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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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it hasn't happened. but, individual bills might not happen either. secondly erika says did your boys enjoy going to the super bowl? was it their first time? yes. the family loved it. it was an amazing game. the two boys it was their first time and we couldn't have had a better time. j.k. post i saw that you went to the super bowl. curious what's the best supporting event you have ever attended? that may have been it was awesome. i did go to the 86 masters though when jack nicklaus won which is also amazing. tomorrow on "special report" fox polls on presidential race two swing states. thanks for inviting us a into your home tonight. that is it for this "special report," fair, balanced and still unafraid. "the ingraham angle," laura, is next. ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is "the ingraham angle" from washington tonight. happy mardi gras. i have a major announcement. i'm going to make it later in
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the show. you don't want to miss it. so make sure you stick around. plus, we are monitoring capitol hill as the house is going to make second attempt to impeach alejandro mayorkas, the dhs secretary. we are going to bring you the details as they unfold. but, first, the tiktok on joe. that's the focus of tonight's angle. ♪ >> laura: now, we're supposed to believe that the biden family's money haul from chinese business deals, including a big energy interest was all on the up and up. it had zero to do with china's desire to buy influence through the former vp and perhaps at the time future president joe biden. of course, this requires us to suspend all critical thinking. first, we all know that if had been eric trump getting millions in fees and a communist regime, the press wouldn't stop until someone was in jail. second, we would have to believe that the chinese are so stupid that they would just fork over millions of dollars just to get
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the vast wisdom and advice from this guy? [bleep] [inaudible] . . . [inaudible] >> laura: we all know why hunter was paid for his last name and his ax he is, not his friends that you saw on that video. "the washington post" described it this way. over the course of 14 months. the chinese energy conglomerate and executives paid $4.8 million to entities controlled by hunter biden and his uncle. now, the evidence isn't made up. it's from government records, court documents, and bank statements as well as emails from hunter's own laptop hard
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you drive that they claimed was not his hard drive. the post take on this was that the chinese money trail to hunter and his uncle further illustrates the ways in which his family profited from relationships built over joe biden decades in public service. well, hunter's old business partner, tony bobulinski, he was in town today and testified on capitol hill behind closed doors and he reportedly brought some very interesting financial documents with him that connect more of these dots. more on that in a bit. but the point is, everything that joe biden does, vis-a-vis china, has to be seen through the lens of his family's earlier lucrative relationship with the ccp. we have to ask, what does china have on the bidens? we know they record everything, the chinese, so, what if anything was promised on either side? was there an explicit or an implicit agreement about what biden may do to help china in
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the future for all the doe that hunter and jim biden made? voters need to know this. they have to have answers before november. i want you to fast-forward to today, because china may not officially endorse the presidential candidate in 2024, but we all know who their guy is, right? he's the one cool with using china's propaganda platform, tiktok. >> jason and kelce or travis kelce. >> momma kelce i understand she makes great chocolate chip cookies. >> trump or biden? >> are you kidding? ha ha ha biden. >> laura: ha ha ha ha ha. the lame script was ick as my kids would say. the biden team is thrilled because they have now 100,000 new tiktok followers because of it. but an old guy trying to look cool, i don't know, always just ends up looking older. and at odds with his own administration that brands tiktok as a national security threat to the united states. democrat senator mark warner was
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not pleased today warning that at the end of the day, the ccp can get access to all your data so biden is using tiktok ends up showing the world that he tacitly condones china's propaganda presence here despite what his own administration has repeatedly warned us about. so the white house is caught in a trap. >> why did the president allow his campaign -- the president, allow his campaign to go on tiktok despite the national security review of the platform? >> i would have to refer you to the campaign for that. >> still the president of the united states. the president is sending a message to americans about the -- about the safety of tiktok by doing this. >> i would have to refer you to the campaign ton that decision. >> laura: that's a classic hot potato response. he is the spokesperson for the national security council for goodness sakes. >> on tiktok can you explain what are the national security concerns that the administration has about tiktok? >> as you know, it's not
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approved for use on government devices and that's -- remains the case today as far as. >> wise for people to use tiktok? >> again, that's not something that i -- i'm qualified to say from the national security council. all i can tell you is it's banned on u.s. government devices and we follow that guidance. >> laura: this is ridiculous. i mean, you could so see that he was trying to fudge his way through that question because the next question would be what do you think, sir, the ccp is thinking today about all of this? well, angle will tell you. biden is tough in words only. his actions towards china never insisting democrats vote to ban tiktok and now, hoping to use the chinese app. to help win re-election, that speaks volumes. his administration by the way is filled with pro-china officials. they want more china here, not less. >> is there a national purpose in encouraging americans to
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invest in chinese equities that you are aware of? because i'm not. >> well, i mean, in general, i think our -- the view has been that both inward and outward investment are economically beneficial. >> laura: i can't believe that's our treasury secretary every time i hear her speak it like hurts my hair. nothing beneficial is happening today, janet, the market plunged more than 500 points. maybe she should make a tiktok video how everyone should be happy with less and higher prices. the truth is tiktok shouldn't be banned here simply because it's chinese owner collects and stores your data, which they do. >> it operates, tiktok does, both as a communist influence peddling scheme and a culture destroying sewer. on history, it's kind of like spark notes for radicals. even pennsylvania's john fetterman called it out. >> a lot of people are getting their perspective from tiktok.
