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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  February 17, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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resolution to put on the floor the fl. laura: pretty soon you've got to have money behind it. it's got to be it's got to be cut off. the mone ney any, anyy any money, any u.s. business dollars in nicaragua as long as this continues. well, wethis we hope your people who are there in prison get out and you for speaking about this. and, you know, as we're as we'rehis an and, you know, the easter season and the lenten season and lenten, t season, this is this is goingto to be a tough time. but thank you so muc.h. >> you. and that's it fo tr us tonighth and judge jeanine pirro in for laura ingraham. catch me weekdayi'm judge jes cg the five at 5 p.m. eastern. also, check me out on instagram at judge underscore. jeanine, thanks for watching this speciat onl of thg angry mango. >> jesse watters is nexthe. a. and good evening. i'm trac good evee gallagher is 11 p.m.n on the east coast, 8:00 here in los angeles. and thisand this is america's ls
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fox news at night? we've gomet some breaking news coming out of sterling, virginia, tonight. thiss is a house explosion. we want to show you some live pictures if we those can put the up. and then we're going to show you some video of kind of how thin thing went down.e vi do we have that here or is thise the video, the live live pe pics on this? so this appears to be this is the livs toe pictures. this is in sterling, virginia, which is a suburb of,they washington, d.c. they just held a news conference moment j a ns. that news conference just ended. e wabut -- but this one wase ta serious. we're talking about numerouslkie people being injured. and we are hearing the possibilit ssibility one fatality. this is now videotape of what happened earlier. we do not know the cause. we know nothing about this. in fac t in the news conference, the fire chief also doesn't know anythinhieft knowg, the cae of this. he was just kind of laying out o what happened. t only those who were involved not only inside this area, inside
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the home, but also fighting this fire. so we are workine g on tos to s the local hospitals to see exactly how manyee ho people transported and how many firefighters might have been injured while battling this blaze. >> it was a huge explosion.see h and you can see the pictures there of the sub6 fire as well as the smoke. we will keep you posted on this the newscast to find out exactly what caused d this in sterling, virginia. >> meantime, also breaking tonigh night,t, it appears the white d house is working on plan b, meaning what to doo if president biden does not remain in the white house. there are noe nowsettin the administration is considering setting up roadblocksg d blocks to limit dt trump's power to reshape the government. the senior. national correspondent kevin corke is live in d.c. with the details s about. >> the so called plot thickening. kevin, good evening. evening, trace. it has>> reporte argued by crite and arguably backed up by evidence that thi bs is actually happened before
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with an outgoing administration acting working to thwartng the incoming administration in defiancadministe of the prinl the peaceful transfer of power back then. the argument was it was the obama administration setting upt e ob after trap for the new trump administration. >> according critics and now the associated press is reportingassoci that presidet biden's administration and liberal supporters in washington are bracing for a possible trump victory in novembeerr by installingctor roadblocks to limit the ladderys to govern, notably his ability to trim the size the federal workforce. the ap reports that the office of personnel management, the federal government's chief ma,ruleesources agency will finalize a rule by april against reclassifyinl againsg ts of thousands of workers so they can be more easily fired. t it's a move a biden campaign spokesperson says, that willl se keep mr. trump from, quote, gutting the civil service
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and plotting revenge on his political enemies, end quote. e. the ap by the way, also addsthat that a hypothetical trump administration part eve two could take months or even years to unwind the scheme. but despite that plan and whatwg many have deemed the ongoing lawfare against mr. trump designed, of course, to keep him off the campaign trail and to drain his resource tn his at best,m in and perhaps even keep him in prison for life at worse, you guessed it, he remains unbowed. >> we have to win thishing election. they're doing everything possible n th. step it away, but we're not going to stand for it. so thank you very much you ver.o >> we will get back to work. get back to work, he says. now, kee keepp mind this is allpresiden playing out as the former president appeals a neals a news decision to hit him with a $350 million fine following a fraud fr where no company complained nor was defrauded. traclained, e. >> kevin, thank you. let's bring in former presidential candidate larry elder entialr and axiom strateg,
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aaron perrine. thank you both for coming on. n so, aaron, to you firste ma that the plan and you know when you're making a planki, clearly you're clearly worried about losing the election. but the plan aaron would be to limit trump's ability to firewha of government workers. what are your thoughts on this? is it possibler thoughn or is t something you think could actually be sustainetuallyd? well, there is an opportunity for it to ber it sustained, but there is a little known procedural maneuver that can ural be done is called a congressional review act, where there is a jointt resolution of disapproval passed by both the house and the senate. disaph it all depends on timin. so if it's an april timeline, apy sure how long they would have the ability to be able to review that. so come november tha, come a ne congress in january, if they were able to rollbl this back and do so. the congressional review act is a wonderful toow al that congress has to check the administrative state and say, i'le l we have oversigg and authority here and roll that back. authority e are.
