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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 14, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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the ideologies on the campuses of the universities that make up the ncaa. >> dana: i hear that indeed. thank you for standing up for girls and women and sports. we'll stay in touch with you and see how it goes. >> bill: we want to share this with you. three multi-million dollar homes in southern california are teetering on the edge literally. this is dana point south of l.a. not quite the halfway -- south of long beach and huntington beach sought of there and north of san diego. it shows the mansions hanging on by an inch. heavy rain eroded the cliffs they sit on. the homes valued at a combined $43 million. >> dana: still? >> bill: good question. we await their fate and add up the numbers when it's all done. dana point, california, there it is. >> dana: fox news alert now house leadership about to take the stand for their weekly press
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conference. a lot at stake and why we'll take it today. they'll address in public for the first time since democrats took back a key seat in last night's high stakes special election in new york. the loss on long island is a major hit for republicans given the razor thin majority they have. >> bill: we'll see how they spin it. democrat tom suozzi won defeating republican mazi pilip. he will fill the seat of george santos. he flipped the seat for the first time in a long time for republicans. a race defined by crime, overwhelming immigration and the skyrocketing cost of living. suozzi's victory issues at how the issues may play out come november. >> the people are watching. they want us to start working together. so our message is very clear. either get on board or get out of the way. >> you love this country. let's keep it up and we'll
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continue to fight because we are not going -- we can have common sense government, i promise you. thank you. >> bill: the morning after bryan llenas with the latest on this. good morning. >> bill, good morning. former democratic congressman tom suozzi had advantages going into the special election. he was a politician in the area for nearly 30 years. democrats outspent republicans and voters had just gotten off the rollercoaster that was the expelled congressman george santo's short tenure. he flipped the long island district to blue winning the third district by eight points over pilip. the democrat campaigned as a moderate and distanced himself from president biden. he won the early and mail in vote and carried the queens, new york city portion of the district by a large margin. >> let's send a message to our
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friends running for congress these days. stop running around for trump and start running the country. >> pilip distanced herself from former president trump for most of the race refusing to say she voted for him in 2020 until days before the election. she is technically still a registered democrat. trump called pilip a very foolish woman adding this. maga, which is most of the republican party, stayed home and it always will unless it is treated with the respect that it deserves. i stayed out of the race. i want to be loved. give us a real candidate in a district for november. suozzi can be easily beaten. the seat is up for grabs again in november. democrats say the win gives them momentum and provides a model how to talk about the border crisis. >> tom suozzi really talked about working with republicans on the border. he really had different message
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that we've seen. >> this loss means that republicans can only afford to now lose two defectors on party line votes in the house. >> bill: more on this coming up shortly with kellyanne conway. thank you, bryan llenas on the sidewalk of new york. >> dana: gop is turning up the pressure of garland to hand over the special counsel interview of biden by monday. they want the records for their own impeachment probe into biden. we have the latest as the deadline comes. >> the attorney general is facing more pressure. what will he do? we don't know. maybe he doesn't know. house republicans wrote a letter this week giving him until monday to produce the transcript. the interview took place between robert hur and joe biden in october. the president sat down face-to-face across from hur for parts of a two-day period. it was transcribed and audio recorded as well. given hur's recollection of the
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interview, the president couldn't even remember when his son, beau, passed away or remember when he left the senate. republicans want to see it. have serious questions about the president. white house officials from the press secretary all the way up to her boss, the president, say robert hur went below the belt and his recollection of the interview is inaccurate. officials from the white house could release it if they say it's so wrong. they have a copy. >> you won't say given you this -- >> what i can say they are discussing it. looking at it. there is a process that's involved. >> that process deals with redacting potential classified information if it was discussed in the interview. i'm told d.o.j. officials would need to look at the factors if the attorney general were to cooperate and turn over the transcript. all we can say for sure attorney general garland's office received the letter from congress and doj will respond by the monday deadline in some
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form. >> dana: communications by letter. i hate it. that's the way they do it. former hunter biden business associate tony bobulinski giving testimony yesterday before the house oversight and judiciary committees claiming joe biden was at the center of the biden family dealings raking in millions of dollars. he told lawmakers joe biden was the brand being sold to foreign clients making it clear the biden family business was joe biden period. i'm sorry, i can't hear what you are saying in my ear. kellyanne is good. we have her. i was afraid we were somehow going to lose you. here you are kellyanne conway, great to have you here. bobulinski has a name you can't forget but also a story that is unforgettable, kellyanne. >> no question. when you get people under oath the story is very different. joe biden has never been under oath about any of this dana and bill when he lied to the american people in that debate
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against president trump and when he said he never talked to his son about his business dealings and feels sorry for him because he is a recovering drug addict. he has said it to peter doocy on several occasions. when bobulinski and before them devin archer, two former business associates of hunter biden are under oath they are telling the truth. i think what america needs to know about bobulinski's december money that's most important from my view is that he said that joe biden both was aware of this scheme of this corrupt scheme and also active in it. the money that the biden family themselves have realized from all this is to the tune of about $15 million. look, donald trump is in courthouses but joe biden will face the court of public opinion. i believe part of why his disapproval rating continues to go up, he has no goodwill in any of the personal attributes has something to do with all this. people want answers. i want to go back and look at the fec disclosures.