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and i think if you're kind of getting your perspective on the world on tiktok, it's going to tend to be kind of warped, not reflective of the history and actually the way things absolutely are. >> laura: but that's how the biden administration actually likes things it gives the far left a big playground where they can vent and maybe even go viral. the reason the white house would never push for a ban for tiktok. well, they announced last april they were going to unleash an army of influencers to tout biden's record and even floated having their own briefing room for the influencers. so the president of tiktok wants your vote. thank you, china. and, of course, china is also happy to provide a hip conduit for a stream of anti-american rantings on tiktok. >> do you want to know what is funny in the most ironic way i hate america so much. the quality of life is so bad that i would be willing to commit treason for free. i would be giving away
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government secrets black friday. season for treason. i would do anything to get out of this country. >> laura: 49,000 followers. china relishes americans turning on americans like this racist on tiktok trying to come up with a new racial epitaph to attack white people. >> usually i don't agree with african-americans but in the case of this plantation barbie i agree i would never call you an african-american to your face. >> i would probably go with something like rice rascal. no purpose flour, alcoholic child. chock child. >> rice lt.. oh she said ranch dressing, too. oh i get it white. so clever. on tiktok this month, the message is back of the bus and shut the bleep up. >> all the white people you are done for this month. i have my eyes on you. we walking on the sidewalk and you walk past me, you are racist. don't let me catch you in none of the west indian foods.
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all the white people to the back of the bus. i don't even want to see you in my provision. >> laura: 292,000 followers for her. now, all of this hate percolates and infects young american minds, made possible by our most dangerous military adversary. it kills brain cells. it warps thinking. no shots need to be fired. again, biden is fine with it. of course, it's not just tiktok that shows up where biden is with china. his open border tells the grim story as well. a customs and border protection source is telling our own bill melugin that just yesterday 269 chinese nationals crossed our border illegally. so what he was the total for the fiscal year in 2024 so far? it's knot a big deal. 20,000? i thought it said 2,000. now, what could go wrong? now, none of this is funny though. it's infuriating. we all fear for our children. we fear for our grandchildren.
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all politicians including donald trump need to state the threat posed to our country plainly. we're being invaded, including by chinese agents. and joe biden, again, is fine with it. if he wasn't, he would issue an executive order today to shut the border down due to national security threats. but, he doesn't see china as a threat. instead, he made a callous deal with the devil. trading the minds of our children via tiktok for political power? come on. so long as he can remain in office, the president of the american people believe the american people are an after thought. the most important issue of the 2024 campaign is whether americans will elect a republican president who is independent of china or keep the current president who is not. if we continue on the current path, the future will be long, of course, to president xi and the ccp and the united states will be nothing more than
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china's junior partner. and that's the angle. joining us now is gordon chang senior fellow at the gate stone institute author of "china is going to war." explain to us how the ccp uses tiktok to their benefit? >> two principle ways, laura. pipelines all the data that it gets off of tiktok. that's basically half the u.s. population goes directly to beijing. this was documented two years ago by buzzfeed. but the more important one is the curation of the algorithm on curation of videos. what are your information on the ukraine war. there is also promotion of illegal drug use in the u.s. as you pointed out videos attempting to divide the american people. this is going to be aided by a.i. as china is going to put more a.i. into tiktok. we know what is going on here.