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tools that exist to be able to do this. but democrats are trying to play politicsthis.crats ar, c project confidence, while at the same time scheminon wito, try and stop a potential winner in november from being ablnnore to assert their authority as president of the united states. so presidee united if this happe is the opportunity for congress, and i would encouragd republicans, even if it happens right now, before they're ablet secure the senate again to put forward a congressional reviewsa and do this, to be ably e to sa, oh, this is not good. d and continue the momentum to say what democrats are doing is wrong. >> it seem is they've got to win or you got to kind of go after the winner in this thing. larry elder, to you speaking.rod of roadblocks here is the president taking kicking andhert amount of time to kinder of gather his thoughts. >> watch this. >> he said if an ally did not, e pay their dues, he encouraged russia to, quote, dodo whatever the hell they want
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right. i guess i should clear my mind here a little bit not to say what i'm really thinkingwh. >> it feels uncomfortable, larry. i mean, that's the whole thingl is now everybody after the robert, her report, it just evers very uncomfortable for the entire country. he feels as if he's diminishin gy sing every single day.le but here's the problem. what happens i.t f joe biden cannot make it to november? the answer is kamala harriswer t is on deck. i know there's a lot of happy talk about michelle obama swoopingf hatalk abo miche in ag the nomination away from her. way g to.s to kamala harris wants to be president. she ran for president. if pran you're kamala harris. har think about it. she's never lost an election. she ran for d.a.ri in franciscof she won. she ran for ag in california, won, got reelectedor. nd w she ran for u.s. senateon. in california, won. she'was on the ticket with joe biden, ran for vp. she's never actually president. and she got she govpt pretty early, but she left before the first contest. yeah, and i'll tell you and got a, lot of the black media feels that the ridicule of her for her cackle is both sexistin
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and racist. and they will be livid if she's dropkickk thcackle, parti for some white person like gavin newsom or mayor pete. they won'tif vote republican. >> they voted all, thereby guaranteeing whoever a nominee is, he wilorl. perri >> erin barry, now back to you, becausne e president biden ran on uniting the nation. and we're going to talk about this later with somebody who actually ou lives in east i palestine who's was coming on the show, but he was in east palestine. it too palestk him a year to get theree and the people there were not happy. i've gotople the 30 seconds forn >> and i have one more question for larry. a de yeah, it was a derelictionre of duty by president biden to not go to east palestine when this tragedy happened. and now it's very clearlo y by politics. this is an election year and all of a sudde motiv politicn he and pretend he's this uniter in chief. the people in east palestine unn are saying unless he's doing something that's actually going to help us here, wf aree don'tr him here. and it looks like that's exactly what happened today. thppened for research aren't going to help these people rebuild at this moment. agait th mn joe biden is showiny he is not fit to bee pres president of the uniteidd anypol
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monmouth poll. >> larry, it's how likely do, la you think it is that joe bidenee will be replaced as the democratic nominee? look, the red boxes up there, very likely 20%, somewhat likely, 40 at 28%. >> that's 48%. thatf of voters. yeah. and again, even if he can't make it, they're stuck't s with kamala harris. she's less popular than he is. yeah, but because of her race po is.because r gender, that's e was chosen on the ticket. she still remains black and female and. as i said, the blacks are the most loyal part of the democratic base. femaloyal thankamala e loyal than the men, and they love kamala harris. and they will be livid illfd no she's dropkick. >> if joe biden cannot make it, she's on deck. we shall seeke what happens. larry elder perrine, thank you both. meantime, new york city'e shalln crisis on full display as thel public consumption of drugdispls and alcohol becomes even more conspicuous. and a wave of crim more continus plaguing a tourist hotspot. >> bill manoogian live with the latest developments on this bill, good evening. >> well, trace the border la o is transforming the big apple before our eyes. and unfortunately it is not
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going to be slowing down any time soon. adult men from all arountimedwol world dressed in designer clothes, smoking, drugs and passind g flasks of are noa common sights outside of new city's crowded migrant shelters. overites outside o 100,000 illea have arrived in the city recently. othersrrivede city are now sleeh at the subway and in other public transit locationser, mucu like we've seen in other sanctuary cities across the country. an officias the l york city suro reveals at least a thousand migrants have been sleepinusg. and after last night. and actually, there until this hour of the day, that's a more than they've been able to not have any money. >> no job. mplica it's complicated. and so you end up on the streett . is nn the meantime, an illegal alien is now accused of killing a ten year old boy walking home from school in midland, texa s, in a hit and run crash after he was hit. alex, agafe wise, pictured right here, was left at
