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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 13, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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a my problem is his name is kennedy. all itknow does is repeat the ne kennedy over and over again. i don't think it is an effectivi ad for $7 million. the family if you pick a fight, this is not the fight to pick. >> laura: you know when i saw that ad become arraignment, i miss those old shingles. i like those old ads with aold bouncing ball appear remember the old commercials. maybe that took me back and that is kind of cool. >> it is an and nostalgic but sweet at this point. >> laura: i agree with you wholeheartedly about the ads, >> carley: a fox news alert. looking live at the senate floor, lawmakers could vote on an aid package to israel and taiwan any moment now. you're watching "fox and friends first" on tuesday morning, i'm
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carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. senator mike lee on the screen there. a marathon of speeches have lasted throughout the night. what we have is ukraine first bill. the bill was never about securing our border, but securing another country's border. we have a failure of these elites to understand that the american people want to put america first. >> carley: senate working overtime overnight temperature is on shaky ground. house speaker mike johnson criticizing the legislation saying the senate should have amended the bill to help end ongoing catastrophe. we'll bring you updates as we get them throughout the morning.
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>> todd: in the northeast, a fox weather alert. barrelling through the northeast, you can see snowfalling. that is the intrepid, it is covered with snow. >> carley: could see four to eight inches of snow and that could impact voters trying to get to the polls for today's special election in new york. janice dean is here with fox weather and election forecast. >> janice: yikes, kids are enjoying a snow day. in long island, it is remote learning. give the kids a snow day, especially if they are getting the most snow they have seen in
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two years. take a look at the live radar. getting snow in new york 73 and long island. 34 degrees. the storm is cranking up and rain for baltimore and philadelphia and that is expected to turn to snow. there is new york city and bridgeport, connecticut. newburg, expected six to 12 inches in the boston area. pennsylvania toward new york and upstate new york will not get much of anything, it is concentrated to new york city area and connecticut and boston. first snow winter storm warn nothing two years for new york. i will enjoy it. i'm hoping for a snow angel during "fox and friends," we'll see if that happens. we will get snow, but it will be
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out by this afternoon. will see white-out and blizzard condition, wind gusts 20 to 30 to 40 miles per hour. that is a lot of snow for a short time. we will see one to two inches per hour as the storm cranks up offshore thchl is a nor'easter, coming from north and east and snow for the tri-state area. snow in the new york city area, five to eight inches will delay things and make thicks miserable thchl is 1 to 2 .5 inches. then out this afternoon and it will be a slushy mess. the morn commute, be alert.
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it will impact the election, people will not be able to get out this morning. but will this afternoon. >> todd: polls will be packed this afternoon. >> janice: dangerous for a matter of hours, keeping you up to date. >> carley: less than an hour, new yorkers will cast vote to decide who will replace congressman george santos. >> todd: madeline rivera has more. >> house republicans have a slim majority right now, 219 to 212. we have seen the gop challenge with this razor-thin margin, effort to impeach alejandro mayorkas failed by one vote last week with a handful of republicans joining democrats to sink it. holding on to the seat left
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vacant by george santos would give breathing room thchl is between mazy pill at and suozzi. abortion, crime and immigration are some issues dominating this race. listen to the candidates here. >> look at the borders, the migrant crisis, thanks to suozzi and biden. they are attacking our law enforcement, our cops? >> by not supporting that bill, keep the border open, endanger isra israel. refuse to support the bipartisan bill and there won't be change. >> weather could be a factor, they have been driving home the message to head to the polls
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despite the snow. >> todd: thank you. with the border crisis touching all corners of the nation, voting for impeachment on mayorkas today. gop hopes to have votes today. mayorkas says any blame for the border crisis does not fall on the white house. >> it certainly is a crisis and we don't bear responsibility for a broken system and we're doing tre upon mendous amount in the broken system. fundamentally, congress is only one who can fix it. >> todd: northern border saw a record number of crossings thanks to migrantses taking advantage of the law to get to canada. >> carley: northern border of canada sheriff joins us now. northern border is underreported
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problem, 73% increase there from 2022 to 2023. how is this impacting your county and the migrants themselves who are arriving unprepared for conditions they face in upstate new york and canada? >> from law enforcement perspective, seeing increase in numbers and people incredibly desperate and we know what peep dole when they are desperate, anything to accomplish their own personal goals. the problem is up here there is a nor'easter coming up, we'll not get a lot of snow, we are experiencing more cold than we've seen in the last couple weeks. with temperatures like that, you will not survive nlsz you are fully equipped with hats and jackets and they do not come
