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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 13, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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a traditiorin of super bowll sue interview for the second year in a row. and while the presiden intervit couldn't be bothered to sit down before the big game, he ironically did find time to call out the snack companies for a shrinked deflation. >> take a look. horror stories, piles of bag of chips as sure as chips. they're still charging just f as much as an ice cream. or what makes me the most angry is that ice cream parties have actually shrunk in size and noreamt in price. i've had enough of what they call shrinkflation. >> it's a rip off. i'd say it's biden. inflation. that's all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. please set your dvr so you never, ever miss an episode of hannity. let your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld to put a smile on me. all right. okay.
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okay. okay. okay. i'm here. i ami'm let's share. >> let's back on.k all right. happy monday, everyone. >> roll that. thank you. so according to a new poll,e jo 86 of americans now agree that joe biden is too old forr a second term and the other 14% say he's too old for last rites . >> i know that was harsh. now you know you're in trouble when en the percent of americans amei who say you're too old is actually higher you than your age. >> we can't get 86% of people to oppose murder. but think about it, 86% americans are finally united.s joe biden's promise finally came through. nallhe brought us together and l i mean, in believing that he's a yes, but still. s what's even sadder, however,
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is that it took a specialo prosecutor's investigation to convince dead and democrats a to come around to what's been obvious to us for a long time, that thereenobvious is brain de is. >> robert herz investigatesbide and may have been about biden's handling of classified documents, but in the end, it d was really a wellness check on the old guy in the white house that's been missing in action. in the white? o exactly what we already knew. the lights are on, but no one's home. now, you know, things are bad whw, you know, things are bad you've lost a female who slept with bill clinton, but also hillary clinton. >> i talked to people in the whit hille house the time and, l you know, they know it's an issue. but as i like to say, look, it's a legitimate issue. >> mm-hmm. sotimate hillary, from this to s maybmate hillary, from this to s >> oh, shut up. so maybe she's thinking, though, that she can replace
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biden. once gavin newsom and michelle obama kill themselves. yeah. it's not against a lot of pose questions, but it gets worse. >> over at the progressive mothershipobam, the new york tis ran no fewer than three editorials focusing tha on this dark moment in biden's presidency, questioning his temperament and cognitive sharpness. they even included it in their in puzzle.included it in their nine across the hinge was ice cream eating cadaver that dust. carv. so bad. quote the combination of biden's age and his absence from the public stage has eroded the public's confidence ,the paper said. >> he looks as if he's hiding or worse, being hidden. true. if the staffers could, they'd throw a sheet over him. >> but that would only bringld back memories of lunch with robert byrd t. he was in the kkk. t
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yep. that's so you remind remind people. sobirdas joe's lost it. and the dems are freaking out on cnn. democratic advisor paul begala said this. >> i'm a biden supportersaid ani slept like a baby last night. i woke up every 2 hours crying and went to bed. this is this is terrible for democratd s. yeah, terrible for democrats, but also terrible for your wife . i mean, she she's marriedr de to paul begalamocr and he wet the bed. but there are holdouts. still. the la times asserts that because joe came of age when politicianse joe cae wh tog causes, it's actually biden's age that is his superpower. >> right. that's like saying iron man superpower is rust. >> here's a closer look at super joe. can you tell m n e what this is? >> ban on transistor american trash gender,o lick americans. let's go make the world for muslim, for richer, fo tr muslim athletes like kareem al-jubeir. >> al-jubeir and and joan
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judge, i'm sure changa cohen, koala pools. yeah. talk the club. the guys who the kleptocracy. >> apparently joe superpowers don't include talking and walking. if he were a superpower, don't his would be the stumbles. of course, the white house is pushing back saying we don't blame republicans for their desperation to forgete do' the biden presidency. well, no, the problem isn't trying to forget. remember, the report sayanshe joe doesn't know when he was vice president. was vic he's the one doing the forgetting. but the question i keep having is is this really dementia? what about illness? was guiltydeme of stolen valor?
