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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 15, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ ♪ >> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on east coast, it is february 15th. had is "fox and friends." fox news alert. a shooting at kansas city chiefs super bowl parade kills one and injuries at least 20, including children. tmz video capturing the moment gunfire erupted. [gunfire] >> ainsley: they start running. fans who helped take down one of the suspects will join us in a
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few minutes. >> brian: is russia planning to put nukes into space to blowup our satellites? a briefing on national security threat. >> steve: and block buster hearing in donald trump election interference case, could the embattled d.a. be disqualified? the 8:00 hour of "fox and friends" starts right now. >> brian: let's get started. fox news alert three people in custody after deadly shooting spree at kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration. >> steve: one person was killed and at least 21 others hurt, including 11 children. >> ainsley: jeff paul is live in missouri with the latest for us. jeff. >> we are standing across the street from union station, where the shooting happened as super
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bowl celebrations were wrapping up. you have police and they have the area blocked off and are resisting cysting through to for evidence. there is new video that appears to show people tackling someone, they are trying to determine if that is someone involved in the shooting. >> we tackled him. >> we tackled him. yeah. >> we tackled him and the gun fell out. >> jeff: first shots were fired after the chiefs and fans were wrapping up the parade to commemorate the super bowl winning season. the sound of gunfire sent people running. 800 law enforcement officers
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were on the ground and some on top of buildings. many running toward the sound of shots being fired. one person was killed, local rad dj, a mother of two, her station saying this senseless act as taken a beautiful person from her family. 20 others were hurt, including nine kids. those kids are all expected to recover from physical injuries, this will likely impact this community forever. >> steve: you're right about that. jeff paul live at union station. thank you. he showed a video of people who were detaining people. right now the husband and wife team from wichita. trey and tracey filter.
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trey. bang, bang, bang, you hear that, then what upon has? >> my son asked if those were gunshots. i told him, most likely not from where we were standing it didn't seem that was the case. then there is a big scramble in the crowd seems like we hear somebody -- i hear somebody yell get him. i look to my left and see a flash and i tackle that individual. this other gentleman other aids me in that. it was pretty quick thing. >> ainsley: wow, we're so glad you were there and you were not injured. you have two sons, a 12 year old and 15 year old. you pulled them out of school and drove three hours to go to that because you are huge chiefs
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fans. the boys were excited and this happens. casey, what was your role in all of this? >> well, after they tackled the guy, i guess the gun fell out and landed at my feast. i looked down and i immediately thought i needed to get it away. i took it and put it by the wall near me and another gentleman came and stood next to me. >> steve: what kind of gun? >> it was an ak. it was heavy. when i first saw it, i thought it was a toy. i picked it up and it clearly was not. >> brian: trey, you talk about fight or flight, you decided to fight. you tackled, from the side, from behind. go ahead. >> i was aware, briefly aware
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there was a scramble and it is more like having -- catching a t-shirt at a game, i was there, saw a flash and i jumped probably from lack of good sense. >> brian: who was the guy? how would you describe this guy? did he go right down? >> i have not seen his face. i haven't -- if you look at the video -- >> steve: your reaction, trey. you hear somebody say, get him and you see somebody and you just tackle him. you didn't -- >> i thought, i hope this is him. >> steve: you didn't know for sure it was him. you were essentially in the rims, boom, boom, boom. describe that, your wife is nodding yes, that is part of the
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story. >> he didn't have much to say. there was a lot of talk of there being guns and once that was said, it was -- i wanted to make sure he wasn't reaching for his gun. >> steve: you were looking for his gun? >> he was not aware the gun fell out at that point. trey didn't know the guy had the gun. >> ainsley: what about reaction from the cloud, they were clapping and cheering for you guys. >> it was such a whirlwind we literally just -- basically ran to the car. >> brian: trey, was there worry they might realize you were the good guy. did you make it clear, you are the good guy. >> they were yelling who is this guy and pulling me off. >> they were asking who is the man in the white t-shirt, i was telling them, that is my husband. we had no idea if there was more
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trouble to be had, what was going on. >> we didn't know anyone had actually gotten shot. >> ainsley: when did it hit you and how are the boys doing? >> we actually live a couple hours away in wichita, and the boys are like, dad, this is taking off here, they were on their phones. then we found out about the tragedy and how many people had been harmed and just what a horrible day this was and has been for the chiefs nation. >> steve: so many children shot, as well. casey, this all happened as things were breaking up. could you describe, was it a tense situation? there is some information maybe the gunman, or one or two people could have had beef with somebody in the crowd.
