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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 14, 2024 3:00am-4:01am PST

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i would also like to know to what extent her office as a whole continues to work with the justice department because this comes down to the weapons of government, election interference at the white house is working with a prosecutor in georgia, a state prosecutor to prosecute a now opponent to this president in a presidential year. that's the definition of election interference and that's what the american people are sick of. that's what we have been accused of on the republican side for many years. and, frankly, it's disgraceful that we have gone to this point that this white house and joe biden are doing everything they can to stop president trump from running and winning the white house. >> carley: a case that took a turn that nobody anticipated and lot of questions remain. congressman gooden, thanks so much for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> good to see you. >> steve: thank you, carley and todd. yep, it's 6:00 here in new york city. it is february 14th it's valentine's day. it's also ash wednesday.
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and this is "fox & friends." and we start with a fox news alert. the results are in. >> we won this race. [cheers] >> i'm so proud to be the republican party. [chanting] >> steve: democrat tom suozzi won that election in the district replacing george santos. what it means for the precarious balance of the house. will. >> brian: almost 150 years, before "fox & friends" started, secretary mayorkas becomes the second cabinet member to ever be impeached. the next steps. >> ainsley: and today is valentine's day. it's also ash wednesday. we have mark wa wahlberg, and jonathan roumie the guy who played jesus in the chosen. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are better with friends.
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>> brian: that's w what i hear. ♪ fox news alert right now. democrat tom suozzi is back in congress. he's going there after defeating republican mazi pilip to a new york special election right around my block. >> steve: suozzi is taking over the seat once held by disgraced congressman george santos, a republican. on monday night suozzi rightfully predicting that early voting would put him over the top. >> we have very good early return results. in the early voting and the absentee ballots. and it looks like the weather gets better later in the day. >> ainsley: suozzi's win brings the balance of power in congress to 219 republicans to the 213 democrats with three vacancies. >> steve: that's right. as it turns out, yesterday's election was a lesson in why the new paradigm of voting early or voting absentee mail-in ballots is important because, as he was just talking about with early
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voting, according to the "new york times," 80,000 voted early through sunday and 11,000 more registered democrats cast votes than the republicans. also, there was a big snow storm and the officials were saying stay off the streets and maybe some did. >> ainsley: one lady who was trying to vote she said the roads were horrible. cars were swerving all over the place. the thing is most republicans vote in person. so, yesterday, when that snow storm. >> steve: that was the problem yesterday. >> ainsley: that was probably -- that probably definitely affected the elections. >> brian: dig in on the message the mess suffrage tom suozzi who is joe biden? i never ever never met him. i'm a not a member of the squad. shut down the border. he sound like a mix of joe manchin and marco rubio. he ran separate from his party. he did not acknowledge -- and the white house. this is a nuances. mazi pilip came out and said i'm against that bipartisan bill.
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he said, know would go in and negotiate more for it. i would get involved there he was by himself, mazi pilip was with the republican establishment. he wanted to tell everybody i'm going to do my own thing when i get there i'm going to look to get things done. that was a message. also, abortion very much a message. he says i am -- i'm pro-choice. these republicans are looking to put a national law together banning abortion. so, he didn't run from that. he ran like a moderate. he ran from jobe. which is nuts, because in 2020 joe biden won that by 8. >> ainsley: right. right. >> brian: almost three years later i don't know who is president. >> ainsley: 2022 santos won by 8 points. >> brian: he poisoned the well. he embarrassed the people who voted for him that he is such a fraud. >> ainsley: suozzi could be sworn in tomorrow in not tomorrow the end of the month. next week they take a break for presidents' day.
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his speech was interrupted. did you all see that last night? his speech was interrupted by some protesters yelling genocide. one guy got on stage with a palestinian flag and he was escorted off. >> steve: right. listen. the snow, do not discount the snow. because -- because so many people were staying stay off the streets. the house republican main super pac called congressional leadership fund? do you know what they did yesterday? according to the "new york times." they hired private snowplows to clear the party's best precinct areas faster. it was so important that people actually get out to vote. and apparently more democrats got out to vote. >> brian: the roads really weren't bad yesterday. they got bad this morning when it got cold. yesterday by 2:00 in the afternoon there was nothing. >> steve: well, they got to blame something. blame the snow. meanwhile, another fox news alert. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas impeached over the border crisis. it's the first time a cabinet secretary has been impeached in about 150 years.
