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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 13, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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repeats herself word salad without any unsubstance. if she is ready to lead she should take her job more seriously. she can't do the vice presidency, she certainly can't be president. joe biden can't either. >> todd: anyone who watched her in her current role vice president walks aways of her capacity to lead. that's not what i got out of the last three years. unreal. >> carley: recent poll also shows 28% of registered voters have a positive feeling towards kamala harris. that's not a good number. >> todd: jon stewart for v.p. that's the a take away. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> live from new york, it's 6:00 here in the eastern seaboard. and this is tuesday, february 13th, 2024. welcome to "fox & friends." we start with a fox weather alert. 35 million americans bracing for a nor'easter that is underway.
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we have got team coverage tracking the morning commute and whether your kids are going to go to school today. >> ainsley: right now after 18 hours on the floor, senators, they are going to vote on the $95 billion foreign aid package and it appears it's going to pass. chad pergram is going to join us in just a few minutes. >> brian: that's dramatic and then what happens in the house. lawrence jones is in memphis covering america's crime crisis where businesses have to rely on private security. >> it's a revolving door. oftentimes it's juvenile to being recruited by gangs. >> no capacity for it? >> it's not that they are not getting caught. they are just getting let back out. >> brian: we don't leave anyone in jail anymore. "fox & friends" starts right now. remember, your mornings are better because you chose to be with friends. on ♪ >> ainsley: we start with a fox weather alert, more than
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35 million people from west virginia all the way up to maine are waking up to winter storm alerts this morning as a massive nor'easter is burialing up the northeast coast. >> brian: tri-state area 4 to 8-inch of snow we won't go metric. >> steve: not yet. just deep in some spots. hundreds of flights have been canceled and schools closed. so let's get right to senior meteorologist janice dean. janice, here in new york kind of a wintery mix coming down. mostly snow in the new york city area, long island and jnk. mixing light snow in the new york city area. 34 degrees and flight delays and 680 cancellations already. this is going to be a tough go going to be miserable cancellations on the board for
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the next several hours. there is the radar. any good news it's a quick mover. the morning commute is going to be nearly gobble in some of these areas. snowfall too many times 1 to 2 inches an hour going to be dangerous to be on the road way. philadelphia rain right now. new york city mainly snow. first winter storm warning in the new york city area in two years. see the future radar. this morning very heavy snow into the early afternoon and then by dinnertime it is out of here. so, again, schools are closed in a lot of these big cities. people are doing remote learning. and then travel is going to be difficult if not impossible. and i'm hoping that we'll check in with dawn kilmeade to see if she is going to be shoveling this morning. maybe we can get her on the phone. >> brian: i walked in the house yesterday, she said "where's the shovels?" i said it's been a while. we have more than just the metal one? we have three shovels ready to
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go. >> janice: three and they all have her name on it. >> steve: one wife three shovels? >> ainsley: lots of kids though. >> janice: luckiest man alive. >> brian: kirsten might be honestly. >> ainsley: i thought your husband was going to help her. >> janice: he is available as well. >> steve: here is the problem. today is election day in new york district 3, that is the george santos area. the district. and they are telling people to stay off the roads. republicans are at disadvantage today. 80,000 people already prevoted. 11,000 more registered democrats cast the votes before they stopped counting them. >> brian: long island and queens is used to ♪ not like egg hitting an area that has never had to deal with this before. meanwhile fox news alert, we are monitoring a senate vote that could wrap up any moment. lawmakers worked through early
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morning hours on the $95 billion foreign aid spending package. >> ainsley: here's a look at the senate floor right now. this morning's vote coming after the bill designed to send billions of dollars in foreign aid to allies, like ukraine and to israel. cleared a critical hurdle on monday. >> steve: okay. so if this bill in the senate passes the senate, it still faces an uncertain future in the house, because the speaker there, mike johnson, has made it very clear he probably won't bring it up. he is not on board with it. let's bring in chad pergram. he joins us right now. fox news senior congressional correspondent. so, chad, there are, i think i just read 17 republicans who were bucking donald trump and the rest of the party to join all the democrats on this, right? >> it's a little higher than that but, yes. you know, there is only about a third of the republican conference that is in favor of this bill.