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did we know that joe was this wealthy? he has a right to make money out of his vice presidency and before his presidency. did it come from countries in the news daily, ukraine, china, maybe russia? >> bill: here is part of that testimony. want to read this quick clip here. i want to be crystal clear from my direct personal experience and what i've come to learn. it is clear to me that joe biden was the brand being sold by the biden family. his family's foreign influence peddling operation from china to ukraine and elsewhere sold out to foreign actors seeking to gain influence and access to joe biden and the united states government. does he appear in a public hearing sometime soon, kellyanne? >> i think it's very likely, bill. we do see all the work that's being done by comer and jordan and you have a number of the republicans in a small majority
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but why it matters. they're chairmen of these committees that are bearing fruit. we need to hear from tony bobulinski. this is not joe biden's personal life. he decided to run for president after his family, his brother, son, himself were making millions of dollars profiting from these business dealings. we know joe biden has very little energy but we also know that hunter biden had very little energy experience. how did he land on the board of burisma energy to begin with? this is important. it's important for another reason. we see now in the news all this stuff about the 26 trump allies that were targeted in these -- by this ridiculous russia collusion that cost the country $32 million in taxpayer money and so much angst. people were so hepped up on that we spent the money on something that didn't exist that turned an election.
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people need to know what joe biden and the family promised in return for all this money now that he is president. >> dana: while we have you, can we get your take on the loss for the republicans last night in that new york three special election? would pilip be a good candidate to run again since it whats to happen again this november? >> she would be a good candidate to run if a couple things happen. if she shops being wishy-washy where she is on the leader of the party donald trump. if she wants to distance herself from him she can, but when you sit in the middle of the highway you become political road kill. and these people who are told by their consultants distance yourself from trump and trump is to blame for it. take advantage of the fact he is going to have great enthusiasm and emergency dollars that can be down to the benefit of other candidates. also i love that she is a republican. she has an amazing biography. we all know it. if a bunch of guys are going to
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make you the nominee they can't then hide you. she was constantly being sandwiched and book ended by these guys and hid in the new york time reports. she had no one on her payroll. you have to run a grown-up campaign. suozzi did something that was smart. republicans need to learn. early voting. he killed it by 2-one in queens by 16% in nassau county. the weather yesterday in new york proves that this bank your vote early getting that early vote and making republican voters comfortable, center right voters comfortable with voting early is very important. suozzi instead of lying like every other democrat is doing. what did he do? he said i better go against my party on the border and he did and it paid advertising, mailers, press conferences,
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public appeals. republicans should do the same thing abortion. instead of pretending with their head in the sand they should say this is what it means to be pro-life in 2024 and pro-choice in 2024. instead of hiding, own it and message it. i think he did a great job on that going against his party. let's see how many democrats follow suit. >> bill: really interesting analysis. especially the early voting. yet to see whether or no tea the rnc can pull it off. we will see soon. thank you for being here today. >> dana: a grand jury set to hear a case against a teen who shot a tourist in times square last week. he is now facing multiple attempted murder and assault charges. he is a migrant from venezuela who came to new york city less than six months ago and living in a shelter. we had a guest last hour saying that these violent crime waves we'll be dealing with it for decades.