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>> ainsley: soon, the ball will be in the senate's court. the trial is likely to begin later this month, which will ultimately determine whether he's going to be removed from office. >> brian: there is nothing really perilous there for him. but just embarrassment. lucas tomlinson is there about the details. lucas? >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. let's say that again for the second time in u.s. history and first time in nearly 150 years. a cabinet secretary has been impeached. here is what happens next. following the impeachment of mayorkas yesterday. late february, early march, the house sends these articles of impeachment to the senate, impeachment managers serve as prosecutors. citizens sit as jurors. the after they receive the articles. trials run monday through saturday. senators decide to hold a full trial or move to dismiss or have votes on convicting or exonerating mayorkas. the senate could send the articles for a committee to review vote to convict, exonerate mayorkas or dismiss
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the charges. >> i would be real surprised if they didn't try to rush it. because, look, every day we talk about the border is bad for their guy. >> my message to the senate is they should look at the polling they know that our border security is the number one issue. >> when you look at the egregiousness, the breach of public trust, the fact that the secretary has willfully refused to comply with the law on multiple occasions, multiple times. >> now, some more history guys between 1881 and 1914, over 10 million people came to the united states from europe. 9 largest mass migration from one continent to another and the total nearly reached over the past three years, guys. >> steve: lucas, thank you very much. it was just a week ago that this vote failed because of the very slim majority in the house. steve scalise was not in attendance. he was there yesterday. what is interesting is two democrats were not in attendance yesterday and had either one of them voted, he would not have been impeached. lois frankel of florida and judy
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chew of california didn't vote. ms. chew had covid. lois frankel the democrat was actually stuck at the airport in palm beach. she was there with brian mast. i know because i was talking to him on the phone. i was talking to him at 5:00. i said you are not going to make it back in time. he says it does not look like it. he did not make it back because there was a mechanical problem on his american airlines flight that was supposed to take off at 11:00 to washington. >> ainsley: you can't control the vote break down 214 to 21 because steve scalise did come back from his cancer treatment. ken buck one of the republicans who didn't vote to impeach. but he said he goes down, talking about mayorkas, as one of the worst cabinet secretaries in my lifetime but it is not a high crime or a misdemeanor. because that's the standard senate is unlikely to impeach him because there are 51 democrats and 49 republicans. >> brian: probably be the first week in march. it will be one day they will present their articles.
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they will have their impeachment managers. they will look at it the next day and probably just gavel it out. >> the one thing i love about t he teams very comfortable just lying in congress. saying there's no problem. blaming congress for the lack of laws as if we don't remember that the executive orders that were overturned the day his boss got into the oval office, as if we don't remember the effectiveness of remain in mexico. as if we don't know that there is pieces of the wall laying in the middle of the desert. that we already paid for. as if we don't know that there are holes in the wall and you keep telling us they don't work. as if we don't know that you could be going to the central and south american countries pressuring them to keep their people home. threatening them from losing aid. instead, he sat in front of congress and they had there is in problem until yesterday. and the day before. now you know it is a crisis. because president biden is now saying it. the guy should we signed if he had any values at all. i love the fact is he going to go down in history as embarrassment. people just flip through the record 20 years from now and go
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this guy was awful. he was the worst. >> ainsley: but don't forget, this is joe biden's crisis. he created this. and mayorkas does what his boss tells him to do. >> steve: right. the boss is the president of the united states the problem is created. >> that's fine. i would add to this. it doesn't mean you don't go in front of congress and tell the truth that the border is not broken. that it is not out of control. that our people are doing a great job and they are able to process people you don't turn around and say congress broke it. we know it was effectively shut down with 450,000 in a year and we are getting 12,000 a day now. >> steve: the border and crime, two very potent issues for the electorate coming up in november lawrence jones today is in st. louis. and, you know, lawrence, you have been talking about crime this week. last week it was the border and you're in a very specific district that is represented in congress by a very prominent