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>> laura: so, gordon, you factor in the a.i., and the ability to produce videos quickly and with really handsome man and good looking women and they are all -- they all look perfect. their message will be generally, what, to america? >> well, it's going to be let's divide america. let's promote hatred. let's promote china. this is what's going to be on their curation algorithm, which is really the most sophisticated algorithm of its type in the world. we know why joe biden is doing this and the chinese do as well. so, friendships, just after he was elected in november 2020, prominent chinese academic dedong shopping gave a live lecture and he said looking
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forward to joe biden going to the oval office because beijing will then be able to determine outcomes of the american political system at the highest level. chinese believe they own biden and they believe that he is a trader. >> was all of the date tad collected by tiktok prior to project texas shared with the chinese government pursuant to o the national intelligence laws of that country? >> senator we have not asked for any data by the chinese government and we are never provided it. >> gordon, do you believe him? >> that was persian. because we know from the purge,m the buzzfeed reporting in 2022, everything was pipelined from tiktok to a center in beijing. and as a matter of fact, tiktok's u.s. employees didn't have access do it. so that was perjury. and i believe that the biden
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justice department should prosecute him for that. >> laura: 20,000 chinese nationals. i actually thought it said 2,000 when i first looked at it. 20,000 have entered our country illegally in this current fiscal year so far. what does that tell you, gordon? why are they coming? >> well, there are desperate chinese who have given up on their society. but, end of last month, we saw those videos of migrants who had come into the u.s. less than three weeks before, taking target practice with sniper rifles and pistols. and we have subsequently learned that this has occurred in other locations as well. now, if you are a poor migrant with nothing but a backpack and you come into the u.s., you probably thinking about where to get your next meal or where to live. you wouldn't be thinking of sharpening your skills to kill your neighbors unless, of course, you were coming here to kill americans. >> laura: however would
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americans get trying to enter china, gordon. they wouldn't get too far not that they would want to go to china but you get my point. all right, gordon, thank you very much. biden issues an ultimatum to the g.o.p. but he might not like the answer. charlie hurt and ari fleischer explain it, next. t i'm also a m. and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. ♪ a worry for ou r family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. missed open enrollment? no problem! enroll anytime and begin your chm story today. at now.
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♪ >> laura: right now the house is trying for the second time to impeach biden dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas on charges of willfully refusing to enforce our border laws. now, the magic number here is 214. right now looks like they just crossed the threshold. we're going to continue to monitor this but right as of now they just crossed the threshold that means, yeah, alejandro mayorkas has been officially impeached by the house of representatives. wow. we'll stay on this and give you more. we have byron donalds coming up later on in the show on that and a lot more. but, 74 million people voted for trump in 2020. many of those voters believe in america first. they don't believe we can afford to subsidize proxy wars for countries like ukraine that are themselves rife with corruption and certainly are not our traditional allies president
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biden and his shady pup tease think you are self inner and in fact not patriotic if you are not on board keeping the killing machine going. not just this year well into 2025. >> say to, house republicans you have got it decide are you going to stand up for freedom or are you going to side taran, tyranny are you going to stand with ukraine or are you going to stand with putin. will we stand with america or trump? >> laura: joining me now charlie hurt opinion editor for "the washington times" and ari fleischer, former white house press secretary both fox news crishts. we will get to the ukraine i wanted it get to the white house vote successfully compleeching alejandro mayorkas. >> actually tied to the questions you were just asking. just shows the urgency that house republicans attach to securing the border. and that's why he was impeached
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because he didn't secure the border. he has failed to exercise the authority he has under the law and works for a president who is even worse. and that's why we have insecure border. not a surprise that they were able to come back and i guess it proves the old adage if at first you don't succeed try, try again. >> laura: steve scalise undergoing cancer treatment made his way back to washington to cast his vote obviously that helped put them over the threshold that they needed. charlie, when you look at this, and you think back on what mayorkas said, when he was asked before congress is -- do you consider this a crisis? and i guess it's not official perjury because it's kind of an opinion, but it was pretty close. it was a crisis within a few months of what was happening at our border. a few months. not three years later. >> and there's no doubt that not just that but plenty of other
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evidence that you could build proving that he perjured himself in testimony before congress trying to cover up what was going on here. obviously this vote, it's a great day for america what is frustrating even though you have divided house republicans just weekend through. i couldn't see perfectly clearly but it looks like three republicans had voted against this. this is a abrogation of their responsibilities i know a lot of people say republicans only have a bear majority in the house. well, republicans have the most important power in washington. and that's the power of the purse. and all taxation, all legislation dealing with taxation or spending begins in the house. giving republicans in the house the most powerful ability to shut the government down if the administration refuses to enforce our border. and, you know, this should have happened as soon as republicans took control of the house.
