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tv   One Nation With Brian Kilmeade  FOX News  February 17, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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regime into iran are the enemy. xi jinping is the enemy. we have a lot of enemies and we shouldn't pretend they are our friends. do you know why? will turn on us. that said tomorrow night i want to address this issue of mayorkas, impeachment. it's over policy, we are sending about president. now the republicans are doing it to condemn the democrats. that's all, we say bs and i'm going to explain to you like it's never been explained before, the purpose of impeachment, the history of impeachment and why mayorkas should be impeached. courageous small majority in the house, joe biden should be impeached for the same reasons. to motivate on life, liberty and levin. i'll see you then. ♪
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>> welcome to one nation, so glad you're spending your night with us. guess who else was going to be with us, governor ron desantis not running for president but he still making an impact in florida 2024 and retail theft. rosanna scotto in the green room inside the century city and what this democratic mayor is doing to possibly shake the status from new york city. we will talk to her about that the first about the story i cannot shake this week from off the top of my mind, the tip of my tongue. embarrassing. i forgot. just kidding. i'm talking for the president's memory and his ability to do the job. if i actually forgot, my train of thought like that, every single time at least once when i speak on camera, i probably wouldn't have this job let alone ask for four more years in a contract renewal. there have been in endless amount of gas. we have decisions he's made that make no sense and last week the special counsel's report absolutely blowing the lid off
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any case for his mental capacity and we are still in this tornado of downfall wondering when joe biden will drop the ball next. he stored highly classified documents next to dogmas and firewood over the course of four years. he forgot when he served as vice president forgot when his son died, that prompted him to erupt the pressure, the special counsel for bring up a moment like that in his life. >> i know there's some attention paid to language and report about my recollection of events. there's even reference that i don't remember when my son died. how in the hell dare he raise that? i thought to myself, it's not any of your business. >> i kind of felt bad, did they overstep? the plot thickened. bc reporting to people familiar with the five hour interview saying it was the president, not her or his staff who introduced
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his death and the date. the president raising his son's death after being asked about his workflow as he went to his rental house over to delaware. we see this play out before our eyes and it's scary but the administration still claims he got all his marbles. >> the president was in front of and on top of it all, coordinating and directing. >> did anyone film that? [laughter] because if you're -- [applause] if you're telling us behind the scenes he's sharp and full of energy and on top of it and in control and dating, you should fill not. [laughter] >> exactly. where is this joe? america kind of needs a president and this is a problem when new york times opens up the door ever so slightly, it's what's happening behind the scenes.
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>> interviewing all of these people who have been around eight and administration officials, allies, congressional officials and foreign diplomats, nobody has said they don't think he can do the job. what a lot of people do have concern about including people around him is where this could lead, if he's able to make decisions in the way he does now, that's one thing. what will it be like a year from now or another election five years? >> it seems we have a tale of two joe's. too bad we are only seeing the one and the empty public schedule, it makes me think we all see what we are all getting and half of the media still trying to defend his acuity, joe rogan says it all. >> the crazy way he talks, he forgets what he's talking about, not held accountable, your gas lighting me about something that's so in my face, how can i trust you? >> one 100% right, his administration, his agent campaign from a they keep, they
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want us to believe close joe is the top of it. look at the real average before coming out here, it's 40% dropping, that a historic low. nearly half of voters think is likely biden will be replaced as the nominee. we are in february. take michigan for example, is came out on fox news, don 25% with black voters in 2020 so what is joe biden's campaign going to do? they want to put them out there. they thought they would have joe visit a family, a black family and bring fred chicken. genius. >> you got chicken fingers. i wanted to make sure i have a hamburger. what are you doing these days? >> i'm playing a you basketball right now. >> are you guard? >> yes or. >> there you go. i can hear the boats coming in
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the that went over well. is there a plan to win back the youth vote? of course tik tok. you know that kat china uses to steal personal information? the same app a ban on federal devices? >> game or commercials? >> game. >> game or have time show? jason travis kelsey? >> great chocolate chip cookies. >> grange, right? but you've got to say something, i think the new -- i mean, the old, the new daily show host, is that right? >> fire everyone. [laughter] everyone. how can you go on tik tok and end of looking older? [laughter] >> who's in charge? joining us now, a few gentlemen i think have a few opinions on what's going on with the country in the white house and who's going to win that place next. cohost of the ruthless podcast back with us, josh holmes,
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michael duncan and josh, great to see you. he looked wonderful. do you think of a? >> as you said, the good news about losing your mind, your no longer terminally liable for anything and you are still available for democratic nomination for president of the united states. factors as i do think you are right, you probably would get a contract for fox news. this whole thing is crazy and we've talked about this on the program this week because the pushback the biden administration is having on this report, it not a great set of circumstances for them. ultimately let's say they are right, by the way, the only way you can prove is if they released transcripts which they could do at any time, not yet have seen them -- maybe they will and i hope they do because one of two things will happen
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here, what is the president is right, missed characterized. in which case he sent criminally liable for the charges. the principal reason why the documents he had in his garage and elsewhere in his possession were not going to be prosecuted is because the prosecutor thought he didn't have his mind right so like okay, your successful pushing back, and now you have a legal problem. second, if he is right, he's just incompetent and not available to be president so this whole discussion doesn't work for the white house. >> it is tough when you have a press conference to assure the american people your memory is still strong and you mischaracterized things and have a bad memory and literally bad press conference so we stayed on the show, i don't think you had to hear the audio to see that the man is an mental decline the way he stumbled through things, his head is down, body language is terrible.