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was there fighting going on? >> no, not at all, everyone was having a great time, it seemed like, just enjoying the beautiful day and enjoying the chiefs and celebrating. we all felt safe and i didn't see fighting or anything. >> it was military presence on top of roofs, they were equipped with firepower. a lot of the crowd felt safe. we enjoyed camaraderie with strangers that day. >> it was a really nice afternoon for a little while. >> trey, as bad as it was, do you realize how many lives you probably saved? >> i -- let's hope so. >> ainsley: awe. trey, i don't necessarily think this way, i'm starting to now. i know a lot of men go into rooms and they are always finding an exit plan. when you went yesterday, did you think about that?
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did you think is this safe? you said you were scouting out and saw people on top of roofs and as a dad, you want to protect your family. did you think something like this could happen? >> well, i'm of the persuasion anything can happen any time really. it only further solidified that. i think we're going to continue to conduct ourselves normally and enjoy events and hopefully attend another one of these in the future. >> steve: trey and casey filter. >> ainsley: you are so brave, you are heroes. >> thank you. >> steve: thank you. lawrence is down in d.c. that was at union station. you are in front of union station in washington, d.c., the train station. >> lawrence: great job by that
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couple doing the right thing. we're here because the crime crisis, rich or poor, carjacking crisis has hit d.c. hard. this is our third stop on the tour of america's crime crisis. we talked to a dad yesterday, his son was carjacked about a week and a half ago. he gave the keys to the guy and the guy still killed him. cops caught the guy, officer-involved shooting and the guy is now deceased. he says it starts with our youth and we need to regain their attention. >> brian: this is the nation's cap capital, if the president is concerned about the crime crisis, walk out his door, he distribute doesn't have to fly anywhere to get idea how bad it is. >> lawrence: excellent point. a couple months ago, his
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granddaughter secret service detail, one of the s.u.v.s, they tried to carjack the s.u.v. of the secret. whether you are the president or president's granddaughter or average day american, trying to pay your bills and usber driver they are after you. >> ainsley: pumping your gas, you have to worry. >> steve: watch your back. lawrence, we have a fox news alert. speaking of president, white house national security adviser jake sullivan is heading to capitol hill today to brief top house lawmakers on what has been referred to as serious threat related to russia. >> brian: sources reveal moscow want to deploy a nuclear weapon in space. >> ainsley: peter doocy is at
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the white house. >> peter: this could be first real test for u.s. space to stop a weapon in space not to be dropped on the world below, to interfere with critical u.s. satellites. >> this administration has gone further and in more creative, more strategic ways dealt with decla declass declassification. you will not find unwillingness to do so. >> calling on president biden to declassify all information relating to this threat so congress, administration and allies can openly discuss actions necessary to respond to the threat. >> chairman turner brought this forward yesterday, it is something we need to view in a
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serious manner. thank goodness president trump started -- >> they would be in violation of an outer space treaty. revelation comes as house struggles to pass fisa tool. there is no imminent threat, he says. >> there is no need for public alarm. we will work together to address this matter as we do all classified matters. >> peter: this president's most common refrain is to say, don't, the iranians backing houthis, he said don't and they didn't listen. putin considering invading ukraine, president biden said don't and he didn't listen. what will president biden say to moscow about possibly putting
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nukes in space. back to you. >> ainsley: thanks for that reminder. don't. >> steve: are those valentines behind you, shouldn't we say don't leave them up past valentine's day. >> peter: i guess the valentine collector gets to sleep in day after, which is fine. could be like the guy down the street from me who has their lights up from christmas. leave it up until president's day. >> steve: on monday, indeed. >> brian: can't play lawn darts. >> ainsley: and easter egg roll. and the bunny will tell them when to stop. >> brian: bunny and bears. hi, lawrence. we have another alert. fulton county d.a. fani willis's love life will be front and center in georgia. there is a chance this could
