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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 15, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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because you can't divorce, pun intended, these allegations from each other. they were taking trips together. they were allegedly going dutch on the bill, which there had not been much evidence actually submitted for that proposition that they were splitting expenses. but the heart of this really goes to whether there was some type of financial entanglement. prosecutors are not allowed to have a financial interest in the case. >> carley: we will look out to see if she is disqualified from this case, what that means for the case and also for her career as well. and you're right to bring up michael roman. he was the defendant in the case that surfaced these allegations and then when donald trump heard about them he is like i'm joining in on this one. and now the judge is going to be hearing all of this and having to follow this love story turned, you know, trump election interference case as well. so certainly something to watch. lexie, thank you for joining us. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪
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>> carley: thank you very much, carley. it is 6:00 here in new york city. this is thursday, february 16th, welcome to "fox & friends." a fox news alert. one person dead, 21 more hurt in a shooting at the kansas city chiefs super bowl victory parade also breaking right now is russia planning to put nukes in space? what we know about the quote serious threat, as national security adviser jake sullivan will be briefing lawmakers later today. >> no one is on the same page right now. plus, washington, d.c. carjackings are set to keep pace with a record shattering 2023 numbers. >> it seems like it's mainly kids, like a younger generation has no regard for human life? lawrence spoke with his father who lost his son to carjacking. he will be reporting there all morning long. "fox & friends" starts right
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now. ♪ a is. >> obviously we begin with a fox news alert. here is a story following all day. three people in custody this morning after a deadly shooting spree at the kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration. >> steve: one person was killed and at least 21 others hurt, including 11 children between the ages of 8 and 16. tmz video capturing the moment gunfire erupted. watch this. [gunfire] >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson is live with what we know now. love cass? >> good morning, steve, ainsley and brian. a total of 22 people are shot, including nine children. one woman was killed a spokeswoman at children's mercy hospital described the young victims. the ages of the pediatric patients we treated were 6 to 15. >> how were the children that you saw?
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>> what was there, i guess, disposition like after going through something like this? >> fear. >> one word that i would use to describe what we saw when they came to us was fear. >> of the children who were shot, how many of them suffered serious and criminal injuries? >> all of them will recover and i would say that any of them are critical at this point. >> this is how one eyewitness described the scene earlier. >> other than the terror around -- my daughter and i were trying to walk to get out from the parade, because it was over. and then all of a sudden we hear gunshots. we thought they were fireworks. and then everybody starts running right at us. we were lucky, but not everyone was. >> fans had gathered in downtown kansas city to celebrate the chiefs winning their third super bowl in five years. many are calling paul contreras a hero for tackling one of the
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alleged shooters and pinning him down until police arrived. >> you know, like i said, there was no hesitation. it was just that split second reaction, you know. i went to tackle him, that other gentleman helped. we both helped each other. and i just feel we did what was the right thing. when we did what we did, it was just like we didn't think about it, you know. it was just saving, you know, other maybe lives. >> a local kansas city radio station says one of its d js lisa lopez a mother of two is the one who was killed. a friend described her as quote she was a wonderful, local person she was a local dj. she did everybody, weddings. we all know her she was full of life. number of homicides kansas city matched all-time high the husband and wife who helped tackle that alleged shooter will join "fox & friends" at 8:30 a.m. eastern. >> steve: they were from wichita
