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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 14, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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i won't let me moderate to severe plaque psoriasis symptoms define me... emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months... ...and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. this is an ongoing investigation, so again, stay with us. i leave you now with ♪ fox news alert a developing situation out of kansas city, one person is dead and at leastn
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10-15 people are injured after a shooting at the kansas city l chiefs super bowl parade. want to go to jonathan hunt he has more for us and then we'll have the five. jonathan. >> dana, this shooting happened t at thehi end of the parade and rally which was supposed to, of course, be a celebration of the kansas city chiefs super bowl victory. instead, it has turned into chaos and tragedy. one person, as you mentioned, confirmed now by the kansas citu police chief to have been killed in this shooting. she is also saying that 10-15 people were injured. we do not have an update at this point on the condition of those whtho have been taken to a numb of area hospitals. but it was interesting, dana, listening to the police chief. the anger and emotion in her n voice very clear as she de described thissc shooting breakg out at the end of the rally and
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police officers are rushing towards the sound of those shots. know from the police chief is that two people have beelin taken into custody, and we have seen some c fascinating video that we are 'v working to get to our viewers now of, in one instance, inst apparent fans who were simply attending the rally chasing down one person, tackling that person and as law enforcement then on arrive on the scene, you hear one of those fans saying, we tackled him. bee we got the gun. in the same video taken from a highervi angle the camera pans back and you see law enforcement standing over a second person on the ground. now we do not know if those two people were involved in the shooting but clearly they were beining votackled by law enforct because they felt there was a er reason to do but the bottom line, dana, one person is dead, 10-15 injured i a shooting that has turned the
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celebration of the kansas city chiefs super bowl victory into a tragedy tonight.ic dana. >> dana: jonathan thank you.tory we will follow the news and there will be more on special report but now to the border crisis, republicans forcing the white house to finally confront it by impeaching homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. they claim he failed to uphold l his office and protect the border. gop lawmakers say it's overdue takes a jaw dropping amount of illegal immigrants come into thr country. this will latest example of chinese immigrants slipping through the boarder wall near san diego. president biden vowing history t will not look clonedly to republicans hop voteded to 'em peach and democrats out enforce to back mayorkas. >> history will not look kindly on republicans on this blatant act on what we consider to be unconstitutional bipartisanship. >> they cheapened the meaning of
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impeachment. >> even more. >> they continue to shred the constitution. >> what we have is a right wing isolationist maga cult that has overtaken. >> the only thing that changes is the wikipedia change. there will be a new line. that's it. he will still be the secretary. >> we did a foolish thing and that is to pass an impeachment of a very qualified and effective secretary of homeland security. >> while mayorkas awaits a senate trial immigrants continue to overwhelm con blue cities ac thsse nation. boston getting so crowded that migrants are moving out to the suburbs. one woman who welcomed a haitian family of three into her apartment says she feels like ap she has a personal chef becauseh the migrant enjoys cooking and the democrat there is encouraging others to join them saying i think everybody should be opening their doors because thisei is a shared responsibili. we've been suggesting that. >> greg: yeah, you know whatd . >> dana: if you're for open boarder open your door.