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member of the squad. >> lawrence: yeah. we have the distinct honor to be in cori bush's district. one of the newest members of the squad promised that she was going to reform the criminal justice system, that she was going to go after the cops. said she wanted to defund the police but made sure that she had her own private security if it was funded by people on the campaign, by some taxpayer funds and by the way it's also her husband as as well as well. people trying to grip with all this crime in this city. this is what they had to say. watch. >> what are you doing to help prevent go after the streets. >> our role as secretary police law enforcement provider/security company is just to provide like kind of a supplement to the police department. we partner with local taxing
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districts in the st. louis police department. looking at crime on the daily basis, we have over 500 cameras. usually the police notify us that an incident has happened. so we will pull up the cameras in the area. this was reported to us that a car had been stolen. and they happened to pull right up in front of one of our security cameras. >> lawrence: is that a long gun right there, an ar-15. >> yes. >> so they are coming ready? >> yes. it would take the police department 8 to 10 months to a year to get biometric evidence out of this are can a and process and link to sap. video is instant. we are dealing with a serial burglar released recently and picked right back up where he left off. >> they committed a crime? >> yes. >> they have been charged. they have been released. and then they go back. you have got to do your job over again? >> yes. yes. it is frustrating. but, you know, it's become such
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>> lawrence: lawrence you have been adjusting to it. >> it is. >> lawrence: some families it's deep bely personal. tell me about your son. >> outgoing. he was my youngest son. 19. >> lawrence: this was your baby? >> my baby. he lost his life to senseless gun violence on april the 5th, 2022. that was the worst day of my life ever. lawrence hits your son and then weeks later it hits your family again? >> on june the 17th, 2022, i lost my nephew preston jones. he was murdered in his sleep. someone shot through his bedroom window. another senseless gun violence. it's ongoing. ongoing here in st. louis. it's like when does it end? >> lawrence: how does that make
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you feel after going through what you did with your son and your nephew, that they're just letting the criminals out? it's just a revolving door now? >> it's the biggest slap in the face ever. i feel it needs to be stricter laws starting with the juveniles. because a lot of times they are out here doing crime, killing, stealing. and it's like a slap on the wrist because they're juvenile. and go on and go back out in the streets and do it all over again. >> lawrence: if your baby was standing right in front of you right now, what would you tell him? >> i love you. i love you. >> lawrence: you know, guys, you can watch that inte -- you can't watch that and not be impacted. she lost her son, she lost a
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nephew. her sister lost her son a couple weeks later. i keep hearing people b. people want to defund the police. i keep trying to find the people who want to defund the police. i can't find these people. they have been impacted by the crime in their cities. we will keep following this. we will be in washington, d.c. after the show and go live from there tomorrow, guys. >> brian: we know who wants to defund the police, cori bush. that's why she trails by 22 points in the primary. >> lawrence: that's exactly right. i think the voters are done with the experiment. you know, she was an activist. she was supportive of the mike brown family. the hands up don't shoot that was. >> brian: scam. >> lawrence: proven by not just republicans but the obama justice dental said that was total lie. she was electeds that wave. now voters don't like what is happening in that city. >> that was powerful interview. no mom should have to experience that and she experienced it
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twice. age. >> ainsley: stick around lawrence. new overnight a 4-year-old in california is found safe after being briefly abducted. the father of the child left his son in a running car while he was delivering food. and that's when a suspect got behind the wheel, took off with the child still inside the car. police say the boy's family eventually found the child and the stolen car. the suspect is still on the run. and in texas, one person is dead and five others are injured after a car plowed into the lobby of a hospital in austin. the staff pulled the driver from the wreckage and attempted cpr but he later died in the er. police say one child is in critical condition. the austin police department is investigating what triggered that crash. they say it does not look intentional. a fox business alert. the stock market taking a dramatic slide yesterday in the worst trading day in 11 months. the dow erasing nearly half of its gains for the year. after a key inflation report showed consumer prices rose more than expected last month in january. charles payne is going to join us this morning with what this
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all means for you and your family and your pocketbook. the nypd making another arrest in connection with that attack on two officers near times square. authorities tracked down the teenage suspect in the bronx yesterday. the 17-year-old is charged with assault. the manhattan d.a. has indicted at least seven people so far and police are still searching for several suspects as officials reveal at least 11 people were involved. defense secretary lloyd austin is out of the hospital after being treated for a bladder issue. he underwent non-surge procedures on monday after being admitted into the intensive care unit over the weekend. austin has been dealing with ongoing health issues since surgery in december to treat prostate cancer. and happening today the kansas city chiefs are celebrating their super bowl win with a valentine's day victory parade kicks off at noon eastern time followed by a rally at union station. there should be plenty of children on hand since thousands of students will be out of school. that includes one district that was going to remain open but had