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derail her case against donald trump. >> ainsley: lucas tomlinson isser here. >> lucas: lawrence looks cold. >> ainsley: we need a coat, not a vest. >> lucas: superior court judge scott mccaffey expected to decide if it is a conflict of interest. the state admitted a relationship existed, is there financial benefit if there was one? lawyers are set to argue this question later today during a hearing in atlanta. if willis is removed it would make it less likely a trial for donald trump would be held before the november election. willis has argued she has no financial or personal conflict that justifies her removal from the case. bank record from willis's
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special prosecutor nathan wade show money spent at napa valley and on a cruise and tickets to aruba, atlanta hotels and i need to find lawrence and deliver hot coffee or tea. >> brian: only a few mile away. do you have sleeves? >> steve: actually a block from lucas right now. >> brian: do you have a snorkel? >> lucas: i will entertain anything if lawrence texts me. >> ainsley: where is your coat? >> lawrence: i paid the price for fashion. >> lucas: we have coats in the bureau. >> ainsley: very nice, lucas. >> brian: on the case, it is easy to get caught up in the
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ethics and value and relationship, lucas, you can go. i want to know about the case and validity going forward, that matters on selection. >> ainsley: she denies conflict of interest and argues under georgia law she can only be removed if conflict is harmful to the case. if she is giving taxpayer dollars to her boyfriend who is unqualified -- >> steve: is there a conflict of interest? if there is, if she is bounced from the case, who would take over? >> ainsley: they would have to prep, take a long time. >> steve: who knows how long it would take to get people. >> brian: i imagine it would take long. >> lawrence: i think the public deserves to know what that white house council meeting was about and if it was politically motivated. charges come soon after that
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meeting. >> brian: met with white house counsel in athens. there is a paper trail. >> steve: hope all is revealed. >> ainsley: carley has headlines and brian is pointing to you. >> carley: screen right, fox news alert, u.s. military conducting four self-defense strikes against houthi rebels in yemen yesterday. antiship cruise missile was posing threat to vessels in the red sea and in the arabian sea there was an operation late last month. several maen radios hurt after tactical vehicle rolled to its side during a jungle warfare training drill on japanese island.
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the forces marines were transported to hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries and are responsive. today one of the migrants accused of the beating in time square will be arraigned on charges due to the attack. one migrant, 19 year old was arrested yesterday on charges related to shoplifts in queens. live shot of courthouse in new york city where former president donald trump is expected to appear in just over an hour. the judge in the hush money case is expected to decide if trump's criminal trial will begin next month. former president charged with 34 counts of allegedly falsifying business records to keep claims about extra marital affairs quiet in the lead up to the 2016 election.
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it would be the first to go to trial. daytona 500 live on fox this sunday and for first time in his career, joey logano claims the top starting spot and he will join us to discuss. rain could affect the great american race. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean. >> janice: we have a daytona 500 race car here for that very interview coming up on "fox and friends." if i'm a betting woman and meteorologist, i say they are probably going to delay or postpone that race until monday. take a look at it, fancy car. i can't get in this are ca, seat is too small. close to inch of rain delayed daytona 500 in 2014. the hottest was 85 and it was in the 40s one year.
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look at rain on saturday and sunday, a whole lot of it for much of the day. that is why i think they are probably going to postpone the race, i don't know when they make that call, if me, i would do it sooner rather than later. there is sunday and it is not going to be fun. rest of the country, couple of systems will bring potential for snow across northeast and ohio valley. for details, fox here is this fancy car. i will lean against it. >> steve: nice, we're coming out, see you in a minute. >> janice: see you soon. >> brian: you accelerate on the turns. >> steve: you do. >> brian: first thing joey logano will want to do is slow down when is raining, i will tell him to speedup. >> steve: i don't know if that applies to wet pavement.
