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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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on her way through that entree school. yeah yeah. >> botanical gardens, cincinnati. all right. that's probably enough. >> oh, good, john all right. today is national pancake day. and to celebrate, we have some tasty pancakes on set. what does everyone like to put on their pancakes, their sirup ,butter, fruit, caramel, peanut butter, nutella. chocolate chips are whipped cream. i'm eating banana wood, heated up, sir. sorry, i'm a maple. i'm a maple sirup. yes, i'll go banana. >> can you want to pass those down? because i'm not eating this whole dish. okay? >> i can't eat it by show or i would eat. that looks delicious. >> orlando magic, retiring sharks number 32 to force magic player to have his number retired. the original superman of basketball. my man john herald, he's retiring. >> have a great night. >> welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. the presiden "t proves every day how he operates, how he thinksop he is sharp. >> he is on top of things. joe biden refusingf >> jesse to.
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a cognitive test person, woman ,man, camera, who do you like, joe biden or donald trump? donald trump. why? because he keeps the real black voters want results. the president offering them chicken. >> i mean, you got to be rigorous. you can get ready for the steroid olympics. >> right. plus, tony robbins in the 16thcr century, italian diplomat niccolo machiavelli crafted a blueprint for achieving political power. the prince illustrated one of the guiding principles in the art of politics that a prince will be despised if he's considered changeable,
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foolish or weak. machiavelli says a prince should always show courage, seriousness and most of all, strength, because without it, machiavelli believed that it would divide your base into d factions and your weaker factions would be preyed uponil by your political enemy and turned against you. whether they want to admit it or not. every american politician has read machiavelli and they go to great lengths to hide weakness,w fearing it. if they show weakness, votersdor will show them the door. fdr, america's longest serving president, was wheelchair bound for long stretcheslong. o the american public clueless to his handicap. fdr devised a way to walk usingc leg braceses and the arms of his most trusted advisers. woodrow wilson had a stroke that partially paralyzed him, but his wife, edith, served as shadow president until the end of his terzed m. >> although jfk went out of his way to display his youthful
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athleticism behind the scenes, he struggled with excruciatingpn back pain so debilitating he was forced to wea wasr a back brace and undergo invasive spinal surgeries. >> but you never know. not only did reagan survive andn assassination attempt, the bullet reaching within a half an inch of his heart. >> there were concerns late in his second term about alzheimer's, but the reagans handled it gracefully. >> you're not getting too old to run again. >> how would you like pieceik >> cake? wa biden's been in washington for 40 years.s bloo he knows when there's blood in the water. he knowswater that any weakness will be seized upon by the press and his political enemieds and even members of his own party. >> biden is the oldestesident president in american history. he suffered two brain aneurysmts . and let's be honest, he was a serial plagiarist. it was really never known forn his intellect why his brain was an issueeurysm back in 2020. >> please clarify specifically,
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have you taken a cognitive. >> no, i haven't takencognit the test. why the would i take a test? a an. come on, man. that's like saying you before you got in this program,test you take a test where you're taking cocaine. >> what do you think? >> are you a johnny? i mean, i don't even understand the point he was trying to make. >> perhaps the point. it's an insulting question to aski don't . s but this isn't about bad manners. the president't bas only administration confirmed he's a doddering old man with diminished faculties ows who struggles to speak and couldn't remember when he was vice president. whe and the white house denies this. but it was toce captured on tape. >> so why wouldn't the whitet house order the tape release to prove to the country that the president is still with it? >>it are you eager for this material to be made public? >> do you support their release? well, look, and i justma wantet>> it' to be really clear, it's not just us. there was also a bipartisas nona voices in the legal in legal experts who have said it was nsflatly wrong.
