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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 12, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >>. [applause] >> good evening it's 11 pm on the east coast. 8 pm in los angeles and this is america's latest news, fox news at night and brandon information on the woman who police say open fire at the
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joel osteen mega church in houston including neighbors to say she put them through hell for years and there are concerns about how i will know the history of mental illness and a long rap sheet was able to gain access to an assault rifle a member of joel osteen church joins us and breaking news from investigators. >> this would have been a lot worse had these off-duty officers weren't on the scene to engage the shooter and take her down so here's what we know so far police identify the shooter as genesse ivonne moreno. my biological woman who sometimes identified as a man named jeffrey sherry lengthy criminal record and health issues being placed under an order for emotional detention.
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police say she opened fire with an ar 15 with palestine written on it. this happening at joel osteen's church on sunday. she was killed after those off-duty officers responded and engaged her in a shootout. 2 people were injured a 57-year-old man and her seven-year-old son who for some reason she brought to the church he was shot in the head at some point and he is not expected to survive. >> i want to ask for prayers for the seven-year-old kid who is fighting for his life. i think what we need to do for him is prey. he is still in critical condition. >> we are extremely thankful for the quick response of the officers working security at the church at the time that they engage the shooter. all of us would agree if it weren't for them the number of casualties and victims would have been much higher. >> and as you were saying it's unclear how a woman with standard history of mental health issues in a rap sheet was able to get her hands on a rifle they're looking into it
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but criminals are notorious for not following laws if they are looking to take lives. >> we will talk about the criminal aspect but we are free and a member of the mega church, thank you for coming on. i know you have been at this church for the better part of 20 years or more brazier kids were at a service earlier in the day yesterday. what you think about the shooting? which is you think when you heard about it? >> it's unbelievable. i have been a member of lakewood for 20 years and my children have been raised at lakewood and they served in the kids ministry and i was a prayer partner for years. this is a sad occasion our hearts are heavy but to imagine that like any other tragic
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--tragedy that shakes our community we will never be the same we are strong body of believers. we are praying for the family but what saddens me the most. she if she would have had some help or we could have reached out to her or someone at lakewood could have helped her it would've been a different outcome. to make you talk about the security and they checked the bag and the gun going in but did not look inside. you said security was always tight i'm wondering why they didn't check the bag at this time. what was your thought on how the gun got inside? >> i have no idea but i will cheyer that i was at the 8:30 am service and i frequently 8:30 am and 11 am service and there is security. they checked bags before you enter the church but what is noted what we should note is
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that the 2 pm spanish service so maybe there was different constraints around people entering but security is always there at the doors. they are friendly but they definitely check bags. >> they were talking about the fact because of the security guards, inside, who happened to see her this could have been so much more horrendous joel osteen sent this quoting we may not understand the reasons behind such senseless acts of violence we find comfort in knowing god is in control in his love knows no bounds and how do you think about that? >> this is not the first time they have been pulled together.
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the houston community and other areas we all his bond together in tough prices so like anything else we trust and believe god and stand in faith. i have my prayers are out for the families that have been affected but a bigger prayer for me is that we don't allow this senseless crime to deter people from going to church and gathering because it could happen on in the street corner or school. we have to be vigilant, keep our eyes and head on a swivel. >> it's great for you to come on. your prayers are warranted. we appreciate your time. certainly thank you. stream police officers in houston, there is a manhunt for a cop killer in tennessee and authorities looking for two
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suspects who badly beat new york police officers in a full-blown epidemic of anti-cop sentiment.the numbers on the increasing violence against police pretty good evening. >> is disturbing attacks on officers are surging and the trends saw shows no signs of slowing down this officer was slashed by a machete welding suspect are becoming more common according to nypd injuries from assaults on officers has increased 20 percent from 2021 to 2022 and data from the first recorders of 2023 is any indication these attacks are set to shatter records. >> the freaking frenzy feeding frenzy against police officers with the death of george floyd cops were demonized and new york city and it is the emergence of these district
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attorneys. >> progressive manhattan da said he does not tolerate attacks on officers he has charged a 15-year-old from venezuela charged with shooting officers and a tourist in times square as an adult underscoring the danger the officers are shooting a 34-year-old man was killed during a rush hour shooting inside a bronx subway station and several others were wounded including a 14-year-old girl 15-year-old boy. the reward leading to the arrest of 42-year-old heart has climbed to $100,000 and heart is expected to shooting and killing a 43-year-old sheriff deputy and injuring another 22-year-old deputy during a traffic stop thursday night in tennessee. more of what officials are calling a full-blown epidemic of anti-police sentiment. >> let's bring in a former fbi special agent and fox news