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they drove up with their sons. thank you so much. for a day of so much fun to turn to tragedy, the country is in shock. kansas city is in shock. patrick mahomes posted this to x he said praying for kansas city. travis kelce posted on x i'm heart broken over the tragedy that took place. my heart is with all who came out to celebrate with us and have been affected. k.c. you mean the world to me. i just saw in the local kansas city paper that britney mahomes, the wife of the super bowl champ said super bowls will never be the same. >> ainsley: they won't. lawrence is out there covering crime. let's bring lawrence in this morning. he is in d.c. he has been traveling the country. one city on monday. another city tuesday. another one today. and it's always the same story. it's crime. >> lawrence: good morning, family. obviously we are mourning the loss there in missouri, but i think it's important to note that this is happening every day. i think when these mass shootings happening we hyper
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focus on just that one event. but, i think the decay of america is happening every major city in this country. every single day there's a shooting. there is young people doing it. there's robberies. we are here in d.c. with a carjacking drivers. it's happenings. and people are just wondering when is there going to be some type of law and order established in america? this shouldn't be a partisan thing to not let criminals back on the street. and the reason why isaiah that start to get information and waiting for it. normally -- and i have covered a lot of the these school shootings and mass shootings there is some type of criminal element in the past, whether there was a warning sign or a criminal record. and the question is: why are these people back on the street. >> brian: 11 children were injured. they range in the age of 6 to 15. right away the president weighs in and talks about gun control, pass gun legislation which is totally inappropriate in my view. andy reid again being the perfect person at the right time
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evidently he went over there and gave wallace a high school sophomore separated from his friends and family. andy reid was there, the coach of the team he walked over and said -- try to calm down. he was hyper ventilating a little. he did. said you are okay. just breathe. because that city, that team and that city is -- are one. they came out for the parade. they followed the parade. then they went to the rally. the team gets on a bus. they go back to the stadium and then the shooting takes place. and then you see the story is it's going to take a good samaritan, again, as many cops that were there and evidently the fbi was there. there were hundreds of cops there. nobody was off, if you were a police officer and had a uniform. you do need citizens to take action. and this guy, what a hero. he tackled somebody who obviously had a gun. >> ainsley: mr. contreras. paul, the guy lowction was highlighting there. stop him or catch him i see his
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weapon follow out of his hand or sleeve wearing a long jacket. we held him down seemed like forever. but it was probably like 30 seconds. one cop showed up. another showed up. we couldn't get -- we couldn't let him up. finally the cops get there and they pretty much took over after that he told his three daughters let's get out of here we have two and a half hour drive. nobody was saying stay here we need your name. we got out of there. when i was watching the video, all of you was who have children they think gosh, if that's my team i'm going to take my kids there you are not safe. there's no way to prevent this because sounds like they have the two shooters in custody. they used handguns apparently. they say it is not terrorism related. police are investigating whether or not the shooters had a beef with somebody who was targeted. that is unclear.
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there will be press conferences later today. but, just the shear mass of what happened, when you think about it. they had the top politicians for the area, they had the governors of kansas and missouri there they had the mayor of kansas city and his family were there. there were 850 armed members of law enforcement. and if 850 members of law enforcement can't keep them safe, that is a sad commentary where the hell we are. >> brian: by the way, how many were armed. because you can't carry can cara gun except for schools and churches. you are covering a national plague that is carjacking especially in d.c. >> lawrence: that's exactly right, brian. we are on in d.c. on stop three of america's crime crisis. yesterday, i had the opportunity to talk to a dad. his son was killed in and carjacked over a week and a halved ago. and the emotion that was there.
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he had a message this is what he had to say. >> who is doing the carjacking? >> it seems like it's mainly kids. like a younger generation has no regard for human life. if you have a child that is not doing what they should be doing. is it your duty to go and let authorities know or someone know? like at what point does the parent have accountability? it just seems like it should be common sense law that should apply. and all major cities, not just washington, d.c., but it just seems like politicians, they go back and forth, whether it's democrat, whether it's republican, or someone that doesn't want align and they call themselves an independent. it just all seems like a game. and it doesn't seem like they are really serious about making a difference. >> lawrence: i mean, this dad was extremely emotional.