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this is where you have conservatives upset at mitch mcconnell the majority leader you are not listening to our conference and the only thing you care about here is getting money to ukraine. let me reset for you right now this vote is still open. they are getting very close to closing the vote. the vote is 67-28. in fact, i believe that's going to be the final vote because we believe there is one senator who is absent. this has the votes to pass. it only has a simple majority. they have two thirds for this. as you say, this then goes to the house, mike johnson the speaker has taken a rather dim view he doesn't like the fact that this lacks border provision there was this border component that was supposed to be part of this last week which blew up. he said look, we have got to deal with the border. that's why some republicans in the senate, including lindsey graham decided to vote no on this. there is one way they could possibly go above the speaker, go over the head of the speaker and that's something you are going to hear a lot about in the next couple of weeks.
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it's called a discharge petition. this is where you get a solid number of 21. it has to be at least 218 house members, regardless of the size of the house. 431 members right now to go over the speaker and put a bill on the floor. only two of them have been successful in the past 22 years. but there is a universe of vote, certainly a lot on the democratic side and some on the republican side who could go for this. some say this is going to be our only option and get aid to israel. there are others who are big advocates for ukraine. they are going to say this is the only way to do this. the chair of the intelligence committee mike turn from her ohio has signaled as much. and mike johnson is just not for it -- >> brian: passes today and obviously ukraine needs aid right away and so does israel, nutritions is an issue. what would the time be to be if there were a chance for discharge petition in the house? >> there is a slight chance it could come out this week. i think it is really going to be at the end of the month or first
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of march. little bit of time in the house supposed to be out next week. this might be a project for the first of march. >> what about j.d. vance yesterday said this is setting up donald trump for a possible impeachment if he wins the presidency because this money would go to ukraine and to israel through september of 2025. and trump vowed to end the war within 24 hours of becoming president and if he did this, could that be grounds for impeachment? >> well, i think if democrats win back control of the house, and if president trump wins, couple hypotheticals have to happen there first, there's a lot of things that they would probably try to find mitt romney suggested as much the other day republicans of utah that democrats in the house would find some reason to try to impeach former president trump if he is back in the oval office so, yes what you biden the president to spend money. >> steve: they have been pulling a all-nighter. when the vote is final we will
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let y you know. >> brian: we have a lot to talk about there. see what happens when it concludes. house republicans are demanding that the justice department turn over transcripts and recordings of president biden's interview with special counsel robert hur. >> steve: , this of course, comes after the release of hur's damning report that's fueled questions about mr. biden's memory and ability to serve. >> ainsley: brooke singman is here with all the details for you, hey, brook. >> i obtained a letter house republicans wrote to attorney general garland where detailing concerns that biden may have retained sensitive documents related to specific countries involving his family's foreign business dealings. now, republicans also calling out the doj's lack of, quote: even handed justice over the decision not to recommend charges against biden. special counsel robert hur pointing to biden's mental fitness for the decision, calling the president a, quote: sympathetic, well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory struggling to remember events and strange at times to read and relay his own notebook entries.
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edward lawrence asked the white house about his health. >> when can we talk to the president's doctor and how come they haven't been asked to come out here and talk with us given the hur all right that challenges the president's mental fitness. >> i have said the medical doctor, the president's doctor is going to do a physical. is he going -- and he has always put forth in the last two years a detailed -- detailed memo on the president's -- on the president's -- obviously, -- medical -- physical. and so i'm just going to leave it there. >> carley: meanwhile on capitol hill today former hunter biden associate tony bobulinski will give a closed door testimony in the impeachment. he met with president biden several times. bobulinski telling me, quote: why is joe biden blatantly lying to the american people and to the world by claiming that he did not meet with me face to face. he should call his son hunter and brother jim as they can remind him of the facts. i'm told bobulinski's testimony could last up to 8 hours today.
