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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 12, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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biden skipped traditional super bowl interview second year in a row. president couldn't be bothered to sit down. he ironically called out snack companies for shrink flation. >> as an ice cream lover they shrunk in size not in price. >> hannity: biden inflation. as always thank you for being with us. let your heart not be troubled. greg gutfeld to put a smile on your face. ♪♪
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>> greg: okay, okay, okay. i am here. i am here. [ cheers and applause ] put your pants back on! happy monday, everyone 86 of americans agree joe biden is too old for a second term. another 14% say he is too old for last rights. i know. that was harsh. you know you are in trouble when percent of americans who say you are too old is higher than your age. 86%. americans are finally united. joe biden's promise finally came through. he brought us together. [applause] in believing he is a [beep] but still. what is sadder, however special
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prosecutor's information to convince dead end democrats to come around to what has been obvious to us they are as brain dead as he is. robert her's investigation may have been about biden's handling of classifying documents it was a wellness check on the old guy in the white house missing in action. lights are on but no one is home. now you know things are bad for the left when you lost a female who slept with bill clinton. also hilary clinton. >> i talk to people in the white house, they know it is an issue. it is a legitimate issue. >> greg: hilary went from this to this. pretty clever. oh shut up. [laughter] maybe she is thinking, though, she can replace biden once gavin
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new som and michele obama kill themselves. ran no fewer than editorials. included it in their sunday cross word level, ice cream across, hint ice cream eating ka carver that farts dust. absence from public stage eroded public confidence looks as if he is hiding or even which hidden. they would throw a sheet over him but only bring back memories of robert bird.
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he was in the kkk. democratic adviser paul bagotis said this. >> i am a biden supporter and woke up every two hours. >> greg: terrible for democrats and your wife. married to paul and he wets the bed. because joe came of age when politicians once took on big causes, it is biden's age that is his super power. that is like saying ironman's super power is rust. closer look at super joe. can u you tell me what super power this is. >> transgender americans. >> let's go lick the world. >> let's go cheer for athletes
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like cream -- and joan -- shangakowala. putin's yeah, cliptocracies. >> greg: apparently joe's super powers don't include talking and walking. his name would be the stumbler. >> we don't -- problem isn't republicans trying to forget. remember, joe doesn't know when he was vice president. he is the one doing the forgetting. question i keep having is: is this really dementia.
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what if illness was guilty of stolen valor. saying joe has dementia is like saying her wayne may cause drowsiness. for joe dementia maybe the frosting on an already [beep] up cake. biden-harris just joined tiktok. after biden signed a law banning tiktok from government phones. luckily he is too senile to be prosecuted. tiktok is to brainwash american users. biden remains immune. can't wash what you don't have. you never see michael loftis at a laundry mat. he doesn't have close. biden skipped traditional super
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bowl interview, joe complaining about snacks. >> super bowl sunday, anything like me, you like to be surrounded by a snack or two watching the big game. buying snacks, sports drinkings are smaller. bag of chips fewer chips. i have had enough of what they call shrink flation. >> greg: potato chips used to be fuller like joe's depends are today. bashing snacks on the biggest snack day in the universe. talk about not reading the room. it is like bringing up roe v. wade at a baby shower. [laughter] thank you, michael. if joe biden is incompetent to
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be charged how could he be competent to be our president? competent to be president why wasn't he charged like trump? answers jonathan points out for the white house claims fault lies with robert her not from the president that can't tell mexico from egypt. denial isn't just a river in tijuana. [applause] let's speak directly to the media, legacy reporters who continue to deny what nearly all americans know to be true. this is a watershed moment. we have all heard the her report. seen conclusions from someone that got to interview the president without you, the media running interference. you might want to come clean otherwise you are going to end up like joe biden one foot in
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the grave and the other in your mouth. let's welcome tonight's guests! pronouns ho and beau. michael loftis. [ cheers and applause ] we promise not to whack her at the end of tonight's show actress, draya day mateo. she is like the left over wings from last night, hot, dry and bony. "new york times" best selling author cat. and he uses a hockey -- tyrus. michael, as a homeless lesbian, you hang out in -- >> i prefer term environmentally
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friendly same-sex engineer. >> they are in bed with the democrat party trying to show joe the door, right. they are trying to make it about age, age, no. no it is about him being a mental midget. he has been a long time. can't change it up at this point in the game it is like going to vegas the dealer, how i have 23. this is about age. i don't want that z sorry. joe sucks now. he has always sucked. he is not the sharpest tool in the shed. bowling bars sharper. ice cream sharper. he enjoys ice cream. grel >> greg: he started off with a
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deficit. all hat no cattle. he is all hair plugs and no cattle. >> he makes me nervous when he starts talking about snacks. if you are like me! i am not like you. if you are like me, you have a stranger's eight year old and try to smell their hair. [laughter] >> greg: draya i am so excited you are here i loved "sopranos." >> i am sure we were wasted. >> greg: i never did drugs can't say that enough what do you make of -- do you think joe is still going to be on the ticket? >> i think he was right about one thing the snacks. just the freaking snacks. listen, i voted for him.