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contributor nicole parker. i want to go back to lakewood church the mega church in houston if the officers working security were not in that hallway at the time people know this church attracts thousands of people this could have been a big tragic incident. >> you are right this is a world famous church it seats 16 to 17,000 individuals and everyone is very familiar with joel osteen nationwide and worldwide this is not a coincidence this individual chose this church but our honor and respect need to go to law enforcement.they save countless lives we will never know how many people could have been killed on sunday but thankfully many were protected and there is a seven-year-old fighting for their life or the law enforcement stepped in and went up against someone who had a rifle and they did the best
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they could and neutralize the threat. >> the woman that was shot police say she had some anti-semitic writings and a marriage involved with some in-laws she had a palestine sticker on the gun.was this in your opinion targeted and if it was, why do you have anti-semitic writings and you are targeting a christian church? >> sometimes it appears a certain audience may be targeted but law enforcement gets in there and discovers they might have might not have been the actual motive or precipitating stressor. for this incident it's becoming clear this individual had a very strong history of criminal acts a criminal history and mental health history. her former mother-in-law i believe the grandmother of the child who is in the hospital posted to social media and said
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she had mental illness. she was with schizophrenia as they wish child protection services had stepped in and taken the child out of her custody so this would not have occurred but there are many individuals in this country who suffer from mental illness and they don't go shoot churches and cause violence rate in the other part is convicted felons and possessions of firearms those things need to be charged and as an fbi agent we make sure that is a way to take guns off the streets and out of the hands of repeat offenders. >> we don't have a lot of time but the new york post writes this. those migrants are kicked and stomped the new york city police officers they are still on the run but the new york post said assaults on nypd escalate to record-breaking
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totals and full-blown epidemic the number of cops hurt by suspects surged 20 percent 2022. uniformed officers suffering injuries and attacks compared to 3920 21 but law enforcement nightmare grew worse last year for a thousand plus cops hurt by suspects in the first nine months of 2023. the cops don't get support from the prosecutors we wonder why no one wants to be a cop. >> we must back the blue this is unacceptable. law enforcement deserves to be respected and they are in a position where they feel like they can't defend themselves because of this defend the police movement if i defend myself i could go to jail and that's not okay. >> nicole, great to have you on as always. >> bad news keeps on coming for president biden a vast majority of americans believe he is simply too old to serve a second tere are in dc with the
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latest numbers on the effort to stop the bleeding. >> the old saying goes the numbers don't lie and in this instance they reveal a damning reality for the current president the latest poll show 1/4 of those surveyed think mr. biden is too old to serve 2 terms as nine times more than those you think the same of former president trump of 59 percent think neither should have another go at it while extending 9/10 americans have concerns about biden's ability to serve another turn and 7/10 democrats think so. but at the white house like leslie nielsen in the movie the naked gun they are telling the american people there is nothing to see here.
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>> president biden does more in one hour than most people do in a day.his age is an incredible asset and he proves it every day. so if that's what they believe but on capitol hill unless ? assessment the special counsel read on mr. biden. >> we have a lot of questions about the report beyond the fact he stated the obvious. >> and there is growing pressure tonight on the special counsel to release the transcripts of the presidents interviews with investigators thinking it would either corroborate or refute the special counsel assessment for the president's failing memory. >> kevin thank you. >> the common sense department was fascinated to learn the biden campaign not only joined
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tiktok even posting a joe biden super bowl q&a on tiktok.did you see it? maybe you are among the 4 million employees banned from using tiktok on all government devices put into place by the new executive tiktok joe biden the president signed that law because of national security concerns things like foreign adversaries stealing private information and using it for nefarious deeds a few months back biden's fbi director sitting next to the homeland security director warned congress that one of law enforcement's biggest worries is china using tiktok to steal sensitive information about us citizens and when abc news says 86 percent of americans think biden is too old to serve
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another term national security can weight the president needs young voters who happen to be on a app called tiktok. the irony is plentiful the president is trying to combat his age by appearing hip to young people the common sense is displaying cruel when the goal for biden is to slow down the clock and all he hears is tiktok tiktok tiktok. let's bring in the former white house strategic communications director and president lee carter. what do you think about joe biden joining tiktok? >> it's a really desperate last ditch effort to try to get a new voter base there's no way around that narrative is awkward to rog watch him try to engage needless to say it's not something he should be doing as president of the united states you just mention the band that he signed a year ago for federal employees and way to
