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tv   Sunday Night in America  FOX News  February 12, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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this book is what your show is all about and what your podcast of my podcast are all about which is truth and light how we take america back and i'm convinced we will do that. mark: a great book, unwelcome how to defeat cultural marxism in america, we barely touched the surface, i go one hour after hour after hour but we can't. here's the book i encourage you to get it. thank you for coming. see you next time on "life liberty and levin". ♪ ♪ ♪. trey: good >> trey: good evening, and thank you for joining us. i am trey gowdy and it is "sunday night in america."
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poorxand alexander hamilton, he worried the branch would be too weak. wouldn't he be surprised? it is the legislative branch in disarray while the supreme coure seemingly decides the mostress pressing issues of the day. this meant to high court with an argument whether donald j. trum can remain a presidential candidate. two states kicked him off of the ballot with the 14th amendment.t soon the supreme court will ask whether and to what extent ad president enjoys immunity forfo actions taken while in office. joining us now are carrie san marino, the federal prosecutorlm daniel mccarthy, welcome to us both. it is hard to find immunity on the court these days but colorado may have done it. i will listen to the oral arguments and pretty skeptical p justice. what did you hear? >> i agree. the only justice i could only see giving the other side the time of day wast
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justice sotomayor or and it'sth possible at the end of the daywh she also agrees. what colorado was trying to do was wrong on so many levels. i think the supreme court we don't know if unanimous or whitf is wrong.wa different justices might want to choose different routes but if it'sdiff clear colorado does no have the right to unilaterally kick trump off of the ballot. it will be up to the american voters to decide and not colorado's role. >> trey: andy, listen to theumen piece of the argument together and i will ask you at to questin the other side of. >> what is a state doing deciding who gets to -- whoit other citizensiz get to vote for for president? >> colorado is not deciding whether states get to vote for for president but deciding its own elect doors on article two's >> but the effect of that is yes?us, >> trey: you know, and deed that was not republican
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appointed supreme court justice and it seems like not only weary of the fact in rep this case but also the president.e what is to keep red state from trying to balance the democratic candidate from the ballot>> i someday? >> i think that is right, trey.h i also think we should have ideologically speaking the 14thl amendment isy immensely importd to the progressive political project in the united states.y o it is not that surprising fellow judges were resisting to us kind of cockamamie federalist type claim that a single state can bar someone potentially acrossna the country from seeking election. so it doesn't surprise me that there is consensus about what a state or what limited power the state has in this domain.bout when i'm a little bit worried about is because the consensus is on that issue, i don't think the court is going to touch
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insurrection and what that all means. what that portends in the end if they don't resolve that is the possibility that if trump wins the election, what happens at the next january 6th, if you will, do democrats in congress tried to prevent trump fromseat being seated under section 3 ofd the 14th amendment? i don't know if they will clear that up. >> trey: you are a goodgood lawyer. i will switch gears real quick with you. we will go to the d.c. court ofr appeals.d th lawyers also find themselves making typical arguments. i andy, you may have had to do it once yourself.aid with that said, the answer whether a president can order the killing of a political rival left a little bit to be desired on theto half of trump's attorneys.. how do you see that argument plaguing else? >> trey, one time i gave a smash and make summation for an hour and i had a jury the whole time
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going like this. it is is not a good feeling.feel and i imagine that is the feeling he had to. >> trey: all right, carrie, the immunity case is on hold until the supreme course decides whether an appellate lawyer, andy or gutter trial what is the process for deciding whether or not to hear an appeal from the d.c. court of appeals? >> well, the court needs four forts in any particular case. if there are four justices that think they got this wrong or just so important we need to have our stamp on it, then they could take the case. they would have to do it quicklo if they want to hear it before the end of the term. >> trey: all right, i will ask: you both and andy i will start with you. do either of these cases regarding the former president get a verdict before the election? speak with a moving target here
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is the obstruction cascae of the supreme court in connection with a january 6 defendants and to he the main charges againstith trump and the election appearance cases arenst those precise instruction cases.n st we can't answer that question until we see what they do with the statute. >> trey: all right, carrie, same question, do any of them make it? a you may not be in the prediction business but if you are in that business, what do you think the supreme court is going to do on the immunity case? will they pond on it or hear it? >> my first guest is they are not going to take that case up.h i think that the secret circuit opinion was strong. i trump's lawyers are making it broad that he has brought has immunity. i expect the court as you alluded to they don't want to be in the business of makingpose decisions. they are supposed to be goalie to stop unconstitutional step.