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>> right. it was it was gratuitous. it was inappropriate. so you are saying, given you that you think the report is flatly wrong? number two, it is. you can't say you want the material to be made public. i wouldn't know what i didn't say. >> it's been they're discussing it. they're looking at it. the administrationoking at has e hour tape of biden not remembering when his son died and when ihourapt became baracks v.p. and where he exhibits signif y arrogant limitations. these limitations were so significant. e habiden wasn't charged because a jury would take pity on him. chs the excuse. these tapes are blackmail tapes . if they're released, biden's reelection campaign's finished . >> so they're being leveraged over the president and can be used agains t him at any i time. not only is he compromised by the chinese, he's now subject to blackmail by his own administration. >> so if the public can't seehe the tapes. will joe biden take a cognitive test? >> does the white house think that the the idea of the pre president taking cognition test
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,the cognitive test as a part of this physical is ale legitimate idea, particularly just on the heels of the special counsel for falling. i'm just going to say what ther what, dr. o'connor? it's kind of a what he said too me about a year agmeo when the report came out last year. obviously, on his physical,e pr which is the president proves every daesevery day how he operi how he thinks. right. but by dealinging with with word leaders, by making really difficult decisions on behalf of thens o american people, whe. it's domestic, whether it's national security. and so he shows that every day on how he thinks, how he operates. >> he i mean, biden makes baderates decisions. >> 86% of the countr. y believes b that the oldest president ever isn't mentally fit enough to serve the another term.e and he's refusing to take a cognitive test. and the white house doctors refusing to administer one andgv the first lady refuses to acknowledge anything's wron g . one reason to explain this state of affairs , the goldwater rule. >> barry goldwater, the republican nominee for affae
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president in 1964, was a workaholic, a cold war hawk who at one point suggested lobbing a nuke into the men's room at the kremlin. >> later, a group of random psychiatrists sprinkled throughout the country diagnosed barry goldwater as unfitagnose to be president. and after that incident, the goldwater ruleldwate prohibd psychiatrists from diagnosing someone without personally som examining them. and primetime agrees with the goldwater rule without. >> doctors shouldn't be diagnosing people by just watching them on t tv. >> if they could, i'd be fitted for a straitjacket. thw the median knows the goldwater rule. >> the new york times writes memory loss requires carefuls diagnosis. >> scientists sarequiresy, but t didn't stop them from diagnosing trump. the medi doesn'ta broke the golr rule with glee. remembereadlines the headlines?t >> 350 health professionals signed letters to congress claimingers trump's mental heat is deteriorating dangerously. de doctors want president trump's head
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examined. >> psychiatrists warating n trus becoming more mentally unstable, putting us world at extreme risk. trump is mentally unfit. no exam needede.. but trump was game and took. a test. >> the first questions are very easy. the last questionsuestions a arh more difficult, like a memory question. it's like you'll go person, woman. man. camera. tv so could you repeat that? so i said, yeah. so it's person. woma, n. man camera, tv. if you get it in order, you getg extra points. they said nobody gets it in order. >> it's actually not that easy. but for me it was easy. sofor me i>> jes trump it was bd of the biden campaign could easily put outn afra a cognitivt result by releasing specialse counsel interview tapes, taking tests during super bowl interviewsecial col inte, makinm available for more press conferences.
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insteaw d, they're relyingl yo on propaganda from allies to tell you not to believe what you see and hear with your own eyes and ears. >> somebody asked me in the middleeyes and of the depositio what year did your mom die? i go, oh, 2017, 2018, 2019. i don't know. s >> he's fine. all this right-wing propaganda that he's mental acuity is declined is wrong ages an objective fact. >> as i say, it's all relative. he's younger than i am.o so what do i have to say about his age? but he is, again, knowledgeable, wise. but the media mob splintering into factions. some allies, as you just heard, insist biden's einstein, others, as we showed you last night, the new york times, carville, axelrod, bill maher acknowledged biden's deteriorating and replaceable. >> and today, the atlantic, a staunchly progressive publication, called for a new i nominee, quote, trump is a sociopathic menace who must be defeated in november. howevel foner, well-suited bides
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to the task of dispatching him four years ago, the situatiothei has changed. >> biden cannot possibly be the best persoon n for the job today.s >> the time to fix this messow is now before it really is too late. >> now, after the horror report and biden's press conference, the media has been given license to legitimately cover biden's brain. >> and now every public appearance is being scrutinized through this lens. >> and the president isn't assuringt is the nation that hes equipped for four more years. >> welcome back to the white house now. welcome back. and by the way, looking to the convention, reporting from our crew, queen rania, who is meeting with jill now and t on the queen and the crown cre is theoming wher prince? i thought he was coming out anyway. imagine. i see. over to you, mr. prince.
