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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  February 13, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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>> sean: all right unfortunately that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us and making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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♪ >> greg: yes, yes, yes, yes! happy snowy tuesday. there are two words that should scare the crap out of us, and it's not stelter nudes. nope. it's president harris. during an interview with the wall street journal the veep said she's ready to step in as commander in chief. quote, i am ready to serve. there is no question about that. serve what, you ask. if it's anything more than a tennis ball, trust me, she'd be over her head. of course she means she's ready should something happen to the current president. now she also claims that everyone who sees her on the job, quote, walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead. no. they don't walk away, they run. in the first two years, more than 13 high profile aids have rest the vp's office and that's through an open window. now it's worth pointing out that kamala gave that answer before
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the her report. it's one thing she actually saw coming besides willie brown. no, he was always sneaking up on her. people are -- minds in the gutter. so she was worried about joe's fitness for office even before last week's disaster. but she feels like she needs to reassure us as if the thought of kamala in charge is reassuring. her venn diagram hits that sweet spot between useless, clueless and brainless. when joe appointed her border czar she got nervous because she never saw a c and a z next to etch oh other. we weren't supposed to criticize her for the same reason biden picked her as vp. she checked more boxes than a grave robber. so call her out on your incompetence you're a racist and sexist but now the dems in the media are jumping ship so now they're just as racist and
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sexist at the remembers. according to real clear politics she has a negative rating of 19.2% and her unfavorable rating is 54.7 placing her somewhere between an irs audit and chlamydia. that's compared to joe's net favorable rating of minus 15.3, which is also his body temperature. so people like her less than biden, and yet i can think of a few people who do want her to be president. and they all work on this show. just how imagine how easy and fun it would be to president president kamala harris, we could play tapes of her talking and we don't have to do anything. and that laugh, we wouldn't even need a studio audience. ha ha like what do you want to know. >> i want to give you -- >> half half i thought we were supposed to conserve. ha ha, i couldn't reconcile it, now i can. [laughter]. >> did you just fall out of a
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coconut tree? [laughter]. >> greg: every time i see that i'm waiting for two guys in white lab coats to throw a giant butterfly net over her and lead her back into the van. but the fact is, i know what's good for the show. but it can also be bad for the country so i have to put the country before my ratings, that's why we stopped booking taylor swift. now you'd think the white house would do whatever they could to counter this argument but on monday they confirmed biden won't take a cognitive test as part of his upcoming physical exam while repeating the same jargon about how he's super on top of things. . does the white house think that the idea of the president taking a cognitive test as a part of this physical is a legitimate idea. >> the president proves every day how he operates, how he thinks. he is sharp. he is on top of things. he -- when we have meetings with him with his staff, he's
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constantly pushing us, trying to get more information. >> greg: well, he is sharp and on top of things, but so was a gill teen. so the white house and biden allies keep telling us he's fit, smart, articulate. instead all we get are things leak this where the leader of the free world doesn't know where to stand. >> oh, it gets better. >> switch sides. >> mr. president, thank you. >> greg: that guy speaking was the king of jordan but to joe it might as well have been this king. now if you're biden's staff you'd think they'd just some tape on the ground so they know where to go. we do that for steve doocy every morning but it's like biden's staff doesn't even care anymore, otherwise how do you explain this? a new nine minute video on biden's youtube channel where he's eating fried chicken and
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talking about basketball with a black family. >> tyrus: oh, boy. >> greg: at least he didn't bring a watermelon. but at this point, they're just letting him go. those in control must already have a post-joe plan or they wouldn't let their guy do stuff like that. you see joe eating fried chicken and talking basketball with blacks and you think, hmm, that looks racist. the dems see it and think, no, it's his last meal. it's what he wanted. now liberal politico just explained the specifics of the democrats plan b for joe biden. there's all sorts of boring procedural stuff but the short version is, if it does happen biden will need to fully cooperate. he needs to be on board. it can't happen without him. you know, unless he gets incapacitated. but how could that ever happen, right? i mean, he might fall, or get pushed. he might die in his sleep with the help of a pillow. but think about this. if the dems hadn't changed the
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rules in 2020 or ran on a race hoaxing demonizing platform or suppressed that laptop trump would have won. then there never would have been a biden presidency, no kamala, no war in beening why, perhaps a calmer middle east. and imagine the better place that the dems would be in now. they'd have democrat candidates that aren't frail or idiotic. they would be able to run on eight years of trump and could blame everything on him, real or mostly imagined. but instead they took the low road to victory, they demonized millions ran on hoaxes and changed laws so now they're here a choice between a brain dead crooken a a cackling chuckle bucket. like i always say, karma is a liz cheyney. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests! he's been called a rising comedy star by the popular web site definitely not joe devito's
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personal, writer and comedian joe devito. she puts the jew in did jew see that hot lady on the show last night, human rights lawyer brooke goldstein. she's pushingy like beef jerky, new york times best selling author and fox news contributor kat timpf. he's large in charge and wears a double extra large, new york times comedian and former nwa champion tyrus [cheers and applause]. >> greg: you know, it wouldn't be fair doing a monologue on kamala without having her have a chance to respond so i think we actually have tape of her responding. >> i am ready to become president. i won't let what is stop me from what can be. because what can be isn't, not what it should be becoming. it's that simple.
