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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 16, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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>> i actually take both of the statements at face value. i think judge engoron has to explain to the public and to the appeals court why he discounted everything that trump said, where he just didn't find trump believable and when confronted with the fact, trump just didn't have answers. at the same with hur, i think hur has to make that judgment. because without that decision, that biden is well-meaning, elderly, with a bad memory, then you ask, why didn't hur bring the charges? in his report, he lays out exactly the facts that should have pressed for a prosecution. >> neil: yeah. well said. guys come i want to thank you all, such a pressing day with so many legal cases, other than that not much really going on today but the implications of all of this, as they are going to be multiple press conference is planned, fox will cover them all. here is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello, everybody.
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and martha maccallum along with jim jeanine pirro, judge jeanine pirro, sorry, judge. jessica tarlov jesse watters, and judge, here is judge judge jeanine. it is 5:00 in new york and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ all right, everybody we start with this fox news alert, two very big stories happening right now revolving around the front runners of the 2024 campaign. president biden has finally gone to east palestine on a long overdue visit, more than a year, after that toxic train derailment. we've got a lot to come on that and the reaction of people in east palestine to this very late visit. but first, a new york judge dropping the hammer on former president donald trump's business empire, reaching a blockbuster verdict in the civil fraud trial and imposing a whopping $364 million penalty against his company. trump is personally on the hook
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for $355 million of that. it is over what the judge ruled was a yearslong scheme to dupe banks and others with financial misstatements and inflated the former president's wealth. trump is also barred from serving as an officer or director of any new york corporation for three years. his sons, don jr. and eric trump, ordered to pay $4 million. they also will not be permitted under this decision to be officers of a new york corporation for two years. so the former president is at mar-a-lago and is vowing to appeal this decision. he has pulled no punches throughout all of these legal situations, and also when reacting to this verdict. he said this on truth social: "this decision is a complete and total sham. there were no victims, no damages, no complaints, only satisfied banks and insurance companies which made a ton of money." the democrat who started the whole thing, by suing the trump
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organization, new york democrat attorney general letitia james. she is expected to speak about an hour from now. she also just tweeted and called this a "massive victory." and it looks like she got exactly what she wanted. she ran on a campaign to do exactly this. watch. >> i will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president when our fundamental rights are at stake. i believe the president of the united states can be indicted for criminal offenses. >> i'm going to be a real pain in the [bleep]. >> i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day, suing him, defending your rights, and then going h home. >> martha: incredible. i mean, i know pretty much everybody at the table is kind of jumping to talk about this, but i'm going to go to judge jeanine first because she looks the most ready. >> jeanine: well, actually -- look, this is an outrage.
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what you are seeing is an attorney general who in any other time or any other day would have been removed from office based upon her promise to go after a person against whom there was no crime alleged. she just looked at him until she found something that she thought was appropriate. i have never seen a law that was written to protect consumers used against a man and an organization where not a one consumer was harmed, not one bank was harmed. they never missed a loan payment, they never were default on any loan, deutsche bank and every other bank that did business with the trump organization made hundreds of millions of dollars. and let me be clear: donald trump and his organization made it very clear on their loan applications that they were disclaiming their evaluation and saying that the banks and insurance companies and everybody else should do their own evaluation. and that is what the business
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world -- that is how it works. they knew it, they understand it, they have forensic accountants and real estate evaluators. they have all kinds of people who assess whether or not the property is worth they are investing in so they don't lose money, and they never did lose money. and the trump organization never went out of business. they didn't scam anyone. no one is alleging that they were wrong. i'm tired of the word law there. this is attempt by people to take down a former president who was beating the present president in terms of the poles. it looks like he is going to beat him -- this is what third world countries do. it's outrageous. i have eric trump is going to be on laura ingraham tonight, and he is going to talk about the fact that neither he nor his brother were any part of this evaluation process and they have each been levied $4 million, i believe, when they were never in
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the back rooms or part of any of this stuff. so there is also another legal issue, and i will finish. the appellate division, which is the course above this bozo, who i could go into but i won't, they said anything before 2014 is barred by the statute of limitations. this inept, incompetent, progressive, leftist judge that i wasn't going to talk about, he then took all of the properties before 2014 and included them in his assessment of things that he felt were overvalued. so he is as corrupt as the day is long. and i will end it at that. >> martha: you know, jessica, politically, it just raises the question of whether or not -- if this is overboard, right? we have seen a backlash and help this candidate every step of the way. $354 million, i think norfolk southern played about $350 million for ruining an entire town. i have accounts here of people
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who are devastated. my home is gone forever. i feel sick. i've felt sick for months. the agreed justness and the damage is so clear in these cases, right? then look at another case. o.j. simpson, civil case, okay, $3 million for the murder of two individuals. this number seems to come out of i don't know where, because you don't have anything documented by these banks that they were wronged to this dollar amount or that dollar amount, so it is like another punitive situation. just because he didn't have enough remorse, we are going to make him pay $364 million beard what is the political impact of this? do you think it helps or hurts? >> jessica: first of all i think norfolk southern should be paying a lot more. that was part of president biden's remarks, and we will talk about that in the next block. family of nicole brown should have been paid a lot more for her murder. everyone -- very clear crimes.