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lead by example if your employees are not on this app why are you and there is no other way to put it other than the fact that he is losing voters and he is trying to get the young audience to favor him by going on this app. >> i know you analyze members a lot and the poll is not good news for biden. biden is too old to serve and another term and 86 percent agree once the last time you saw 86 percent of americans agree on anything? >> i can't remember actually. this is bad news for biden. it was bad before when he was that 70 percent of americans are concerned about his age and now 86 percent and 91 percent of independent voters he has a problem on his hands and it is clear that he knows it and he
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is trying to address at his press conference last week was a disaster and did nothing to help them combat the idea that he was in a sharp as he needs to be in his efforts at tiktok the content was somewhat clever 4 and a half million people viewed it but it's not safe enough for government employees to have on their devices why is that safe enough for his campaign? i think it's really a double standard and hypocritical. >> so james carville said this about the president. >> don't accept insuperable interview. you are three points down and the television audience, not even close and you get a chance to do an interview on that day and you don't do it, that's the sign that your staff doesn't
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have much confidence. >> when you turn down tens of millions of dollars in free advertising years staff is not confident. >> when i worked at the trump white house we had a barstool interview with president trump that went viral and when you ask members of the white house why they don't want to do this interview for the super bowl they don't have an answer. they are nervous to put him out there on an unscripted casual style interview that hundred million americans could have seen but sure tiktok got you for a millionaire who knows how many of those are chinese but 4 million saw that tak i don't ha one but the super bowl interview that's a big one they speak for themselves. >> harris had put me in coach.
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she said she is ready to serve as biden faces age scrutiny. i ready to serve she responded bluntly everyone who sees her on the job she walks away fully aware of the capacity to lead. vestal at the poll shows. >> i am sure she feels ready and she has been ready but the problem is the american people don't want her to 30 percent of americans approve of her of vice president and if you are want her to be the presidents of this is an issue she is going to address but i would hope that she feels ready herself as part of the job. >> thank you both greatly appreciated and coming up we will play video of a mom confronting los angeles county district attorney about policies that she believes led to the death of her son. it's compelling and it is worth your time and later on the shot
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heard round the world. we will ensure thoughts on the video of the kansas city chiefs tied in getting angry and pushing his coach on the super bowl sideline. and we want to hear from you let us know on x and instagram on trace gallagher and in the meantime it's 8:20 pm on the west coast hey look at indian creek plaza in caldwell idaho a few miles of where i learned to fly and six winter ice ribbons in the nation. and the earth camera view of kansas city missouri home to the back to back super bowl champion chiefs and in atlanta georgia did you know coca-cola was invented in 1886 and if you can't join us set your dvr and tell your friends and family
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and we are coming back with a statement that you need to hear. >>
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>> the air force welcoming retirees to active duty after missing the enlistment target by 20,000 in the navy dropping requirements for high school diplomas and ged's the typical age range for it recruits 17 to 25 is at a 15 year low of medical students at ucla requiring to read scholarly
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articles that advocate for abolishing borders they argue that open borders are a remedy for elvis is one accuses republicans of creating hysteria around a border crisis for political gain. and hillary clinton facing backlash after calling travis kelce taylor's boyfriend.some fans say the congratulatory message was a backhanded compliment and somewhat disrespectful. and fans at allegiant stadium got a big helping of inflation along with their favorite football fair washington time set in order of surf and turf nachos at the game was 60 bucks. i will stick with a $15 hotdog. a mother who lost her son to gang violence is on videotape confronting a progressive la district attorney over his soft on crime policies she claims he has more sympathy for her son's killer then for her son. >> just a very tragic situation things got heated at a debate with a heartbroken mother confronted george cass conover
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how he handled the prosecution of a gang member who fatally shot her 25-year-old son. he has a heart for criminals listen to that exchange. >> my child was killed by a gang member and have more sympathy for the gang member that my childhood was killed in front of my home. can you explain to me? >> i am brokenhearted for your loss but it's an issue of insanity one over and over again expecting a different result. we as a country and a community have been doing the same thing for generations. >> this mom was coping with the loss of her son productive taking over as district attorney george gascon barred
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prosecutors from pursuing punishments for gang members a policy many challengers disagree with. when candidates were asked if they supported gang related crime enhancements george gascon was the only one who did not raise his hand. the election continues to put gascon policy under fire in his opponents accusing him of failing to seek justice for victims of severe crimes including tortured and murdered children. >> let's bring in the criminal defense attorney i want to play that again for the mom because it was compelling. her going after george gascon and gascon will be out of office in november. >> my child was killed by a gang member and you have more sympathy for that gang member than my childhood was killed in front of my home. i have been looking for years. >> his response was that they have been trying the same thing for hundred years but if you don't you have with this woman says is her son being killed we see it all over the country. >> it's heartbreaking and this is going to be on rewind and
