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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your doctor about how skyrizi could help with your skin or joint symptoms. learn how abbvie could help you save. >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it's tuesday, february 1st. tomorrow is valentine's day. this is "fox & friends." we'll start with this. it's a fox news alert. moments ago, senators did pass that $95 billion foreign aid
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package, but is it dead on arrival when it goes to the house? >> brian: yep. meanwhile, on this story is pretty big. a fox news alert. 35 million americans bracing for a nor'easter, no h in that. janice is tracking the morning commute. >> steve: plus, the white house refusing to commit to having joe biden wants doctor attest to joe biden's mental acuity. >> when can we talk to the president's doctor. >> the president's doctor is going to do a physical. he's gonna -- and he has always put forth in the last two years a detailed -- detailed memo. >> steve: so, get his blood pressure and that's about it. the growing concern over the president's fitness to serve. >> ainsley: "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> brian: believe her. steve all right. within the last 15 minutes, the u.s. senate officially passed a $95 billion foreign aid spending package after working through the weekend and the night as
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well. the senate passing the bill by a vote of 70 to 29 it now heads to the house where right now it doesn't look like the speaker wants to vote on it. >> ainsley: faces uncertain future when it gets there to the house as the speaker, mike johnson has made it very clear he is not on board with the package. he wants aid for the border. >> brian: meanwhile ukrainian president zelenskyy posting to x just minutes ago thanking the senate saying, in part: i'm grateful to senator schumer and mcconnell and every u.s. senator who has supported and continued assistance to ukraine. >> steve: right. >> brian: so you got 70-29 pretty significant vote. most of the money goes to ukraine. and it will carry it through next year. so, then you have specific weapon systems and this becomes an issue that goes to the sideline. on the surface, you would think it would benefit president trump who wants to bring back on aid. but he has made it clear through j.d. vance and others he does not want to give aid to ukraine.
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>> steve: he was opposed to this bill. look, ukraine aid is very unpopular right now with a lot of republican-based voters. and that's why it's extraordinary that in this final vote, 22 republican senators joined all the democrats to pass this thing. now, as -- as it heads to the house, where mike johnson, you know, essentially -- since he doesn't want to bring it up because it doesn't have a u.s. border stuff with mexico, it does face a tricky path in the house because there are a number of democrats who oppose the israeli part of it because they don't like the way israel has been prosecuting the war with hamas. >> ainsley: well, israel is our ally. they always have been. we will continue to support them. we have always stood by them as a country. when it comes to ukraine, to hear zelenskyy say that is a reminder of what that country has been through. i know it's a lot of money. i know we have our border issues. hopefully they can come up with some plan to help our border because lawrence has been traveling to all these different
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cities and they all say the same thing. we have talked to so many border patrol agents and we see what is happening here in new york city and in your city as well. so we definitely need to address that issue. maybe make this a separate issue. i'm not sure if speaker johnson will be able to put that back in the bill. but, when you hear zelenskyy talk about this, we're reminded of those images of the women that were raped. of the children that were killed. of the school buildings and hospitals completely bombed in the middle of the night. >> brian: keep in mind, too. when it comes to the russian aid -- excuse me the aid to ukraine against russia. part of the this administration did not communicate. the president does not give speeches. his aides are not effective. they don't tell us exactly where the money is going. in fact, there hasn't been a strong accounting of what happens once it leaves our coffers and our weapons get there i'm not saying the ukrainians are fighting with tremendous valor and tearing apart the russians in head-to-head battles. but the russians have more and they have got more people. remember, there was a day when you have the iraq war, dick
