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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 17, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ >> this is the worst call we can
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respond too. and we can hold each other up. >> tragedy overnight in virginia. a community morning a hero after a shocking house explosion claims the life of a firefighter. this is a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am eric shawn, hi arthel. arthel: hi eric, hello everyone i am arthel neville. fourteen other people were hurt and that blasted. many of them first responders but it happened in sterling which is about 22 miles northwest of washington d.c. crews were responding to a call about a natural gas smell. one of several made a call's reported firefighters trapped by debris. madison is alive with the very latest on this tragic story. what more can you tell us? >> the home is completely obliterated. when a firefighters responded to the 911 call about the smell of gas, we are learning to date toy immediately got the people who were inside and the pets out.
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that is great news there. they found a 500 gallons underground propane tank that was leaking. some of the firefighters were inside the home when the tank blew video of the aftermath shows a giant cloud of smoke around the house. debris scattered firefighters and trucks lining the streets. >> total devastation. there is a debris field well into the streets and the neighboring homes. this will affect the entire service. >> the fire department says 45-year-old husband and father of three trevor brown was killed in the explosion. we do not know how he died. he was a volunteer firefighter who worked for the county for the last eight years. fourteen people -- my first responders and civilians were injured by the blast really shocked the neighborhood. >> we heard this giant boom, the
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windows were rattling but i came out and asked my parents what is happening? without a branch had fallen onto the tree where there was an earthquake again. we were all crossing our fingers everything would turn out all right to correct such a scary situation for everyone involved. the fire marshal is still investigating all of this. arthel: indeed is scary and very tragic and sad. madison thank you very much. >> police are searching for a killer app an apparent double murder at the university of colorado. that in colorado springs. two people found dead in a storm room. this happened yesterday morning. christina coleman with the very latest on this baffling case. >> hi eric, authorities are still searching for the killer in this case. officers responded to reports of gunshots yesterday. discovered the bodies of these two students a horrible situation. colorado springs police say both students were shot at least
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once. >> i want to express my heartfelt sympathy for the families of these two individuals. a tragedy like this is unimaginable. >> on imaginable indeed paid police say this appears to be an isolated incident. officers found the students dead in the storm around 6:00 a.m. early friday morning police say they do not believe there is an ongoing threat to the community. some are still on edge considering no suspects have been arrested in this case for news of the double murder spread very fast but one student described awaking to messages from concerned family and friends. >> i woke up 2 million techs ad calls for my friends and parents. and i did not know what was happening but look out my window has a ton of police cars all over the place. >> campus wide a lockdown went into effect and lasted for an hour and a half after officers investigated the shooting on friday. have not identified the victim so far no word on the motive or
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a description of a possible suspect. campuses close this weekend and monday's classes are canceled in light of the tragedy. >> were using our ucs swag that's our normal day-to-day and now it is almost like traumatizing to see someone aware that because it is like wow, it's been through so much as a school family in general. not everyone knows each other. we are a somewhat big school but just because you don't know everyone doesn't mean you don't care. next counseling services are being offered at the campus wellness center to help students process this awful tragedy. >> just so difficult christina, thank you. arthel: eric and christina. the family of alexei navalny said the whereabouts of his body are unknown. and once it returned to them immediately. the outspoken critic of russian president vladimir putin died yesterday in a remote arctic presents he was serving 19 years
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on charges of extremism. his family says alexei navalny was murdered. president biden blames putin for his death for nearly three years ago president biden said he told putin to his face that there would be quote devastating consequences if alexei navalny dies. lucas tomlinson live in delaware where president biden is spending the weekend. >> arthel vice president harris speaking and munich, germany earlier today to note the death the remarks came long ukraine president zelensky were ukrainian forces have been forced to recruit treat that once had a population of 30,000. they blame congressional in action. >> history shows us that we allow in aggressor like putin to take land with impunity they keep going the other would be