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i'm sorry, mr. >> all right. the president'sidents confusedd about where to stand and who he's talking to. his base is breakingo is off in factions, which, as machiavelli knows, is fatal to politicalonsc power. >> rfk jr. told prime time last night jill biden should convince her husband to step down. the media is strategizing about inserting newsom at the convention, and young voters are no t only vulnerable to trump's appeal, they're straight up enthusiastic t about it. we're watching how a prince loses political power. >> senator linsey graham joins me now. senator graham joins me , you st of time with joe biden. you guys traveled around the worle wod together maybe n ten years ago or so. >> have you noticedrence? a difference? oh, absolutely. so it's not what i think. you know, i'm a politician. here's what i think a rule should be. >> if there's credible evidence that a president is physically or mentally compromised, the presiden py ort owes it to e
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country to straighten it out and resolve that doubt. releas so release the tapes of theterve five hour interview, the special counsel's summarw.t. of the interview was unnerving every person in thpersone worlds a bad guy. >> read that. i was never more disturbed about our national security after i read that than than any time i can remember. >> basically says he did it,y but no jury would convict him because they don't think he's confidentwould . s so i think president biden, after this statementmpetent. byi special counsel, not some political hack, owes it to the countryt to release the tape and take an exam. >> senator, you know. how the intelligence community works. we have a e termifive hour tap that could just be terminal to the biden reelection campaignnaen or a second term.v they're dangling it over his head. its heads. can be used at any t released at any moment. >> doesn't that put the president in a compromised position? >> posit i just don't think it'r
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to the american people to have a statement likeatemen this unanswered. >> you know, don't attack the special counsel't attas rep >> the report says that he was a a very nice old man that could not remember basic facts. now, that's the guy. you don't want to be president. so president biden, not surrogates, owes it to the country to basically put this to rest. let us listen to the tape tape. to see if it was an accurate summary of the interview that the tapes speak forf itself. >> and, you know, president trump's talked about taking t trum an exam.worrie i'm i'm i'm very worried that all of this is going to make america less safe, that there's safe. a belief now in writing that the president's not really up to the job. >> we're very exposed as a nation. yes, we are. we cannation. tell the presidenn up to the job by what he's done on the border. speaking of whic theh, there vot they just had a major vote in the house. >> mayorkas hahes been impeached in the house just by one vote.
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theyku dohey're going to wal these articles at some point over to the senate. what do you guys d thao about tt in the senate now ifth the democrats control it? >> well, we'll probably make a motion to dismiss. >> and if all the democrats vote for it, it will never go to trial. but there'll be a requirement by the senate to dispose of the articles. >> here's what i can saydispos. >> the border is an unmitigated disaster. i'm going down in a couple in a of days. >> we have more people crossing the border illegally than any time peoplhe in history. er w december was the worst month ever. majorchea says abused the parole laws. violently abusedyorkas the paroe laws. he's been a complete disaster. he i can understand the house being upset with the way he's handled the problem. way hbut the root cause of the problem is joe biden. they were replaced by iraqis orjoe somebody else just like him. >> if you really want a secure border ac, you better fire biden and hire trump. >> that's a good point. senator linsey graham.m, tell ad everybody in south carolina i said hello. >> all right. irgod bless. point
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hope they don't put you in a straitjacket. they'll try. >> thank you, senator. the steroid olympics.. the cia's secret trump binder. plus plus , tony robbins is two things a young man will beback my his staff. ndfatheri got back to my roots. we've come from a long line of cowboy. my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aunt being rode horse. >> when i see all of us out here on those ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. >> i am embarrassed to say this, but i've been using deodorant on my armpits for the past 40 years, and yet any time i noticed odor anywhere else, i thought i needed a second shower. i wasn't clean or there was something wrong with me. and then my gynecologist told me about louie. it's a whole body deodorant for pigs feet and privates that controls odor anywhere and
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you and your loved ones from a natural disaster. protecting your family is the best plan you can make. >> black americans have been democrats most loyal voting base since the 60s. >> in 2020, biden captured 90% of the black vote. today,vo he's polling 30 pointss lower. >> but you can always trustst the poll s. so prime time talks to people>> like joe biden or donald trump.e >> trump is not the best persosn in the world, but better than who's in office right now. >> donal. hetrump. why? because he keeps it real. evenps i if he hate people,t th he's going to let you know