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cheney would sit on meet the press and you might not like a thing that dick cheney said. and collin powell. you might not like any of it. but you know exactly what the issues were. this administration depends on lindsey graham and general jack keane to talk about why this matters and chuck schumer to say something that he -- somebody else wrote. it doesn't persuade. and after a while they go, i don't really think the president prosecuting this war effectively. i think he is slow-walking half the weapon systems we give them. i feel bad about supporting this anymore. and that's the tough situation people -- republicans are in right now. the mission is right. the execution is off. >> ainsley: so, brian, you were talking about the discharge position. what would happen after it passes in the senate, and it just did. then it goes to the house. speaker johnson said he -- this is dead on arrival. he has been slamming this package because it doesn't include that border money. but, now there is this discharge petition that allows them to go around him. it would go straight to the
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floor of the house? >> brian: he said it's only happened twice in 202 years. they were able to put this issue out there. and bypass leadership. and they would have enough democratic votes to pass. and in theory there would be republican votes to pass being that they never soyinka up on sn anything, period. >> steve: johnson will get kicked out of the speaker job. >> brian: that will go well. >> steve: it always does. 7:06 in the east. outside our window we have got a storm. fox weather alert, more than 35 million people from west virginia all the way up through the canadian maritimes are waking up to a winter storm alert this morning as a massive nor'easter is starting to barrel up the east coast. >> ainsley: tri-state area 4 to 8 inches of snow. schools in cities like boston and providence are closed today and more than 1,000 flights have
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already been canceled. >> brian: senior meteorologist janice dean tracking the storage and showing all around her. [laughter] january look at you, janice. >> janice: first major storm for the new york city area in nearly two years. we haven't had a storm watch or warning coming down pretty good. 8:00 hour we are expecting snowfall rates of inch and a half to two and a half inches an hour. and that's going to cause major problems on the roads. already several inches of snow being reported across the appalachians, up towards the northeast and boston. we could get easily 6 to 12 inches of snow. wide swath of 3 to 8 inches, 3 to 5 inches, and then some areas could get higher totals. the thing with this storm going to come in the morning commute and hopefully people are staying off the roadways, special around the tristate area i-95 corridor into connecticut and new england. but it's a quick mover. it will be out of here by this afternoon. but we're going to have, obviously cancellations at the
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airport there are going to be delays on the roads and in the air. so, just be patient. it will be out this afternoon. you know what? we are kind of into this wintry pattern right now as we head towards friday, we could have a chance of snow and even next week because the cold air is going to sink southward behind this system. so we'll keep you up to date. fox square, here it comes. i'm excited about. this this is the first big snow storm that i have seen in a couple of years. and kids are off school. i'm just hoping there is enough to make a snow angel in later today. >> steve: right now there is just slush. >> janice: it's slushy. do you know what, steve? later on when it gets cold, that slush is going to freeze. >> steve: 100 percent. >> janice: that's going to be difficult. >> brian: going to be tough to protest against israel in the snow, right? that will be good news for the new yorkers. >> janice: i will just do the forecast. can. >> ainsley: we need snow men, too. you can do the angel. >> brian: you mean snow people, right? do you know what i mean? don't insult me, please. >> steve: they are slushy. >> ainsley: that's the next thing. stop talking about it because
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that's going to be the next thing. >> brian: exactly. build snow people. >> steve: no snow so we don't have to worry about it. >> brian: there will be a day. >> steve: now let's go to the border crisis and we have been talking about this. migrants aren't the only ones crossing into texas. border patrol agents have arrested two convicted killers over the weekend. >> ainsley: meanwhile today in washington house republicans set to hold another impeachment vote against dhs secretary alejandro, mayorkas. >> brian: we will see if they have the votes and the peter. peter doocy joins us live you from the white house. >> peter: peter this administration's idea to try to stop the crush of people crossing illegally at the border was to ask migrants to download on to cell phones the cbp 1 app. and try to make reservation to come across at the port of entry. we have learned 64 million different times that app. -- a reservation has been requested in that app. and they let about 450,000 of those 64 million in over the last year. that is a ton of volume.