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guys? >> brian: right. at one point he begged jake tapper to give him a call. he wants these questions. he wants to be challenged. and i think if democrats like goldman want to goatee off on bobulinski. self-made multi millionaire talking to ron johnson set in an investigation when they lost the majority and lost that georgia seat. this thing went dormant. it is heating up now. >> that's right, brian. tony bobulinski has been trying to come forward with when it evidence with text messages, emails since 2020. we were reporting on this back in october 2020 recollection of meeting with president biden that may of 2017. of course, the white house has repeatedly denied that but, you know, we reported on these text messages which kind of documented the meeting between bobulinski and biden so, we will see what he says today the house republicans have a lot of questions. >> ainsley: bobulinski had all this information on donald trump
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every network would be interviewing him and try get him to, you know, excoriate the president. but that's not happening here. thank you so much, brook. >> thanks, guys. >> steve: you know what, given what robert hur's report said last week, and tony bobulinski said, look, i met him a couple of times. all joe biden has do is say, you know what? i guess i forgot. because as robert hur's -- his findings that 345-page report said, joe biden has got a lousy memory maybe that's what they're talking about. hey, the white house asked the president and he said i don't remember them. it will be interesting to see what he has to say. >> ghost writer who interviewed president biden destroyed all of those tapes, you said they were able to recover them. >> brian: they went to the hard drive and recovered almost all of them. i want to turn myself. in i deleted the tapes when i heard robert hur got assigned to investigate. they said give me your computer and decided not to charge him because he was cooperative after he wasn't cooperative. then they asked him who told you
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to blank those tapes he? said no one. okay. >> you interview a sitting president. you don't destroy those tapes. >> brian: i would think. steve. >> ainsley: unless there is an investigation. >> brian: which would be a problem. >> steve: if those tapes exist and they do because robert hur heard them. information, on the tape, the ghost writer is talking to the current president and he goes, hey, look at all the secret stuff i found in a box downstairs. it's all top secret. so essentially joe biden confessed to the fact that he was in possession willful possession of that stuff it. would be much easier to get those from the -- not the department of justice, i guess technologically they would belong to the ghost writer. >> ainsley: what are you going to say? >> brian: so the lawyer, joe biden's lawyer spent the weekend. >> steve: bauer? >> brian: bob bauer spent the weekend eviscerating robert hur's report saying i was in the room giving his testimony that's
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not how i remember it. even margaret brennan said okay should we hear the tapes and my my own decision? >> steve: make it easy. >> brian: i don't see a reason forever that you got yourself in trouble there the fractures a little different. if you are going to impugn robert hur, then you are going to have to answer the question can you get the tapes? i have seen a lot of donald trump deposition tapes. they are everywhere. you can get them for a certain dollar figure and maybe even on donald trump's website. just a quick thing on the tony bobulinski situation. even rob walker said if joe biden forgot, that joe biden met with the cefc chinese executive energy in 2017, so even rob walker was not cooperative is going to say what tony bobulinski is going to confirm today. >> ainsley: even merrick garland's former professor, did you all read this was saying -- he was complaining about merrick garland keeping robert hur on after donald trump. because he is now investigating joe biden and he is the one who said he had a poor memory. and so this law professor said, that he was trying to do -- he
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was trying to play in the middle, play it safely. and he shouldn't have done that and also about biden's age, as brook was saying. he is going to have a physical before the election. but they are not committing -- the white house is not committing to letting the media talk to the doctor. >> brian: which is crazy, you remember the doctor after trump, congressman from texas. sat there and took questions for 45 minutes. >> ainsley: jackson. >> brian: they mocked him for saying donald trump is in great condition and everyone laughed. >> ainsley: let's talk about the migrant issue because we have more medicine lines to get. to say migrants are not the only ones crossing the border into texas. border patrol agents arresting two killers over the weekend. their convictions include murder and robbery. meanwhile, in washington, today house republicans set to hold another impeachment vote against dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas unlike the first time today's vote is expected to be successful since house majority leader steve scalise is back in washington after receiving cancer treatments. police are searching for the
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motive for the person who opened fired in joel osteen's church on sunday. originally from el salvador rap sheet and mental health issues. she sometimes identifies as transgender as a man. police say she had a rifle and claimed to have a bomb as she was entering the church. her gun had the word palestine written on it. >> brian: there you go. >> ainsley: two people were injured including the shooter's 7-year-old son who is in critical condition. shot in the head. we have a fox news alert. houthi rebels in yemen striking another cargo ship in the red sea on monday. this time they hit a ship that was bound for iran causing minor damage to the vessel. this as c.i. a director william burns is set to arrive in cairo later today, pushing for a new hostage and cease-fire deal between israel and hamas. it comes as president biden pushes israel to do more to protect palestinian civilians as the idf gears up for a new offensive in rafah. trey yingst will join us coming up with more details on that.