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the "new york post" said migrant crime is turning cities into war zones. then the democrats will say but crime is down. it's not how people feel. >> bill: it is february. a lot of folks are indoors. see what happens when springtime rolls around and weather improves. to washington, d.c. we're watching the story. haven't sorted through it. three officers have been injured in a shooting there. they are alive and will be okay apparently. we don't know about the schools on lockdown or about the person they were going after. reports this person may be barricaded inside a building or home. we're trying to confirm that. meanwhile police activity is apparent on the street in southeast washington. stand by for more from our nation's capital speaking of crime in the cities. >> our city is totally in utter dysfunction. >> nothing changes. people swing by. police look at it. nothing. >> dana: oakland on the ropes. crime soaring higher in the democrat-run city. california governor newsom is stepping in.
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the drastic action he is taking. >> bill: we showed you this last hour. it could very well be telling. israel's public enemy number one spotted in what they say is recent surveillance video in the tunnels beneath gaza. the hunt for the leader of hamas continues at this hour. >> dana: they are the backbone of america and key to victory in the election in november. what our panel of working class voters is saying about their own pocket books. >> i put everything on the line to fight for you. i have risked it all to defend the working class from the corrupt political class. >> library are built the middle class and the middle class built the country. ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them.
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>> bill: we were listening to
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police brief us in washington, d.c. more information on the cops shot there. they were shot in the hand and foot. they will be okay. the suspect apparently had several dogs in his home or still does have several dogs. the humane society asked the police to respond and they did earlier today. they not non-life threatening injuries, schools on lockdown. the situation hasn't been resolved yet. back to that momentarily. >> dana: the other part of d.c. house republicans are having their weekly press conference. ronnie jackson. >> this man is not cognitively fit to be our head of state and commander-in-chief. we've had lots of evidence of that since then. a lot of people are starting to see that. we have the hur report coming out. an objective report there an appointee of his own d.o.j. and own administration saying he is fought cognitively fit to do his job and i think that when the president got up the other day and tried to speak to the nation
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he just reiterated and reinforced the idea that we are in trouble in this country right now from a leadership standpoint. this lng thing is a big issue for us. i grew up in the oil field in west tech as, a national security issue, it will punish hard working blue collar folks in this country. whether it's this lng issue, the disaster at the border, the withdrawal from afghanistan. crime in the cities. all the other issues that have just been a disaster during the biden administration, what it says to us is joe biden is probably most likely not making these decision essential. we know this at this particular point. there are radical extremists in the west wing whether climate extremists or the globalists that are making a lot of these decisions. these decisions are coming from different folks in the white
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house. it is not america first or the best interest of this country. i want to let everybody know we'll continue to make this an issue. i will introduce another letter today. the fifth letter i have sent to the president go directly to president biden and will crick c every member of his cabinet and insist -- it will insist he come forward and be honest. >> dana: gop leadership weekly news conference. they have a lot on their plate. ronnie jackson of texas is talking about the biden decision to ban all exports of lng which freezes all permitting and is a terrible decision. ronnie jackson laid it out very well. bad for our own economy and terrible for our allies trying to buy energy from us so that they don't have to buy it from elsewhere. we heard from mike sommers last week that it's already happening, buying from algeria and maybe qatar and possibly even russia. >> bill: the morning after the big vote on secretary mayorkas on the impeachment vote moving to the senate in two weeks or so. we expect to get reaction from
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the special election held last night on long island, new york. more to come from that. oakland, california. that city is in the grips of a crushing crime wave. make things worse, the city has been without a police chief for a year. claudia is live in sausalito across the bay. good morning. >> oakland's crime wave has gotten state's attention with newsom send than in officers and state attorneys to beef up prosecutions. business owners say they'll need a lot more help to combat what they're calling a public safety crisis. one local council member agrees. >> somebody who robbed me last night. somebody broke into my car, somebody stole my car. >> oakland city councilman says police aren't doing enough to stop dangerous street takeovers.
