hamas in gaza it would be eligible for.
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i support the israel funding we have given the democrats for chances to vote for that on the floor and they have rejected it. steve are you concerned voting and know you are endangering ukraine and you're helping and bolstering vladimir putin and his attempt to capture that country and go on and perhaps invade other eastern european countries or is this a sense and a message from you the border situation has to be really addressed? >> there is been 200,000 ukrainians die in this work may be twice that many russians pray this been a stalemate for a year i am afraid we are throwing gasoline on the fire that we are accelerating the arms over there. we should be focus on some type of peace treaty in ukraine as opposed to feeding this beast over there. i like i said before it let's take care of our own border first and then i'm going to talk about how we help ukraine but certainly we could be leading the peace talks in ukraine right now. >> by late in the peace talks aren't you going right into your what vladimir putin once?
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>> i do not think so. the problem is the white house ultimately we do not have a strong leader in the white house. putin does not respect joe biden note foreign leaders respect to bite it. it was a position when one of the first lessons i learned when onceyou lose your reputation you never get it back. that is the challenge unless we have a change in november i do not know what's going to happen. i don't think giving moral weapons is what we should be focus on right now. and certainly not sending more money to hamas into gaza. eric: you did talk about hamas in gaza we see the textbooks. explain a little more, delved out into that. we've got reports from israel about a hamas command center under the h head gorsuch we dont know but who, us question what it's like sgt schultz and hogan's heroes i don't know, we don't see anything what he think about that funding? >> look there has been funding going to un since 1949 already. to the palestinians we have discovered these headquarters under un buildings.
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there is a lot there but at the end of the day america should stand beside israel i know that for certain. they have been a great ally to us they were savagely brutally attacked by hamas. hamas is a terrorist organization be to focus on getting rid of. war is horrible i hate war but in this situation israel needs to move as quickly as possible, as safely as possible and rid the cou countryside of hamas. sue fortin our southern border what bill would you like to see coming out of the house was withspeaker johnson? >> is very possible speaker johnson could attach hr to to this fund and i sat down with the border patrol officers three simple points they like to do. from an asylum standpoint and catch and release from a parole standpoint we need to max out that number at 10,000 per your joe biden has been 700,000 and as far as legal crossings in one day to shut down the border this legislation looked at last week
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was 5000 per day we need to lower that to 1000 that with the starting point for border security. cook the president democrats i'm blaming the repub republican sat jonah passed something one of the strictest in memory subordinate union supported that. what would you say to the president on terms of executive orders and something he could do right now in order to reduce the issue. >> the present could secure the border yesterday if you wanted too. he did over 90 executive orders once he was sworn and basically opening up the border. he could reverse those orders he could declare an emergency right now he is the legal authority to declare an emergency and shut the border down because without shut it down what would that do what would an emergency order do? >> i think it would give the patrol officers basically do catch and return back to mexico as opposed to catcher release into this country. spill but why do you think the president is not taken those
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steps is a political reasons? >> he lexi once he probably wants a 10,000 crossing this border every day breathing teaser future democrat voters we will give them the more congressional districts if you will. it's totally political. i do not know how he sleeps at night with the manager and crisis, the sex trafficking the drug traffic on upticks i don't hi sleeps at night. >> serious world affairs at issue as you deal with single day. is not hiding there it is. what you think of the game later i know who you are rooting for its next state over the kansas city barbecue is in kansas, right question mike that's great. woulwhat he think's going to ha? >> i hope it's an exciting game the chiefs are the under.that's a pretty good place to have it with about three players that are injured are not going to play but i believe in patrick mahomes, travis cousy and coach reed read the greatest victory e end of the day will have taylor