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now, the polls are open in new york for that special election we were mentioning. to choose a replacement for expelled congressman george santos. voters can cast their ballots either for mazie pilip or democrat tom suozzi republicans have hoping to expand slim majority which currently stands 219 to 212. just a few minutes she mazi pilip will join us live. the new york ph.d. working to track down those responsible for deadly shooting subway station in the bronx that spilled onto the platform. 34-year-old man was killed and five others injured yesterday. the other victims ranging between the age of 14 and 71. >> heart breaks when people are heading home and kids are coming home from school to do their homework, subjected to random acts of violence like what occurred here late this afternoon. >> ainsley: authorities say the shooting stemmed from a dispute
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between two teenagers. and those are your headlines, they were fighting on the subway. someone fired shots as it was pulling into that station up in the bronx. and bystanders were hurt. >> steve: 10 shots inside the subway car and one totally innocent bystander dead. >> brian: all right. let's bring in lawrence jones. is he live in memphis where residents are calling out the rise in crime. they feel helpless. lawrence. what did you find there? >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family, when people in the united states think about memphis, they think about this street. they think about the music, the blues, the food, the culture unfortunately, that's not the case anymore. people have been plagued by violent crime here. i talked with some folks yesterday. one guy told me he is actually sleeping in his store. here's a little bit from yesterday, watch. >> most of the criminals here, the way our bail system is set up it's a revolving door. oftentimes it's juveniles who are being recruited by gangs,
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knowing that they can tell the youth, look, even if you get busted, you're out three days later. and we will make it worth your while. >> they got fingerprints for a lot of the kids came in here. they went into the fridge to try to steal sodas if they were left. they were taught if they were caught they would be out because of their capacity. we were told they would be out the same day if they're caught. >> small group creating a problem and they continue to great create the problem. it's not that they are not getting caught. they are just getting let back out. >> lawrence: guys, it's nonstop. not just here in memphis. tomorrow we'll be in st. louis and the day after that we'll be in washington, d.c. to cover america's crime crisis. it's unfortunate because there is something similar about all of these cities, all of them are in crisis and want to defund the city.
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>> ainsley: lawrence, i believe you covered three cities to talk about how the border is effecting those cities. this week you are in three cities talking about how crime is effecting. this two big issues. >> lawrence: yeah. these are the things that voters say are most important to them. you got the border. you got the economy. and you got crime. so, we're just out here talking with folks to see how it's impacting them and what they want from their leaders. surprisingly, none of the leaders want to talk to the people. >> brian: i remember i went to do that elvis shoot and we went downtown where you are. a beautiful street where there is a lot of boarded up stores. a lot of people have given up on -- which was once a pulsating city because of the crime. thanks so much, lawrence, don't move. i got to do something lauren usually does with us. remind everyone to dvr the show. set up a series. but we urge you to watch the same day. >> steve: that's right. go ahead and set up your dvr, your device that records your tv shows for 6:00 a.m. eastern time. that way if you are on the pacific, don't set it for 6:00
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a.m. because that will just record the bill hemmer show. we want you to record this show. >> ainsley: we don't want you to miss it. we are trying to prepare you for your day. coming up, new york's congressional special election could hold the key to the future of border security. g.o.p. candidate mazi pilip said she is ready to put a stop to biden's sanctuary city mess. >> steve: credit card company maxing out surveillance efforts. tracking gun store purchases in the state of california. a live report straight ahead on this tuesday "fox & friends." ♪ we're engaged! congrats carol! your youngest finally popped the question. but now, you're really going to have to get those new dentures. after all, you need a smile that matches the moment. so this might be a good time to mention that aspen dental can create natural looking dentures in no time. just for you! and that comes with $0 down plus 0% interest if paid in full in 18 months. helping mothers of grooms look their best.
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>> ainsley: welcome back. a new report revealing that major credit companies are going to have merchant code to track down gun store purchases. that's in the state of california. that list reportedly includes american express, visa, and master card. they would be able to track sales, based on the codes that are assigned to each retailer. at least seven republican controlled state legislatures have banned the coding. several others are considering similar moves. they argue this infringes on americans' second amendment rights. california wants firearm dealers adopt the push by may of 2025.