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what he's doing to get the job done. i love donale jod. try to bring back uncle trump. bring him back. you know, when you're going to votg hioee. bid >> what do you think about joe biden? he's tired. s hee what has he done for us s? we're in inflation. ahe's called it shrinkflation. >> where's it shrinking it? how are you going to say that you're going to do this and do that for all the thisn you gog fo back where you were? how is joe biden doing for the countr e y? >> maybe that's fatal. yeah. >> now, john, he's gotten the same answers from black people about biden sam for two straight years. >> he doesn't cherry pick. it's always the same peopl2 str >> trump kept it real. he keeps cash in pockets. that's it. that's simplcashn pockete. and even the most popular names in hip hop, snoop doggmple, 50 t or maga. curious, you could say kanye. well, he still knows what it is. kaso backing >> yeah, of course it's trump. we can talk about what it is. and now killer mike, a hip hoppo
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artist who backed bernie and just won three grammys, went on the view and refuse to back biden. >> watch. in terms of nationally, i'm just kind of doing what my grandfather said to stand on a white fox business and watch what happens. ifu know, i'm going to see what happens if there's a candidate that pops up around september, october that needswij a push that's really policy wise and good for us. going to jump upum. opt for right now, i just don't want to be involved in a soap opera. black people, especially black black men in the south, are afraid. they have concerns around immigration. they havave concerns aboute con control. >> they have concerns about wealth building. so ianf biden loses just 2% bui more of the black vote, trump wins. >> jesses looks like a free for all. >> so what is biden's plan to shore up his african-american base? the biden campaign filmed him >> t chicken for a black family in north carolina. >> i mean, you got ie chicken fingers. you god chict. i went the really making sur>>ey i had dinner. >> so tell me what you guys what you do in these >> days. g ba >> i'm playing a youth
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basketball right now. you reallyskight vote for your ? >> yes, sir. i mean, they should have just had hillary over with the hot sauce at that point. >> we don't know how the chicken summit is going to shake out, but at least biden's listening to regularamen black americans instead of the race jockeysd of the on msnbc, e al sharpton, ben crump, the self-appointed spokesman of the community. >> do they have anything inspiring to say now we can get rid of all the crimed of t in america overnight. just like that. and people askhe how attorney the crump changed the definition of a crime. of cours define, if you get to e point where on drugs is going to be made criminal, you can predict who the criminal is going to miss out. . we are criminal, though. our existing law s, like the law, criminal code, black culturawe, american criminal law was derived from england, where the black populations. was nearly nonexistent. so, gentlemen, this has nothing
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to do with you. and we just have to. thursday doesn't gets no doubt this week, because primetime really needs to celebrate. >> sonia sotomayor as a radio show host, tommy, you are my envoy to black america. johnny's my correspondent. you're m ty envoy. >> will the chicken summit be effective? m >> no, because let me tell you something, jesse. t >> he forgot to bring watermelon and grape drink. now, if he had brought more melanin, great drink, that would have completed the trifecta. but he felt like we only like chicken and we need these things. and conjunction with eacharry i other. and i'm just sad that he decided to carry id sat a little farther and say, let me get a hamburger so i can le n you knowow i'm different thanhe you are not. you heard that part. he decided to have a hamburger. nt thahe want none of that foot >> he did not want the chicken, that's for sure. . we always send johnny out. i'm sure you've seen all the shows. you neveher miss an episodeou of prime time. when i used to go out in the street during the obama years, i had such a hard time finding w
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. >> a black american who didn't like obama. obamho a could do anything and they loved him. johnny goes out. we have a hard time findingo li black americans who, like biden. >> is that going to translate into anythinnslateg? i think it really is. let me tell you something. not only do i watco h h you evey night, but my mom watches. >> she watches and she says she. hate watches, usually watch you. you make points when she said you crazyatches but. you so that's what's happening. a lot of bot areh hate. watch watcth hath. happe >> so i think what's happeningmo is really a movementve is comint about. i've been on the whole, hey, as black people, we should hol d our vote for who is actually for us for a long time. and i got calledr all kinds of words that i won't say on your family theme and friendly program y p, but iment i really do think a solid movement is going here. i live in atlanta, and i've heard from a lot of peopled into who called into radio program about how they really are changinge .