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the scene, critically injured. iticallyhe from his injuries thj morning, rogelio ortiz olivauria a mexican national, has now been charged with drunk drivintg and the fatal hit and run crash. he had previously beend ru depoi five times and he's now being held on an immigrationpord detainer with ice. ice also announcing today, agents arreste with d illegalgr immigrant from guatemala who was facing felony child molestatiofrn charges in providence, rhode island, and was released from custodd my after the local jail in cranston, rhode island, jails detainer request to sanctuary jurisdiction. ice says that allege requestd cd molester entered the u.s. illegally as a got away at an unknowlegalln and location.n a reminder trace thereti have nw been over 1.8 million of those got two ways that our southern border since biden first tookioo office. >> and when they get away, you have no idea where t-aways siden they went. >> exactly. you live for us here, bill. thank you. let's bring in pinal countherey arizona, sheriff mark lamm. sheriff, great to have you on as always. i want to read the headlinb.e from breitbart and i'll
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get your take on this. the headline reads, as bill was just talkingthe reads, five tii deported illegal alien accused of killingen a a ten year old be walking home from school. >> sheriff, we see this week t some form ou of this happening again and again. and it's partly what we just said. we don't kno t wew who's here.hf >> we don't know how much of a threat they pose. poseand don't know who's coming. >> no, we really don' you know, we knoknw that 8 million people more or less were apprehended at the border. >> ion more but number of gat, i think, could be anywhere between, you know, two to, 4 too 5 million people, people that have disappeared throughoutt this country, people with criminal histories, not just in their own countries , but there's a lot of these people that have criminal histories in our country, just like this gus ine y who killed s young boy. my heart goes out to that family and i have worked is constantly with angel moms, who other families that have lost people just like this family dit justlike td. >> yeah, it's amazing. this is the new york city police chief of patrol. watch him and i'll get your response, becausol.e it's new
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york, but it involves pretty much everybody across the country. >> watchrk but involved . >> there were some venezuelansie ,groups of migrants i say some not all that are affectingf crime in our city. we sawec in the moped and snat. we see pick up pockets the being picked in times square and on the subway. we see some groups going to stores, macy's, kings plaza, glass height and stealing property >>. , >> sheriff, we now know thesewe venezuelan gangs are in new york. they're in chicago. they're in arizona in your neck of the woods and they're in san . it really is.ming it's becoming a big time proble m in this whole illegaln cr immigration crisis. >> absolutelisis y. lace we're not immune from it. we've got places in scottsdale right now dealing with these venezuelan gangsters, playingn games. i was with some guys from the sheriff's office outthfice t michigan near detroit. they're dealing with the same land gangwith ts. e he look, as wree get more and more people here and they're not able to go outt able and work,
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they're going to try to feed themselves some way or another. and a lot of these people werene criminals in their own countries, now coming in here, committing crimes on our citizensreing ou. and look, we should all be living as americans for what this administratione livich done to america. >> but with these open border policies, the thesei have one question with two elements share of illegal immigrants on the terror watch list, the highest we've seen since 20 1721. in fact, it was even highe we'vn in in the past four months or the first four months of the fiscal year. >> and a huge chinese migrant coming across the border in san diego. what do you make of thoslation,e two numbers? >> well, i'm very concernedf by those numbersthose me we're seeing the 10,000 military age men and other people coming across acthe borders day. i talked to an fbi guy and he g said, look, what concerns us is, not just those people on those terror watch list. how about the secondary and tertiary people that w are not on those watches, but they still don't lis love america and they're more than willing to do damage to america and american s lives if they getport
