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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 12, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ >> jesse: i'm jesse watters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., dana perino, and greg gutfeld, who promises to insult me. it's 5:00 in new york city, and
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this is "the five." ♪ ♪ it's a full-blown media mutiny against the elderly man with a poor memory. the liberal press is openly . the liberal pres eis now calling for joe bide tonight step aside as they question his age and cognitive decline. 86% think he's too old to serve. that includes 7 pp3% of democrats. that's probably why they're running these back to back a hit pieces. one is from the editorial board saying the quote challenges of an aging president. and one column aing it more bluntly. saying quote, it's not should joe step aside. it's how. they send his army of smooth talking democrats to talk about his mental state and blame the media. >> he's sharm and on top of
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things. >> one thing joe biden is ever going to do is quit. >> the most difficult part about preparing interest a meeting with joe biden is preparing for it. because he is sharp, detailed oriented and focused. >> if the press is focused erelentlessly on things that don't folks on his body of work. >> you're banging your head against the wall it has been covered. >> wall to wall coverage whether a guy four years older than his oponebant is to old to be president. >> it way polls are the way they are is because they're buying into the narrative that democrats are amplifying. >> and no hatter how he tries to asure americans that his brain is working right, check out the president bumping his head while aaaexiting amarine
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one this weekend. he didn't realize it was the joke. >> i know i don't look like it, but i've been around a while. i know i remember that. >> how do you think they digested this news dump and the press conference afterwards? >> they're sitting in there like a cliff bar. they never digest it, and i can't stand it. and i never bumped my head. >> no? >> i'm tooer short. it it must have hurt. i sought a tweet over the weekend that was talking about 1984, reagan was too old. he was 73, and bob was too old in 1976 when he was 73, and mccain. but last week, the press was able to look the other way on biden, and 86% of americans said this is actually
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what we think. and if i was in the white house, i would be, like, how are we supposed to fight against 86% of the country. you can send out as many people as you want to say he's great. that's not what people are seeing. people might have respect for him. people might have respect for the office of the presidency, but they see what they see, and the knives are out. and i feel like last week was the death nail interest the campaign. i don't know if they know that yet, and if they don't know make any changes, they're likely to have a loss in november. >> they say they should eprepare for a meeting with joe biden. does anyone believe that? >> no, i don't think so e. but what's amazing, and it's great news, and i that negativity. but it's so like you. >> it's so like me. >> yeah. 86% agree that joe is a problem who finally fulfilled
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one campaign promise. he unified the country. i mean 86% don't agree on anythinger, anything. this is a moment. this is our national an them. we don't need two of them here, but i think, you know, going to what they were saying, maybe s it's not about dementia. it's about dmementia plus joe biden because when he was youngerer, he wasn't a -- he was narcissistic and blow hard an and i think we're crediting dementia is stolen valor. i mean, you could argue that the dementia is containing joe. finding out joe has dementia is like finding out the titanic has rust. it just came a little later. i love that they say the white house staff is banging their heads against the wall. they're doing that
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because that's the only way they can understand the president. i think they should be grateful biden got this far. he's, like, a car driving on bald tires on fumes, and they kept driving past the exit, next gaft, four miles, next gaff, 15 miles. we can make it. we can make it. so the media and the white house, they deserve props for keeping him president this long, for protecting him. you heard them say he has a super power. that's like saying the hulk has super power, but his clothes don't fit. it's just what you see. >> it's now blatant speculation about replacing him at the convention this summer. >> yeah. politico talked abou how he can come out the office and hane tain his dignity, and
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that's the primary on june 4th to say i won the rhymeary. i'm fit to serve, but i understand the public's concern. i'm going to release my delegates and i've defeated donald trump once. and his delegates don't automatically go to kahala. and 86% of the country can agree that the sun shines on a sunny day. i mean, you just can't do that, and in the swing states, more than 76% of the people believe he's too old and doesn't have the cognitive ability to run for second term. i don't think he can finish this term. and one of the issues for me is that when you have a presidents who wasn't aware that his secretary of defense was not around in a time where we're in the middle o2 wars, when men are being hit and the service men and women with traumatic brain injuries and all other kinds of