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prepared. they are unexpecting of the weather or potential and they are in the middle of the woods and there are waterways that pass through the woods and you can end up like one suspecting individual did drowning. >> todd: even "new york times" is highlighting an article detailing how brutal conditions are. perilous conditions have led to people having to be treated for hypothermia. a pregnant mother died. bodies recovered from rivers and forest. how is this humane? that is the word progressives use when they push open borders. none of this is humane and it was not well planned and from a law enforcement perspective, we know if congress today were to
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close the border and stop illegal migration into our country, it would take a couple years to get back on to their feet, what we saw with the attack on law enforcement was repulsive that our government can stand by and continuing is acceptable and not going to be a largering future problem. >> carley: organized crime is something we'll see more and more of and impact police officers first. sheriff, how are migrants getting, many start in south america and mexico, how are they getting up to canada before going south and crossing into the northern border? >> we have a couple different groups of individuals,
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individuals coming from foreign countries with significant amounts of money and can pay for transportation and fly into montreal and work down to the border. others are being smuggled and ending up with package deals they can buy from the cartels, upward to give them maps and get up through the land line from mexico to canada. the ones coming through for the most part have the financial means to buy tickets to fly to canada and come back down. the northern border is long from maine all the way down to the western tip of new york state. a lot of land to cover and for peep toll migrate. >> carley: it is 5525 miles long
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and it is the longest border in the world. sheriff david fabro, thank you for coming on. painting a grim picture here, crack pipes in the streetses, homeless people breaking in, that is why a los angeles school shut doors displacing mostly black and latino students. the school is suing and the founder is joining us. >> todd: breaking news on the senate floor when a vote on the foreign aid bill could come any minute. it appears senator mike lee is speaking now. we have you covered all morning long, including deep dive into what is in the bill coming up with cheryl casone. keep it here on "fox and friends first." ds
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test votes in the past couple of days, one late last night and one sunday afternoon, where they got more than 60 votes on this. uh, so this is going to pass, even though there's been a little bit of concern from conservatives, there's a bipartisan coalition of democrats and republicans who are for this. now, what this does is it provides $95 billion in foreign aid and spending for israel, ukraine and taiwan. you might remember about a week and change ago what they had been trying to do for several months. and this was a condition that republicans had set up. they said we're not necessarily for helping ukraine, but we have to deal with the border first. and so they impaneled this trio of bipartisan lawmakers to put together a border security bill , uh, that mostly democrats liked. but republicans torpedoed that immediately. so, you know, they went right back to where they started from several months ago. this was the president's request to help israel and ukraine. um, you know, there's been a lot of criticism directed at the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell. in fact, some of the conservative senators have said
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that mcconnell is only interested in helping ukraine. and so they had, you know, only about a third of all senate republicans being for this. and again, this will probably get more than 60 votes. but the question then is what happens to mitch mcconnell because he seems to be out of line with his conference as it pertains to the ukraine issue. some of these republicans have said that he's only interested in helping ukraine. now the other question is what happens in the house of representatives? just last night, house speaker mike johnson put out a pretty fierce statement. he did not say that this was dead on arrival, but said that he was very disappointed in this piece of legislation and took a pretty dim view of this. frankly, i mean, you know, he has been skeptical of aid to ukraine from the get go, but the question is whether or not this can get through the house. now, mike johnson obviously is the speaker. he controls the floor. but what could happen? and this controls the floor thchl is rare and the term you will here is something called a discharge
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petition, if you dpet get 218 members, regardless size of the house, mostly democrats, and some republicans, you could go over head of the speaker and put this on the floor. mike johnson said i wish this would address border security. democrats said we did try to address that. you could go over head of the speaker and that remains to be seen. this will pass in the next hour or less and be the last vote the senate will have for a week. the senate was supposed to be out this week. they are still in session, you had rand paul, j.d. vance putting up every hurdle and using every bit of time to drag
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this out and that ran out today. we thought it might be scheduled for tomorrow morning, 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning wednesday, they ran out of gas and this is on a glide path and will pass in the next hour or less. >> todd: we were taking live pictures off the top and saw mike lee and senator rand paul expressing his displeasure. was there one senator whose voice stuck out against this package and what did he or she say that stood out to you? >> i think you talked about the main ones there. mike lee said there wasn't an opportunity to amend the bill. democrats found it rich after they took a vote last week, republicans came back and said