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a sudden change of heart. pennsylvania digging out after yesterday's n nor'easter. 40,000 people in the state have still without power. parts of connecticut and new jersey got snow. central park over alittle over . that's the most in about two years. our senior meteorologist janice dean is here now with our fox weather forecast. hey, janice. it was wonderful. we were out in central park. >> janice: 745 days. that's how long it's been since 3 plus inches of snow. i got my snow angel in. we did it in the backyard yesterday. it's all over social media, taking it by storm. here are some of the snow reports. over 6 inches in the bronx bronx. the queens area over 6 inches. i heard coney island took the jackpot. we are still waiting for national weather service to confirm that report i think it's over 9 inches. here is the forecast for the northern tier of the country a new system moving across the northern plains, great lakes, in towards the northeast. our next shot of snow for new
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york city on friday and even saturday. it's not going to amount to much but just reinforcing some of that snow already on the ground. here is your forecast today for valentine's day. we have quick system moving in the west. clipper system midwest. watching california again for more wet weather along the coast and mountain snow as we go through the weekend and next week. spirit river and all that catastrophic damage more rain in the forecast. fox for all of your latest details. steve, ainsley, brian, did we find out if dawn was shoveling yesterday? >> brian: she did. she shoveled a little bit yesterday. took care of the backyard. >> janice: with the shuffle with her name on it. >> brian: we didn't put her name on it just know. first time little dog saw snow. >> ainsley: wow. how did she do? >> brian: she adjusted to it. really embraced the whole thing. >> janice: dawn adjusted to it. >> brian: and the dog. the dog wanted everything
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shoveled. >> ainsley: lawrence, you missed it. it was so pretty here. >> steve: pretty at my house. i had a foot. >> lawrence: finally got some snow. >> steve: we did, indeed. >> brian: talk about what the president did in the afternoon. he called a press conference. wanted to underline the fact that the senate passed foreign aid bill without any border security. he came out there and said i'm not going to take questions. i thnts to be the headline. i want people to know that we need to support ukraine. we need to support israel. we need this money now. then he went out took off donald trump a campaign style way. watch. >> good afternoon. >> good afternoon. >> before we again i'm going to make it statement and let it stand on its own. i won't be taking questions. i will be taking questions tomorrow or the next day. i don't want anything to get in the way of the statement to be very blunt about it. >> steve: the reason he did that was because it was last thursday after the special counsel's report came out, mr. hur's report came out, and that press
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scrum was absolutely a disaster and, you know, elderly, bad memory all that stuff came out. he didn't want a repeat. he want to have had stay on message. he did. but then again it made him look small like i'm not going to take any questions today. people in the white house are going what's he going to talk about out out how is he going to answer questions tomorrow or next day because there is nothing on the schedule right now for questions. >> ainsley: lawrence? >> lawrence: i find the entire conversation to be disingenuous for two reasons. first of all, he has critique of donald trump and what he was saying about nato and foreign countries. if you don't pay your fair due then we won't protect you. it wasn't a conversation about empowering russia. >> brian: i hear you. >> lawrence: message to all the nato countries listen you got to pay up if you want to have a strong defense. by the way, someone who agrees with him, talk to the secretary general who says that the nato fund increased because of donald trump putting pressure on them.
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so, i also think whether it's position right there on that or the fact that putting that front and center and being totally tone deaf what is happening at the border. >> ainsley: is he being criticized a lot for not taking questions, not having as many conferences as past presidents have had. the "new york times" is reporting this morning that there has been a tense relationship between admiral kirby and karine jean-pierre. she is the white house spokesperson. he was just promoted within the white house to white house national security adviser, which elevates him from the deputy assistant up to assistant to the president. and this article talks about how he is frustrated that jean-pierre has picked the reporters who ask him the questions at the briefing. and it says that he would one day want to be press secretary and in the article it also talks about when the president named karine jean-pierre when they decided she was going to take over for jen psaki. they were at reception to honor jen psaki her reception in may of 2022.