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>> people come in and throw their trash. >> illegal dumping, robberies and other crimes. >> i carry bear spray. >> i have a pocket knife on me. >> arming himself to walk his dog. >> it seems to be going downhill. >> i've never seen oakland this bad. >> the manager of this roofing company next to an open air chop shop says break-ins are routine. >> nothing changes, police look at it. but nothing. >> last year oakland saw violent crime rise 21% from 2022. robberies went up 38%. the number of stolen vehicles rose 44%. home depot hiring private security. kaiser hospital advising staffers to eat lunch inside and businesses like this closing all together. the mayor says she has surged police presence and emotion employed technology to deter and respond to criminal behavior. >> our city is totally in utter dysfunction. >> at a recent rally business
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owners blasted city leaders and threatened to take legal action over what they see as a total failure to tackle oakland's crime spike in any significant way. both the mayor and county's district attorney are facing possible recalls and on top of all this, bill, as you mentioned at the top the city is looking for a new police chief more than a year after the last one was fired. >> bill: not a good marker. claudia, thank you for staying on that for us in california. >> dana: roughly 186 u.s. troops have been injured or killed by attacks on american forces in the middle east since mid october. as israel's military says new video shows hamas's leader in a tunnel under the streets of gaza. mike tobin you were just in those tunnels. you know what it's like. he could survive down there. >> it's remarkable just how well those are constructed. even the tiling is really -- you would hire those guys to do your
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bathroom. remarkable. as it relates to the sun elsewhere sinwar was located on video, they have numerous videos, only are releasing this one. the army says the video was recorded on october 10th. three days after the massacre the idf says sinwar planned and led. the idf says the video is from a tunnel under khan younis midway down the gaza strip and where israeli forces are active in combat right now. the spokesman says it shows his brother, some kids, one of his wives and sinwar himself walking through the tunnels. >> while the people of gaza are suffering above ground, sinwar is hiding in tunnels underground underneath them. running like the coward that he is. >> in the north a barrage of rockets has wounded eight in
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israel striking deeper than hezbollah has been. it struck a little north of the sea of galilee. they hit several collective farms on the border as well prompting israeli air strikes. they hit military compounds, control rooms and terrorist infrastructure. four civilians were killed. following comments from hezbollah secretary general who said his organization is watching the war in gaza and will continue firing into israel as long as israel maintains the offensive in gaza. hezbollah is one of many proxy groups backed by iran. the houthis in yemen are also backed by iran. u.s. central command says u.s. forces fired on a houthi missile that was being prepared to launch against ships in the red sea. that missile was destroyed. another houthi missile was launched but the u.s. determined it wouldn't hit anything and let it fall in the open sea. >> dana: fascinating. mike tobin, thank you. >> bill: so taylor swift can't seem to shake it off after being
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the infamous feud with khanna west. reports suggest that she had kanye kicked out of the super bowl seats. i ask you, do you believe this story? >> dana: not really. >> bill: i'm dubious. the former nfl player brendan marshall claims swift made a call to get kanye booted. he bought seats in front of the pop star to shade her spotlight and photo bomb. you might remember 2009 when he upstaged the singer at the music awards. she was so young then, right? just on the scene. there is breaking news on this now. kanye's rep came out and said it is not true. >> dana: okay, kanye's rep and i agree. >> bill: if you saw t. swifty in the both with her friends they were in the front row. >> dana: yeah.
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>> bill: how would kanye have the seat in front of her? how would that happen? listen -- >> dana: i think she is more popular than he is. >> bill: we're working to get to the bottom of this and we shall, miss perino. >> dana: here we go. how do blue collar voters view the economy and what it means for 2024. our blue collar panel will tell us what they think. can't wait to hear this. ♪ lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. i feel refreshed because i am not struggling with cpap anymore. she looks great.
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>> dana: house republicans are having a weekly press conference. stefanik from the congresswoman from new york made a comment about the robert hur report. >> special counsel hur's decision to not prosecute biden because of his deteriorating mental state is the two-tiered justice system. cannot be another set of rules in your last name is biden or
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the different one for everyone else. they are unfit for trial they are unfit to serve. >> zbl as we look toward november keep an eye on the blue collar vote in america today and see how the economy affects their lives today and going forward. this is the average cost of a regular gallon of gasoline from 2016 through 2020. it was pretty stable, right? 2.50 or below. now the spike especially since 2022. right now national gas price a little bit below $3.50 a gallon. you get credit card debt. it is extraordinary. this is total u.s. credit card debt per consumer, $6300 per american. just blows the mind how large that is. that computes to in the last
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quarter of last year $1.1 trillion for america. that's a tough hill to climb as we look at the economic impact of that. then about a month ago abc did a poll and asked this question. does the american dream still hold true? this number sticks out. more than half, 52% say it once did but not today. we've collected and gathered a group of working-class voters today. john is from new york. phillip is from western virginia west of washington, d.c., and andrew joins us from chattanooga, tennessee. good morning and thank you for your time. andrew, you are 26 years old. the youngest of the bunch. i want to start with you. you want to buy a home. what is your challenge today economically? >> well, as you know within the past five years, home prices have skyrocketed tremendously. most lenders want about a 20% down payment. for a $4 hundred thousand that's
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about $80,000. and this isn't the good old days of your grandfather was hard work was enough to make a living for yourself. it takes more ingenuity now. it is hard to save money with gas prices, groceries, insurance rates, and many other things that have fed into eating into our pockets. >> bill: over time that list adds up. phillip, you are a carpenter. the point you were making last night. things were a lot different in your business ten years ago than today. explain how. >> yes. well, the work and material costs so much more money, all the prices have been driven up. >> bill: as an effect of that, how does that hurt your business, or does it? >> it doesn't. they're funded.