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and we're getting a better idea about who exactly might be among the illegal crossers. people like these two men. one of them wanted for homicide the other poor manslaughter, murder, shooting with intent toe kill and robbery. and stuff like this is compounding the frustration with the department of homeland security. and if house republicans can get enough members to the floor, they are going to try to impeach aly mayorkas again tonight. this effort failed last week majority leader scalise has been medically cleared to fly up and try to boot the dhs secretary and we know the root causes of migration were supposed to be addressed by the vice president, who is apparently losing friends in biden world. axios is reporting that she has been at best ineffective. and at worst sporadically engaged and not seeing it was her responsibility it's an opportunity for her and she didn't feel the breech, a former biden administration has told
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axios. still, the vice president is insisting if there is a problem with mental health over the next couple years, she is ready for a promotion. the "wall street journal" has. this she was asked a delegate question hanging over the democratic ticket. do voter concerns over president biden's age mean she must convince them she is ready to serve, quote: i am ready to serve no question about that. harris responded bluntly. everyone who cease her on the job, harris said, walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead. but her portfolio has turned out to be pretty tricky, particularly on the root causes of migration. telling migrants do not come. that was the line. and now publicly on this issue, she is basically invisible. back to you. >> steve: she says she's ready peter, you cited that axios things where she was talking about the migration problem, and
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she didn't understand how it all worked. she asked a member of her staff, explain the difference between refugees and asylum seekers. so, it looks like somebody in biden world is trying to throw the vice president under the bus. >> peter: probably part of the reason why she is the one who got this assignment and not the president. >> it's interesting that she said she is ready to serve. she usually follows it up with let's not talk about hypotheticals. joe biden will be the president. he will be the one in office. thank you so much, peter bring up lawrence on the border. covering the crime glifs liberal cities. first off, lawrence, your reaction to kamala harris behind closed doors people say she has been invisible. haven't we been saying that. >> i mean, i love the johnny come latelies. and the members of the press now saying it as well. and the campaign finally with the anonymous sources leaking
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it. she was supposed to be the border czar. she was supposed to be the person to get ahead of the root causes. yet, she has been absent, not just on the border, but several issues, guys. >> brian: issues too. >> steve: in particular, lawrence, regarding that axios report that this is all coming from, you know, we heard she was the border czar essentially. but, apparently she made it clear in the beginning her responsibility started and ended with simply the factors going into why people were leaving the northern triangle countries of guatemala, honduras and el salvador. it was just about that. just that much. so she takes no responsibility for all these people streaming across our southern border. >> it's like me coming into friday show and going i'm going to do the show, i'm only doing jack keane. excuse me i need you to do the whole show. oh, no, only general jack keane. see you later. you don't do that you get an assignment from the president. you can't streamline the request.
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>> ainsley: that we premadonna. let's talk about robert hur and his findings said that our president was elderly and had a poor memory. didn't remember when his son passed away and forgot other things as well. well, the white house press corps is really -- they are asking a lot of questions about this. and, yesterday, they were saying, all right. is he going to have a physical before the elections? and they said yes, his doctor will, you know, give him had health check before, and then the reporters were asking well, will the doctor talk to the press? listen to this. >> when can we talk to the president's doctor and how come they haven't been asked to come out here and talk with us given the hur report that challenges the president's mental fitness. >> special counsel hur, as far as i remember, is a -- is a -- obviously a rubbing -- a, -- a -- a prosecutor. he is not -- he is not a medical doctor, he's just not. it's not for him to speak to, and it is obviously up for a medical doctor to decide on that. >> can we talk to his doctor then? >> look, i have said the medical