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the opportunity. >> yeah. pinal county sheriff mark lamm, sherifunity.f, to have you on tonight. >> thank you, sir. thank you. government tonigu . meantime, in georgia, fulton county d.a. fani willis did notd take the stand today, but others did. and the testimony was very explosivt take tnd be, very. but legal experts are now questioning whether any of these statemente and vening.t in the d.a. and the league prosecutor facing consequencedi is like disqualification. the senior national correspondent, kevin corseguresr back now with more on that. >> kevin trace, at issuen th is whether d.a. willersimpr improperly benefited from her paramourop ben, lead prosecp nathan way. >> he was making a lotrose of my ,600 grand, more than that,one, in fact, paid through ofr office six. >> and the question is, did this create a conflict of interesfiion t that should qualify willis's office from this particular cas qualie? >> well, the attorneys for the state were trying to discredit the misconductons g against her, called two key witnesses today, includingair wh willis's own father, who seemeds to support his daughtersup
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assertion that, oh, yeah, she keeps copious amounts of money, cash large amounts home. that was his testimony. in fact, he saids at he's always taught his daughter to keep six months worth of cash on hand. >> it's a fact. okay. you know, i was trained and black folks, they hired cash. so they keephey cash. - and i no, i can you always keep some cash? >> i'm black. >> rep black, t. d hea judge scott, for his part, said he won't rule on whethe or and her office should be disqualified from the case until afte fe case r attorneys for both sai sides have a chance to present arguments which he said would likely happen next friday or the following week. now, keethisn p this in mind, ho during a hearing on monday that willis could disqualifiedt trace if evidence is produced demonstrate starting an actual conflict.
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and this is the keconflicty or n the appearance of one.. >> trace yeah. oh yeah. i'm skeptical. kevin cork back to you as the news warrants. thank you, sir. let's brinbring ashingtog in was legal affairs reporter attorney alex sawyer along california policy center attorney julie hamel. thank you both for comin julg oi >> w alex, to you first.y fani willis did not testify today becaus e. her side was cheering. they think she was victorious yesterda shey. g to alex. t they think, you know what? she's not going. she's not going to get tossed off thisossethise. case. >> she won that that battle. bat tli don't think they wanted her back on the stand. she was a hostile witness. testo and i think clips of her testimony should be played w in law schools across the country, because that's exactlha y what don't want your witness to look like. the notione noti of, any sortwol of appearance of impropriety, it's there. i would be surprisedd be p. o go a lot of people have talked about the judge allowing her to go on and onn on and and on,r how normally you don't see
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that type of behavior in a courtroom. and i'm wondering ifs it's because the judge knows that there is this appearancpeae of and he wants her to be able to say what she needs to say if he's intending to rule against her. >> yeah, it really is kind of amazing becausee . ha i was listening to jonathan turley today, julie, and he was saying the left was celebratint . right. and that her testimony, as jonathan said, wherimony, as e trump was unhinged when he did stuff like that. >> willis was unbowed, right. >> so she was not taking any, you know, trump he's unhinged. he's a man. but she oh, no, she's not taking in any grieno she's f th. >> well, can we just talke talk about how entertaining it was? oh, it was. iv i'll give you that. i mean, we played the soundbites again and again u and again. >> i was glued to then and testimony. it was very entertaining. but shagain. e things like, oh, i pulled a bunch of cash out my campaign and i kept it in myi house, and that's how i paidgnve my lover for these vacations that he took me on after i hired him for this the prosecution. it's absolutely mind blowingly insane to me.e. >> yeah. and what's funny about this
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is here's the here's i want this because heret wh what about here's her dad talking about why she hae had cash in her apartment, a bunch of cash, much. >> excuse me. and your honor, i'm not trying to be racisttrying t, okay?t its but it's a black drawing, okay? you knowlack, i was trainedwas r and most folks, they had cash,e so they keep cash. >> and the theme here, alex, being, of course, she haked thdb cash to be able to pay back the debt she owed to nathan wade for buying thosee those exorbitant and extravagant trips. >> right. and of course, as she was trying to make sure there was appearance of impropriety, no conflict, then she would keep heac ok of her share. and of course, there was no receipts. she didn't d ofo with cash. sh so that's problematic. i will say her father's testimon so y, i thought he was a good witness for her. he's a lawyey, ir. he was rehearsed. he knew he had to talk was about the cash. >> it is troubling for her.
