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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 16, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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coalition. they are working on a resolution to put on the floor to condemn this pretty soon. >> laura: it has to be cut off the money, any u.s. business dollars in nicaragua as long as this continues, we hope to hear people who are there in prison get out, and thank you for speaking about this and as we are in the easter season, the lenten season now, this is going to be a tough time. but thank you so much. >> thank you, laura. >> and that's it for us tonight, i'm judge jeanine pirro in for a war, catch me weekdays cohosting "the five" at 5:00 p.m. eastern, and text check me out on instagram. thanks for watching the special edition of "the ingraham angle." jesse watters is next. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime,"
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tonight... >> i don't do my friends like that, so till if you tell me it's a g, you're going to get a thousand dollars. >> jesse: jay 2 and the fanny willis hearing, meet fanny's daddy. >> it's a black thing, okay. >> we have a corrupt judge who ruled against me before he got the case. >> jesse: the judge filthy ruling against the trump organization. >> we are citizens, we are not the politics, are people. >> jesse: finally biden visits east palestine. plus -- >> major boy jesse watters. >> jesse: fox news alert, a judge in new york is ordering donald trump to pay over $350 million in fines. and banning the former president from running a business in the state of new york for the next three years. this case was decided by a single judge, judge and garon, a
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strange guy, but not as strange as these charges. and they were brought by new york to her attorney general letitia james who campaigned on fighting trump, not crime. and visited the biden white house three times, the woman brought a case that according to the associated press has never been brought in the history of the state. this statute was written to criminalize phony salesmen swindling folks out of their homes or fake doctors selling bogus theories, crimes with clear victims and damages, in this case there were no victims or damages, not a single bank or troop customer ever complained. everyone made money and trump paid hundreds of millions in taxes and employed thousands of people. latetia james said the penthouse was not as big as he said it was. and mar-a-lago was only 18 million. and judge annuity, we call him that because he takes jim selfies agreed and slapped them
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with a major penalty. even though in the public route to look at court ruled that it had passed the states of limitations. but that's not the point, this is a financial assassination attempt of a political target. and also placing an observer inside the trump organization in other words a mole for the next three years to blow the whistle if you see is any fraud or notices the marble floors are too shiny. now if trump wins reelection, expect them all to declare fraud. letitia james who is supposed to be a neutral administrator of justice spewed venom. listen. >> donald trump may have our third the art of the deal, but he perfected the art of the steel. the scale and the scope of donald trump's fraud is staggering. and so to is his ego.
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>> jesse: here's donald trump's reaction. >> this is russia, this is china, this is the same where it all comes out of the doj, and all comes out of biden, it's a witch hunt against a political opponent, these are radical left democrats, they are lunatics and its election interference. if i were running, none of this step would have happened. none of these lawsuits would've ever happen. i would've had a nice life. but i enjoy this life for a different reason, we are going to make america great again. these are corrupt people, these are people that should not be allowed to do what they do. and using it against a political opponent that is up a lot in the polls, it's all headed up by biden who is destroying our country. this is russia, this is china, this is what you can read all your lives and it's happening right here in our country. >> jesse: meanwhile it's day 2 e century, fanny willis and lover boy, supposed to take the stand today, but she did not
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show up. because it was impossible to dig yourself into a deeper hole, instead she sent her daddy john floyd the third, a former black panther, of course, but we heard yesterday that paid way back in cash for the romantic trips but had no proof, her daddy says it's a black thing. >> did she say anything to you about having a large savings of cash? >> oh, no, she -- now see, maybe excuse me, and your honor, i'm not trying to be racist, okay, but it's a black thing, okay. you know, i was trained and most black folks, they hide cash, or they keep cash, and -- no, you always keep some cash. >> jesse: [laughs] did fani's daddy know about the lover boy? he said he heard about them on the news like the rest of us. the last boyfriend, fani's daddy knew about was d.j. deuce.