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if they don't use the money they lose the money. >> bill: what about you in your business and job? >> i'm doing well. i have been consistently building churches and hospitals. >> bill: john, you are a business owner, right. how is your business today? are you like phillip or in a different state? >> well, you know, it all seems fragile at the moment. we're working a lot. we're hiring as best we can and a lot of -- it's difficult to find people. that has been a challenge for several years now. maybe the past decade. i'm hearing that wages are at an all-time high. i'm certainly feeling that. i'm paying my guys more than i ever have. and that's not because -- sort of a misleading statistic where
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it seems like we're paying more because somehow we're swimming in money and we're sharing the wealth. but that's not really it. we're paying more because we have to. we have to pay as much as we can to get people to show up. and what used to be top tier salaries, something close to starting salary these days. that's a very difficult. labor is a very difficult cost to overcome. >> bill: let me show this for our viewers. inflation under president biden coming off the pandemic. it is up 18%, wages are down more than 15%. it has to have an impact there. andrew, when you think about november, what are you going to do? >> i'm hoping there will be an administration change. with the current one that's in order right now there is a lot of uncertainties. we need people in this nation who are for americans and about americans, you know.
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>> bill: that leads you to where? >> leads to red. >> bill: got it. if donald trump is the nominee that's where you are going to go. phillip, i'm reading you did not vote the last two elections. will you vote this time? >> that is correct. i am leaning towards red as well. >> bill: why is that? >> i am looking for a little more help and stop charging americans so much money. >> bill: i read that you used to eat out for lunch all the time and you don't do that anymore. that's a change, right? >> yes, that's a big change. that's a big change. i have been packing my lunch for the last month. >> bill: you are saving a little bit but not as fun, i agree with you. john, your profit is not what it used to be and we have spoken to you before. we'll bring you back soon.
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we have some breaking news we'll get to. you guys are out there every day and we just wanted to get your perspective and we'll continue our conversation with you. john, phillip, andrew, thank you, gentlemen, good luck to each of you and your families. >> dana: they were good. house gop press conference underway. speaker johnson right now. >> it is not our view. that's what the law says. we spelled that out. we documented 64 specific actions he took from the day he walked into the oval office and his agencies to open that border wide and create this catastrophe and we have a problem and we have to get to it. scott in the back. [inaudible] . >> that's a very good question. but i have to do everything that i can and he is the commander-in-chief right now as uncomfortable as it makes most
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of this country and i have to work with what i have. i have to do my job and i will continue to do that. house republicans will continue to do our job and continue to move the ball forward. continue to demand that before we take care of issues around the world we take care of our own first. that's the truth and what resonates in the hearts of the american people. we're on their side. the side of common sense and security. the side of stability. the side of sanity and the president of the united states will not acknowledge that and it is of great alarm to us. one more. >> you have said you want a meeting with the president. hr2 is dead in the senate. you yourself were part of killing the senate compromise. you called it dead on arrival. my question to you is, what are house republicans doing to get to a solution on the border and on ukraine? or are you going to actually do
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nothing? what is your -- what are you doing? >> we're addressing each of those issues, important issues on the tail. we won't be force evidence into action by the senate who knit latest product doesn't have one word in the bill about america's border. the reason the other one was dead on arrival, it would not have solved the problem. you can't leave giant lop holes and codify how we got into this situation. the house republican conference we just met an hour ago with all the members and there are lots of ideas on the table how to address the issues. we will address the issues and do our duty on that matter and all that begins in earnest right now. we have to address this seriously and actually solve the problems and not just take political posturing as has happened in some of these other corners. thank you. >> dana: that was it. speaker mike johnson finishing
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the press conference there. one of the things on minds of the reporters is the -- what happens next on the border. last night house republicans made history impeaching secretary mayorkas, 214-213. they made history. the second cabinet member in history to be impeached because of the broken border policy. is >> bill: all the senators have to be there and house managers, 11 i do believe as of last night. they will have to go ahead and present the case. >> dana: no other business can take place during an impeachment trial. >> bill: this now from monday. >> you were elected to serve lakewood citizens not these people that cut the line based on empty promises of hand-outs. >> a heated discussion at a city
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council meeting that continues. the migrant crisis that reached denver is spreading to the neighborhood. we'll hear from one of lakewood, colorado's residents that is not happy with this scene here as we continue.