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aggressors then become emboldened. >> harris warning and munich in not-so-subtle reference in 1938 british prime minister chamberlain declared the peace for our time after the agreement between and hitler to annex part of czechoslovakia with 3 million ethnic germans were living at the thai verdigris hitler did not stop there. pulling was conquered a year later drawing britain in eventually the united states into world war ii. harris also spoke about the death of russian opposition leader putin's versus critic who returned to russia been poisoned by the nerve agent novichok. recovered in a german hospital he could've stayed there and continued his crusade against putin outside russia, said he flew back to russia three years ago after releasing a two hour documentary exposing what he called putin's biggest bribe. as palace along the black sea. the blame putin for that trend
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to death inside the russian penal colony in siberia. >> make no mistake, putin is responsible for alexei navalny's death. putin is responsible. what has happened is more proof of putin's brutality. no one should be fooled not in russia, got home, not anywhere in the world. >> as you mention president biden met with putin three years ago at the geneva summit or he said there be devastating consequences when asked by a reporter what would happen if alexei navalny died in prison president biden said those remarks were three years ago's and sub russia has suffered the consequences over 3000 russian shoulders have been wounded and killed. arthel: lucas tomlinson live with president biden and rehoboth beach, delaware. eric: for more on the growing list of murder victims a spring at rebecca former defense intelligence agency officer, author of the book of putin's
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playbook russia secret plan to defeat america. she knows putin's thinking, his brain and motives very well. rebecca, always good to see you. so he is healthy in court the next day he's dead. what is your sense of how this played out what you think happened? >> supposedly what happened was he fell down after a walk and died. the russians say he died of a sudden death syndrome we likely will never find out exactly what happened. because i doubt the russians are going to release the body because if putin indeed has a hand in it and he suddenly has a record of authorizing similar targeted assassinations, we would get a sense of it. but, if we do not get our hands on the body we will not know. i certainly do not rule out the possibility putin did authorize
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this. he has done this before he has a motive and he does benefit from navalny's death. >> how does he benefit and why now? was this a message to the west? >> three things. first, putin is coming up on reelection that is going to happen in march 15 through 17. he will almost certainly win. but if he is the one that authorize this assassination, the motive is to silence other opposition members and basically a signal to other would be either turncoats or vocal critics to stay silent. the second is to demonstrate to the united states that none of the prisoners of u.s. citizens
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that are currently held in russian prisons such as wall street journal reporter evan and paul, the former naval officer. putin wants to frighten us in order to have us stop provide funding and weaponry to ukraine so he could just roll over. there are other motives that putin has. it is standard playbook. the russian population he has a firm hold on for 24 years now. eric: this comes in the background of his illegal and barbaric invasion of ukraine among some of the republican circles and in congress not to fund ukraine's fights against his barbarism. ukraine had to pull back from
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one the city they were able to capture russia making advances they may be running out of ammunition. what happens and what is the message if the republicans don't fund the fight against putin in ukraine? >> well, regretfully the writing is on the wall. from the very beginning ukraine and my intelligence analysis had no chance. why is that? there is a disproportionate imbalance between russia and ukraine both militarily and economically. putin prepared for this war for two decades he transition the russian military and economy back in 2015 by invoking a special regime it's an illegal regime that basically mandates the russian production companies fulfill first and foremost
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government orders whether it's missiles or ammunition. they had to forgo their economic commercial orders. on the other hand ukraine military is not as strong as russia's. there is a reason why the pentagon designates the russian military as a near competitor. and so basically, what is going to happen is putin is going to fight until the last ukrainian. the russian population is three times more than ukrainians. and so the average age of a ukrainian soldier right now is 43. they are almost out of ammo. they are forced to ration ammo and the simply, tragically outmanned and outgunned. eric: does that mean the west gives up that he did not do that against the nazis we did not do that against hitler. and in vladimir putin tries to take more of ukraine the warning
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is it would be his for the taking, eastern europe and he would try to challenge native preachers with the white house is about lack of funding on capitol hill this morning saying quote this is the cost of congressional inaction. ukrainians continue to fight bravely but they are running low on supplies. it is critical they approve funding without delay so we can provide ukraine with the artillery, ammunition and other critical equipment they need to defend their country. some would say why a pullback? this is the challenge of our time. putin has to be stopped here and if he is not stopped here, our way of life, our allies will suffer what is your reaction to that? >> my intelligence analysis is putin is not going to invade a nato country. not the baltics, and not poland. why a question for two reasons.