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we want thes opportunity to mandate this bill and you had kyrsten sinema, independent from arizona, chris murphy, connecticut, james lankford said how can you ask to deal with the border issue when you just blew this up thchl is before us now. they want to move hr2, very strict border bill last year temperature is unclear that bill account probably pass at this stage, because votes have changed in thes house, it is about the math. mike lee was one of them and j.d. vance emerged, as well, republican. and lee said if they pass this bill and there is a lot of hypothetical, this would tee up third impeachment of president
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trump if elected and if democrats have the house of representatives, this bill would compel him to spend some of this money. you know he said, i don't want to spend this money. they would say he is out of line. we don't know that would happen, a lot of things would have to fall in place. that he had more than 60 votes and we saw changing in position and softening about sending aid overseas based on comments over the weekend. he said, i will not help nato out and lindsey graham was one of the foremost advocates helping ukraine next to mitch mcconnell and he said he will be a no on this and not going to the munich security conference
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he's going to the border. he pushed for that and pushed for that. i talked to peter welch from vermont yesterday and changing of position, this is not a re recall recall bragz of politics. >> carley: 60 billion for ukraine, 14 billion for israel, national security legislation includes 9 billion in humanitarian assistance to gaza and spend on indo-pacific legions like taiwan. what are they voting on now? if it gets to the house, how could it change? >> yeah, you pretty much hit high points, 4 billion for taiwan is the smallest part, there are provisions not to spend money to unra.
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that is based on the attacks of october 7. some republicans say there is not enough restrictions there. it could change in the house of representatives, they could say we want less for ukraine, more for israel. there was a bill they tried to pass last week in the house for israel and they did not have votes for it. they had majority, but they needed two-thirds, this could change in the house. this is the legislative process, we have ping-pong, senate or house passes a bill and ping it across the capitol dome and they bring it back and change it. they have to be in ultimate alignment before they pass something fchl it changes in the house, it will come back to the senate. can it even come up in the house
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due to the speaker or come up if they are able to get this unique coalition on discharge position. i should note only two discharge petitions to go over leadership have been successful in the past two years. it isir ra, when i look at this, it might be a rare occasion they might have the opportunity to do so. mike turner is somebody who was very much in favor of sending money to ukraine. you might be able to get just enough republicans there with most democrats. keep in mind, there are liberal progressives who don't like what this bill does as pertains to israel. they want restrictions and been critical of the israeli government. you had bernie sanders giving stem-winder of a speech on the
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floor, saying he thought the blood would be on american's hands because we would fund israel to kill palestinians in gaza. that same view among some progressives in the house. they will not get all democrats. >> todd: i like viewing everything through prism of november, when you look at expected votes that are about to happen and look at the states from which senators are voting, do you see patterns? if it is swing state, might be appetite to send overseas. a red state will go conservative and maybe you see no appetite to send money overseas. how is the vote breaking down come november? >> yeah, you are always going to have ruby red states, not have people for this. look at the western states and
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texas, they didn't do anything on the border. look at john cornyn and ted cruz. look at say chuck chuck schumer. he representing new york, a blue state. he is for this bill. he doesn't take the same view as pertains to israel as bernie sanders despite the heavy jewish population in new york city. his view is just different than bernie sanders. in terms of state line, it doesn't align as much. in the house, we've seen members with jewish districts or high jewish population where you had democrats, lois frankel, jar ed moskowitz siding with the israel bills. that has been more distinct and let me bring you back up to speed in middle of the vote. votes are supposed to take 15
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minutes and there is a clock they run. considering the fact this vote started little bit after 5:00 in the morning, it will take time to get everybody there. two points we will know when this pass, final end and/or when they get to certainly 51 votes. they only need a simple majority. there is 26 yes's on the board, they don't need a super majority. thing i would look for is attrition from yes votes. remember on the procedural vote they got 67. they only need 51. the bill has not changed, politics have been evolving because of comments from former president trump. >> carley: you were talking about the discharge position if
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it goes to house and looks like it will, it would go around mike johnson so the house could vote on it. i wonder if the speaker would welcome that. it takes it out of his hand. you could call it bipartisan if it passes senate. a lot of his party don't want it to hit the house floor, what is his opinion on it? >> he would be opposed to it. i've seen leaders say they don't want something to happen, they know they can't execute the procedure of it or it is bad politically. we can't crawl in mike johnson's head to see if that is what hey wants to happen. he would get aid for israel with this. ukraine aid is something he's been skeptical of, that is something he's not for there.