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doctor, the 379th president's doctor is going to do a physical. he has always put forth in the last two years a detailed -- detailed memo on the president's -- on the president's -- a -- obviously, medical -- physical. so i'm just going to leave it there. >> brian: general kirby should have come out of the bullpen and helped her out. >> lawrence: i mean, it is very clear, he may not be a medical doctor but release the tapes then. if you don't believe the characterization that he said, let the american people decide -- if he is so great and everything is going so well and he remembered his son and he remembered certain strategies and all that, i'm sorry about the car coming behind me, then release the tape to the american people so we can decide. the white house position is they are not going to release the tape. so there you go. >> brian: i know you were traveling yesterday, lawrence. did you see the shuffle going on with king abdullah yesterday, him looking at the painting of
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barack obama, do you see him asking for the prince and miss pronouncing his name and her name not knowing where to stand? >> lawrence: i did. do you know what? i mean, brian, these are world leaders. and they are in the middle of a conflict right now. this is -- we eye eye look at -- back and forth.didn't remem. he has to negotiate some type of peace right now because you have got the arab world that is upset about what is happening in gaza. you would think he would be able to reaffirm the u.s. position with this guy if this is what is he doing in private, i think we are in trouble. >> brian: you think? >> ainsley: robert hur, you are right, lawrence. i would love to see those tapes, you bring up interesting point. he made honest observation he was there to write a report. he just wrote the facts. he didn't remember certain things that any parent who lost a child normally would remember the dates their life changed
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forever. >> brian: when he became vice president. >> steve: robert hur was simply explaining why he did not think the current president should be charged because he had an awful memory. he was an elderly guy, and so, essentially, his bad memory and his age got him from being charged by this special counsel. so, you know, they are complaining a little loudly. they are not going to prosecutes. >> brian: think about this, steve. he went up there and when asked about donald trump and the documents at mar-a-lago, how could anyone take these documents that are top secret for the country? people's lives are at stake. and he has been doing it since 1977. >> steve: but, brian, we heard the president in that terrible press conference on thursday night, essentially threw his staff under the bus. >> brian: right. >> steve: if it's not the staff they are throwing kamala harris. >> in the garage and under the bus. >> steve: a lot of buses. >> brian: next to his corvette. >> steve: time for some news with carley. >> carley: to texas we go. big update here. police are searching for the motive of the person who opened
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fire inside joel osteen's mega church. police say the shooter was originally from el salvador and long rap sheet and history of mental health issues. we are also learning she sometimes identified as a transgender man. police say she had a rifle and claimed to have a bomb as she entered the church and her gun had the word palestine written on it. two people were hurt, including the shooter wants 7-year-old son who is still in critical condition. to a fox news alert. the houthis strike another cargo ship early this morning in the red sea that was traveling to iran. the iran-backed terror group claimed the ship was linked to the u.s., but our trey yingst reports it is a greek-owned vessel. tensions across the middle east. lloyd austin remains hospitalized this morning, being treated for a bladder issue. how about this story here? a florida couple is behind bars, police say they tried to rob a lowe's hardware store wearing matching cookie monster pajamas.
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the couple is accused of trying to leave without paying for several items when approached by employees, officials say the man flashed a gun and walked out. authorities tracked both of them down yesterday. criminals in cute p.j.s. of the polls are now open in new york for a special election to choose a replacement for expelled and disgraced congressman george santos. voters can cast their ballots for either republican mazi pilip or democrat tom suozzi. pilip joined us earlier with her message for new yorkers. watch this. >> today is all about doing the right things, all about securing our borders. all about being tough on crime and supporting law enforcement. it's all about improving our economy. this is opportunity for the third congressional district resident to vote for me and to send a message to swayze, his time is over. swowzy.
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he created this mess hunter biden's former business partner rob walker testified that president biden met with the chairman of the chinese energy firm hunter did business with in 2017. a transcript obtained by fox news digital says, quote: i don't remember the exact time, but i remember being in washington, d.c. and the former vice president stopped by. we were having lunch. tony bobulinski, another one of hunter's ex-business associates is set to testify today before the house oversight and judiciary committees. and dunkin' is sharing behind the scenes footage from this super bowl ad featuring ben affleck, jlo, matt damon and tom brady and safe to say affleck needs to work on his arm. >> you play football football. >> no, no. >> come on don't play this ego that it is good. >> tomi, gun one in here, baby, come on. >> don't do me like that.