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master card executive says the applicable stand alone merchants in california primarily engaged in sale of firearms will be required to -- the idea was originally approved in the golden state back in 2022 as part of a push by activists to reduce gun crime. okay. carley did her show earlier. she raced down here. so good to see you. >> carley: great to see you, too. happening today in new york city. the migrant teen who was arrested for a shooting in times square will be back in court. the 15-year-old was arraigned saturday. one day after u.s. marshals' regional task force arrested him at a home in yonkers. he has been charged with attempted murder, assault, weapons possession, and more after allegedly opening fire on police officers and shooting a tourist in the leg. as the investigation into misconduct by georgia district attorney fani willis continues, the judge overseeing former president trump's election
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interference case says it could result in a disqualification. a fulton county superior court judge confirming he will hold an evidentiary hearing on thursday over allegations that willis engaged in an improper affair with the special prosecutor she hired. his name is nathan wade. a trump defense attorney arguing that willis' alleged conduct could disqualify her and her team from the case. and today is fat tuesday, which means new orleans carnival season and mardi gras are here. you could see bourbon street it's empty now but it's going to be packed later. parades being held today including the procession of rex, king of carnivals and the zulu social aid and pleasure club. keep it right mere in the 8:00 a.m., we are going to have our very own king cakes. it's time to dive, in brian, and find the baby. over to you. >> brian: always a good idea. if a baby is in trouble it's
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always good to find the baby. >> carley: if we said it once we have said it a million times. >> brian: we have probably only said it once. happening today on capitol hill, the house is slated to hold a second voted to impeach dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas after he failed first time by one vote. g.o.p. holds on razor thin majority in the house new york's special election could make any difference in any future votes and ultimately border security. joining us now new york congressional candidate mazi pilip. mazi, first off, what is your closing message as you take on tom suozzi in this district that they say is too close to call? >> today is all about doing the right thing. all about securing our border. all be being tough on crime and supporting law enforcement. it's all about improving our economy. this is opportunity for the third congressional district
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resident to vote for me. and to send a message to swayze, his time is over. he created this mess, the border crisis. he opened the border and as a result, we are facing a border crisis, which we have to take care of as soon as possible. >> brian: are you worried about the weather? if the weather closing schools and the voting in the schools. do you worry that people are getting the message that they can't vote? >> no. i'm not worried because the issues are so important, i know the third congressional district residents will do everything to come out to vote because it's so important. >> this seat is about saving our country. >> brian: so he outspent you two to one. how did you overcome that or how do you expect to? >> you know, we have ground forces, people whose very much engaged that's why we are going
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to have a victory today. because the issue is so important and people have been working so hard. >> brian: so in 2020 joe biden won this by 8. it looks like santos won by 5. they said it's gone more maga than ever. what do you say to people that have come to that conclusion? did you find that when you campaigned? >> people want common sense government. they are sick and tired of old politics like tom suozzi so good on speaking, talking, but fail to deliver. and they want fresh voice, somebody who live within the community, somebody who knows how difficult it is in our economy to raise seven children. so, you know, people are sick and tired of border crisis. they want us to be tough on crime. they want safe streets. they want to improve our economy. they would like us to bring back the salt deduction which i'm very much engaged to bring salt
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deduction for new yorkers. making new yorkers more affordable. >> brian: it allows to you write off your state taxes. donald trump's tax reform got rid of that you are going against trump in that respect? >> yeah. absolutely. going to be the president supporting him when it comes to salt deduction. i will do everything to work hard with the new york delegation, long island delegation to bring salt deduction to new yorkers and make our state affordable for people to live and work in new york. >> brian: are you for the ukraine aid that's going to be in front of the house? that's going to be a vote that you will have to take if you win this seat and your husband is from the ukraine. would you vote for ukraine aid? >> you know, i believe we need to support our allied nation; however, when it comes to ukraine, it has been two years. all we ask is we need explanation how the money has been spent. once this answer is going to come back to us, we will evaluate.
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one things i can tell you, we need to support israel as soon as possible. the aid to israel has to be separate. no condition. we need to support israel as soon as possible because israel is fighting a terrorist organization. >> brian: i hear you. tell the president that. he seems to be wavering. best of luck. mazi pilip, bluck go out and vote, everybody. >> thank you. >> steve: "fox & friends" exclusive. lawrence gets a look at crime surge in memphis. >> really these guys are scared of nothing, okay? >> lawrence: um-huh. >> that is when they get hit with a sound weapon. >> lawrence: that works. >> brian: how businesses are fighting back next. plus, joe biden's campaign launches its own tiktok despite his own administration's security concerns. kurt the cyberguy. ♪
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your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. >> steve: speaking of the crime crisis murders in memphis, tennessee on the rise in the last calendar year, ending the year with nearly 400 murders.
