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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 16, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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never stopped. >> you start looking at how often these things are happening across our nation, man, and we're better than this as american? >> i think for everybody that moment, it was that fight or flight. and we had to fight. >> well, monday on "special report," while concerns intensify over the age of the president and his main competition, the federal workforce is also getting older. and there may not be enough young people willing to step. in remember, if you can't catch us live, set your dvr 6:00 p.m. eastern, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. please join me for "fox news sunday" my guests are south carolina senator tim scott and new hampshire governor chris sununu also colorado senator michael bennet joining us, too. thanks for watching "special report." i'm shannon bream from washington. tt"the ingraham angle" is up ne. ♪ >> judge jeanine: i'm judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham and this is a special
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edition of "the ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. judge arthur engoron is finally getting the spotlight he wanted so badly at the start of trump's new york civil fraud trial. late today, he ordered the former president and his companies to pay $355 million. claiming they are liable for, quote: persistent and repeated fraud. falsifying business records, issuing false financial statements. and insurance fraud. but that's not all. engoron also banned trump from operating a business in new york for three years. and two of his sons, don jr. and eric, who i will speak with in moments, were banned for two years. each of the boys are ordered to pay $4 million in fines. >> you build a great company. there was no fraud. the banks all got their money. they used the statute -- it's a
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consumer fraud statute that's never been used for a thing like this before. they used it on me. if i weren't running, none of this stuff would have ever happened. none of these lawsuits would have ever happened. nothing -- i would have had a nice life. >> judge jeanine: and the irony here is the attorney general brought a case under a law that is typically used to protect consumers when not one consumer was defrauded. the trump organization says it never missed a loan payment, that they were never in default on any loans they did not go out of business and they did not scam anyone. in fact, even the "new york times" had to admit the so-called victims here, the bankers who lent to trump testified that they were thrilled to have trump as a client. and while a parade of witnesses echoed the attorney general's claim that the trump's annual financial statements were works of fiction, none offered any evidence showing that trump explicitly intended to fool the
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banks. this company was dealing with the largest bank lenders in the world. who had sophisticated accountants, agents, real estate experts, whose job it was to dissect every possible permutation of a real estate transaction. the process between those banks and anyone seeking a loan, including the former president, is extremely complicated. banks never rely on those who request the loan for their own evaluation. the decision by this judge is nothing more than an unhinged leftist judge and an attorney general on a power trip trying to take down a former president of the united states and take away his assets. >> today justice has been served. today we proved that no one is above the law, no matter how rich, powerful, or politically connected you are. everyone must play by the same
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rules. donald trump may have authored the art of the deal. but he perfected the art of the steal. this long-running fraud was intentional, egregious, illegal. >> judge jeanine: this was her mission all along. she promised and ran on destroying donald trump. >> i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your right and then going home. >> we will rise up together and we will resist this president. ultimately we'll bring him down! >> hey hey, ho ho donald trump has got to go. >> the claim that the trump family was not remorseful is absurd. there was nothing to be remorseful about. and the continuing lawfare against president trump will do nothing but catapult him into the white house. because americans do not have an appetite for this kind of
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corrupt politics. >> judge jeanine: and joining us now is sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and fox news contributor and tim par la tore, former trump attorney. is this decision supported by the evidence? >> well, i certainly don't see how the part of the decision that imposes a $355 million judgement is supported by the evidence because as the judge points out in the very first paragraph of his opinion, and as you pointed out, there's no loss from the bank. the loans were repaid. now, certainly you can legally engage in fraud of all kinds each if the victim doesn't lose money. but to impose a penalty of $355 million and to bar him for three years and his sons for two e. two years seems to me to be