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>> she had a boyfriend when i first got there -- >> and did you meet her boyfriend? >> yeah, i met them often. >> and did you know him by any specific nickname? >> yeah, deuce. he would do weddings and so forth and so on, he was a disc jockey, played music. so he owned all of his stuff was always in the way and i was always having to try to push it aside. >> jesse: wait a second, if fani was deeding d.j. deuce, but fani's friend said she was dating lover boy, was fani to timing lover boy and deuce? like everything in fulton county, it's complicated appeared when fani moved out of the house, her dad was living in, did her daddy know where she moved to? >> no, and i did not want to know, and intentionally did not want to know, because i was not -- if somebody stuck a gun to my head and i could tell them, i was not going to tell them anyway. i made up something, but i did
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not want to know. >> jesse: so fani's daddy does not know where his daughter lives in case a kidnapper puts a gun to his head and demands of her whereabouts, does not know where she lives or where she lives or who she dates, but what does he know? >> before covid was even here in the united states, i have traveled the world, i knew covid was coming before. i knew covid was around before. they may have announced it in '20, but in fact i knew about it, and i knew what was happening in '19. >> jesse: so he knew that covid was coming before fauci and did not tell us? bad daddy. and he pulled a magnifying glass out to look at court documents like he was sherlock holmes. it was quite a performance. both actors, both insist cash as a black thing, but isn't that
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the point? >> i don't do my friends like that, so if you tell me it's a g, then you're going to get a thousand dollars. whatever it is, i did not ever make in perseus produce receipts to me. for his 50th birthday, i consider that i took him to belize because i don't want to discuss his personal business, but i am happy mr. wade is still here with us, and i did 50b, very big. >> that 4,000 as a part of your cash forward that you had collected over time. >> cash? >> i thought you said something different. it's because i'm afraid that i would not say that under any circumstances to you -- >> cash horde. >> jesse: logical american saw her lying about her boyfriend, playing the race card, yelling at the judge and thinks that women should be disqualified. but the media, they think fani has hot. >> this idea that women of color have to sit there and be demure and take it, there were people
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on social media that were saying, oh, she is coming into hot. no, she wasn't. >> i thought she was fiery. i thought you said important things. i think that she set herself up for a lot of criticism, but i think this is a woman who does not give a damn about that. >> they don't have a case against her. i think this is a political move. the >> jesse: founder of out click joins me right now, fani was not hot enough! >> jesse, the woman began her testimony yesterday by saying that to being questioned about hiring her lover, paying him $650,000 in taxpayer money was an attack on democracy. now look, i am not an expert in all aspects of democratic governments, but i don't think back in the day benjamin franklin and
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george washington and the founders were sitting around in philadelphia like, you know what, we better be careful, because 250 years from now if somebody hires their lover and gives them tons of money, the entire republic may collapse. i loved everything about this testimony, jesse, my favorite part is this. you probably have taken a woman to a nice resort. she went to belize, she went to aruba, she went to the bahamas, she probably took -- i was talking about this on the radio, eight bathing suits, they take eight bathing suits, we have one suit and i have no idea. can you imagine as you sit there sipping your mai tai or your fruity drink with the umbrella and it, can you imagine turning to the lovely lady that you are with on that trip and saying, hey, babe, i'm going to need you to give me two grand and cash when we get back to the room to cover your half? no, you're sitting there like this is the best money i've ever spent in my life. i have a woman with me on the beach hanging out by the pool,
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having a few cocktails. everything she said is crazy. my favorite part, jesse. i love the atlanta braves going down and watching the games with my friends with my kids, she said that nathan wade said that they left atlanta, drove to tennessee, had lunch and turned around and drove back and nobody even asked about that. i have done that time to time. that's like six hours to go eat lunch in tennessee. i want to know what was really going on. that must've been the greatest launch of all time. >> jesse: that was when they might've gone to a cabin, remember, have you ever taken fani to a cabin? >> he sounded like ron burgundy when he said that. i have rented lots of cabin. i'm a regular cabin rancher, you can't make up the lines that we were getting dropped to a boom, boom, boom. it was hard to keep track. >> jesse: what happens with this nudey ruling? who takes naked gym bathroom
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selfies, trying to bankrupt the guy with financial shenanigans with cases that have never been brought in the history of the state. how is this being allowed? >> no, you are right. i think that this is an incredible week for trump, because it confirms everything he has been saying. they will be off the case in atlanta. this is me as a lawyer, there's a 0% chance that anyone with a functional brain can say that this is permissible, the case is dead and done i buried on the 350 plus million, look, i thought you nailed it and are open, this is what i said. the goal is to try to make it forward, 430 million some odd dollars in cash, even super rich people do not have those kind of assets. they are trying to bankrupt them, trying to embarrass them, if these will both be overturned on appeal, it is why, and i tweeted this, i know that you