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back there rooting for us as well. but in the over under at seven we will see taylor seven times during the super bowl put us over under seven times okay fidelity, you think travis on the 50-yard line will get on a one knee with the ring always do that at some point? i sai so my gosh that is a possibility. america needs a low story like this i am rooting for them. just embrace them and to welcome her to the team. [laughter] molly: sent roger marshall of kansas thank you i'm an objective news reporter i cannot give my opinion. but goat you got the barbecue. you've got it. we are in your state a few months ago center thank you. molly: south carolina primary gets personal the front runner, donald trump mocking his top opponent nikki haley for not having her husband by her side ignoring the fact he is serving in the military overseas. what is haley diabetic from trump today? that is next on fox news live. i brought in ensure max protein
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eric: nikki haley firing back at donald trump after the former president question with her husband has been lately. michael haley happens to be deployed a blow abroad for when you're in service with u.s. military with the south carolina
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national guard. madeline rivera explains. ask nick denouncing for president trump's comments" part of a pattern of chaos. >> by sweet husband is deployed as we speak. and what i said to him yest yesterday, and i will say today, is in donald, if you have something you have to say do not say it behind my back. say it to my face on a debate stage for. >> th's is a did the former president made was talk about it be to get haley nmr log and then he brought up haley's has been. >> she comes over to see me at mar-a-lago sir i will never run against you she brought her husband, where's her husband? he is away. he is away. what happened to her husband? where is he? he is gone. >> michael haley serves in the army national guard he began a year-long deployment in june
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presidepresent biting come to hs defense saying major haley is abroad serving his country right now. we know he thanks our troops are suckers but this guy would not know service to his country if it slapped him in the face referring to trump there. this comes with less than two weeks ago to go before the souh carolina gop presidential primary. looking to knock haley out of the race and clinch the nomination those unmoved singer team is put everything they have got into her home states and is sticking around until at least the super tuesday. haley as a fundraising off trump's statements think anyone who mocks a veteran is not worthy of the presidency. eric: alright madeline thank you. molly: for more on this let's bring an washington times national particle correspondent susan, it's great to have you with us on the sunday afternoon. thank you for joining us. i want to get right into this. it presidpresident trump going r haley's husband as he is deployed she called this
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insulting, to military families. with there be any repercussions for trump? he went after senator mccain back in 2015 at caught a lot of headlines. but ultimately it did not seem it had a big effect on him on the campaign trail, your thoughts? >> ultimately in the primary we can see he's far ahead of nikki haley even in her home state of south carolina. she may be able to stick it out through super tuesday but at some point she needs to win a primary or caucus to stay in the race she is not winning. i don't see this catching up to trump in south carolina he is ahead by 30 points now on average. although there is a couple weeks before the actual primary so anything could happen. but it looks like a real uphill climb for her. ese commts that trump makes is more about the general election and that is why you see president biden tweeting about his comments today. they are looking for any advantage they can get the polls are super tight biden is behind
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us on the swing states who can you peel off by talk about the issues were trump is attacking nikki haley or some other woman? their critical votes especially independence and swing districts and swing states. i am sure the trump campaign team thanks about this and hears these words without ways to talk at a more conciliatory manner. i feel trump is pretty angry nikki haley has not dropped out yet. he keeps repeating the fact she said she was not going to run against him. he is in her home state and feels like he was extinguisher in her home state so she's not a candidate anymore. you can hear and the way he talks about her. she's asking him to debate her get out there and talk to her to her face but i don't think he's going to do that though. see if i want to switch over to the report on the top prosecutor
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in the case implies a biden mental acuity played a role in that decision saying we have also considered at a tr trout mr. biden would present himself to a jury as he did in the interview as sympathetic elderly man with a poor memory i was interested and that wording would likely present himself to a jury. which makes you think he was implying some sort of strategy on biden's apartment throughout the document there are other references to hasty, fuzzy, significant limitations. your thoughts on what the prosecutor did this? >> he is not going to prosecute them because one thing he's the president of the united states but second talking about him as somebody taken the stand in his own defense you could say he didn't remember any of the stuff. that is a fair arguments. these are things that happened a long time ago it might make him difficult to prosecute. they stated it plainly.