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>> greg: the dems are for indentured servitude now. isn't that nice. it feels nice to act like a democrat. what do democrats do, they mo impeach knowing it would be it defeated and the reason of course is because it's a noble onite even if you know you can'o succeed you cannot remain silent you must get it on record although history would judge us for doing nothing. that's what a democrat would say whenever they impeach trump.y so when you're in a battle and show up with spears and the other side has cannon balls you don't scream that's not fair, no, you go get cannon balls. the dems who have been impeaching and targeting their politica hl adversaries with la fair now it's time to grow some cannon balls and impeach the democrat inkens and start suing soros funded das.ey why not. they've been doing it. this is not partisan all americans are effected by his incompetence, if this die was managingnc a chuck e. cheese he
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would have been fired, people would show up no reservations they would cut in line go and sit at all the tables order food and beer and skip out on the bill and alejandro would say don't worry the other customers would pay. no different than what's happening here. raises all bigger question, why did he get so far and how did it get this bad? because clearlhoy this is a deliberate overwhelming of cl resources and itea has to have payoff and i'm starting to think about the job numbers that they keepst talking about. according toth the center of ta immigration studielks dana. >> dana: i know that one yeah. >> greg: all employment growth d has gone to immigrants compared to 2019. so that's unusual but it's also pushing us to a place where we can't survive. the system is breaking down we're heading to a breaking point. hea we we're so overwhelmed we can'e pay attention to other problems. when our enemies see that we're weak anden see the inflection point is something that we foster helplessly why not
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accelerate it? why not egg it on and send more people. at like getting an alcoholic drunk at a bar so you can steal his wallet his lunch and his car they keep flooding. >> dana: the thing democrats have to do and we saw with raskin saying somehow impeachment has been cheapened. .ood one but the democrats have to defent biden and the border quite a bit. >> jesse: dana i'm reminded the last time wea cabinet official n impeached back in 18 76, willia beltnap was the secretary of war for ulysses x grant and his wife had a taste for the finer things in life and demanded a lavish life style and often times back in the day cabinet secretaries were expected to entertain and host parties in washington, dc. they took over a large house that was previously owned by william sewer the secretary of state and just threw bangers er night after night after night. and so overextended their invitations, at 1.1200 guests th
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arrived at theat party and they trashed the place and caused so much damage, they could not ford to pay any of the contractors ty clean it up. so what did they do? the wife engineered a kickback scheme. all of the western military posts out in indian territory would then get a cut and send it back to beltnap and his wife in order to make up for the lost income. now,to this went on for many, mw years until it was finally discovered, and when it was discovered, beltnap ran into your ulysses grant office and burst into tears and they accepted thehe resignation theyp voted tore impeach him the articles were sent to the senate where the senate did not meet the two-thirds threshold to convict chet the majority of hr senators did vote for the conviction. at that point it d didn't matte
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he had already resigned. so the story makes me feel that what mayorkas did is so much worse than beltnap who cried, submitted his resignation and left dc in disgrace. so if beltnap can do that, so should mayorkas because what he'so done to this country is much worse. >> dana: just said quickmu tcho others and i don't know if we can do that quickly because we have lot to say and jessica you were away last week great to have you bac k around the table. what time about somebody like a john tesutt a or bob casey shar brown even tammy baldwin tough senate races for thosese democrs and they'll be looking at this >> jessica: there will be . absolutely and there has already been tougher talk on the border i thin,k john fetterman leading the way saying it doesn't make you less of a patriot it doesn't make you less of an american less of a democrat to say we have a border crisis and you should absolutely accept that. ken buck, who is one of only three republicans in the house
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to vote against impeaching mayorkas who has a piece in the national review today talking about how poor job performance is not an impeachable offense. there is a standard the constitution lays out treason bribery high crimes and misdemeanors and that being bad at your job, and he says he's s really badhe at his job, doesn' meets the threshold. but you are seeing the gop's focuols on this border crisis, which there is a bill, they could pass it, bipartisan bill out of the senate. joe biden wants to sign it. a they're payingt attention to that. and then tom suozzi is winning george san tows seat and he ran on s running the boarder. a democrat, always has been very successful record, mayor, was in the house for three terms ran against kathy hochul. he was genius about it.oc he said yohuu don't have to agr with joe biden about everythinga it doesn't make you less of a et democrat. he went to his opponent who was a very strong opponent i might
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add doing an event at a migrant shelter in queens tom suozzi showed up took over the cameras and started talking about how this is just an american problem. it i juss the pathway for democ to win and i think you'll see that in the swing districts but the main message is democrats continue to over-perform in the joe biden era and we're unifiedn kathy hochul who probably hatest tom suozzi thas n anyone else o th e planet campaigned for them. hakeem jeffries mobilized aoc saidc i'm on the same page as. >> dana: judge anything you want to added?. >> judge jeanine: i do. i think the important thing for people to remember, i got the resist viewings for the this impeachment is not about politics it's about the law and what mayorkas did was he totally ignored the law, he violated thv law, he violated his oath to tho constitution, number one he refused comply with era detentih