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i have never voted -- yes, yes. no, no. >> greg: what is wrong with you people. do i have to call christopher. you will act accordingly. you will not be children. i was antiestablishment. my daughter convinced me to vote for biden when all hell broke loose because my nanny was illegal. we have to take care of her. had to spend all this money to take care of her. we couldn't get her to new york. now, i have never felt more regret in my [beep] life.
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i will say -- [applause] >> greg: you guys won her over. cat would you like to say something that gets boos or applause. >> how are you spelling boos? >> i am going to say i saw "l.a. times" how joe's age was a super power. this isn't real. i am not going to fall for it. i was like okay. it is real. i am not one of those idiots that only reads the headlines. i would hate when people did that to me. could it be saying this is a good thing? i read the whole thing. it is what he is saying. within the third sentence he said his age was a super power. i kept reading. at some point the author will acknowledge we have some sort of right to be concerned about the things we have seen.
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nope. he goes the presidency doesn't require carrying sofas at the white house stairs. don't gaslight me, he can't carry himself up the stairs. i am like maybe the next sentence, science increasingly finds aging brains make more connections. doesn't mean his brain makes any connections. for example a person dies can't hang out with them they are not in the room. nowhere in the article did they acknowledge what we are watching is not a super power. >> greg: [laughter] we used to be a super power, remember that tyrus. >> tyrus: listen, his age is a super power. hate to disagree. don't hit me. his age is a super power, his
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dementia [beep] it up. brilliant old people, grandmas and grandpas everywhere great minds and stories. it is not his age. it is his mouth. and the fact that his eyes can't even work together to be open together at the same time. he is like this. that tiktok video was so bad. you saw how many cuts was in a 15-second, he got one sentence cut, reset. zoom in. he has dementia. he probably started 10 years ago. we called it gaps. he has evil old man filter. can't wait to get mine. we get old and say [beep] doesn't make any sense. luckily for him he has a
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stutter. few weeks ago he said if you are going to mess with a woman better benefit with -- he said when you mess with a woman better [beep] but dementia is saving him. >> greg: yes. >> tyrus: making him forget midstream sentences. he could be 86. i met a 92-year-old woman that had every joke. take the number off the table. it is his brain, pudding period. >> greg: we must move on. up next, chills when trump said pay your bills. so, i use my freedom unlimited card. earning on my favorite soup. aaaaaah. got it. earning on that éclair. don't touch it, don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. -this one? -nope. -this one? -yes. no. what? the big one. they're all the same size. wait! lemme get 'em all.
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i'm gonna get 'em all! earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. katherine harris >> kat: kat timpf dra dra mike
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and jana>> m
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... ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save.
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>> greg: all right. all right. okay. when trump says america should get paid, media hears russia should invade. media might have found new russia hokes. trump said any nato member that doesn't pay their fair share. >> sir if we don't pay and attacked by russia would we protect you. i would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want. >> greg: media claims he is saying russia should invade more countries. if we protect you and don't pay where is the incentive for you to pay? enough with us protecting euro deadbeats deal is a deal. it is bad enough we have to put
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up with soccer and women with armpit hair. pay your 2% to gdp. it is like when kill me keeps using my netflix password. guy watches "fifty shades of grey" on repeat. trump ones, typical media. they have done this before. trump says let's by greenland, drink bleach and nazis are fine people. at least some will be admitting how these hokes duped them. take actor michael appearreport. he admitted to participating to the hokes following riots of charlottesville.
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>> one thing i ranted about and i was wrong. there is good people on both sides. when you see the full quote that wasn't what he said. and, and, and you know, i ranted on him hard for that. hard. there is some video. whatever. i was like what are you talking about. >> you got played. >> greg: there is the dna. dna of a hokes. that was the hokes treated as fact joe biden claims made him decide to run. they isolate liberals and co-hearse them to believe the lie. an not by -- we have to give
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credit to rapaport. slightly less than a douche bag. tyrus, he'll take something out of the show. >> tyrus: if you are talking about me, i am winning. go ahead. if the not talking about you -- if i don't make medium once for threatening to murder my kids. this isn't going to be popular. what i am finding out very much like sports we don't know how to play with a lead. we literally had a gift dropped in our lap. he is too dumb to be president. president trump goes out. we all knew what he meant. he changed the news feed.