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the american people know this. the clip you played from joe rogan clearly demonstrated. the american people, mainstream media does it. you have to look further than the front pages of the papers this morning on friday morning that had kamala harris answering about the news and russia, not joe biden. mainstream media is switching from joe biden to kamala harris. >> that's not going to help and i will tell you a couple of things, if you look at the report, it extensive. i think it is fair and when you get blowback from your own attorney general, you do what you are in the middle of a circular firing squad so if you look at the fact that he said classified documents since 1977, meeting guys, yugoslavia -- s smug. [laughter] >> i think i've mentioned this couple of times, while this fact about joe biden he was in the u.s. senate when saigon fell, he's been around that long.
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at long, longer than many people voting, their lifetime yet he's trying to make the case that he is fit to serve and it's important the mayo clinic recommended for dementia patients to deal with their tempers of ice cream and chocolate, what does joe biden love mark? >> check this out, they asked people, what you think, joe biden the nominee? 20% says he will be replaced likely, 28% said somewhat lightly and 22% said not likely and 27% said not likely at all. everything about this year's scripted, everything seems new and fresh surprising, how does it play out? have you thought about how this could play out? did they go to the convention? will. >> your totally unprecedented territory, i don't think we've been in a presidential election,
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to potential nominees here at the advanced age they are but the atmospheric was around everything, we are watching biden's slow decline in real-time, american people are, who got indictments in court cases and the other side, honestly i think almost anything is possible at this stage. the one thing i am certain of is as long as joe biden is drawing rest, democrat will get the sky through, they think they don't have any other options and if they did, i think they probably would have exercised that by now. >> i want to ask you about the special election, he said the border is a mess, 73% of democrats say it's a mess, it needs to be fixed, is it possible to steal that from republicans? >> they are going to give it their best. especially in long island outside of new york city, they've seen result of being a century city, having left-wing
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policies so the folks around her have a far better idea about it is. you are dealing with for the most part except for long island, it's a one party town so it's always been an uphill climb for republicans to get elected in the first place, i don't think they can really issue. i think the american people know joe biden and his of administration are responsible, mayorkas got impeached and his wife they are supporting the republican party. >> joe manchin will not run third party, or no? will be in there, jill stein will be under and who knows rfk junior likely to be in her and that will have an impact this could be by 40000 both. >> how donald trump won in 2016 from bases like wisconsin and michigan, jill stein on the ballot ultimately is what tipped the scales in donald trump's favor so if i am democrat, i'm extremely nervous where these people shake out in the ballot in the states especially in the rust belt will donald trump
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might not be able to get to 50 but he can get to 47 and a half. the reality is joe manchin was going to take vote off donald trump's side and if cornel stays in, he will take out of joe biden's side and as we go through this michael, who will see rings would never seen before in terms of third-party involvement and it's going to have a bigger impact in the big part of the story as we had to november. >> i feel bad for the podcast is because you left it on the table for your next addition. check out the ruthless podcast, great to see four friends making money doing stuff they love. great to see you. fireworks in fulton county as da willis took the stand, if you talk. wrote about a relationship with nathan wade, he dragged 40000 gallons of water into appointment to prosecutor trump for election fraud with no experience.