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donald trump was convicted of this before we got today's -- o today's sentencing. >> martha: the judge -- >> jessica: that is how the system works. libel of inflating assets between $812,000,002.2 billion. i understand on the appeals front, 30 days to do it, i think his lawyer already has, they are going to have to come as the judge said, prove that somebody was actually wronged by this. well, we will see what happens. but you can't deny the fact that donald trump is somebody who has consistently defrauded people, not paid his bills. this is what happened in the 2016 election, where hillary had a slew of ads, everybody from contracts who work in his building, et cetera, and this is the character of the man. these are huge inflations to get cushy or interest rates. i mean, saying that his apartment in trump tower is
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33,000 square feet, really 11,000, mar-a-lago -- his tax progress at $27 million, rakes in as a social club, when he is running around saying it could be a billion dollars, it's actually $517 million. they are consistent lies. they are trying to -- just because deutsche bank got richer doesn't mean that it's not wrong. political implications. i happen to think and have said that since the beginning that no trials or convictions will matter except for things like in georgia, and obviously that is complicated this week by what is going on with fani willis, and election interference in the mar-a-lago documents. but he does better in the primary, but if you look at, we talked about this in iowa and new hampshire, you talk to voters about what is going to happen in a general election if he is convicted of something, 32% in iowa said they won't vote for -- 54% in new hampshire said they won't vote for him. people don't want to vote for a felon. they don't want to vote for a criminal. right now, you can post along
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and say this is about bias against me, you know, i would have never touched e. jean carroll even though he was $83 million for doing that and then defaming her. so i think it does hurt him in the end, but not in this primary appeared he will be even more of a juggernaut. >> martha: jesse, what is your reaction? >> jesse: you are saying people won't vote for a criminal, you are criminalizing him. all of these democrats are just inviting him and then you'll get a conviction and then get an appeal and go to the court. you are ruining the process. you say this is how the system works, jessica, this is never how the system works. in the history of new york state, the associated press investigated, there has never been a case like this. look at how this statute is supposed to go. a fake lawyer sells false claims, swindling people out of their home deeds, some fake shrink sells some made-up solution to your head trauma. this is not the trump organization. you say people don't want to be involved in the trump organization. dozens of fortune 500 companies
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who were tenants in his buildings, people loved working for the trump organization. the doorman, the guys that work in the elevator, there is no people that are complaining about getting swindled, who are working -- >> jessica: name has been ripped off all of the buildings along the west side highway. these people don't want to live in something with the man's name on it. >> jesse: partisan activists in manhattan. >> jessica: all of the west side. >> jesse: they took his golf club away. people loved that course. have you played it? you'd love it. if you could play golf, you would love it, jessica. >> jessica: i can't. >> jesse: let me tell you something, this woman, letitia, she campaigned on fighting people instead of crying. you can't go outside without worrying about getting picked pocketed. this city is a mess beard and she is fighting a case like this? with no victim, no losses? you have an apartment, jessica, do you want to sell your apartment or get a loan against your property, go to the bank, this is what the apartment is
