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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 12, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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the crowd was screaming do something. stop the clock. >> they don't know it rolls over. they get a full possession. turn the ball over. lose it on fourth down or score. they score a touchdown, the game is over. it if winds down to 0 they go on and play another quarter of football until sudden death means sudden death. >> bill: from las vegas we'll see you next year in new orleans. great day. nice to see you. >> they got a chance to three-peat. nobody has done that since the packers the 65, 67, 66. in the super bowl era they can become the first. >> bill: maybe we'll be there to see it. right on. travel well. back to new york, second hour begins now. dana. >> dana: fox news alert. emergency foreign aid bill for ukraine and israel moving one step closer to final approval in the u.s. senate. $95 billion package advanced in a rare weekend vote on super
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bowl sunday no less. 18 republicans joined democrats who advanced the measure. another procedural vote expected later today. keeping it on track for passage as early as tomorrow morning. we're watching that. israel locating a top secret hamas command center directly below the headquarters of the u.n. agency for palestinian refugees in gaza. imagine that. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning to you, bill. >> bill: good morning. i hear you have a little cold. >> dana: feeling better. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer live in las vegas. one thing before we get to the news. you said i know you love the super bowl. here is why. i don't know where you can go in america today where 60,000 people are happy at the same time and that is what you get at kickoff. it changes when the game is over. for that moment it's great. good morning and welcome back to
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las vegas. the military hub for hamas strategically located in this heavily populated area home to the united nations group. no country would have thought to attack or target. the u.n. saying it is impossible. we got a firsthand look at the compound and show it to you coming up in moments. >> dana: plus we have news on two hostages held captive by hamas rescued in a daring raid by the idf overnight. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel's offensive won't end until hamas is extinct. >> we were attacked in the worst attack on jewish people since the holocaust. that october 7th massacre was equivalent to 209/11s in one days. what would america's response be. at least as strong as israel and many americans tell me we would have turned them to dust.
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the only thing to get the hostages release is to defeat hamas. >> bill: wow. how many are left over? that's a good guess. maybe 100, maybe more or less. mike tobin has an answer on the follow-up from what was a dramatic day in southern gaza yesterday and live in tel aviv today, mike. hello. >> it was, bill. before 2:00 a.m. local time special forces snuck into rafah in the southern end of the gaza strip. for the first time we can show you aerials of this special operation where they went into a house where they had developed intelligence that two of the hostages were being held. they snuck up to the second floor. blasted the door. grabbed the hostages and three men guarding the hostages. that triggered a fire fight. israeli air force struck another part of rafah to prevent reinforcements from showing up. in the ends two people were rescued unharmed and reunited with their families as israel's prime minister says a large
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israeli force will soon go south into rafah. >> we believe it's potentially more hostages in that area and why we have to act and develop the plans to act in that area and again you heard our prime minister. rafah is a bastion. >> israel has uncovered a giant tunnel that served as an intelligence hub for hamas operatives in the gaza strip. the catch is israel says unrwa relief employees were well aware hamas was operating beneath them. >> the tiling in the room shows you how sophisticated some of the construction of the tunnels are. you see all this wiring that connects to the surface and racks of computer servers and communication equipment. now given the fact that all of this electricity is here connected with the surface, a lot of communications equipment in another room also connected
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with the surface. this tunnel stretches a kilometer. we traveled underneath a kindergarten and u.n. school. right now we're 25 yards underneath u.n. headquarters. with all of the construction, noise that would have been coming out of here, the amount of dirt that had to be pulled out of here and moved somewhere else israel says the unrwa employees on the surface had to know something was going on. >> this after israel presented evidence that 12 unrwa employees were directly involved in the october 7th massacre. the two hostages rescued and army spokesman says it underscores the importance of pressing on with the offensive in the gaza strip that according to the prime minister will move south. bill and dana. >> bill: remarkable stuff. mike tobin live in tel aviv for us. >> dana: a really important report. joining us for more is retired lieutenant general larry
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nicholson and had experience in gaza as a military observer. the hostage rescue for a moment. yesterday biden and netanyahu maybe over the weekend biden and netanyahu had a call and biden was basically saying don't go into rafah. and then israel rescued two hostages that were being held in rafah. so should the biden administration take a step back here? >> you know, dana, i think first of all thank goodness for the rescue of those two hostages in rafah. i think what the administration is trying to press to israel is do what they've always done best. the more exquisite, the more focused sort of operations as opposed to dropping apartment buildings. that's where the administration is at. to ask them to stay out of rafah completely makes no sense. we have indications that is where a lot of hostages are and certainly we're uncovering a lot
