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tv   FOX News Saturday Night With Jimmy Failla  FOX News  February 17, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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he will testify. if biden's age doesn't get him and his memory doesn't screw him, and savory business tactics might get him. don't forget to e-mail one if we use your video on the show, will send you some great stuff from one nation a little small. easter is coming up. hats and shirts and meet up there. check out the entire nation merchandise at shop fox that's it for us tonight. tune in to "fox & friends" tomorrow, pete hegseth daytona on sunday. always catch my radio show, brian nine to noon weekdays. fox news saturday night with the great jimmy failla and i will watch in my studio. ♪ in this is fox news saturday night.
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come on, hopping. ♪ boom, therapist. welcome to another episode of the final season of america. [laughter] join me tonight, fabulous fashionistas in their own right, i'm talking about a superstar comedian from ireland pray for us because we get payment, thomas look good and thirsty. [applause] there with me, next guest is one of my favorite humans of all times. "fox & friends" who happens to be a new mom if anyone is looking to buy a baby on craigslist. lovely and talented carley is in the house and the crowd goes nuts like he offers already. [applause] for coat back comedian also seen in such films as black draft.
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shaving ryan's private. you call it chubb iraqi. >> i got more coming. [laughter] >> like you, too. this show observed zero decorum whatsoever. we have nothing more than a cable news keg party. why, jimmy? the world is on fire. i have no idea how to put about so we're just going to roast marshmallows on the blaze, can i get an amen? america needs all the help we can get. we begin with an optimistic blast from the past that comes courtesy of barney the dinosaur who resurfaced for the first time since 2010 to post a valentine's day message on instagram. >> a reminder of the super deep duper ability we all have 21 of love one another and how important it is show love toward yourself -- >> the good news is funny has his pension for uplifting affirmations. after using his grandfathers, he
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developed body ms. for if you and it led to a eating disorder. i'm kidding, that's just every teen girl in america. thanks, sucker work but barney's timing couldn't be better just return as we are getting to watch not one but two talking dinosaurs face-off for the presidency. on the democratic side we got 81-year-old joe biden of to his squinty eyes and adversities this week. the white house continues to push back against pulling the shows 86% of americans think he's too old for the job brandon plus of concerning report russia might have space nukes that can kill us all not to worry because biden is bound to put an end by personally calling president or's of child. a standoff with vladimir putin, one of the most sophisticated mines in the world and joe biden, a man still trying to figure out why his vcr keeps flashing 12:00 o'clock seen backup for him is kamala harris who thinks ai stands for allen iverson.
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[laughter] >> such a social path. we got 77-year-old donald trump trying to outrun nikki haley in the department of justice. the upside for trump as he leads nikki by like 30 points and next week's binary, the downside is he be 81 by the end of his second term which isn't exactly a spring chicken matter how many chicken mcnuggets he's on his private plane. if he has nancy pelosi, she can't judge anyone younger than her. >> as i say it's all relative, he's younger than i am so what do i have to say about his age? but he is again knowledgeable, wise. >> she did miss her life calling as a michael jackson impersonator but technically speaking, moses is younger than nancy pelosi but this is nasa the best our country can do? we are about to have a general election for the political as tell us the country needs new
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blood and they mean new blood like transfusions. talk to dead people and it's lost on stage. the selection is shaping up to be the sequel, the bad grandpa. some people argue that is never a better time for third party candidate to emerge but you can forget about kanye west. there and when he wrote those checks for nothing. >> that is fake news. [laughter] kanye is a goner, he made it back to the top of the charts in 100 countries and kanye has made anti-semitic comments, far more likely to become the president of harvard. [laughter] >> jimmy's so got it. rfk has strong support but he's spent less time battling opponents and more time battling his family over super bowl ad that looked like a certain kennedy who ran in 1960. ♪
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>> looks like the super pac might have borrowed that one from jfk rfk's family has forgiven him and even the democratic party a shift to the titanic. nobody fought harder this week than southwest airline passengers who continue to act like they are auditioning for a new brad pitt movie called plate club these fellows exchanged pleasantries before the plane took off from oakland to hawaii which makes no sense. hello, you are going to hawaii. if you have nothing to be mad about. could you be mad on a flight to hawaii? >> the felt very alcohol inf infused. >> southwest over serving people. >> i think they were. >> i could see if you are flying back to oakland and wanted to toughen up for the muggings and get hands be going but hawaii, stop it. the trial would get up and
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delayed. down in lima peru, female truck, undercover cop out of the house by dressing as a would-be valentine. it may look like low budget sequel ted budd you should have known they made the low budget that and sequel. the cops showed up with a fake valentine's day gift was supposed a box of chocolate the said you are the reason to smile. would you think would show up to the house looking like that? is there a drug dealer other named pablo escobar? so ratchet, did you jump l chapel for l people? she had handcuffs on valentine's day but it didn't have for. good night, everybody. let's talk but before we do, i will remind everybody here that one of you will win the coveted yellowjacket tonight given to panelists who turns in the best performance.