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the mom and grandmother were back of the room, and i could hear the tears dropping as they cried about their son being tragically lost. he goes to the heart of it. are there some responsibilities when it comes to the parents and should they start being held accountable for what is happening on the streets today? something has got to bdone. >> brian: right. i mean, we just saw that one parent is going to jail and maybe the other one isoi so maybe that's a new trend. and is that fair? >> ainsley: there is no regard. the dad is right. there is no regard for human life. look at these pictures, the family will never be the same. they will never see their son again. and holidays will be hard. everyday is going to be hard. like you said, lawrence, the mom and grandmother are crying. it's been a week and a half they are going to criterias for the rest of their lives. their lives were totally changed because someone wanted to steal a car and brought a gun. >> brian: red skin running back or trump official, you are a target. >> lawrence: that's right. >> brian: valet parked, get in
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your car, you are targeted. >> steve: i was in washington last week. we were not safe there. did i not feel safe once. i was right at the white house. more on this throughout the morning. >> lawrence: that's right. >> steve: as lawrence jones is from union station down there. a fox news alert. speaking of the white house. white house national security adviser jake sullivan is headed to the hill today to brief top lawmakers in the house on a serious threat that appears to be related to russia. >> brian: where did this come from. sources reveal moscow wants to deploy a nuclear weapon in space that could potentially destroy u.s. military satellites. >> ainsley: brbrook signature singman is here with details. >> mike turner sounding the alarm on what he is calling a serious national security threat. he is calling on president biden to, quote, dedisqualify all information related to this threat congress, the administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. but house speaker mike johnson says there is no need to panic. listen. >> i want to assure the american
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people there is no need for public alarm. we are going to work together to address this matter as we do all sensitive matters that are classified. >> sources tell me that the threat does concern russian capability noting that the potential seriousness is grave but not immediate. but sources say the big concern here is moscow could use a nuclear weapon to take out western satellites and degrade u.s. military communication. and national security adviser jake sullivan will brief top lawmakers today on capitol hill but he says he was surprised by chairman turner's statement. watch this. >> this administration has gone further and in more creative, more strategic ways, dealt with the declassification of intelligence in the national interest of the united states than any administration in history. so, you definitely are not going to find an unwillingness to do that when it's in our national security interest to do so. >> as if russia did put nukes in
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space it would break the 1967 outer space treaty which bans nuclear weapons in space. >> brian: they want a race in space they have. >> i don't know him. >> steve: i hear somebody. >> ainsley: i don't know who they are talking about. >> steve: we should point out that regarding mike turner. >> brian: thanks, brooke. >> steve: people are scratching their heads because they were going to have this meeting. this meeting was obtained under fisa summers law currently being debated in congress. turner appears to want to use this information about russia to convince his colleagues in congress that 702 is indispensable and that appears to be why this information came out yesterday. >> ainsley: apparently they want to kill our u.s. satellites and jam our communications. the meeting is today at 3:00. we will let you know what happens. >> steve: ultimately he wants the 702 passed again. >> ainsley: let's turn to other headlines for you.
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>> the national guard is being told to check migrants arriving in new york city for tattoos related to venezuela street gang. the group is linked to recent spring of cell phone robberies. the gang has carried out stabbings, assaults and robberies. in a bulletin u.s. service members are advised to be aware of quote symbols used by the gang to identify local activity and trend. in washington democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib voting present on a house resolution hamas' use of rape and sexual violence as a weapon of war. the squad member arguing the resolution ignores similar allegations against the idf. those claims have not been proven. trey yingst will join us in about 15 minutes with the latest on the war plus details from a fox news exclusive interview with fbi director christopher wray who made a surprise stop in israel. detroit pistons' center isaiah stewart arrested overnight for assault after punching soons
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center drew eubanks on wednesday. the two players got into a pregame altercation in phoenix before the teams faced off. stuart was taken into custody after being issued a citation. police are still investigating the incident. former president donald trump is expected back in court today in new york city. the judge in the hush money case against him is expected to decide if trump's criminal trial will begin next month. the former president was charged with 34 counts of allegedly falsifying business records to allegedly claims about extramarital claims quiet in the lead-up to the 2016 election. if it proceeds, it would be the first of trump's four criminal cases to go trial. new overnight, sparks flying as lead police on hours long chase. pursuit hitting multiple counties hitting speeds of over 100 miles per hour. police using a pit maneuver to stop the driver but he takes off again despite major damage to
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the vehicle. officers finally taking him into custody after ramming the vehicle a second time. the daytona live on fox this sunday. for the first time in his career joey logano claimed the top starting spot. is he going to join us later in the show to discuss. this rain could effect the great american race. let's check in with our senior meteorologist janice dean for our fox weather forecast. >> janice: yes. i was checking on "fox & friends first." the last time we had a great amount of rain was 2014. it delayed the actual start by six hours. we are expecting at least an inch of rain in this area over the next couple of days as we head into the weekend. let's look at the live radar. we have a quick-moving system across the great lakes. the west about to get wet again from the heavy rain in pacific and snow. quick moving storm a quick shot of snow for new york city we think out of there. our next system moves in on friday into saturday morning.