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of the understanding of how hamas operates and this is kind of the end of the gaza strip, the southern most right with egypt. you have to get in there. you have to look around. but i think the administration is asking them to be a little more deliberate and to be a little more sort of exquisite with the intel-directed operations. >> bill: general, the reporting suggests that women and children on the palestinian side were also killed during this raid. you don't know all the particulars inside those buildings or what sort of warning they had or how the idf moved in. here is how the "wall street journal" characterized it. hamas was right under unrwa's nose, the united nations agency looked the other way keeping gaza safe for hamas. does the u.n. expect the world to believe that a sophisticated engineering operation was begun by hamas only in the past few
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months? amid israeli bombardment after they moved. the day after the gaza report when unrwa and hamas exit the stage together. on that last point. what netanyahu was saying to his people and the world. the question, throughout the whole middle east region. what he is saying is that hamas is the equivalent of al qaeda and we cannot live next to al qaeda. we must wipe them out. the biden administration may want this conflict to wrap up very soon but netanyahu, based on his interview with shannon yesterday, is absolutely convinced that israel is going to take the entire operation out before it ends. >> yeah. bill, i tell you, incredibly troubling. as a former u.n. guy very discouraging to understand that perhaps unrwa has been complicit and it is hard to imagine based on the evidence that is being presented, hard to imagine that
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they were not somehow working with hamas. now, we have to understand there are 30,000 members of unrwa. but i think there is some explaining to do how that construction can occur under the united nation's relief workers agency, how that can happen. don't forget, 22% of the entire united nations budget is provided by the united states. i think certainly a lot needs to be explained. but this is a really troubling development. frankly a black eye for the united nations. >> dana: thank you. we appreciate your time this morning. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you, sir. >> dana: the senate clears a hurdle to pass foreign aid spending over israel's ability to defend itself from hamas. >> it is beyond comprehension to
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me that congress would reward netanyahu even while he ignores everything the president of the united states says. >> after 9/11, if you had told -- if somebody in a parliament had made the speech that senator sanders just made criticizing america for our response after being viciously attacked, i think would have taken offense to that. >> dana: the senate is expected to hold its final vote on that foreign aid package tonight with final passage expected this week. >> bill: just about ten minutes past the hour now. defense secretary lloyd austin back in the news and back in the hospital. he has been readmitted to the critical care center at walter reed. apparently a bladder issue has caused an infection. he transferred his duties to deputy secretary hicks for the time being. austin diagnosed with prostate
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cancer at the end of last year. hospitalized multiple times since then. doctors say he will make a full recovery but for now he is back and getting the care of those at walter reed. keep you posted on his progress as we move forward throughout the day and week. >> what this report indicates, though, is that you have a blatant double standard. if joe biden is not going to face criminal charges, then donald trump shouldn't be facing criminal charges, either. >> dana: republicans crying foul saying one system of justice for them and another one for democrats. now the gop pushing for the release of the special counsel's transcript. will it ever see the light of day? >> bill: good question. also the biden campaign joins tiktok. huh. trying to reach younger american voters. so what about all those security concerns on the platform that came from the u.s. government? and this. [shouting]
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♪ viva, las vegas ♪ . >> dana: travis kelce celebrating the chief's super bowl victory. more on the big game all morning. ♪ there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> dana: president biden's 2024 officially on tiktok share its first post on the controversial platform last night during the super bowl. >> game or commercial? game or halftime show? trump or biden? >> are you kidding? biden. >> dana: i'm sure that will dispel the 86% of americans who think he is too old for
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president. not, just kidding. "the new york times" editorial boards there shouldn't be a diagnosis of biden, memory loss requires careful diagnosis. you can see that president biden's team this weekend were in full force trying to figure out a way to put this toothpaste back in the tube. >> bill: i don't know how you do it, right? it looks like we'll continue to see more and more of this. abc showed over the weekend this is something we'll see just about everywhere, whether our polling or gallup or you pick the network. quinnipiac. it will go on and on. how they manage it i'm not sure. i this i the special counsel conclusion las week is devastating and leaves an imprint in your mind if you're paying attention. if you work for the government you can't be on tiktok. but if you are leading the
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government you can. go figure that one out. okay. back here in las vegas now. millions of american renters are spending more than 30% of their income on rent. fox business grady trimble live in washington with a rundown on that and the effect of that. good morning. >> good morning. evictions are going up. housing unaffordability has hit an all-time high and record number of americans are homeless. all of that according to the latest report from the harvard joint center for housing studies. take a look at these numbers. more than 22 million households, half of all renters nationwide, spent more than 30% of their income on rent in 2022. that's the highest amount ever. lawmakers and congress on both sides of the aisle are supporting a bill that would expand a federal program that awards tax credits to housing developers who agree to set aside low-income units. president biden is also calling on congress to act.