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this dates back to my taxi garage so his jacket when has been borne by every one in my garage. here's to hoping you like the smell of chauvin e. anyway, let's start all will go blame the airlines, you said alcohol, don't you think flying commercial has become thinly veiled dominatrix and we are beaten-down? >> my biggest complaint southwest was how every single member think the comedian. i remember i was in the front row and the guy was trying to say the guy doesn't find me funny. i'm on my way to bury my father and he just goes -- anyway, safety manual is in the front of your seat. [laughter] >> is southwest competitor? >> i love the accent but this
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guy will fight us right on the set. >> both immigrants. i came from canada were my prime minister was trudeau and he came from ireland where it was braveheart. [laughter] >> very different cultures is what you're saying. >> the woman who came out of the house for the bear, if you are a wanted criminal which technically speaking you might be, things happen on "fox & friends" at that hour of the night but is there a question you would come out of the house for? >> i don't think so, i don't know but that did make me think -- what happened was she was wanted for cocaine possession and they found a giant bag of cocaine in her apartment and that reminded me of cocaine bear. when debbie money if they came up with the idea and they are like okay, we got this cocaine dealer we need to get, i saw a movie, who has the bear costume? >> all i'm thinking, how much do i get that for my guy on 30th
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street? [laughter] >> that was adorable. to answer, i would come out for that costume. cute and cuddly. >> we have times square, rat ratchet, we have elmo, a don't tickle me elmo groping people, mickey mouse looks like a lab rat but didn't you tell me -- >> new york street rat but high-end above 125th street. [laughter] >> only the finest rat. >> this is a redline subway rat, none of that ratchet a line. >> i'm not going with the six train. >> how much did it take to make that? >> they said one was notorious for carrying a slice of pizza. >> he's a goner. >> we need to get back i for our costumes. [laughter] >> they have dk third rail. [laughter]
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>> what i do this? >> give me one second, all of this pushback this week, google for cookbooks but the people billing out saying he's sharp in meetings. see him backstage. isn't it like a hot girlfriend who doesn't live around here that we've never seen a sharp biden? >> i'm not buying it in the slightest. if you go to an old folks home which i do. [laughter] when you can tell somebody's age, you say anyone, bless him. you never think like okay, what is he doing? quantifies for walmart greeter, i'm impressed. >> if he does if you don't mind being welcomed in target. >> age is important, i don't understand why pelosi would take it out like if i were to cheat on my wife, i would not go with someone my age because they are internet -- i would go like 85. [laughter] i slept with your husband, he
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has dementia. >> will not get caught on a rotary phone. >> there is biden and i thought the story that was somewhat underreported because it was funny, kamala harris the "wall street journal" where she was like yes, i am ready to be commander-in-chief right now at a time when the president is being questioned for not being able to be commander -- a little too eager. >> literally picture -- i'm going to move on. >> i picture kamala harris literally talking to the "wall street journal". >> the question was like how are you? she's like i'm fit to serve. i don't doubt biden is dominating readings and commentary generals but it's because he think the tv is talking to him, he's fighting. >> we are meeting with malliotakis afternoon. [laughter] >> fox news saturday night, tighten kevin o'leary is here for conventional my spending.