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unfortunately, they are getting pushed into making political decisions because they were so t many crazy shots on goal going on.g on and well taken again just to have that final say, but it will be har it'd for them to avoidn dealing with trump in some way and already having to this term. >> trey: two brilliant lawyer spirit we are lucky to have your expertise. thank you for joininyersg us ona sunday night. politics is a game of edition.fd you tried to leave bridges intact especially in your own party. so it is all hands on deck and the general election. with that said, nikki haley and donald trump continue to attack one another, even though the race is seemingly close to beiny over. how does that help republicans win back this fall? although you might not know the way republicans conduct themselves, there is no rule against winning both the electoral college and the popular vote. there is nothing that says you can't do both.l co the last republican to do bothas
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was george w. bush. his deputy chief of staff,f ka karl rove joins us now. welcome, it is good to see you again. president trump has been g.o.p. nominee and soon three times so he understands politics a lot bettercs a than i do. how does it help help when female voters refer tofa successful female governor and someone you yourself pick for your administration as birdbrain and talk about what kind ofut w dress or clothing she might havn on?do how does that help in november? >>mber well, it doesn't. it is mystifying to me too because donald trumpront is the front runner. he is the person who is best positioned to unify the party. so when he lost -- excuse me, he won iowa, he had great remarks. consolatory, humbled but then he goes to new hampshire and wins m than saying i'm humbled by the voters of new hampshire and republicans are coming together
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and i respect the tough campaign my opponent has been running and r,i hope we will soon in thispe contest and i look forward to bw the the party's nominee. he goes on a rant about her and it makes him look weak first of all but second of all, it does not help unite the party.ime last time around he lost 8% of republicans who voted for thirde party candidate or joe biden. as a result, donald trump trailed in a popular vote byn 7 million votes and lost three critical battleground states by a combined total of 44,000 votes. so, being the front runner gives you a chance to be big and to ba conciliatory and to be unifying and positive and upbeat. he missed that opportunity in new hampshire. let's see if he can be better after south carolina and somebody wins there as the polla indicate you will. >> trey: yeah, i always thought winners tell jokes and losers say deal. loser sought to be happy. mention south carolina andechn
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technically, technically there is still a path to victory for governor haley for a number standpoint butlly realisticalli she loses her homestay, is it over? or is therthere somehow super tuesday is going to have a miraculous reversal for her?fo >> well, something that wouldr half to happen south carolina and super tuesday, something bi and dramatic that would affect the fortunes of donald trump. it is actually politics that you have to do well in your home p state. the path t o victory is litteredcand with defeated candidates who were defeated because they lost their home state. and i love the history of it. ad i mean 1940, wendell wilkie, who is challenging the crime-fighting prosecutor from manhattan. takes enough delegates in new york to embarrass tom on his home turf. so, this kind of thing happens.