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>> president biden: i've sent congress a plan to do more lowering housing costs, helping to build affordable housing and provide assistance for renters and first time home buyers. >> some say biden's own policies are making housing less affordable. tim scott argued the administration's environ mendsal policies, logging restrictions and regulations on home appliances, will only drive up costs. scott writes the cost of these unnecessary regulations is far too high especially for families who grew up like i did. but when you add these cost increases on top of the price hikes home buyers are facing from inflation, the unfortunate result is many are being priced out of homeownership. americans are racking up more credit card debt than ever before. prices aren't dropping and more and more americans are putting
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expenses on credit cards. >> bill: you wonder what gives and when. thanks, grady trimble, in washington, d.c. >> dana: house republicans pushing for the release of the transcripts of special counsel robert hur's interview of president biden following the release of the report on his mental fit ncaa. his attorneys saying this. >> a couple of occasions when the special counsel, who had flagged at the beginning that sometimes he asks imprecise questions asked questions that the president picked apart as a matter of logic. the president was listening carefully and understood what was wrong with those questions. i didn't come away from the special counsel's failure to ask precise questions and think to myself he has mental acuity problems. i just thought he was asking bad questions. >> dana: david spunt live at the justice department. is the biden administration and campaign mad at robert hur or merrick garland, the attorney
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general? >> i think both. the pressure is increasing not only on merrick garland from both sides of the aisle for appointing hur. robert hur continues to see increasing pressure from republicans and democrats for different reasons. as you mentioned republicans want this transcript to be released. the interview with the president happened this past october at the white house. it was part of a two-day period about five hours total. robert hur actually in the room sitting across from president biden and counsel that was right there at that time. it was transcribed and also recorded on tape. fox news is told while hur's office is not specifically commenting, it is unlikely that hur will release the transcript via a source familiar. however, it doesn't mean biden world won't in some form. >> it was a pretty surprising that the special counsel would state the obvious in writing
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that joe biden's mental capacity is diminished. we see that play out on a daily basis. >> bill: hur is also under fire from democrats for including information about the president's cognitive abilities. a former u.s. attorney in maryland appointed by then president donald trump. those close to the president, though, they keep insisting over and over that hur crossed the line in this report. >> the special counsel did this in the case, made a conclusion that there is no case, case closed. then made unnecessary and inaccurate personal remarks and those are improper. >> like other special counsels in the past we expect robert hur to testify in public on camera in the coming weeks and months. no timing on that right now. attorney general merrick garland is committed to allowing all the special counsel, all of them, being allowed to testify in public. >> dana: makes you wonder if the
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biden campaign would have preferred he had been charged with a crime. david spunt, thanks for covering. >> bill: wow. so now to the border we move. authorities struggling to shut down a smuggling route north of eagle pass, texas. why it is proofing to be a logistical nightmare yet again. plus this. >> if we don't pay and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? no, i would not protect you. i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. >> bill: that was from south carolina over the weekend. the big primary is coming up in a week and a half. the former president he would encourage russia to invade nato allies not paying their bills? what's up this w that? we'll get an explanation and answer from his main challenger nikki haley is live to react in a moment. new science shows
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>> they accuse you of willfully not following the laws and not securing the border and lying about having control of it. mr. secretary, these are serious allegations. how do you respond >> they are baseless. we need legislation to fix what everybody agrees is a broken immigration system. >> bill: homeland security mayorkas brushing aside all the criticism directed at him and the handling of the southern border. going on three years. border patrol struggling to stop human smugglers from getting migrants into the country. casey stiegel is at his post as we begin a new week live in eagle pass, texas. good morning to you there. >> good morning. border communities say now for more than three years they are still struggling day in and day out just to keep up. we've talked a lot about kinney county, texas just north of here about the same size as the state