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an end to cancel culture as you know it. taylor often guy was talking cowboy boots, kentucky bars and new music. don't go anywhere. jimmy is here. ♪
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♪ there you are. welcome back. let's face it, we all have money problems time to time, luckily for medics guest, a financial wizard and tv star known for his blunt honesty which is why i'm not going to ask what he thinks of my jacket. cohost of shark tank, mr. wonderful himself, kevin o'leary is here. the crowd goes wild. [applause] they are excited. did you know you would sit with an extra from tiger king? >> no but i'm looking for trashy outfits -- got to tell you, it looks terrific. >> it to work. here's the thing when you hang out with this crowd, none of us are going to bother you with shark tank pitches but i'm obsessed with the spinoff show called lone star tank will be pitch you like $300 ideas. >> affected charged 25% interest, i would like that. fantastic. >> in this day and age, who do
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you think charges a more prohibited interest rate, the loan shark or credit card companies? >> in the last six months credit card rates have gone all the way up to 38% so you don't want to carry a balance on a credit card because the bed raise rates quickly and credit cards moved. i'll tell you the truth, all the credit card companies i own stock because if you're not paying off your balance, you're paying me and i like that. [laughter] >> what did you know you are a business prodigy? was your lemonade stand as a kid publicly traded? >> i was working in an ice cream store and i went there for the very first day and the girl was hot for in high school was working at the shoe store across the mall and the plan was when i finished scooping, who would go on a date because i knew she was there so she's watching me and at the end, she comes over and listen, you got to take all of the gum off the tiles because when you give tasters, there's got on the floor i was looking
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at the girl across the hall looking at me saying that not on brand for me. getting on my knees scrubbing course a bad look so i said hired scooper, got a scraper and i said no, you do what i say and i said i'm not doing it. she said were fired and i never had a shop or been fired before edited both in the same date and i was the last time i work for anybody, so humiliating. i said i got fired and my mother said why? i said i didn't want to script the gum off the floor so i learned that day there are two types of people out there. there's people who scrape the [bleep] off the floor and people own the store. i wanted to be the guy who owned the store. i'm not saying it's bad to be an employee but i don't know how to do it. >> i get it. i wanted to be the guy who
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screwed the girl you were talking about. [laughter] >> i still think about her. >> the scoop that got away. >> the scoop that got away. >> a story you can't forget after 20, 30, 40 years. >> have heard you say before being a true entrepreneur does involve getting beaten down a lot. >> you are going to fail a few times and it's important, i like to invest in people, it is extremely motivating, a couple of failures get you going you say i can't do it again and hopefully you learned from the mistakes, that's the idea but the truth is and going back to the shark tank index after 15 years of doing the show and hundreds of deals, it never the deals i think are going to work that make me the money, it's the random crap that explodes that makes millions. >> we are back to loan shark tank, my $300 pitch. [laughter] >> this year is to buttress or, who knew? >> you got me there. who do you think is a better taxi passenger, you or mark cuban? >> i would have to say i'm
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better. >> are you the chatty guy that talks to me? >> i'm just a nice guy. >> mr. wonderful. >> we've worked together 15 years, i have a lot of respect for him. we've done lazy deals together and he has a different perspective on how to structure. we don't agree on anything and that's why i think shark tank works. you have to have different opinions. >> i do think you give a longer leash as a driver. i think cuban as a team owner will be whiteboarding them out and i've got a problem. >> i haven't been in a cab in 20 years. >> some of that is mike doing. i was like another ottavio. kevin o'leary, thank you for classing up our set. coming up, winning the war on fun and we're just getting started. the panel joins me to flip the switch on cancel culture next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to fox news saturday night. if you made all the way through the show and you haven't heard, new york times publishers weekly best-selling book cancel culture dictionary is in stores now. i went out to my stomping grounds to take the folks who make it happen. take a look. >> i'm out here on strong island
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bayshore and a gorgeous barnes & noble, too fancy for this is the first live book signing of the cancel culture to her and listen to this crowd get nuts. [cheering] ♪ >> that's a nice jacket, by the way. [laughter] >> i do where normal stuff. this is kind of normal. this is for my cry for help election, i wear a lot of stuff, if it's everything okay at home? my cousin paul is wanted in three states so don't airless. [laughter] >> your history as a cabdriver in the city and want to go back to her you start, i know you're killing it but it's humbling. >> this is brad.
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>> the city, the cab. >> do see this? amazing. he made this. he said he stole this market i read this or as a personal? >> of course. >> jimmy, i'm wanted as a sex offender. [laughter] getting. this guy is good. lady gaga has her monsters, i have my diners. we go to the diner. as long island. apparently barnes & noble has terrible security and my mom was able to make it to the front of the book line in her easy writer jacket. she can't stay long, she's dancing in the café down the block as you can see but a banger of an event here, shut up to everybody who picked up a copy, i appreciate you buying it. i would not appreciate you reading it, just keep it close. [laughter] >> i used to stand in line for tickets, now for book signings.
