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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 14, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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giraffe. i really think. well, where i might be in the mood. yeahe mood, in the mood for one. just like so way. she taught us a seagull. it's something in the ocean. you keep saying seagull. dana, what is it? what's wrong? and i said the ocean, baby. giant otters. let's set ottee. yeah, very germany otters. they're the one. they were always bad. they only follow otters because too hard does.ght you have to be like michigan. man found a 70 year old love letter in a toolbox that he bought a letter from an army corporal to his girlfriend jessppapologizing for a disagre and folentr fox news alert. america is apparently facing a national security threat from
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russia. >> that's so terrifying. thei said they is.nto te couldn't tell us what it is. this vague threat starte d this morning. >> prime time producers were getting alerts on their phones prim getti alert more ominous, but just as vague. congress said there wast a threat, but we couldn't tell how seriouses it was and neithec could anyone else. >> never reallouldy, no cause fr panic or alarm around this particular piece of intelligenc oe should be considered serious. that's all i can say i right no. this is a serious issue. there are many serious issues that we undertake all the time, but there's no need to panic. >> this is not an immediate crisis. this is one more thing to worry about in termshis is one of vlar putin and his attack on democracy and freedom. >> okan on hisy. e >> this all started when the chairman of the house intelligence committee, republican mike turner, released a statement saying this, quote, today, the houseene permanent select committee on intelligence has made available to all memberslemmitts of congress information concerning a serious national securitymation threat.
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>> i am requesting president biden declassifyo thit all information relating to this threat so that congress can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. >> primeo time doesn't know mike turner very well. >> he's been on our show once, maybe twicn on ourw wants e. he wants to protect the country. we believe he's a patriot,e cous but i'm not in this business for 20 years. and something seemed offfor ye >> doesn't the gang of eight usually handle big intel of eian announcements? and where's the speaker of the house, mike johnsonts?n, who sto hasn't ever done our show for some reason? wellur the, he runs to the micre and tells americans nott to panic. an >> i want to assurehere the american people there is no need for public alarm. we are going to work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified. >> so one, mike says vers that y serious national security threat that biden has to declassif security. and then a more powerful mike says nothing to be learnes about. >> we'll handle it in private. democrats are sayinginvate
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it's serious, but it's no need to panic. other democrats saying putin's.a attacking our democracy. >> what's going on here? and then we get the drip, drip, atip, little morsels of info all afternoon. it's something we've known about for a long timboute. us then it's -- it's something we just found out about. politicofoun reportedintell the intelligence was related to russia's hypersonic cruise missilssia'se that can fly at ss between mach six and eight. th they also speculated that the russianeys and north koreans were joining forces to attack our space capabilities. >> the media was going crazy. we have new reporting on an cryptic message that the house intelligence committee crype th on social mediaa abou about a, quote, serious national security threat.this what do we know about this? i cryptic is the right word. we still have more questionsn than answers at this point. >> this must bat thie a great situation for the chair of the intelligence committeeair of toe such a bold statement.