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of rhode island with less than a tenth of the population. the tiny sheriff's department has six full-time deputies and one ems crew at any given time. it is a major smuggling route for the cartels. las year they had more than 260 high speed chases. this was one of them reaching speeds of up to 90 miles-per-hour as a smuggler tried to evade arrest and almost slammed into a school bus. kinney county sheriff tells us it is proof criminals have 0 regard for human life and fed up with his deputies being in constant danger as well as the residents he is sworn to protect. >> it is not leisure driving. you don't know what is coming ahead or behind you, etc. we've had them daytime, nighttime. running into ranchers' property. tear up fences. >> the county is also full of vast ranching operations that have become a hot bed of activity. texas dps arrested eight migrants on private property
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after they activated a camera. troopers tracked the group for four miles. sheriff adds it is time to put politics aside and fix this problem. bill. >> bill: thank you, casey. casey stiegel, eagle pass, texas. 10:31 in new york. >> they comes over to see me at mar-a-lago. i will never run against her. she brought her husband. her husband is away. what happened to her husband? what happened to her husband? where is he? he is gone. >> dana: former president trump taking heat for remarks of haley's husband. senator rubio's response when asked about it this weekend how he characterized it. >> i think they are part of the increasing nastiness of this campaign and every campaign in american politics. they are calling him a grumpy old man. attacking donald trump. donald trump gives as good as he
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gets. we know that. it is part of these campaign cycles. people don't like it. >> dana: i know this is probably still on your mind. give you a chance to respond this monday morning. >> it's disgusting. every bit of it is disgusting. to sit there and mock my husband for not being with me on the presidential trail because he is deployed and serving our country. you mock one veteran, you are mocking all veterans. but this is a pattern, dana. he has done this over and over again. whether he went and called military members suckers. whether he was at arlington cemetery saying what was in it for them and why would they do this? he has never been anywhere near a uniform. he had some sort of foot reason that he says he couldn't do that. the reality is the closest he has come to harm's way is a golf ball hitting him on a golf cart. these men and women sacrifice for us every day. they are willing to shed blood. that's the values that made this
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country great and anybody that excuses what he continues to say against the military is hugely mistaken because this is going to be the president of the united states. we have to start doing more to help our veterans. they don't get the due they deserve or don't get taken care of. we have the watch out for them. you can't do that if you have a commander-in-chief that disrespects them. those are fighting words for the military. in south carolina we love our military and fight hard for them and want to make their lives better. we don't mock them. what he did is disgusting. anybody that says it's okay is dis disgusting with him >> dana: he questioned john mccain's service. you worked for him after that as the unthan ambassador. did you ever bring it up with him? >> there were many times that i told time that he was his own worst enemy. my last book i talk about multiple things. look at the pattern. dana, 70% of americans don't
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want a trump/biden rematch. 59% of americans think trump and biden are too old. now you look at what happened with biden and he goes and has a special counsel report that says he is mentally declining. but you look at trump, he goes off script from a teleprompter for two minutes and criticizes the military, mocks my husband, but he also goes and takes the side of putin in nato and says he would encourage putin to invade our allies. this is what you are getting. we can do better than 280-year-olds running for president. we need a new generational leader to go eight years, disciplined, focused without the rhetoric and the chaos. and go forward. >> dana: do you agree nato countries should pay their fair share? >> dana, the nato countries should pay their fair share. let's not mistake the fact that when he said that, he put every
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military member in danger. he put every country in danger. russia has never invaded a nato country. that alliance is rock solid. it is a success story. we want them to pay for and do that. the last thing you do is side with a guy who kills his opponents, side with a guy who has imprisoned evan gershkovitch. and you will side with a thug like that? what are we doing in america? and that's because he went off script. that's because they took him -- he went off the teleprompter. that's what you will get is unhinged chaos. that only makes joe biden sound senile -- sound sane and so when you get donald trump making joe biden sound sane it is more of the reason why donald trump can't defeat joe biden. they are taking everything he is saying and use it against him. but look at any of the polls. you look at that and you see he