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an old friend testimony blew up the alleged timeline. watch. >> when i say personal, rom romantic? >> yes. >> do you understand the relationship began in 2019 and continued until the last time you spoke with her? >> yes. >> highly offensive when the implicate you stop somebody the first day you met with them and i take exception to it. you think i'm on trial? these people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. i'm not on trial the matter how hard you tried to put me on trial. >> at this goes belly up for the georgia da, which it might him up by the way, it could happen, what happens to the georgia case against trump? do they just get new people in there? this week's hearing being the latest in the slew of latest battles. the immunity case, the supreme court will rule on next week.
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to the new york hush money case that has a trial date the 25th of next month, the first ever criminal case tried against a former president, time to bring in a real expert in a great talkshow host, sunday night in america trey host is here with legal advice. i hope you can afford, the amount of court cases coming in direction. in the georgia case when i put this aside, what happens? >> there are a couple of things, as a general rule, it's never a good idea why important filings so willis and nathan wade to have the issue with respect to how they answered interrogatories. they probably been out of law school 30 years but i'm pretty sure you can't lie to the court your license might be at risk. but that aside, let's assume willis and nathan are gone, that
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does not mean the case is gone. you just find to prosecutors in georgia who aren't currently dating one another. the shouldn't be a challenge. the other issue which i don't hear a ton of people talking about is some people have pled guilty. imagine those who already pled guilty and you are about to have i think about the prosecutors kicked off the case. they should be kicked off the case. >> you believe, will there be a ramp up time that might pass the election even though he can't pardon himself, would somebody have to start from square one? >> no doubt which is sometimes you win the battle and lose the war. i'm not sure if i'm donald trump if i would not prefer to have willis and nathan prosecute me. i'd rather have somebody who doesn't have experience prosecuting me been to find somebody who knows what he or she is doing. >> and new york, the third week in march, i think the 25th,
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who was he alvin bragg case against the president also called hush money case they say is affecting the election of 2016 from a they said they have a surprise for us, i'm not sure how surprised tv shows but what you expect? trump feels good about his case but when you speak about the makeup of the jewelry kat overall optimistic. >> i would not that would be a great place for republican presidential candidate. i'll tell you what would be g good, a star witness like michael, can you imagine? you are a lot younger than i am, you may not live long enough to see the cross-examination. where do you start when he gets to the credibility of that witness? here's the other thing about this particular case, i think trump could be convicted on every single one of the counts and not a single vote in america would move. most people including democrats see this as politically
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motivated. keep in mind, alvin bragg listed all the cases he did not were worthy of prosecution. remember the memo came out with? i will tell you all the laws that are to be ignored but when you pay hush money to keep an affair quiet, that's where i draw the line. you can carjack from abroad, murder but you cannot pay hush money to keep an affair secret. i think people have already made up their minds, it's a political prosecution and it's not going to hurt trump one but if he is convicted mckee could get four years in prison but highly unlike in. you're talking about somebody on the inside and he gave up everything he knew and took a deal and after he served his time said i didn't do anything bad, i don't agree with what i pled so he's got problems with credibility. you have no problem your show sunday night in america, i look forward to seeing you and can't wait to see if you choose to wear a tie. [laughter] thank you, i had went on but i
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saw you, i took it off. i've got to fit in. >> you saw how sexy i look and you said i want to look like that. good job, thank you. >> sexiest man in america. >> i just made you believe that. still to come, but that the alliance brewing in new york city, who will tell you what gains are teaming up with fox five's own superstar rosanna scotto but first a crime wave taking hold of liberal cities across this country, ron desantis has a plan to stop it from spreading, he's here next. ♪ 'smajor cities, liberal cities
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are overrun with crime everywhere you look. carjackings, robberies, theft, smashing grubs, every city. you don't even know where it is, he recognized the criminals. retailers lost $112 billion just because of theft in 2022 and worse in 2023. places like new york, los angeles, washington d.c., thieves walked out the front door and take whatever they want. people like california, governor gavin newsom think it's okay?