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are in new york right now, i live in the great state of tennessee and talking to you from the great state of florida. i will never live in a blue state for the rest of my life. i will never found nor incorporate or be involved in owning any company in new york, because here is the truth. if trump had lived in florida his entire lifetime of the e. jean carroll suit does not happen. the alvin bragg charges do not happen, and this judge nudey $350 million plus by letitia james does not happen. he is being prosecuted, railroaded, and attacked because he has the audacity in temerity to be a republican running from new york and a republican running from new york who is about to kick joe biden's ass and send them back to rehoboth beach if not his own jail jail cell. >> jesse: but you had stephen colbert who is supposed to do a late night comedy show, looked like he was about to cry. watch this. >> i know, i know how numb we
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have become, but it's not normal -- another candidate for the presence he has ever had to pause his campaign and depend himself on multiple courts! and i would like to point out that in all seven of its cases, no one, no one doubts that he did these things. we are just sitting around patiently waiting to find out if the wheels of justice will grind fast enough for there to be any consequences! in the media is covering it like it's any other political story, like it's all horse race. >> jesse: you turn on the tv anyone to watch someone like johnny carson and it's liz warren screaming at you, way too close to the lens. >> i will say, i am someone stephen colbert, and i believe donald trump legitimately as a lawyer is innocent of all seven of those cases he laid out either not culpable from a civil context or an ascent on a guilty or innocent aspect. and you and i are around the same age. i obviously have a way better jacket on then you do tonight,
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because my friend barbara sold this to me and said you're going to look better than jesse again. so thanks to her. >> jesse: you and i grew up similar. >> which is better than david letterman, and you used to think, my god, that guy has the coolest job that anybody could ever have. i would like to be somewhat like him one day. if you watch television, everyone around our age dated, does anyone on the planet want to be like stephen colbert? he has destroyed late-night television, he has turned into a political propaganda and worst of all, he is not remotely funny. jesse, you would do a better job, i would do a better job, greg gutfeld is smoking his ass. and it's not even close. i guess i could thank him for making fox news a million dollars by making him the king of late night. >> jesse: i just want to think the woman that gave you that nicely tailored jacket, congratulations, you look great, now go out to the restaurants and enjoy yourself.
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>> that's the plan, have a great weekend, keep up the good work. >> jesse: so joe biden is rounding up fbi informants and whistle-blowers and having them arrested. straight ahead.ra applause ♪ ♪ with five little words... ma, i wanna make perfume! ( ♪ ) getting my business off the ground was a full-time job. so i made barbara's new side gig count by guaranteeing 100% accurate filing and her maximum refund. make your moves. we'll make them count. intuit turbotax. 100% accuracy, guaranteed.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: remember the fbi informant that said that ukraine framed the bidens, 5 million apiece, the justice department just arrested him. special counsel david weiss, the delaware prosecutor who you remember try to cut his sweetheart deal to keep hunter out of prison announced charges against alexander smirnov. he a trusted of incredible informant that the fbi has had on the payroll for years, even democrats of the fbi informant was credible. >> there is a confidential human
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source of the fbi works with who is proving to be very credible who reported a conversation with someone else. >> jesse: but to credible, charging the fbi informant with obstruction and making a false statement. remember he informed the fbi that there were audio recordings of them shaking down over ukrainian ceo for bribes, and coincidentally, after arresting the fbi informant who fingered him for bribes, he said it's time to drop the impeachment inquiry. >> the fbi informant at the center of the impeachment category is indicted for allegedly lying, your reaction to that and show the inquiry be dropped? >> he is lying, and it should not be dropped, and it's just been -- it's been an outright courageous effort from the beginning. >> jesse: as long as we are resting fbi agents for full statement, why isn't curveball behind bars? telling the agency is that
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saddam hussein definitely had wmds. then curveball confessed he made up the story and walks around freeman. when are we going to arrest christopher steele? the fbi informant who said that trump colluded with russia, he is still a free man, so why is the biden administration arresting him now? the fbi has had this four years ago. and the republicans discovered that it was covered up so that biden is locking up the course to discredit it. this is the second informant about blowing the whistle on the bribes. an israeli american citizen told the fbi about the chinese money going to the bidens in 2019 before the laptop. he has been arrested. remember patrick co., the spy chief of china who lined the pockets, he was arrested. remember devon archer, hunter's business partner, he's been arrested. everyone who blows the whistle on the syndicate or is connected to it has been arrested. what does that tell you?