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again, this is not a blockbuster storm but it is going to effect some travel if you are, you know, traveling on friday into saturday. we will keep an eye on that and lake-effect snow continues to move. in there is the snow forecast as we go through sunday. we could see quite a bit of snow for upstate new york and parts of new england. but for the new york city area, you know, less than an inch, an inch or so. there is the forecast today. again, the west coast getting wet with several rounds of systems starting today through the weekend. the storm number 3 is the one that is going to impact california on sunday into monday. so that's something we're going to have to watch for because this has been in undated with rain with that atmospheric river. coming up at 6:30 go over that daytona forecast but definitely a wet track for the daytona 500. >> brian: find a way to retain that water to avoid a drought. they haven't made those. >> janice: it is filling up the reservoirs that's the good news.
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snow pack is incredible. a short period of time where you are seeing all of this rainfall is causing huge issues like mud slides, rock slides and, of course, along the burn areas. >> steve: a typical el nino year. >> ainsley: i wonder hoof the daytona 500 is delayed each year. florida gets a lot of rain. it's so hot there. showers in the afternoon. >> janice: absolutely. it's going to be -- i'm a little concerned to be honest with you. >> brian: okay. >> steve: they have to drive slow. >> brian: everyone should just slow down at the race. >> steve: all right, janice, thank you. >> brian: the judge overhearing interference case in georgia will hear d.a. fani willis' alleged affair with special prosecutor nathan wade. the judge will decide whether the d.a. should be disqualified from the case saying, quote: the state has admitted a relationship existed. so, what remains to be proven the existence and extent of any financial benefit, again, even there even is one.
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>> ainsley: wade saying in a statement his relationship with willis did not start until after he was hired. today's hearing expected to begin three hours and could last up to two days. >> steve: so the big question is what exactly would happen if there is a conflict of interest that is proven? and she has admitted that they have a relationship of sorts. although her office says that it's all gossip. everything else. will ultimately another judge decide that the case is done or whether or not somebody else will prosecute? most probably that -- another prosecutor would take over the case. >> brian: nathan wade by the way on his resume no experience on any of these cases. he does car accidents and divorces. i don't think he handled his own. but that is a little bit of a problem. if he lies and miss characterizes when their relationship started and let's say his ex-wife stands up and goes no, that's not true he is under oath right lawrence -- i
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mean ainsley. >> ainsley: we interviewed some experts and they said the case would go to someone else in their office. i'm sure she would be helping. >> steve: a special prosecutor. >> ainsley: exactly. i wonder if that would delay everything? >> lawrence: i think they will just pass it on to another prosecutor. but i think it goes back to the integrity of the investigation. what was the motive for this and when you calculate this relationship, and the fast track of it and the meetings happen in the white house with the district attorney. i think that's where the water starts to get real muddy right there, guys. >> brian: shows a political agenda where president trump also says why are you meeting with the white house counsel? when you asked did you ever talk to jack smith about this case? why did she refuse to answer? to me that means yes. >> steve: today we're going to get a bunch of answers and tomorrow as well. stay tuned. keep it here on fox. by the way, if you turn in to fox, make sure you set your dvr to record our program every day
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between 6:00 and 9:00 a.m. eastern time. you miss a little, you miss a lot. >> brian: you will never know where lawrence got that vest from if you don't tape the show. you are like i missed the show? no. i dvred the show. >> ainsley: get yesterdayy. check the vest and look where you got it. >> brian: your arms never get told. a fox news alert. >> is russia putting nukes in space? new intel suggest it could be true. next guest a founding mother of the u.s. space force. his take on the national security threat. >> ainsley: plus, the united kingdom is getting creative to combat their own migrant crisis. how they are planning to use tiktok influencers to get the job done. >> brian: fantastic. >> steve: this unbearablably creative valentine's day police bust caught on camera. how they nabbed a suspected drug dealer later this hour. you are watching "fox & friends" for the day after valentine's