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injuries, when you have a guy testifying before congress, the homeland security secretary says, the border has been secure for ten years, he's not in sync with any of the people in his administration. you have to say who is running it, but is he talking to anyone? but here is the bigger issue, he needs to take a cognitive test. there's too hutch at stake. 86% of americans think he's too old cognitively. the special counsel came out and said hey, everybody. i spent five hours with this guy. i spent five hours. he's a well-meaning man with a deficient memory, with a poor ememory and diminished faculties. in the end, he's got to take a cack cognitive test, and they should release the transcript of the interview that led the special counsel that said you can't prosecute him. and so what we've got to figure out is how this
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translates from there isn't anyone who would give the guy a regular job. would you appoint joe biden interest anything? no. but we've got him running the country? the whole thing is ridiculous, and it's got to come to an end somehow. >> so who has this conversation, herald? is it dr. jill? is it barack obama? what's the process if this happens this way? >> they'll be back around the table. i think you mentioned one of two names that will probably be there. let me take a step back. i think it's healthy that our press is raising these questions. we think, around the table justify, i think critical, when everyone in the broader press is not raising things we're raising. well, they are raising the issues now a. and it accelerated us to this point. to both of these can s dts, i think we shouldn't kid ourselves. both of them probably lost their fast balls. both are probably old. we live in a country where innovators
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and ideas throughout our 200-year history have been able to emerge in business and academ a academia, and democrats ask themselves, is this the best we can do. i'm not an ageist. i'm suggesting they're not capable and smart. but i think at some point, they ask these questions, and to your point, they will have some questions to answer. if 85% plus of the country believe over the next few months our nominee could not last for four more years, you can't ignore that. you can ignore it if you want to lose, but i think at some point, dwroourf factor all those things in. i'm happy to see him take sh of the advice, which is tick off the things you've done. talk about the thick things you want to going forward. identify over the next 5 to 15 years, what's the
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issuess our country will take on in the next few years. what is it that you're going to do that makes you so unique that the country has to have you and your so indispensable. >> you said he did that? >> he ticked off some of the things. neither have it. all trump is criticize. and all biden does, i don't think he's doing an effective -- neither of them are. >> he's incapable. >> i have to take issue. it only reason they're doing it. >> but they did it because they're unavoidable. s it's, like, the border issue and crime issue, they wait interest the breaking point, when their back is up against wall, and maybe dead man walking, and i'm not sure walking, maybe dead man napping. >> i don't disagree with you, but i said last week, it would be, like, democrats, if you want to bring the border thing up, it would be like democrats saying to a republican president, we're not going to
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bring gun bill because we don't want you to get credit for it. i say if someone comes around, i say come on. >> but they would have maybe haed a different decision over the holidays about him running again if the media hadn't sheltered them from this criticism. >> well, if it was a report in december. you're right, it might have been a catalyst. >> you don't. you don't. it was obvious to the public, he can't walk without stumbling, and interest the first time i saw him trip a that graduation, he couldn't get up. he tried to get up once, and he couldn't get on his own. i heen, this is a real problem. he stumbles. he's angry as he has to defend helfz. that's part of the cognitive decline. he gets angry in front of us. >> is that what it is? >> yaa. >> herald, you tried your best. >> coming up, joe biden spent his super bowl sunday in the most putheic way possible, yelling at the makers of
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: joe bide . jeanine: joe bide joe biden may have snubbed his big super bowl interview, but the elderly man with a poor memory wasn't going to let it go to waste. instead of letting americans enjoy the game, he blasted snack companies for inflation. >> super bowl sunday, if you're anything like me, you like to be surrounded by snacks. while
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buying snacks, you might have noticed sports drinks are smaller and bag of chips are smaller. as an ice cream lover is that ice cream cartons have shrunk in prize. some are trying to shrink the products little by little and hopefully you won't notice. give me a break. >> and if that wasn't embarrassing enough, the chief in commander also using super bowl sunday to officially get his campaign on tiktok despite his own fbi warning that it is a national security threat. >> game or halftime show? >> game. >> kelce or mama kelce? >> mma a. she makes good chocolate chip cookies.