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>> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: when we get the lead, that is not the time to go on the offense. every time joe speaks take two weeks off. we are no longer talking about the most dangerous man ever around flashy red buttons. it is the other side that needs those stories. unlike what kat pointed out. he'll apologize saying president trump using russia as a thug to extort money from nato. after the election, you know what, i was wrong. too late. so this is what needs to happen. mr. trump two weeks after>> president biden: speaks, we have a lead, let's keep the lead.
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>> greg: kat, to tyrus' point, trump doesn't have to campaign. his numbers are up. should he take tyrus' advice and lay low? >> kat: no i mean like of course. i don't think he will. because he loves it. like he is not like oh no, people are mad. i am starting to think he loves it. right. he thrives on it. i agree that not the best look. i think the word encourage not the best word. everybody coming out who is afraid for the safety of so soldiers should be more concerned how dangerous it is for them to be in war zones. i think, we got to this place just paying for all these wars and countries where it was never
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supposed to be like that. congress supposed to declare war. we weren't supposed to be financially dabbling like some kind of real estate portfolio. that is the conversation i want to have. that is not the conversation anybody wants to have. people see it as too far gone. >> greg: don't give up, kat. get rid of her. drea, this is what we were talking about in the a blocks, media pushes out all these fake stories you buy into it and find out later you regret the vote because you believe something else. >> drea: i kept saying at least everybody is awake right now. when a democrat comes in, everybody goes back to sleep. >> kat: totally true.
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>> drea: i was so against the whole bush administration. i feel like the biden administration is an extension of it. that is my opinion. i think that most people don't do any of the research especially with the whole russia-ukraine thing, why wasn't anybody hip to 2014 that was all biden and marching orders. i love getting in an uber with my russian driver, i said i was upset i voted for biden. i can't act anymore. i understand final nail in the coffin. i'll probably endorse trump by the end of the night. [ cheers and applause ] listen, i love kennedy, too. i know everybody has issues. i am curious why people don't
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talk about him. all these conversations about trump v biden. michael rapaport. no one mentions kennedy. where is he? no one reads what kennedy is about. >> greg: i couldn't stand him because i thought -- he is probably one of the best people out there, i think. >> drea: want him on your side. >> greg: honest. he sees the best in other people. never takes any group of people down. >> drea: he is classy. >> greg: opposite of classy, michael. [laughter] what is your take on this? you as a transient you often turn tricks for bean money. how do you feel about trump saying you should pay for what
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you get you don't like being stiffed? >> michael: i don't. when i in front of the 7-eleven hey, pal do you have an extra smoke. god bless michael rapaport. explains the obvious. you know. turns out during eclipse sun don't really disappear. just behind something. >> michael: media already at that spot taking everything literally. when he can't say anything without them thinking he really means it. if this is what it takes to get nato to pay their fair share, awesome. when you are going to a big dinner, you agree you are going to split the check and germany
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and bunch of other places. double up on the appetizers, we want more champagne. >> greg: up next, time for another roast of a cnn host. tims with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here!
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problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. ♪♪ >> greg: thank you, all right. tucker's interview with vlad, slammed tucker carlson interview with russian president vladimir putin. roll the has been. >> tucker carlson showed up to interview vladimir putin. putin droned on for two hours and seven minutes, tucker sat there like an eager puppy. occasionally, rarely got in a question. what he didn't ask nothing about why putin invaded a sovereign
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country, targeting civilians, nothing about russian war crimes. >> greg: tucker repeatedly asked rational for invading ukraine. it wasn't shown on the tv at the men's shelter. [laughter] >> michael: no, it was on. >> greg: i should have known. while tucker was interviewing putin, imploring him to release american prisoner evan geshgs ka witch. he was fearlessly grilling comedian george lopez. >> as you sit here today 2024, what do you think of donald trump? >> surprised somebody can be so racially out with their views
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targeted to people. very reminiscent of nazi, germany. >> greg: fun fact about george lopez, his wife had given him a kidney then he divorced her. wonder if she got half of that. asking a comic who notoriously hates donald trump that is like asking a gerbil of what he thinks about snakes or richard gear. terrible. >> tyrus: i thought that was a myth. >> greg: tucker is speaking truth to power about a jailed journalist. how the mighty has fallen implies chris wallace being --
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down i mean working at cnn. [app [applause] kat,do you think he watched the interview? cath >> kat: as a journalist, maybe he is jealous. i wouldn't want to interview putin myself. i would be scared to go to russia. if he wanted to meet me in fort lauderdale [laughter] i would grill the [beep] out of him there. >> greg: such a good point, michael. going to russia interviewing putin does not mean you might be leaving. >> michael: that is the answer. >> kat: maybe over zoom. >> michael: chris wallace he is still evolving.