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>> as we are checking out the woman says he's just walking out, he didn't pay for that. i said why aren't you stopping him? >> she said the governor lowered the threshold, there's no accountability. i said that's not true. i said we have the tenth 950 -- toughest in america, look up. >> he said that end, he allows you to take $950 from of the ten toughest. is that okay? maybe it's your store is okay. governor ron desantis will not let that happen in florida, he's taking action cracking down on crime with a brand-new bill that include 30 years jail time for armed criminals. joining us now, ron desantis. i wanted to bring up memories with gavin newsom, you to have a different approach to theft. >> that's right. one of the things i noticed when i was in california last year was if you go into a cvs and want to get a tube of
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toothpaste, it's like going through fort knox, they have to have everything under lock and key because if they don't walk things up behind plexiglass and the criminals walk away with it and there's nothing they can do to stop it so that created huge problems and yes, it's created theft rings but what also happens is it leads to a deterioration of the rule of and it hurts society and the social order. you seen in places like los angeles, places like san francisco. now in florida since i've been gone from a we've had 30% decline in retail theft over the last five years so their product that but we also know who got to be on offense so we rolled out a series of reforms, who will crackdown hard on repeat thieves and make sure people are using weapons and they are held accountable when stealing property and we are going to make sure porch pirates are held accountable.
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people will order from amazon, they will drop off on their porch and people will take it so we are going to treat that very seriously the state of florida so i think what you will have his you've already seen people say, why do people still in new york and not florida? you go to jail in florida so we are going to double down on that approach and i think that will continue to make the state a good place to live. we had an overall decline in crime but also with retail theft. >> was john miller on cnn from a they asked why people are committed crimes in florida, he said that. second degree felony, others will joining so that is important, a modern way of attacking a new way of committing crime. let's talk about something you were running for president, one major primary collected super tuesday ahead. nikki haley haney tough but she's going the full chris christie trailing by 36-point in her home state. tell me if you think these tactics will be effective to close the. >> the truth is, chaos follows
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him everywhere he goes. throws a temper tantrum on stage and talks about revenge. donald trump lost in 2018, he lost it for us in 2020, he lost in 2022. march and april he's in a court case, they and june he's in another. we lost a vote on israel, the rnc chair lost her job trump had fingerprints on all of it. everything he touches, we lose. >> i just noticed the difference in tone, she did not have that tone early on, she's my friend, my time in his time. you think this tactic is a tactic that will close the gap? >> our party, 80% are conservative populist voters and nikki haley is playing to the 20% who are more became, we need
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everyone in but once you go in that direction, it's in the well with the vast majority of republican primary voters so i thought her strategy from the beginning was curious, i didn't think there was a prospect for her to actually win and we saw that in iowa where donald trump won a strong victory, i came in second. nikki haley third but the thing was, there were 7000 democrats who showed up and switched to republican the night of the carcass. i was at a couple of these sites, these were liberal democrats, they had n95 mask on, start church with liberal slogans on and i was a core part of her strategy, appeal to those people so her strategy has been to appeal to people who are stock republicans but that's not going to work in a republican primary but definitely not against somebody who's as well known and already president like donald trump. >> if you see the president
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getting convicted in these cases as numbers drop, would you jump back in. >> donald trump is going to have almost 95% of the delegates, whatever happens in legal cases, i raise that is a concern when i was running and not enough voters, though some think they were concerned about in iowa but he is going to have the delegates so it will be in his hands, thought about jumping back in, he's going to have to make decisions about it, i don't see any situation where he would bow out even in the face of criminal convictions and i thought that from the beginning. we are ultimately to the voters to make that decision. >> i love your story, i will try to be present, if it doesn't work out, i got another job. great to see you, governor. >> eric adams the middle of century city, he's got a problem. over 100,000 illegal aliens and
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fully clothing them, washing their clothes, doing their laundry, three meals a day and a couple of weeks and we decide to give them cash cards to shop in their own yet now he says i want to get rid of sanctuary city status. what we do about? rosanna scotto, talk to them, she's to talk about that in her special on fox nation and she promised to walk across the city joined the in studio, i hope she shows. ♪
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welcome to the fox news live, i am lauren york, president biden taking direct they met leaders in the house calling a two week recess without passing russian aid for ukraine. the president today condemning the move as absurd and unet unethical, arrange hours after ukrainian troops were forced to withdraw mckee eastern city giving russia a new foothold in the territory that hopes to break from eastern ukraine. zelenskyy warning allies having a lack of aid and arms risks giving russia the upper hand and the invasion. embracing for another one -- two punch weather.