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mandate that require ts all who clearly and beyond a doubt are entitled to be admitted, all others shall be detained for ll removal. bl. that is the law on detention. he also failed to enforce the law, which required removal of border patrol from protecting the border to processing the b releasore of illegals into the united states. he also expanded parole programs, never authorized by congress. he exceeded hir aus authority. e he thought he waxcs an executiv with a pen and a telephone. he dramatically degraded the quality of life for americans throughout this country and i haven't even talked about the breach of trust in this resolution where they talk about the fact that alien smuggling organizations made $13 billion in one year, and where the access to homeland security, they wouldn't allow the
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inspector general. can you imagine if donald ral. trump's secretary of homeland n security wouldyo not allow the i inspector generatyl access to anything in that department?sp i mean, you know, this is really not about the question of, you know, history will not look kindly on us, you know, for whao the republicans have done. the truth is, history will not look kindly upon america for tolerating what is basically our government caring more about illegals and putting american citizens, sub jew gating them inr way financially in terms of education, in terms of ho hospitalization and in terms of money for fooder. it just goes on and on. so this is something that had t be done. and if this cheapens impeachment, what is a phone call? somebody tell me if that doesn't cheapen impeachment >> jessica: a phone call sayingachm -- >> dana: we have to go. coming up somebody better call hr behind the scenes, tensions
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perhaps between karine jean-pierre and john kirby exploding into the public? ♪ ♪ why won't scout play with us anymore? he has something called osteoarthritis pain. it's joint pain that hurts him all the time. come on, scout. now, there's librela. the first and only once-monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering librela who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or breast feeding, should take extreme care to avoid self-injection, which could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. this is the best day of my life! progressive makes it easy to save with a quick commercial auto quote online.
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♪ >> judge jeanine: karine jean-pierre trying to butter up the press as reports indicate things are getting sour between her and john kirby. >> happy valentine's day, everybody, let me just -- >> thank you. >> keep our tradition here. >> that's from me. >> that's from jake, jake insisted. >> judge jeanine: but no amount of candy is going to smooth things over at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the newly promoted kirby and kjp have been sharing the podium a lot recently and the admiral is reportedly fuming over it.
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sources tell the new york times that kirby hates how jean pierre gets to pick the reporters who ask him questions. he also hopes to be named press secretary one day. it's no secret that kjp has struggled in the job. maybe because she never actually answers questions. >> i just don't have anything to share. i just don't have anything to share. i just don't have anything to share. we've been very clear. we've been really, really, really clear. >> we've been really clear. i'm going to leave that to our national security advisor. >> i'm going to leave it there for now. >> and i'm going to leave it there. >> judge jeanine: john pierre has defenders, journalist ryan is slamming the kirby careen beef as foolishness from a white male dominated space. all right dana i think it's logical we go to you first. how odd is it for two people to be working the press for administration at the same time. >> dana: it's different.
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can i say something about what april ryan said. and april hey good to see you through the screen. i was the press secretary in 2008, 07/08. obama had male press secretaries, okay? trump had two female press secretaries. and biden has had two female secretaries. so what male dominated space are we talking about anymore? this job is available to everybody, so i think that is nonsense, we can set that aside. ceilings have been broken and that's great. i'm not sure john kirby has actually ever said i want to be the press secretary. i find him to be very gracious and deferential to karine jean-pierre when that's a very difficult thing. i remember one point george w bush always had in his white house there should be very clear lanes of responsibility and he would say if you're going to get out of your lane make sure you use your turn signal because it makes it a better way to operate inside. i understand their need to have
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more communicators on international affairs and foreign policy. john kirby is excellent at it and he's willing to come on all the shows and that's appreciated. she's not willing to come on all the shows, okay? and i also think she would do better to put away the binder, trust herself and communicate. for all the frustrations that the press might have with any press secretary, with this one in particular, i do think a lot of this comes from the top. you do not have the president of the united states carrying any of the water here. you can't just say, oh, i know, we have a terrible situation, we need to communicate to the american people, let's bring the president to the briefing room. when's the last time he did an actual press conference, not the chaotic one he had last week when he was trying to defend himself. they have a very bad set of facts at the white house, a lot comes from the top and if there are problems between staffers in the white house, that is something that the two communicators should not have to work out. that is a job from the chief of