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>> the biden cam spain bragging about using a chinese spy app even though he signed a law banning it on all federal devices. i want to start with the snacks first, jail go to you jessie. biden nomics. remember last year was a big oil and then big meat the was responsible, and then last week, it was grocery stores that made a 1 to 2% profit from their sales. and now it's the big snack companies that are it bad guys. isn't it all about biden-nomics? >> yeah. nothing is shrinking except approval ratings. ice cream comes in pints. they've always come in pints. they're not getting any smaller. every time i buy a bag of potato chips, it's half chip, half air. that's the same thing. did he open a thing of brprings and it wasn't as much? that's
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not how it works. they settle mini gatorades. this guy is pointing the finger everywhere, and we want to know how he's going to reduce big ticket items like lumber, hair spray. travis kelce or jason kelce? obviously jason kelce's wife is an eagles fan. and is it the national an them or black national anthem? this is stupid. i would say i was at the first asuper bowl, and i would bring cook prices down. maybe not that far. i also heard usher was performing at halftime. i hope everyone finds their seat afterwards. just be stupid about it. you don't have to pretend you're hip. >> that's good. you know the rules for me, take a listen to
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this sound from rick and kirby. >> i'm just trying to square why a president would use this from weighing a national band on national security. >> i can't speak to a band. that policy remains case, i can't speak to the decisions of the campaign. >> obviously that's referring to tiktok. >> yeah. this is a much bigger deal than it is being covered. i think tiktok video is bigger than the inflation, and it's, oh, s it's cute. and it's not reaching the targ at audience. they have used the personal information against us, and they will n future. and that is why biden banned it on all federal devices. many have done the same, butheir campaigns, i have a tiktok
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account, just not on my government account. and i think americans would like real answers on this. i think tiktok is here to stay. i don't want to hear anything from democrats about social media companies if this is going to be the decision. on the inflation video, you see how many ed sts they had to do? that's an interesting thing, and this is why people prefer to have conservatives in the office who can make business decisions. who skips doing a freener view in order to spend millions of other people's money on an ad that is going to get trashed? that's what joe biden did. >> and in the ad, one of the things jamesed was joe biden not doing the super bowl interview is an indication that your staff doesn't have much confidence in you. is it that, or they know you can't survive it? >> i thought he should have done the super bowl interview. and the was good advice you
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gave him. they should have used it for a moment. and we'll get to the black national an them. and they have to explain to me, if they ban it from devices, how is it okay from the campaign? they should do it rather than sooner and not put the young john pierre out there before that. it's a legitimate question. if you're going to talk about inflation, talk about the things you've done and are doing. i think if you're going to make a joke, call jessie. >> call jessie for the joke. did you hear that? no one has ever said that. >> if you want to laugh, call greg. >> all right, greg. you want to respond? >> yeah. it reminds me so much of the budlight situation about not reading the room. s it's the biggest snack day in
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america a, and andy rooney goes after snacks. that's kind of a buzz kill. you go to a wedding reception and talk about divorce s rates. do you go to a kids' party and go one year for death, junior? obviously biden is not in charnel. maybe it's a woman not hired by bud. and maybe he goes on tiktok. i know why he's immune. it's the brainp washing industry, and you can't wash something that's not there. that's why jessie never has to shampoo his hair. >> i've spent plenty of money on shampoo and conditioner. >> and hair spray. >> and hair spray. they're getting cleared out for a leeo nardo dicaprio movie. mplants
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changes your struggle with missing teeth forever. it changes how you eat, how you feel, and how you enjoy life. movie. and they can change yours, too. because a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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okay, when you turn around, you're gonna see someone. may i have a turkey and cheese? let's imagine that ll cool j has a bubble around him. -do we want to be inside -- ohh. -hey, i'm keith. there are some situations that young homeowners turning into their parents just can't handle. yeah, there he is. -there's my nephew. -very cool. i got a video of him, uh, playing piano. that's not how you take a selfie. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. -three, two, one. -we don't need a countdown. just take the picture.