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i mean, even a young joe biden was a dishonest, amoral, narcissistic saying joe has dementia. >> it's like saying heroin may cause drowsiness. i mean, for joe dimaggio, maybe the on an already cupcake. >> and that's a problem, america. which is why the dems are getting desperate and stupid. a [bethe biden-harris campaignt joined communist china's social media platformbiden-, tiktok. this after biden had signed a law banning tiktok fromtiktok government phones. luckilm govey, too senile to beo prosecuted. but let's not forget tiktok'ss mission is to brainwash american users. luckil brainwashy, biden remain. you can't watch >> you don't have.yo >> it's why you never see michael loftus at a laundromat . he doesn't have close. >> all right. but as biden skipped the traditional super bowl sunday interviewn skip, the whie
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house released a video with joe complaining about snacks, the super bowl sunday. >> anything like me you like to bng me, ye by a sniper, tooo watching the big game. you know, when buying snacksrt for the game, you might have noticed one thing sports teamss drinki plows a smr bag of chips is full of chips. they're still charging you just as much. i've had enough of what they call shrinkflatio whan. >> i'm calling on companies to put a stop to this. now. >> yeah. potato chip bags used to be fuller. you know, like joe's dependss ud ah, today. but think about it. toda snackst ut it. on the biggest snack day in the universe. y talk about not reading room. the room. it's like bringing up roe v. wad e, a baby shower. thank you, michael. now the her report sets up an unsolvable equation. call it the biden paradox. if joe biden is incompetent, too incompeten bident, be charg,
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then how can he be competent to be our president? and if he is competent to be president, then why wasn'tent to he charged like trump was? >> apparently? the answer is jonathan, turley points out, it's for the white house to claim the fault lies with robert her, not the president, who can't tell egypt from mexico. co >> but as joe would say, denial isn't. >> just a river in tijuana. let let's speak directly to thet media. those legacy reportersers who continue to deny what nearly all americans know to be true. thisamericane. is a watershed m. we've all heard the her report. we've seen the conclusiod n frot someone who got to interview the president without you. intervthe media running interfee if you're ever going to regain anrunniny, you might want to coo clean. otherwise, you're going to end up jusing to endt like joe bide
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foot in the grave and the other in your mouth. >> let's go. i guess his pronouns are and mo founder of the barniclel after we promise not to whack her at the end of tonight's show. actress and co-founder of ultra free drag day mattel . ateo she's like the wings from last night. hot, dry and bony. "new york times" best selling author and fox news contributor got this from my father and he uses hockey stick to picks his teeth. "new york times" best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champion tyrus. s michael, you as a homeless, you hang out anymore. i prefer i the environmentally friendly same sex engineer.
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hey, hey, hey. you're around. you know, demented people. uh, do you give the media any credit now that they're admitting it? well, here's what they're admitting that they're in bed with the democrat party, trying to show the door right there. >> and that's whenin they're trying to make ig tot about. it's about age. it's about age. no, no. it's about him it is him being. >> a mental midget. he has been for a really longmet timeal. n't chan but you can't change it up at this point in the game. it's like to vegas, right? goint and you're playing blackjack and then the dealer go, now, ho i got 23. you know what? this is about agw i e. this is really. i don't want that. sorry,y. joe. joe now, and he's always. su he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. bowling are sharper. ice is sharper. that's why he enjoys ice cream. because it makes him feeshl smat . yeah. you know what? he started off with a deficit. if anybodyic up with him,
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you knew that he. he was. what do they say? t. all had no cattle. he's all hair plugs and cattle . >> and he makes me reallmakey no nervous when he starts talking about snacks. yeah, i didn't likus whee that t tock. he's like an if you're like me, i'm not, i'm not likif you a!e . like if you're like me, you geta a strangers eight-year-old s and try to smell their hair. g: i'm so excited that you're here. i love the sopranos. a i love you. even though you don't remember meeting me in 2000 at a strip club. i'm sure we were wasted. we were pretty high. at least i wasn't. you were. but i never did. >>ers can't say that enough.y th what do you make of what'sh wh going are do you think joe'sl still going to be on the ticket? ? what? not happening. i mean, first of all, i think he was right about one thing.t one thing. the snacks. that's i t. akini just the freakin' snacks. but i meansn, how i listen,