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day and the first day of lent. ♪ i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little
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>> carley: we are back with your headlines, court documents reveal new information in the
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alleged bribery scheme involving democrat senator bob menendez, prosecutors say he solicited mayors to allow a covid-19 testing lab to operate in new jersey a lab that was paying his wife nadine. prosecutors also say menendez accepted $150,000 bribe and a diamond engagement ring. is he also accused of making regular calls to his wife's so-called 007 cell phone. menendez charged after authorities seized stacks of cash and gold bars from his home. the u.k. is turning to tiktok to try to curb illegal immigration. officials plan to pay influencers to post videos warning migrants not to travel to britain. the spots will warn about the risk and repercussions of using small boats to come to the u.k. as of january, over 600 migrants traveled by boat to get into the u.k. over 29,000 migrants made that dangerous journey last year
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in 2023 those are your headlines, brian over to you. >> brian: thank you very much, carley, now to this fbi director christopher wray speaking exclusively fox news during his surprise visit to israel. trey yingst is live in tel aviv with the details. hey, trey. >> yeah, hey, brian, good morning. we are learning more about a secret trip that fbi director christopher wray made to israel yesterday. this was wray's first trip to israel since the war began and according to reports, he met with top officials from the mossad and shin bet israel's intelligence agencies. spoke with fbi agents on the groundworking to counter global terror threats. spoke with wray over the phone about his exclusive interview about his visit to israel. we have seen a really rogue's gallery of foreign terrorist organizations both express support and praise for hamas attacks and attack u.s. interest at home and abroad.
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>> trey: wrist's trip push cease-fire agreement between israel and hamas as the war enters day 132. a new report indicates a cease-fire could be tied to a broader peace plan lead to palestinian state though given the current government such a plan would be unlikely to succeed. these developments in the middle east do come as the munich security conference get started this weekend. this morning vice president harris landed in germany where she will speak this weekend. brian, ainsley, steve? >> brian: fascinating. appreciate it, trey, follow up on that later in the show. 31 minutes before the top of the hour. fox news alert. today national security adviser jake sullivan heading to capitol hill to brief top house lawmakers on the, quote, national security threat closed quote from russia as it may be looking to explore nuclear weapons in space. house intel chair mike turner calling on president biden to, quote: declassify all information relating to this threat so that congress, the administration, and our allies
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can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat. so, our next guest serves as the first chief software officer for the air force and space force. nicholas shae loan joins us now. nicholas, your reaction to this intelligence information. is that new to you. >> it's in the new us but concerning that russia would be violating the outer space treaty. not only target satellite and communications and g.p.s. capabilities. but also, more importantly would be able to potentially be an emp that could target the entire u.s. grid and all electronics this is way beyond space a new capability that we have effectively no defense against. >> brian: you knew about this when couple years people discussing this. china looking at a lot of capabilities in space.
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the outer space treaty is preventing countries to deploy exackets in space like that. that's not been stopping them to consider it and start even designing these capabilities. what's even more co-worker is the facts that the u.s. has this program called sentinel replacing 1917 icbm ground missiles. that program is now sling with two years' delays and 35 billion over budget. 35% of the budget is now over budget. and what is critical there that's compounded by the fact that the air force chief information officer has been pushing very recently, you know, selected about 11 months ago to push this anti-innovation culture and preventing technologies to help airmen and guardians to innovate.