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>> tom, touchdown style. >> all right. >> that was a little -- >> yeah, i wasn't ready for that. >> carley: the viral sensation the company dunkin' track suits sold out in 19 minutes after the spot aired. everybody wanted to get a hands on one of those orange and pink jump suits. >> steve: stand out. >> brian: this is the last year you are going to see i think him in an ad. next yearer will be in the booth for fox. >> steve: he can still do that. >> brian: do you think that's appropriate? >> steve: it all depends on what his deal is. >> ainsley: when i watch someone like beyonce or someone who is a great dancer gosh, i wish i could look like that. i wish i had taken more dance classes. >> carley: she looks like that. she is the only one that doesn't know. >> ainsley: when you look at tom brady are you like shoot, i wish i had that arm? >> brian: no i see a lot of myself in him. [laughter] >> brian: we have very similar careers. >> steve: by the way, sunday
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night, the kansas city vs. the 49ers the most watched telecast in history moan shot. >> carley: no way? >> steve: unbelievable. >> carley: big ratings. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: i saw the headline, and i didn't read enough into it, really? so the moan was the only thing that beat it. >> steve: indeed. >> brian: all right. >> steve: that was -- >> brian: by the way the moon is shrinking. did you hear that. >> ainsley: global warming, right? >> steve: how is it shrinking? >> brian: don't ask me. >> ainsley: get as many viewers on "fox & friends" as they did on the super bowl? >> brian: yeah, i think so. if they dvr it. >> ainsley: right. dvr us at 6:00. good plan, brian. >> brian: remember to watch the same day. happening today right now i guess i will go ahead and read. the teen migrant accused of firing shots into times square is due in court. how the city is it responding with new protocols for illegal immigrants.
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>> ainsley: judge saying disqualification is possible for the fulton county d.a. fani willis as the former president trump petitions the supreme court to hear his immunity claim. andy mccarthy says the impact on the trial timeline could be major. that's next. >> brian: that's a good picture. >> steve: once suspected burglar it didn't plan his escape very well. >> brian: what a shame. makes me not want to rob penal. people kidney failure with farxi. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ ♪3, 4♪ ♪
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♪ >> brian: welcome back. some headlines that are really important. a fallen new mexico police officer's remains have been escorted from his home to hometown of el paso, texas. officer hernandez was stabbed to death while responding to a trespassing incident. >> the gunman was shot and killed by a bystander. they set up a go fund me. set up right now to raise money for the officer's wife and two young kids. already got $50,000. to california, a burglary suspect in beverly hills caught on camera falling into the swimming pool of a house. he was trying to escape from over the weekend. the men appeared to try to use a ladder to climb the roof of a building in the home's backyard. police taking the man into custody shortly after this spill. a look at your headlines. big developing story.
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allegation misconduct georgia district attorney fani willis the judge overseeing former president trump's election interference case says it could result in her disqualification, madeleine rivera live in washington. can you set the table for us, madeline? >> hey, good morning, brian. well, an evidentiary hearing is scheduled to begin on thursday. and we could see fulton county district attorney fani willis testify in he or she own defense. the presiding judge appeared to allow testimony from some of the witnesses that the defense subpoenaed. this is a blow for willis who could be disqualified from the election interference case she is overseeing against former president trump and others in georgia. one of the key issues here is whether willis financially benefited in her relationship with relationship special prosecutor nathan wade who she hired to help lead the case. court documents showed wade build taxpayers $654,000 since january 2022. fulton county judge scott mcafee says specifically looking at defendant roman's