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[laughter] joe biden is running for president, but there was once a little girl waiting for a school bus, and that school bus was me. [cackling laugh] let's really build back better and make america great again. [cackling laugh] [cheers and applause] >> greg: joe what do you make of this? i think this is the first time a president won't take a cognative exam since it was first introduced during the middle ages. >> joe: this is bad because it's not going to get. this is not the movie cocoon where he's going to recover from this. i think when they have the tape that they have from the stand, they have to use that double sided tape so that when he steps onto it it's trapped there and he can't wander off. >> greg: like those glue traps i have for mice. >> joe: exactly. it's either that or they leave him in place and they just move everything else around like he's -- he's the first president
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who's going to move less than the disney hall of presidents exhibits when it's his turn. but there are things to be excited about a kamala presidency. number one she does not have dementia and we can end it right there. that's better. but she doesn't sniff children. she does not have oil cancer. and she would be awake for not just the three, a m call, but also the 3:00 p.m. call which joe was napping normally. >> greg: yes. brooke, okay, do you think kamala would be any better than joe or is america simply screwed if the democrats win? >> brook: yeah, i think so. i think we're totally screwed. we're screwed as it is right now. i just don't comprehend how, if you turn 70 and you want your driver's license to be renewed in washington, dc, you have to get a letter from your doctor declaring that you are medically capable of driving so how is it not a legal obligation to take this cognitive test. and even if he did they had'd
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probably lie about it anyway. in the meantime i think it's important to know that the vice-president is traveling across the country right now on her pro abortion tour telling everyone how she's such a women's rights activist, since high school when she let her best friend sleep over because she was being sexually harassed by her stepfather and on the other hand in the same breath she's going around telling everybody how smart she is. it's one of those things where if you have to dough claire it over and over again, it's not it, right? it's not the case. people know if you're smart or not, right? i don't sound so smart today. >> greg: no, you do, you do, you do. kat how you doing? >> kat: i'm okay. >> greg: that's great. that's great. as a woman, and you are a woman. >> kat: yeah. >> greg: and congratulations. thanks. oh they applaud you. yeah, yeah. will kamala becoming president, the first female president, will that bring you tears of joy?
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>> kat: no. >> greg: no? >> kat: no, it won't. i think that she is an inspiration in some ways but it's just because -- not because she's so great but because she's not and she's still been able to achieve quite a bit. i think that that's a little bit inspirational. but the bar is so low when we are, in fact, arguing over a cognitive test. from what i understand, those aren't supposed to be the hard. that's not like jeopardy. that's like are you there in there, right? and i think that they're actually twisting it a little bit in his favor. i don't think biden refused the cognitive test. i don't think he was offered one. i don't think he is actually there enough to know that he should refuse a cognitive test at this point. and, again, we're all just acting like it's normal and it's clearly not. but we don't -- at the end of the day we don't really need it.
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we see, we see that he wouldn't pass it. we're not like, why won't you take one? >> greg: that's true. tyrus is this just like choosing which way to die? >> tyrus: yeah, you did. water melon or chicken. [laughter] >> greg: i was projecting his racism. >> tyrus: yes, yes. well played. >> greg: thank you. [laughter] >> tyrus: listen i love everyone to have jobs, but we will never, ever, ever use a kamala impersonator again. there is no reason. there is absolutely no reason to im -- because she gives us gold every time she goes out. to impersonate her is insulting to the fans who want a good laugh. she literally did a speech from the god father. i'm smart. i like things. i could be in charge. that's what we want to see.