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and technology -- >> brian: you say the air force is stopping innovation? >> yeah. the air force chief information officer is the office in charge of all i.t. for the dod and the air force and space force. they banned recently. they are the only one really banning technologies like ji supposed to be empowering the velocity of guardians to move. without technology we can't compete. >> brian: two quick questions number one do we have a plan to stop it. if they have plan to nuke us in space. and, number two, why are we learning about this now? real quick. >> i don't think there's a plan now to do much about it. i think we are looking at different options. it's very difficult, right? because you are now addressing this issue on a much broader scale. detection capabilities are not able to handle that kind of threat in space. they have no real answer now. i think we are learning about this now because people are trained to really shine a light
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to the importance of our ability to get all this information from russia and discussions to potentially stop these capabilities. so, without these, we would not be able to know that russia is working on these programs. >> brian: china is looking to knock them out with lasers. china is looking to knock them out with nukes. together they want to knock out our communication capabilities. thank you so much, nicholas, appreciate it? >> thank you. >> brian: america's crime crisis hitting all corners of the country shooting at the super bowl chiefs kills one injuring 20, including children. lawrence is at our nation's capital who lost his son deadly carjacking. that's next. >> he's got two kids. and they have graduations and they are possibly getting married never see him again. and it's senseless. ♪
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♪ >> lawrence: fox news alert this morning. shocked witnesses speaking out about a gunman opened fire at chief's victory parade killing one and injuring at least 20 more. including children. jack brewer man of kind. gentleman, brother, do you a lot of work in the community what causes men mostly to commit these crimes? >> lawrence, i'm in a unique position where i walk into prisons every week and i literal i have have hundreds of men who pulled the trigger and committed gun violence. i have a chance to understand and know what is going on deeply inside their heads. i have to tell you man, this is just showing you how much we are pperpetuating sin in this nation
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at the root cause of this is fatherlessness. over 82% of these mass shooters end up being fatherless kids when you look up and see the research and data. so, you know, would virginia deep issue where if yot have a fear of god inside of you and you are willing to pull a trigger and kill as many people around as you have. there is a big issue with that, man. in this nation i feel like we have to start considering the death penalty for these mass shooters, man. because you are just taking people's lives. you are killing kids and babies. i mean, we are talking about this mass shooting, obviously, because it's a serious issue just this weekend a dozen people shot in baltimore, you start looking at how often these things are happening across our nation, man. it's just a stain american, i think we have to sit back and for once look at root cause and
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stop trying to just look at everything from the surface and let's get to the bottom of this problem, lawrence, and let's get families back together, man. let's get the word of god back in our schools, man. a man talking about it, been to prisons. investing in young people. jack brewer, appreciate you coming on this morning. >> yeah. thank you, lawrence. god bless you, man. >> lawrence: you got it brother. you too, brother. as you guys know, we have been covering this crime crisis all week. we have been from city to city talking about the issue that's plaguing our country. well, yesterday, i had the opportunity to talk with a dad he gave him the car and they still killed him. this is his message. watch. ♪ a.j. was loving sole, very
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energetic, charismatic, loved to dress. loved people who who they were. he just made 35 january 31st. that's not a long time. you hope to see your kids reach their full potential. and, unfortunately, that was taken away from us. >> lawrence: take me back to the day this all transpired? what's going through your head. >> that it's not true that it just didn't happen. >> it didn't hit us until we saw him in the coffin, that's when it just like crushed us, you know, crushed the whole family. you know. people don't understand just not that day, it's the days after and the days after that. and the birthdays and the
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anniversaries and he has got two kids their graduation and possibly getting married. never see it again. we can't just let his deaths be that of another number, another just carjacking and like that. >> lawrence: who is doing the carjacking? >> it seems like mainly kids. like a younger generation has no regards for human life. i don't know where when it will ever end. i'm not naive to believe that my son is going to end here and guns will be put away. people have to take it serious. elected politicians are need to be held account being. we can't clear resolution on at least how to curve violence in this country, makes no sense. >> have you heard from any of the representatives in the area
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i think the mayor reached out to us. we will probably hear from him when it's time to be elected. although we don't vote in d.c., we are well aware ever when we'll be used for that particular sorry or can you say something. >> lawrence: if you had the opportunity to talk with these politicians, the mayors, would would you tell the politician. >> i think when they go into the job, they are running to get elected with no plan just running to win the job. they have no plan once they get there. politicians they will continue to get paid if i don't do my job correctly i don't get a raise, or i'm let go. we have to be intentional. >> lawrence: it's happening everywhere. >> it's happening everywhere.