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first putin is not an idiot and he is not suicidal he would never take on a nato country it would trigger the five collective defense because nato enjoys and overwhelming conventional superiority over russia. putin would not dare that he would be done in the matter of a week. and so the only way he could've possibly win such a war is with nuclear weapons or with space weapons the one mike turner was warning us about. i'm so it is likely that if we do approve this funding the war's going to go on killing more and more soldiers to both the russians and ukrainians the ukrainian death toll is about 200,000 right now both the dead and wounded. and so putin is going to persist because it's in existential matter for him. otherwise if we do not approve,
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the war is going to be settled that is my assessment at this time. eric: it vladimir putin continues the ukraine people suffer because of that. former defense intelligence agency officer rebecca koffler. putin's brain is the book rebecca always good to see you thank you. steve i thank you. record numbers of chinese migrants are crossing the u.s./mexico border in southern california they are reportedly getting help from tiktok we are live at the border with the latest on that too. .that is coming up next. earn big with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein,
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arthel: d.c. woman is charge of the death of her 3-year-old daughter from functional boys and she pleaded not guilty yesterday to first-degree murder and first-degree cruelty to children. she is accused of letting her daughter in just a lethal dose of the drug. she is being held without bond at least until she is back in court in about three weeks. eric: california is starting to see a heavy influx of migrants and many they say from china. fox news team witnessed large groups of them to illegally cross the border in that state. this happening texas at the authoritiesare building their op
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for national guard troops doing that in eagle pass to try and help the situation there at the border. griff jenkins is live and california with the very latest from there. what's going on? >> good afternoon. because of governor abbott's efforts in texas the surge has moved west to arizona in particularly here in california i am in 60 miles southeast of san diego let me give you a live look of what you're seeing here. this is a small group of a dozen migrants for the first ones hear from brazil, from colombia and ecuador. what's fascinating is these are the remnants of a group of 87 that showed up this morning. i border pool patrol agent the loan agent was out here today to deal this entire group all by himself. what he is awaiting for is more transport buses to get here because they have been transporting so many migrants it is in operation that is 24/7
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mention the chinese migrants 20000 plus since a fiscal year began in october of last year. 90% or more of them have come to this sector for the single adult mail chinese are very difficult to vet because they do not speak the language we do not know a lot china does not share the information it's concerning from a national security aspect of the officials we were able to speak with one chinese migrant and asked him why he's coming to the united states this is what he told us take a listen. >> why did you come? >> money. >> yesterday. >> for job? >> is no job in china? >> maybe i don't know. but some back up here i will give you one last look of the migrants most of them will be transported to the main area at 60 miles west in san diego. many of them will be released with a notice to appear the catch and release a policy that's drawing so many migrants
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is continuing. that is why they are coming but we talked to one migrant he said he paid 8004 for people to get smuggled here by the cartels. >> griff, a quick question he said money and job but that's not a reason for asylum is a question of the people we see right now on the screen behind your standing and waiting it's like they are at the airport or bus station. that is right. this soundbite really highlights exactly what is wrong with the system. that is they are coming for reasons that will not qualify for asylum. meaning and just getting a job but yet they are coming because so many are continuing to get released. i believe most of these people are coming because of a job and they want better lives and whatnot. [inaudible] >> jobs?