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motion it alleges a personal relationship that resulted in a financial benefit to the district attorney. and that is no longer a matter of complete speculation. the state has admitted a relationship existed and so what remains to be proven is the existence and extent of any financial benefit. willis has admitted to having a personal relationship with wade but denies a conflict of interest. terrence bradley, wade's former law partner will testify first on thursday. willisens father also expected to testify remotely from california. ainsley? >> ainsley: all right, madeline, thank you so much. here is reaction to that story. thank you. former federal prosecutor andy mccarthy joins us. >> hi, ainsley. >> ainsley: what happens if they are disqualified. it sounds like the supreme judge is going to disqualify them or there is grounds for that. anyone you talk to can't believe this is actually happening. so if they are disqualified, who gets this case now and how could help donald trump? >> you know, it depends,
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ainsley, on whether you make the leap from there needs to be a disqualification to that the disqualification may somehow have corrupted the fu if fundaml of the case. they could get the indictment dismissed. that's a heavy lift. probably the case goes to subordinate prosecutors in the office. it's important to remember she is already disqualified from prosecuting one person in the case because of ethical violations during the investigation. so this isn't her first rodeo. >> ainsley: if it goes to a subordinate prosecutor in her office, we probably know how they feel about this, would it delay? would this happen after the election? >> yeah. well, you know, it's hard to make any assessment of that because there is no trial date here. and this really -- there is other litigation going on where you have one defendant, i think it's mark meadows, who still is trying to get the case moved
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into federal court. they still haven't had like the major motions in the case. four people have pled guilty but pled guilty to very minor charges. i think that underscores what a lot of us have been saying from the beginning which is that this case should have been brought, if at all, as a series of small cases and she tried to wrap it into this big ricco. and now the allegation is did she do that in order to churn the enterprise of bringing this case so that it would generate more money since she -- this is the allegation. >> ainsley: benefiting from it allegedly. >> recipient of the money through the people she hired. >> ainsley: through the vacations and all of that, allegedly, with her alleged boyfriend, mr. wade. okay. what about donald trump asking the supreme court to intervene? he is claiming absolute immunity. >> yeah. well, i think that, you know, the interesting thing here is it was very foolish for the prosecutor, jack smith to try to bypass the normal appellate
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process as he did weeks ago when he asked the supreme court to take this case before the d.c. circuit could hear it because now he is in the position of going back to the supreme court and saying never mind you don't need to weigh in here because i'm happy with the decision i got from the d.c. circuit. they may find that a bit odd. otherwise, i think the court is going to be reluctant to take this case. >> ainsley: that's interesting. there are those new york cases, too. i was leading this morning that could happen this week thursday and friday. or thursday, at least. all right, andy, thank you so much for weighing in on this. >> thanks, ainsley. >> ainsley: you're welcome. coming up, a fox weather alert. snow is starting to really come down as 35 million americans are bracing for a nor'easter. we have a live report, next. but, first, a "fox & friends" exclusive. lawrence investigates memphis' crime crisis as residents say gangs are targeting children. >> oftentimes it's juveniles who are being recruited by gangs. >> we just have a small group
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that's creating a problem, and they continue to create the problem. >> ainsley: lawrence talks with a pastor trying to get children on the right path. that's next. ♪ alized financial advice from ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms,
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sleep number does that. now, save 50% on the sleep number limited edition smart bed. plus, free home delivery when you add any base. ends president's day. >> steve: all right. winter storm headquarters and a fox news alert. look at those live images from the poconos where it looks like they have got a foot of snow on that lawn furniture. >> ainsley: go. >> >> steve: a winter storm warning issued for 35 million americans across the northeast snow really coming down, as you can see out there in lakeville, pennsylvania. >> brian: can you see the host saying would you like a seat inside our outside? i will take inside. areas getting socked that's a meteorology term. more than 1,000 filings flights have been canceled. >> ainsley: excited that it's