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>> dana: that is the first of 2 bey >> s> that's the first of two beyonce songs i'll be playing. g country, i'm here for it.y, i'm here sacramento getting clearede out for an upcoming lee nardo dicaprio movie. the community is complaining about being forced out. >> it's a 24-hour period that you have to move your camp. >> i think a>> lot an of homels peopleey like the area they st in and like downtown. and they don't want to be moved so tar from downtown because they are homeless. talk about a rock and a hard place and the last time they of
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about this much energy into cleaning up the streets is the apex summit and biden's meeting with the chinese president. the nation not known for being a conservative people to say the least is that sacramento's rate of homeless per 1,000 residents is almost double of that san francisco. they've got to be furious. >> yeah. i'd be ticked off. i hearacin because of leo, they' replacing every rn18-year-old with a serbian model. but it tells you they can solve the te problem. they can solve the problem if they want to. maybe hollywood should start filming more movies in these cities that have problems. i noticed that san francisco has a 3% drop in homeless. that's down from 2019. that's roughly 280e to 300 people, which would be
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good thews until agoogle people who died from overdoses. in 2022, 647 people, so their decline ine in homelessness, w it's, like, they've decided to let the problem take care of itself andm de its conservesat that areane inhumane or lack compassion, they say if they keep shooting up, they'll be , done. >> and why don'twhy actors sp upf of on behalf of these peop and say this isn't right? they live in california and have residence are there. they could have purchase with them. >> and they certainly have the podium. if they want to get out there anisd help people, e that's what they're all about,s right, jessie? what's so pa interesting,re it was in the filminheg y area. they put th tickets on them and say you have to be out of here in 24
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hours. but what the packet said was through outreach and engagement through the city resource coordinator, we offer them services and connections t through placement. whyden you do that for no. 1, if you were able to move two out. if you're ablmovee to move 20 to out, do it. it says instead oo doing this for movies, and by the way, the movie companies should pay for the cleanup, not thayere taxpayers. but if you going to do it for a movie se, maybe we should show america interest what it looks like and people might not be in such a m rush to come here from other er countries. they say it looks like honduras there. i'm not going. buthey talk about how it's 650 drug deaths in the tenderloin district alone, which is about 215 a year, b which i figure to be four a week are just dying one after
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another after another. and now they're talking about putting a hotel in. a hotel is a good idea. you have to be sober. u they say we're not going to stop you from using drugs. but we want you to be sober. the " might be inconsistent, buat least they're trying something small. maybe that a'll work. who knows. i don't have the answer. i don't know where the hotel should go. but london breeze is in big trouble. s trying to come up with some idea. maybe you have an idea for her, greg. hasn't called me. >> she should call for the jokes and the laughs jessie, maybe we should ask for a movie set, and we could clean up fort homeless problem. >> that would be good idea. >> that's why johnny was going
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around the block all day? >> yeswa, an exinterest a. >> it was aa penguin movie. >> so homelessness is just a jobs program fors everyone homeless. it's two bureaucrats that collect the check from th taxpayers to make their life easier. mitt do you know how i? you need to hire an army of sp specialists to deal with all of these anowing government t if you're a homeless junky, he makes it so easy. here's a heed theal and sleeping bag andvers cash. i' like to reverse that. i'd likn for the government to make our liveomels easier and the lives the homeless more difficult. maybe go by with a blow horn and say you likeke c camping s much, we'll take you ato the grand canyon maybe go to the puacisc and take a dip because you can't live like this. when i thrt viewed a homeless person
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for get ityo together, he had likes when he was treated like a raccoon by the nypd. they would poke him on the subway. and they'd say get up. and he respected that because he would get up and go detox. and you realize this is a crisis they don't want to feedarol but ama money. >> when you were mayor of new york, what would you do? >>e we did a story where i believe the governor, something was coming to thuge state, and cleanertsd up parts of it and f you have this. politicians need to get serious aacross had the board. we seem to have lost a muscle to softball our problems. yes, everyone is given thoughts and ideasf on ho abow to solve these problem i'm not sure all of them are fa the most actionable. but the fact we're being bold about it, we lost the compel to do the sensis and do things. you
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think about the challenge fromr social security, the people living longer. social security wae s initiated in the average age. and the madeian age was 63. the program didn't start until 65. that should change. we should think about how ewe solve challenges. even last week, we have to think about how to fund ukraine and our border. we have to think about how tocan' solve our problems.r can't solve them because your a celebrity or have an out of town guest coming. those of ui who live these cities and pay taxes in thesethes cities and e our kiesd in these cities and e adults, do it for us. >>nd yeah. what about us is wt i want to know. the super bowl lives up to ththe e hype inclu the big moment travis kelce shoving his coach and usher tearing up the halftime show.
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♪ ♪ the kansas city chiefs wits the champs again a to win the have bowl the next year in a row. patrick mahomes throwing thnie game winning touchdowns. but it wasn't pig skins that gougt america talking. it was the shoving and chugging antic taylor swift and her had boyfriend travis kelce. taylor swift caught on the jumbotron,e anr-d usher rolling into our hearts in the halftime show, and it looks like someone nailedne the score of the supec bowl.