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i'm glad it's happening now. but they should pursue this. this is -- and this is something that the american -- they can win this fight with the american people because americans, whether they're democrats or. >> laura: with republicans on this. i have a message to what you just alluded to. and i want ari in on this. we had three g.o.p. congressman vote no. tom mcclintock, obviously he is always in a tough re-election campaign, in california, republican coalition in california is always playing it safe here. ken buck, republican from the purple state of colorado, actually pretty liberal state. mike gallagher from wisconsin. ari, i have got to say even in those states that are kind of, you know, usually, obviously, democrat leaning, this is a pretty easy vote in the end, is it not? >> yes. well, i think there is two ways to look at it. one is the substance of the vote and the failures of the biden
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administration on the border. the other is what does impeachment mean? i do think there is a purest view constitution for high crimes and misdemeanors and they can ask themselves has a high crime or misdemeanor taken place? look, the person to blame here is nancy pelosi when they impeached donald trump device under the democratic house, they turned the impeachment high crime and misdemeanor into a vote of no confidence. that's where this started. and it shouldn't surprise anybody, especially the democrats if now republicans who hold power start to impeach the biden administration officials for a lack of confidence. so, if you want to say who violate the forms and change the rules in washington. i will go right to those two impeachment votes because that started to break the patterns and that's what you saw happen today with only three lone procedural holdout that it wasn't a high crime or misdemeanor. >> laura: every time he became before congress he was very smug in the face of an overwhelming human, economic, and national
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security emergency. and he was kind of like well, kind of annoyed by the whole process and fairly flip in his responses. and i don't believe, ari, even the biggest, you know, trump critics thought that was very smart and thought that was the right approach, given what we knew was happening at the border. and now into the interior part of the country. >> yeah, i think it shows the american people who is fighting to close this border. who was fighting to make sure that if you come to this country you come here legally. if you come here illegally. really only one party left going to do anything about it. so-called bipartisan deal that was reached in the senate was the most loophole laden, amnesty filled provision i have ever seen it wasn't a compromise. it was giving up on the border. and so, i think it's a good thing, house republicans are there, to fight for the future and to fight to keep that border so it is secure. and only people come who are supposed to. >> laura: charlie, the last time
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a impeachment of a cabinet official occurred was 1876, it was the secretary of war. and so this is not something that is taken lightly or, you know, happens casually. but i would say, you know, in a purest -- i know what purists think about high crimes and misdemeanors, i understand that. >> right. >> laura: boy, it's hard to imagine our founders if they could envision what america would be, that this is what america would be with a border that is ultimately meaningless. and, you know a lot of other things that have happened. but with that one fact, to me, that's pretty close to impeachable, if not slam dunk impeachable offense. >> well, i agree with you completely. and i do appreciate what ari is saying. you know, i don't like the idea of turning, you know, impeachment into this political cudgel that you go back and
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forth nonsense. this is not nonsense. i know you are not saying that ari. i can't think of any example of -- this is aiding and abetting an invasion of our country. this is surrendering our borders completely giving in to enemies we don't even know and allowing them into our country to take over our country and to surrender the border to the worst human smuggling slave drivers, the drug cartels, the worst elements of humanity and surrendering it all. and so in that particular case, i can't think of a higher -- a more urgent reason to impeach somebody. and, quite frankly, i wish they had done this at the beginning and gone after joe biden himself over this. because he is -- he is allowing an invasion at the border. >> this is the most -- this is as close to treason as i can
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think. i don't know what else there is. if you are not going to enforce your own borders and allow people who are killing americans to come into the country and completely disregard all of our rules and our laws, i don't know what -- i don't know what impeachment is for if it's not for this. >> laura: ari and charlie, stay with me on this. joining me now also on this is florida congressman byron donalds from the house oversight committee who just walked off the floor. congressman donalds, when we look back, and we hear the cries of grieving mothers who whose ss and daughters murdered in a traditional sense or murdered through fentanyl pills greater ease they came to capitol hill just recently and said impeachment is our own remedy at this point. that really hit me. >> well, look, laura, to those mothers, to those families, go
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ahead and do their due diligence on this. because what has happened to our southern border is a travis city. it is a man made crisis. it is a political crisis democrats and joe biden. and the american people deserve better. house republicans stand with them to make sure that we're going to do everything we can to secure our nation. >> dhs just responded to this impeachment vote, by saying house republicans will be remembered by history for trampling on the constitution for political gain rather than working to solve this serious challenge at our borders. this is laughable without a shred of evidence or legitimate constitutional grounds and despite bipartisan opposition. house republicans have fiercely smeared a dedicated public servant who spent more than 20 years enforcing our laws and
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serving our country. secretary mayorkas and the department of homeland security will continue working every day to keep americans safe. congressman, is he working hard for the american people. >> no. he is working hard for the drug cartels and working hard for the radical left. because that is what his actions have produced. the white house and the department of homeland security can put out whatever statement they want. but the facts are, alejandro mayorkas has been derelict in his duty, he has not followed the essence of federal law. he has not made sure to secure this nation. >> he has followed joe biden and his terrible, reckless policy. and he deserves to be held accountable today and we delivered that. >> laura: just over the weekend, mayorkas spoke out about the border. and he said this. >> it certainly is a crisis. and, while we don't bear responsibility for a broken system and we're doing a tremendous amount within that broken system. but, fundamentally, fundamentally, congress is the only one who can fix it.