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i voted for him and i've neverin voted. s, >> yes, yes. no, you're right. you people have to. christopher, have to grow up. cl you have to come down here. we have a guest at our house. you will act accordingly. three children. i'm going to be honest, going to be really honest because, you know, no one values that anymore. >> so that, yeah, i have never voted in my life. i was anti-establishmentblishmen my whole life. probably more on the libertarian side. myr me to vote forn wh biden when when all brokee loose with the whole like because my nanny was illegale m yeah. and i was like, all right, well, we have to take care of her. i have spent all this friggin mone ll thi y, take care of her. and we were afraid we couldn't get her in new york. so it was like a whole big thing. now i have felt more regret in my life. >> i, i appreciate that you
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guys just let him over. >> pat, would you like to say something that gets boos or applause? how are you spelling? i know , i actually i actuallyg bo don't let that dictate what i say. yeah, i'm going to say that i s saw that l.a. times headline over the weekend about how joe's age was a super power. i saw it on twitte superr and is like, this isn't real. yeah, i was like, i'm not going i ah, i was like, i'm not going for it and i was like, okay, it's real. but i was likef thos, i'm not gg to be one of those idiots that only reads the headline because i hate i would hate whenheadli. o people did that to me. a lot of times the writer doesn't choose the headline. could it possibl by be sayingibl that this is a good thing? i read the whole thing? it is what you were saying within like the third sentence. he actually said that his age was a superpower. and so i kept reading. i'm like at point the author of this will acknowledge that we have some of right to be concerned about the
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things that we've seen. nope seen., because the presidey doesn't require carrying sofas uprequire carryi the white house don't gaslight me. >> he can carry himselfe can' the stairs. okay? and then i'm like, maybe lik i'm like, maybe the next sentencee th. increa it's like, well, science increasingly finds that aging brains make more connections . connecti that may be true. aging brains make more connections, but doesn't forainn makes any but doesn't connection. i just, for example, the connection between when a personr exampl you can't hangt with them on any more in the probably not in the room. in that.ably not in the room. >> nowhere in the article at all did they acknowledge a what we are watching is not a superpower s. no, we used to be a superpowerma remember that tyrant, but with his superpower, we're no longer a superpowers.. a >> listen, his age is asupe superpower and hate to disagree. at his age is a superpower.s ag >> yeah, it's his dementia that's because we
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have brilliant old people everywhere. grandma and grandpa. >> so great minds. the stories, we. >> they put that number. it's his age. it's not his age . ct it's his mouth. and the fact that his eyes t can't even work together to be open at the same time, he's like this ke. like this that tiktok video was so bad, you saw how many cuts was in a 15 seconds. that was 15 cuts. he literally one sentence cut, he literally one sentence cut, word he is has dementia. h yeah. ears and it probably started ten years ago. so we called it and also he has he has the evil man filter right and i can't wait to get mine when we get older we just say it doesn't make any sense. y and luckily for him he has a stutter because a few weeks
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ago he said, if you're going to mess with a woman, you better benefit from it. that's what he said.g to that's what he tried to say. a we heard was, when you mess h with a woman. >> so he says the world is. >> but the dementia is saving him. ye hims. by making him forget mid-stream. so midstrea he can be 86.t he can be 90. i met a 92 year old ladies weekend, knew every joke, hadum all the stuff together. i don't it's notof the the numbr off the table. yeah, it's his brain. it's pudding perios d. >> gre >> all right, we must move on. what did avlon up next?uit sm they got the chills whenok they got the chills whenok trump said pay >> if you try vaping the quit smoking, you might. you make progress. nices crav nine times unti more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes. it's increased cravings, it's increased cravings, trappingl od. in this craving loop, nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good.