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completely out of proportion to the actual loss here which was zilch. >> judge jeanine: you know, tim, the new york decision is basically saying that he misrepresented as well. since when is that a crime although the trumps will not -- they will not concede to that at all. and they were dealing with the most sophisticated intelligent banks that knew exactly what they were doing about every penny. they made hundreds of millions of dollars. >> exactly. and you are talking about a bank here that did their own due diligence and testified that they knew what the true numbers were based on their valuation. but, also, we are not just talking about, you know, they say that there's, you know, a million-dollar in the bank when there is really $5 in the bank. it's valuations that really come in to, you know, what is the market value? what is people's opinions of the value. it's not something that is so set in stone and so, you know,
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to then bring that to an intent to defraud where they would have qualified for these loans anyway and clearly they qualify for them because they paid them all back. >> judge jeanine: they paid them all back. the interesting thing, sol, the decision mentions ivanka trump, reading this ivanka trump was a thoughtful, articulate and poised witness but the court found her inconsistent recall depending on whether she was questioned by the office of the attorney general or the defense suspect how could she be thoughtful and also suspect? >> i can't get inside the judge's mind but i have a question for everybody which is where were all of these people during the 35 years before donald trump became an announced candidate for president? why weren't these people investigating this alleged
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fraud? if there is fraud going on, the u.s. attorney's office in the southern district of new york. the district attorney's office in manhattan, it doesn't seem like they were doing their job at all it appears there was no effort whether a so ever to even look at former president trump until he became a controversial political figure. as you pointed out, the attorney general really shocking and unethical for her to be involved in this case when she ran for office on a platform of getting trump which, by the way, alvin bragg did and, which, by the way fani willis did as well. >> judge jeanine: you know, sol, you and i, when i was elected d.a. or judge, had i even said that line once, they would have removed me but, tim, what i would like to ask you, i want you to take a listen to this sound where the judge had signaled he was going to impose corporate death. do we have that?
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all right. women apparently the judge was going to impose a corporate death penalty. weighs going to revoke the business certificates. he didn't do that the person was depressed. >> yeah. it's interesting to read the decision where he is reinstating -- revoking that portion of the order, based on the fact that he is imposing all of these other so-called controls and giving other people essentially government appointed jobs to oversee the trump organization. by doing that and by, you know, really, you know, giving significant amount of money to a few people that is something that saves the business lic licenses. >> judge jeanine: sol, what do you think the chances are on appeal with this case? >> i don't know enough about new york civil law but it strikes me to be constitutionally extremely
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dubious to basically impose $355 million judgment in a case where there is no loss. that is just mind boggling to me. i have never seen a case where that happened. >> judge jeanine: you know sol and tim, none of us have, because it never has happened. anyway, thanks so much for being with us this evening. and joining us now is eric trump, executive vice president of the trump organization. eric, you and your brother were fined $4 million each, both barred from operating a business in new york for two years. i mean, what are your thoughts tonight? >> listen, jeanine, obviously my thoughts are the best thing i ever did was get out of new york. new york is a hopeless place at this point. it's so sad. this judge ruled against my father before we even went to trial. he ruled against our entire family. it was a set-up from the very beginning. this was never supposed to be in that court. it was supposed to be in the commercial division. they would never allow it to get there this judge the animosity, the way he looked at my father
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in the courthouse was horrible. i have never seen such hatred in anybody's eyes before. jeanine, we are an amazing company. can i truly say that we have never -- we have had never missed a loan payment. we have never defaulted. we have never breached a covenant. deutsch bank are the most respected and sophisticated bank in the world they came in and effectively testified they had an amazing relationship with us. we paid off every loan ahead of time. they made hundreds of millions of dollars off our organization. we put hundreds of millions of dollars of extra collateral into the respective assets, made them top tier. you know, we are called by every single, you know, lender a platinum borrower. every single one has called us a platinum borrower. again, never a default. and you have an attorney general who ran on the motion no of getting my father, i'm going to go to go into the attorney general's office every single day sue donald trump and go home. i'm going to take him down. you watch. i'm going to sue the blank out of him. that was her political platform. she campaigned on that. she fund raised on that.