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>> ainsley: they won't have the race if it is wet. >> brian: i will make the decision. >> steve: coming up, washington, d.c. carjacking set to keep up with record-shattering numbers from 2023. lawrence spoke to a father who lost his son to a carjacking. >> it seems like it is kids, like a younger generation has no regard for human life. >> steve: he is right, lawrence will investigate with the d.c. police union chairman coming up. >> ainsley: ice drafting plans to release thousands of migrants to make up for massive budget shortfall. tom homan reacts next. >> brian: outrageous. to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren,
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>> steve: ice drafting plans to release thousands of migrants being held and reduce capacity to make up for budget shortfall. dhs telling that the department will pull resources from other efforts. fox news contributor and retired acting ice director tom homan
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joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: this costs money and there was money in this in the senate bill last week. that will not make it out. >> truth be known, secretary mayorkas asked for $700 million budget cut for ice and claim there is budget shortfall. we have 34,000 and he asked for 25,000. ice is releasing thousands of people under radar and they want to flip the script and the headquarters last nine years of career, eight of the nine years reprogram money to buy capability and they can do that, this is politics and flipping script, nothing more than that.
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>> steve: this is number one or two issue for a lot of people, never let a crisis go to waste, they will patient republicans as the bad guy in this. there is something else we've been talking about, just a couple years ago only 450 chinese nationals were apprehended at the southern border and now fiscal year 2024 started in october and like 20,000 chinese nationals. look at that, word is out, it is easy to get in the united states and we can't turn them around and say beijing, take them back, they won't. >> absolutely and that area in california, i was an agent there and know the area well. we were lucky to get 50 aliens per month, it was a slow area.
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we had a hell of a time getting china to take them back. they would say, we will take them back if you give us this guy, this guy and point out people they want back. these people were under asylum proceedings because their government wanted them back. administration needs to hold them accountable, that is what president trump did. china will push back on taking nationals back. the scary thing, this is huge national security issue, we don't know who the men are. when we vet them, we vet them against information available to us and china is not sharing information with us. we don't know who they are. >> steve: people come in, they don't have paperwork and we take them at their word, my name is bill wilson. >> steve: okay, this is a fox news alert.
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apparently that is a close-up of there is donald trump. and he's leaving trump tower and he's going down to his court date in lower manhattan and this will cause a major traffic tie-up through midtown manhattan and probably along the fdr getting down to court. tom homan is still with us. that took me by surprise. one other quick thing, regarding migrants, talking about how we don't know who they lot of them are. a bunch venezuelan gangs are going to the southern border and claiming asylum and then essentially trying to recruit other migrants to be part of their criminal organization. >> you are right. they are teaming up with ms-13,
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this is a huge issue for this country. we have 1.9 million gotaways, who are these people? they don't want to turn themselves in and get a free airline ticket, why did they choose not to take advantage of this free system? they do not want to be vetted, this is a huge issue in the next few years. >> steve: big right now, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you for having me. >> steve: 27 before top of the hour, fox news alert, minutes ago, we talked to a husband and wife who helped take down one of the suspects in the kansas city chiefs parade shooting. >> i hear somebody yell get them. >> the gun fell out at my feet. >> steve: she picked up the gun, more from them. you are taking a live look at former president trump being
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escorted downtown by nypd cruiser. but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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♪far-xi-ga♪ >> ainsley: kansas city chiefs super bowl celebration shooting. two fans were at that event with two sons and they tackled a man they believe to be the gunman moments before the police arrive. they joined us moments ago. >> i hear somebody yell get him. i look and see a flash and i tackle that individual. this other gentleman also aids
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me in that and i -- probably from lack of good sense. >> brian: do you realize how many lives you probably saved? >> i -- let's hope so. >> ainsley: casey tells us she helped secure a weapon while her husband helped with takedown. >> after they tackled the guy, the gun fell out at my feet. i looked down and thought i needed to get it away and put it by that wall near me. another gentleman stood next to me. >> what kind of gun? >> it was an ak, it was heavy. >> ainsley: the woman that was killed was a local dj, mother of
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two, friends describe her as a chiefs super fan. all the children are expected to recover. hand it to lawrence. you are covering crime. >> lawrence: that is right. to our nation's capital, a suspect is in custody, accused of shooting three cops yesterday, facing record shortage as crime victims call on lawmakers to do their jobs. >> whoever is the decision-maker, make the decision. how do you sleep at night, knowing this country is going downhill. crime is at an all-time high. we understand that we need cops, i think we have to do multiple things at the same time and invest in the community. people committing crimes come from poor communities.