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>> laura: really? seemed like donald trump had a pretty good handle on the border in 2019 and 2018 when they did remain in mexico and title 42. congressman, i mean, they have never bear responsibility, not for inflation, not for the money that hunter got, from the chinese, and certainly not for the open border that is an open sewer into the united states of criminality. >> it's just a flat out joke. they are living in bizarre row world. i don't know what they're looking at. look back donald trump there was never a year more than a million encounters at southern border. under joe biden every year has been over a million. this year we are on pace to get to 2.7, close to 3 million now incursions of the northern border. there is a flat out joke. continue to live by the talking points of these radical left open borders groups that have been wanting this very policy
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american people are sick of it. that is bipartisan across the board. the polling dictates that the stories from families in denver and boston and new york dictates that and the house of representatives is going to stand by the american people. we need him removed. we need somebody in that job that is going to secure the nation. >> laura: they needed the talking point, they thought, congressman. they feel like they got a talking point when that so-called phoney border bill was tanked in the house last week. i thought it was great news. it actually would have continued the flow of migrants. maybe managed it a little bit differently. millions of people would have still been allowed to come in for years. it was a sun-setting bill in any way in three years. they think that's their talking point that they could hold that up as a shield. y'all refused to vote for that compromise and that would have made a big difference at the border, congressman. >> no, i totally agree. the only things that are going to really help are putting the trump policies back in place. look, i know it's the presidential year.
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i know joe biden and the democrats don't want to admit it, but donald trump was right. the border was secured. everybody understood that and now the pain being borne by cities and state policy not. here's the deal. lay this out for joe biden and alejandro mayorkas. secure the border. i know the senate passed their bill over there $95 billion. i'm going to he will you right now we are not listening to that in the house. secure the border and then we can talk about other things. until then, washington does not deserve any more of the people's money because joe biden has failed the united states of america. >> laura: shoveling mope out the door that we don't have as our country is being invaded. congressman, thank you we will go back to ari and charlie who are also standing by. they have been watching things unfold on the house floor tonight this is historic. second time since 1876, only second time in history that a cabinet secretary has been impeached. and, of course, we have never seen the influx of humanity
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across any border, i don't think, in world history as we have seen over the last three years. the total, we don't really have a clear grip on it. but, you know, a while ago it was over 8 million. so, you can only imagine today is probably closer to 10 million when you include the got-aways. that is a fundamental shift in the american population. and here's what the white house said earlier today about the vote. watch. >> the house republicans need to do serious work. work that actually matter. work that's actually -- the american people care about. this is -- this is not it. >> laura: ari, your reaction to this? i mean, it is fascinating, i think, to a lot of us to see this push for more money and more money and more money for ukraine's border, which is not a traditional ally of the united states. and, yet, our own border, we couldn't even give $5 billion when donald trump wanted that to build the wall.
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yet, we're going to send 60 billion plus more to ukraine to keep that war going through 2025. your reaction? >> well, that's the -- that's the crux of the matter. this is where a new generation of house republicans have made clear. that if you want to support these other endeavors, you need to first take care of america. that's been a real ascendant move inside the republican party. the problem for the senate and president biden is the constitution. the constitution says if the senate passes one version, the house passes another version. the two bodies have to get together. the lobleg step is for the senate now to work with the house hr 2 far tougher than anything the senate did. if they still want those other priorities, they have an opportunity. they need to work with the house to pass meaningful security along the border. and the house has already passed it. so, in the old days there used to be what they called the conference committee. senates pass something, house has passed something. they get back together and then they both have to compromise.