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>> i feel obligated to sink now. i love that you came up like that with santa, you get a toy out of the deal. >> i was told -- >> you can go to adventureland now my friends looked for book royalties, classic long island move. she says we raise you. [laughter] an actual polish shape now. [laughter] well played. arts and crafts. where's your garbage? i love you. [laughter] >> that was cute. >> so silly. shadow to the little bookshop that hosted me and dana perino. anyway, it seems like nowadays people are scared of being canceled but did the folks who got hit the c word from about that one, did they deserve the fact they got? what i want to do with you is
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are going to open this book, i mean, i wrote it, i'm going to find a random chapter and we will discuss the goings-on in the chapter. you tell me if it was fair or unfair. gilbert godfrey, kathy griffin and jean gillis. if you are not familiar, gillis hired and fired in s&l in the same day after appearing in a sketch. now hosting next week, hila hilarious. kathy griffin showed us a giant plastic head, enough about her face. [laughter] there was a trump going on and gilbert godfrey famously tweeted about the japanese tsunami when he was the athletics spokesperson, the joke that cost him his job during a horrible tsunami, japan has advanced, they don't go to the beach, the beach comes to them and it's aggressive. i know you don't want to laugh because of kids but here's my question for you, as a non- comic and you are the voice of reason, you love shane gillis
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the but wouldn't you agree that comedians deserve a different grace? >> your like come on, it's comedy. kidding, there should be no rules. shane gillis, you're right. of the comedians i don't know, he's my favorite. i watched his first special countless times. i think he's somebody -- maybe he's the only person getting canceled work for him and it's the way he handled it because when he went on joe rogan to show it talked about, i'm not a victim, self-deprecating so people can be outraged for you and i think that's why, one of the reasons. >> comedy murder but in a good way. >> what happened to him was ridiculous. >> and if you are funny, he will persevere, he's obviously funny. something you know is that he was essentially taken down by someone who could never dare dream of accomplishing what he
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did. >> of failed amateur comic. >> shane said such a good bar for cancellation, i'm trying to get canceled. [laughter] i am on twitter like jim carrey. >> he opens by kicking a puppy, you have to see. he got canceled so well and bounced back, i remember seeing him go through the cancellation and paparazzi outside the comedy club and we started breaking the paparazzi and having others and down the street and i would be like shane! and he loved it. he's such a great dude. >> he is truly talented which talent does win because the cancel culture brigade, the outrage, i think you know this, always a tyranny of the minority many when you are at a comedy club, 99% of the people are there to laugh. >> it's also a bunch of people who can't do what you do but we've seen after a show, i could do that blowing on somebody's
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candle does it make yours burn brighter. >> affirmation speaker. [laughter] who all the way here from ireland. i have no idea but anyone who tells you speech equals violent, what they are really telling you is they've never experienced pilots. i've been stabbed with screwdriver in a taxi like good thing you didn't call me a name. [laughter] >> are you sure it was a screwdriver? what neighbor was that? >> an uppercut to the chin hurts way more than being called a bigot. >> you will get over it. the griffin story is interesting because she was obviously irate with trump and there was like this audition in hollywood to see the craziest and it's worth saying every celebrity who freaked out and out with trump like two years before he went
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into politics, it was my favorite thing how they characterized him, a manufactured hysteria because they were like who is this lunatic? the guy on msnbc time time so there is a teachable moment conditions children and their mouse because she was malicious and the joke no one could pick for. in the only person b-uppercase-letter being anti- trump. >> the first person to get cancel to who wasn't a conservative and a lot of people saying it's a joke, the same people canceling nobody else as well. >> the good news is people get cancel to come back but the bad news is people get cancel to come back and i am referencing the stand up. >> that's why it is a waste of time anyway, panel stay here,
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coming up. a new game called steakhouse or gay bar? play along at home next. ♪
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♪ welcome back to fox news saturday night with jimmy failla tonight, testing the panels knowledge of the game called steakhouse or game call. different offerings but similar names, the name of totally real establishment, steakhouse or gay bar, winner gets a porterhouse for two at their local gay bar. are you ready to play? pool in iowa, is the pink poodle steakhouse or gay bar? >> i've been there, steakhouse. [laughter] >> i wasn't really. [laughter] >> nicely done.