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can't win a general election. if he keeps talking like when this and spending $50 million of campaign dollars on personal court cases with the rnc broke, we won't defeat joe biden. we've got to do something else. >> dana: i wanted to get in a last question not to do with him necessarily but with the head of the rnc. ronna mcdaniel is expected to step down after the south carolina primary on the 24th. do you have a person in mind that you think should lead the rnc? >> it's not about who should lead the rnc. what i worry about you look at last week and you see all of the losses that republicans had. trump lost his case on immunity. republicans lost their case on israel. lost their case on impeaching mayorkas. then you go and have the rnc chair lose her job. trump had his fingers in all of that. how many more times do we have to lose before we realize he is the problem? he lost in 2018, 2020, 2022 and
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lost last week. this is a pattern that will lead us to a president kamala harris if we don't change course. >> dana: to be clear the supreme court hasn't ruled on the immunity case. widespread agreement it didn't go well for the president's case. thank you. >> go to nikki and join us. >> bill: 12 days before the south carolina state primary. one of music's biggest stars announcing her new album unfamiliar genre during the super bowl. we came to vegas for this one. here we go. beyonce's new album. they dropped two new country songs last night. texas hold 'em and 16 carriages are out now. it worked for a lot of people, dana. and you -- i consider you to be a country music expert. >> dana: oh, you know what?
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that gave me a good idea. i will ask montana from the five to play it on the five for me tonight. celebrity news helping me out on monday morning. >> bill: you haven't heard it yet, right? >> dana: it will be fresh to me. >> bill: got it. me, too, i haven't heard them, either. i will rely on your judgment when i'm back in new york tomorrow. >> dana: students at washington' let university holding a mock convention to find out who the republican presidential nominee might be. their prediction and how they did it next. plus. ♪ viva las vegas ♪ [cheers and applause] >> dana: back-to-back kansas city chiefs are champions again after a thrilling finale to the nfl season. we'll recap all the action from las vegas.
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>> dana: believe it or not it's election eve in new york's third congressional district. the race to replace george santos. mazie pilip joined me last hour. her thoughts on what's at stake. >> when this election is important. so much money was invested in this election about saving our country. migrant crisis, the one i told you is a big issue for the third congressional district. illegal migrants coming to our country. the person responsible is my opponent. in the majority in congress what
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they decided to open the southern border and also was funding sanctuary cities. >> harris: pilip is facing tom suozzi who previously held the seat. he retired to primary governor hochul and lost that and didn't run against george santos. regret the error. >> it's there, hardman jackpot, kansas city! >> bill: man, oh man. great call, jim nantz, the kansas city chiefs winning their second straight super bowl last night outlasting the san franciscoer 49ers, a thriller in overtime 25-22. will cain is here and charley arnoldt live in las vegas. we can throw a dart at any topic we like. here is the point i want to make. if you are watching this game at
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home last night, you are bored because of no scoring in the first half. this was top-level stuff with these two teams. things change in the second half. we go to overtime. the nfl proves yet again why it's the greatest show in america. >> my good friend tells us the best reality show on planet earth. what this really shows us and what i was saying from day one you can't count against the chiefs. patrick mahomes even when the pressure is at its highest he will perform and he got that last touchdown at the last second to cap off overtime. here the chiefs are back-to-back champions. first time it has happened since the patriots did it in 2003-2004. >> it makes you a dynasty. if you fell asleep at halftime and finding out what happened in the second half explain it. the first half of the second half was driven by mistakes, a
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blocked extra point that ended up being a deciding factor in the game. two sloppy mistake-prone teams until overtime and you saw some efficient offenses. and the inevitable patrick mahomes. >> bill: what do you think about how sports and culture collide really in a way you can't match this, you have taylor swift flying to the kansas city games. kelce has embraced the relationship. they haven't hid from it at all. she flies in from tokyo. reba macintyre's rendition of the star-spangled banner. they have put that entire controversy about "the star spangled banner" behind them. two years in a row they nailed it. >> i think you hit the nail on the head. this is the first season where i think we're seeing that intersection of pop culture and sports. done wonders for the nfl.