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former fbi agent stuart kaplan joins us now. stuart, what does that tell you? >> well, it's certainly not a time for the fbi to take a victory lap. it's shameful, it's embarrassing, and it's not a time at all for the bidens to take a victory lap. when that 1023 form was released last year, my colleagues and i knew at that point that that informant was going to be sacrificed. it was just a matter of time. that informant has been on the books since 2010, 11, 12, up until more recently. you do not stay on the books with the fbi unless you have been vetted and you are credible. and the fact that he had received so much money from the fbi in so many people have to sign off on that payment or those payments, it has to be verified that he is a very productive informant. as to what the fbi and other
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government wants to have us believe now is we have now taken out the predicates, the person who started the ball rolling, you know, tattling or telling on the bidens and we have all of this other information, all of the money trail and all of the checks and all of the payments and yet because we are going to discredit the guy who unleashed on him, let's throw it all in the garbage like it never even happen. so let's assume we eliminate this guy. we still have a treasure trove of evidence that leads directly from hunter biden to his father. it's just insane. it's elec illogical. it's embarrassing. i can't believe that the fbi has gone down this road again to unleash on this informant. >> jesse: take the morality out of it, stuart. he has a smooth operator. he got away with his family taking a lot of money over many, many years. and everybody that gets close,
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donald trump even got to close gets arrested. informants, business partners, whistle-blowers, they are all paying a price, but the biden family has never paid a price. you have to hand it to the big guy, he is getting away with it. >> he has gotten away with it for years and years and years, and that's because he has something over these other people. it's tit-for-tat, i mean, the fbi has a treasure trove of evidence, the irs has a treasure trove of evidence against the biden pluralist, and listen, i give them credit, they took out a hit on this informant and they have disabled him. and now the public is going to believe, this guy is a liar. and so now everything falls by the wayside. and by the way, you realize they are alleging that he lied in september of 2023 about things he said in 2016? i mean, the whole thing is
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ridiculous, because you have to understand the way things work. in 2016, 17, 18, he was abetted. the information he provided was corroborated, that's what got the ball rolling with response to the fbi. it's not like that's the only thing that's out there. there's a treasure trove of information. >> jesse: stuart, that's why we have you on. you are the best. go enjoy your weekend. >> my pleasure, have a nice weekend, jesse. >> jesse: joe biden went to east palestine, finally. ♪ ♪ i got the power of 3. i lowered my a1c, cv risk, and lost some weight. in studies, the majority of people reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. i'm under 7. ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack, or death in adults also with known heart disease. i'm lowering my risk. adults lost up to 14 pounds.
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life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and ♪ ♪ >> jesse: it's been over a year since a toxics train wreck east palestine, ohio, we talked to a lot of residents that all told us the same thing, someone needs to come here and help us asap. >> i am encouraged people to come here and see what we are
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living in. it's disastrous. we can smell it, we can taste it. it's in our house. it's horrible. >> week it smells all the time, they will just pop up and then they are really toxic smelling, chemical smelling, sometimes it's a burnt smell. >> this is ground zero right behind, this is where i live. >> jesse: the town was in trouble, creeks were bubbling with the colors of rainbows, people were getting sick, getting rashes, the white house told america, east palestine was top of mind for the president and he would get there immediately. >> the president said over the long weekend that he does not have any vacation to go to east palestine, i have not been able to break, the derailment was on february 3rd, president biden has not had a break since february 3rd? >> the president will go to east palestine, he promised that he would and he will. >> jesse: than a year went by and nothing happened. but don't you worry, biden finally visited, and there were some hurt feelings.
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>> let's go brandon! >> that's the message. >> how can they turn a blind eye when our kids are still having unexplained nosebleeds, and seizures, when we have to talk them into beds that have not been tested, we are citizens, we are not politics, we are people. >> jesse: usually american presidents arrive instantly as the healing export process, but not only was he a year late. when he finally showed up, he could barely deliver. >> i want to thank folks of east palestine into now, i want them to understand that we are not going home no matter what told us job is done, and i want to continue to hold them accountable and make sure they make your community whole now in the future. and what they do not make hole, what they cannot make hole, the government will make hole.