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the president was trying, according to a few sources anonymous that were interviewed. he tried to reassure karine jean-pierre not to worry about filling ms. psaki's shoes. says you will have an admiral looking over your shoulder. >> steve: all about messaging. they are having a tough re-election campaign. begun in earnest. they need better messaging. it's that simple. that's why they brought john kirby in, essentially and expanded his role. here's the thing. remember after the special counsel we had ian sam's come out and he briefed the press. and he was very effective at what he did. so, essentially, when you look at the two of them. john kirby is very effective at speaking from the podium on a range of issues. karine jean-pierre historic but at the same time she relies on the big book of answers too much. >> brian: lawrence? >> lawrence: steve, it's okay. you can go ahead and say she is not dooghtd jock. not doing the job. every time there is a difficult
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press event they have to bring different people in to supplement her press conferences. she can't do the job this is why -- i would be annoyed too if i had the title but not doing the job. that's what the admiral is saying and rightfully so. >> brian: point to the people and admiral answer the questions. comical so insecure and also ineffective. >> lawrence: they could find intern for that. >> brian: go have people check boxes not the best people. dvr this show. miss it. >> sleep overtime. san diego cbp catches hundreds of migrants from china. a live report. >> ainsley: vice president >> ainsley: vice president harris says she is ready to serve. servpsor. says picking her was servpsor. says picking her was presiden decision. from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema,
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>> brian: chinese nationals make up the largest growing demographic crossing the southern border. cbp just released these stats showing the dramatic increase of chinese coming across our border enter illegally 450 in 2021 to a staggering 24,000 in 2023. that number paced to be surface passed in year 20,000 so far
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this will year. san diego sector apprehended 2699 chinese nationals in one day, yesterday. meanwhile, massachusetts the migrant crisis is so dire that politicians are urging residents to take them in to their own house. boston city council woman juliay may he a now calling on suburban knights to share the border. cities and towns that have so much more resources than the city of boston, people actually have more financial support we need to do everything in our power give me the guy with the neck tattoo he can live in my side room. placed at boston's logan airport move to a city rec center one that typically serves under privileged kids. now here is carley two passengers brawl on a southwest fluid calling break it up mid
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flight. [[bleep] [bleep] [shouting] [bleep] [bleep] >> something you want to see on your plane ride. both men were detained after the flight landed. it is still unclear what sparked that brawl. and two people are now dead. after a listeria outbreak that triggered a nationwide recall. big chains like costco and walmart pulling products by foods. snack wraps, taco kits, salad kits. dairy ingredients. in addition to the two deaths the outbreaks leading to 22 hospitalizations and 26 total illnesses across 11 states, arizona, florida, california, and tennessee. symptoms include fever, fatigue, muscle aches and nash shah. those were your headlines steve, over to you. >> steve: carley, thank you very much. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: slimmer majority in
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the house as democrat tom suozzi won the new york special election in the third district for the seat once held by george santos. joining us now with his big take away is fox news contributor bill mcgurn. bill, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: donald trump says this morning on truth social that mazi pilip lost because she didn't endorse him is that we she lost. >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure donald trump was a factor in this election. it was immigration and abortion. and tom suozzi was effectively the incumbent because he used to hold the seat and he came back. so he had a lot of advantages. and democrats ran was their new playbook on abortion against but the interesting thing to me is toms suozzi talked about working with republicans on the border, he really had a
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different message is that we have seen i suspect other democrats struggling on the issue will look at him as an example. >> steve: you are probably right. he could have written a playbook for a lot of democrats come november. >> yes. >> steve: come november a lot of people are speculating is joe biden still going to be running the white house says yes, set. you wrote a great op-ed in the "wall street journal." perhaps the most brilliant thing joe biden ever did was make kamala harris vice president because there's no way she would -- anybody would ever say okay, joe, you step down and let her take over because she is deeply unpopular. >> right. he picked someone that has a worse reputation than he does. and that's kind of his insurance policy look, it was no doubt inadvertent but interesting. all these scenarios coming up
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with joe biden leaving the ticket. one, persuading joe that he has to step down for the good of the party and good of the country. i don't think what we heard at that press conference i'm the best qualified by in the america. i know what the hell i'm doing. nothing wrong with my memory. i put the country -- that doesn't sound like a man open to the argument that he has to step down. he is also mad that all the obama people condescended to him so much. so he wants to stay there and show them. the second way is invoking section 4 of the 25th amendment. and the cabinet would vote to remove him. and that's where the vice president comes in. as long as she is vice president, they have two problems. because they want to win in november. they don't just want to get rid of joe biden. they want to win. and a lot of them think that she would be a lot easier to beat than joe.