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by the end of the regular season they said they made an extra $350 million because of the taylor swift effect. just the fact that there is so much coverage of this relationship. which now i have to say i find it pretty credible. i was very suspect at one point. >> i'm sorry. nothing charley says is incorrect. >> listen, what is said in vegas. will for sure get out of town. >> i'm a fan of football. i like football. i don't need a cherry sitting on top or need taylor swift. i came away from being in the stadium last night with two observations. san francisco 49er fans showed up. that was a home game for san francisco. second when taylor swift was shown the few times she was shown in the stadium. i don't know what your section was like. in my section i would say more
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boos than cheers. >> i think that's why. she wanted to show a different side of her. i'm not the pricey girl. she chugged the beer on camera. >> bill: are you buying the relationship now? >> i don't care. i buy that kansas city is a dynasty. now we have to say the steelers, 49ers of the 80s and 90s, new england patriots, the dallas cowboys and the kansas city chiefs. >> bill: and the roller skates. they're making it cool again. >> bill: roller skating? back to dana. >> dana: i would have chugged water. "america's newsroom" spoke to students predicting the republican presidential nominee. their reputation for accuracy is compelling. who gets the nod for the republican nomination? we unseal the envelope next. >> for the democratic and
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>> dana: students at washington and lee university inviting leaders. gop to their mock convention over the weekend to predict the republican presidential nominee. america's newsroom producers headed out there to talk to them. watch. >> we had great pictures but not enough audio. they are co-chairs of the school's traditional mock con. it is pretty accurate. foster, tell me a little bit about the history of what you all do and what you heard as the top concerns from students this year. >> for sure. we have been predicting who our power party's presidential
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nominee. before our prediction that 74% totally accuracy since 1908 and haven't gotten the republican cycle wrong in 75 years. what we hear from gen z they want to know the issues. the fact we bring the speakers to campus and knowing that the our party is not the bully pulpit of the white house or one central leader that dictates where the party will go means we're bringing different viewpoints from our party to campus like students in gen z. >> dana: i have a young friend in texas hoping so much to come to washington and lee next year partly because of your amazing reputation. ramsey, are you able to tell us who you chose this year? >> yes, absolutely. we predicted president donald trump to be the next republican nominee for president of the united states. we also did something a little new. we've done it before but not
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recently. where we predicted the vice presidential nominee. congresswoman elise stefanik from new york. >> immigration and getting the border under control as well as dei concern. >> climate change. >> my top concern is the war in europe with russia and ukraine. >> the economy and the job market is my biggest priority but also i just think america's image worldwide. >> state of the economy has to be the top issue understanding where we be when we get to the workforce. >> dana: any surprises there? >> not at all. one thing that is important to note every single chair in our commission center on convention weekend had one of my department deliverables, a mock republican platform. we do that as well. it was a full length 60 page policy document where we think the republican national platform
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will be after the convention in milwaukee. >> dana: ramsey, you said stefanik is the ticket. do you ever do predictions for the general election match up if it is biden and trump? >> no. that's not traditionally what mock convention does. the most special part about mock convention is really leaning into the out of power party digging into that and giving students the real experience of what that party is looking at. >> dana: i think you two are two great young americans. maybe talk to you soon and see how the campaign goes. thank you for being here. >> great, thanks for having us. >> dana: aren't they cute? and smart. >> bill: love the see the engagement. that's right. especially at a young age, love it. dana, remember last week we had a wager oh than the game, we bet a dollar and you won. we also had a wager on the national anthem and how long it would go.
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remember that? i picked two minutes. do you want to roll it? and you picked a minute and a half, and i clocked it at a minute 28. you are a winner again. perino. >> dana: you are going with me and not a.p.? >> bill: no, you won. you came the closest. >> dana: i thought reba mcentire was amazing. she is good in person and on tv. >> she was really good. post malone was great. soulful sound coming from him to start the game. they were both terrific. great choices. a great show. >> dana: have a salve trip. harris, congratulations to you. >> harris: i got on my chiefs red. thank you, dana. fox news alert now. how do you convince an entire nationou


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