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>> ainsley: and with violent crime up, local business owners are struggling to guard their livelihoods against smash and grab robberies and assault on crime policies keeping criminals there on the street. >> brian: lawrence jones is in memphis and talked to locals about how bad this crisis is. lawrence? >> lawrence: yeah. the it is out of control. we talked with folks yesterday. this is what they had to say. watch. ♪ ♪ >> lawrence: sir, tell me how many times you have been robbed. >> about three months, four months, three times. four were pretty small. three weeks ago we were looted. six kids coming in between the ages of 16 and 20. they run in and out emptying the store into a car and disappeared. ran out in 20 seconds and took $20,000 worth of stuff.
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>> lawrence: the damage they did to your building. >> the building was 16 and a half thousand dollars with windows doors and locks. that kind of stuff. >> >> lawrence: how do you survive. >> he is it supports myself and my wife and family. it's been around 28 years. i'm not going to give into a bunch of kids who want to steal from us. >> you are sleeping in the store. >> evan for the last month. we can't have this happening on a regular basis. >> lawrence: this is what provides for your family. >> it makes me angry. it makes me really angry. i'm angry with the kids who do this. i'm angry with the parents who let their kids do this. i don't know what the answer is. >> lawrence: you decided to make this investment into this security operation technology, why make the investment? >> without security, if we have break-ins, if we have issues, we have no business. >> lawrence: you look at the numbers, major crimes are up. why do you think that's happening? do you think it's because of a lack of law and order? >> and when this is something we could sit and talk on for hours. you know, the crime is ramping
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up. there is no consequences. it's not that they're not getting caught. they are just getting let back out. >> lawrence: so you have a unique job. your job is to come up with technology to prevent criminals from even acting. >> here in memphis, tennessee, there has been no shortage of attempts to slow down the lawless. innovation is a big part of what we do. >> lawrence: tell me how you use threat detection? >> we will play overcome. >> video monitoring is active. >> just to let someone know -- it could be someone innocuous, like a you can with aer. they don't know they are getting a little close for comfort. really these guys are scared of nothing. okay? so, that is when they get hit with a sound weapon. [loud sound] though got inside you deploy the fog. >> simple premise is if you can't see it, you can't steal
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it. if a criminal knows that a business is armed with security fog, it's almost what's the point in going in? >> lawrence: so we have heard about all the technology. let's see a demo of the fog. >> lawrence: wow. >> if you can't see it, you can't steal it. >> lawrence: i can't see anything. how busy is it for you? >> there is no shortage of smash and grab type of things. we in our actively deploying all of it stuff. not just here in memphis but across the country. we're businesses that are fed up and scared, frankly. >> lawrence: the bottom line is the folks need investment into these measures. if you are going to defund the police there has to be some type of alternative. shouldn't be on the backs of business owners. they have already started to
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boarding up. the question is how long will they survive this crisis going on in memphis. i will send it back to you guys. i know you have breaking news. >> brian: lawrence be with you in a second. >> a fox news alert now. the senate has >> brian: just passed the $95 billion foreign aid deal. passed 70-29. this is money for ukraine and israel. and some more. the big story was they wanted some border money in that. but the border money really went by the boards when they -- bipartisan bill was kicked to the curb last week. so mitch mcconnell put it forward even when the majority of his caucus was not for it. so, now it goes over to the house. can. >> ainsley: speaker johnson said he was slamming this package for excluding the border security provisions. the senate bill he said is silent on the most pressing issue facing our country, talking about the border. he says he is not going to bring it to the floor if it passes the senate, which did did. but they could find a way to go around the speaker. >> steve: he says the reason that the house is not going to
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bring it up is because it needs border security stuff, which ironically was in the senate bill last week, but, of course, that was kicked to the curb because a bunch of republicans bailed on it because donald trump didn't like it. according to punch bowl this morning, house leadership believes that they cannot bring this particular senate bill to the house floor if johnson wants to remain speaker. in other words, if they bring it up in the house, he will be gone. >> brian: what's interesting they could do the discharge petition, which would allow the whole thing just to go to the senate floor, excuse me, the house floor. chad told us last week -- last hour that it will probably go next -- march 1st when the house goes back in session. and that would allow the speaker not to put it up, keep his position. and to see if the majority of congress would go for this aid. so, look, they say 60 billion of this goes to kyiv.