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the reason it becomes really problematic for president biden is not so much the hurry part independently it's cumulatively the question was mental acuity of course but if you look at all the polls people are worried about this for months. maybe eight years for. >> years for. >> one mark mentioned like this in the report from prosecutors make an impact question is something americans arty thinking about and a little bacon for voters? >> if you like in this instance is turn the tide a little bit in terms of that media coverage but that's where it's really problematic. you see a lot of that we in the mainstream media coming after him as editor of the "new york times" questioning whether he should be the candidate. things are ramping up now and the report was the trigger for that. that is why things are different right now than they were say two weeks ago when the poll came out saying 76% of people question his mental acuity or were not comfortable with it. this is different now. the report came out there is in black-and-white their
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questioning whether he remembered important dates or whether he is really cognizant of what is going on for this is a problem the main stream media has caught on they are asking these questions constantly heard the press conference the other night every single question was whether he should be running for president again progress he did seem to be and usually on the same page. i want to before we go ask about this new abc news poll out on biden and trump being too old. biden 27% both candidates though, 59% there seems to be something that may be having impact overall on both of these candidates perhaps a little bit more so on president biden, your thoughts thoughts on the polling result? text trump a 77 biden is 81. combine those numbers up with what we have been seeing now for two years voters have been saying, many voters saying they want a nether candidate other than biden and another in other one otherthan trump on the beltn november there is a lot of
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general discontent with the two main candidates a lot of us believe will end up being on the ballot in november and you combine that with their ages that is why you're seeing polling numbers like that if you compare trump and biden no one can say biden sounds more with that than trump. they are not comparable trump slips off enough delegates raised by the other side he confuses nancy pelosi of nikki haley. nikki haley is making his comments and issue and suggesting he is too old. she is characterize the two of them as a grumpy old man. it is something that resonates with voters. there just aren't other candidates out there right now who can win these two primaries and be on the ballot in november. and that's just the practical truth here will be those suit most likely on the ballot in november voters will have to decide which one they want. >> isn't some great points thank you so much for giving us a little of your time on the sunday we appreciated thank you. eric: the republicans razor thin
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majority in the house could get smaller and tuesday. as a special congressional election in new york to fill the seat of disgraced georgia santos. how the results could impact the party's agenda and give us some clues on how the suburbs could vote in november were breaking it down here next right "fox news live."
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houston. that's right now and developing story and of course we will bring you any updates about the potential shooting near the lakewood church in houston as we get them. molly: already slim how sergio pete majority closely watching tuesday's special election right here in new york former democratic congressman faces republican in the race for formal congressman george santos each. he expelled three months ago cb cotton is live right here in our new york city with more on this key contest for. >> high the stakes are high for new york's third congressional district. house republicans failed to impeach a dhs secretary mayorkas. aat the swing district goes redi have it more assured geordie fr an impeachment revote and democrat tom are neck and neck
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he is a well-known and the political sphere and serve the same district from 2017 until 2023 when he stepped down for a failed run for governor. that is a republican georgia georgesantos will slip the seatm blue to red. santos was later disgraced and expelled. demodemocrats are invested becae if he wins they are one seat closer to reclaiming majority and a house currently under republican control again by a thin margin. he is a moderate democrat who tells himself as someone who can strike a balance between democrats and republicans on key issues like immigration. >> i will work across party lines to solve a problem to get things done. my opponent is a part right wing extremist we did not know what my opponent's positions where throughout this entire campaign so she would not debate she would not talk to the press for. >> so a political newcomer one and flipped a democrat held county legislative seat three years ago.
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despite campaigning as a republican political first reported as a registered democrat since 2012. born in ethiopia she immigrated to israel served in the idf. she is a donald trump supporter and even told fox today i stand before the senate. >> i would like to support our allied nations and especially right now i would vote to support israel. a strong israel is a strong united states israel is fighting the terrace position for. >> with how close this race is, it will likely come down to voter turnout with both democrats and republicans for future partisan bills back to you. >> special election always exciting this went a little extra drama as you mention mentionedbridge cb cotton, than. eric: the congressional congressman caught on many of the reflection of the national race we will engage the national mood doctor lauren wright associate research scholar at lecturer in politics and public affairs at princeton university. always great to see you.