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staff from direction from the commander in chief. >> judge jeanine: jesse, when kjp stepped in for psaki biden told her you'll have an admiral looking over your shoulder. should there be any doubt at this point that, you know, there is concern about her? >> jesse: oh, there's concern. i've learned that it's not really what you say or what you did, people remember you for how you make them feel. and i like how kirby makes me feel. i don't like how she makes me feel. she makes me feel like a nervous wreck. she's got terrible grammar. she dresses well, that's about all i have to say about that. but kirby has an air of class and sophistication and confidence and will give, admit something isn't right instead of reading out of a binder that everything's perfect. she needs to ditch the binder, it's not my problem it's joe's problem but the fact that he
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can't talk would make me think i would appoint someone who is the best taker in america. she is the worst taker in america. but i've also learned something else and dana i'm sure would agree with me if you're going to be the press secretary you want to be the press secretary in the first two years. after that first two years, then it's, everything's gone to hell and you always have to tread water >> jessica: yeah, ari. >> judge jeanine: all right, so is it kjp's fault that she, you know, comes cross as not answering questions or is it that joe biden isn't giving her the ability to answer questions? >> jessica: i think the answer is always somewhere in the middle and a lot of the questions that she gets are about legal investigations which it isn't her purview to answer them but then you should give the public the right person who can answer them or the president should come out and talk about it himself. and i see the big problem, as someone who is a joe biden enthusiast and supporter of the administration that it feels
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that we're always on defense rather than offense and i think that great press secretaries have this ability to not only answer questions but to crack the narrative. where you leave a press briefing and you say oh they get what's going on or this is their pov and this is what we're going to see rolled out on the campaign trail and everyone is unified. and i think john kirby does a great job certainly what's going on in ukraine and russia and i think his responsiveness about the conflict in gaza has been just exceptional and that he shows up everywhere. i was away last week but i did manage to see ian sams, who is the spokesperson for the congressional investigations, come out and talk about the special counsel report and he did a great job. i saw republicans and democrats alike say this is a guy who knows exactly what's going on, page this this is a what's happening, this is happening and you walked away from it, whether you think joe biden is a nice elderly man who wouldn't make it through a trial or you think he's the greatest gift, that there was a narrative to be
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told. and you can't win an election without a narrative and that is my main concern ten months out now that all of these facts are getting baked in, and that we're not telling a good enough story about the range of accomplishments the administration has and why we deserve a second term. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg, what do you want to say about karine jean-pierre. >> greg: i was going to say that must have been some vacation jessica if that's what you were doing >> jessica: i saw one clip it was an important press conference. >> greg: stop it. i disagree with jesse i like how kjp makes me feel. she gives me confidence that i could do that job. right? that other guy, no, he's good. he's such a typical white guy, so cis normative. i bet he's probably straight. eww gross. how did he get on stage. say what you want about can, jp but in this feud he holds all the cards, race being one, and kirby is smarter more confident congenial on top of things and helpful, but in the era of dei
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that makes him doa. he's the poster child of see you later. this relationship is a microcosm of the corporate world. right? it is. to achieve the dei goal of diversity, you narrow the field to the exclusion of others so it's not necessarily ever the most capable person for the job, it has to be the capableist person from a type of group. and so you qua easily do the math right. when you specify a category you narrow the choice of qualified opponent, of complicates, so it's not race. it's math. so you end -- you might end up with a sub mediocre candidate from group x because she took priority over a really great candidate in the wider group. so there you go. >> judge jeanine: okay. >> there you go. >> there you go. >> judge jeanine: do you want to answer that? >> jesse: i was going to say he
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should have played my angela to be press secretary. >> greg: i know why the cage bird sings. >> jesse: i don't know what you're talking about. >> judge jeanine: ahead try that in a red state. ron desantis showing gavin newsome how a real governor cracks down on retail theft. a rd state. ♪ ♪ working 9-5 ♪ what a way to make a living ♪ this is a hot flash. (♪) but this is a not flash. (♪) for moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms due to menopause... veozah is the first and only prescription treatment that directly blocks a source of hot flashes and night sweats. with 100% hormone—free veozah... you can have fewer hot flashes and more not flashes. veozah reduces the number and severity of hot flashes day and night. for some women, it can start working in as early as one week. don't use veozah if you have cirrhosis, severe kidney problems, kidney failure, or take cyp1a2 inhibitors.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: florida cracking down on crime as california continues its decline. unlike california, reducing certain theft and drug possession offenses from felonies to misdemeanors as desantis wants to up the penalties for criminals who keep committing the same retail thefts slapping with them with as much as 30 years prison time. >> right now we have a situation in florida where you only get a felony if you do five different retail thefts within a 45-day