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turned into a pickle human. every time i look at him, if you put a suit on a pickle you gets chris wallace. >> greg: who would put a suit of a pickle? >> michael: the staff of "veggie tales." >> drea: i am so team tucker. i love him so much. that was the only place i could look when i was in the middle of the mandates. i don't know where to turn. i knew i could get a semblance there. i remember when his phone was intercepted over trying to go to russia. when i saw the headlines, i haven't listened to the interview. it was like fireworks going off in my head.
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we have a true american journalist back on the scene. >> tyrus: tucker carlson and i have a lot in common people that hate how we are. they went to university of phoenix and high end schools. best part of the whole thing seeing various cnn anchors, he is not a journalist. he is sitting with the most dangerous man having a conversation while you are interviewing george lopez. here is the cool part, if you hate somebody so much, you are never at a loss of words. call any one of my baby mommas, they will never, ever not have something bad.
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he forgot to say bad [beep] maybe try spanish. he didn't say anything about the president. best thing he could come up with, nazis. >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: no follow up question. there is a reason why you are on your sixth show cnn plus, plus, plug minus. he is he is on max streaming. good luck trying to find that. >> greg: up next, his movie was such a stinker, he needed a head shrinkinger. [applause] shrink mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body regulate blood sugar and mounjaro can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%.
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and if you try vaping to quit smoking, it might feel like progress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good. >> greg: he felt mentally abused by his awful reviews. actor and comedian kmale revealed that negative reviews of his movie drove him to
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therapy. horrible movie -- internals marvel block bust er super hero as if the avengers were cast by human resources. even had marvel's gay and deaf super heros. critics -- seeking therapy to cope with the trauma of the experience and negative impact it had on his health. exaggerating doesn't help. for a lot of people trauma physical assault, war, natural disasters, watching jesse watters prime time. labelling experience of choosing to read reviews of trauma is an -- he hasn't returned any of the
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money he was paid three million bucks worth of trauma. buys a lot of steroids. yeah. he didn't always look like that. drea bad reviews suck. is that really trauma? >> drea: still sounds woke to me. i mean, waa. if he -- i feel bad, whatever. i was traumatized when i joined only fans and what all the people said about me -- >> greg: they are all going she is on only fans? all the guys are on their phones. >> drea: check it out. just selfies. we can both be traumatized. people said evil. worst stuff. my kids can read it all.
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i could sit there and say am i traumatized? by this administration for causing these things. i think this administration caused this type of stuff where everybody thinks everything is trauma,,ptst. pull up their pants. >> greg: speaking of pulling up their pants, michael how do you feel about the bad reviews for everything you ever made? >> michael: it is my only fans, really. gets me through. >> greg: put your phone away momma. i'll give you the password. it is hard to believe an actor is traumatized. that bummed me out. hard to believe. trauma has lost all meaning. in the 1600s, when the word started physical thing. meant something physically wrong. after world war 2 it was a
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mental thing. even then they sucked it up because they were bad asses. i swear someone is traumatized by this. ptsd by this segment. >> greg: i hope so, tyrus. i think this show causes,ptsd. soldiers, first responders, battered women. not rich guys that can't act good. >> drea: if you >> kat: if you want to go to therapy. more of you should go i might not have needed so much of it. >> greg: [laughter] >> michael: i talk about that on my only fans. >> greg: up next golf fans made
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>> greg: drunks make golf tournament watchable.
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[ cheers and applause ] that first little scene good to see brian stelter fining work. loftis, waste of management notoriously rowdy golf tournament just like audiences at your show. >> michael: drunk with laughter and lust for life. they should steer into the curve. encourage it. have a whole different kind of tournament. golf cart jousting. i would watch that. a bunch of drunk people running
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around. >> greg: did make golf more interesting. >> tyrus: you might be tipped off. >> greg: nicely done even if you bleep it. >> greg: drea what is your product? >> drea: this is cancel culture gear. armor for the revolution. okay. you like me now. >> greg: selling that. >> drea: inspired by my son. he asked to leave his woke school and go to a different school. all into street wear. >> greg: nice where can they
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find it? that is my daughter. >> greg: there you go. >> drea: all about cancel culture stuff not feeling like i have a place to be. i feel like we have to be vigilant right now. >> greg: take matters into your own hands which is what michael does every night. we'll be right back. are the tradeoffs of treating worth it? ubrelvy is another option, it quickly eliminates migraine pain. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. ask about ubrelvy.
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is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >>. [applause] >> good evening it's 11 pm on the east coast. 8 pm in los angeles and this is america's latest news, fox news at night and brandon information on the woman who police say open fire at the


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