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and when it does, it hurts -- it hurts the chances of somebodyom that cannot hold their home >> trey: let me assess before i let you go. one wide lean attack on bidenme physicalnt or mental fitness for office. but nikki haley is using the same argument againsnikkt donald trump. will voters remember that if he is the nominee? or is argument going to stickar with biden but not stick withic trump? >> well made as a problem for both men but a bigger problem for joe biden. it is 3 out of 4 americans think he is too old.e but 1 out of 2 thinktrum donald trump is too old. too it will be an issue in the general election for both men.te it is interesting to me, these two guys may be the only guyso u who can lose to each other. e but on the issue of age and stamina, it is biden who has a bigger problem than donald trump
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does. but donald trump has a significant number of peoplesign 1 out of 2 americans that said he iwo as too old to be preside. >> trey: karl rove come i would have you on every week, bi can't afford you so i will take youha when i can get you. thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> i'm free, galilee. pick up the tab for you. >> trey: good come i will have you on next week. thank you for joining us sundayt night and we will see you soon. up next, yes, sir, can you win the presidency from thent? basement? what about from the courtroom? 2024 may be a once a once in a e to find out. fox news contributor guy benson and leslie marshall join us right after the break. ♪ ♪
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>> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america."bide president biden sailed with a victory in south carolina. he is on a glide path to the nomination, but there are storm clouds gathering for the general election. one issue, which i really do not enjoy talking about. it is the president's mental acuity. time spares no one, but neither do the reasons special counsel report.on b the conclusion by special counsel, biden broke no laws that also added to, biden might not be aware of it forgetting such things as when he was the vice president. biden also recently computes the current french president with one who has been dead for decades.side it wasn't quite napoleon, but it wasn't good. so while we may not relishay n discussing the mental health of others and you want to be thee leader of the free worldfr, everything is relevant. biden also declined the chanceds
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to address the nation today during the super bowl.g th he is the only one to decline but to also go to the former president trump g.o.p. debate in 2016side and 2024 didt seem to hurt him one bit. ultimately, it is up for us to decide what we are looking for in a president. indictments, january 6, civile i judgments have done little to dent president trump's appeal.d this coming wednesday on valentine's day commit president biden's wishes and the nation a happy halloween it. will not down to is either pure in the process, things get overlooked on both sides. joining us now, guy benson, theo host of "the guy benson show" and political, radio talk show host leslie marshall, both fox neware s contributor's. welcome you both. president biden won the battle
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over classified documents but i think he lost the war withwa added them by the special counsel. how impactful if at all do you think that is going to be, added him by robert hur? >> based on the direction of his campaign, his supporters, the democrats, some of the press, they are worried it will be impactful. even though thh the president wt charged with crimes, he wasn't w let off of the hook on all. wrongdoing. they noted not he willfully clon these documents, which is against the law. they just said they wouldn't pursue charges for a number of reasons, one of which he seems like finally, old man who wasma impaired mentally and couldn't stand trial. it wouldn't be convicted by a jury for that reason. so, that is in black-and-white, trey. a special counsel report underscored 78% of americans ses every day based on the pollingya when it comes to the president appeared tideno have it almost e codified in some sor it of formu
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slsetting, obviously is not helpful to him. people have argued it might be more hurtful, more harmful than a declaration of intent to file charges when he gets out of office, given some of the dynamics that play in this election cycle. >> trey: you are right., in indictments have not seem to hurt folks much lately.. leslie, the stock market is up, thnue job numbers are good, inflation is not perfect, but the stories were exaggerated.d. the g.o.p. mixed a border deal. so given biden's low approvalnub numbers and the fact he has a story to tell, why not addresss the nation during the super bowl? >> well, there are a couple of reasons for that. taylor swift is one of them. when i say taylor swift, i'm not talking about the conspiracy theories linking her and theth president. i'm talking about a lot ofng c people complaining, can we watch football and can't football jus. be football?curr with the current climate and