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>> jesse: has the white house pushed congress to clean up norfolk southern? no, the railroad registration has died in congress, while at the same time norfolk southern has spent 2 million bucks on lobbying. maybe if we just say the railroads are racist, mayor pete will come and fix it. amy and kevin detmer were residents of east palestine until they were forced to move, they join us now. so you two are not to they are right now, when do you plan on returning? >> never. >> kat: why not? >> because i don't believe anything anybody says. >> jesse: tell us about your home, what state is it in right now? >> you can't even go in our home for five or 10 minutes, your eyes start burning, your throat starts getting scratchy.
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>> jesse: they said everything was being taken care of, people are drinking the water, the president as they are, they are congratulating themselves, you're saying that's not true? >> no, that's not true. no. >> jesse: is there any effort being made to bring you guys back or take care of the house and the land? >> no. no, we are stuck in limbo right now. we are still paying taxes on the house. yeah, it's just been a sham. >> and we still have to pay her rent to live in a temporary house. >> jesse: amy, take us through the very beginning would happen, they had the train accident, everything was devastated, you are now a year later still not moved back in, what is that story like?
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>> it's terrific. all of our items that were special to us are all stuck in our house, and we can't go back because it's filled with toxins, and so we have had to leave all of our special items in a house full of toxins and we can't go back to the house. >> jesse: i'm so sorry, would you say to the president right now? >> please, please, please help us. we are just people. we are not politicians, and we need help to get out. >> jesse: kevin, what would you like to see the president do? >> i would like this to be categorized as a disaster. because it was a disaster.
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when i went down the steps and i looked out the window, and all i saw was this huge inferno, and it was spreading, and it was getting higher, it was probably close to 50-foot in the air, and it started catching trees on fire and i just did not know how far it was going to go. and i knew it was a hot fire, and i knew that there could be embers in the air, and if those were to come down, it could've been a domino effect. as far as the president, i certainly disagree that it took him a year to come to east palestine, and for everything that the government has done for ukraine and everybody else, but nothing for the residents of
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east palestine, nothing. as far as the government is concerned. >> jesse: kevin, amy, i am so sorry. my heart goes out to you guys. we are pulling for you. we really hope things get better and the president gets it into gear and congress does too and holds them accountable. we will stay on the story and we will be in touch with you guys as well, thank you guys very much. >> thank you. >> all right, thank you. >> jesse: more "prime time" ahead. that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save.
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ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is.
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's before election day is less than nine months away, 70 people voted by mail or for election day, there might not be lockdowns this time, but mail-in voting will still be a huge factor. eight states are mailing ballots to every registered voter on the rails, even if they did not ask for one. it's a harvesters dream. ballots will be floating around the street, the floors, the garbage, the mailboxes, wanda's and craig's will be rummaging everywhere and intimidating you if you don't hand it over.
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and johnny's grandma and great grandma should not be getting ballots in the mail. sadly they died years ago. in michigan, a conservative group is suing the state claiming there is 26,000 dead people on the voter rolls, michigan mailed every registered voter a ballot application in 2020, that's over 7 million people, the secretary of state tried to get the case thrown o out, and denied them, we will keep you updated, but is michigan going to send ballots to dead people, meanwhile, still walking the streets in bridgeport, and craig who between stuffing ballots and moonlighting for the fbi is out in atlantic city, johnny just talked to him. >> but you know that's not right? >> it's not right? >> rigging elections. using fraudulent ballots. people say you have -- >> i have no comment, i would appreciate if you get on my
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face. get on my face. after the holy one of you down. >> jesse: prime time will cover voter fraud and sloppy elections until every real vote is counted and every stuffer is behind bars. if you have a tip, text us #fraud good male ends are here to stay, democrats have embraced it, they will abuse it to win, republicans need to fight fire with fire, legally of course. the only way to wins beating democrats at their male end end game, no more drop boxes, no more mass mail outs, and cameras at every single vote counting station. for years, joe biden's fancied himself as the ric flair of washington. he loved to talk the talk. >> he was a bad dude and he ran a bunch of bad, and i said, hey, esther, you, off the board, before i drag you off. you may cut me, man, but i will wrap this chain around her head.