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and it's all done -- you can hear the wine pour in the back we seeing the three or four drops left in the red wine box to get her through the thing. and biden, he doesn't have to take a cognitive test, he just [bleep] failed one during an investigation where his charge would have been a fine, probably probation maybe if he would have been cognitive to stand trying. but the interview with the special counsel said, he can't -- he's not cognitive enough to stand trial. so there's no point in taking the test. he just took one. they have the transcripts. i'm sure we'll see it soon. but why would you have him take a test. he's failed it miserably once on the oral exam, now you want him to write [bleep] down. >> joe: that was the scariest part to me when they came out with that and they said oh he's an elderly manuel meaning but he has memory issues and when i read that i thought the next
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line was going to be, so he can't be president anymore. but they're like no, it's okay if he's in charge of the nukes we'll help someone hold his finger. >> brook: he can't be held accountable for anything. >> tyrus: because usually when someone says he's a nice man and his memory's gone, therefore we're accepting him in the home. that's usually the next move is the home. will we have a president in the home? >> greg: yeah. that would be a first. all right, we must move on. up next, a lawmake news update on the special election happening in new york tonight. we are now told reporting that tom suozzi, the democrat, held off republican mazapil up in the race to fill the vacancy in the third congressional district seat in the empire state. of course, pre-election polling showed a close race. this was to replace
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the expelled former congressman george santos in a district that president biden won by roughly eight points back in 2020. it spans along the north shore of long island from queens into suburban nassau county. now, suozzi previously served three terms in congress before leaving the post to make an unsuccessful bid for governor. he likely benefited from thousands more democrats turning out during nine days of early voting in the close race. the result makes the gop hold on control of the house of representatives just a little more tenuous. tonight keep in mind that you had tom suozzi and the democrats spending roughly twice what mazi pelops spent $14 million on advertising for the democrats, about $8 million by mazi pilip. we should also note there was a big snowstorm today in new york, roughly eight, nine, ten
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inches of snow. and that's why a lot of people thought the democrats ground game was bigger and better. getting the vote out early, getting the absentee vote in. and that might have played a factor in voter turnout out and how much the democrats turned out and how much the republicans may or may not have. stay tuned for a full hour of breaking news coverage on fox news at night, 11:00 in the east, 8 p.m. in the west. i'm tra i'm trace gallagher in los angeles, now back to gutfeld.
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>> greg: thank you. will a new bill defeat jerks who clog up the street. new york state dems are proposing a new bill that would classify intentionally blocking traffic as an act of domestic terrorism.
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this in response to endless anti israel protests causing chaos on the roadways. seriously taking me three to four hours just to cruise for prostitutes. the documents state, quote, while people have the right to protest, they do not have the right to cause fear, panic and put the lives of other people in dipping debtor. true, that is what cnn is for. but they failed to point out that blocking traffic is already illegal so they're making something illegal more illegal when they don't enforce the current laws now. the bill's part of a broader response to increased anti israel demonstrations and anti-semitic activity following the october 7th hamas attacks. as of now, the bill has limited support with only one co-sponsor. support would be stronger but some new york democrats fear the bill could actually do the unthinkable, help restore law and order. now, i hate these ass holes who block the roads. it's not protests, it's persecution. they're harassing you until they get their way. even libertarians agree, once
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you infringe on the rights of others, your rights don't mean [bleep]. and these ass holes need to be punished severely enough that it costs something, effective punishment means putting you in a hole that's deeper than you would be in if you hadn't done the crimement but at the same time, this is the totalitarian government play book, let things get so bad then people beg for tyranny. 9/11 and blocked bridges are not in the same category. the street being blocked is a pain in the ass but it would stop by making arrests and longer jail time than just a few hours. so i'm in a bind. i like the bill. and just like my kidney stone, i hope it passes soon. but i realize that my frustrations may be being exploited for a greater aim. i mean, i would hope it would be used to jail these fascist protesters but it's probably to arrest trump when his motorcade halts at a stop sign. fact is, every law you like can and will be used against you. that's why i can't live near a school.