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worth, i think this is what it is worth, and then you guys come to an agreement and you get a loan and you sell it to somebody. that is how real estate transactions are done. if you are convicted of something like this, for saying oh, you know what, the apartment is maybe not 30,000 square feet, maybe it is less than that. that's a $300 million fine? you won't have real estate in manhattan if that's the rule. >> greg: good point. speaking as the other judge here on the panel right now, i'm obviously not a financial expert. >> martha: you were appointed by me. just so we are cleared. >> greg: that justifies all of the robes i wear around the building. i am not a financial expert. the last time my identity got stolen my credit score went up 32 points, okay? this is not my purview, per se, but to oversimplify this for the viewers, what we need to understand is when we say that no one is claiming victimhood, okay, meaning that the banks, not the lenders, okay, this is
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the financial equivalent of convicting someone for murder but no one is dead beard and that is why we are outraged. there has been no crime from the standpoint of their race an aggrieved class we need to avenge. and that is why this looks so brazenly political. understand a lot of the attacks on trump are being sold to us as an effort to protect democracy. that you just played to start off the show with her denying the legitimacy of the 2016 election. it began with her going, where did we get this illegitimate president? and she ran on that. the way they get away with this, really quickly, i don't mean to get all seriously because people bring out because i talk like i get paid in tide pods and tequila, and that might be true, okay? they manufactured a hysteria around donald trump, okay? trump was part of the fabric of the light society, hosted a prime time show on nbc for 15 years, he is not a fringe loonie with a bunch of white supremacist friends. he was their friend. they went to mar-a-lago. they went to his wedding. the clintons hung out with him.
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when he entered politics, they manufactured a hysteria of "we don't know this man!" you know, aside from all of the selfies of you hanging out of his country clubs, you don't know this man. but what they are doing in this moment as they are going to this place of emotion that the rest of the country isn't on board with, meaning emotion denies you self-awareness, that would otherwise tell you you sound crazy, so they have taken us to a place where the rest of us are just like them i don't know, no one is mad about the loans, shut up and move on with your life. judge, jimmy has spoken. >> jeanine: can i add one thing? >> jimmy: whoa, whoa, whoa. >> jeanine: one of the things jessica says, we have seen all of these people who were ripped off by donald trump. during the campaign or whatever it was. that doesn't mean that an unhinged judge can go in and say, i don't like what happened between you two parties where you both made money and therefore i am going to disgorge $360 million. this is america. we have a constitution. there is a right to due process. that's not due process.
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and i will bet my house this is reversed on appeal. >> jimmy: trump should pay this in quarters. >> martha: all right, coming up next, president biden in east palestine today, one year after the toxic train disaster. ♪ ♪ diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like... what is your glucose, and can you have more carbs? before you decide... with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed. now the world's smallest and thinnest sensor... sends your glucose levels directly to your smartphone. manage your diabetes with more confidence, and lower your a1c. the number one cgm prescribed in the us. try it for free at ♪ a car is a car...
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: he finally showed up. biden is in east palestine, ohio, today more than a year after a train derailment spewed toxic chemicals in the towns air, water, and soil.
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just waiting for the right time. like election season. here is the president. >> i want to thank the folks of east palestine. i want them to understand that we are not going home, no matter what, until this job is done. and it is not done yet. there is a lot more to do, the last majority has been done, but we are going to stay until a very end. there are acts of god. this was an act of greed. that was 100% preventable. let me say it again. an act of greed that was 100% preventable. >> jesse: the presidents protesting sleepy joe's visit, and for good reason. one east palestine man says he can still smell chemicals. listen to this. >> when the president trump cam, you know, you heard toby keith's song "courtesy of the red, white, and blue" or steve perry, journey song, "open arms."
