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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 12, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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without his knowledge. all it does is repeat the name kennedy over and over again. it is not a repetitive ad but the family, if you are going to pick a fight, this is not the fight to pick. >> when i saw that ad, i miss those old jingles. remember the old bouncing ball ads and the old commercials? maybe that took me back and i was like, that is cool. >> sweet but ineffective at this point. >> i agree with you about these ads. they were lousy. up next, jesse watters. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time. is it too late for democrats to change horses? >> he is old. >> it is never going to get better. >> jesse: joe biden and the
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great replacement theory. >> rfk jr. is here. >> get out my face. >> jesse: prime time winning the war on voter fraud. >> jackpot. kansas city. >> jesse: what you need to know about super bowl lviii. plus, do you think i'm funny? >> not in a good way. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the emperor has no clothing. it comes from a folktale of a king swindled by con men who would clothe him and garments were going to be so rich that
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only wiseman could see. he was too prideful to admit he didn't see a thing. the whole kingdom knew he had no clothing, but his staff was too fearful and reluctant to break the news to the king. when he came out to the town square, he was laughed for being exposed and bear. for three years, joe biden has been america's emperor. the democratic machine and the press have been his swindlers. last week, the emperor was caught with no clothing. after they expose the president of being painfully slow, washington's secret was out. the rest of the country has known it for years. 86% of americans say he is too old to serve another term. the remaining 14% are biden family members. it is a relief for everyone, no more pretending. >> joe biden should have run on
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a firm promise he would be a one-term president. >> a lot of people are up in the bullpen and they could have sorted through those people. if biden's hubris is such that he does not understand the best interest of his party and his country, he has to be shown the door. >> the door has never been this wide open for switching out the ticket and the democratic machine shopping around. >> he is old. i know what it is because i am almost as old as he is. it is never going to get better. today is the youngest you will be for the rest of your life. >> public perception is how you perform in front of the camera. >> i talk to people in the white house all the time. they know it is an issue. it is a legitimate issue. >> jesse: he has lost the consulting class and "the new york times."
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the paper might as well have written his obituary. mr. president ditched the stealth about health. democrats can no longer stay silent. yes, his age matters. the question is not if he should step aside, but how. he walked into the election year with two things in his back pocket. a friendly media and an army of lawyers to process his political opponent. it is february and he has lost both. behind the scenes, biden has been grumbling to his advisors that merrick garland should have moved sooner into his investigation into trump. garland is not going to get a conviction before november and now his job is on the line. biden saying he did not rain in the special counsel's report. biden is furious the report about his diminished faculties was not covered up and house
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investigators are demanding the justice department released a video of his interview with the special counsel, where he could not remember when he was vice president and did not recall when his son died. if he is all they are upstairs, the video and change the mind of 86% of the country. he is losing a war he started and is now lashing out at his ag for not interfering in the election soon enough. he cannot hoax a his way back io the white house. is it too late for democrats to change horses? >> it is never too late. if you had a nominee drop dead the last week of october, you have a replacement. it is never too late, but the
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later it gets, the more confusing the process. >> biden is useless with poll numbers this low. he may not know it, but the convention in chicago this august is a trap. he might lose his job before the election. >> is it too late? i don't think it is. you can do it at the convention. people have said to me, that is ridiculous. no one gives a [bleep] what you do. they would be thrilled if you did it the day before the election. >> "the new york times" is the architect, comparing joe biden to a light bulb that is burning out, who feels trapped by a floundering vp, "the new york times" as he is left with two options. dropout and anoint kamala harris
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or don't endorse her and let the superdelegates hash it out. warning him would set up months of bloodletting and ideological drama. it is giving him a way to die with dignity. dropout and let the superdelegates and the obama's pick the nominee. the superdelegates are not bound to biden. they are free agents. just 48 hours after his justice department said he wasn't up for the job, kamala harris, said she is ready to serve. and no one believes her. donors are already playing the field. >> people are watching him and 76% of those are watching them.
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>> jesse: the bench is so thin liberals are pleading for a savior. >> look at who vegas oddsmakers are saying has the best chance of being elected this fall. biden, 15 to eight, a little better than 2-1. i have people in my or burt and my radio listeners saying the same thing. they say keep your eye on michelle obama. >> jesse: it is a matter of when and by who that replace them with. there is a doctor who can have this tough talk with the president. his wife. jill is just as stubborn as joe
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is. >> my -- gamer commercials? >> game. >> gamer halftime show? >> plotting to ring the season so the chiefs make the super bowl or they are just a good football team? >> trump or biden? >> are you kidding? >> jesse: robert f. kennedy jr. joins us now. it is joe biden fit to be president. >> if he has the special
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challenges that the council indicated and my family or staff would approach me and assist me and told me to gently step down what did you say? >> jesse: was that the role for jill? >> i think she should do it. if president biden wants to run, because these issues have been raised in public settings, he needs to come out and have an unscripted discussion, he needs to have a debate, tell us what he is going to do about closing the border, what he is going to do about restoring the middle class. all of these issues that are critical to our country right now. we need a president who is on
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the ball, somebody we all trust to answer that phone call and to handle these complexities and the nuance of the crises that face our country and he needs to show people he can do that in the best way to do that is an open debate. >> that is tough for him because it is a catch-22. the more he goes to show he has what it takes, the more he shows he doesn't. i saw a brilliant ad by your campaign or a super pac. ♪ ♪ >> that was a classic ad that you repurposed and then you apologized for running that ad.