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powerful storm systems will be across the state bringing heavy rain, regulating snow to higher elevations, flooding and wind damage are possible, things are expected to calm down tuesday. now back to washington one nation. ♪ ♪ >> it's about to get worse because you have ms 13 killers, they might be teaming up with violet venezuelan gangs that are here, they take the action mostly to the box using illegal immigrants for vicious phone robbers, they have a cyber team so was they steal your stuff, get yourself and try to take out the money out of your accounts. national guard reportedly checking arriving migrants for distinctive tattoos, look for tattoos. new york city police officers three weeks ago went to the same thing. joining us now, host of
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sanctuary it's available right now. >> thank you so much, your fantastic two in the morning and at night and on the weekends. i got to ask you, have you ever in all your years in new york city, something like this happens for a legal immigration is most everyday. >> we see it everywhere and everybody says it's because your living in blue city but coming to a city near you. we've run out of room in new york city. the mayor eric adams said you are going to see people on the street. nowhere shelter space. he is trying to get them out after 30 days or possibly if they are family, out after 60 days. city council is fighting him on that. he wants the city council -- >> the left of the left.
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>> the city council want us to stay here as long as they want on our dime. the mayor if you remember, when they first started coming here year ago, he welcomed them with open arms, liver sanctuary city and we run out of space. >> you asked him why are are we a sanctuary city? why is there a right to shelter? how can we afford this? >> migrants have come to our city years and years, decades and they were not given a hotel room if they were not given food, clothing, health insu insurance, stop at the like. it less. >> with several witnessed this level of migration in this hemisphere so we are inundated in america and new york city, chicago, los angeles. we have now moved to another phase of saying the services you're talking about, we are
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counting slowly, that's it. >> he's taken over part and always furniture. >> i know he coached some of your kids teams, my son -- every sport on randall's island, if you are sitting "synapse there is attempt there so the city kids can't play their. >> i watched rudy giuliani force his will on the city, i watched bloomberg was his will on a city. if he used his pulpit, bully pulpit to force the governor to make a move, he has people in chicago, in scope from all democratic mayors and sanctuary city has blown up in the face, massachusetts they are asking residents to taken illegal immigrants into the house so why doesn't he be more aggressive to get rid of it? >> he's fighting with in his own party. he's gone to albany and he's gone to d.c. asking for help but is gone to albany, hochul is now
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saying give some of these migrants are committing crimes, get rid of them. she never said that before because when you are a sanctuary city, the city limits what information they give to ice to deport them but we have migrants being accused of beating up police officers in times square, being released because manhattan da said they didn't have enough to charge them. them giving us a circular. >> i saw that. eric adams ratings, light years better than de blasio, at least he tries. he's at 28% in the polls, is that an opening for governor cuomo to become mayor? >> i've talked to the former governor cuomo about this on good day new york and think he is hedging that's right now.
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he keeps saying he supports mayor adams but there's lots of rumors about the investigation that he is now facing and what will happen if mayor adams asked to step aside? >> the fbi is over and they took his phone. >> while he was on his way to d.c. to ask for help with the migrant crisis in new york city. >> to present a special on fox nation, the world's best sanctuary trap is available right now, downloaded, and holy ghost to do it and you have sunday. great to see you. coming up straight ahead, speaking of fox nation, seamy live on stage, published in nevada talking about history, i'm talking about liberty, i'll be on stage, brian, 30 minutes from nevada. it should be streamed and cosponsored by fox nation. next, is there such a thing as
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soulmate? our people happier if they are married? don't answer, it's rhetorical. the answer is coming your way next and they are not married. ♪en. ♪ the lexus es didn't begin in a studio — it began with you. ♪ shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation, or an unbearable itch. this painful, blistering rash can disrupt your life for weeks and could make it hard to be there for your loved ones. shingles could also lead to serious complications that can last for years.