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replay over and over until the prosecutors are elected out of office and what this victims mother is saying is essentially in legal and government terms you are not there to make the law you are there to enforce the law and on december 7 of 2020 when ga gascon came into office and he said get rid of and strike enhancements get rid of gang enhancements and gun enhancements you have to understand you can have an assault that could be a slap on a wrist or a minor prison sentence but if there is a gun involved that could go to 10, 20 years of life edited enhancement is out the door this victims mother is on point saying your job don't make the law and refused to enforce it. >> criminals know that the das are soft on crime here's a video that comes by open
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california it's an apple story guy goes in and steals as many phones as he can rip off and this whole thing is he walks out and there is a police car right there and he just keeps going with no consequences. he will do this again and again. assuming that's why the department of justice is looking at these cases and say on a federal level we will start putting these things together and we will have indictments of retail theft, conspiracy, individuals who came into the country to do that.number one an advertisement for those are sweats. how many phones can he fit in there and the entitlement of an individual like that to go in supposedly unarmed right in front of a police car he's probably upset he did not get a ride home. >> oakland had a crime community protesters a city council member.
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>> we are in an emergency situation. >> they lost their football team, basketball team. companies are keeping employees in businesses are going under because of crime and there is no solution on the horizon. assuming this is district attorney enforcing laws the role of a district attorney in any jurisdiction she has only been behind the home since last year would you think it's going to look like in the future and it's heart wrenching for the people who live in oakland but you have to look forward to it's almost an exodus to get out of the city unfortunately for many. >> everything is dropping it's a beautiful city and it's heartbreaking to see this. great to have you want. coming up an update on the story we brought you last week
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about eight elementary school that implemented a woke kindergarten program find out what happened to the teacher who blew the whistle and the terrifying moments after a toddler was spotted on a roof and one man jumped into an ostrich and an ostrich living it's best life. add a look at the famous bourbon streets in new orleans louisiana where mardi gras begins tomorrow. >> hi, i'm tali, and i lost 85 pounds on golo. all my life i struggled with my weight. i tried every diet, and i even had weight loss surgery. but, after complication, i had gained everything back extremely fast. i was unhealthy, miserable and depressed. following golo, and taking release,
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he exposed the failures of the program he was summoned to a video conference where he was told to turn in his keys and laptop and not come back. he was told it was due to allegations of unprofessional conduct. the suspension came a day after a divisive staff meeting at the elementary school including the superintendent. he told the san francisco chronicle i was shocked. this is my school i did not do anything inappropriate. and the hayward county school district which employs craven told the chronicle they would never put an employee on leave as a form of retaliation. >> they would never do that in a million years.
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you're the expert you have a fox nation special tell us about it. >> it's called 27 border crisis is a behind-the-scenes look we do shots at the border we get 90 seconds this is different hot spots along the border during the month of december which is the worst month in the history of the united states showing what's happening behind the scenes we don't get to see it massive illegal crossings human smuggling operatives in front of us that's on fox nation it's called 24 seven border crisis you can check it out on fox nation tonight. >> the voting for the special election to replace george santos the migrant crisis appears to be issue number one any race that could be for democrats of 2024 a look at the candidates kevin. soon as the democrat in the race actually takes a lead into election day but this is
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important a major snowstorm could affect turnout with goth of expected to see half a foot of snow tomorrow. the republican in the race is within the margin of error she is doing pretty well at issue are unfamiliar with her background she served in the israeli military and given the racist focus on illegal migration there's a lot of experts out there who believe she could make up the ground and ultimately overtake her democratic challenger and win this race. >> he is trying to run away from his record. >> still as is the case thousands more democrats turned out during the nine days of early voting in this race and despite efforts to fight it
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ballot harvesting is legal so that could favor the democrat in this battle it should make for interesting tuesday and the third congressional district covers nassau county and portions of northern queens we will see how it turns out. >> let's bring in the new york executive it's great to have you on i know you think that she can win the former seat of george santos here she is i want to get people to know her a little bit and get your take great >> when you are weak on crime and you don't support law enforcement and you have open borders this is a formula we are seeing for all these issues >> as she talks about the whole thing the immigration is something that new york people are fed up with.