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period. well, excuse me. you should -- i mean you shouldn't do it at all but if you do it and get caught and go back to the well again they should drop the hammer on you. >> greg: yes. now contrast that with good afternoon, otherwise known as a male karen, who cried to the manager after witnessing a theft. >> the woman says, oh, he's just walking out he didn't pay for that. i said, well, why aren't you stopping him? she goes, oh, the governor. swear swear to god true story. the governor lowered the threshold, there's no accountability. i said it's not true. $380 later and i'm like why am i spending $380 everyone can walk right out. >> greg: then he asked to see theering in. no wonder most americans agree california is heading for the dumps 50% of americans say the golden state is in decline. judge florida is cracking down while california is cracking up. >> judge jeanine: no question, as you say 50% of the people in california believe it's in decline because they live there
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and know it. i think the perfect example of what's going on is something that john miller said on cnn a couple days ago. he said, what these retail thieves do, is they steal in new york, and then they go to florida, whether it's miami, palm beach, and they sell everything down there. and, you know, john miller said, well, why don't they steal in florida, why are they going back and forth because they know they'll go to jail in florida. that's just the reality. and you see it in the laws. you see, you've got ron desantis who knows there's a problem with retail who knows every american today is paying for retail theft. the more they steal the more the next item costs, the more they steal the more insurance costs for all of us. the more they steal the more the stores have to invest in security and safety. the more they have to worry about employees. it is a spiral that's out of control and california is a state, is symptomatic of what is going on. and florida is just living
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large. >> greg: jessica, statistic, 50% see gavin's state in decline. dos that negate him as joe's replacement at the -- >> jessica: i don't know what you're talking about greg there's no rumors about that or what could happen at the convention at all. gavin newsome certainly in the last few months has been talking about how this is a real problem and in january he actually put out a new plan to expand on his real public safety plan, to expand criminal penalties, increase enforcement tools like more police and also, this is something that i didn't know that there was a rule against ago gating thefts. so it was $950 threshold but the guy could have stolen from -- he does this at lululemon and then down the street he did it at absent let a but they were considered aspirate crimes and that will be put together and going against professional auto burglars so that's all a step in the right direction and he's passionate about getting it done. whether it's about aspiration
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about higher office or not. but i did think it was interesting to look at the thresholds for the 50 states of what you need to steal in order to be charged with a felony. and california is not bad with this. so texas, you need to steal $2,500 to be charged with a felony. alabama 1500. mississippi a thousand. >> greg: but they don't let people walk out >> jessica: there is a da problem, which is a prosecution problem and the judge said it's a national problem. >> judge jeanine: no, no. here's the difference. desantis removes prosecutors that don't enforce the law. gavin newsom watches repeal after repeal and he doesn't remove prosecutors so he doesn't care. he only cares about what they say about him at target. >> greg: dana, why don't, why don't we sue these soros funded das? i mean, like, you know what? that's what the dems would do.
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they're suing -- and these guys are actually destroying the country. >> dana: do we have standing that's the question, could you figure out a way to have a case. i thought about that with the ranchers down along the border in texas. like why can't they ban together and sue because of property right -- whatever it might be. like they should be able to do that. the one thing about this is that the law that passed in california that allows for all this nonsense prop 47 i mentioned last week they have 325,000 signatures they are up to 400,000 signatures to get it repealed and 30 district attorneys who want it repealed. the mayor of santa monica endorsed it london breed of san francisco endorsed it so good afternoon better get on board. >> greg: exactly jesse can you let the audience know what belknap would have -- >> jesse: would have resigned in tears. i didn't know this but this is the first time ever that california's ever lost population, ever since gavin newsom is governor they have lost population and it's hard to
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leave a state like california because it has so much going for it but now it's got the highest poverty rate in any state. it's like the lowest in terms of income. it's now spending billions of dollars in homelessness, and they're increasing the amount of homelessness. they have a higher murder rate, higher crime rate than florida. so as the informal advisor to gavin newsome, this is what he should do because he can't fight this with facts. you saw that debate with desantis >> jessica: that worked out for desantis. >> jesse: if i were newsom, i would hit on emotion and i would say, guys, we're talking about california. come rent a convertible and drive through big sir with the girl, wind blowing through your hair. go to hollywood. we have beaches bes we have mountains. you're telling me california's a bad state? california is the best state in the country and just do it like common sense. like are you kidding me? we're talking about california. >> greg: yeah, but california's like a super model, great to
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look at but nuts. [laughter]. >> greg: ahead, highway blocking pro hamas freaks about to get a crash course in domestic terrorism. ♪ when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. accept the trade offs of treating? or push through the pain and symptoms? with ubrelvy, there's another option. one dose quickly stops migraine in its tracks. treat it anytime, anywhere without worrying where you are or if it's too late. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. allergic reactions to ubrelvy can happen. most common side effects were nausea and sleepiness. migraine pain relief starts with you. ask about ubrelvy. learn how abbvie could help you save.