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white. we have white out there. fox weather kendall smith live in hartford, connecticut, it's really coming down there. >> yi, guys, i'm here in downtown hartford right now where we are definitely dealing with the worst of this storm. the snow began a roughly a little after 2:00 a.m. this morning. it's been coming down. we are talking about snow rates upwards of 1 to 2 inches per hour. here at hartford though that's not where we will see a bulls eye set up. it will be a little bit closer to the coast line of connecticut that's where we could see as much as 4 to 8 inches of snow. here in hartford, though, the public schools they are closed for today. so a lot of kiddos have a snow day, which is pretty exciting but what is not exciting is the road conditions. we have got snow covered roads, interstates, highways, you name it they are a mess right now. we do have quite a few snowplows out and about. i have been out here and watching all of the snowplows go back and forth this morning. more than 600 trucks are out on the roads, 900 personnel working
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hard to get those roads cleared. the silver lining to all of this though, guys, is that this is a powerful but relatively fast-moving storm system. so we are talking about this wrapping up here in hartford by about 2:00 this afternoon. better conditions are on the way. good news for valentine's day and thursday looks pretty nice, guys? >> steve: all right, kendall, thank you very much for a live report from connecticut. >> ainsley: think about all the flower deliveries have that are will have to get out tomorrow. >> brian: right. >> ainsley: get on it. i saw that look. i saw that look. >> brian: if you are ftd driver put chains on the tires. i don't want to hear any excuses no february 15th arrival. >> steve: cupid doesn't need snow tires. >> brian: cupid might need a jacket. i don't want to see that iny bellybutton this year. fox weather is the storm headquarters. go to fox weather dot tv i said
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that right to find out to stream live. always on and always free. >> steve: meanwhile, few cities have experienced america's crime crisis. worse than memphis tennessee. >> ainsley: last year the city experienced a staggering 38% increase in homicides and already on pace to exceed that in 2024. >> brian: lawrence jones live in memphis this morning with pastor ricky floyd who is working to try to change those numbers. good morning, bring in the pastor, you were talking about the homicides happening in the city, what's going wrong with memphis right now? >> i think one of the things that happened is you have got bad education system. we don't have enough police officers. but i can honestly say that when the pandemic came, i think it exposed mental illness and gave an opportunity for mental illness to come out of the box. and we are seeing a lot of these criminal activities because of the mindset. the people have not had enough
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psychologic counseling. >> lawrence: pastor, it also appears we were just with a business owner that there is no respect of law enforcement and authority at all. >> people will make decisions off of two things, love and fear not enough love from parents that's why we are seeing crime as well. >> lawrence: what needs to get this city under control? it's not just memphis. >> yeah. >> lawrence: i'm heading to st. louis after the show and washington, d.c., all experiencing the same thing. >> poverty has got to be dealt with. mental illness has got to be dealt with our educational system is not supporting -- doesn't have systems in place that are giving our children hope to have a career that allows them to be productive citizens. and, as a pastor, i'm not saying this because i'm a pastor, in the old days when there was respect, honor and love for the church, we had authority to give guidance to the people. that's gone in a lot of houses nowadays.
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>> lawrence: pastor, do you think as we deal with the poverty issue, as we deal with the heart issue, do you think it's time to turn the heat up a little bit when it comes to the criminals on the street? >> i absolutely do. that's not a popular opinion in our city. but i think we have done so much protecting the criminal that we have now put the law-abiding citizen in jail because they don't know if their wife can go to the grocery store and come back, or daughter can go to the gas station and come back. we have put so much emphasis on justice for the criminal that we have -- we're not protecting the law-abiding citizens anymore. >> lawrence: if you could talk to the leaders real quickly, what would you tell the nation leaders who say defund the police. >> yeah. >> lawrence: let punishment, what would you tell them? >> defund the police is probably the most stupid thing i have ever heard of in my life. we need more police. we need to give authority back to the police. i think one of the problem is the police are afraid to be police right now.