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all right, all right. look, when trump says america should get paid, the media. >> here' get s russia should invade. >> the media might have found new russia hoax just in time for the next election. at a rally this weeken d called out any nato member that doesn't pay their fair share role. it i said everybody is going to pay they said well ,if we don't pay, are you still going to protect us? i said, absolutely not. >> well, sir, if we don't pay py and we're attacked by russia, will you protect us? i would not protect you. wh them not protect you. to do whatever the hell they want. now, the media claims he's saying russia should invade more countries, but what he's really saying, if wee prot protect you anecd don't pay, thn where is the incentive for you to pay f enough with ustectn protecting these euro deadbeats. a dealro is a deal.s deal it's bad enough we have to put up with soccer and women with armpit hair. wit
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path armpit hair. wit us pay your 2% of gdp to national. 2% we're not your daddy. or better yet, defend yourselves. n kill >> it's like when kilmeade keeps using my netflix passwordn . >> just pay the membership they do watches 50 shades of gray on repeat. >> so all trump saying is pay your bills. and now that's trump wants russia to invade. it's a typical media. they've done this before. e done tforetrump says. b let's buy greenland, trump says. let's drink bleach. trump says are fine people. nazs speaking of at least some may finally be admitting how these hoax have duped them. take actor michael rapaport. you remember michael from his greatest role, yelling incoherently at people on twitter in mittedhe to participating in the left's hoax regardingdmitte trump, calg white nationalists very fine people following the riotsg in you've also gotri with you that you know that one thing
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about the charlottesville that that that i rante lle.d about. >> yes and i was wrong because you said the both sides, s. you know, there's good people on both sides. and when you see the full quote. yeah, yeahee ful. that wasn't what he said and and you know i ranted on him hard for that. hard. there's some video about it. whatever i did, i did hard. >> i was like wouldn't worth talking about, man, because you got played. >> mm. so there's the dna. all right. all right. okay, but that's the dna of a hoaxdna , right there. and that was the hoax treated as fact that joe biden claims made him decide to run. it was a lie and amplified ad nauseam. like every other hoax, they isolate liberals from outside ideas and coerce them to believe the lie and then the dupes like rapaport literally have to be hit over the with the truth and not by nigerian bodybuilders paid by jussie smollett but juicy juicy hair myth.
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>> but we got to give credit to rapaport for owning up to his mistakes. a tyrus could rapaport be on the road to enlightenment now? he still trashesg.. >> he'll take something out of the show and they'll go like, these. ifsomethinhow. you're talking a, i'm winning. soking yeah, if they're not talg about you, you're not doing nothing right. if i don't make media at least if i don't make media at least threatening to my kids, i'm not doing my job her oe. i'm this isn't going to be popular because what i'm findin.g in the republican party e sports. we don't know how to play with a lead. yeah, we literally had. giftt dr dropped in our lap. hmm.op he's too dumb to be d president trump p goes out, and while wereside alt he meant, he just changed the news feed.
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>> yeah. what do we get?not believe that'sth not the time to go on the offense, but no more rallies. every every time joe speaks. >> fake two weeks off. yeah, because we're no longer about the most dangerous man e mostd flashy red buttons.n everyone's talking about rushd because. it's the other side that needs those storiet needs. because unlike what kat pointed out, people don't read the full quote. michael rapp yeah, he'll he'lresident yeah, he'll that president trump was using russia as a to extort money from nato. but then after the election, likeelecyou know you know what? i was wrong to wait. so this needs to happen. this is president trump twoum weeks after every time biden speaks, no rallies, nove talking. >> we have a lead. let's keep
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. t's keep yeah, yeah. back to tara's point. it's -- it's like trump doesn't doesn't even have to campaign. his numbers are up. so should he take iris's and just kind of lay low, do t the old trump typeyrus biden but i know i mean, like, of course o know that, but i don't thinkse. he will because he loves i t not like he's not like, oh, no, people are mad. i'm starting to think he loves it, right? he kin.ght.d thrives on it. and i and look, i agree that not the best look thinkrage the word encourage, not the best word. everybod y out about who is afraid for the safety of soldierof soldis think should be more concerned about how dangerous iterned ho for them te in war zones. i think that i don't think wees got to this place. we're just paying for all these
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we're just paying for all these where it was never supposed to be likesupp lik that congress supposed to declare war because it was supposed to be a serious we weren't supposed to be like financially dabbling in all these wars around the globe, like some kind of real estate portfolio. >>kind o right? i so i think that that's the conversation i want to have, but that' so have, but that' the conversation that anybody wants to have because i guess it's where people see.le see ieo far gone. but i'm not giving up on that. don't give up, cat, get rid, of her. in the a yeah, yeah. this is almost like what we were talking about in the amedi lot. like if the media pushes out all these fake stories, bu it's like you buy into it and then you find out later that you the vote because you, you believe something else i you know i kept saying whilet trump was in office you know evers awakes office you know right now. everyone's waiting when a democrat comes and everybody goes back to sleep, totally agree. it's so true. and i, i was awake during that time, but focused on the wrong stuff, which was so strange for me, because
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i was so against the whole bush administration and those days. and i feel like the biden administration is like an extension n of almost in some in some crazy way. >> but that's just i my opinion. i think that most people don't do of the research, especiallyth when but with the whole russia ukraine thing toolo like why would anybody help to 2014? and that was all biden and that was all, you know, marching orders. order and i was so confuseds. about that. and i loved getting in a new in a new borough with my russian driver or i mean, this is unpopular here. s i know. and i already said that i was upset that i voted forai biden out here. i'm going to get further canceled today. i'm already shadow bound everywhere my lifed is over. i can't act anymore. i understand. so this is the final naiani unl the coffin for me tonight. i'll probably endorse trump by the end of the nightlldors. my side. kennedy too. i know everybody probably has issues about that. i, i always i'm always curiouss.