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if they are able to get signatures and this is technical but important. they changed the rules a few years ago making discharge opportunity to be successful much easier. it was hard to make them work. they have been successful on provision to remove export and import in 2015 and on the famous campaign finance law in 2002. it is easier now and that is why we look at this and if you listen to words of hakeem jeffries last week, he said we will be open to all opportunities and procedural ways to get this on the floor. he did not use the term discard petition, that is what he was eluding to. this is a chance to go around and the president will sign this.
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this is just the first very long step in this process. they have been at this since fall and it blew up on them. i don't think this will come up in the house right away. the house is supposed to be out, sometimes they do step on the gas pedal, it might be a project for end of march or first of the month and they have to fund the government march 1. that will take some oxygen on capitol hill, as well. a lot going on, this is one more wrinkle. >> todd: that is what happens when you kick the can down the road. backing to substansz, number one question i get asked on topic of ukraine, when does the aid end? is there anything in this bill that signals to you that it is
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going to be end? aid to ukraine will end at some point and some point certain or is this an ever-long ongoing blank check? >> no, not necessarily temperature is finite amount of money 95 billion, it appears this would get ukraine through september of 2025, gets them through the election and you don't know the burn rate. the burn rate of money is probably higher in israel, israel needs this money, but doesn't need it right now. the money is not as high, it is a finite period. some think if they were to help ukraine at this stage and beef them up in the war with russia, maybe this changes the political calculus there and diminishes and maybe there are peace talks
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or something there. maybe there are some schools of thought and we can't predict the future and my crystal ball has been in the shop for a while and we don't know. maybe that changes what is going on there. the one thing that will happen and i will say this, we talked at the beginning of the war in ukraine twho years ago now, what they would have to do is have reconstruction package at some stage. we are putting carts before horses, that would be something, too if they were to get the war to end. >> carley: chad, you are burning the midnight oil. thank you for joining us as the senate votes on this package. chad, thank you for joining us, 5:35 a.m. on the east coast. >> todd: like talking to congressional encyclopedia, he
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knows everything. hunter biden former business associate testifies today. >> carley: matt whitaker will tell us what could come to light today. ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ (♪) there's two things a young man wanna be - a cowboy or a gangster. and a gangster's outta style. i got back to my roots... we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great-grandfather,
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my aunt even rode horses. when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪)
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the ball is out and there's a pile-up. -let's go! -get in the pile! ugh, i'll deal with this tomorrow. you won't. it's ripe in here. my eyes are watering. i'm a busy man. look how crusty this is. shameful. ugh, it's just too much. not with this. tide.
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tide can tackle any pile. that a tackle pun? just clean the pile, ron. okay. this too. that was easy. when stains and odors pile up, it's got to be tide. >> carley: house republicans want president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur after his report brought into question president biden's mental acuity. >> i have obtained a letter written to merrick garland saying biden may have had classified documents regarding his family's business dealings. asking whether the white house or president biden's attorneys placed limitation that would
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have pricludeed inquiry linking the president to trouble some foreign payments and republicans calling out even-handed justice. robert hur pointing to biden's mental fitness calling the president sympathetic elderly man with well meaning -- mollie hemingway says the move sets a dangerous prez precedence. special counsel the special counsel said there was criminal activity, he did not think they could find a jury to convict him because of his mental fitness. people have been seeing this, this is a dangerous situation we are in.