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>> he would go. silverado in portland, oregon is silverado a steakhouse or gay bar? >> neighbor. >> final answer? you are correct. the pressure is on. the edge in georgia. excuse me, it's just edge. >> it can change things. >> does it change of thinking? >> i'm going to go with take house because the other reason might get me divorced. [laughter] >> the answer is gay bar. i've never been there, i told you. i've never been to the edge. a fake credit card statement. he recalled. woody's in milwaukee, wisconsin. 's, it's not plural for woody's, it's possessive. you're going to go steakhouse. you are incorrect. the lead, black stones in portland, maine. his black house steakhouse --
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>> you say steakhouse. >> you are wrong. a chance to title. the wooden nickel. [laughter] in colorado, the wooden nickel, is it a steakhouse or gay bar? >> i would say because it's that place, a gay bar. >> you are bad at this. the weird thing about the wooden nickel, anything with the peculiar name because they ha have -- bars have wacky names and i would have thought the same a gay bar not because it sounds overtly gay but because it sounds peculiar. steakhouses have straightforward names. >> you number the colonoscopy? [laughter] >> i was a cabdriver, i loved a steakhouse on 58 called quality
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meets, a fantastic place, pound for pound but i had a guy with the first reaction to it in my taxi, where is a good place to get a stick around here? quality meets, that's not what i'm talking about, i do know where you think i'm from. no, is a good steakhouse. >> is started because i was beat up by a homophobe out of solidarity with the gay community, we play the game. the raven in anchorage, alaska, who got the baltimore ravens, i believe there's an edgar allan poe -- anna. >> i will say gay bar the mark you are in the lead. you are tied up. silver box in casper, wyoming. his a steakhouse or somewhere where aaron cruz is? >> it sounds like a gay bar but i'll go steakhouse. >> you are tied.
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>> i'm out of this. i'll get this one right. the rock. [laughter] in phoenix, arizona. it is the rock a steakhouse or gay bar? >> up and called the rock by several gay men so i will go with the rock. >> you say gay bar mercury on the board. [cheering] >> i believe we are tied up to. the tiebreaker, the iron bear, the iron bear, steakhouse or gay bar? >> there is fat gaze. [laughter] >> i'm going to go with the fact gay one. >> big thomas runs out the clock and wins the game. you take it home. >> can i say a couple of things? we did this, the filter silver
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box in casper, wyoming, phenomenal. i put it in places that i thought were really great, the wooden nickel. homerun. >> in the pink poodle, he said he went there, he was joking, the people poodle is a good steakhouse. on the ground he won the game, the first corner on our show, thomas is the first man to win the yellowjacket, way to put it on. >> i told you i would amount to something. >> on stage tonight. >> there it is. nick thomas. [applause] >> we are still building the wall. he did it right. coming up, austin dyess in the house. bust out the cowboy boots and join us next.
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there is, freedom. apple pie and country is correct makes america america.
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both cakes as an adult the dance but my next guest is here from nashville for the debut album out of these health 100 singer-songwriter taylor austin, the crowd goes wild. excited to see you. [applause] >> thank you for having me. >> i love the country, my problem is when i go there, my accent it sounds like them from the witness protection program. [laughter] >> you stick out like a sore thumb to make any to bring the country to me and to be clear, it means a lot to have you on the show because i believe represent america and when you break the country down, some people say america, wouldn't you not agree the people you want to party with her from america? >> one 100%. >> she says it so authentically. >> from eastern kentucky, i got stopped by a cop, he's like are you drinking? here you go. these are some of the best people in the world but one reason we are excited to talk to you is optically you are
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becoming a huge country star but we've all taken a similar ride comics the you taken music. you are all over the place no space on, i know you are doing with leonard skinner, there is just a guy named leonard, did you play the same we did and dog tracks on the way up? >> i played up bars that were given bars, they were like byob bars and you don't want to know what goes on in there. >> do you want to know what the b stands for? >> you don't. [laughter] i was like 16 years old and they just take a moment of a player some music. [laughter] >> that's on talking about. don't you feel like those are the gigs that make you better situations? you can tell which ones haven't faced adversity. >> i wouldn't give up for nothing, i wouldn't trade it and you worked the crowd, whatever the crowd might be you learn. >> you been to mathematics fighting for a dime. with vendor, we've played every
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one of us but i would argue to find yourself in this position where you have a fan base called ride or die, dy es, clever right there. on top of it. most are not a part of you that knew you would get here because he almost have to? >> i have a plan b so if i didn't get your, i don't know what i was going to do. >> judging by the fact that you are on the show, we know you don't have a plan. [laughter] >> the debut album called out of these hills, poison in the well, beloved. the question i want to ask for someone who's going to do a show with leonard skynyrd and will get that as well. is there a song that makes it real or is it all mind blowing you can even process you are doing this? >> your like well, i am with skynyrd. >> and eastern kentucky stuff, got to say needle and spoon.