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the senate needs to move to the house. the house needs to move to the senate. that's how our system works. so i don't know what the white house press secretary is talking about. the house did its job. now, it's time for congress together to do it and meet in the middle and pass something that can be signed into law. but it won't pass the house if it doesn't have meaningful border security. >> laura: yeah, well, it's a new republican generation. and i completely agree with you, ari, this is not 2003. okay? this is 2024. and we have a very different country now. the country has changed. and the country is broke. all right, moments ago, biden put out a statement. kind of echoing what you heard from alejandro mayorkas' office. history will not look kindly at house republicans for blatant act of unconstitutional partisanship targeted honorable public official in order to play petty political games. public servant. charlie, again their is so raw for so many people. and it ranks now the top issue
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in most key districts in the united states, eclipsing even inflation which i thought was hard to do. how does this play out politically setting aside the constitutional question? >> i think it cuts clearly across party lines. partisan lines. this is something that effects democrat voters in a lot of the ways it effects democrat voters even more than it does republican voters. these invasions and now we see these invasions into blue states and blue cities and, you know, you walk around new york city today or any of these other places where -- that have you had suddenly been affected these sanctuary cities so happy to be sanctuary cities for so long and suddenly having to contend with what border states have had to contend with and any states, you know, near border states have had to contend with for decades this is explosive issue.
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of course, there is only one politician who has been right about this from the beginning. and that's donald trump. and, you know, what we're seeing in both houses, both chambers of congress, both the reluctance in the house to do this again, i would argue house republicans should have shut down all spending. let the government shut down to fix this problem. >> laura: i agree. yeah. >> voters would have rewarded them for it starting with democrat voters in places like new york city. >> laura: i completely agree. this is the most important issue facing america. this and the china threat. this should have been dealt with a long time ago. ari and charlie, thank you so much. now, this is related. are two of the most dangerous gangs in the world teaming up on the streets of american cities courtesy of an open border. alejandro mayorkas might want to watch it, lord, nexton o
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>> tonight in biden's america. >> migrant venezuelan crew is preying on new yorkers robbing 62 victims over the past two months including this woman, the ring has members living in migrant shelters accessing the bronx, queens, brooklyn and manhattan. robbers using scooters or mopeds to sneak up on victims almost always targeting women and using
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scooters for a quick get away. >> laura: welcome to biden's america indeed. a brutal venezuelan gang is using our open borders to now set up shop in new york. trend was started by a convict in a prison and is now venezuela's largest gang. according to the economist the gang runs a human trafficking empire. and tonight there are new fears that they are forming a dangerous alliance with another vicious gang ms-13. joining me now derek mawlts former d.e.a. special ops director. academic, derek, i know you arer with gangs. americans might not know the lingo but how dangerous is this. >> laura, thanks for having me these are like some of the most powerful gangs in the world. they are merging and growing. if you look at what is going on in el salvador the president just reelected he has a very tough on crime stance. ms-13 gang members don't want to go prison in el salvador. he has terror prisons.
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like 10100 inmatsz in cell. they don't want to be in a cell. it's deterrent. they are coming here. venezuelan groups very experienced in extortion in killings, in, you know, in robberies, in, you know, drug trafficking, they are coming here because they have are taking advantage of the wide open border the weaknesses and vurentses in this country and of course president biden's soft on crime policies. they're also going to cities like new york sant city laws this is national problem we need a national solution. guess what? you get what you ask for and elections have consequences. >> laura: the venezuelan gang is also in chicago and committing brutal acts of violence of keeping alliance together in chicago.