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>> the threat is related to russia. >> tatedit's not that martiansg are going to land right now in the us,toth but is something of concern. >> all right. once the media was throttledsomn into an of speculation, the intelligence community leaked to their favorite committ "new york times" reporters eric schmitt and david sangeto r, ntelli that the intelligence was about russian nukeges. new in already the new intelligence was serious, said thtee "new york times". but these russian nuclear capabilities didn't exis t tht, unde and they were still under development and they hadn'rtyed. been deployed. this information was classified and could not be declassified. >> even though russia caben read the "new york times". >> but it gets juicier. linktss to the times also reveal that russia is developing space based nukes that could blow up our satellitesn. ans bae >> but again, russian space nukes haven't been developed and aren't even in orbit. >> first, they told us russians were usingfirs world war ii air attacks in ukraine and now
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they've built the death starav and we're all going to die. >> the house intelligence intesaid this new piece of intelligence was destabilizintabilizig. >> and as this was breaking,brei biden's national security advisongr, jake sullivan, rushev into the briefing room and said, doan rhe not not worry about this threat. but more importantlyrr, congress must fund the ukraine war. >> this bipartisanth legislatioa will allow the united states to continue to support the people o of ukraine alongside our allies and partners, as they fight y single day to defend their their freedom and independence. >> can you tell americans thathg there's nothing they have to worry about right now in terms of what he describe ths as a national security threat? >> look, i think in a wa>>y in that question, it is impossible. to answer with a straight yes right now. >> if i were a cynici we, i woul suspect that washington anxious to passpecs the ukraine funding, teased out some intelligence as a scare tactiteasedc to jam y
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through. >> and politico also skepticalms ,writing, quote, it's possible turner was attempting to raise alarms about russia'sce advancements in space as a way of underscore the need for lawmakers to approve additional aid to ukrainee. but washington's rosti not everybody got the memo. democratic congressman jim himes, who'sessman j on thel committee, said the threat is not going to ruin your thursday. >> vox's jacqui heinrich just jacqui hreported that this isn't a weapon that would attack humans, although if our satellites are destroyed, my gps dies and i'll probably drive intoroyed byve int a lake >> don't get me wrong, i'm notio taking this threat lightly.i'm >> i'm sure russians are working on space weapons.'s just ironic the same people who bought trump for space forcd trume arew hysterical over russia's space force. it's not russia' even in orbit.w >> now. if russia really was planninasg on putting a nuclear missile into space, that would violate the 1967 outer space treaty
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and could theoretically lead to a major escalation, somethinlead to g about today'ss cycle, though, just seems deliberate. someone playing a game of mad libs and came up with russia nukeli came s space on the samee >> kamala harris is flying to the munich security summit, where our nato allies will be rallying to defend ukraine from. >> glad. i hope i'm wrong. i hopeukraine r. all of our poll and security officials are operating in good faitith. e >> but we've been deceived into rating the treasury for foreign adventures beforen raidi e. an >> americans are a noble people. if you can persuad.e us withwe l honesty and logic, we'll spend money overseas in order to protectl erseas i our interests. interest >> but don't disrespect us andn' trick us into writing more checks. >> washington's been caught wacy too many times playing games, and they'll have to do better thanthey w this. >> john kiriakou is a former cia officer and whistleblower. >> he joins me now.ur g what is your gut telutl you abot
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what went down today? my gut tells me that thi s is really much adoth about nothing at this early stage. it's if we're ifis e stage. we'e to believe that this is about hypersonic missiles. >> well, there's there's nothin missihereis ng new about. >> the russians have had hypersonic missiles for several year ors. the ch the chinese have them. the north koreans have them. we're trying to develoe p them. so what's the big threat? i'm just not understanding it.>i >> is this to boost defense funding? is this to jam ukraine'so booste spending through and shame reticent congressmenndin memberr into voting for this thing lickety split? >> yeah, and you kill two birds with one stone that way. first of all, you get your increased defense budgetprb and secondly, you probably get that increase, not in a continuing resolution, but bycoe forcing congress to pass a budget, which they'vsse yet to do this fiscal year. >> so the guy that started this republican on the house intel committee chairmanpublican, he s ukraine funding and that's fine. >> why was it laundered through him? >> how would this work?
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right. >> because as a member of thear majority party in thty ie house, he has the ear of the speaker. and in order to get a bill, especially a fundingo ge bill, n appropriations bill onto the floor for a vote, it has e to go through the office of the speaker. it's been that way since newt gingrichit's b was the speaker.. so if the cia or the pentagon or the white house wantslegislat to shake a piece of legislation loose, they have to go to an important membere they h, a coma chairman of a major of the majority party and get it ontoaw the floor. that's how it's worked in washington. did this it ha years now seem a little sloppy to you? because if i could figure its se out, people, you know, this is the thing about the intelligence community. y to panicelling people by not telling them what they want them to know. they tell them, listen, i want to tell you, if you knew what ii knew, you would panic to take m my word foy r it, because we'reh the smartest guys in the room. so just go ahead and vote. >> yes. right. and those days are over.