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>> listen she is a fighter. she is bold. she is fresh, she is new and she realizes we have a failed policy at the borders biogen has opened the borders people are coming in we don't know if they are criminals, terrorists if they are dealing in drugs and it's become a major problem and i believe she will win because she's on the right side of the issues she supports law enforcement she wants to end the open border policies and we are very proud that she will be our congresswoman tomorrow night at 9 pm. >> anything that we can find about the migrants that have been terrorizing new york the "washington post" writes a member of nassau county legislator can beat a representative of the old iteration of the district previously that would ratchet up democrats concerned about
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headwinds in 2024. you think that is true bruce? >> absolutely i think she will win because people are fed up with open borders and lawlessness they have sticker shock at the grocery store or the gas station and she will fight against biden's failed policy she voted 100 percent with and this is a campaign to save america a majority of the house of representatives is at stake in she is the best candidates and she will win and shock everybody surprise everybody if she will be our congresswoman. >> does a snowstorm play into this at all? a foot in new york. democrats are better at the ground again what do you think about that? >> first of all we have a great department of public works men and women are out there they will be out there at 4 am we
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will have snow plows and salt trucks and nassau county is a very hearty and patriotic group of people. that's why they call us strong island and we will definitely paint the county read tomorrow. >> thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> first up big bird finished watching the sound of music or is trying to land a spot with the new york city ballet those twirls are impressive. the zookeepers say the ostrich was dancing like nobody was watching and a rhode island man is being called a hero after rescuing a toddler who climbed onto a roof through an open window. the mom left the window open because it was hot. nobody got hurt the child
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services got a call. if you are still shopping for a valentines gift you may or may not want to look at the build a bear adult only line of stuffed animals they are offering custom clothing including silk pajamas and a t-shirt that says daddy. and if you have a viral video share it with us at trace gallagher or fox news night on social media coming up travis kelce moment of rage when he shoved coach andy reid. was it inappropriate? some say it's unprofessional on other say it's part of the game. i know what i think. what you think? we are going to read some of your comments. still fascinating. and trace gallagher the night cap crew is next on travisa, avenue the anchor. >>d travis and anger. >>
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e me si mi papá estuviera vivo, sé que él tuviera orgulloso también de vivir de esta viviendo una vida como la que estamos viviendo ahora. es electricidad aquí es salud.
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>> we are back with the night cap crew. and tonight's topic, travis kelce emotional outburst at the super bowl where he shoved coach andy reid goes viral people debating if the action was appropriate. was it wrong? was that part of the sport?
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>> it was wrong on every level. if that was nick sabin or phil jackson or my reaction would be the same. don't do that. you lose control this is a great coach and i pulled for the chiefs but that was below the belt. >> your thoughts on this. >> i am not a football expert. i'm a classical ballet dancer but i don't say is ever appropriate to be shoving and yelling your boss which is what his coach is to him. really i watch the super bowl for the concert and i feel like that was the shining moment. >> you cannot do it. there are codes of conduct in the nfl physical conduct contact is never warranted. even the most aggressive ones do not act this way violates
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the pecking order. >> so was travis kelce shoving andy reid inappropriate? yes 85 percent yes so do nine percent most people are like yes. >> it was inappropriate all the way but i understand the frustration. you see a teammate making a turnover but it does not excuse his behavior. >> inappropriate and anyone who has played sports will tell you you should be disciplined enough it's a position of authority and respect and a few weeks before he was caught on camera throwing his helmet and he basically had to take him out of the game for that completely uncalled for. we get it. the juices are flowing >> i talked to my old college football coach and i can guarantee you it would not have flown and it will not fly
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today. that's the general on the field and he commands respect you don't say boo to your coach. and andy reid was his coach and needs to get respect this game is not about him and he should be mindful of the example he is setting for younger people and canada. the difference maker was upset his team was losing he was only targeted one time during the first half and during the second half any coach would be fine with this and carmella, inappropriate he should get some repercussions for his actions biggest game of the year to act like a crybaby. you know how many kids who don't get put in the game and don't get put in the game and they don't push around. >>lo at high risk for fracture taking calcium and vitamin d may not be enough. adding prolia® is proven to help strengthen bones and reduce spine fracture risk by 68% with 1 shot every 6 months.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'm jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld, who promises to insult me. it's 5:00 in n


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