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why? >> there are a couple of members of my family do not support my run for president and i knew that ad was not by our campaign. it was run by the super pac. i was delighted to see it. when that popped up, you can imagine my surprise. they are not allowed to talk about those things with us but i knew when i saw the ad, i love the ad but i knew that it would irritate members of my family because it used some of that old kennedy iconography. i don't want to hurt people's feelings and it is an easy thing to do. i think it was very creative but
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i know it hurts people and i don't want to hurt anybody. >> i hurt people of my family every night. that is what happens when you live with a diverse political family. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> jesse: prime time tracked down the most notorious ballot stuffer. non-medicated vicks vapors. easy to apply for the whole family. vicks vapostick. and try vicks vaposhower for steamy vicks vapors. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. ♪
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>> jesse: last week we introduced you to craig callaway, the wanda of atlantic city. he was arrested for election fraud in new jersey and is accused of harvesting and stuffing absentee ballots. he would pay people 50 bucks to
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forge ballots inside nursing homes. he served a stint on the city council as president. the known harvester is a hired gun for both parties and is accused of rigging elections for years and bragging about it. >> it came when he was up by 200 something. those came from who? they came from our organization. >> prime time is by him. >> do you know craig? >> yes. >> what do you think of him? >> he was caught rigging elections. >> again? >> again and again. >> should not do that. it sounds like corruption.
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>> something is always going to try to start something around. >> are the elections clean? >> i don't believe so. >> not for us. >> i have heard of corruption. you can see atlantic city is not in the best conditions. >> what is your message to craig? >> go lay down. enough is enough. isn't he tired? >> he is not tired at all. he is so busy he has been working for the fbi for 25 ye years. he wears wires for the feds to cat people bribing government officials. he messed up and got caught taking bribes and an fbi sting. he cut a deal with the feds, who wired him up for more stings. then he got caught blackmailing a minister and another.
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he is a snitch and a stuffer. does the fbi have ballot stuffer's on the payroll? the justice department said he was caught with a stack of dirty ballot applications back in the midterms but they did not indict him until this year. why wouldn't the fbi want clean midterms? why did they wait. why don't we ask greg? >> how is it going? >> going well. >> how many years have you been rigging elections? >> zero. never happen. >> you have been charged. >> they can charge you for everything. >> you know that is not right. >> rigging elections. using fraudulent ballots. people say -- >> i have no comment. get out of my face.
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>> what about the people who said -- the other ballots? >> jesse: a reporter investigated craig for years. he claims zero rigging. does that add up? >> he sends his army of bombs and winos to collect that. we know voting by mail is safe. the problem is when you get folks like craig callaway, the delivery system, then you have a problem. they ransacked the liquor store in 2017 because they got their money after they dropped off the ballots and what did they spend
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it on? >> you say he is charismatic and charming. he did not look charming with johnny. >> johnny is new. you will warm up to johnny. he has ten or 12 charismatic brothers and sisters and they form the basis of his operation. he is not the only one. only one state in this nation mandates the voter must drop off the mail-in ballot. it was accused of meddling in an election and we know how that story ended. it is easy to stuff your jackets in your pockets. we sent a reporter to the u.s. capital. we have to clean up new jersey.
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i encourage people. we have to clean up washington. >> suspicious that the fbi has a ballot stuffer and snitch on the payroll. good luck on the election. >> jesse: we warned you. the war against machines begins. humans burning robots on the streets of san francisco. (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge. a lot of new dry eye patients
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pulls back the curtain on how much infighting and dysfunction there is when it comes to the border crisis. we will talk about the highlights here. biden advisor susan rice called javier becerra an idiot over his handling over migrant children and passed a note to secretary mallorca that records don't save him as biden was berating becerra. biden demanded obscure border data and his staff did not have it. axios reports mallorca disagreed with the 100 day halt on deportations that an advisor had to ask what the difference between refugees and asylum-seekers is and that kamala harris made it clear.