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they don't have the authority, the respect, the honor that they used to have and they are afraid not only for their lives now, they are a afraid if they are going to be able to keep their job and the insurance and will they end up in jail for doing what in times past they were supposed to do. we should not allow a few bad police officers spoil the whole thing. >> lawrence: such a good point. thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> lawrence: guys, i will send it back to you on the couch. >> steve: all right, lawrence, thank you so much. a great report from downtown memphis on beale street. >> ainsley: huge manhunt last sunday. guy started a church and took a car at gunpoint from woman and kid baptist church in memphis and went on shooting spree in new york city. >> steve: thank goodness they went out. >> ainsley: thank goodness they went to a vape store and someone ended up shot there. >> brian: expected of firing shots in times square is due in court and a live report on how
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the city's leadership is responding. >> steve: and age really is just a number. tony robbins on how he was able to lower his biological age by half a decade. want to do that? put down that remote. tony is coming up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> brian: happening today in new york city, a migrant teen arrested for shooting at times square on saturday back in court. meanwhile the city is imposing a curfew, even more shelters, new report reveals the moped crime spree goes far beyond the big apple. it's organized. madison alworth joins us with the latest. madison. >> good morning, brian, a lot to get to today. new york is expanding a curfew for shelters as crime in that community increases. the latest a venezuelan migrant accused of shooting an innocent bystander in times square and then firing at the police officer who was trying to arrest arrest him is now in court. the 15-year-old jesus alejandro being charged as adult after prosecutors say he tried to flee. the migrants and his mother who started living in new york city migrant housing last year, packed up their belongings on friday after the crime fleeing to yonkers where he was found 24 hours later behind a wardrobe. the alleged shooter being charged with attempted murder, assault, attempted assault, and
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weapons possession. but the problems expand far beyond that with an increase in robberies perpetrated by migrants on scooters. why are now learning that the attacks may be coordinated and linked to large crime groups. one migrant telling the post, quote: it's much bigger than me. in a million years i never thought you would catch me. i have been going to miami every three weeks and it's much bigger than me. the venezuelan migrant is alleged to be a part of an illicit network that has been linked to robberies around new york city, yonkers, new jersey and florida with proceeds being sent back to south america. now, new york city is responding in part by imposing curfews on 24 migrant shelters. curfews in place 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. this represents a fraction of the city's migrant population. new curfews cover around 3600 migrants. just to put that in perspective, there are currently 67,000 migrants in more than 200
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facilities here in new york city. brian? >> steve: so, madison, it sounds like this venezuelan gang has used the very lax border policies on our southern border to get these ms-13 people into the new york city area, specifically to be a crime gang. >> yes, it does seem that that is the case. that they are taking advantage of an open border in order to not just to get here and to claim asylum as obviously people are doing across the border, but to, in fact, be in a city where there are more lax d.a. policy and prosecution in order to perpetrate crimes that then send revenues back to south america. >> so they have done their research. they know which cities they can get away with more. >> steve: this one. >> ainsley: correct. >> steve: crazy. madison, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: it's also very interesting how she detailed how the kid, who is shooting the a people and wound up shooting a
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brazilian tourist one block from where we were sitting when they were trying to steal a coat. he knew that he had done something wrong. i mean, if he is at his house and is he hiding from the cops, and they had packed up. >> brian: is he crying. >> ainsley: is he crying in that image. >> brian: so the moped -- the venezuelan gangs are setting up shops in the bronx, robbing people in mid-atlantic and -- manhattan andselling it in . >> ainsley: scared to use an atm scared is someone is going to grab your money. scared to ride the subway because you will get shot just like happened in the bronx last night. then you are scared to go to times square. i remember we had a birthday party in times square the movie theater and i was really nervous about walking through there with my child. and we are terrified subway, atm, so many different fears that we are all are going through. these are things that you never used to think about. you shouldn't have to think about when you are in your city. >> steve: it's so diabolical,
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this venezuelan gang looked at what is happening in this country and said, you know what? we got a way to make a lot of money, and that is why they are here and that is what they are doing. >> ainsley: and women aren't even carrying purses on the streets anymore in my neighborhood because you just put it in your pockets because you are scared those moped guys come up on the sidewalk and grab it . >> steve: or take your phones sign ever the times. u.s. senate passed that $95 billion foreign aid deal after an all-night err, is iterd on the house? it kind of looks like it. >> ainsley: 35 million americans beginning to feel the effects of that powerful nor'easter. team coverage in the next hour. look at the poconos. a f wow. ♪amil like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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my name's cody archie. and i'm erica. cody: and we're first generation ranchers from central texas. erica: and because of tiktok, we're able to show people from all over the world where their food and fiber come from. cody: we have dorper sheep and we have beef cattle for the sole purpose of going into the food chain. we use tiktok as a tool to inform people
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of what we do and why we do it. there's just a plethora of knowledge and of information swapping going on there. tiktok is helping us protect this way of life for future generations. >> brian: 8:00 on the east coast, it is tuesday and we call this "fox and friends first. bracing for a nor'easter, schools now closed. new new york city is zooming school. >> ainsley: biden's doctor may talk about his


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