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biden is going to show up, i think his lead motorcade car is going to be playing "american idiot" by green day. he should have been here a way long time ago and had a game plan. it has been a year. a year. over a year. we are still waiting. no, i don't know what his sleep schedule is, but probably might have taken a year to build up to this trip. i don't know. >> jesse: as he points out, a better president was already there. donald trump calls it an insult for joe to take the trip a year late. judge jeanine, i don't think he would have gone if the press had a just kept asking about it. he would have ignored it. >> jeanine: well, look, you know, there is a saying, better late than never? i think of the east palestine case, it's better never than late. i mean, what he did was he just allowed that town to percolate their anger. it is a republican conservative county. and he didn't show up there. and karine jean-pierre kept saying, well, his schedule, he
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can't do it, when he can fit it into his schedule of your guys, he had 140 days of vacation last year. you had 14, if you are lucky. 140. and at 745, so much for we are going to be here until we're finished, 7:45 he is going to rehoboth beach tonight. this is a toxic train disaster and a chemical spill. he says everything is okay. i think that was his line. everything is okay now. but the truth is that these residents want low interest rates. they want no interest rates loans. they want the cdc to monitor the town. and what they want as they want to be safe. they want to survive. they say they can still smell it and, you know, it is really a sad scenario where this guy, and you've got to admit, jesse, this guy, today speaking, is very different from the joe biden who spoke in 2021. that cognitive decline and the inability to speak is -- you
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could see it. it is clear as day. >> jesse: why do you think you took so long to go over there, martha? >> martha: i think it is partly political, as jeanine says barely looks at that district, he looks at pennsylvania. on a hole, the polls we are are seeing in pennsylvania, one swing state poll has trump up five, one that showed biden up eight. this is going to be a tight state, pennsylvania, so he needs to pay attention to the entire state of pennsylvania. it is also on the border of ohio so you have mixed media markets on that border between ohio and pennsylvania. i agree with jeanine, when you look at, if you compare this president and the way he spoke just now, and this is objective, to the way he was speaking a year or two ago, there is a change. we had a poll this week, 81% say they don't believe that the president is up to another term. he's got a lot of problems on his hands. he scolded congress -- i thought i was interested scolded
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congress this week for taking two weeks off and not coming back with a foreign policy funding plan for ukraine and taiwan. maybe you don't want to go there with the 140 days that you just brought up, jeanine. >> jesse: judge jimmy? >> jimmy: yes! you do have to embrace the magnitude of the day. it is historic come in a sense. it is not every day train wreck visits a train wreck, you know? but that is the reality of what we are looking at here. it is obviously the condition of the poles, but let's not forget the condition of a town right now. if biden goes a year ago and brings attention to the situation, you are looking at derailed trains, you are looking at burned out buildings. it is a little cleaner now, and the optics for him is better. i don't think they wanted to highlight the ineptitude of the transportation situation a year ago. the reason the presidents are supposed to go to situations like this -- because people always say what is the big deal? he goes, he doesn't go, what doesn't matter? it's not like he picks up a shovel. when a president goes to the side of a tragedy come he brings
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the white house press pool and it nationalizes the story. it gives a hey, we're all in this together. when trump got in trouble for throwing paper towels, in florida puerto rico -- >> jessica: puerto rico. >> jimmy: part of being there is the camaraderie of the american people are there to lend you the support. am not going and year ago was an indifference. him showing up today is a very brazen way of saying the politics are more important than the people, there is no way around that. >> jesse: jessica? >> jessica: so i would never deny the politics of a politician. left, right, and center, everybody does what is going to be good and advantageous for them, and it is in ohio, but obviously pennsylvania is completely clutch for him. ohio is gone for most democrats except maybe sherrod brown, fingers crossed he can hold on there. we don't win statewide there anymore. presidents, though, cannot go to every disaster. it's just not physically possible. take your point, vacation, if you want to do the how many vacation days did trump take,