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axios reports as the humanitarian conditions at the border have deteriorated and the politics surrounding immigration have become a form for biden, he becomes scratchy or when the issue comes up. there are incentives to not be the person who owns the scary issue with no solutions. that is according to a former government official. the biden administration denies what axios reports but the administration has shifted their language in recent days. we have biden saying the border is not secure and mallorca is calling this a crisis, a word he has never used before. >> he did not get the cocaine hippos. >> 24/7, border crisis. they tell us self-driving cars are the future.
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right now they are a menace to society. [bleep] >> jesse: perhaps it is a chinese new year ritual prime time is unaware of. no one has been arrested. is that because the robot card declined to press charges or property crime is a victimless
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crime in california? we are not sure. like the battle of princeton and trenton. they are seeing their fair share of conflict. police struggled to impound a runaway robot last year. watch. >> no, you stay. [bleep]. i don't trust this ai. >> jesse: bad robot, down boy. the cars are programmed to stop for red light so when a storm hit and the lights got stuck on red. >> they don't know how to move. >> these are only as smart as the people who make them and they all voted for biden.
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adam carolla is host of the adam carolla show. i did not see residents of san francisco taking up arms against anybody. this story caught us by sur surprise. >> it is funny all of this is going on in san francisco. summer of love, jerry garcia, grateful dead. now it is all on the streets and burning robotic cars. when did hippies become weaponized? >> that was too much lsd in the bloodstream. i did not know that robots would be on the losing end of this battle for humanity. i was told they were going to take over, destroy us, put us to death and make us. this gives me hope for the people. >> may be if we can slay the
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first generation of robots, the second generation that was going to take us over will back off and moved to another planet. i grew up watching the terminator, to bang. >> jesse: what happens when they barricade us in our homes? it sounds like what happened during the pandemic. >> my plan is to wrap myself in tin foil and stand on my vacuum cleaner and go out as the new imperial wizard. i am going to be in charge of the robot. i am going to take foil and put it around a mop handle and anoint myself there leader and i will be the king of the robots. >> jesse: okay, the white warlord of robots. i will follow you wherever you lead. thank you very much. up next, the sage on the
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super bowl everyone is talking about. ♪ ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything we do. amen. i invite you to join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up tide is busting laundry's biggest myth... that cold water can't clean. cold water, on those stains? ♪ cold water can't clean tough stains? i'd say that myth is busted. turn to cold, with tide. salonpas, makers of powerful pain relief patches for 89 years... believes in continuous improvement... like rounded corners that resist peeling, with an array of active ingredients... and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> jesse: last night super bowl was a classic. congrats to the chiefs. america now has two national anthems. ♪ ♪ apparently we are singing the black national anthem. the song is called lift every voice and i have to learn new lyrics to the national anthem and so does everyone. people were even standing, let alone singing the black national anthem. but i loved america the beautiful, because those lyrics i can remember.
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♪ ♪ that was post malone giving loco a run for his money on face tattoos. penalties, turnover, no good. the chiefs were losing it. travis kelce going nuts on the sideline. >> after the fumble, goes over to andy. keep me in. on the fumble, he was not in the game. he had to block. >> that was not a tantrum. he flopped. i am siding with kelsey on that. i was on the road, but, clutch kicks, game goes into ot.
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instead of letting the moment breeze, he couldn't stop tal talking. >> it is there. jackpot, kansas city. this was the andy reid special. we talked about it. he is going to fake a motion to go across and at that moment, he turns into hartman, who they did not half and they go bring him back in the game-winning drive. never had it in and over time. he is the best, he is the standard. >> before we get into the black national anthem, which i am confused by, why does he talk so much? >> he always has.
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it is the worst possible time to talk that much. if you think about him and his past, he was so in the moment. he was so focused on what he was watching and trying to explain it to us. his analysis is always incredible. it is just the problem with the timing. romo comes in and does that and it is an unwritten rule in sp spore sports casting, let this scene do the talking, not your voice. i was imagining jim nantz cringing, trying to put his head up like stock talking. tony would love to have that moment back. > >> jesse: i would have just choked him out. i am sorry.
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>> nobody would have seen that happen. >> jesse: i don't understand the black national anthem. i thought we had one for blacks, whites, hispanics, for ever everybody. it is new and confusing and these lyrics seem challenging. >> i love the song. many of us have not heard the song. answer a day did a good job with it. they started playing it in nba games. is it just a black history month thing? i don't know. it ends up being more divisive and i did more research. asian american and pacific heritage month is in may.