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>> lawrence: bring in greg pemberton, chairman of the d.c. police union. cops are under attack, why are we seeing this? >> that is right, in d.c., one of the most violent years we've seen in years. a number of pro-criminal antipolice justice reform act completely ham strung police officers and made it impossible for them to do their jobs. so now what you're seeing here and other cities is result of defund police movement and bedlam. >> lawrence: every cops, we know who bad guys are, we are not able to do our job, when we are, they are back on the street
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because of the d.a.s. is that true? >> that is right. we are short 500 police officers, over 14% not out here to put handcuff on the bad guys. until people like legislators on the city council wake up and start to repeal ideas they had in 2020, we will not see numbers change. >> lawrence: you guys are clearly under attack, no one wants to do the job. why do you continue to do the job? >> we care about the community, we are trying to get bad guys out of the neighborhoods. yesterday three of our officers were shot, they are going to be okay, somebody needs to wake up and get this situation under control. >> lawrence: if you had a message to send to officials in
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power, what would you tell them? >> stop listening to activists and start listening to citizens, victims and police officers and figure out what we need to do our job. >> lawrence: thank you for all you do. back to new york. >> brian: great job. fox news alert, national security adviser jake sullivan will be on capitol hill bringing top lawmakers up to date on national security threat from russia looking to explore nuclear weapons in space from space, fox news contributor stationed in miss cow and joins us now. i was thinking about you right away. why do you think we're doing this? the country has to take tanks out of museums capable of knocking out of the sky with nuclear weapons? >> russia does a lot poorly.
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one thing they do well is nuclear weapons, ballistic weapons, space technology. once upon a time we had a collaborative effort with them in nasa and their russian partners. no doubt this is true. if russia were to put a nuclear weapon in space, it is a violation of outer space treaty russia signed. i don't think that would cause vladamir putin concern. >> brian: they have done the biden administration a big favor, how so? >> chairman turner just returned from ukraine, he has seen how ukraine is defending their homeland and i think he understands and feels pulse of our country on capitol hill and we need to frame debate, we need
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to approve assistance to ukraine to carry on this fight and defend their homeland. >> brian: if the mission to stop russians, that is what turner is trying to do, tell people this is a lethal threat, not isolated threat? >> the point that vladamir putin refers to the united states as russia's main enemy. we need to understand and bring the full power of military support to ukraine to counter that russian enemy, ukraine is cutting russian army down. this is really excellent return on investment for department of defense, spending less than 5% of budget. we don't have troops in ukraine,
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we are supporting the ukrainians. that is what turner is trying to do so american people understand what is at stake. >> brian: caught jake sullivan by surprise, does that surprise you? >> perhaps jake sullivan was concerned he couldn't talk about this because he hasn't had approval and maybe there is sensitive sources and methods involved. i was surprised biden administration framed it as a threat when it seems clear that they could have said russia is a threat, let's get moving capitol hill, far more effective message from national security adviser. >> brian: we need dan hoffman on our channel to talk about success russia is having and 300,000 troops but they at white house don't explain it.
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they have terrible communications. thanks, dan, appreciate it. >> all right. still ahead, we are revving up for race day, countdown to daytona 500 on fox and two-time nascar cup champion, great personality in sports joey logano will join us. talk about great personalities, bill hemmer and dana perino. >> bill: we are awaiting more information on the fatal shooting. and there is a lot of legal action surrounding donald trump this morning, we'll talk to his campaign live about that. and in south carolina, next big primary on the republican side. and course correction on the president, and power of super bowl commercial to sell, wait until you see this. dana and i will see you in 11 minutes, top of the hour. ment.