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we didn't have a chance, jeanine. we didn't have a chance in new york. it's a rigged system. you could not have a better real estate company than ours. you could not have a more professional real estate company than ours. when covid hit and they shut down every single hospitality in the country. guess who never missed a loan payment and paid their employees. guess who always did the right thing. guess who employs thousands of new yorkers every single day. put foods on the table for their families. educates their children. you have a lost state right now where have you businesses fleeing, fleeing, fleeing and a company like ours that have paid over $300 million in taxes to a city my father built the skyline of new york city. and this is the thanks he gets? for doing absolutely nothing wrong, not a dollar of financial loss. the exact opposite. hundreds of millions of dollars in financial gain. and as to don and i, we -- every
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single witness testified we have nothing to do with this. they went in witness after witness. just not what they did in the company. it didn't matter this guy. you know, we were trophies on a wall for this guy. this is a state of new york. i caution anybody, i caution anybody even thinking about moving to new york to just be careful. this is not the state that my father grew up in. this is not the state we grew up in. it is the demise of a politically weaponized system and it's horribly sad, jeanine. i promise you, we are going to fight this and we will win at the appellate division because honestly it's so egregious, i promise you we will get it overturned. >> judge jeanine: you know, i hear the passion in your voice. i mean so many people agree with you. so many people agree letitia james was out of control in terms of what she promised. then you have got a judge who is unhinged who said juries get it wrong most times. when he said he decides based on emotion. everything about it was all about lawfare.
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but you guys have had to fight this every single day every day since donald trump took office. and at some point, you know, you have to say to yourselves, i mean, this is just too much with you your family never gives up. the president never gives up. why? >> my father never gives up. he is the toughest guy i have ever met in my entire life. is he hell bent on winning. we are going to win in november. judge jeanine unknow this. if he wasn't the front runner for president of the united states right now. they wouldn't be doing. this this has never been tried in new york before. there is no better real estate company in the country than us. they would not be doing this if donald trump wasn't the frontrunner for president beating joe biden in every single poll, absolutely blowing nikki haley out of the water. that's why they're attacking him. they're attacking him civilly and criminally. they are doing everything they possibly can. no different than impeachment one, impeachment two, the russia hoax, the spying on his campaign, the going after
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kavanaugh. they are going after all his advisers. they are trying to they are doing it because donald trump is winning. they are scared of the movement that he has created which has questioned the power in washington, d.c. and, you know, one more thing, you know, judge, the appellate court has already declared victory for us in so many of the aspects of the cases that the judge ruled against us on today the biggest one being the statute of limitations and it's really insane. frankly he just ignores it and moves on. but this is his way of trying to punish donald trump, literally weeks before he decides to retire and sail into the sun set. it has to be stopped. we're better than this as a country. >> judge jeanine: we certainly are. all right, eric trump, thank you so much for being with us. all right. and i'm giving fulton county d.a. fani willis a piece of my mind, next. ♪
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>> intrusive into people's personal a list of. you're confused. you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an elections in 2020. i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. so let's be clear because you lied and let me tell you which one you lied in right here. i think you lied right here. >> your honor, i'm going to october. >> no, no, no. no. >> this it is a lie. it is a lie. i don't need anybody to foot my
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bills. the only man who has ever foot my bills completely is my daddy. >> judge jeanine: fulton county d.a. fani willis acted nothing like an experienced prosecutor yesterday, which is probably why she was kept off the stand today. joining us now is jonathan turley, george washington university law professor and fox news contributor. professor, i can guess what the answer is but i will ask anyway. have you ever seen a witness act like this on the witness stand? >> no. i -- it was really breathtaking. i thought that that was astonishing is how she acted like there was no judge in the room. she just conveyed that she had little fear that the judge would cut her off. and by the end of that day of testimony it was clear that she was right. the judge had issued two cautions. she clearly did not think he would do anything more and he did not. and so she went on at length talking about men and
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relationships and hiring foreign taxi drivers and no one stopped her. >> well, and the amazing part of it is the two warnings that the judge gave, jonathan are, you know, we would be able to strike your testimony. if it were me i would say you are going to be on the county bus on your way to the local jail and we will hold you in contempt. she actually was making statements that had nothing to do with questions that were totally unresponsive that should have been stricken. i have never seen a judge allow this to happen in his courtroom and, look, do you think she actually has been in the courtroom based on the way she behaved? >> quell, job why i don't get judges like this. because, you know, all the judges i get actually really keep you to their orders. and it would be ugly on moose if i tried to do any of this stuff. but, you know, the strange thing about this is if you read the order that came down with donald