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. people don't even talk about him like there's all these conversationlks, trump versus biden. but no one even that michael rapaport, that whole interview with patrick mcdavid, no one mentions kennedy. i'm like, where is he in all of this? because noedy. one readsedy. what kennedy is about. >> yeah, i think kennedy is. >> yeah, i think kennedy is. stand it because i thought it was waitbeca. but he's he's probably one of the best i mean people in yeah. out there i thint k being yourself honest honest and by the way people have to understand that he sees r people.take that he sees >> he never takes any group of people down like the way biden classy. yeah no unlike the op well what no unlike the op well what is your take on this? you ason a transient you often turn tricks for being money. how do you feel about trump
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saying, look, you should payge for what you get. you don't like being stiffed? i don't like when i'm out there in front of a 7-eleven. yes. saying hey, pal, you got an 7-ee extra smoke and they just walk by like. i didn't say anything. like, guess i first of all, god bless michael rapaport for making the video and owning up. he actually has his own youtube channel. michael rapaportra the obvious,n yeah. you know, it turns outow during an eclipse the sun don't really disappear i just find something i can't i can't believe he didn't do it sooner and this is how this is how far trump must be ahead the polls because the media is already at that spot where they taking everything literallythat yeah right. that's when he's right about to win. when he can't say anything e can'e can't say anything without them thinking, oh, he really means it. yeah. and if thiy means is what it takest to get nader to pay their fair share, i think it's awesompae. y >> it's like, it's like when you're going through a big dinner, you know and you're like, you agree, you're going to split the check, and then you've got germany s a and a buh
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of other places going all off on the appetizers. >> we once champagne and then n split, right? yes. all right. up nex greg:t time for another roast y of a cnn hos tt. ing on i work har md and i my moneyearn to work hard, too. so i use my freedom. so i use my freedom. unlimiteg ir. favorite soup. the oh, daddy, don't touch it.l the don't touch yet. don't touch yet. let mesa nope. this one? nope. this one. yes. no! ho >> went the big one forw all times, i swear. let me get them all. >> let me get them all on with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cash back?the wo >> chase, make more.rl >> chase, make more.rl what's yoursrand. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep, so with falling asleep, so he takes nyqui number one sleep aid brand, and wakes up feeling like and wakes up feeling like himsel your best with non habit forming.