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the district suburban in new york city a little noble of the queens. these issues have been front and center what you think it happened on tuesday? what's your absolute right that is why immigration is the number one issue here. as the focal point for the migrant crisis with schools kicking students out. riwriting voters faces for that reason it might turn out a win i would typically say because it's a district though it eight points for biden in 2020 because there is a referendum on santos it is a friendly environment for democrats except for this immigration issue and you are absolutely right it does have national implications. we tend to exaggerate that in over extrapolate in this case is an interesting project
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immigration, abortion, israel, ukraine and foreign affairs. the shadow of santos is remaining over this let's listen to them on the campaign trail. >> enough of the extremism enough of the attacking enough of the same old misrepresentation. enough of all we've seen in my opponent on the other hand represent the same old thing for it she represents exactly what has been going on for much too long. in fact she represents the person who held the seat before she is sam poised 2.0. >> talking about all of this again another way to discourage people not to go out and support me. it is just a shame. they did their homework if they have an issue they can investigate me whatever it is i am so proud there is something i hide. >> there striking more and not just these.
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explain how this in the national mood people are sick of gridlock extremism in and the sort of thg for. >> that is certainly true. the number one hit that it's going to use it she is a trump strapsupporter in 2020. but to characterize her as her predecessors exact carbon copy is unfair because frankly she does have an interesting background she has a very mixed set of policy positions. for example she is a pro-choice she is a pro assault weapons ban she is a registered democrat has voted democrat many times. unless swing district that would typically again to favor a democrat but recently has gone republican she might be the kind of person to win and has a very compelling personal story on top of that. especially having served in the israeli defense forces. she has extra credibility to say the least on one of the other
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main issues on voters binds. support yes suozzi has served as several in congress and that district she has idf a veteran is married to a ukrainian dr. their seven children a quick production for tuesday if any? >> gosh, i might be wrong but i would say maybe suozzi will pull it out. he is well known. i think the georgia santos situation is still fresh in people's minds. eric: alright doctor lauren writes, always good to see you thank you. pahucparks residents of once trd democratic city are angry and frustrated that things being done to correct out on raising crime. sending in reinforcements. right? don't get me wrong i love a fresh heirloom, but it's like those companies think we're all the same. that's why i chose humana. before i signed up, i spoke to someone
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molly: fox news alert secretary of defense lloyd austin is back in the hospital but we're going
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straight to lucas thompson right now for more on this. happy we have just received word from the pentagon and pentagon spokes person issued a statement the defense secretary is rushed to the hospital about two hours ago. sescented thereby security detal he has at walter reed to be seen for symptoms suggesting they quote emergent bladder issued the deputy deputy secretary ofe the chairman joint chiefs have been notified additionally white house and congressional notifications have occurred clearly a press release to inform the president. to retain the functions and duties of his office the deputy secretary is prepared to assume the functions and duties of the secretary of defense if required. secretary often traveled to the hospital with the unclassified and classified communication systems to perform the duties. we provide the update as soon as possible. the defense secretary was supposed to travel to europe at beginning on tuesday to attend a
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nato ministerial meeting of course ukraine at the top of that agenda. just over the holidays said there is a mysterious illness with the defense secretary is rushed to the hospital it was days before the white house and congress and the public were informed of lloyd austin's illness it. of course they defense secretary had the press conference on february 1 after the three american soldiers were killed in jordan it was how they defense secretary the situation room with the president at the end of last month. and of course people are hoping for a speedy recovery. has been sent back to the hospital where he will be tonight. >> we wish him swift healing this comes on the heels of often agreeing to testify before congress because when he was hospitalized previously he failed to swiftly notify the president and other top officials. this appears to be a quick notification would that be fair to say?