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people complaining about, youdo know, do we have to have politics and everything? does everythintog have to be political, the beer that we drink, the commercials we watched some of the programs wes watch? can't we just have a game?nest honestly, the president and the staff made a right choice with d this. people don't tune into the super bowl to listen to what the president says or you know, hear him say, "i love both teams." everybody has a favorite usually in a matchup like this.. so i don't think it is a problem. like you said, he's not the first to pass up this invitation. >> trey: let's listen to a clip together. i will ask you a question on the other side. >> biden, something specialsome counsel said in his report is one of the reasons you are not charged is because in his description, you are a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.ry >> i'm well-meaning, an elderly. man and i know what the hell i
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am doing. i am the president and i put this country back on its feet. i don't need recommendations. >> how good is your memory andmn can you continue as president? >> my memory so bad that i let yo yu speak.: on >> trey: one thing for certain come if we live long enough, we will all get old. and a person struggle for a name, dates, event is sad.ical it is not political, it is sad. but at some point, it does become relevant when you are electing the leader of the free world. guy come i will start with you but leslie come i want you to wait and to because nikki haley is challenging donald trump ando is scoring higher on a cognitive test, is that good foe country? >> obviously not, right? this is not sub optimal, you might say. and you have this indignant performance briefly, he flashedi
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anger at president biden saying fine.hor is and the colleague peter doocy but confused neck sikoa and egypt. that is not a good look for someone who spent thene whole wk confusing european leaders identity with their predecessors who are deceased as you referenced in your intro of the segment. this is not a great place forth the country to be in.note i know trump is getting up there in age as well. if he has all sorts of clubshing like this it will be an issue similarly but based on the performance of these men and the willingness to go out there and speak and answer questions att length, most people say there is a problem with biden far fewer say that front on trump that there is a similar problem. >> trey: leslie, what do you think? nikki haley is. trying to makeia that an issue and what is left in the g.o.p. primary race herself. >> i would agree with a couple of things that guy said. it is a problem but both sidesm didn't pick a younger candidatea
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so we have ourselves to blame in a sentence. i would agree with guy you need to look at trump aneeds well. what really bothers me as a democrat is every time biden slips come over the race daughter or he forgets, you know, something, anything, i call my son my dogs name the other day and i'm not joe biden's age. i know i'm not running for president but it's too much on our plate and our minds goingesd different directions at bus once. there are a fee w things, one, donald trump has talked about dead people. donald trump has made a lot of errorsrs as well. itt is just not highlighted as much as biden. i'm sorry, the press doesn'tligh highlight it as much. that is one. two, hur didn't go to medical school.en ri have spoken to republican lawyers say it is completely out of balance it ofn a sense what s wrote. this is a republican attorney who, to me, was smacking joe biden in the face with a s smreference to his age.
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lastly, i don't think it will matter that the voters because at the end of the day, the people that don't want trump will vote for biden and whoo th don't want biden will vote foroe trump or stay home.iden >> trey: i don't actually enjoy talking about this because both y'all are a lot younger than i am cured one of these t days, we are all going to be come if we are lucky, older. it is sad, relevant but sad. sad thank you for joining us especially on super bowl sunday. y'all take care. >> thank you. >> trey: coming up bipartisan border deal isup t dead andil alejandro mayorkas is still the dhs secretary.l so what happened? congresswoman loralee francis after the break on "sunday night in america."
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>> this has had fox news alert come i am marianne rafferty. we are getting word lloyd austin has been moved to critical care or and hours after admitted with a issue. he is temporarily transferring powers to deputy secretary. alston was diagnosed with prostate cancer at the end of last year. the white house, congress and the joint chief of staff have all been notified. in israel gaining a small
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victory in its efforts to free the remaining hostages held by hamas. special forces rescuing two men in an overnight raid in the gaza city. a round of israeli air strikes on that city leaving 67 palestinians dead. the hostages were taken to israeli hospital to be checked out. they are said to be in good condition. more than 130 hostages remain in hamas captivity. i am marianne rafferty. now back to "life, liberty & levin." ♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back tonigh "sunday night in america." the border is still t ina chaotc crisis.c cr the number of migrant encounters is staggering. the anticipated bipartisanate senate agreement died in early death.earl so what now? everyone says things need to be' improved at the border, yet, things remain the so does the president lack the tools? or does he lack the will to seal the border?k