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>> 49ersit or chiefs? >> 25-22, kansas city chiefs. . pretty amazing, guys. yeah. thank you, herald. you didn't see that one coming. you saide you were t surprised how few white people were in the ads and it ones that were portrayed were morons. what's this worlt coming to? >> i was hot behind jessie. he edid not f had-did not say that. l he did not say that. t was a a heck of a game. it wa a thought it was going into av overtime. one thing sun deniable. tr patrick mahomes i the face of th e nfl. he's not the greatest. tom is still the
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greatest, but patrick is still on his way to be the greatest quarterback the league has ever known. >> you know, dana, when they were died, was it 19-1916-1? they said they were starring a new game. but if that's the case, fwhyden we play the fir one? >> yeah. why go straight to that? >> yeah. exactly. i say that all the time. >> ikati love roller skating ao halftimell show. i'm a big re roller skater. i would like to make that a big xback. i woula be taylor swift we will checking water an and make it look like beer. i learned thao from my grandfather woo was a county commissioner and throw i the beer in thnge plant. >> are you calling taylor swift a liar? >> no. i'm calling her responsible. i don't know. i do want to mention this. it
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was analysis i thaw was really brilliant. >> what? >> it looked like three is very different than 4. and this was because san francisco missed thats extra point. and i sai that's a brilliant analysis. and i'm goinlig to steal it. three is very different than four. done ever forget eit. >> yeah. especially in a hot u tub. what was your take on the game? you enjoyed it? >> i loved, wh it it. even n t half, which was kind of boring, buit was a great game at the same time. and san francisco played a great game, and the niners, as they call it were very good. mr. relevant there. >> brockk purdy. >> yeah. brock purdy, he was impressive. and it was kicking made in history. and moody broke the record of 55 yards.
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and this whole thing about travis g kelce getting into a thing with with the coach, look, these guys are gradators. and he was basically saying put me in coach because it was a fumble. and i don't think it the energy, the passion. i want to go if n there, and i wt to win. >>in." see, i thought he was sg i can't stand taylor's music. g i can't stan "d it it, coach. >> oh, and by the way, i got to thing, i'm it one who said the game would be 24-20. >> there you go. >> we had th 24-e winner. >> jessie, i was irritated by the constant camera shots of taylor and little orphan annie up there. it was, like. >> ice spice? >> ya. >> i was asking who the other women were. >>de it was a t na del ray.
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yeah, blakvee lively. i didn' really care for that. anyway, the black national apothem, herald, what is that about? >> why are we having a black national an them? i have no idea. that came ow of nop where, and i don't know the lyrics. that's cup fusing. and post malone, i thought america thtie beautiful was mes amazing, i had tears in my eyes. and then the game in starts, sloppy first quarter, and i think andy flopped. he didn't get hit that hard. clown, it was a flop. and then i had to drive to my house and missed nothing and missed a field goal. great second half. and then hthene ruins the end marinate. he's talking all over that last touchdown. drove me crazy, and then i'm watching the cutest thing. you know how women watch sports and
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sa y funny things. she says why is mahomes wearing invisiline the whole game? i said that's his mouth piece. she said no. it'sd: invisaline. >> i thought usher was great. i was so happy to see him and luda and lil wayne. they weren't the only ones causing drunk chaos at the tournament. for you or someo? now is a great time to take a look at getting a safe step walk-in tub. with safe step's standard heated seat and new fast fill faucet, you can enjoy a nice warm bath up to 20% faster! and the convenient touch pad control is right at your fingertips. each tub comes standard with a dual hydrotherapy system.
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tournament. it wasn't just a super bowl crowd that was getting rowdy. to briefly stop selling beer, b drunkeeen fans caused all sortr of mayhem. a frat boy got arrested o after jumping don't ever and making snow angels in the sand. and it was plenty of fights. this guy was walking around in a wedding dress, and it wasl ho getting turned into animal house.
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>> i didn't see this before. >> what are your thoughts? >> i mean, it's so proper, el patience and manner and silence p. and then all of a sudden, they're drurng and doing snow r angels in the sand? i heen, it is a frat part ey. >> well, that's the 16ing, the most unique hole in you're a golfer, what did you think about this? >> i am disgusted, harold. they need top, bring back prop sportsmanship,d in back when everybody wore their collared shirt. >> they think they're starring in a movie, and if no one had phones, no one would be doing that. although, it was good es content from the show. >> and that's a guy from philly. >> and now they're calling it s the wasted management. and i haveney. two friend from michi you know who you are. i found
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ou t they were there, and i bet they were part of the rb. >> it was called waste management not wasted management. you know the taperer fat guy? oh, you don't know the tat guy, dang it. i have to say it's drunk people who perform a service. withou them, wouldn't have real enter tame, because les be honest. golf is boring. whu they've done is add sp flash and xime. s it's nice to see brawls not in wall heart or mcdonald's. when you see it in walisl mar, the pants are coming down because it's no one wear belts. and they've got the khakis. jes >> the needlepoint brawl is what you're saying? >> yeah. >>n ho and they make us look g and this guy, look at him. >> weren't you a boy, jessie?