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and he did his best. >> yeah, he was very good. i mean, listen again, he was. he was ver y good. it's just, you know, it's the credibility of justice that we're kin d of we're talking about here. terrence bradley is the former law partne.dleyr, nathan wade. he had some text messagesneys and the attorneys read some of them watc h. so what i have is a message from you saying, oh, my god, nathan, funny on a tri ppa to and paid for with his firm. continue reading and. you said. is he that dumb? huh? and i said, well , i'm on a plane from dubai. nenad three we'll call you asu soon as i land. >> yea sooh. so bradley said is he that dumb? and i said, wow, i'm on a plani from dubai i landed three. >> we'll call you as soon as i land. here'sill call as key. t that text message will not be allowed. the judge is not goinghe to that text message. julie so it is not playing
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a part messageo it i in this cae damning evidence. >> it's out. >> m is thaterstanding the judge is up for reelection in may and there's a qualifying event in march. and so i have e a feelingying that the judge is trying to play it t safe until the qualifying event happens in march. eopl yeah, but i just i want people to think about whatlike would it be like if your local prosecutor was holding of cashch and transacting in cash. yeah. and imagin e the kind of peopleo that could be coming in and out of that house asking for or asking to not be prosecuted, dealing in cash. and there' ne prosecuts no trac, it's very unethical behavior. >> cash is what very quiet.epore >> very quickly, alex, i gotr: to go. kevin $350 million decision, kil of a hitar for the former tod president today in court. >> your final thoughts on thatay . >> >> yeah, i think he hasstrong some strong constitutional arguments on appeal and due process issuesutiona. there was no jury, of course.ue
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i think this has bees, n discuse and it's worth repeating. no harm, no actualbut wort victc i think the banks actually said they were paid on timeey wer and there was a defense on his behalf with the banks. i do think that there could be a successful appeal, at least in reducing a the amout of damages. and of course, there could be strong constitutional arguments to tryd coul to move s in to even federal court on his behalf. >> got to go fede, alex. thank you both. coming up, democrats new effort in the so-called fight for racial.effort. a hip hop task force that won't include republicans. >> and in the nightcap, smart devices, smart speakers, smart c phones always listening to you. >> but two out of three americans don't care if these devices are recording them without their knowledge. do you care?do let us know. an instagram actress. >> gallagher we are coming right back with hip hop task force. >> you're going to love it. behold the new breed.
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so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com getting you caught up now on the breaking news we began the show with this is in sterling, virginia which is about 22 miles outside of dc. earlier tonight some people, an call reporting a gas leak at their home. and by the time firefighterse f the home, as you can see there, exploded. well nownow , we are learning that one firefighter has died in tha t house explosion just outside d.c. first responders were called to the residence of sterling. and what happened when they got there is it exploded. we don't know if the firefighte w if ther actually inside the house checking the leak when this happenedhous, but we w that eventually these are video pictures, videotape of what happened. the live picture ths show, out the fire looks to be mostly out with some smokiness, but we dor not know exactly how many firefighters were inside the house the hod wee and we dow
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of any other injuries. but we do know that at least others were rescued the and transported to a hospital. >> very s injuries.e will we just don't know their severity. but we will keepu up up to speee as we find out more information about what happened and virginia just outside of d.c.. >> but meantime, the fox news did not come in since department is noant an authoritu on hip hop music but is still a bit concerned about democratsa unveiling a hip hop task force to tackle racial inequity, forc the biggest advocate of the task force is far left. congressis l and squad member jamaal bowman, who has come under fire for promotingy 911 conspiracy theories and for his extreme anti-israel stance. bowman also believes that black lives matter and the ceaseck lic movement are shining examples of success. so so he pushes hip-hop messaginghg to address things like ending poverty and justice reform.
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>> common sense is skepticalon d the line quote, i grab odb,e of but that would be a wastep of time. probably have to clap him, runh and toss the nine. >> doesn't exactly scream anonomic and quote my little sister's birthday. she'll remember me for a gift. m i had ten of my boys take her virginity. had tenot really a huge endorset of women. the task force is alsor hoping to push things like affordable housing and public school funding. task force maybe the school fung theme song could be quote, i smacked hi funm in the face with an eraser, chased him with a stapler, stapled his blanks a to a stack of papers. at least it sounds educational. commonth a sense doesn't quite understand this push forco hip-hommonp on hill because it l doesn't feel like they've quite got the beat. >> let's bring in the board, president of chino vallepresidel unified school district here in california, sonja shah, along with parents dn educationfendin senior adviser michelle exner. thank you both for coming on.