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the g.o.p. benefiting from the problem more than it with the solution? who is actually in charge of accounting in the house these days?in joining us now someone likely to be impeachment manager orif prosecutor, ifd alejandro mayorkas is impeached or indicted. florida congresswoman loralee, welcome, congresswoman. l g.o.p. passed hr 2 which means it needs to be legislative changes, but there won't be any changes between now and november so what now? >> low, there is an important distinction there. first of all, president bidenufi and alejandro mayorkas do havegh sufficient tools right now tot o stop the crisis that we see at the southern border. they could tomorrow return to the policies of the trumpr, administration like remain in mexico and putting an end to parole and asylum they are using and really make a substantial
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and meaningful reduction what is coming across the border. if we are to try to pass laws related to immigration at the southern border, they need to be laws that ensure that executive branch agencies will enforce and follow exe the law. right now they have an obligation to detain and deporte people who come to this countryl unlawfully. they are not doing that in any legislation related tony the border must be focused on ensuring our laws are followed, not codifying ways that the administration can have discretion because we have already seen where they haveve discretion, they will abuse it. even where they don't, they will act in a way contrary to our existing law. all right, you are and were in a previous life a very good lawyer. good lawyers can read the jury.a so reading the senate, i would say there is precisely zero chance that alejandro mayorkas will be convicted, likes zero. so why go after him if he is
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simply doing what biden is tellinideng him to do. why not impeach the puppet master rather than the puppet? >> well, there are a few reasonm why impeachment itself is important. first of all, secretaryly alejandro mayorkas willfully anm deliberately subverted the laws of the united states of america. he has been told by federal district court judges that c a number of his policies are unlawful and his alternatives to attention should be deceased dominic ceased. he was ordered by federal judge reinstate in mexico and he did not. so defying the courts he has come to call for a moment c congress andon give testify is saying the border is secure and as noperational control at the border pier and anyone in america can look and see thatere this is not the case and atant untruthful testimony. what is important is this means we have one branch of the government that is really subverted the lawful authority
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of the other two, which is front two are very constitution. so, the other thing to always remember is the consequence of his action is he has created art grave threat to our national security. he has been an absolute disasten as a cabinet he has defied his oath ofhe office. he has violated the publicc tr trust. we do believlieve strongly in te house it is necessary to pursue impeachment. i hope this and it does the right thing. i don't know whether or not theh will. but we wanright to start doing t job in the house and holding him accountable for his failure to uphold the law. >> trey: i will bet you tickets to disney world that they do not convict him. but let me ask you this before i willthis let you go. so, in october, eight houseev republicans, one oinf which was not you, got rid of kevin i am struggling to see how the house has improved since kevin
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was dethroned by all of the democrats and eight republicans. am i missing something? are things going reallymiss swimmingly and i'm just missing it? >> welcome i think what we arenw seeing is we are confronting the same issues we did while kevin mccarthy was our spe speaker. speaker johnson is compliant with all of the same problems trying to pass appropriations bills and trying to build consensus and republican coincidences where a difficult thing to achieve. what i see are theencet th probe not changed. we were confronting all of the same challenges ander speaker johnson is working hard to build consensus. but we have been in the exact same situation with appropriations bills and resolutions. we need as a conference is tod come together and start workingr as a team. that is a problem that is, unfortunately, still very much when we are confronting. >> trey: well, you do notrtpa appear to be a part of the problem. we look forward to talking to you next time on a sunday night.
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>> thanks, trey, great to see you. m >> trey: you too appeared former states department who iso spokesperson for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu joins us after the break with the latest on iran and israel only on "sunday night in america."