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i mean>> tho, not totally over,i think the american public's getting a little used to it. >> all right, john, thank you so much, as always, for your expertiseys for. >> fox news alert. one person is dead and multiple children are injured after a shooting at thpledren inje kay chiefs super bowl parade. >> bill lujan has more.s mo >> well, jesse, police say right now there are at least a 22 people injured as a result of this shooting. of thione single hospital in kas city has confirmed they're treating at least 11 children right now, nine of which have gunshot wounds.ose gu police say those gunshots brokes out right at the end of the kansas city chiefs super bowlcelebr celebration that set crowds running in all directions as policatene were running towad the gunfire. policethe gu confirm three peopo are in custody in connection to the shooting and at leasts bn one gun has been recovered so far. >> video posted to social medial appears to show at least two bystanders tacklineag one os the suspected shooter as he ran through the crowd. >> two men cangh t be seen taking
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him down and pinning him to the ground until policng hime officr arrive in another social media video. that same suspect cal men be sen surrounded by police and pinned to the ground as bystanderne tsn be heard saying they tackled him and found a gun on scene. witnesse s on scene describe what they saw. >> someone said it was a fire. d and then she comes around and she's like, no shots fired n . and so we started listening to her. and then that's when i started. yeah. rted.aslingand i was just tellig everybody to get down. get down. my wife looked at me like there y wife words, even spoken liketk we just talked and roll kind of deal like we just had to get out of there. >> and jesse, as of right now,ia there's no word on any potential motive behind this shooting o inhow those suspects in custody were involved in this or know each other ifer they end up knowing each other at all. we'll send it back to yoalu. dy >> thanks, bill. what a tragedy on what a great day for the kansas citr the kay. new report about barack obama. >> joe bidena knew r and the ci. >> straight ahead, fox nation
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fat and get lean absolutely free. >> that's both. 2215215. in the 1950s, president dwight eisenhower announced that he was naming the first civilian director in the histornaming tye cia. >> his name was allen dulles. hias had one order eliminate communism, but honor dulles. the cia morphed into washington's most powerful agency mor , built up by a leagueue of ruthless assassins operatingt under the orders to protect capitalism from the soviet menace pitalism. >> dulles became power hungrye o just months into his terwer-m. s >> dulles greenlighted operation pbs's success a coup to take out guatemala's democratically electedu to lead, jacobo arbenz, and replace him whth a militar.y dictator. why?y? tovangua as a vanguard for corporatrde interests.rotect
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you see, they needed to protect the profits of the united fruit company. >> they were under threat of having their land confiscatethey werf havingd, loi the obama administration. >> and the cia hasnition. nevero away from government overthrow. from iran to the congo to south vietnam. >> the cia's never changed. untieverl recently, when they bn interfering in american elections. t ha and when it happened, it was called a conspiracy theory. thb the biggest scandal was when they spied on my campaigign. they spied on my campaign. there's no real evidence of that because there is no. over the place. leslie, a spy to mtheyy campaig. >> and they get. can i say something? you knowthis is , this is 60 mis and we can't put on things webug can't verify because it's bad for we can't do things a. we can't. leslie they spied on my campaign. we can't vote. it's been totally verified. >> no, it's been. just go down and geto do the pas . >> they spied on my campaign. they got caught. barack c ht. obama said everything
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was done by the book. >> i guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigatioinfluencn conductede justice department or the fbi. not just in this case, but in any case. >> now, obama isn't the first politician to lie and won't be the last. lastt be night, we brought you a bombshell report from journalists michael shellenberger and matt taibbi. they allege obama's cia notia ha only was involved in the russia hoax, they started ix,t. story >> the story, as you mentioned, was that we were just informed by foreign jus intelligence this. about this. our sources tell us a very ouy, which is that this was initiated by the u.s. government. it came from within the u.s. government's intelligence community, including cia. >> according to this report, obama's cia director,ou john brennan, asked our english speaking allies to target the trumr allies p campaign, hao these foreign intelligence agencies a targerent list of 26u trump associates. ssociatethese 26 trump associat
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to be bumped, meaninwereg they would be approached by assets bumped into. and these interactions and relationships would be reported to the fbi as suspicious. >> these were people the cia considered peopl easy marks likk george papadopoulos, 20-year-old foreign spies didn't discover evidencecoll of trump-russia collusion and turn it over to the feds. >> foreign spies were assignedti by obama's cia to create a false impression of collusiono . to trigger an fbf usioin, t counterintelligence investigatio trign. inve >> obama's cia worked with hillary's foreign agentstos in london to hatch the hoax, which led to the fbich investigation, the illegal wiretapping, the mic flynn sting. and then whewiretapping, then td of it, the comey firing and then comeyfiring leaks the s which triggered the mueller investigation. >> now, the muellerde investigation was designed to cover up for obama and hillarsignedy and tie up impeachment. it failed on impeachment,
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but the cover up worked until now. new reporting by matt taibbi and michael shellenbergew repor reveal that house investigators had discovered the root causes ,but their investigationve and all of their documents wereg confinedat to secure rooms in langley. >> and when trump was leaving fn office in those hectic final days, he attempted to declassify thisalays, h mate which started a battle between former cia director gina haspel, the department of justice, and the national. archives. >> the report says someone may have taken this binder of material exposing the entire intelligence communityexposi out of langley, and it mayay have been what the fbi was havey looking for when they raided mar-a-lago. raided mar-a not true. but the point remains that thet obama-biden white house,e their cia and fbi director, launchedho illegal preemptive wr against democracy, got caught and have been covering it up for eight years.