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trump, there is a section in there where the judge says that trump -- you know, did not -- was not responsive to questions, went on and on. made outrageous comments. it was virtually a description of willis. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> one of them was sanctioned and the other one was allowed to run the clock. >> judge jeanine: that is so true. i mean, you know, one was clearly sanctioned and punished in many ways and the other was not. anyway, look, there is a very low bar here. the only issue was the appearance of impropriety, not even actual impropriety. how do you think this is going to end up? >> you know, when you look at these cases, the courts generally do not just toss out the case. you have a grand jury recommendation. the courts have looked at the evidence. so they tend not to throw the case out. they can throw the prosecutors out. they can even throw the office out and send this to another office. but, most are more modest. you know, they will disqualify
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one or two prosecutors. they have put this judge in a really bad position because the testimony of willis and wade were really unbelievable at points. >> judge jeanine: yeah. >> you actually had willis just redefining questions that he is accused 6 falsely answering. but both of them are prosecuting people for making false statements to courts and they are now allegedly responsible for that. >> judge jeanine: right. i want to quickly ask you about the decision that came down in new york against donald trump and the sanction, the financial and the not doing business for three years. >> yeah. i was very disappointed. and, quite frankly, i think that the ultimate award was grotesque. it shocks the conscience. i was hoping this judge would transcend expectations and show that he could hand down a more moderate sanction.
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but, you know, this is the equivalent to the gross national product of a number of countries. and you don't have a single victim that lost a single cent. and if you read his opinion, a lot of it is speculative like saying, you know, if they had told more or been more accurate, they would have imposed greater interest rates. that is not necessarily true. the people that testified said that these banks considered trump a whale. and they wanted to keep doing business with him. and the trump corporation was well-known for really knuckling banks to get the best possible interest. so, at points like that, you just are left with speculation. >> judge jeanine: yeah. jonathan, it's always good to have you on. thank you so much for being with us tonight. >> i have money at my house. >> you have money at your house so it was just money that was there? >> when you meet my father, he is going to tell you as a woman you should always have -- which i don't have so let's don't tell him that, you should have at least six months in cash at your
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house at all times. in my worse days have probably only been 500 or $1,000. at my best days i probably had $15,000 at my house in cash. >> judge jeanine: fani's financial advice comes straight from her dad who took the witness stand today and explained why. >> your honor, i'm not trying to be racist, okay? but it's a black thing, okay? you know, i was trained and most black folks they hide cash or they keep cash and i was -- no, i trained you always keep some cash. i have always kept cash, you know, and i have told my daughter you keep six months' worth of cash, always. >> judge jeanine: joining me now is horace cooper, chairman of projected 21. horace, really? it looked to me like watching
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david duke in black face. when ashley merchant first filed her motion showing all of this double dealing that was occurring, i started chronicling it on twitter or x. and it is remarkable that it's okay to malign black people by making claims when you haven't followed the rules. we have one black attorney, mr. wade, who claims that he doesn't need to go through a divorce proceeding. he can independently decide when his marriage has ended. you have a -- the senior d.a., the d.a. herself, she is able to declare that the requirements for disclosure, she can reinterpret those and it's always great to hear the d.a. say that she prefers grey goose to wine. what these people are doing is
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they are showing that their mediocrities regardless of race. >> how this person got to be the district of attorney, i will never know. how her father is able to represent in public that his peculiar behavior is something that only blacks do. again, if david duke had said something like this is some peculiar thing that blacks do, we would all understand. i ask you and i announced on twitter today, this morning, i have seen enough. these people lack professionalism, they lack integrity. they are not credible witnesses. and, since the only other witness we had yesterday testified to the relationship began in 2019, i fully expect judge mcafee some time next
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week to disqualify them. it won't be because they're black. it will be because they lack integrity and they have used they attempted a great grift to use taxpayer dollars to support their lavish lifestyle and their mini love affair. >> judge jeanine: all right, horace, we shall see if the judge has the backbone to do that. thanks so much for being with us tonight. and, president biden finally visiting east palestine today. more than a year after toxic train derailment uprooted the lives of its residents. my next guest has been waiting for this entire time for joe to come. his message to the president after this. ♪
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages.