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how many did biden take my prepared for that conversation. they can't go to everything. we already discussed the fact that the second there was a hurricane in florida in july over the summer, president biden went down there, shoulder to shoulder with ron desantis, who said he is giving us everything we need come i cannot be happier with the administration, fema, et cetera. because of politics, there is a lot of full outrage when these things happen. in 2016 when donald trump was campaigning, he showed up in flint, michigan, a district he would never win. and he said "i'm going to deal with your water crisis efficiently and effectively," you know what else, i'm going to talk about it in my first joint session of congress" beard and he got up there and he said nothing about flint, michigan. the congressmen there released a statement saying we are disappointed, you brought someone who was actually working on the crisis, and you talk about the paper towel throwing as endearing. there were a lot of people who thought it was offensive. >> jimmy: twitter. >> jessica: not just twitter, real-life people. he went down there two weeks after, which was in the
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appropriate amount of time, that is when the mayor said you should come down here. he threw the paper towels at people, and there was an ig report out of hud -- >> jimmy: not trying to beat them like it was dodgeball. >> jessica: let me ask you if i could just finish and then i will take any questions. >> jesse: we do have to go, jessica. >> jessica: no, no, no. >> jesse: someone is over there 20 feet away and they're asking for paper towels, how should the president deliver those paper towels? >> jessica: that person did not walk in and say, you know what i need, sir? i need some bounty. >> jesse: they were handing out bounty. >> jessica: are you guys -- >> jimmy: spokesperson for the paper towel recipient. >> jessica: that red light is on, i will die on the sale. there was an ig report out of hud that showed that $25 billion in aid for puerto ricans after hurricane maria was delayed. that was on donald trump's watch. i didn't hear about it from anyone who was outraged -- >> jimmy: supposed to be better than trump. trump is not supposed to be the standard. i don't have the answers on the
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paper towels. >> jeanine: americans feel comfortable again. he is supposed to be the big man in the room. who was he comforting? no one. >> jessica: no one that you know. a lot of people i know and the people in florida, like ron desantis -- >> jeanine: two democrats in that town. you know what, the other guy, what's his name, transportation, buttigieg, he didn't even tweet about it for a while. >> jessica: oh, my god. >> jimmy: today is a win, the first time you win, a train track and did not go tell the story about the amtrak conductor who died 20 years before he got a dog. >> jeanine: next. >> jesse: one thing, jessica, actually went to puerto rico, it was stolen by a democratic politician. so take that. trump is going to make remarks at mar-a-lago at 5:45, just 15 minutes from now, so stay with us. but up next, a surprise twist in the love affair between various furiou
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: another shocking twist for the daytime soap opera in georgia. embattled d.a. fani willis not taking the stand today at a hearing on allegations that she had improper relationship with her lead prosecutor in the trump case. willis, skipping out a day after her explosive and competitive testimony, shocked the judge, and according to one report, her own team. watch. >> you are confused barely think i am on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i am not on trial, no matter how hard you tried to put me on trial. it is a lie. it is a lie. >> i think you were going to take 5 minutes. >> jeanine: today come a much calmer scene. fani willis' father testified.
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as the defense dig into when he stopped living at her house and when he met his daughter's lover, nathan wade. >> that you remember you met in 2023, right? that was the fi first time -- >> correct. >miss willis had not told you about mr. houthis and prior to that >> not. i haven't confided in her about mind before and i had one, okay? >> jeanine: the media conflicted about willis' actions, commentators on other networks declaring "game owner mike over for the fulton county d.a. but others are going all into defend her. watch. >> she was angry and had every right to be angry. she was hot but she had every right to be hot. she remains respectful but forceful, and i don't think this hearing will win the defense any relief whatsoever. >> i think she is a good
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witness. there can be a rather ridiculous, almost harassing level of legalistic personal attacks. >> that is what happens when you put a really good lawyer on the witness stand. >> i like -- >> she was speaking to her constituents. >> i thought she was fiery. i thought she said important things. i think she set herself up for a lot of criticism but i think this is a woman who doesn't give a damn about that. >> jeanine: all right, martha, i'm going to start with you. my position is very clear. given my background. this woman was out of control. she was making statements where there were no questions on the floor. her statements were unresponsive. the judge was a wimp. he couldn't control her. and now they are saying she was speaking to her constituents. no, you don't do that in a courtroom. she was respectful but forceful, no, she was antagonistic. what was your take? >> martha: we covered it live yesterday, took the whole show.