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to woulday night in america." underwhelming would be the word that comes to mind for those of us watching the dignified transfer of dead americans from the battlefield back home. we wondered what our military response would be. what is the price to be paid foa killing american soldiers? not much. so far at least.stra the biden administration claims what we saw or didn't see was just the first round with more to come here and wto ce shall se the u.s. retaliates against iran with strikes actually inside of the country of iran.depa joining us now former states department morgan ortagus. sus morgan, overwhelming is thoe who i have surveyed, but what iw your take on the long-awaited u.s. response to the killing of american soldiers and the one thing of dozens more? >> welcome according to admiral
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kirby trade, the response remains ongoing. b did see as below, another iranian proxy group in iraq getting for senior leaders r that that is always a good thing. happy to kill terrorist everyday but the question is, the crucial question is did the administration attacack k anythg of value, anything of emotional, strategic or sensitive value to the iranian regime? the iranian has terror proxies throughout the middle east because they are expendable.ndal if you kill a few has bola or a few hamas or a few houthis leaders, do the iranians care? no, they are proxy groups.prox they find those people utterly. expendable. so the question remains, what similar to the soul amani strike mike pompeo and trump pursued i the last administration, what de off of the table that again is strategic, sensitive and
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important value to the iranians? that hasn't happened yet.rais >> trey: you raise annt erinteresting point and i was talking to my friend an old colleague tom cotton. the iranians want to spend as many arab lives as many notve iranians livess but arab livese why are they striking an iran? you are a policy expert and i am not. but why the reluctant to do anything inside the territoriale boundaries of ths e country of iran? >> this goes back to 2014-2015 in the obama administration. the biden team at the same the obama team is wedded to what is called the tea jcpoa, the iran nuclear deal and wedded to it like a religion, religious artifact, so to speak. and they believe that was the right course of action. their hair was on fire whenever
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the trump administration withdrew from the jcpoa the fact that they have a deal theymp thought was going to at least ta kick the can down the road from iran getting a nuclear weapon. what they spent blood, sweat and tears in the obama administration is the pinnacle eaof diplomacy andrs president p did that.ump they've never been able to get over it. fast-forward to january 2021. what does president biden andt i his team do for the last three years, trey? they pursue a different policy for iran. when they came into office, iran was broken president trump said this before and he's right. the economic pressure campaign, they were at least probably six to eight months away from enriching iranian from nuclear weapon. you know how many weeks away they are from it now?ro actually days away from it, trey days away from enough enriched uranium to have enough.ay t the weaponization may takehs several months but the point is the iranian regime has neverin been closer to having a nuclear
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weapon than under president biden than under his team's watch. they have spent three years wat chasing the iranian regime around the world not enforcing sanctions which enrich them to the tune of $90 billion because the sanctions are not in forest giving them $6 billion and the largest ransom payment in his american history weeks before october 7th massacre. meanwhile the iranian regime is trying to kill former trump administration like mike pompeo and brian hook on our soil and actively killing american troops and the middle east and days away from a nuclear bomb. this is a failed strategy. they have to admit it and quickly course correct before things get worse in the middle east in 2024. 4.>> trey: you are right. you and i will have friends thae have security details because t iran wants to kill them. yet, we are negotiating withe them. we have toan save it for another sunday night.
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i have suspicions this will not be the last timehe l we discusss issue. thank you for joinin.g us on a sunday night. >> thanks, trey. >> trey: israel says it will not agree to a cease-fire proposal from hamas. fro it's really officials vowed to eliminate hamas and a hole.n the families of hostages understandably want to do whatever it takes to getunde thr loveningd ones home. joining us now is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu spokesperson, welcome. israeli government to me is a no end situation and the war waging against a terrorist group while family members of those held hostage understandably want the hostages return home how didn't you negotiate with who kills children and rapes women? >> there are no good solutions but only trade-offs as thomas sowell said. we did not want to be in then situation. we want our stolen people back,
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mothers, children, brothers, sisters. we want all of them back in the idf, military leadership and the soldiers on the ground andader of course were cabinets working tirelessly to brinshipg them back into create the conditionse that could yield another framework, which we will see the release of all 136 remaining hostages back. see we want to see them returning home. we know the only thing that works against good, old terrorists as you correctly stated, heavy military pressure. ouldthe combination of this in e diplomatic avenue that we are pursuing behind the scenes. we don't expend much about b thu terms orch the nature of these talks. but we are continuing to hit hamas terrorists on the ground hard. we are dismantling theirure infrastructure, battalions, command chains. the conditions that hamas presented so far here at my prime minister a few days ago refer to them as delusional.fer secretary of state antony blinken referred to them as nonstarters.