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children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before.
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this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> i have spoken with every official in ohio. >> i don't have anything to share on a planned visit for the president to ohio. discussions are underway just don't have anything locked in. >> i haven't had the occasion to go to teese palestine. there's a lot going on. >> judge jeanine: it's about 378 days since the norfolk train skidded off the tracks in east palestine, ohio, unleashing more than 1 million pounds of hazardous chemical carcinogens into the water, into the streets and into the soil. for two days, the small midwest community was blanketed in a tickets sick haze as chemicals from the train cars burned off and created a plume of smoke visible even from space. it was an apocalyptic scene but the president couldn't be bothered to visit until today. >> we're the united states of america for god's sake. we have obligations with one
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another. there's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together and we're going to stay here and do it together as long as it takes. >> judge jeanine: murphy has lived in east palestine for 23 years and he joins me now. ruffle,russell, are you happy je finally visited. >> i'm exstatic glad to see him show up with his hands in his pocket. shuffle himself across a gravel parking lot with nothing in his pockets for anybody. >> judge jeanine: the truth is he says he hasn't had the time or he hasn't had occasion when he took 140 days vacation last year, which is 10 times the average two weeks,assuming you could get two weeks. why do you think he was not interested in showing up when donald trump showed up within a couple of days? what's that about? >> sharier, yeah. trump showed up and before trump god here he sent a semi-truck,
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had water, detergent, other things. he was compassionate. he bought lunch for some of the workers and some of the people that was traveling with him. biden gets here with a 22, 28 car motorcade and, like i said, with nothing. he would have been better off riding a donkey from d.c. >> judge jeanine: you know, when joe biden did show up, did he bring -- we know that a lot of money was sent to the residents in maui, who suffered from the fire. i mean, how much are residents in your town getting? >> after you grovel to norfolk to reimburse you for something because of them coming here and breaking their toy and leaving, it isn't much. you know, we need, you know, them fancy pens where he signs executive orders and he gives one to somebody. he could have just brought one of them pens and signed loans, you know,. [broken audio]
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people that want to get out of here, long-term, lifetime healthcare, medical monitoring, something, signed something. he didn't do. [lost audio] >> judge jeanine: yeah, did seems that we are having some trouble here. let me just say thank you. okay. all right. biden visits east palestine a year later, even if he doesn't know it. and raymond arroyo gets three wishes because it's friday and friday follies is next. ♪
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♪ >> judge jeanine: it's friday and that means it's time for >> judge jeanine: friday follies. okay. for that we turn to fox news
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contributor raymond arroyo. now, raymond, for biden it's been another difficult week. >> raymond: isn't everyone. will coming off a week special prosecutor said the president's memory was shot. compounded this week. a year after the train derailment. they confronted a disaster of a different variety today. a presidential visit. the train wreck began this way. >> i want to thank the epa administrator here with me -- the epa administrator regan as well. i can already see this derailment won't define you. it just -- it defines you in a different way. >> it won't define you, it will define you in a different way. >> judge jeanine: what is wrong with him. >> is he making no sense. these poor people have been through a terrible tragedy and disaster. his visit did nothing for them