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we weren't necessarily expecting her to take the stand at all. i thought it was like a scene out of a courtroom drama. she came in there and she was like, she was shaking at one point when she was putting -- fine, she got emotional and points, but the fact that in that montage, she was saying important things, the first thing that leapt into my mind as she likes gray goose, she went to a really nice sounding trip in napa, and all of that is fine, you can do all of those things, but you cannot do all of those things with the state dollars that go towards funding these kinds of prosecutions. the look is so bad for these two, right? and if you really want to have a clean, unimpeachable case, you want to dot every i and cross every t. the scary thing is, it is hard to watch all of this without feeling like this kind of thing happens all around the country. v5 well, and you know, jesse,
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with respect to that, the issue is whether or not she will be removed from the case and wade will be removed from the case based upon a relationship where apparently they are saying they both lied, but more importantly, that money that she gave him to the county turned around and came back to her. now there is a very low bar in terms of the appearance of impropriety. we don't have to convict them of anything. if there is an appearance of impropriety, and an appearance that money he got was used to take her on trips and she can't prove she gave the cash, make it. >> jesse: the appearance of impropriety when you are bragging about eating caviar and drinking champagne in napa county with a guy you hired while you are supposed to be prosecuting, they tell us the most important constitutional case in the nation's history. remember how we have been told how somber and serious these court cases where, how this was about saving democracy. and she is out there saying yeah, i threw him a g in cash,
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it's what we do, it's a black thing. her dad is out there saying, keeping a lot of cash in the house, it's a black thing. he's a former panther. pulls out props, magnifying glass -- what is this? i am being told she was wearing her dress backwards. now i can't confirm that. i'm sure it was on the right way. but this woman did not have a good day. she did, she would have been back on the stand today. >> jeanine: you know, it's interesting, that they expected her -- i don't know about whether she was under subpoena, it seems she just came in on her own. >> jessica: she wasn't -- i don't know if she was watching wade's testimony -- go >> jeanine: which she wasn't supposed to be. >> jessica: but -- >> jessica: five and the judge were not force her to answer. >> jessica: at the very least she heard what a disaster it was because all of us were watching in the morning.
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i think she did way better than he did, certainly. and was much more forceful, certainly. talking about the details of this. he just looked scared the entire thing. but cnn is reporting she wasn't supposed to take the stand today but didn't because her team felt like yesterday was strong enough to -- >> martha: hit it too far out of the park yesterday, don't mess with a good thing. >> jessica: let's see what happens. we can't predict it. we are not in judge mcafee's mind about this but i will say i consumed a lot of coverage of this last night, looked at all of the channels, and that there was a big discrepancy between what the legal analyst for saying and what the commentators were saying. only a few lawyers said like, you go girl. mo said if she lied to -- >> jeanine: out of control. >> jessica: most that if she lied to the court. >> martha: it is true she is not on trial. she has not been charged with anything. this is about whether or not she
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gets to continue the case. >> jeanine: every witness is on trial in terms of their credibility when they take the stand to be or are they going to believe you are not believe you? >> jimmy: integrity is on trial in that moment. >> jeanine: jimmy, hang on. she and her father -- her father said it was a black thing, that we hang onto cash. what do you make of that? >> jimmy: well, i think what they are trying to do is curry favor because it looks folksy when you go, oh, it's a black thing. my daddy always told me when i went on dates -- they did a lot of that yesterday. here is the two pieces of advice i would give you. if you are lying and you know you have to lie to the answer to a question, don't pause for 45 seconds, okay? if a cop pulls you over and goes, have you been drinking? if you pause for 45 seconds before you say no, you are getting dragged out of the car by your ear. but i want to congratulate them because they just lost a fantastic tv spin-off called "the stupid people's court." in defense of the dress, it might have been on backwards, but in her defense, she does take it on and off a lot from what we --
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>> jeanine: oh! >> jesse: i'm sure she wore it properly. >> jessica: she did. >> jeanine: she wore it properly? >> jimmy: she did everything by the book, and that book was "the kama sutra." >> jeanine: just another point of information, the judge has been judged for less than a year and is running for office in five months. former president donald trump would make remarks at mar-a-lago soon. coming up, equity disaster in san francisco. why a focus on race because students math scores to fall off a cliff. ♪ ♪ she looks great! what they don't know is i got inspire, a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body. i feel refreshed because i'm not struggling with cpap anymore. 100 bucks she got work done. great sleep, at the click of a button. did she get implants? yeah, i got an implant, sheila!! relax, it's inspire.