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shellenberger and taibbi alsor n say redacted, forged documentsti suggest that biden has been conspiring against donald the i trump with the intelligence communitnty to prosecuteto the former president in federal t, which would be an impeachable offense. >> matt taibbi is the racketpiah news editor in chief and cryptopia author. eat re so this is great reporting.po it's -- it's it's hard to verify because, you know, we were told that this special counsel, durham, was going to get to the bottom of it. tht >> are you saying he missed this? >> we were told that the scope of the durham investigation was limited to a few areas and that he wasn't looking at this particular direction. >> the information that weth have, the investigation that was conducted by the house permanent
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select committee whatnvestigations dones of intelligence excuse me, what they found was a broada bra political espionage campaign. >> and there wer e two main repor conclusions that are at the center of our reports. tsone is that at least 26 trump aides and associates were improperly and without predication placed under surveillancee in the election year of 2016. >> and the other one isme that these same folks cook fo fortelligence the january six, 2017 intelligence community assessment, saying that russia interfered to start conducting an influence campaign to hel p donald trump. it's a wmd style story. thes.e suppressed dissenting opinions and created a false narrative. ebate >> so there's a lot of debate over this binder. r? there a bindeov what's in the binder? is it redacted? who has it? wher whe is it? >> is that why they conducted the raid? what'sthat weigh they going one materials?
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>> well, it's a difficult storys because we heard multiple versions of what the binder is,. how many binders there are. >> we heard there are as many a. as three. >> but we do know a couple of concrete thingsof. we know that only a share of the hips investigation ever got out. of course, people are aware of the nunes memo which led to the investigation of abuses of pfizer. we also we know that there was a report into the originsrigins of that intelligence community assessment, which supposedly o never left a vault ewa on the grounds of langley. e grouthat's like a 17 to 20 pae report that was confirmed by multiple sources. >> apart from that, we were told the firm numerous others oe investigative materials that may or may nor t be these binders that stories are referring to. but we know that there's a lot of stuff that didn't get out, that there was that there were thousands of hourst out. not of investigation. and their conclusions have not yet been declassified. want
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>> okay. well, this will just be another reason why they want to do evn to preventthe wh donald trump from returning to the white house because he'll blow the lidbecaus off of. he tried to wasn't able to at the very end, but caught him most.ou of the time. >> i am interested in your reporting that there is i guess, heavily redacted forya you documents that suggest that joedocus biden has been collaborating with the intelligence community to prosecutewith the these fedei cases against donald trump. and we'll see how that shakens.s out. matt, great reporting to you. and and shellenberger, i suggest everybody go to your web site, your substack, and read it for yourselfe and rs again. >> thanks for having me on..havi ng mjesse. jonatha >> bring in fox news contributor jonathan turley. jonathan, let's just start with this document that suggests that joe biden has been collaborating with big intel to build the case against trump and raid mar-a-lago. what would that mean legally ? >> well, it would certainly show that the president and the white house has been lying to both congresse hao both and e
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public. we don't we have to see if that is indeed truthate. but it's a very serious allegation. it's the type of thing that impeachment's the thing are made of. if you're using your office to try to target your political opponents and obviously we lack those details, i but it could be a very serious allegation to bring forward if if thisga is supportedtion t in the days to come. >> and so the cia. turley professor, i should say they're prohibited forconducti conducting operations on u.s. soil. >> wouldoperations on u. say myh thcause we hadan all of our assets handle it through the five eyes in europe. therall those things is that are they are they going to scale? there's not going to be any accountability g for the for thg and the interfering in the electioning in t. >> now, this was so contravene federal law and policy. an first of all, if ice is notpoliy