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about targeting civilians, nothingeg about war crimes.r >> now, tucker repeatedly asked about his rationale for rationale for invading ukrainere . wallace clearly didn't watch the interview, perhaps because it wasn't show then the tv at the men's shelter. , it w no. oh, okay. i should have known. >> but while tucker was interviewing putin, imploring pum release anutin, imploring american journalist from prison by the name of evan gershkovich ,which what kind of heroic hardball journalism was chris engaging in? well, over at his streaming show, he was fearlessly grilling comedia fearlesn georg. this is like today, today,s yo 2024. what do you think of donald trump? you know, i, i have to say,u thn i'm surprised that somebody cakn be so racially, um, out
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with their views targeted toward people, you know, targ the blood and allw, these things are very reminiscent of, you know, nazi germany. >> ah ha. there you go. hey, fun fact about george lopez. >> apparently, his wife had given him a kidney , thenm he divorced her. >> um, i wonder if she got half of that back in the settlement, but askingf a comic who notoriously hates donald trump, what he thinks. s dona donald trump. that's like asking a gerbil what he thinks of snakes or richard gere. and i wa s. i thought that was like a myth. it is a myth. all right. you're some journalist, chris. while you were panning for. never trump pebbles from the bitter sea lister tucker mye bitter sea lister tucker l to power power about a jailed journalist. how's that for a start comparison? i'd say how the mighty has fallen, but that impliese ty chris wallace was once mighty. >> yeah, but i actually feel bad about kicking a man when
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he's down, and by down i mean workinwng at back. do you think actually watched the interview? >> oh, well, yeah. i was like, you all name got? probably not. i don't know. i thinw?k i as a journalist, i think that maybe he's jealousw i don't know, althoughan i wouldn't i wouldn't want to interview putin mysel interva little scared to go to russia if he wanted to meet me in fort lauderdale. i, i would grill him there. it's -- it's a good point, michael, going to russia and interviewing putin, does that mean you might be leaving, right. yeah. you're notwing to bring up the tough stuff. >> you're just going to kind of float the balloon and go, oh, that'saving. what he said.e >> okay, that's it. maybe over zoom, i it right.e ov yeah. and like and chriser, he's, he's still evolving. yeah. right.
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he's like turneds still into le a pickle human again. a suit like every time i look at him, like, if you put a suit on a pickle, that's you get, chris wallace. it's very odd. who would put a suit on a greg: pickle except for you, michael most well, the staff of vegetable wut a dre.a what do you think of this? do you think that, uh, what's his face?? >> chris wallace is just jealous? i mean, i mean, he interviewed putin a couple of times, but. yeah, but i. i'm tim tucker. >> i'm so team tucker.>> d rea:i. i love him so much. i mean, he was the only place md i could look when i was in the thcould look when i was in the of this stuff. i was like, i don't know where to turn. i don't know where to get the truth from. and i hope i i can get ae. semblance of it there. and now when he i remember when his was intercepted over trying to go to russia. so when he gotrying to man, whe i when i saw the headlines for that, i'd haven't listened to the interviewli yet. i've been too busy.e fi but it was like, like fireworks
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going off in my head and like, could we have a trueca american journalist back the scene. you know, tucker carlson and me >> tknow, tucker carlson and me we have a lot of people: who hate that we're as good as wtuckere are people that went to school for years to interview, talk on tv, and they went to cambridge and harvard and all those in the university of phoenix and all those high end schools . the best part of the whole thing was seeing the varioust o cnn anchors going, it's not a journalist. yeah, so-called. he's sitting with the most dangerou s man on the planet right now, having a conversation with his mam whio you're interviewing george lopezrg. >> and here's the cool part, joe. if you hate somebody so much you're never at a loss of words for saying bad about it,call a calling any one of my baby mommas, they wilny of myl give y they will never, ever not have something bad to saysometh about me. >> right. he's got to sainy bad.]
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>> well, he's not well, you know, i mean, maybe tryng spanish. he didn't say anything about th aboe president and the best thing he could come up with was like. like that was. >> yeah. no follow-up question, mr. journalist. wallace. like: no follo, listen, there'sr why you're on your sixth show on cne n. plus, plus, plus, minus, you know, on max streaming. yeah, yeah yeah.yeah >> good luck tryin sg to downlod and find that. all right. up next, his movie was such a stinker, he needed a head of a guy who lost the betre you and my dignity l, as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at? what do you. it's a one speed jump, a car
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anything else was playing. you probably don't remember, mau probably don't remember, marvel blockbuster featuring superheroes of every race, body size and lifestyle. it's as if the avengers were castf th human resources. >> it even had marvel's first and depth superheroes, whiled e apparently hiring the first blind in tone deaf screenwriters, critics padded in audience ignored it. kumail described seeking therapy to cope with the trauma of the experience and the negative impact it had on hisit mental health. which is fine. fair enough. baadd reviews hurt, but exaggerating doesn't help for a lot of people. trauma means physical assault, war, natural disasters. ers, watching jesse watters primewatr time, but labeling the experience of selectively choosing to read reviewsrevi as trauma is an insult to people who've experienced tragedy. >> and yet, despite all this pain and suffering,