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people might think some of these robberies are one-offs but these are highly organized, you know, mini cartels of criminals who are operating with mopeds and all the merchandise, we understands is going to central locations and then being, you know, the proceeds of that being shipped back to the home base. >> we were on regarding retail crime theft exploding in america as well. these criminals don't feel any fear. they know they are not going to stay in jail. it's worth of risk. you know, these venezuelan gangs are super experienced. like you said, they are very organized. they are very structured. they are recruiting people as well in america, to join their gang. >> laura: and president trump gets impeached for a phone call and people are complaining that mayorkas is impeached for what is happening to our country? i mean, this is real, real stuff happening. and people are terrified. in d.c. they are terrified. they are terrified in new york,
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l.a., oakland, the list goes on and on, obviously chicago. derek, thank you for your perspective tonight. time for the big announcement i teased it earlier on x and instagram. next tuesday, one week from tonight, i will sit down for an hour long town hall with president trump in spartanburg, south carolina. as with all my interviews, nothing will be off the tactical. well we might not talk the super bowl. but we will talk the domestic and foreign policy challenges facing the country, how he plans to fix them. obviously the border will come up. we will also talk about biden, nikki haley, and you can bet i'm going to ask about his legal challenges as well. i might even get him to spill the beans on the v.p. pick. you never know. if you want to come, go to at ingraham angle on x and click on the link that i'm about to post. okay? so follow me on x and you can get the tickets there. or go to ingraham town hall dot it's right there on your screen.
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tickets are free. but they are limited. i hope to see you all there we are going to have a lot of fun. coming up, it wouldn't be mardi gras without our own raymond arroyo. highlights from his festivities next. so stay there. ♪ honestly, i was scared when i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning, but making a plan with my doctor to add precision was easy. preservision areds2 contains the exact nei recommended, clinically proven nutrient formula to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. thanks to preservision, i feel better that i'm doing something about it like millions of others.
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perfect weather today... >> laura: it's mardi gras so we sent raymond arroyo to new orleans where he lives. >> i am riding with the crew of ba baucus. they revolutionized mardi gras with floats am it's more than just a parade. it's a homecoming with religious significance. >> mardi gras was dying in the late '60s. a family said we could do a sunday night parade and bring
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in an international celebrity and make him the king. it changed everything. they built floats twice as big as anybody had ever seen. >> we are an hospitality industry and mardi gras. it gives back to the community. it's the greatest free show on earth. we spend all of the money to bring joy to our visits from around the world. >> [cheers and applause]. >> king, you are following a tradition of jackie geeseon and danny kay. >> what an honor! to hear those names. it's like nothing i have ever seen. i have family and friends here. they are having the time of their lives. i want to thank josh dumaul who made we king. i love new orleans.
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the food is great. >> our lord jesus christ. >> i know this not a religious gathering but it's part of the religious rhythm of the season. >> i am irish catholic. my dad had mass on baucus sunday. we continue that. over 150 men took time out othe. that's the most important thing. this is a religious holiday. it's all part of the catholic faith. >> ♪ ♪ >> we are rolling on the float. what you don't see from the crowd. the amount of throws. we have hats, jump ropes. baucus swords and footballs. this is what makes the crowd go crazy. it's really about including the flag inspiring joy in this crowd and a sense of unity.
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you are here with your sons. tell me about this and why you have come back every year? >> i have been a member of baucus for 36 years. started with my father-in-law. it's a tradition. he passed away unfortunately. i got my sons insolved. -- involved. they enjoy it. >> it's one of the longest traditions we have. >> i love it because it's a family event. the way i look at it, this is the way for new orleans to embrace their culture. it's about the children and families. >> without tradition you got nothing. >> people are puzzled why throw thousands of dollars into the streets to perfect strangers? >> it's fun. >> why wouldn't you? >> it brings bright business to the neighborhood and really complements our culture in the city of new orleans. >> you feel like a rock star for 4 hours. >> it's great.
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>> it makes no sense financially. you should not do it, but it's so much fun. >> having a great time. we wlwill enjoy ourselves a lite too much but wednesday is lent and that's the preparation for jesus resurrection. >> ash wednesday i am giving up alcohol. right now i am drinking a lot of it. >> it's a religious preparation, ladies and gentlemen. 4 hours after the parade began we rolled into the convention center for this baucus rendezvous. this is where all of the members and their families come together and the parade literally passes before the tables of the assembly. this, ladies and gentlemen, is a lenten preparation like none other. happy mardi gras. >> laura: i am jealous.
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that's a better package than we did. jonathan shot that in new orleans. your cameraman. this made me smile. this is the best package on the show ever. >> i love that it covered the traditions and family aspect. happy mardi gras. i have a surprise for you tomorrow. you gave us a surprise with trump. >> laura: i am wearing mardi gras purple. >> so am i. >> laura: i am waiting for king cake. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> the president moves every day how he operates. how he thinks. he is sharp. he is on


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