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give me a break. >> you are a liar, man. and unless they push us together, let's do this now. let's do whatever you want to do. >> take you behind the gym and beat the hell out of them. >> bacteria strolling over to marine one this afternoon, not really sure what he is doing there, it's a new move apparently, usually he does the fake little dog thing to make it look like he is hustling, we are not sure. but his own department of justice says he is man with a bad memory. any pros behind the podium meant to tailor and, listen. >> do whatever the hell they want, i guess i should say -- i should clear my mind and not say what i'm really thinking. >> jesse: so we need some coaching and we think we know
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just the guy to help him get his mojo back. [cheers and applause] look at us all day, we can go styling and profiling. >> jesse: and the nature boy himself joins us right now. they are saying joe biden needs to show, he has what it takes if he wants to ran for reelection. any advice? >> no, but i totally agree, we need someone strong that will just say hey, kiss my ass. i run the united states, and we stand tall. >> kat: are you announcing that you are running for president right now? >> no, but i should've run for governor in 2001, but you know what they told me, i had too many skeletons in the closet.
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can you imagine that? >> jesse: oh, god. >> if i ran for president now, i would make trump look like a baby. >> jesse: that's hard to do. oh, boy. >> i will be 75 next weekend, i have adam wilkes, i have ric flair drip which is just going phenomenally. energy will be i think potentially the largest selling energy drink in the next two years. i'm just blessed today, and my friends like both that i work with, and i stay out of the politics. but you really -- you really can't go anywhere, the saying has always been. and i won't discuss politics or women in a bar. you know what i mean?
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i will talk sports, but i'm not going to get into an argument. i love talking about women. >> jesse: how do you deal with the heaters? >> i ignore them. when i was actively wrestling, i thought, you know -- you know the better you are, the more haters who are going to have. >> jesse: ric flair, then nature boy. >> hey, jesse watters, you are the man, private jet fly, wheeling and dealing son of a gun that i am sure every day of your life you have a hard time holding all the haters down. rolex wearing, diamond ring telling, style a and a profile, nature boy jesse watters.
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>> jesse: woo to you too. and i am watters and this is my world. >> love that. i am watters, and it's my world. >> jesse: you have a great weekend. >> i will, thank you. >> jesse: sink or swim is next. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle.
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♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ >> jesse: time for sink or swim, emily compagno, and kennedy, although all of you have been sitting in the studio for the last 20 minutes. >> just trying to get an autograph. the >> jesse: which late-night talk show host was poking fun and asked how good was the sex? was it jimmy kimmel or stephen colbert? >> i actually don't know this one, so i will just go ahead and guess this one. >> i think that jimmy kimmel is
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a dog. >> jesse: two horn dogs. >> how good was the sex? good to lose democracy over? i've never had it that good. >> jesse: have you ever had gutfeld that good? >> just about an hour ago. >> jesse: which of you cohost compared sex to pizza on valentine's day. joy behar or will be? >> i'm going joy. >> i will go joy, but she always makes comments we talk about. >> if you like having that with them enough, even the mediocre is pretty good. >> jesse: pizza. >> we are in that scene in our favorite movie, the other one, the new one where they go off the cliff and they are holding hands. >> "thelma and louise."
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>> jesse: they both died. >> we are dying together, jesse. >> jesse: which squad number spilled the beans and said -- was it omar or jaya pod? >> i will go ahead with -- >> i'm saying that correctly? >> what is she going to do, sue you? >> we need our base, we need immigrant voters and we need an inclusive message. >> jesse: coming down to the wire, ladies and gentlemen. our liberal friends, which republican icon once said, the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't so? was it ronald reagan or george h.w. bush? >> am going with the giver. >> the trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so. >> jesse: we will have to take it to the tiebreaker. again, this is not who is over or under, it's who is closest.
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fani willis testified yesterday that she always has cash on her and if you go on a date with the man you have to have this much money in your pocket in case he acts up. how much money did fani say you have to have? >> do we see it at the same t time? >> jesse: you can go first. >> $100. >> jesse: kennedy wins. >> i love you too. >> i would want to lose to you every day. >> i love you so much. >> jesse: so kennedy got a hat and apparently an hour ago the best sex she has ever had. thank you for saving democracy. here we go. not the best sex you have ever had, but it's close, preorder my book, go to amazon, you click -- comes to your house right when the thing comes out. you don't have to wait.
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two text, adam from salt lake city utah, are you going on a book tour? i will be in new jersey and california and florida. if you want me that badly, text. maybe i will go there. and fani's father just found out that fani has due sue boyfriends, man, double-dipping on d.j. deuce. i wonder if he will spend let max been a track about it. i wonder who takes more vacation days, fani or joe biden? taking a lot of days, but prosecuting trump is hard work. even jimmy carter went to the three mile island and it was still hot. way to go, jimmy. jesse, can you give us a woo-hoo? that's all for tonight. i am watters. this is my world.


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