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surprisingly, he hasn't returned any of the money he was paid. so retury of t on whole, that's3 million bucks worth of drama, which buys a lot of steroids. >> yeah, he didn't always look dr yeah, he didn't always look we all know bad reviews, but iss that really trauma? i mean, isn't this it's. i mean, it still sounds woke to me. yeahi , i. well, i mean, if he really feels trauma, i meanee, i feel bad, whatever. but, like, if he wants to. i was traumatized when i joined only fans and all the negative, awful people said about me to support my children. >> no one's laughing right now.e i know they're all going. she's our only fan. it was over magazine and all the guys are on the phones now. . going to check it out. joint fact check. it's just selfish. but like, okay, so w e caann bothbe, so w be traumatized. >> like other people said, evill about me. >> i mean, like the like the worst stuff. and my kidstufs can read it all
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you know, so i could sit thereda and say, my traumatized by this, i'm traumatized by this administration. you knowstration, causing these. and i think this administration caused, this type of stuff where everybody thinks everything is trauma, ptsd, and like everybody just can't can't pull up their and,,t just hi.. u speakingp thei of pulling upling your pants. how do you deal with the badu reviews for literally everything you've everut made? well, it's my only fans. gets me through the ringer. pue t your phone away, mom.passo i'm going to brde in a password it. e an yeah. it's hard to believe that an actor is traumatized by all that. bummed me out. that's hard to believed me. trah but like. but trauma has lost all meaning in 1600s. i look this up. when the word started, it was a physical thing. it was like meant something physically had gone wrong. and then after world war ii, when
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those guys came back, it was a mental thing. ke >> and then and even then they it up because they were ba d. up because they were ba and now i swear somebody is going to be traumatized. this they're going to have ptsd by this segment, right? yeah, i hope so. tyrus, i think this show causess ptsd. >> no, no, it does sho not. >> ptsd is for soldiers, firsttp responders, battered women, not for rich guys who can't act good. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. go back if you want to. to therapy. i think it's good. you went to therapy? a man went to therapu y. i'm not going to say that's bad. more. you should go. i might not have needed so much of. >>ref yoo i. that's true. i talk about that on myon only fans up. yes. golf fans made a scene boozing..
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go to pva .org to learn how you make a difference. >> a story in words drunks make golf tournament watchable.
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how bad?ittl oh that first that personalo saying. >> it's good to see brian stelter finding work locked. this a waste management camp nois a waste management camp tournament where this year they had to stop alcohol sales because a crowd was so insanelte drunk, just like audiencesnt at your show, right? yes drunk with laughter and no lust for life. listen. the wasted management golf thing, they should steer into the curve, right? don't stop them from drinking. e encourage it. have a whole different kind of tournament. you ca kind ofn have cart joust. you know, i want to.t jo i want that's.
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i would watch that. a bunch of drunk people runnin g around like did it did make intund like did it did make the golfers. no, no one gave like you're signing up for a tournament and it's called waste management tournament. you might be tipped of: f that possibly going to be. >> oh, i know. nicely done. even if you bleep it. we know what he said. that's right. that's called a wasted manager. like when i was drunk hereit. >> like that would be like going to a rave and be like, turn it down. don't see the problem. yeah. oh, what is your product? >> tell me what your product is. ohyourproduc, this is. it's cancel culture gear. it's armor for the revolutiogea yes. oh, okay, guys. yeah. look>> gre at. >> yes, we're selling, all of us. but it's inspired by my son. t he. he's, um. he asked to leave his wokewoke school. nt said i wanted to go to a different school, and he's all into streetwea.r.
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and, guys, where can n they find it on ultra free darko. i >>t? that's my daughter there. wow.s my and yo dauu go and, uh, you knol it was all about the cancel cu was all about the cancel canceled and not feeling like i have a real placlte. be and, you know, i feel liketob we have to be pretty vigilant now. >> yeah. take matters into your own hands, which is whatmatters r night. >> we'll be righ t back.l be righ i love your dress. oh, bates. i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insuranceliberty. and i d hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i know, right? i've been telling everyonesaid . yeah. yeah. did you hear that? i just said.w many p her first word. can you say my mom neveryou tely can you say auntie? can you say auntie? neve >> how many people did you tell ? ? >> only pay for what you need. it is a very, very ricky.
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