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>> it's a money pit and you guys are responsible for our money. don't screw it up. >> the citizens of lake weird are drowning and you are talking about adding more water. >> the crime will become incredible. >> dana: people in a denver suburb furious after denver asked for help to house migrants because shelters there are at capacity. karen lives in colorado and joins us now. what did you hear and what do you think is going to happen right there in lakewood just neighbors to denver? >> i heard a lot of residents share a lot of knowledge. i learned a lot that night that i hadn't heard before from city council. it is important for everybody to listen to. i don't know if that's what happened, city council did come in and had visible signs of support for the migrant
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situation. so all of these people coming and talking and you heard all the issues, the crime, the money, the finances, all of these things needed a public outlet and discussion that didn't happen and so -- >> dana: do you think that migrants will be housed in lakewood, colorado? >> it depends on how you are defining things. city council said all the services will be available to the migrants and unhoused of any population. so by that mark, yes. if you are saying will we pay for a hotel out of lakewood's coffers and say come stay here? then no, that's not on the table now. it is all about how you take. lakewood is working through nonprofits to make these initiatives available and not accountable. >> dana: the mayor of denver, mike johnston came on our show a month ago and asking for federal
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government help. listen to him here. >> we're calling on congress to take action on what they think the right border admission policy. that's above my pay grade. whether 10,000 or 5,000 enter a day. the key is they need to be able to work. if they have work authorization when they arrive they can support themselves immediately. don't need federal or state support. >> dana: wanted to see the possibility of providing migrants work permits to be there and not be in shelters. did you get a sense at the meeting if lakewood there are other people in denver that would support that, or lakewood? >> the work authorization narrative is fairly new and they are switching. before it was all about housing. that is what they were talking about mostly on monday. the mayor of lakewood has said she is in these discussions about the work authorizations as well. that again is a little bit polarizing and needs to be talked about if residents
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support it. a lot of discussion on neighborhood forums as to what that will look like because people are concerned about undercutting the job market is competitive in some areas. in some areas it's not. it needs a wider discussion and people want to be heard. >> dana: do you feel like the community is being torn apart by this? >> i do. i feel -- if you are talking to one group of people you use this language. you use sanctuary, you use legal. if you talk to the other population, you use welcoming and supportive services and sometimes people don't know what you are talking about because you use two sets of different language. everybody has to pick a side and that's not where it is. there is no public discussion about it to bring everybody together. >> dana: there is no end in sight, karen. >> it doesn't seem so. >> dana: you are a thoughtful woman and a fellow person from
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colorado. thank you for coming in. >> thank you. thanks for supporting colorado. >> bill: sweet woman. we have new developments now in the case of two new york cops attacked in times square. one of the migrant suspects expected to be arraigned today. what we have learned now about this case. when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain
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>> bill: we want to get you back to washington, d.c. pamela smith, the current police chief in washington, d.c., said this to reporters near that scene of the shooting of three cops. >> our officers assigned to our criminal apprehension unit respondsed to the residence in the 5,000 block to serve an arrest warrant occupied by the humane society at 7:30 a.m. this morning. our officers attempted to make contact to execute the arrest warrant. the individual refused to come outside. as officers attempted to gain entry the individual fired upon
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them. >> bill: that's pam smith who is all over this story, dana. she is in charge. >> dana: impressive woman. pay attention and listen to her as they try to figure out what's happening. there was a warrant. they went to serve it and that's when it happened. >> bill: before we go we want to make sure we get this in today. ready for this? >> dana: i'm ready. >> bill: say hello to six pounds five ounces of pure love. that is mary enos, the daughter of our producer, robert, and his wife zita and they have brought new life into this world. >> dana: look at the smiles. that girl has a beautiful head of hair and wonderful parents. no doubt that girl will be very on time. because her father is. harris faulkner next. >> on the vote the yays are 214, nays are 213,


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