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vyvgart can cause allergic reactions. available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the pro hamas lunatics wreaking half sock again in america but consequences might be coming soon for these looney toons, israel hating agitators blocking traffic on new york streets could soon be charged as domestic terrorists under a new bill and face seven years in prison but the street blockers are no match for the brave harvard student though skipped lunch. more than 30 harvard students went on a 12-hour hunger strike for hamas demanding the school divest from companies they say profited from israel's war against terrorists. 12 hours, judge.
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>> judge jeanine: oh. >> jesse: have you ever done 12 hours. >> judge jeanine: i have to tell you i do it every night. from the time i have dinner to the time i have breakfast is 12 hours. such with uses with such strong opinions. the amazing part of it is this segment is about trying to figure out what to do with people who obstruct traffic and prevent people from going to work because they support hamas or palestinian or whatever it might be and the truth is there are no laws that really cover that. you have disorderly conduct, which pretty much when you create a public inconvenience by obstructing vehicular or pedestrian traffic. that's a violation. that's like getting a parking ticket. nobody's going to take you in for that or if they do they'll let you out before the last guy comes in. so it's a real problem. one guy is considering domestic terrorism for these people a d felony for which you get seven years. that doesn't work. but we've got to do more. >> jesse: have you been obstructed going around the city by some of these people dana.
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>> dana: yeah, partially because biden was here too on the upper side and all these protesters pro palestinian and hamas people you had to walk up to like 80th to cross, it was very annoying. you know, last week we said who would have ever said you could get 86% of people -- like two days ago. 86% of people think biden's too old to run for office, amazing. i think you can get 98% of people to grow anyone who does this and blocks traffic should be blocked up anwhe we're at it if we could lock up all the migrants that beat up police officers that would be great. >> jesse: we solved all the world's problems. >> greg: i'm torn because i will take the meal skippers over traffic blockers any day i would love more of that and less of the traffic blockers. saying this is the a hunger strike is again when they erase the meaning of a word by spreading it too thin. this is intermitt ant fasting podcasters do this but in a way it's like the terrorist thing. it's a democrat bill so right
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there you can't trust it, right? the problem with these laws is everyone that you think will help you will be used against you. so how soon would this be used against parents, trump supporters, pro lifers. i mean they're kind of already doing it to parents and school board meetings and january 6th protesters. i would say enforce the law but like the judge says there really isn't a law. they need something else. they need something else. >> jesse: what do we have to do to get your people, jessica, to get out of the street? >> jessica: these are not my people and i think most democrats that you would come across would say that. we have consistently discussed how no one is being converted by any of these antics, whether it is the intermittent fasting approach or the standing in front of the brooklyn bridge and there was actually a great interaction between a dad, who was trying to drive across the bridge to see his daughter, he just got out of his car and was like get the f out of my way, you have absolutely no right to
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be doing this and guess what they got the f out of his way. so i think more of that, seven years obviously seems like a lot, and my final point, january 6th insurrectionists and quote domestic terrorist parents, this is not the same conversation. there are no parents sitting in jail and insurrectionists sitting in jail had trials. oh, the hostages, i'm sorry. >> greg: i didn't say hostages, i said political pressers in >> jessica: oh. >> greg: i know this is the only fight you have is keep calling them insurrectionists. the only insurrection that was unarmed and the only person that died was an unarmed female protesters. where's your go girl that. >> jesse: happy valentine's day jessica. show a little respect. all you lovers out there might want to stick around, a valentine's day addition of the fastest is up next featuring sexy teddies and judge jeanine's furry boots.