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♪ ♪ all right, you know that voice. taylor swift, there she is singing comfort turning her breakups into megahit but her electrifying romance the three-time super bowl champs achieves star from a am i reading this? covers kelsey giving fans hope
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for failing fairytale like heavy and. that relationship is all i think about. swifties are committed she's found her soulmate. next guest says you shouldn't buy into the soulmate it either. everything to do with marriage, americans define elite save civilization. brad wilcox, thank you for joining us. as you know, university of virginia, your professor or you have a procedures series of titles. correct. soulmate, you're not buying it, why? >> have that intentional mentors china flies in the stomach clenched feeling is just long-term and that emotional way, you have to grow and appreciate more than just your romantic. according you can is also couple have a family first model marriage more likely to be stable and happily married compared to books focusing on
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romantic or emotional doing. >> this is something you study, right? seven major studies. >> yes. >> you say get married, a lot of people say what is the perfect marriage? some to the movies to see how about when harry met sally? >> first time we met we hated each other. >> you didn't hate me, i hated you. second time he didn't even remember me. >> i did, too. i remember you. the third time we met who became friends. >> we were friends for a long time. >> and then we worked. >> and then we fell in love. three months later we got married. >> it only took two months. >> twelve years and three mo months. >> is a relationship typical of the real world? >> the guys are more interested in serious longer-term in these scenarios and it takes time, a
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couple dates for the girl to come around obviously with marriage, you have studied this is the order in which they are and successful sequence, what is the secret? >> three steps you can take to maximize realizing the american dream, what is to get a 5-foot three into a full-time into third mayors recorded the baby carriage forget all about education from a horror can marriage among three key pillars doing well financially today university of virginia and you noticed up from traditional to their families looking at the patterns colleges the students tend to be more progressive in terms of that, things like marriage and family tend to benefit from coming from a married family. by contrast, you look at young
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adults in general, only one into of young adults across the country are from these intact married families so that is a pattern. >> about what you wrote, kids today, students, they talk left but walked right. what you mean? >> what i'm saying is not just these elite kids but even their parents and more generally journalist and executives from hollywood moles, often will basically discount the value of marriage and deny importance to celebrate family diversity in the public but in the privacy of their own home, they are stably very clearly a fairly traditional life. >> military is a template in some respects, how? >> a lot of people think government can do nothing to strengthen marriage but we see from the record that people who served in the military were currently serving military are much more likely to be married
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and it's partly because military offers benefits for partners were married when it comes to things like healthcare and housing. >> pick up his book, get mar married. good job, thank you so much. up next, and wilde week for the biden family business dealings and it might not be looking to the for the big guy. it will all make sense in a moment. more one nation after this. ♪ in 's
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welcome back, i want to share a story with you, biden family business trauma is a roller coaster week. an fbi informant, alexander smirnoff charged with fabricating multimillion dollar bribery scheme involving jill biden, his son hunter and burisma. he falsely reported to the fbi june 2020 executives associated with burisma paid hunter and joe biden $5 million in 2015 and 2016. that turned out not to be true but that's an fbi informant, something to do with repub republicans. on the flipside, someone his credentials are impeccable, tony bobulinski pulls the smoking gun for the biden family business. hundred x business partner putting everyone know that him have it, all the democrats behind closed doors for seven hours, talking about the father,
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the son, the holy -- excuse me, not so holy brother altogether. he knows it all, he testified he got receipts, he's got e-mails, text messages, showing his business existed and thrived. he knows the big guy is. wink wink, it is joe biden, he's got the text messages. tony revealing one on one meetings at the events where it was clear joe knew exactly what was going on and what what he was doing. bobulinski saint joe biden was more than a participant and he was the beneficiary of his family's business and he was an enabler. the only reason any of this international business transactions took place with tens of millions of dollars flowing directly to the biden family was because of joe biden and he was in high office at the time and going into private life back to the white house. the biden family business was joe biden. i cannot wait to see this
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publicly and can't wait to read the transcripts coming your way, he will testify. if biden's age doesn't get him and his memory doesn't screw him, and savory business tactics might get him. don't forget to e-mail one if we use your video on the show, will send you some great stuff from one nation a little small. easter is coming up. hats and shirts and meet up there. check out the entire nation merchandise at shop fox that's it for us tonight. tune in to "fox & friends" tomorrow, pete hegseth daytona on sunday. always catch my radio show, brian nine to noon weekdays. fox news saturday night with the great jimmy failla and i will watch in my studio. ♪ in this is fox ne


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