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>> there is no question according to the statement i just read is rushed to the hospital about two hours ago. he is at the hospital the statement is being released just hours after his arrival regards great point. lucas tomlinson thank you very much, appreciate keeping on top of this for us and bring us ths news as it breaks. eric, to you pay. >> a spring a dr. marc siegel joining us by phone with the very latest on this. like you have a prostate camper and there's a bladder issue ongoing what is your sense of what could be going on with the defense secretary? >> you know we do not know for sure the exact type of surgery that he had by wit a suspect he had a robotic prostate cancer surgery because that's the most common these days and that is because is just a tiny incision. but unfortunately what can happen after that is you can get an infection that will be on the top of my listed heat develop a bladder infection they are saying it's as bladder.
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you also could get inflammation in that area from where the prostate is removed it could lead to a decrease of urinary flow. those of the two things i'm wondering about. did the area where he had the prostate removed can you remove the entire press that you don't just remove a part of it so the prostate gone but the information is there bleeding or is it an infection? if it is an infection that be the best news that could be can be easilyhandled with intras antibiotics. the reports are he is retaining his position is going to continue to function as the defense secretary. that would imply infection will be the top of the list infection, bleeding, or inflammation regards had your a tract infection at uti and some usually think of those with women more than men but i guess they could be potentially common when you're dealing with the prostate and prostate surgery? >> because the bladder and the prostate are right next to each other. when you go and remove the
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prostate can lead to inflammation or infection in the bladder. people should know that is common with urinary tract infection is it's actually a bladder infection and then you could be suspicious of that if you see some bleeding or some difficulty in your a cat urinating some hesitancy and some frequency ago frequently. with an abundance of caution in his case of course they are hospitalizing him if it is an infection you treated intravenous antibiotics initially and then oral antibiotics for. >> the original surgery was kept under wraps quite obviously that caused a controversy it's interesting to note this is right out there front and center by telegraphing this and announcing this they are being very transparent. what does this also tell the men out there to deal with your prostate to watch your psa and this sort of thing. to watch potentials because they say prostate cancer is as we get
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older very common. >> it is the number one cancer in men after skin cancer. i think it's really, really a good teaching moment i agree with you about the transparency. i never have enough transparency i want to know more now. i want them to come out and say what the type of prostate cancer surgery he had is because this is operator dependent you look for the best person you can fight now i want to know exactly the complications so i can teach my patients and our viewers exactly what to look out barbecue made the most important point of all. i think prostate specific antigen is a huge important test there's been some controversy about it but there should not be in the right hands you know what to do if it's going up you follow a trend you go to the next step which by the way we drink mris of the prostate now that are much better than what we had just a few years ago. we know how to image the prostate we know it psa means and we look for symptoms in his case now we look again for urgency, frequency, blood in the urine, cloudy urine, fever those
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are the kind of things that would be on my mind right now pay. eric: besides mris they do a sonogram they can see everything and said there. >> that is correct. and again you and i work for years you are a doctor in disguise. [laughter] i think it ultrasound very well be what they do now to look at the bladder you can look at the bladder very carefully with an ultrasound and see whether there is an infection there. or if there's something going on. see forget your psa folks we wish the secretary of defense. >> get your psa and if you have a problem with your nation of any kind get checked by your physician regret dr. mark thank you. complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. oooo. trouble seeing, buddy?
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fox news alert details of the shooting on near a houston mega- church let's go to christina coleman for more on this. >> yes lakewood church in houston, joel o'steen's church is posted on social media 358 mote local time there's an active situation involving shots fired at the church. at lakewood. law enforcement was on scene and that is all the information they posted for the harris county sheriff eda gonzalez said the shooter is down it does not appear deputies fired the shots,
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other agencies fired. he said his department continues to assist and a methodical thorough search of the complex back to you prick are at christina coleman thank you for the update we appreciate it.ide eric: we wish them the very best as a spanish-speaking service. and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ [typing] you were made to act spontaneously. we were made to help plan accordingly. ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me.
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