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today. >> judge jeanine: do you know what they say? they say better late than never. i say in the case of east palestine, better never than late. >> he is the guy delivering aid. >> what is wrong with him. is he in serious mental decline. >> site derailment where the train derailed, he walked up and he said what are we doing here? and the guy said well, this is the site. was utterly confused. he literally does not know where he is. and you see the sin tax, this is not in any way compelling. >> it's elder abuse. >> it's really sad. >> today biden turned to foreign policy addressing the situation in israel and russia. >> american hostages as well. and i know, my hope and expectation is that we will get this hostage deal we will bring the americans home. -- i guess i should clear my
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mind here a little bit and not say what i'm really thinking. >> raymond: the mind is already cleared. i mean, this is -- you said it earlier. it's elder abuse. >> judge jeanine: i haven't seen that one, raymond. >> raymond: this was from today he talked about donald trump supposedly giving putin permission to invade europe and then he froze. that painful friday where he is looking for words. >> judge jeanine: oh my gosh. >> raymond: he sits there and goes my mind, i should -- this is so awful to watch. but how can he confront putin? how can he conduct foreign policy. >> judge jeanine: he can't. >> raymond: this way, judge? >> judge jeanine: he can't even talk to america. but, anyway, there are democrats that think he is wonderful. okay, raymond. today is friday, so i'm granting you three wishes. >> raymond: oh my goodness, judge jeanie, thank you so much. look, if the biden administration wants to reach black america, i wish they would find it appropriate spokesman and not this spokesman. >> climate change is having a
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disproportion of that the effect of physical and mental health. black americans are more likely than white americans to live in areas in housing that increase their susceptibility to climate related health issues. >> judge jeanine: so that's rachel. >> rachel lavigne. >> judge jeanine: she is the secretary, what is she? >> an assistant health secretary. but here's my question. of all the people the biden administration could deploy to talk to black america about climate change, why rachel lavigne? is there some groundswell rachel lavigne fan club in urban america we haven't heard about? this is a disaster of a spokesman for this issue. >> judge jeanine: i'm not even going to touch it. okay, what's your second wish. >> you are like black america they won't touch it. my second wish is since he just won the super bowl and got more attention than he deserves from dating taylor swift, i wish travis kelce would lay off the sauce until after the public celebrations for the chiefs victory. watch.
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>> blame it all on my roots ♪ i showed up in boots ♪ and ruined the niners affair ♪ when i -- and i toasted you ♪ honey, we're through ♪ what i -- what? ♪ i got friends in low places. >> raymond: travis kelce almost collapsed after, this judge. look, i don't bee grudge him celebrating and having a good time. drink after the celebration. not when kids and families are watching you. i'm sorry. and, look, i'm a guy who rides in ma mardi gras parades. >> judge jeanine: can i tell you something i love him anyway. >> raymond: why? he is a sloppy drunk in front of kids. >> judge jeanine: they're like gladiators in this super bowl. these guys go in there i have never seen people knock each
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other out like they fall and slide over each other. you know what? they are letting off steam because they have to be disciplined about their bodies, what they eat, how they work out. they take care of their injuries. you want to have a party, kansas city loves you. i love you. go for it. he had to pick the sloppy drunk up and carry him off. >> judge jeanine: those two are like two peas in ad to. are you kidding me? what's your last wish? >> raymond: this one we are going to agree on 100 percent. i wish climate activists would stop defacing art and national treasures as a form of protest. these morons walked into the national gallery and threw pink powder on your constitution. >> we're determined to foment a rebellion. we will not be held account to laws in which we have no voice or representation. now there are millions of refugees in the united states. president biden declare a climate emergency.