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national hispanic heritage month september through october. what about the ukrainians and russians. what is the line with this? i think i have the solution. at the grammys, tracy chapman, luke combs, very diverse, an incredible song. let's just play fast car instead of the national anthem. everybody is happy. you saw the people at the grammys. everybody will be happy if we just do fast car. >> big tracy chapman fan here. i can't wait for pride month because we will have the gay pride national anthem and it will be fabulous. if you see tony, tell him to zip it. >> i will. >> jesse: happy national inventors day. if you could invent something
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for a man named joe biden, what would it be? >> eight thing to reverse hisher age. >>got you like them young? mu >> i like them competent. dicate. uniquely formulated for rapid relief that lasts and lasts. that's my babyyy! -ow! get mucinex instasoothe. it's comeback season. when barbara switched to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed. for nourished, lightweight hair, the right ingredients make all the difference. new herbal essences sulfate free
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>> jesse: yesterday marked national inventors day, declared by ronald reagan in 1983 to pay respect to innovators of the world. who are the innovators? does anybody remember? johnny went to find out. ♪ ♪ >> who invented the telephone? >> you are putting me on the spot. >> the cell phone man? >> i don't know. >> nothing rings a bell? not one bill? not and alexander graham bell? >> the telephone is the [bleep] and you know this. >> what was that? >> the guy that invented the
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light bulb, what was his name? >> einstein, elon musk. >> thomas edison? >> my brain is not processing. >> the wright brothers invented something pretty famous. >> which is? >> you tell me. >> the television? >> water? >> the airplane. >> i don't know the answer but it doesn't mean you are smarter or more intelligent than me. >> he is the smartest man i know. >> if you could invent anything, what would you invent? >> a pillow that doesn't hurt your neck every time. >> something that would infinitely print money. >> a machine that you can get whatever you want.
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>> what is the best invention to ever be made? >> vaccines. >> you love dr. fauci. he is a hero. >> talk to me about that. >> don't make me talk to you about this. >> i can't do this. they will make me embarrassed. >> peanut butter. >> where do you put your peanut butter? >> everywhere. >> what is the worst invention? >> everyone should have interactions with humans instead of a plastic doll. >> you know those phones? look it up. tie-dyed dogs. >> judge jeannie is not going to be happy with you. >> if you could invent something
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for joe biden, what would it be? >> some hearing aids. >> i would say he lied. >> a way to let somebody to take his place. >> a pill to reverse his age. >> you like them young? >> i like them competent. >> what would you invent for donald trump? >> i will kiss the guys and the beautiful women. >> a new hairdresser. >> a good fate on the side. >> you are funny. >> you think i am funny? >> not in a good way. >> you are funny [bleep]. >> thank you. >> who invented the phrase, i am watters and this is my world? >> i have no idea. >> if i am not mistaken, it is a black man. >> he is white.
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>> and tell them i said high -- tell them i said hi. >> eli whitney, henry ford, elon musk, some of the great men responsible for industrializing and modernizing human civilization. innovation is under attack. the google goggles, not what i had in mind. i envision flying cars, better architecture. donald trump has a vision he is running on. >> our objectives will be a quantum leap in the american standard of living. we should hold a contest to charter up to ten new cities and award them to the best proposals for development. dozens of major companies in the united states and china are racing to develop vertical takeoff and landing vehicles for
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families and individuals just as the united states led the automotive resolution of the last century, i want to ensure america, not china, leads revolutions in air mobility. >> what do we need to do to light a fire under the next generation of thinkers? the zack ramaswamy knows. i expected flying taxis by now. what is taking us so long? >> we have lost the spirit of excellence in this country. our culture of excellence has left oceans to lift up places like china and their culture of victimhood is holding us back in this country. you think of our founding, they invented things like the lightning rod. thomas jefferson invented the swivel chair, even the polygraph
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test was invented by thomas jefferson. we need to bring back that founding spirit of curiosity, the unafraid, the explorers. we can bring that back but it will take a generational change to do it. >> what keeps these creative types down and discourages that kind of out-of-the-box thinking? >> you see it in the classroom now. it is not cool to be the smartest kid in the class. you are supposed to hide your excellence. one of the things we need to do in this country again is celebrate excellence. it is unified and that is what america is founded on. we are the pioneers, unafraid, the people who would never be stopped. we have canceled them from history. we need to celebrate people.
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inventors are not often like the people around them. might they say things that are wrong at times, yes, but you have to celebrate what they achieve. >> jesse: don't pick on the smart kids in school. that is a start. how was mar-a-lago? he talked about flying taxis? >> we had a good dinner. we did not get to flying taxis. we need batteries that can charge themselves. >> jesse: thank you so much. hard being the smartest kid in the class. i can hear that. madison from washington, pennsylvania, if biden watched prime time, he would see the convention trap coming. james, from virginia, with craig and wanda stuffing ballots, i see the start of a love story.
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angela, from dallas, texas, i am a trump gal. rfk's ad was brilliant. support your family. >> i saw your cameo in the huber eats commercial. not sure what you are talking about. i think you are talking about david schwimmer. indeed. tony romo is an amazing announcer. he teaches you things about the game. you do your show and leave him alone. even i know when it is time to shut up. that time is now. i am watters and this is my world. >> hannity: welcome to "hannity." josh ali, the senator from missouri, says that after ag garland -- he needs to


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