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[laughter] >> greg: brooke, all right, i -- i mean, okay. terrorism broadly defined is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. are they -- is this just too broad to make this terrorism? >> brooke: yeah, i agree with you. >> greg: thank you. >> brooke: okay. first of all i'm no fan obviously of these protests and i want to stop calling them pro palestinian protests. they are pro hamas protests. they support murder and they support terrorism. okay? however -- [cheers and applause]. >> brooke: thank you, thank you. however, i'm a little bit concerned with the redefinition of the crime of domestic terrorism. okay? blowing up a bus, that's terrorism. shooting up a school or shooting up a synagogue, that's terrorism. parents asking questions about curriculum that kids are being fed, that's not terrorism. people protesting and blocking
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traffic is a crime, but it's not terrorism. and the issue is, exactly, enforcing the current law. and even when they enforce it and they arrest these people they just let them out. i also want to make one point, okay? i think the best remedy to this are civil lawsuits. i think there is a wonderful lawsuit if any of the airlines wanted to file it against the organizers of of this protest, i think there a incredible lawsuit if anybody was stopped from boarding their flight or hampered from getting any type of medical activity because of this, and i happen to be a lawyer by the way so if you want to file a lawsuit, we just filed a lawsuit against columbia university as well for among other things failing to stop all of this anti jewish and pro terror harassment and intimidation. so i think that's the solution, enforcing the current law and enabling people to file civil lawsuits when they have a good cause of action. >> greg: i think that's a good move kat. you know, lawfare is being used by the left.
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maybe it's time to use their weapons against them, kat. >> kat: sure, but, yeah, also again, enforcing the current law. i mean, it already is against the law so enforce that law. i hate the traffic. right? i live here, and it makes it even more hellish than it is otherwise. but i don't know how anybody could look at the past however many years -- i mean actually really since all the stuff happened with 9/11 and say the government expanding the definition of terrorism would be a good idea. that is a terrible idea. they have already used it to take away our receipts. we shouldn't be giving them even more opportunities to do so. so enforce -- how about that enforce the current law. it's already illegal. >> greg: yeah. actually we should force the protesters to take off their shoes like the tsa does with us. >> tyrus: i got clear in pre check, i don't have do that. >> greg: i know. i like taking off my shoes i get
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to show my freaky baby toe. it's barely a toe. >> tyrus: this is where we're going? this is what we're doing? >> greg: you can see it on freaky >> tyrus: you know what? that should be domestic terrorism >> kat: yeah, that one i'm okay with. [laughter]. >> tyrus: hundred percent. the word -- we've already diluted words so much in this country, racism, everything has been diluted. but this was like cory booker a few years back who came out and said, we have to let everyone know that lynching is wrong and we need it on the wakes that it's against the law. it already was. no one has ever said just came back from a wonderful lynching, brunch was great. you know what i'm saying? the whole thing is, when people -- there's always an opportunity for economic growth with these situations. and when they decide -- the reason why they protest on freeways isn't because they like the open road, it's because they don't have the numbers. so the only way they get numbers is by involving regular people,
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who are trying to get little johnny to chuck e. cheese on his birthday and then they get all the big numbers and then the press comes because they need the a sill i can'tens who don't want anything to do with it to get attention. so we have to make it fun. so instead of the law, remember big foot trucks, let's bring them back have one on each freeway when they get up there, like frogger, just rev up the truck and let it go. why can't we have some fun? i would go to that protest. i would be there driving. >> greg: you mean you would be jumping over them? >> tyrus: no, no. oh, no. just drive through. oh, oh, geez. >> brooke: as an attorney i advise you against inciting any violence. >> tyrus: here's the thing i'm going to get arrested and identify as an angry palestinian woman. i'll be out in a half hour i'll be back in time for brunch and make sure he ain't got no damn watermelon on the table.