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>> raymond: judge, these people are radicals. and why does race get entered into this picture at all? and i still don't understand the pink powder what the pink powder was. was that a gender reveal? >> judge jeanine: pink powder has nothing to do with the issue. there is no connection. raymond, i want to thank you. i can't wait to see you on the big weekend show tomorrow and sunday. >> raymond: thank you, thank you. >> judge jeanine: all right, coming up. christians are being senselessly persecuted around the globe. laura ingraham edges poses the wash on christianity, next. ♪ i took it every day, three times a day, for three weeks. look at her and i said, "the pain is gone." and she said, i'm glad it helped. i said, "no, you don't understand. it's gone." you, too, can feel better every day with relief factor, a daily supplement that fights pain naturally. call or go online now for our 3-week quickstart, just $19.95.
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>> laura: now is joe biden i mitch mcconnell where her ring in the house, a vicious campaign of persecution is happening right in our own hemisphere. >> communist nicaragua jailed 11 pastors connected to a christian organization called mountain gateway accusing them of money laundering and organized crime. the company is pursuing charges
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against the founder and his family all of whom are u.s. citizens. joining me now is that pastor, jay hancock. what are you accused of and what is your reaction to these charges? >> we are accused of money laundering and the bogus charge. -- >> laura: based on what, what are they basing it on? >> they are not basing it on anything, we have not seen any charging documents or anything like that really it's a screen to take away from the fact that they threw a bunch of our people in jail. pastors. >> laura: what's the goal, the goal of any communist society which is to suppress religious observance and ban it altogether? >> we had a series of eight mass evangelism campaigns in 2023. where we had a million people attend those campaigns, they gave us the national plaza in the capital city, the plaza and
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we had 200,000 people kind of flood into that space. >> laura: that's a threat to them right off the bat. >> yeah, 30 days after that, 31 days they started arresting our people and seizing our assets and canceled all of our permissions to be there, registration and they indicted myself and my son and my daughter in law. >> laura: and we don't have extradition obviously with nicaragua, but what's your message to people watching this as america is obviously spending billions and billions of dollars in other countries that are far away from here and don't really think that much of what is happening in our own hemisphere? >> indeed, i think the issue really that we are engaged with in nicaragua and may be a few other countries in latin america is that there really is a rising pressure for religious
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persecution and human rights violations, that would guide our people there is a religious persecution, and what is keeping them in prison is human rights violations. and so, there is this history in the last five years particularly and nicaragua where they have just gotten tighter and tighter and tighter and more oppressive. they kicked out 300 -- 3,600 ngos. >> laura: russia has done the same thing with ngos, and this is the history, china has done the same thing with persecution of christians who don't behave, meaning who don't toe the communist line. unless you're christians faced a record level of violent attacks in watchdog group open doors warrant in its latest report about this increase in violence in places of worship worldwide, 4,000 christians were killed for their faith, i think that's a
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low number given what is happening in africa alone which gets no coverage at all and south sudan, there burning entire christian villages there. >> without a doubt, persecution against the church is probably higher than it's ever been in history worldwide right now. and so it's a big problem. and it definitely is happening in nicaragua, one of our people in prison is a young mother and she has two children that are u.s. citizens and one of them is four months old, one of them is two years old, and it's really against the law for them to separate her from her children, but they are not letting them be together, and so we are very concerned, because we can't verify the health of any of the prisoners. >> laura: have they gotten any help from the biden administration have they been engaged? >> yes, the state department here in washington has met with the state department and with members of both the house and the senate, and the building
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coalition. they are working on a resolution to put on the floor to condemn this pretty soon. >> laura: it has to be cut off the money, any u.s. business dollars in nicaragua as long as this continues, we hope to hear people who are there in prison get out, and thank you for speaking about this and as we are in the easter season, the lenten season now, this is going to be a tough time. but thank you so much. >> thank you, laura. >> and that's it for us tonight, i'm judge jeanine pirro in for a war, catch me weekdays cohosting "the five" at 5:00 p.m. eastern, and text check me out on instagram. thanks for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." jesse watters is next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse wat


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