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to student math scores. stories like that piling up, perhaps it is no wonder that joe biden's education secretary says universities are starting to hide the word eq equity. >> i had a leader of a university told me we had to scrub the word equity from your bio because it can create problems. we are american and this is american equity. i always say i am as american as apple pie and rice and beans. [laughter] get used to it, dammit. >> jimmy: i will start with you, martha, as a parent. >> martha: it makes me angry. he is sitting there laughing. we have kids all across this country who have not been able to catch up from covid learning deficit and he doesn't talk about it. no one talks about it. we have an education crisis in this country, and he is laughing about referring to himself as, you know, apple pie and rice and beans. these kids have lost so much. he should be every day on the job making up that deficit, and
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competition is what helps people excel. >> jimmy: thank you. >> martha: merritt helps people excel. when you wash it all the way and make everything equitable, the scores fall. >> jimmy: jesse, as a cardona supporter, how do you handle this? >> jesse: well, white people are bad at math, too. >> jimmy: thank you. >> jesse: i was a mouth disaster in school. now i am very successful. it shows you don't really need math to succeed. you can pay people to do math that actually can do math. they always told me, you know, math is like push-ups for your brain, so my brain is weak but my brain is also fast. that's how i got through that. >> jimmy: j.t., are you on board with this? i think equity -- because it doesn't elevate. it brings down the smart kids. >> jessica: i think it has all been so corrupted. there are ways to acknowledge systemic inequities, systemic challenges, without bringing us all down to a lower denominator. and i help people -- give them
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extra help, don't hold back. light, the tests should remain the same. you stay after school and you tutor them for two hours. if they don't have a parent at home -- >> jimmy: you elevate the students, judge, no? keep the higher standard. >> jeanine: i agree with jessica. >> jessica: end the show. [laughter] >> jimmy: listen, for all of you kids that fail algebra, okay, summer school is amazing. that is the one thing nobody tells you. >> jesse: failed algebra and he has a "new york times" best-selling book. speed or a best-selling book! i have my own tv show! screw you, algebra. up next, climate change crazies now waging war on america, protesters dumping picked powder on the constitution. a bunch of dirtbags. ♪ ♪ but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight.
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: climate change protesters going too far this time here two young men arrested after pouring pink powder on the constitution. judge, you are in pink. would you like to comment on the powder? >> jeanine: maybe they're making a comment about the oscars and, you know, the fact margot robbie, you know, didn't do as well as greta gerwig, whatever the name is. here is the thing. what they are doing is not
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connected in any way, shape, or form to what they want to accomplish. it's stupid. they are not convincing anyone. anybody walking by, seeing there are two would guys with pink powder, they are not saying they are looking to save the climate or the earth. they are stupid. >> jessica: jesse? >> jesse: why aren't the guards tackling these guys? why are they just sitting around with walkie-talkies? i mean, you get one oppor opportunity -- you g take it. these are two skinny white kids. but you take them out, jessica. >> martha: they don't have handcuffs. may be there waiting -- >> jesse: there are about 50 security guards just watching this thing go down. take your moment. >> jimmy: the only sympathy i have with the climate protester is not like it is not easy to grow up rich and white with parents who didn't beat you. anyone who grew up with discipline doesn't do this. >> martha: i am with jeanine.
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zero impact. zero impact. the mona lisa, going after a degas, the dancer, but you can't actually touch it or ruin it. it is just the glass. >> jimmy: smacked them in the head. >> jessica: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer;
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and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> martha: breaking right now the attorney general of new york letitia james is speaking about the trump decision today under judge edge i don't think let's listen. >> hardworking person who plays by the rules. donald trump and the other defendants were ordered to pay $43.69 million. that represents $363.9 million in disgorgement. plus $100 million in interest, which will continue to increase every single day until it is
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paid. donald trump, the former chief financial officer of the trump organorganization allen weisselg and the former controller of the trump organization jeffrey mcconey are each banned from serving as an officer, director of any new york company for three years. mr. weisselberg and mr. mcconey are also banned for life from serving in a financial management role in any new york company. donald trump jr. and eric trump are banned from serving as an officer or director of any new york company for two years. and donald trump and his companies are banned from applying for loans, from any new york bank or financial institution for three years. a new independent director of compliance will be created at the trump organization to ensure the company establishes internal protocols and meets financial
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reporting obligations. and the current independent external monitor will continue to oversee the company's financial dealings and ensure this fraud cannot continue. i want to be clear. white color financial fraud is not a victimless crime. when the powerful break the law and take more than their fair share, there are fewer resources available for working people, small businesses, and families. and everyday americans cannot lie to a bank about how much money they have in order to get a mortgage to buy a home or a loan to keep their business afloat. or to send their child to college. and if they did, our government would throw the book at them. i want to thank the entire incredible and hardworking team in my office that tried this case.


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