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>> there's a real momentum. there's more than just words. this is really happeningore tha. . so should we put how much stock in 50? snoop killer mike, guys like that, you don't put much stock in them. but i'll tell you what, thu should put stocking most black men is killer. mike said they have fears, but he didn't tell you what the exacsa t fear was.n do the fear is in the blackwa community that black men don't wantnt tac to upset black women. if you remember the last election cycle, black men were coming out seriously, they were coming out voting and saying they were going to vote for trump. and then there were articles upon articles in major magazindb huffpost talking about how black meoun have let the blacktw community down. so they were afraid of havingf that put on them. so now i think many of them, becaussen are black women are starting to say, hey, i'm looking elsewhere, that feelingelsewher more embold to say, we're really going to go and cast that ballot for someone other than a democrat. we have so much in common. i don't want to upset t black women eithero .
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i think it's smart advice. hey, i gotov to go in theow who house when this is over. upseow. >> i don't want to upset. be on your best behavior, tommy. thank you so much. stay out of your mouthy hio . yh >> thank you.a just the cia now scrambling♪ ♪ to find the missing trump binder. straight ahead ). start your day with nature. meet the number one pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. >> there comes a time when you realize the kitchen you used to love is ready for a refresh line of cabinets to go. design expert help you craft the look you want with quality products and today's designer styles and colors backed by your transferable lifetime warranty out with the old in with new. it's that easy from design to install. we do it all plus get 0% air for a limited time with the cabinets to go .com to schedule
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800 8989322. that's try relaxium dot com or call 808 989322. >> what impacts you every day? >> undeniably, there is one influential book that shapes the way we measure create and ignite change. the bible's impact is all around. discover how at museum of the bible this is a fox news alert brand. w >> details about how obama's cia targeted trump and started the entire russia hoax. for years we were told that tips from an australian diplomat tipped off the fbi after a random conversation with papadopouloe tolds, a no n 20 something. >> but according to new reportina g by michaele shellenberger and matt taibbi, the whole thing was a ciing waa setup. former cia director john brennan identified 26 trump associates to be targeted by the five eyes intelligence alliance. and then those interactions
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were the targets and were targeted by the fbi as suspicious. and that'se targ how the fbi la. the russia collusion hoax. >> the details of this entire operation have been stored in a top secret binder in a secret room in washington. >> trump ordered the whole.d thu thing declassified. and now the rumor is that the binder might be missing. >> joining me now, one of the reporters who broke the story, michael shellenberger. michael, explain how this all started with the cia picking these 26 trump people.pp >> yeah, good tole be with you, jesse. well, obviously, this is any an extremely serious story and serious allegation by multiple credible sources that public in iraq. that'sle matt toby's publication have spoken to. >> these are people that are close to the house intelligence covestigation of howelligenc rua collusion hoax began. >> the story, as you mentioned ,was that we were just informed by foreign intelligence about this. >> our sources tell us a verys
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different story, which is that this was initiated by the u.s. government. it came from within the u.s.camo government's intelligence community, including the ciaclue that they asked the so-called five eyes nation's intelligence agencies, that's the other english speaking nations, including britain and australia ,to spy on 26 trump associate sites, or at least they had a list of the 26 associates that were identified. pl this is new information some people have theorizedd about this and speculated about it. we feel very confident that our sources were in a position to know and are very credible in this report credibl's a is oy a very serious allegation because this is illegal spyingl on and it's illegal election interference. >> okay. sointerference.>> jes you're ree cia got these us allies to bumpt these 26 trump associates, create interactions and then
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call these interactions suspicious and letnteracti the w they were suspicious. and that starts the whole thing. what about this binder that encapsulates this t whole thing and no one knows where it is right now or trump has it? >> what's that? >> well, jesse will have a piece tomorrow that is specifically about the binder. o but as a friend of of the show and of yours on this, i'll say that there has been widespread speculation and that thisatio binder was the was the reason or a reason for the fbi raid of mar a lago. and we'll be discussin.g tomorrow. >> but obviously, if this binder contain t wes what wetain have been told that it contains, which may include raw intelligencewhicude information showing that the u.s. government, the cia and the intelligence community of the u.s. government initiated the russia collusion hoax, that it did not occur in the way that the official story, including the durham investigation, had portrayed ite
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. >> then. that's extremely serious information. and it may be ifxtremely the fbt went to go get it in order to continue the covecor up of this information. >> that obviously adds an even more dramatic wrinkle to >> again, we'll have more to say about it tomorrow. but this is tomorrowa huge, hugo i mean, i can't i've been thinking about in the history of the united statesutin the ofa ,have we ever had something like this where the intelligence communityhad sa weaponized against a political candidat pole and weaponized and using our foreign allies to do it? i can't think of a important or dramatic story. >> yeah. and then going to great length story.>> jesses by using fbi raids to cover itle up. that'ss to just an absoluteincr incredible development. great reportinedib g to you ando matt. >> and we look forward to your report tomorrow. thank you so much, jesse. ladies and gentlemen, are youad ready for the steroid olympics ? the biggest investigation in fbi history.