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my spanish is bad i'm not going to make her listen to my bad spanish. the point is so many of them come for jobs and they come from as far away as brazil? brazil? are right that is a situation here these migrants will mostly be taken and transport it will wait for the next group back to you big. >> that is like an astounding scene as always great work thank you. >> griff and eric thank you for it for more and this will bring in chris is a retired border patrol chief of the yuma sector in arizona. so it several questions for you. why the influx of chinese migrants is it easier for them to get here? most importantly why are they coming in droves you just heard one person tell griff it is for
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jobs. what are you hearing? >> good afternoon and again it's a continuing saga that's been going on for the last few years. you guys have reported the numbers we have seen a dramatic uptick over 20000 last fiscal year from china. they are coming just like everyone else is coming for an opportunity a false opportunity just like griff reported they are coming here for jobs. they numbers that you see -- like the demographics are single adults. that in itself is very alarming because china is not somebody that is our best friend. to see huge numbers like the show up is kind of concerning. any demographic in that mass from countries that do not like us is crazy. but they just keep coming because they're welcome to buy this administration and as griff reported many will be processed then released. and by the way that location to
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see the vehicles passing by? that is interstate eight that's a major interstate connecting san diego to central arizona this location has been a hotspot for months and it continues to pick up. this is again failed a policy encouraging people from all over the world to come over here and especially from countries that are not necessarily our friends. >> meanwhile isis emergency fund is negative $700 million. isis considering mass releases and a dhs spokesperson release this statement to fox in part it reads the administration has repeatedly requested additional resources for dhs vital missions on the southwest border congress is chronically underfunded them. most recently congress rejected the bipartisan national security bill out of hand which will put at risk dhs current removal
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operations. put further strain on arctic over taxed workforce and make it harder to catch fentanyl at ports of entry. so chris, i ask what is your message to republicans in congress who are blocking aid for so border security? >> my messages this, let's listen to what this administration and supporters have been saying for years. defend ice, abolish ice. all the city gets politically uncomfortable for them in an election year they want to suddenly support ice and demand ice t is the support they need. they been spread thin they have been working double time trying to support border protection what i would give a message to politicians and l blessed this admin admits tradition is serios let's do a standalone bill that only supports border security and ice detention no other added bobonuses i want to support othr countries and their fights right now it's but a standalone bill that funds ice that funds the ice agents. that gives us 50000 beds a day
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whatever the requirement is to do it standalone, support the border security operations and none of the other nonsense and let's see if they are serious and stop this political football that's going on during an election year. >> listen there is blame to be applied to the administration. but now republicans in congress will not sign off on a bipartisan national security bill that will buy most assessments help ease the pain so again what do you say to those in congress who are choosing politics over protection of public safety? >> i was at let's look at hr to the first thing in their talks about border security that was not in the senate bill the only thing positive ice on the senate bill they claim is a bipartisan is the ice detention. everything else is about processing. it's lowering the asylum bar. it gives more authority to the bureaucrats in the administration. focus on security, focus on the detention. arthel: chris they'll have 30
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seconds. do you approve of the most recent bipartisan bill that has gotten praised by many people of all political do you approve of that question but something has to be done we cannot keep talking about that one is to blame, that one is to blame sears so this is ridiculous. >> it is disappointing. it gives numbers of when they're actually going to ask if there was funding set aside but at the end of the day it did not focus on the actual securing of our border it was more about facilitating and processing efficiency it did not finish what we started as far as the security requirements and it did not have the safeguards in place it really talked about at a certain point then we will authorize closure. they are somewhere between the senate bill in the house bill is where we can find common sense. we've got to start the security piece first. >> chris, thank you very much take care. >> former president trump as you know hit with a huge fight and
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the new york civil fraud trial that penalties do not stop there. coming up his reaction on what this could mean for his business empire and the run for the white house. stay with us. y's longer retirem. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ (♪) your ancestry is so much more than names and dates. (♪) c'mon! it's the story of your family - then and now. a story that made your name mean something. a story you're still writing.
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♪ ♪ ♪ arthel: former president trump not mincing words with the new york judge was ordered from to pay over three to $50 million in fines and a civil fraud trial for falsely inflating his net worth it. mr. trump is also banned from running a business in new york for at least three years for it he says he will appeal. cb cotton's life is life outsidf trump tower in new york with more. >> hi arthel put new york state attorney general letitia james wanted three to $70 million of penalties for former president donald trump. his sons and business associates. she got 364 million in total penalties that number will
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continue to go up because of interest until it is paid. judge arthur ruled the former president and his sons engaged in a decades long scheme to deceive at banks and lenders and now mr. trump is barred from doing business in new york for three years and a monitor will continue to oversee the trump companies for at least three years. it was a necessary step complete lack of remorse and borders on more favorable loans the former president said he relied on accountants the judge wrote quote the buck for being truthful in the supporting data evaluation stopped with the trump organization, not the accountants. must pay over 4 million each they're barred from doing business in the state for two years for the former president called the ruling a sham untruth social and said this outside of his mar-a-lago home yesterday.
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>> we have a totally corrupt attorney general she campaigned on the fact i will get trump, i will get trump everyone is saying it. they have all seen it. >> meanwhile attorney general letitia james said this. >> this decision is a massive victory for every american who believes in its simple but simpl pillar of our democracy that the rule of law applies to all of us. equally. fairly. and just sleep. >> the trump's attorney has also blasted the ruling as quote manifest injustice will also going to appeal. trump's legal woes are far from over. his next infers a criminal case is slated to begin in march where he is accused of falsifying business records in order to cover up a ledge hush money payments to adult film star stormy daniels.