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supposed to be used to targetdmt first amendment activities, political activities, but even taing outside of fisa to target u.s. citizens or to use t would raisery sig very significant legal and policy questions. itni would also contradict thins that have been made. keep in mind that in this period tha, 2016, trump had justp announced to his foreign policy team would be including papadopoulos and page, who apparently were targeted. >> i mean, i feel likeit's it's deja vu. it's 2024. i'm still doing the russia hoax storieand i'l s. >> i feel like i'm 37. professor turley, thank you so much. >> i really appreciate it. thank you. next, primetime confronts democrats about joe biden's mental state. mental state. and i'm not talking just out of. no, no, no, no. that's oka life dy. -licio >> life doesn't stopus for
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president biden does more in one hour than most people do one ple dois age with experience and expertise is an incredible asset and he proves i experie t every day. >> okay. so what did joe biden do today d ? nothing. he had an early luncnog. he hadh and then he had a briefing in the afternoon. now, that doesn't prove he's fit to be president, i'm not sure what does. >> now, the media has turnedt. into a self-help line for the president. >> watch. rner a he's going to have to gendt han on the corner and meet people and hang out with regularthla people and give some speeches and perk people up like harry truman dikd back in 1948. you got to sell. you got to sell yourself. ve got to sellrself.he will makt of course he will. but isn't it better to have him out thererimthere e? i'd make him feel better about himself. just be just nice to him shd encouragt himse. that's one thing. but staffers should do encourage the guy encouraginou g when he does something really, really well. >> encourage himthing re. joe bi >> joe biden needs encouragement. is he the presidenement? t or a kid? learning how to ride a bike
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are usually democrats escape negative news cycles because reporters don't ascyclesk them anything. but we have hillary vaughn who confronted house democratsbt about their nominee with diminished faculties. >> watchr nomineth dimin specias report. >> in the report, it said that president bidee reportsaidn is y man with a bad memory. do you think that president biden is mentally fit for office? that was a partisan report for r and president biden has been absolved in any criminal wrongdoingt.biden ha. . president biden is absolutely fit. trump is the one who is crazy.on i think he's the one who's a liar. he's the. one who has provennot be that he cannot be trusted. >> president biden has proven himself to have a strong memory. i would prefer an elderle a strn over an elderly man who's just chaotic and crazy and has 91 felony counts awaiting him. there's no doubt in my mind that the president is mentally unfit for office. i don't. no, no, no, no. that's okay. he's sharp. >> hd, and he's alwaysways ans
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answering questions. >> he's dangerous for the president of the united states to have a bad memory. the only perso uniten is mentalt health that i'm concernednald t about is donald trump's. it is dangerous to have a president likeru to trump who grabs women by the, you know, private parts and mimics a mobster, disable lives, cheats. >> i think that's what's. dangerous. >> fox >> fox news contributor charlie herd joins us now. charli nr charlie, fire marshalo did not want to talk t to hilla, . >> no, he looked likloe he wasol looking for a fire alarme to g to pull right there to get out of that questionet . d of >> and you know how bad off you have to be if you're turning to maxine waters to talk to for reassuring not c voices that you're not crazy, then you're probably crazy. maxinera?en waters, no relationr it is funny, though, how democratels are protectedtsa in washington because trump can sneezere and every reporter
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will ask every single house member, did you say god bless you? what?but >> but biden can can literallybi trip fall not remember when he was vice president and the only question comes from a fox reporter. >> if it wasn't fo r hillary did have a glorious day. yeah, and i think the reason for that is because democrats are so afraid of actually talking about issues all they if aboutn do is talk about donad trump. because if you talk about the issuessues, they lose all day l. donald trump republicans are righng.t on all the issues,r whether it's immigration, more funding for ukraine or, you know, crime, the border, anything republicansme are, you know, represent the vast majority of americans.ey can >> so all they can talk about is donald trump. but the idea ld that they're having to stick up for the sanity of joe biden right
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at a time when and then, of course, we just find ou t today that when when joe biden complained about robert poor, asking him about biden's death,t his son's death, it turns ouh,t that joe biden was the one who brought up his son's deathoy in his deposition. >> they were confused by it, but that was only under thosece circumstances that he admitted that he couldn't name the date of of when he had died. and then, of coursand the, he cc out and does the press conference and becomes bewildered by it. it's -- it's insane. and the real constitutional here that every single one of those democrats who are trying to defend him need to ask themselves is joe biden is has lost marbles. . >> his cheese has slid off the . so the question is, who is in charge at the whiteden. house because it's not joe biden. that's a great point. and there is i don't know ifr. there was ever a cheese on the . >> i think