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more than 1100 arrests. i sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. those involved must be held accountable. he's an innocent man. >> that's going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. >> what are those bunch of midwestern folk know about? well. well, back in 69, in fargo, north dakota, we were already on the hunt for natural radicals. and we found some. >> and now led by a nifty wellness experts, we've got up north and 1600 health promoting products made from the best ingredients. the point is, we tickled pink to help you feel your back. be well now. okay. did you get a lot of heat this for that? hmm. hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm.
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>> their auction is going on right now, so what are you waiting for? >> jes >> athletes have been juicing for decades, turning normal athletes into stars and stars, into god s down the line. gods.
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is it enough? . 60 to 1 quarter goes by number 62. be back. you got company. >> well, but the gains came at a price. puttin g their long term health and safety in serious jeopardy. >> all the major sports outlawed steroids and blackballed the athletes who were caught doping. >> remember seeing it back in 1988 when the world stopped to watch canadian sprinter ben johnson run the 100 meter dashnr in just 9.7 9 seconds. >> i remember then watch. >> the olympic committee stripped him of his gold aftere0 he failed the test. a-rod got benched when he was caught riding in 2014 and russia was suspended from the olympics altogether in 2019 after whistleblowers exposd ane a state sponsored doping scheme that had been going on for, i don't know, god knows s how long. >> but now a group of investorcs there is hope and dope.
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paypal billionaire thiel is throwing his financial muscle behind a steroid olympics for closeted juicers. >> i am the fastest man in the world, but you've never heard of me. i have broken usain bolt's 100 meter record, but i. can't show you my face. i am a proud, enhanced athleteme . the olympics hate me.. >> i need your help to come out of steroid pride month. here we come. it's organizers say that athletes will dose in outp. in the open and honestly and the wheels are in motion. >> the steroid olympics say they secured the cash forgame a 2025 games set to include swimming, gymnastics, weightlifting, track and field, and combat. >> and it's garnering interest from high profilcoe athletes.frm >> australian swimmerel and olympic gold medalist
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james magnusseletes.n says he'le out of retirement if the price is right. if they put up $1,000,000 for the 50 freestyle world record, > i'll come on board as their first athlete. i'll choose to the gills and i'll break it within six months. to o gillsh i'm going to need of those superstars to float me, because if i get unbelievably jacked and he's not alone, other former olympianse jack sig are signing on to the project as board members. now, critics say the spectacle will glorify dangerous drugs, but others say all the major sports are already riddled with roids. >> they just kind of do it on the dow n low. now, it's not for prime time to speculate, but is it legal? no. shooting up non prescribed anabolic steroids could land users a year in jail. so what' league?s plan? i plctor conte is the ceo of snack and the founder of the infamous balco labs, the barry vinds. victor, are you excited for >> nsteroid olympics?