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it's kind of interesting, sonia, because there's no bet better way to boost education and public school funding than with hip hopy to and a hip-hop. force. if they came to your school district and said that youhe what? >> what are we doing? yeah, exactly. i mean, i'm noat are wdoing.t s not surprised. they have no limits. and obviously they're trying to pussurpriimits e tryih rheto. and, you know, with young artists, it's not a good example. and i just say let artists be artists and let education be a separate issue. >>ah, let's this let's teach them to read and write. >> maybe we let the lyric writinm tog go little later.e le here is the rap. jamaal bowmat thn on, what this is supposed to be. >> watch, michelle. all i'm doin g continuing i the legacy of fighting for juste peace, justice and equality and human rights for all people. not just here in our country, but all over the world. upon's the legacy of hip-hop. >> that's what hip hop wasas man built upon. but, michelle, as would say,
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that's not really the legacy of the hip-hop. people see it differentlhip-hopt it's been there's been a negative influence on a lot of things. sometimeivinflues positive, som negative on a lot of things with hip hop. chris this is an absolute joke ,right? i it actually read like a babylon bee article, but ny rr the former the former school principal, now a member of congress who couldn't figurhe out fire alarms, is now wasting more of congress's time with this unseriourms. this is just this is appalling. this is embarrassing. and think about this, right?t th students are performing the worst. they havise in decades. i and i got a question. where is education law task force? >> where is that? yeah, it's a very good question. noiow. speaking a good question. chino valley schools want parents to be notifiedstion. if their child is changing genders. >> right. here is california changin genea back in september, rob bonta going at you for that watch. >> they're violating multiple sections of the constitution and state lasectiow and they'reg
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it very defiantly and, whu know, keeping our eye on the ball. here it is. children who would be the losers from this polico woul th' and that is why i'm moving in to protect children from being hurt, from being. fro >> what he's saying, sonia, is if you do not keep secrets from parents about their kids, you are violating their kid's rights. no >>yourw, suing them. >> absolutely. the political cartel is a joke h and they continue to try to push this stuff. but thank god we have liberty, justice, helpings but us withia a couple of the cases in regards to our case of keeping parents informed.or. we had a great when a whatha i think is a win this morning and we're going to keep fighting relentlessly becaus e our kids need their parents. >> how long will this go on you thing? when >> long. when will we get we find out some clarity on this whole thinl d ouaritg. e >> well, in regards to our case in particular, i think in thpae beginning of march, you're got to see some big developments come out. and sog to see b i had, you know, some things planned and our attorneys working directlys with us. wo,rkt ust want to give people you know, some hope, do not.
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give up. they want to tire us out. they wanant to tt to take resous away. they want parents out of the picture because they want to push an agend athey wanout o >> right. but we're not giving up. yeah, we just started. yeah, you shouldn't give up. here'swe just andard. presidentg assistant secretary for health on the whole climateiv her thinh and how it affects certain people. >> catchd how it. climate change is having a disproportionate effect on the physical and mental health of black communities. phys likelyrens are more than white americans to live in areas in housing li ie susceptibilityusin to climate related health issuesg th. and 65% of black americans report feeling anxious. >> climate changes impact. the problem here, michelles , they don't cite any evidence. there's no backup data. there'ichells nothing to really support this. it just sounds good. it sound dats like they're tryi to help the underserved. but the truth is, there's nothing really to suppor 'r thet this. >> of course they don't, because no evidencore. say and i also think at this point, the biden administration and the left aret this just simy
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running out of things to call racists. we have is there racists? math is racist, exercise is racist. and now apparentlyhi the weather is also racist. and i think what's really sad here is that there's rac issues affecting both our country and american families have an out of control border. you have the chronic education loss. biden you have two wars going on. but what the biden admin doing, they're just simply intent doi manufacturing fake crises and it's simply leading the american families. >> and people keep saying, again, again, can we not focus on some of the things that we desperately need like, getting oakland, california, back on the map and getting people, you know, to be comfortable walking the streets there again? so job peoe exner, thank you b. coming up, president biden >> ptly visiting easth palestine, ohio, more than a year after that toxic train derailmentting e. but many residents held up signs with, you know, with the f word h, not the friendly word. we'll talk to one of the residents live next.'l and a good samaritan stops a would be thief using only oneo