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>> steve: mman o man, there is o much going on. bill, thanks for connecting all the pieces. look at his op-ed it is really good in the "wall street journal" thank you, sir. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: you bet. 6:34 now here in the east. lawrence is going to get an exclusive look at the crime crisis in st. louis, missouri. the city's police department facing a 25% vacancy rate. it's hard to get them to get cops there is he going to talk to a state senator call for the force to be placed under state control. and they are next. ♪ to severe plaque psoriasis or active psoriatic arthritis, symptoms can sometimes take you out of the moment. now there's skyrizi, so you can show up with clearer skin... ...and show it off. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ with skyrizi, you could take each step with 90% clearer skin. and if you have psoriatic arthritis, skyrizi can help you get moving with less joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and fatigue.
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force lawrence is live in st. louis along with the missouri state senator mike schroder urging lawmakers to place the st. louis police department under state control. take it away, lawrence. >> hey, thanks, brian. let's go straight to the senator. why do you want the state to take control? >> well, i think ultimately, putting the civilians back on the board. allowing the governor to pick leaders out here in the city of st. louis. to get politics out of policing. that's going to fill these vacancies. you got 326 vacancies.
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500 plus officers have left in just the past couple years. the plague is spreading the surrounding communities. it's impacting the state as a whole. >> lawrence: you were just telling me you got cops that were receiving checks and they bounced. they weren't getting paid. >> yeah. just a couple months ago at big fundraiser out here guns and hoses. we had cops crying to people saying they risk their lives. some of the highest crime areas out here don't get paid. they get a paper check that then bounces. this is the same administration that's dropping the ball. collecting the taxes on marijuana sales that could be going to public safety. now you have the city as a whole is under 300,000 population for the first time ever. you got businesses fleeing. people are dying. and their constitutional rights are being abridged. >> lawrence: you say this sin tensional. the mayor is defunding the police, essentially. >> absolutely. when she first come in. one of her first jobs is getting rid of 100 vacancies right there. gets rid of 100 positions.
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so, on top of the 326, that's not counting the 100 that she already got rid of. she defunded the police. i think it was 4 million in overtime. she is taking 10 million out of the patrol. so these cops that are out here right now on the streets. there is probably two cops on this police ward right now because she has defunded at least $10 million out of their patrol budget. >> lawrence: so day to day people can't expect public safety because the mayor has different priorities. >> yeah. she has injected her woke politics into policing. she shouldn't do that when you go to the town halls out here ty dennis he does clippers and cops. people want better schools. they want job opportunities. they want safe streets and community policing. as of right now we can't get them. we have got hundreds of police officers that could retire today. and i think they might. i mean, they are coming out in our districts in saint charles county, st. louis county, recruiting retention is at all-time low here and crime is skyrocketing. >> lawrence: unbelievable. senator, thanks for all that you are doing. we appreciate it.