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that might have been a just a crispy ritz without anything. >> charlieit. god bless you. and beware of hillary. vaughne because she's in pinkng and she's coming. >> yes. >> god bless her. now, a major marriage announcement. it changes everything. next is feeling dry, tired, stressed, get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration, boost eyedrops for comfort throughout the day. >> they're preservative free, gentle and made with naturally inspired ingredients. stay bio true to your eyes. >> ashley president's day mattress sale is going on now save up to $800 on select purple adjustable mattress. that's up to $800 on select tempur-pedic and stearns for five years with no minimum purchase in-storpre only only purchase in-storpre only only at ashley do you shop for. vitamins at walgreens. six factor products powerfully improve your health, merica.,
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healthy digital habits. but a health y children talk forward slash media plan and make a plan today. >> this is a fox news alert. there's a major power couple, a match made in heaven. >> george soros, his son, who he handegeorged his empire , alex soros, has confirmed that he's dating huma, aberdeen, anthony weiner's ex and hillary's longtime aid.made. that's right. hillary clinton's bag woman is now dating manywoman is, meag soros showing off his new squeeze,f o who is ten years olr than he is. there they are in paris. it's valentine's. day. they just make such a gorgeousho couplerg. and happy valentine's day, everybody. hopefully none of you are sleeping on the couch tonighholly nonesleepingt becau. >> because the saying happy wife, happy wifee saying still s
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true. >> that could be why american happiness is onericanee the decline, because the liberal media is telling us not to tirais telli e the knot, especially women pushing the notion that diamondrings are like handcuffs that bound them to the patriarchyar. says, the guardian says, quote, marriage was never designe quotd to benefit women. it can't be fixed. it must bet with it be when youl back the layers of history and propaganda, it's impossible not to want to completely destroy this inherently misogyny stick institution. t now, what they don't want you to know is that married americans are happieo ir than single people. >> but with nonsense like bu, guys needing to be persistent. >> nobody knows that better than joe biden, he said.ik would you like to go outou tonight? a da and i said, i'm sorry,ou i already have a date. and he said, well, would you brea break ik it? n i'm only in for one night. she broke break my heartig, and then joe completely blew his coveoverr because he's liket
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i'm so busy. so he takes out this little h lt calvary'tl s looking through his head. well, oh, no, no, i'm too busy thursday. i'm toi y thuro busy wednesday. how about tomorrow night and iab don't go?t you.your cov >> you just blew your cover. wow. >> memory was an issue eventhen back then. but it is not just the media. the government's trying to swindle us out of our happily ever after. >> if you need food stamps or medicaid, your marriage puts eligible military in singleness is rewardednglene to combine low incomes, put tw taxes in a higher bracket, even if the salaries can't cover two people, let e kids. they're not even hiding it. they call it the marriage y. alt >> it's literally telling americans not to buy the cow if they can milk for free. >> in direct contrast,in d the militaryirec rewards men foi putting a ring on it. >> married service members get a nice wedding gift from the dad. nice for housing, better health care.nice and free couples counseling if needed. and the divorce rate coupless is
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in military couples hovers at just 3%. so prime time suggests lonely ladies end up fleet week bride. >> wilcox is the author of gett married why americans defy the elites, forge strong families and save civielitesl association. >> how does getting married saves civilization? >> well, we know today today that there are no americans that t are happier, that have more meaningful lives, are more prosperous than marrieesd men and women today. so what we're seeing now, -afortunately, is that kinare sd of the marriage rate is coming down. >> i call it the closing of the american heart. we're closing e seeing less dat, less marriage, less childbearing. and that matters because les ont the top predictors of the kindhe of rise in deaths of despair is marriage. and we've also seen evidence showing that kind of this happiness rate've also in ameria is declining. and the top predictor there is performing marriage rate. so all of this is kind of implicated, what jefferson calledas impliwa life, liberty e pursuit of happiness. >> why? if the government knowibertyd tf is that marriage creates wealthg and happinese creas and higher u