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don't deny it. >> no,ha i didn't do anything n like that. >> important condition, cauva. caveat. one hoar thing is up next. simparica trio is the first chew with triple protection. whoa fleas! and ticks! (♪) intestinal worms! whoa! heartworm disease! no problem with simparica trio! this drug class has been associated with neurologic adverse reactions including seizures. use with caution in dogs with a history of these disorders. for winning protection— go with simparica trio.
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up credit up builder economy. we do the work. >> you get the credit but ifow , and you know that your hand if you're happy and you know ride your bike ifod
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a month online, we'll sendto kid you this adorable love to thes rescue blanket as a thank you. rescue blanket as a thank you. and of nine give all the smiles9 you bringing to kids faces you bringing to kids faces every day what's gave and again ,you send your love to the rescue when you call the number for right now and give as little as $19 a month, just $0.63 a day, you'll be making a life changing difference for a chilcd just like sarah. just like sarah. your monthly gift today could change your life forever because of you. >> we're happy. >> we're happy. and thank you. thank you. thank you. than thank you. to lov please go online right now. again, if our friends are busy, please wait patiently. google my friend at the or right away. ask for the facts. >> she's shopping for a used car, but she doesn't know that nearly half of them have been in an accident. luckily, carfax shows how accidents impact price so
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she doesn't have to overpay. >> unpause while this is cool, the all-new car back to the car at home. officer are being assaulted on a variety of calls and around the globe there's just a tremendous amount of scorched earth way down. israel faces new pressure about the looming offensive fox news general america is watching. it's time now for one more" thing, judge. >> all right. >> j you. tnow forjudge? all right. major female empowerment was on display this week at duringwd new york fashion week. over the weekend, moms and soon to be momm bmmy models walkr hi the runway. some even with children on their hitp. casin showcase in collections aimed at women's empowerment. i mean, what stop a jesse what a great way to highlight motherhood and celebrate pregnant women's bodies with beautiful and comfortable garments. >> see, that's the thing the fashion industry kind garmnshion.about pregnant wome
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and to include them in fashion is a great thing. thin i'vetiful?liest things theg ever seen. eon't get me wrong, they com and get you. beautiful. do you honestly believe what you saw there wasng attractive yet at the club? . inse for women, greg, that's not for a pregnant woman. trust me. all right. tonight we have a great show from the sopranos, the classic drea de matteo. michael loftustyrus. kat timpf. >> tyrus. hey, let's do this great parent parenting tips. >> yeah, i hope you do thi yous jesse, when you're on the road, does nothing. >> this is a great little hacktn . >> when you got a baby, justbaby when you just put itn th like, e that that's right in there. ess >> yeah. and it's very easy. i love it. there you go it. g: there. >> dana there was an anonymous>d good samaritan in rhode island. checan samaritk out this video. he jumped into action to save a toddler from falling off a balcona y. indo the toddler had walked out of a window. he saw it. the side of theve side
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wall to save the baby. >> and he is amazing. that wouldn't have happened if they had a luggage. man. empowerment. way to go. yeah. e >> and there's a parade on politics podcast with matt gorman tonight. just a word from time. we have rfk jr. we have vivek ramaswamy stea l adam corolla. and then gianni paid a visit to craig. >> the stuffer in a.c. watch craig get out my facfeet. le. so i have to lay one of these down. get out of my face . >> okay. oh, the bad stuff are not too happy with giann>>i. >> harold. wow, that was a black history month kind of thing. after a navy seal is surprised his little sister at school after being deployed this second class petty officer came to see a sister in temperance, michigan, reunited. theye lo clapped. >> it was a great story. great, great thing. great stor wattersy. welcome to jesse waters. prime time tonight.wa >> is it too late for democrats? to change horses? >> it's never too late. he is old. n >> it's never going to get better. joe biden and the greatter.


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