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>> greg: yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ ( bell ringing) customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> jessica: welcome back, it's time for the fastest, the valentine's day edition. first up, build a bear is causing outrage and shock among
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some of its fans after releasing an adult line of sexy stuffed animals for valentine's day. it's age restricted for customers 18 and older and marketed to adults. one teddy dressed in a bikini another sporting a hugh hefner style robe. who is offended at the table. >> dana: i'm offended people areoneded. are you offended iethe only bear i want to see in leather chaps is bret baier. i hear the bear in the hugh hefner thing comes with a fuzzy version of chlamydia. >> dana: that's cute. like an accessory. >> greg: an accessory, exactly put it all over you. >> judge jeanine: who cares, who cares to get fired up about something like that. why can't people just --. >> dana: why can't companies just make money >> jessica: you think they're trying. >> jesse: that's the thing dana, you get to a point where you're selling merchandise and you have to expand so you need to add lines. that's why you add a pride line. that's why you add a children's line. that's why you add an
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adult-themed line. it's just about the dollar dollar bills. >> greg: you know what i notice? in the washington post today what did they do? buzz kill, they had an article on why valentine's day roses are bad for the environment and then ten minutes later i get an e-mail from the washington post for a valentine's day special, read for $0.50 a week if you sign up today. so apparently roses are bad but chopping down trees is good. in your face >> jessica: well you won't get the print copy. >> greg: doesn't matter you still have to use the electricity to read on line >> jessica: oh, yeah, right, i forgot. >> greg: come on jessica, insurrectionist >> jessica: i almost said something terrible. up next ai playing the cupid role this valentine's day 45% of men will turn to artificial intelligence to right love messages so can you trust your valentine of dana. >> dana: i bet it's 80% of women. i think everybody's doing this for everything.
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they're doing it for their performance reviews, thank you notes, first drafts of stories and essays. just get with it, this is happening people. >> judge jeanine: how different is this from going to a store and buying a valentine's day card. think about it, chatgpt is just picking it on line or having an online pick it for you like digital hallmark. >> dana: exactly. >> jesse: tonight on prime time we're having a nigerian prince who scams white women into falling in love with them and then milks them for all they're worth so you can expect that on valentine's day. >> jessica: look out, my evening >> jesse: he's reformed >> judge jeanine: for him >> jessica: greg iei use chatgpt to formulate my talking points on chatgpt. >> jesse: what? >> jessica: like if you have to talk about chatgpt. >> greg: if i have to talk about chatgpt. >> jesse: what did they tell you to say about this? >> greg: they told me to say
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that. >> judge jeanine: buy a teddy bear >> jessica: the bret baier joke was definitely yours though, chatgpt did not do that. one more thing is up next. ♪ it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. -my instruction manuals. -do you even have -that juicer anymore? -no, i don't. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. he doesn't even have the juicer. hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight.
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all right, jesse, time for danaj jesse's birthday news. oh, all right. party of the days on this show. nonenen is oe of us know what t, but we love them. the woman is on the run after stealing of the day from a bathroom at a restaurant in north carolina. police need our helpmple to finu her. >> she's described as a blond woman walking away with a bidett under her arm. so please call the authoritiesie . >> and if you see this, the detectives. wait a minute. >> jessei don't see the day unde her now. it's. g: tiny. jessicait's just a babo she maniy have gotten just the word out tonight, just words from time. as we mentioned, the nigeria prh in prison scam artist tonight, greg. >> all right. tonight we've goight a greatt a, lee zeldin, natalie campana, the great comedian , jim florentine. >> negative. hey, we should do this d. all right. so we're going to go we're going to play the animal sound. >> you guys listen ani to ram
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giraffe. i really think. well, where i might be in the mood. yeahe mood, in the mood for one. just like so way. she taught us a seagull. it's something in the ocean. you keep saying seagull. dana, what is it? what's wrong? and i said the ocean, baby. giant otters. let's set ottee. yeah, very germany otters. they're the one. they were always bad. they only follow otters because too hard does.ght you have to be like michigan. man found a 70 year old love letter in a toolbox that he bought a letter from an army corporal to his girlfriend jessppapologizing for a disagre and folentr fox news alert. america is apparently facing a national securitth


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