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>> cb cotton at trump tower, thank you. but should build a great company. there was no fraud. the banks all got their money one 100% they loved trump they testified trump is great, a great customer. one of our best customers attested by beautifully prolix trump engaged in deceptive business practices and in tremes fraud. donald trump falsely and knowingly inflated his net worth by billions of dollars to unjustly enrich himself, his family, and to cheat the system. >> those are the conflicting views of the three to 64 million-dollar penalty imposed on the former president and the trump organization for what the judge ruled was a longtime fraud. the bill could climb to nearly half a billion dollars with interest and more so what is the reaction? republican congressman jeff van drew joins us he is a member of the house judiciary committee. congressman, welcome you are on
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the judiciary committee what you think of this case when we think of what the judge ruled? >> god help us what we're doing with our criminal justice system and the annoyances of america. letitia james, the attorney general openly and knowingly campaigned her primary goal if you want to be attorney general was to go after donald trump and destroy him. they have recorded speeches. not worried about the rapes that are going on not worried about the murders, not worried about carjackings that was not her main focus. which should be, but it was donald trump. the second piece of this is we know the banks testified in did not have anything negative to say about donald trump at all. and in fact wanted to lend him more money because he paid everything in full. the third thing we know is there has never been a case like this in the history of new york. there is no victim, nobody was
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hurt. you know who was hurt? donald trump they hide to hurt him, they try to hurt his family, his children which is an awful kind of politics for one reason, the same reason they're trying to take him off the ballot. the same reason they just do not want him to run. many don't want him to run they want to hurt him in any way they can. why not let the people of the united states of america decide on donald trump? instead we have selected powerful groups of people across the country who are trying to orchestrate his destruction and i don't believe progress having said that congressman, should he be given a pass? here is what the judge ruled and said in the ruling quote their complete lack of contrition and remorse and borders on the pathological. donald trump profess to know more realistic than other people to be more expert than anybody else. he repeatedly falsified business records with the intent to
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defraud. the lowest back to 1954 , 55 and it says you do not have to have a victim it's the fact there was this fraud that is enough to show the legality. should justice be blind and look away from that? >> know the justice should never be -- make that justice should be fair that's all that you ask. now, i know how the law was written. but the truth is it has never been prosecuted in this way, ever in new york. why did that happen why was this a unique case? the truth is no but it was stolen, everybody was repaid. nothing was dong done that was wrong and the truth is also this is judge also hates donald trump has repeatedly and openly even before this case spoken about how much he disliked trump how much she was against trump. he never should have heard this case it should not of been heard and new york because it is impossible right now, it wasn't
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true in the past but it is true now to get a really fair hearing. let me tell you something let me say it this way if donald trump tomorrow said i am not going to run for the presidency of the united states of america this would all go away but it is not going to go away because he insists that he wants to run which is the right thing to do. if you never turned a blind eye it should always be open, it should always be fair and that is my point with this, it is not fair. it is not right and what they are doing is wrong. and americans know we've never seen anything like this before. instead of being the wonderful, amazing great nation of the united states of america that beacon of light and hope and rule of law we are now emulating third world countries totalitarian countries, dictatorships in communist countries when we don't want someone to run for office we remove them. >> there is a lot in this the tremendous amount the details i
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would urge people to read it it doesn't show they have valued properties at different rates they said the values were inflated. versus experts who said this. there is the legal impact of this finally as the penalty. what about the political impact of this? will there be a lasting political impact to the president's race? >> i do not believe that there will be. people know it. people themselves are feeling this is not right. they realize if he did not run for president, none of this would be happening. donald trump just opens it all up. when he comes to washington he is showing with the swamp is. he is letting people know the real deal in what's happening to our country and they want to stop him. there may be some legal points and there may be some legal issues and technical issues, i do not doubt that. but this affiant is unbelievably excessive. nobody was hurt will say over and over again.