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there is inkocompetence corruptn and not a lot of option for democrats. >> tony bobulinski will give a closed door testimony in the biden impeachment inquiry. he worked with biden and said he met with president biden several times in 2017, telling me, why is joe biden blatantly lying that he did not meet with me face-to-face, his son hunter and jim can remind him. the testimony could last eight hours. >> todd: brooke singman, thank you. bring in mat whitaker. you often hear bobulinski described as key player in all of this. why is that and are you expecting anything new to come out of this albeit closed door
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testimony today? >> tony bobulinski was in the meeting, in 2017, there was an important meeting regarding cfct and that is where 10% for the big guy came out of. los angeles they sat down, jim and hunter biden and joe biden together with tony and talked about this new deal they would do with the chinese and how to divide up the profits. he brings first-hand evidence to transactions and what was contemplated. >> todd: another biden family associate texted bobulinski saying, don't mention joe being involved. i know you know that, they are paranoid. tony bobulinski texting back they should be paranoid about
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that. it is obvious they had meetings and what they talked about. how did democrats spin something that is so obvious? >> it is hard for them, but remember, todd, what is happening now is entirely different light being shed since joe biden denied or not remembered having this meeting. robert hur's report puts that in a different light. they have no interest talking about what joe biden did to help his son biden or how he benefited from the transactions. it is a bad set of facts that make joe biden look corrupt and quite possibly be corrupt because of the way he did business as vice president and
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some decisions as president. >> todd: my three year old puts her fingers and her ears and says, la, la, la, that is what they are doing. now fani willis's affair could get her disqualified. in studying law, d disqualification can occur. the filing presented conflict that can't be as a matter of law. that is a lot of mumbo jumbo, do you think fani willis should be disqualified and if she is, what happens to her case against donald j trump? >> the judge is right, they need to hear the facts, hear witnesses, hear her and the
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special counsel she hired and that she had the affair with, to see if there is a conflict of interest. she will probably be disqualified. it does appear she excessively paid this gentleman. it could be worse than initially appears. >> todd: does that, would potential diskwaulific punt her to well after 2024 election or can the da's office get their act in gear with a different person in charge? >> she is the district attorney and thrust and power and motivating influence bringing this case in the first place and if someone replaces her, if it will continue under someone that is not politically motivated. >> todd: that word is key, enthusiasm. back to our top story, foreign
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aid package to send 95 billion to ukraine, israel and taiwan now has votes to pass. some republicans were against it, they drug it out overnight. now it will go to the house, where the speaker vote out against it. we'll have a final tally for you later this morning. 44 after the hour, oil and gas industry teaming up with environmental groups filing a legal challenge against biden administration to limit offshore drilling. >> carley: cheryl casone has the latest. good morning. >> cheryl: three leases, a small amount in the gulf of mexico over five years, now the oil industry, earth justice, teaming up together and enough is enough. you need energy according to the petroleum institute. groups are challenging this
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policy and say it would demand because deare upon mand for portable reliable energy is growing and this administration is restricting access to vast resources in waters. ryan myers, american petroleum institute. to give you history, back in 2017, 2486 leases and now there are -- permits and that has been shrinking. 3181 in 2019 under president trump. with the biden administration, pulling down leases and stopping approval. they want wind farms. that comes -- talk to environmental groups when you see more wind farms and more whales and sea animals dying. throw that out there. we have not seen this type of
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restriction on oil and gas industry in the gulf since 1980. >> carley: because of news about the senate passing that foreign aid bill, president biden is demanding we help ukraine. >> cheryl: you have a move to restrict national gas exports that we create, our natural gas, very clean energy. guess where we've been sending it? europe. they want to restrict that. just doesn't make sense. president biden joined tiktok and he did okay, 67,000 followers. his first super bowl themed campaign ad, 5.5 million views. watch this. >> jason kelce or travis kelce?