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>> greg: but i will be barefoot. >> tyrus: yes. >> greg: joe people have the right to peacefully assemble. >> joe: yes. >> greg: which they never do at your shows. >> joe: no. >> greg: what would be the solution. >> joe: tyrus makes a good point about the inconvenience. i did miss my birthday at chuck e. cheese. i hate these people. and i'll tell you why. because you cannot block traffic in a major american city. people are trying to poop on those streets. you cannot shut them down like that. but this is not protests. this is extortion and bullying. the same as the idiots that slow soup at paintings and don't have the decency to throw sal teens or oyster crackers after. but what this shows is people -- it's about power, about putting their thumb on somebody by making your life miserable. it's a very low level of terrorism but i don't like this law and i'll tell you why because we already have laws against these things and we need to enforce these laws consistently and kat makes a good point that, calling it terrorism, we've seen what this
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leads to with the way we've changed what we call hate or harm and if you think the government is going to say protesting like this is now evenly applied as terrorism. >> greg: it won't be. >> joe: it's not going to happen. so enforce the laws we have. the same reason laws named after people are bad laws because they're based on oh emotion snow you know what it is, the best parallel 'em employing the phrase disinformation or misinformation it's only used on one side toward another they would do that here. up next a host gets verbally smacked by a lady who's jacked. because there are places you'd rather be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪
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♪ >> it's coming your way, hey hey, it's video of did day ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: a fitness buff says times are tough. today's video of the day comes from fitness trainer gillian michaels on bill mauer's podcast where she pushed back on claims the u.s. came out of the pandemic better than ever. too bad she's out of shape.
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roll it. >> isn't it amazing to you, it was in the paper today about, this country came out of the pandemic way better -- we just [bleep], we won the pandemic economically. i mean, america -- >> what? i don't feel that way, explain it to me. i feel like inflation's insane. >> inflation is not insane. >> bill, go buy a car. >> there's numbers. i understand. >> a house has tripled here. >> look, i get that people -- >> buy some bleeping eggs. >> greg: there you go buy some [bleep]ing eggs. i think the egg commission has a new slogan. the lady who could sdhap me in fact the cost of food housing electricity all way up and as he says there's numbers, $7 for a dozen eggs is more than $2 those are numbers and the dems play a game with context. at true prices are down but from
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where. they're still 17% higher than before joe took office. taking a snap shot of the last five months is like saying your neighbor is healing from the mugging without saying you were the mugger. but i get it, not everyone has a hit tv show, bill, that pays a large salary, or in my case two. trust me it's getting really hard to keep paying charles payne to walk on my back. >> tyrus: it must be black history month. we're in every joke. thank you. >> greg: she's in pretty big -- she's got some arms man, tyrus. >> tyrus: hey. here's the thing, i just, i tuned it out. she's right, bill, buy some [bleep]ing eggs. but to sit there and say we came out better? i don't think there is a parent in america that would agree to that. >> greg: he meant economically. >> tyrus: but we don't think economically. americans don't think the the stock market's good yeah if i
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was rich before the pandemic and got loans to keep me rich during the pandemic yeah the pandemic was well. while the rest of us, boots to the ground, our kids lost a year and a half of school, 17 new genders were born, okay? trauma became an emotion. you know, so i don't see us -- we're still coming through the fog. the work force is still, get customer service lately anybody? so there's all kinds of -- i don't think we came out and we were lied to the entire pandemic. in some cases forceded to take unsafe things in our body that we still don't know what the ramifications was. so when he says we kim out pretty good, i'm not sure who you're referring to because i have not, across this country, everywhere i've been, man, life has been so great since the pandemic ended, oh, my lord i'm so happy >> greg: yeah we have ten more years of actually getting back to normal kat. do you think you could take her in arm wrestling >> kat: here's the thing. she really does make me want to buy some [bleep]ing eggs i know that's not what she's going for
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but i'm mesmerized by her arms. look at this. this is not an arm. this is disgusting. my arms are very "is she okay"? and her -- i want arms leak that. how would i even go about that. i have no idea. probably -- is it eggsing?. >> tyrus: that would be part of it >> kat: she could convince me, if i were an egg salesman. >> tyrus: eggs smith? >> kat: yeah an egg smith if you will, i would be -- her phone must be just ringing off the hook with egg salesman feeble egg salesman people >> kat: obviously he doesn't know how much eggs cost he doesn't go to the store. almost props to him for saying oh, i know, he hasn't been in a store in who knows how long. but, i mean, that is remarkable. i do want to buy some eggs. >> greg: do you want to buy eggs joe. >> joe: i'm convinced i'm not eating nearly enough eggs, go on an egg binge.