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i would like to go through all the businesses including democrats and find out if we went to their businesses how many people they have hurt, how much money has been stolen and what is happened. none of that happened here. come on big rocks letitia james' white-collar financial fraud is not a victimless crime when the powerful break the law. there's less resources for others but as you point out this seems to be kind of a record and it isn't bei is being appealed e vowed that. >> they have wanted him to borrow more money from them. even when they testify he was such a bad guy he was supposedly ththanks atul thanks of new jery congressman congressman jeff andrew. congressman always good to see you, thank you for your insight. the five nikki haley is in her home state of south carolina looking to drum up support and her campaign against former president trump it is she making progress?
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for five early voting is underway in south carolina republican primary. trump holds a solid lead over nikki haley. in her home state but haley is gaining support an in a new puln voter preference. meanwhile the former ambassador is hitting the former press on foreign policy but alexandria hoff is live in south carolina capitol city, columbia. >> hi arthel. good to be with you. foreign policy is only part of the conversation here in south carolina given its large military population. on the trail it has become more of a talking point that is of course coming from the side of former governor nikki haley. she's going to be campaign good throughout the week. in the wake of putin critic that she ramped up criticism former president trump pass statements
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he appeared to praise vladimir putin and slight u.s. allies. >> the problem is, if someone is not there to rein him and he gets out of control but look at what he said about nato. he went and said if they did not pull their weight he would encourage putin to invade them. >> the latest monmouth university poll puts a former president at a 58 -- 32% lead over haley that includes here in her home state southland procedure means thing could get interesting. in north charleston wednesday and slammed the fact registered democrats cannot participate in the republican primary. so long they did not cast a vote in the democratic contest earlier this month. >> you do not what liberals to meddle in your primary which they should not be able to do, then you have to get out and get every patriot you know come out this week and vote for our
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campaign. >> trump is set to return to south carolina on tuesday. he is rallying in michigan tonight. by the weight to it in tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. to see nikki haley's exclusive town hall moderated by john roberts. and then tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. a f former president trump's exclusive town hall with laura ingraham as moderator. and we will be right back. customize and save with libberty bibberty. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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arthel: a massive avalanche nearly hit a construction site in india on friday. eyewitness captured the moment the snow, ice, and debris tore down a mountainside towards buildings and bystanders below. this was in the kashmir region and the himalayas. vibrations from the tunnel construction may have triggered the avalanche. thankfully no injuries were reported. stay for it that really is something. we can wash out and florida is starting the first event of the nascar cup racing season. the daytona 500 race day tomorrow but may go down as the wettest went on record if it actually goes offered "fox
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weather" correspondent is in daytona has the very latest from there. what is it like? >> eight eric, i would chose been dry for the past hour or so. were getting a light rain right now this could be the wettest on record. we could get two -- 3 inches of rain on this weekend which is more than double the previous races that were rained out received. the rain this morning cause to cancel part of for the daytona 500. already impacting this weekend. the big question is will teams be able to rev up their engines and raise tomorrow? it is basically the super bowl of nascar so a big deal. kicking off their cup series the weather forecast is not looking good with heavy rain expected through monday morning. so far we have not heard of any updates of the daytona 500 being until monday and nascar rep told me they will do what they can to do what they can and write out the rain but safety is their number one priority. with no tread on these tires
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number four explained why. >> the rain makes a track more slippery just like the roads when you are driving near the stopping distance changes and attraction in the corner changes for there are features on the car that have different tracks are more equipped to race in the rate daytona is one of those tracks because a style makes it too dangerous. >> i do have a system over a dozendozenairtight trucks that e this course and basically dry or blow high-pressure air onto this course along with some high-powered blowers to go ahead and write it up. they had to use at this money i'm sure we'll see those out tomorrow. if we get a pocket of dry air to get the race started will have to keep our eyes on the radar. back to you. >> 's before you know what it's like when you drive a car in the rain, they go 180 miles an hour, safety first. brandi thank you. arthel: thank you. as we reported earlier police are tracking down leads after a
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shocking double killing on campus at the university of colorado in colorado springs. we will have on on the 4:00 p.. eastern time along with us will be ted williams for insight he is a fox news contributor and former homicide detective. some of what we will see youte, then for the journal editorial report is next.y. report is next.y. thank you fo r trusting fox news. complete report is next.y. thank you fo with 30 grams of protein. (♪) jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth he's let his own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner.
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12:00 pm
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