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hand. and what happens when a six month old baby meets and a nined week old puppy? >> love at first sight. the best viral videos are next. meantime, 835 on the westt nigh coast, a fox news a night tripac across america. the first, a live look. phoenix, arizona, the largest phusy that is also a stateso capital. now to the oil a capital of the world in tokyo, tulsa, oklahoma, and a live look at daytonan tu and beach, flori. the daytona 500 is this sunday i on fox. sund jacksonville, florida, named afteay r president jackson. if you can't join us live, don't forget set your dvive don watch us any time. we're coming right back with a resident of east palestine on the visit of president biden. eyes feeling dry tired, stressed get a boost of moisture with bio true hydration boost eyedrops for comfort throughout day..) they're preservative free
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animosity from residentsm who still asking questions about their drinking water and their longtheir long-t heal let's bring in east palestine resident d.j. yoke. leresidee d.j., it's great to hh you on the show. i know you you say the president waited a year and you were hoping this would be more than a political stunt. whatas you w thi it what was your perception about this gathering, this meetinr percg? h >> yes. this was nothing more than a political stunt. an about minutes of him talking and tell us, telling us things that we already knowkw trace. and, you know, for us, we waited 54 weeks to see this happen. it's fored 54 to transpire fore the right time that he's been talkin he'g about happen at 445 on a friday, right before he goes delaware. so you tell me why this happened. if he didn't bring any federal funding, he didn't bring anything but a wagging fingehap norfolk southern and things that the community have known since the date is the. day >> yeah. i want to play some sound bites
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from your fellow residents here, d.j., and i'll get your thoughts on the other sider will. reporte >> i made eye contact with a lot of the people in, the vehicles, after they looked at my side and they looked at me and i just. i hopey at mgn it made a differ. like, i hope they do something because we're all stuck. we'rde e all sick. he has treated us no better. than what we've been treated for the past. and it's heartbreaking. you know, everybody said it. >> it's late. yeah. a lot of people are disappointed in president's visit so late, d.j., but reallyu were more concerneord about. >> how are you how are your fellow residents doing a yeahor after this disaster? >> frustrated. i mean, you a lo t of the people in the video wanted joe biden to come and they wanted him to brin g and instead he brought empty hands and empty promisespty and, you know, we're just we want we safe here for 54 weeks. our community has had to make tougugh,h, uneducated decisions because we have scientists on both side
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s of the aisle telling us we're safe, we're not safe. you know, thissafe is a situation t where this is going to affect the rest of our livehes. i mean, a lo t of us have lived here our entire lives, our community. we lovs lived he it. but we have to be safe to lay our head on our pillow and think about our children someday being affected. and cancer clusterr heads are te possibilities that we keep hearing. >> you know, it's a frustrating scenariop that the president oh the united states and his staff don't seem to care about. >> yeah, i think we should point this out because wrote this in a headline biden makes fleeting trip to east palestine more than maken a year after trn disaster, president greeted with few chants and tellsh residents we leave no one behind in whistle stop visit before, as you say, d.j. heading the beach. he's at the beach.each m you anord 5000 of your fellow rd residents are still in east palestine and wondering what's next? >> what is next? >> and that's what we want to know as well. i mean, we've been told
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it's all because of how we vote. >> we all voted for trump. apparently in 20 2016 and 2020. you nobody voted for this. reere's there's 4700 people that would really likale to have to go back to february23 2nd, 2023, and have their livesi and not their entire livelihoods turned upside down. business in this town have lost their business. we'vveupsidee business owners l. i've had to leave my businessse in my hometownen. in m >> this is a tough situation. raise not one that you sign up for when you, will you opportunity toward the american dream? >> yeah. and the line of tho e night botto is that nobody voted for this. and joe biden ra in and hen an accepted this nomination as a uniter. and thnt thie people of east palestine do not feel united locally. bestf east palestine luck to yo. best of luck to the residents there. we will keep checking in as have been throughout the past year. >> thank you for coming on. thanks, trace. shushing can i god.trace. well, first up, tonight's viral
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video is a mysterious good samaritan in australia showed remarkable presence of mind when she stopped a robber as he flen ind a shoppg mall. she grabbed the bag of stolen goods before he gote on the escalator, then played kind of a tug of war. you can see it until. she got help. and yes, she held her child's hand the whole childhand the ti. police are still trying to figure out who this mystery ous. .wa >> now, for the moment, six month old harper met her family'smoment new week old puppy, a cavalier king charles spaniel. >> it was love at first sight as the puppy tried to climb harper's lap for some cuddles. best friends from the very beginning. >> and explosive experts detonated three worl d war bombs two era bombs discovered in a bay along the florida panhandlde . they're thought to be 80 plus years old. the underwaterthoughto detonatit off without a glitch and the bay is again bomb free. we think if you have viral video to share, share e with us at trace gallagher or at fox