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interesting take from bill maher that-on i don't know. i don't know how isolated you have to be to look at numbers as if they're something on the game board where people the price of eggs determines if you're going to eat that day. to say we came out good economically good for him that he's well off that he doesn't have to worry about the price of food but how anyone looks at thatten says that's a rational explanation of what we went through. tyrus makes a point, loss of learning, businesses were destroyed, people's lives were destroyed. i wonder was there ever a moment where bill maher during the pandemic said what am i going to do. that's how we felt, we felt like the world was ending. to look now and say things are coming around stock market, whatever. no. this shows you how disconnected people can get and this is why i think gillian michaels can tell it because a personal trainer is in tune with cause and effect. if you work out and eat the
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right things you lose weight and get healthier so that's how we should look at the economy >> greg: of course i always felt that way. it is ironic, talking about eggs, maybe it's maher who lives in a shell. brooke last word to you. >> brooke: well, i have a conflict of interest here i have to disclose. i can't tell criticize bill maher because i really want to be on his show. [laughter]. >> brooke: but you know, i think bill maher is on tv for the same reason i went to law school. we can't do math. i know that inflation numbers going down does not necessarily mean that prices go down and things are affordable. little bit out of touch, little out of touch. >> greg: yeah, it's the rate of inflation still going up and again it's where you pick the starting point and they're just going the last couple of months. of course it went so high and it's coming down but it's still not there. see how i did that with my hands, huh? i'm an economist. coming up dems think it's all the rage to raise the minimum wage.
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♪ we've got another clip for you, it's video of the day part two ♪ >> greg: congresswoman lee thinks it's nifty to raids the minimum wage to 50 t california senate debate brings us our second video of the day where democrat barbara lee defended her plan to raise minimum wage to 50 bucks an hour. roll it. >> you're calling for a $50 an hour federal minimum wage. that's seven times the current national minimum wage. can you explain how that would be economically sustainable for small businesses. >> $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by. another survey very recently, 104,000 for a family of one, barely enough to get by. low income because of the affordability crisis. so just do the math. do the math. of course we have national minimum wages that we need to
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raise to a living wage, talking about 20, $25, fine. but i have got to be focused on what california needs and what the affordable factor is when we calculate this wage. >> greg: thank god for the bell. calculate all you want lady, you may as well make it a million. it makes nothing cheaper except money. what these clowns would realize if they ever worked outside the government sector is that if there is no increase in supply in housing food and energy then the cost will rise to what the market will bear and that's when liberals call for price crawl and then causes a collapse in everything and then liberals call for a rationing. the upside it will remind illegals from south america of home. but luckily one guy on the stage did the math and countered her argument. the lone republican former baseball great steve garvey. >> minimum wage is where it is and should be. if you look at what california has done to fast food franchises right now, increasing the
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minimum wage to $20 and what's going to happen. that's going to increase costs for hard-working californians to go to a franchise and instead of a big mac for $9, it is going to be $15. >> your time's up into well that was rude. don't they know garvey is a .294 career hitter with over 2500 hits? barbara lee didn't even play baseball! by the way also on that stage the half man half alien adam schiff, yeah he's runner for senate bet you didn't know that. we actually caught up with him later for a comment on all of this. >> oh, nice answer, steve. i know you like playing softball but here in congress we play hard ball. you have about as much chance of beating me as steve harvey. in fact, let's played the feud
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shall we. who will be the next senator for california. i say steve garvey. oh, survey says you lose. >> greg: kat, seven times the current minimum wage and she says do the math >> kat: as someone who has worked several minimum wage jobs in the state of california this doesn't make any sense. i no he she did not explain how small businesses would afford it. she's like actually it would be better if -- do people really think people who oppose this they don't want people to be doing well. it's just making everything more expensive that's exactly how we got where we are now. >> greg: exactly. joe, if we followed her path we would have disaster pricing and then they would call it price gouging. >> joe: of course. i would love to see someone like her playing blackjack. they're at 20. hit me, hit me, hit me. no, numbers mean a thing and you have to stop. yeah, why not make the minimum wage a million dollars. we'll all be millionaires for a