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>> coming up live on the fox news channel. minutes ago former president trump arrived at a manhattan courthouse for that hearing in the hush money case after departing trump tower a little while ago. 9:30 a.m. fulton county, georgia
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d.a. fani willis appears in court over alleged misconduct. at 2:30 p.m. pentagon officials will hold a briefing. that's all live today on fox. >> steve: just like we are. we're live now and revving up more race day on fox square. for the first time in his career nascar champ joey logano joining us now. will it be the sunday daytona 500 or the monday? as janice dean has been talking about it looks like a soaker on sunday. >> i hope it's sunday. if we race monday, that's fine, too. it is still the daytona, 500. no matter what day we race on. the great american race. >> ainsley: how do you feel earning the poll? >> it felt great. honestly never been close to
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starting and won it in 2015. feels nice to put the mustang up front. we have the qualifying races before we line up for the 500. should be good. >> brian: hinting on all cylinders after coming off the off season. what did you do to prepare for this upcoming season so far so good? >> typical stuff. we have a few months to start preparing for the daytona 500 and the regular season. everyone is excited in daytona. you have the fresh start. you have a fresh start to go into a new season and our guys are ready to go. we've kept the same team together as we had since 2022 since we won the championship and keep building off that. we're in a good place. have the new ford dark horse mustang which is pretty fast what we learned last night. that puts more wind in our sails.
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>> steve: apparently pretty fast. >> ainsley: what do you think of this baby here? >> it looks good. not as fast as my car but still looks pretty good. >> steve: there are no windshield wiper blades. there are certain things you have to work around. what happens let's go to janice's point and say it does start raining at some point. i know everybody slows down and then they bring out the big jet motor dryers. how long does it take to actually dry a field so that you feel safe? >> it's got to be completely dry. you are without windshield wipers and running on slick tires. hydro plaining is a real thing with the slick tires as well. we're going 200 miles an hour in a pack of 40 cars. dry roads are important to us. we really want that. it takes an hour and a half or so with the jet dryers.
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nascar does that as quickly as possible in a tough situation. it's a tough deal. >> ainsley: when do you think they might call it? >> i would say no, i would not bet you'll race that day. >> that's horrible news for me. [laughter] >> i don't know. i just drive the car. i'm staying out of that one. i'll race when they tell me to race. a lot of fancy hope can stick around when there is dry weather. >> brian: i would put tread on your tires and surprise everybody. >> i like that idea. i don't think nascar and the rules will appreciate it much. i'll do it because you said so. >> ainsley: don't do anything brian kilmeade recommends.
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>> steve: are you ever driving 200 miles-per-hour and think i'll go faster and then you think you know what? i'm driving too fast? do you ever think you are driving too fast? >> never. until you are out of control. you get used to the speed. you get used to going 200 miles-per-hour and everything becomes relevant. the cars around you are going the same speed until things go bad. when you are sideways and sliding through the grass and takes a long time to slow down that's when you feel like you are hauling the mail and it doesn't feel too good. >> brian: we look forward to having you after you win and come back in studio freezing with us outside after you win daytona sunday or monday. the race is sunday at 2:30 eastern on fox. joey logo, thank you. >> ainsley: such a good friend of the show. thank you for coming on. this is a fox news alert and you are taking another live look at the manhattan courthouse where
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trump is expected to appear in 30 minutes in the hush money trial related to stormy daniels. >> steve: the president left trump tower 20 minutes ago. we saw it live here. there he is waving to the crowd and he got in his limo and he headed down. >> brian: the court experts say this is the last thing the people want to see is the new york trial first. the alvin bragg trial. the last thing they want. the weakest case. donald trump thinks so, too. >> ainsley: the hush money case with stormy daniels. we'll follow it and keep you posted. >> steve: it is hard to keep track. >> they are out to get him. >> ainsley: all run by democrats. >> steve: lots of news out of kansas city and washington. bill and dana have that now. [gunfi


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