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we set clear redlines for potential hostage release deal. we said we will not release thousands of terrorists in t exchange for palestinian wterrorists. we said we will not pull out ald idf forces from gaza or in other words, we will not give up accomplishing all of the omgoals that wplishie have set e didn't start and we didn't want. >> trey: let me play a clip from president biden. it is a short one.i and i will ask your question on on the other side. >> the response in gaza in the gaza strip has been over the top. >> trey: over the top now. fro this is coming from a country that bombed hiroshima. i'm wondering what is what is over-the-top when you when you kill children and when you use rape as a weapon of war and kill kids at a music festival?s ov
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what is over-the-top when youf are defending yourself againstti that? i have ndeo idea what biden is talking about. >> trey, wly ae appreciate the white house support withr th material support, which is verye very important. it is sending thry ie right mese to all of our adversaries in the region and not just hamas. i'm not sure what the president met but the question on proportionality and warfare, uc according to internationalene law and common sense,nali proportionality means doing whatever it takes to achieve legitimate military goal. i can tell you that our goal was just on october 8th. oct it is just today. it will be justified for as long as we continue to accomplish it because hamas can be no more. we took this decision as a nation that we will not live next to a terrorists. i can also tell you israel has been taking unprecedented efforts in the history of modern warfare, counterterrorism, tos
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minimizein the civilian casualts in gaza and maximize humanitarian aiden in an enemyro war it is not just us seeing it.sayi it is the head of warfare in west point. if you look at the idf conduct in gaza and compare it withar e the conduct of international coalition to defeat isis or loo at the battles of -- i can guarantee you we compareof t favorably in each and one of these categories. >> trey: i have to have your back on at ou some point. we have to talk about this two-state solution. i'm not sure how to go states coexist when the other oneho wat to push the other one into the mediterranean sea.ll a but i will ask you that the nex time we get together and thank you for joining us on a sunday night. >> my pleasure. >> trey: coming up, wednesdaynd is a celebration of love. what kind of golf balls to get the love of your life?your lots of ministries around you valentine's day.lly
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1:55 am
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1:56 am
y-you didn't even turn yours over! so, if you want to talk to your kids about the dangers of vaping, you got to get it trending. ♪ to the left ♪ daughter: no, you're doing it wrong. ♪ to the left ♪ ♪ to the right ♪ ♪ let's go! ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ dad: can we talk? daughter: yeah, what's up? narrator: visit for tips on when and how to have the vape talk.
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♪ ♪ >> trey: welcome back to "sunday night in america." love can be a complicated word., i love spaghetti and i love my mom, but it ist is different. so multiple words for what we might call love. this wednesday, we celebrate valentine's day, which is usually seen as romantic love but it doesn't have tove t be jt that. it can be more.
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it should be more. i distinctly remember passing out little paper valentines toev all of my classmates when i was in elementary school. every single one of my classmates male and female, got d some candynoan from me. actually from mytr mom.y frnow, did i give extra candy to my friends teacher who was very -- what is that word, bell? i think that is the french word for beautiful, yes! did she reciprocate with a good grade? no or however you say no in french. the greeks probably had it right with different types or forms on love.dchi the love we have four childrenve or grandchildren is different from the love we have for ourlo vespouses. it is more expensive too appear the love we have for our friends is different from the loveli we have for oungr parents or our siblings. we use the same word, but there are differences, andca we can fl those differences even if we cannot always articulate them. v
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hopefully, we can keep valentine's day from being commandeered solely with a chubby little fellow with a bow and arrow.ev maybe we can do something forn someone like the old days when mom made me give something to everyone. we can show once again love is more than romance. in any case, it is deeper than it is wishing the best for others. it is an act of unwanted kindness placed in the wants or needs of others ahead of our own. love hasnd been written as patit and it is kind. the it is not self-promoting. all of those things that we are celebrating. so while i will definitely get my wife a gift for valentines today, she is even more bell on than my french teacher was pure to but i wil l also reflect on the love that world war ii veterans have for one another. it is a different kind of love. it is enduring to survive, longer than most marriages.hose i hope you have a great weekers
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with those you care about. lots of candy, chocolate, flowers, and whatever you like. i will combine two of my great loves, my wife, terri, and the golf into one. i will give my wife a dozen golf balls. no, she doesn't play golf but it is the thought that counts. and it will work out great for all of us, which i love.h us thank you for spending part of e your sunday with us.l ne i hope you have a great weekon-l ahead and until then you can find us ♪ ♪ >> todd: the


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