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>> mama kelce, she makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> chiefs making the super bowl -- >> get in trouble if i told you. trump or biden? >> are you kidding? biden. >> cheryl: that is one of them, he's done four so far and taking heat now for pandoring to black voters thchl video was put and, watch this. >> president biden: i want the root of making sure i had the hamburger. tell me about you guys, what are you doing these days? >> share about your passion of sports. i'm playing basketball right now. >> are you a guard? >> yes, sir. >> cheryl: he's got a problem with black voters, he's been accused of pandoring with this video. he is trying to reach younger
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voters, 170 million are on tiktok. >> carley: suing after they were forced to close a school because they did not feels comfortable in the buildings -- crack pipes and human feces. and trying to break into classrooms. dana hammond joins me now. good morning to you thchl is unfortunate and it is not the outcome you wanted. give examples why you forced down your school. >> we are getting audio worked out right now.
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hmm. we are having issues with dana's audio. todd, while we work on them, tell you more about what happened. because of karen bass's initiative to move homeless people off the street and into homeless shelters, he had a school that helped black studentses and latin american students and it was forced to shut down because homeless people came in. i believe we have you back. tell us what happened to your school. now we can hear you, love to hear more what happened to you. go ahead. >> yeah, i wanted to say, we are not an enemy of the homeless population, in fact, what we have done is special in acquiring a state of the art facility for black and brown students. we have been doing work as an after-school program.
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move into 52,000 foot facility was phenomenal for students who would not have this exposure. when we initially moved, it is a breach of contract and extension the city continues to house 400 of the highest needs homeless individuals, suffering from drug illness and addiction. my mom suffered from drug,a addiction, which is why i started this. i'm sitting in my office today and our students get a opportunity to see in intercontinental hotel and have to deal with individuals nude in the back, doing drugs in the
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back, smoking marijuana in front of our school. if we ask them to move tissuing becomes escalated in a fight. it has been a disaster, we've lost attendance. someone is going to die. >> carley: you were trying to do a good thing, thank you for joining us this morning, wish we had more time. we appreciate you telling your story. jon stewart used his return to daily show to take a jab at joe biden, we will show what you hel had to say coming up next. it looks cute on the app. [farm animal sounds] ♪
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'. >> carley: jon stewart made his return to the kaile kale daily w and he had a message to the president. >> allow me to present to you a one-man show about what joe biden's advisers were doing when he turned around and went back to the podium. the show is called no! do not go back! please! but he went back. biden was referring to sisi the president of egypt, not mexico. unless it was even worse than
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that and he thinks the president of mexico is named si, si. >> todd: tomi lahren joins us now. putting politics aside for a moment that just looks right john daly on the daily show. getting back to politics, he's right, isn't he? >> he is right and could this possibly be the return of late night television? could it possibly be comedians and hosts are actually willing to take a shot at the current president as many other late night hosts used to do before they decided it they wanted to be in the mainstream media dnc cult? i'm happy to see it. he obviously took several shots at donald trump as well. but i think what you are going to start seeing here is more members of the media, more members of comedy, actually started taking joe to task because i think that the entire establishment that includes the media, that includes comedians, that includes it pop culture, they don't want joe, 86% of
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americans think he is too old. they think they have finally given them permission to go after the big guy, so i think this is just going to be the start more to come. >> carley: tomi, there may be even more trouble in paradise, kamala harris was asked if she is ready to be president. she told the "wall street journal," quote: i'm ready to serve. there's no question about that. a typical response from a vice president, tomi, is the president of the united states is a commander-in-chief and the best person to lead our country right now. >> read the tea leaves here. what did she mean by this? >> well, she has been asked about this several times and people have very little confidence that she actually is ready to take the lead and take the hymn and so her saying that she is ready to go was really convincing and reassuring to no one. i don't think she is even reassured by what she said. but, i will tell you guys, and carley, we talked about this last week on outnumbered. the thing that bothers me most about kamala. she says she is ready to lead. every time she gives a speech
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repeats herself word salad without any unsubstance. if she is ready to lead she should take her job more seriously. she can't do the vice presidency, she certainly can't be president. joe biden can't either. >> todd: anyone who watched her in her current role vice president walks aways of her capacity to lead. that's not what i got out of the last three years. unreal. >> carley: recent poll also shows 28% of registered voters have a positive feeling towards kamala harris. that's not a good number. >> todd: jon stewart for v.p. that's the a take away. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> live from new york, it's 6:00 here in the eastern seaboard. and this is tuesday, february 13th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. 35 million americans bracing for


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