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no, i think that they shouldn't call this the enhanced games because we already have an enhanced games called the olympics. you're saying the olympics are clean? >> i would. well, they on their website, the enhanced games suggested that 44% of olympians and elite athletes were using performance enhancing drugs back in the balco days. i my guesstimate then was about 80%. and i would say noh w it's probably close to 60%. it's certainly the majority. but i do not think that it should be a free for all and they should be allowed to use all the drugs that thedon't thy to drugs like epo and amphetamines and others are very dangerous drugs. dea and there's been many deaths from the use of epo. so to just enable these athletes to try to break these
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records in exchange for money, which i'd like to see the business plan for enhanced games because i haven't. show mgae the money, as they sa. yeah. and when they talked about the swimme r getting $1,000,000, they also mentioned that if somebody could break usain bolt's world record, that they would get $1,000,000 and that olympic athletes don't get paid. well will ge, they must not havd that the saying bolt got a piece of beachfront property in jamaica worth $6.3 million. well, olympic athletes today do make a lot of a lot of money and a lot more than $1,000,000. >> i mean, those steroids must be pretty good because that was a white guy claiming he was going to be usain bolt's records. >> when you were at balco, explain to me how effective thisrecord. substance was, whatd to these people and how you administer it so secretively. >> well, let'siv let's put thism in perspective. i workedeter with 100 meter rune who did break the world record shortly thereafter.
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and he had received fromno another personther $16,000 worth of testosterone and other drugs . he ran two meters slower. now, when i first met him and talked to him, i explained to him, all you have to do is go off the drugs and you'll fan faster because testosterone and other anabolic steroids work through what they call shell volume ization you ti and theye yo make you tight. they make you pumped. you need a normal fluid balancen to run faster. so the point is, you use theseei during training, then you taper off and you run faster during competitio andthen rn. so doctors need to understand how these drugs work. and i'm not sodoctor sure that t physicians understand all this. >> all right. well sur, gutfeld has been takig roids for years. >> i don't know how he hasn't positive yet. i mean, it's just it's an open secret here in the he just has to clean up his act. marco, thank you so much. ld thank you. now, the easiest way to make $1,000,000, tony robbins has mak
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of blizzard conditions bone chilling cold to sketchy snow when it's cold outside the fox weather returns operations, winter storm fox, where is winter storm hq? >> joe biden loves bragging about how has lifted the stock market to record heights. >> the market's been, but todayk was a disaster. the dow dropping 500 points. >> why? inflation's not going away, stok which means the high rates are going to stay put for a whil e. y. >> food and shelter. are the two sectors getting slammed the hardes andt? and we've been covering inflation for years. bill moore just it out this country came out of the pandemic way better. >> we just we won the pandemic economic. >> w >> i mean, america, i don't feel that way. explain it to mee . >> feel like inflation,lu same numbers. every question is not insane bill. i hope there's numbers. i understand things, but it has
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tripled here. look, i get the price of eggs. that was jillian michaels, who knows what eggs costs. you can't smoke eggs. so moore has clue. ho so how do we navigate through this thicket of financial disinformation and propaganda? author of the holy grailncial investing the world's greatest investors, tony robbins, joinse me now. tony, right now. stock >> i'm just in the stock market and i let everybody else figure it out for me.]. okay. i got a lot going on. what do othe >> jesr people need to know in order to get rich? i loved your promise. $1,000,000 instantly fell. >> $1,000,000. well, i interview this is my third book in this area, and i wasn't planning on doing it, but i had access to 13 of the masters of the universe financially. i had already interviewed ray dalio and carl icahn of warren buffett. but these are the people in private, and as you probably know, they produce 20%
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compounded returns. the very best in the businesin s decade after decade versus five, six, seven, eight, nine. so you're tripling the paceachiv at which you can achieve things. soe things i'm going to do 30%.w so i interviewed him. half the book is the interviews with him. but there is new abilities. the average person doesn't understand alternative investments when the stock doest drops, they don't drop as much because they don't have to sell. their money is tied up invest. can when it goes up, they can sell it. they have a lot of advantages. and so the wealthiest institutions, pension funds, very ultra wealthy people have made 46% of their money goes into this. only 29% of the stock market. >> so, tony, you're telling megt i have to start investing in hedge funds? you know, not i talk about risky. yeahm , i'm not talking about hedge funds. i would be more specific. these individuals understand if you put your money in the stock market with the s&p 500. i'm not saying nott to do thatt a portion of your money should be. well, you've, had 9.2% growth over 35 years. it's amazing. you ge9.t your every eight year. if it was enough, these guys if it was in basic prime privateuii equity, it's 14.2. so what does that mean?