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14 billion goes to israel. 10 billion for humanitarian aid for civilians in conflict zones, including the palestinians over in gaza. to me, you have to -- i mean, in kyiv, i think one of the big objections and i think it's got a lot of merit to it is who is monitoring the money? you write the check. who is following it. and the one thing i think both sides would benefit from is to have respected monitors, make sure every bullet in every rocket gets to the frontline. >> ainsley: that's what mazi phillips when you were interviewing her she said i'm for the aid going to these other countries. i just want to know how it's being spent. j.d. vance sent out a memo yesterday. it was circulating. and senator paul -- rand paul was supporting the memo because it brings up an interesting point. it's because billions of dollars. federal tax dollars will go to ukraine. and that is -- that money would go through after the election september 2025. trump has vowed to end the war in ukraine within 24 hours of being president, whether or not that would happen.
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>> brian: not's going to happen. >> steve: right. >> ainsley: that means the fund would go end. if he did this, it could provide grounds for the democrats to impeach him again and undermine his administration. >> brian: that is huge leap of logic. to me, it helps the president. because it gets it off the table. if you want leverage against russia to strike a deal, you can't do it from, well, ukraine is out of money anyway. so a point of weakness. vladimir putin already on the march in mull dove. have a is he taking more of georgia. just a report today from macron that he is infiltrating into the european elections. so, if you don't stop him here, they are going to be nato nation will have no choice but to american troops there. >> steve: brian, you make a great point. that is why it is so extraordinary that so many republican senators. >> brian: nuts. >> steve: voted against. this you know, essentially when we went on the air 46 minutes ago, there were 3 b. 17, 18 republican senators breaking with the balance of their party to join the democrats. and there you see chuck schumer,
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the top democrat in the senate right now. mitch mcconnell, john thune of south dakota, joni ernst of iowa and shellie had moore capito all broke with the other republicans to support the democrats on this. lindsey graham has been bulking on it. he actually backs now donald trump's plan for foreign aid essentially as being a loan rather than money. the other thing about all this money to ukraine that looks like a gigantic number but i have heard a number of people say a lot of that money actually stays in the united states. >> brian: because they buy our weapon systems we replenish. buy from american companies. >> ainsley: let's bring in chad pergram fox news senior congressional correspondent knows all of these players and so well versed on what is happening there on the floor. chad, what do you expect to happen now in the house? pass the senate and now it goes to the house. >> yeah. we don't think that this is going to come up right away in the house of representatives. house speaker mike johnson sent a statement last night saying that the status quo from the
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senate was unacceptable. he wanted some border provisions attached to this bill. remember that was the plan that was the ask. that was the demand by republicans when president biden made this initial request to help out ukraine and israel and taiwan. mitch mcconnell made the decision saying, you know, that's the decision. we need to get border security. so they took this detour into these border talks for several months. and that blew up last week. and so some democrats are saying we don't know what you're for because you ask for border security. again, we can argue the merits or demerits of that bill, but they provided that. now republicans are saying there is no border security on this. so we don't think it's going to come up in the house right away. >> brian: let me ask you something on this package want money border patrol overtime and being able to hire more people. auto could they have come up with some border money that just kept all the other controversial parts about asylum and about building soft sided facilities
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and all these other things that are somewhat debatable? can we just get more border money. should more border money have been there for border patrol? >> you had a lot of republicans saying that they weren't just willing to throw money at this problem. you know, so this is what was so vexing to many democrats and a lot of republicans that nobody knew quite exactly what could pass and what would be acceptable. >> steve: a lot of this is the fact that donald trump is against this. and, chad, we saw this play out last week where donald trump was against the bipartisan international security bill that was ukraine, israel, parts of parts of the pacific and also our southern border. >> that's right. and those statements, i think that that started to contour some of the positioning in the senate. you know, you had lindsey graham one of the most ardent supporters of aid to ukraine suddenly say he was opposed to the bill because it didn't include border security although
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he and his staff were dialed in on this bill. i think this is very telling about lindsey graham here is that he is not going to munich security conference right now, which the senate was supposed to be out this week and bipartisan senators were supposed to go there. is he going to the border. so, again, the former president's comments have changed the politics. >> brian: yeah. they have. i understand what is he talking about. the other thing is, if you look at -- if you look at russian aid, russia is now asking -- hired nepal army, nuclear weapon please fighters to come fight. that's how low they are on people to fight keep in mind huge adean beat the soviets with mock sins passed $95 billion in aid to ukraine in israel now let's see what happens in the house. >> ainsley: it's been almost two years this war has been going on with russia.