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brian, back to you. >> brian: thanks so much, lawrence. that's stunning. coming up straight ahead major innovation a new breast cancer spit test cost $5 and take five seconds. dr. saphier on the new technology. men more likely to say their mom takes better care of them when they're sick than their partners that controversial story straight ahead. [laughter] >> what? >> my mom used to sing it to me when i was sick. ♪ soft kitty ♪ warm kitty ♪ little ball of fur [laughter] nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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>> ainsley: with nearly 300,000 new cases last year. breast cancer remains a huge concern for many women and men. mostly women. what if instead of going through an annual mammogram a $5 spit test could tell you if you are at risk? that's the innovative new test that researchers at the university of florida are working on. and fox news medical contributor dr. nicole saphier is here to discuss this. dr. saphier, you are an expert at breast cancer. your job is to detect it at its earliest stage. what do you think about this new spit test? >> ainsley obviously i read mammograms every single day the
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idea of doing away with them for an easy fast spit test that sounds wonderful. i have to say let's hold on a little bit. what they are working on is something -- they are looking for biomarkers in someone's saliva that may detect whether or not a person has breast cancer. the study has been very small. 17 breast cancer pishts. three controlled patients. it did show the ability to detect biomarkers. my concerns are mainly you see those biomarkers in saliva and in your blood whether you have a more advanced breast cancer. for me, my goal is to diagnose, detect breast cancer before it's advanced, right in the earliest stage possible. that's when you have the best survivability and decreased mortality from cancer. but, ultimately, you know, this is the way of the future by having saliva tests. by having blood tests in addition to your routine screening. that's going to be really working together to find breast cancer at its earliest stage. i'm always a huge supporter for anything to detect cancer early. i'm excited about this. we're still a few years out before we see anything like this
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in practice. >> ainsley: okay. right in front of you, you have a new book it's called "love mom" coming out around mother's day on april 16th. >> that's right. this is our official cover reveal today. extremely exciting. you know what it's like to put your heart and soul into something that you really hope touches other people. that's what "love mom" is for me. heart-warming and especially stories of motherhood. many people know, you certainly know, i didn't necessarily follow the traditional path into motherhood. but through my faith and my family, you know, i was able to live the blessed life that i have today after becoming pregnant as a teenager. and my goal, my hope is that when anyone who, you know, reads my story, knows that, you know, if you have an obstacle or unplanned pregnancy, you can still go on. life goes on. it's not just me in this book, ainsley. i was blessed to have so many people in it. we have some fox viewers who submitted stories. my patients, gold star moms and
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many of the fox moms that everyone knows and loves. martha mccallum, kayleigh mcenany, jennifer griffin, janice dean, carley shimkus. so much more and, also, you are in this book. and you have one of my favorite chapters. one of the things in the book, ainsley, there's this beautiful 16-page insert in the center of it full of scripture and some sage sound of advice from all the moms in the book. one of my favorite scriptures you actually but the it in this jeremiah 29-11 that says for i know the plans i have for you. that is such a testament to your chapter. because you talk about keeping faith through divorce. and you talk about losing your own momma while still raising a little girl. >> ainsley: i had so much fun working with you on this. i'm very proud of you. i'm so proud of how god has just used your story. look at you. you are on national television. detecting breast cancer, saving so many momma's lives. you had your baby in high school and went on to do amazing things.
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your story is he so especially. show the qr code this is where people can preorder it? >> each story is unique. they made me laugh and cry. despite the chaos, i just want to say, you know, motherhood puts life in perspective. but, there's nothing more precious than a mother's love. and the exciting news for today is, ainsley, if you order on barnes & noble, you're entered to win all sorts of prizes. gift cards, spa, candles and so much more. not only is this the perfect mother's day gift because it comes out april 16th, just in time for mother's day, but it's the perfect valentine's day gift as well. you just scan that little qr code and it will take you right there and, again, you are entered to win the special mother's day prize package. >> ainsley: thank you for including all of us at fox, too. sharing inspirational stories about being a mother. how wonderful of an experience it is. god bless you. thank you for coming on. we are excited. >> thanks so much. >> ainsley: carley has a chapter in the book, too. what a great experience being part of that book was. i laughed, i cried. now i want the spa pang and
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candle. definitely preorder that book. one lucky person out there going to get all of that. ainsley, it is time to get social with stories trending online. one of the stars of rocky 4 is now an american citizen. watch this. >> tell us about the american a true case of david and goliath here. it's unbelievable, the condition. >> carley: yep, you guessed it played ivan. took the oath and so did his wife emma. coming 40 years after he moved from the u.s. from sweden. he says he is proud to call america his home. here is a question that wake up. would you wear a sweater out of human hair to save the planet. dutch researchers are looking for ways to re-purpose collision from salons and barber shops. they say this would reduce build up at landfills and incinerators greenhouse gases in addition to
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clothing, hair could be used to make curtains, carpet and furniture. and too new healthcare survey reveals men are more likely to say their mom takes better care of them when they are sick than their partner does. >> can you sing soft kitty? [laughter] >> what. >> my mom used to sing it to me when i was sick. ♪ soft kitty ♪ warm kitty ♪ little ball of fur. [laughter] >> 58% of men say they still wish their moms could take care of them when they're under the weather. nobody does it better than moms, ainsley. back over to you. >> ainsley: oh my gosh. thank you, carley. we have a fox news alert. senate preparing to put him on trial. ♪ entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant;
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