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t'you're making 50% more moneyuu compounded every year. so if you put $100,000 in the stock market and you look at what it is toda iy, now it's gone to 2.9 million. but at the same money, 100,000tn was in private equity at 14.2. not the top guys. you'd be in a position wears. have $13.9 million now. you couldn't get in these the before. that's why i wrote the book. there are new rule changes. the government only reserves the richest people to have access to. >> you're telling us there's ways to get in on these vehicles for the ultra wealthy that now are available? that's correcty that. >> oh, tony, better than that.a you don't. it's hard to get into the best funds. yeah, they're like pre-sold out through the wealthiest people. but there's a group in houston, texas, called cars that i got to know throug h some very wealthy people. and they have spent billions of dollars and they buoustony is partners and these private equity firms. so instead of paying 2% of all your money every year and getting paying theuitym 20% of e upside, you literally are a partner in the firm and youe fo
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get that two and 20, the richest people in the world, the forbes 400. you said what industry has the most billionaires? it's not tech. it's about real estate ind. it's financial services, but not hedge funds. they go up and down more. we're talkin a finang people thate have your money tied up. >> so now we know a guy, tony and now know a guy down in texas. i know him. do these funds, is that what you're saying? >> no, no. you can get through these funds. thes g e are multibillion dollar funds that you can get into. you can get into sports teams today, can new and sports teamss everything but the nfl. >> and if you saw the news. so i can't get into nfl teams because i was going to short the cowboys. th i know what team you want a piece of. that's pretty obvious. but they just announced the new york times yesterday. they're goinoys.w york t g to me a decision in six weeks. but the nba major league baseballks, major league soccer and hockey, they produced 18% compounded returns for the last 11 years versus the market's been 11%. they are monopolies. you gens.ret to own your area and they don't just sell bats and seats. now, think about it. now they're media moguls because they're selling this . sure. how much they sold, you know, for peacock, i don't know.
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y sold$10 million for one show.c >> yeah. so i'm in awe nok.w by thees chu . >> sincerely. you're you can have a piec ce of ibm. it's a small little piece you can do now with sports teams and get greater returns that aren't tied to the market. if you're worried about the market, you want something that's not correlated thand that's what this whole bok is about. how do you reduce the risk? you get the best return. all right, forthe be tony, the . is this right here. >> everybody go get it. the holy grailth of investing. it's not as good as get itd together, which you can preorder right now through amazon. it's different it's living together by doing the holy grail. >> you can get it together. but again, b it's a two for one3 >> all right. but i will say also, we've done itf in all three of my books. we've now provided over a billion meals to feeding america in the uniter d states, and all the profits go to feeding america. all right. >> doingerica. >> how about that? i'm impressed. and you should be put your hea d? in it now. >> well, i did that here. i do. don'ecting tt about my hair ande of. gutfeld tony robbins, everybody. thank you sory much. >> thanks. very great to see you to this in text messages.
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marie from missouri. medicare requires a yearly cognitive testinxtg. why not? for president of the united states. gregg from new york, here's a cognitive test for joe huntemr . laptop hair. ice cream that he couldke fro remember. mike from milton, georgia. biden ism gia: giving a cognitie test for lent. >> the only thing he's giving up. chris from johnson city, tennessee. if presidents don't have immunity, what's going to happen to obama when the trump binder goes public? >> oh, are we saying we can put obama and in prison if trump iso elected? don't tell mn e. >> darryl from pittston, pennsylvania. jesse if they pun't tempt you in a straitjacket, you'll have to drink through a straw. >> i will be the least manlye ta man in the straitjacket of all time. >> steve from vinton, virginia can you send johnny to the steroid olympics? i am going to send him as my special steroid olympicsd
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correspondent. >> and he should. he could use some juice. i mean., that guy's £120 wet.ic. andy from north carolina12 and only eats a salami. >> will joe biden do an0 po intervieundsw? >> the steroid olympics? i don't know. i think it depends on who's doing the interview. wesleyoing from louisville, kentucky. >> so if someone tests negativewesley from ke, are thed from the steroid olympics? not only do they expelled, but they're banned for life. tricia from pinkerton, ohio, tony robbins. hands are bigger than yours.somh >> tell mein something i don'tt know. ghing] the only thing bigger are his hands. let's see. oh, no. oh, come on. let's not measuring up against him again. >> he's next on."hannity >> and welcome to hannity. we begin tonight with a fox news. the house just voted to impeach department of homeland securit


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