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>> brian: they said it was going to last four days. >> steve: didn't work out. thank you, chad. >> ainsley: let's go to another fox news alert. we are seeing more attacks from the houthis in the red sea as defense secretary lloyd austin is still in the hospital. >> steve: all right, trey yingst brings us up to date. is he live in tel aviv. trey? >> hey, guys, good morning. iran backed houthi rebels are continuing attacks against ships in the red sea according to u.s. central command. a scoring ship that was traveling from brazil ironically to iran was targeted with two missiles launched from yemen early this morning. the houthis claimed the vessel was linked to the americans in reality this was greek-owned. claimed the attack was in vindication of the oppressed palestinian people. 130 days into the war between israel and hamas, that conflict continues to influence global military and political actions. on monday, president biden met with jordan's king abdullah. the pair calling for a two-state solution here and discussing the expected israeli offensive
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against the gadzen city of rafah. biden expressed palestinian civilians need to be protected and said this about the broader conflict. >> i'm working on this day and night with the king and others in the region to find the means to bring all these hostages home to ease the humanitarian crisis and to end the terror threat. >> today c.i. a director william burns is in cairo. is he meeting with egyptian negotiators. the israelis, and the qataris trying to hammer out the details of a possible cease-fire agreement. ainsley? >> ainsley: all right, trey. thank you so much. steve, over to you. >> steve: all right, ainsley, thank you very much. it's techy tuesday and starting off we have got the biden campaign just launched an official tiktok account to woo young voters despite security concerns with china and tiktok. >> jason kelce or travis kelce. >> momma kelce i understand she makes great chocolate chip cooks
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were. >> are the chiefs being a good football team. >> i get in trouble. >> trump or biden? >> are you kidding? ha ha ha -- biden. >> steve: there went those laser eyes. joining us right now kurt is nutsson the cyberguy. kurt, so the president did not do the super bowl interview with cbs. he didn't do with fox last year either. but, instead, they're on tiktok, which is banned on government devices. >> which he signed that bill by the way to ban it from federal employees. now desperate to win over younger voters. good morning to you, steve, biden has now started the campaign, strohling tiktok it's at biden h.q. and never mind that's it it's owned, run by a chinese company bytedance. still banned but, yet, good for biden. >> steve: yeah, good for biden. all right. one thing as a grandfather now for one year there is a new ai tool. i don't know why it took so long that will actually tell a parent what the baby's cries mean.
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generally a baby is crying because they are hungry, they are tired. they need a diaper change. but now a.i. is going to it all out. >> kind of crazy. it turns out that parents are only about 30% accurate withstanding what their baby cry means. >> steve: right. >> this app. called coppola claims to be 95% accurate with its baby cry technology going to be 10 bucks a month for this though. better work kind of expensive. android app. are you hungry are you hungry tired do i need to change your diaper i will have my kids try it. put on a suit and start flying. i want one. >> going to be 8 people competing on february 28th. i will go with you. by the way, it's just outside of london where this flight suit
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company is located. let's go together and try this out. it's going to be a thrilling ariel speck dark. they are wearing these chutes and go through obstacle course at 85 mile-per-hour. i want to be there. i at least wanted to try this out. four turbines on the arms. there is one on the back. it's incredible. by the way, steve, we are also tracking a story related to a google cookies on browsers that are in danger in terms of hackers going after them. looking at your financial -- tracking that online at of course, if you get minus letter you would get that in your email box. >> steve: cookies are different than the ones joe biden was talking about tiktok momma kelce i have a feeling. check out his website and newsletter go to thank you very much. that's tech tuesday. still ahead the white house refusing to commit to having joe biden's doctor attest to his mental acuity. that is at the top of the hour.
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>> president's doctor is going to do a physical, he's gonna -- and he has always put forth in the last two years a detailed -- detailed memo i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's tuesday, february 1st. tomorrow is valentine's day. this is "fox & friends." we'll start with this. it's a fox news alert. moments ago, senators did pass that $95 billion foreign aid


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