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news night on social media. >> and just ahead in the nightcap, do you always feel like some more something is watching you? do ytmart devices are smar phones, are camerassmar our speakers? most americans not seem's wha to care. at least that's what we're told that thesewe're are recording without them. but we have your numbers hand. ? and guess what?u ca you care. still timere to weigh in on xnightc and instagram, the nightcap crew is next. apbut first, a live look at sana monica, california, the birthplace of america's sweetheart, shirley temple, as well as daddy's eva and lylae gallagher. my carg right back. >> liberty mutual customizes my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's . you need i know. i've been telling everyone r to yell at me. how many people did you tell? only for what you need. >> it is a very, very lucky weather. you come to key west for an
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will help fix it backed by our million dollar protection package. lifelock identity theft protection starts here. >> okay. we are back with the nightcap crew, kevin cork, sonia shah, juli keve and michelle exner.soj tonight's topic, listening in. so here'a s the deal we'ved time all had these times when we're talking about something with our phones in our handsdial and then we immediately get this kind of ultra, s slightly creepy and almost likei our phones are in. >> yet it seems many americans don't actually care if they're being recorded. >> do you care if your smart devices likeour smar you camera and you're your siri and you're arexa'a ans and your phone and l
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that stuff are actually listening to everythintuallyg y. because you know they are. because every time you look over that littlet little thing s on, that siri thing. >> if you say like susie siri comes on, she's like, hey, what's going on? >> you're like, no, sir, i wasn't talking to yo no su. talki >> and that's the whole thing. so. kevin corke, do you worrngyr evr about people listening in to your every conversation, convything you do and sayd you know what? >> i don't think i worry took much, but it is a little creepy. wo a creepyou're right?r mo if i'm talking about a, say, a car model, i'm like, oh, thatknow, i saw that lexusdesa r i saw that tesla s plaid. and then all of a sudden i getn all these ads for tesla. >> it is a little off puttin a >> it really is. it's -- it's interesting, julie, because, you know, as an attorney, you you never know what somebody is going to do. >> you have no idea whero e this stuff goes. you have no idea if it's retained. goes any of it.di and we did this story not too tl longon about one of the recurri speakers that that captured a ups driver and they thoughtwa he was saying some places when he was not and the and thenoe oe
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owner of the home went after the ups driver. he got fired. they haddriver to reinstate him, though. >> but so that's kind of the thing is you never know. that's terribl r e. i know i had to delete instagram from my phone because >> r myroundup in my yard and my husband came out and told me, hey, you heard about the cancer cases with roundup? and then when i went inside, i got an ad on instagram for lawyers to represent ms toe in a case against roundup if i had cancer. >> yeah, i >> tracet is. it's crazy because, you know, they're always listening. and every time you shop or every time lis tim talk, i haveg conversation, something that pops up. we're talking about ski. and last weekendup and suret go enough, hey, what about going to so-and-so for skiinin sg son? >> you know, it's -- it's absolutely creepy because three listens to everythin tg, say, except for when i call her name. yeah, but i guess, you know, as much as i care of what the they're doing with the data a and listening to me, people film us at the grocery bit e they de sto random thingso i might be a little bit not so sensitive anymore. you. >> yeah, i hear you, michellein chase. i meank yo, you terrified meg to
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with that intro. i'm going to go home and just unplug everything that be listening to me. so catch me caught me as a hard new for the recording. >> so kevin cord doesn't care, but guess what? >> if you look at our poll on x. yeat ours, 96% say don't listene on instagram. 90% tami wagner says, i don't sted big brother monitoring. >> my every move stay out of my life. read phantom. if they're recordingf me, the they would be bored to death with what they get willing to tak be. t i'm sure whoever listens what i do want to cry over the chaos in my life or be laughing hysterically at my stupidity. russell, i know. min mine does because i said oreo on the phone call. and when i opened x there wasd a spinning oreo cookie ad like julie and, john, b and chino.eoo i don't want to be frekieja i don't want to be frekieja entertainmenb.t. watching america's late news fox news at nine. thank you for joining the nightcap ameriprcan do m ie gallagher. >> have a great weekend. we'll see you back here on monday. on monday. personalizedrk. ameriprise can do more than help you reach your goals. i can make this work.
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