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it comes and out of control. this is not just a black thing. we look at it as if we're not americans this is the country we have grown up in and born, in and we are so divided on the black community or the hispanic community black community white community or the suburbs. no. we are all in this together, and it it should matter to everyone. >> guys, the number one issue for government, when you get elected is public safety. and the dad makes the case if you're not doing your job how can you be reelected he knows they will be coming around election cover all morning as we have all week. send it back to you, steve. >> steve: lawrence, thank you very much. union station in d.c. a judge decided the fate of fulton county d.a. fani willis
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over her alleged misconduct. greg jarrett says they can't explain this one away. what it means for the trump case coming up next. ♪ the ladies have been doing a lot of talking recently. she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cpap anymore. 100 bucks she got work done. great sleep, at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! relax, it's inspire. inspire. sleep apnea innovation. learn more and view important safety information at
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>> janice: good morning, everyone. take a look at this. the daytona 500 happening this weekend. the longest rain delay 2014.
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almost an inch of rain. this weekend we are talking about several inches of rain and they actually will probably postpone it until monday. sty stay tuned. daytona beach forecast. of the future radar shows a ton of moisture moving in saturday night into sunday race day. finally on sunday into monday things will clear up but we are talking about a deluge for the too far. pete hegseth is going out there. i'm going to warn him in advance that it is probably going to be postponed until monday. the last time that happened was 2020 they actually postponed it until the next day. there is the rest of the day's forecast. west coast getting more rain and mountain snow and a couple of quick clipper symptoms moving in the northeast next couple of days. anxiously keeping up update. >> ainsley: good deal. thank you so much. daytona big deal. a fox news alert just hours from now in georgia. a block buster hearing in donald trump's election interference
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case could see fani willis disqualified over her relationship with the she hired. next guest says obvious violation of ethics here. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett. >> willis and wade may well be disqualified if the evidence shows that she and her lover benefited financially, frankly, you know, i don't know how the d.a. can possibly explain away these credit card bills, hotel invoices, airline tickets and all the other receipts verifying lavish vacations they take together to napa, calvary, florida, aruba, belize, cruises in the bahamas, funded, in part, by taxpayer money that she was shoveling to him. their alleged conduct shows a personal interest in the outcome of the case. that's a severe conflict of
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interest and the appearance of impropriety that willis once promised oh, i will never violate that i will never have a personal relationship with somebody in the office i think is a flagrant violation of the canons of ethics govern prosecutors it. may be reapproval in the case. >> ainsley: what do you think about this judge, judge scott mccaffrey. >> he is, i think, a very fine judge. he is vastly experienced beyond that, i don't know much more. but if he concludes that their conduct has tainted the case itself, he can order that it be withdrawn from the d.a.'s office and shifted elsewhere. if that happens, ainsley, i think new prosecutors will look at this and will say, wait a minute, this evidence doesn't constitute racketeering and they may decide this whole case is
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legally unsound, which i think it is. and it may also say what's going on here? wade travels to washington for two-8 hour meetings at the white house? was this prosecution of donald trump coordinated with and driven by his election opponent joe biden? i think the public's confidence in fairness and objectivity has been badly damaged and i promise you, whatever jury is selected here, they will know that. >> ainsley: and, greg, if it does go to another prosecutor. that prosecutor will have to study the case. that prosecutor will have to prepare. will that delay it until after the election? >> oh, it absolutely would delay it, whether that delays it after the election, you know, i just don't know. but what i think has shocked the public, ainsley, is the exorbitant amount of money that willis was paying her boyfriend. close to $700,000. and he has no experience whether a so ever in racketeering.
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and, yet, he gets paid $100 more per hour than a top racketeering lawyer in georgia. also hired by willis. how in the world do you explain that? >> ainsley: all right, greg. thank you so much for coming on. we have a fox news alert. is russia putting nukes in space? new intel suggests it could be true. peter doocy has a live report, next. ♪
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>> brian: all right. it's 7:00 on the e


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