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dites, why would they wantld to discouragsce it? >> well, it's interesting. in the last 30 years, the governments addressethe d the marriage penalty when it comes to income taxes that sort of fall on the upper incomethey americans. but they've not taken that same kind of attention to focus on poor and working class americans. wog class . ajor oversight >> so, you know, i'm not sure why, but that's what they've done. joe bide they n proposed to jill five times until she said yes. >> are you suggestin g thing men debase themselves? >> welebasl, i think a lot of ma have t lo be pretty persistent. certainly, i have to sort of b e persistent. how many times did you propose? just one? just once. t once toobut it took three yea2 >> three years? yes, we married 28 years. yoyearand you have a happy marr? >> i do. and you guys don't need counseling? nou ounselint right now. not yet. not yet. all right. what about these women that sawa ,i don't need a man.nd o >> i don't want to have to depend on anybody? you see, a lot of thesanyb ou people out now that want careers, and they just wantlive.
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to live their lives. >> well, obviously, not everyone supposed to get >>. ied just i mean, we all know that. but the point of my book is that most americans, boths most men and most womenst are much more likely to be flourishine muchg becauseing. the meaning, the direction, the financial security and then oue opportunitthy is to care for someone else and to be cared for by smarts, which is so important. >> how important is it. forwife the wife to dote on the husbandi ? i think it's important. how important is it for the husband to dot tortant. ie on the wife? >> certainly important. and it's both doting w at the same time creates a good relationship. >>me one can't overdo it. over the doting has to bedo equal. >> but basically, yeah, i would say that that's the case. it's to kindi amntase. of note that in this new age we're living and i'm seeing that when husbands n hu are doting not just in the wife, but also on the kids, that redounds to the benefit i of the marriage higher quality marriages. so kind of how couples divide up housework up ho and work, noh a big deal. >> but his focus on the kids is pretty important. and incus on t kid full disclos, brad read the book is right
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mississippi two mrs.. we got faster. no, oh no sorry is the i geti' discounts from my safe driving with snapshot from progressive you should see my savings. they're nuts. you told us he was a four wheel man. no, i'm a wheelman. is barely near my mother's side. >> irish. we are definitely in the beginning of blizzard conditions. bone chilling, cold to sketchy snow. when it's cold outside, winter turns up the heat. what a storm fox weather is. winter storm hq water cooler spring in rosanna scotto,an fox five host and host of thed fox nation special. >> this sanctuary trapf th womee often make fun of men for how we act when we're sick. they call it the man fluw. . wh >> and that's why maybe half of men say they wishe their would dote on them while they're sick, not their wive th
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>> are we talking just italian men? you know, it's funny that you bring up italian. first of all, thank you so much for inviting me here, first, t on valentine's day.e to >> it's nice to see you too much. i didn't know you cared. but anyway. yes, as an italian-american mother, i resemble that remarkam . we are i n our own category of mothering. what's called my monets. monets. do you knod modernw what that i? >> yeah. he's my assistant, johnny. that's right. >> h is a mama'set boy. >> but, you know, they didn't talk to just my monets them fors survey. >> it was very scientific. .2000 and ployed adults, fid they found two out of five men wanted their mothers to take care them when they were sick. >> and they had somebody in their lives. ir liveand the other three of i really said the same thing. >> their wives were in the room, so they couldn't say it. they basically said somethin g. and, you know, i love what women said when they asked women about when they were sick, who they wanted to take
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takee woman said they just wanted to be left alone. >> leave me alone. leave me on my own. >> okay. thank you. no problem there. i'll be righ yout in an hour.2 8 >> but. but 50 8% of the men they s said they wantedaid th their mat all right. how about you? i'm not on the money, and we got to go.o to the next one. here we go. most people probably getting home from valentine's day dinner here on the east coast. >> guys probably paiinner ond at 150, probably 200 just to bet squished in like sardines, ordering off a pretty fixed menu drink in those wee cocktails. >> a pink tablecloth. it's a scam. it out on valentine's dinners that's going to land us in the doghouse. n ewhat is the right thing to d? >> the right thing to do with some old. y to a okay. the way to a person's heart is through their stomachar. if you're in a relationship, you've got to do the full court press. i mean, if he can't afford the full court press, go for a slice of pizzace , anything.anyt >> we'll get some pizza. but i will telhingl you the day situation. ship people, you know, when you're not p?