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couple of minutes and then it turns into germany where you're buying a loaf of bread with a basket full of your savings. so, yeah, it's funny how they just make these promises and then they don't understand that if you raise the minimum wage, well, now if you're a poor person your money becomes worth less and not only are you out of a job but you go to mcdonald's you can't afford the meal and there's no porn behind the counter r2 d2 is ringing up your odd. >> greg: brooke if it's $50 an hour then a big mac would be 50 bucks. >> brooke: calculation. if we play a minimum wage of any employer, not just mcdonald's any employer can aered ford then our big max will be $700 and we're showing up to mcdonald's with wheel barrows full of cash and next thing you know we're in venezuela. >> greg: then we can immigrate to venn sexual a and form pick pocket gangs. >> okay. >> tyrus: you would be really good at that. >> greg: i think so i could climb right into the pocket and
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hide and then when they go home i'll pop out of the pocket and steal things or rearrange their furniture t you know, tyrus, garvey, let's talk about -- why is this a huge deal? that's steve garvey. >> tyrus: i actually talked to him this weekend, i ran into him we were hanging out at the jack forum club guys. >> greg: jacked forearm. >> tyrus: it's covered up for the ladies. but here's the thing, whenever i've known anyone who says, do the math, that means they didn't do the math. they wanted you to do the math for them. and to answer a question with like, well, the cost of living's over $107,000. that's why you work your ass to get up out of mcdonald's. minimum wage jobs were not meant to be forever jobs. now, as a parent who might have a couple of stepsons that work in fast food, i wish they got 50 bucks an hour because then they could move the hell out of the house. but other than selfish reasons like that, right now, without
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the raise, fast food is once again more expensive than organic food. that's how bad it is. people used to go, oh, i'm not going to fresh market or whole foods because it's so expensive. but then they'll hit the mcdonald's now and it's 35 bucks for i think two big max or something like that, now all of a sudden organic food is cheaper that's how bad it is so she can do the math. >> greg: up next, show you care with an erotic teddy bear. jordan's sore nose let out a fiery sneeze, so dad grabbed puffs plus lotion to soothe her with ease. puffs plus lotion
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is gentle on sensitive skin and locks in moisture to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue.
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♪ >> a story in five words ♪ >> greg: build a bear pervs out. kat build a bear has announced an after dark collection of adults-only stuffed animals for valentine's day. i think i have a picture of the one i purchased. do we have it here? there it is. [laughter] >> greg: how many of these have you already purchased? >> kat: none. >> greg: none? >> kat: no adult woman wants a stuffed animal. >> greg: no? only if you can stuff it full of drugs and take it on the airport and sell it in miami >> kat: i also don't want that. [laughter] >> greg: brooke, i have never dated anybody in my life who even kept track -- ii believe that >> kat: i was thinking the exact
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same thing. >> tyrus: exact same thing. i'm proud you finally came out and the charade is over. >> greg: i was going to say i don't know any woman who cares about valentine's day. who does? second graders. >> brooke: well, i do. >> greg: do you? >> brooke: i like presents and jewelry and chocolate but i think this is super creepy and i would be extra creeped out by any guy who would buy this and i don't know why being against the sexualization of children's toys is controversial at all. i think it's controversial that you have to be 18 to buy this teddy bear but you can be under age to change your own gender. >> greg: oh, that is true tyrus. . (cheers and applause) >> greg: yeah. >> tyrus: are we sure? that was a kind of, i'm going to clap anyway. >> greg: tyrus are you concerned by this? >> tyrus: no, i'm an alpha male and it doesn't work the our world. we come home with an inappropriate teddy bear it would be, that's what you did with your day. you went into a children's toy
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stop and made a sex toy. pack your [bleep]. like this is not a gift from guys. valentine's day is the litmus test for men because it's just a test. they don't care about anything they just want to make sure they have enough gifts to show their girlfriends that you fell in line and did as told. i never met a guy saying i hope i get something for valentine's day this career. >> greg: it's not reciprocal at he a 1-way street. >> tyrus: 1-way street. but no self respecting man is going to say i'm going to make a teddy bear that's naughty and give it to my girl because show he'll give me extra loving. not going to happen. >> greg: joe do you know what valentine's day is. >> joe: not familiar with the holiday. >> greg: do you give a gift to yourself. >> joe: that's even creepier. i feel bad for anyone who goes into build a bear they were going to make a little tiny gay man. it's creepy. i'm with brook, i'm glad they're doing this because whoever signs up should go on some perfect vet
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out list and they've outed themselves. >> greg: don't go away we'll be right back. disrupts my skin, night and day. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin.
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