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the really in a fulllown blown relationship, you're kind of on the cuspelations. you can get away with the card situation, ship situatioyn, ship. >> you're in a relationship. you act like an adulship at ands go out for dinner. now, i'm not saying it because i own a restaurante i own tonig. i know i'm learning so much lets on a situation ships. >> lemonis s and if i learned something here. okay, let's talk about the bait and switch and peruvian policea officer lured a suspected lady, drug dealer, a lady drug dealer ousuert of her home with a romau ploy. he dressed up as a life sizep ad teddy bear, gets down on one knee, holding a sign that says, you are my reason. >> smile. and she takes the bait. watch. i said, hey, i know you do you know what i was?
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>> the peruvian police violate o the sanctity of valentine's day. e, i mean, we had that movie, the cocaine bear. and this is a seriou.s situation . >> i hate to be the bearer of bad news. very good. but onha they found opioids and fentanyl and heroin and all that other stuff. i thought it was such a genius idea on valentine's day. this woman, i guess, is in a relationship and not a situation. d she >> yes.feit and the bear came and she fell for it. i you know, maybe other police forces will follow suit. >> juss willt give them teddy gs and take them down. take them down. whatever drug dealers, they fall for anything. we could use that. sure, we couldould use lot use. a lot of them on the border. rosanna, thank you so much. and in your new fox nation speciaank you l, the sanctuary trap, which is out today, you sat down with mayor eric adamstoda e to about the migration crisis. >> let's listen. let'gration s not listen.ot to they don't have time. you know why? because i got to sell my boosek. >> you we did enough for your special. you got to watch the fox
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nation. going to watchch fox nat iion o. the sanctuary drop exclusive interview with mayor adams. and we'll take you insidexcluswe roosevelt hotel, wherero they process all the migrants that iosev t is.d da >> you got it. and then you're going to watch it tomorrow morning on good day,y new york.t of >> all right. that's a lot of instructions on valentine's day. okay. well, we're nonstructitine's dtn now yet. >> tiger is on a as i was mentioning, my book, whichut yet isn't even out yet. it's like the russian weapon that it's being deployed eventually. >> you have to go order this thing right now. >> look at these chapters. we speaklot these to africanwe nationalists, vegans, a drag queen. i mean, anybody you would think doesn't know anything about anything. i spoke to a homeless down junki here in manhattan, someone that smokes tonsttan.. emotional support, squirrel caregivers, the guy that topples statues. yet we. talk to them.t
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>> and it explains a lot about the current climate e in thiy. tor you're going to learn more about america whenok. you read this book. >> and probably by reading the constitution, it's probablar yher or get it together or the constitution kind of a toss up. >> this book th, a little easier to read. . so some text messages wendy from houston, texas, did they check binders h binder for the cia's secret russia docs? >>th i checked the binder. richard from endicott, ple new york. >> joe biden has plenty of encouragement. they're called nbc. cnofuragement.n, cbs. >> wally, great name from bloomberg, new york.o mo biden does know more today than most people because underst biden, most people don't work. not rosanna. go in the restaurant right now. waters . we bhis is my world. and welcome to hannity. we begin with this fox new


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