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>> i bring it up because i had a story, they call me the breeze, i was in your hood in nashville, patriot awards and i was blasting, i was a manic and lasting micro plastics 500 times but like 3:30 a.m. someone called the cops and it happens in hotels. excellent door open and he says to michaela, i love the song and if you run into him, tell me they caught him out of jail and they actually got me out of jail so you're going on tour? >> we are, we've even march, march and april. i've never played that part of the country so i am excited. >> what is your to regain like? are you all business, are going to see you on tmz with no pants on? versus headed? >> not all business. [laughter]
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we like to throwdown. >> that sound you hear is everyone clicking to tmz. way to go. thank you, you are amazing. check out taylor's new single, poisoning the well streaming everywhere. coming up, time to answer all your burning questions, ask a cabbie next. ♪
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in. ♪ >> people as much as we like looks, she looks good, he looks good, i think people are attracted to energy. you will left a bar with a six when you have a good shot with a nine because the six had something about them and i only know that because i was the sixth a lot of people went home with. i think a lot of people, they miss that and that's where instagram ages screwing up dating because everybody
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filtering themselves to be the most attractive thing, so many people are getting the same lift job, cheek job, if you want to go on instagram, you would think there were only three women alive in the world. [laughter] their hat on, count on, it's all the same girl. it's time for us a category happened to the wealth of wi wisdom, picking up thinkers and belly dancers. if you have a question for me, # asked the cabbie or e-mail us at as an saturday night fans at if you have a selfie video question, send it are you can find me on tour at a book signing, either way, because of this young lady did. >> how many people have you fit in your kat? has ever been a clown car? >> my personal record for people in a kat was eight. i had a bunch of really drunk and obnoxious annoying people get in who wanted to go to the
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statue of liberty which in this case was located in central park. unlike you have to walk a little bit to get to the ferry and they are like all right, it worked out okay. their bodies were found a few weeks later. next, john asks what was the biggest mess in your cab and how did you manage to clean it all up next my kat caught fire one day on 28th and seventh. i decided to push it back to the garage because i had a gig in pittsburgh, a college gig to drive to on the other side of the state of pennsylvania and i couldn't wait two hours for a tow truck so i budget pushed by burning kat down evans avenue 20% seventh and i'll never forget because 23rd street some guy says are you available? like i'll give you a hot deal, maniac. the other best was i'm a terrible person, we used to play pranks with my baby lincoln where i would have lincoln in the car and the kids see and i would show people a smashed cell
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phone and say can i borrow your cell phone? mine is broken, i have to make a quick call and i would take their cell phone and make a really aggressive ransom call like if you want to see this baby again. anyway, it was a prank and a woman took lincoln and ran away with my baby and we had to get him on the corner of 23rd and sixth not too far from the comedy club. did you ever pick up anyone that didn't have money for the kat fair and try to offer a trade or another form of payment? this is funny. i had a woman i drove to 213th in gun hill road in the bronx, it was 3850 last week pulled over, she's like unless you want to get in the back -- i was like yo. to be honest, if the price was a little higher, i might have but certain things you don't want to cheat. everybody thinks $50 laser eye surgery is cool until the cross eyed i doctor walks into the room like maybe not. i understand my wife, jenny has a question mark to close us out.
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>> what time are you getting home tonight? i really have to clear this place out before you get back. >> shame on you, sweet potato and if the guys are really over, tell them to take the stairs. last time i came home, a guy climbed out my bedroom window, had to put a claim on my homeowners insurance. if you do my wife, get out in one piece. thanks for watching, set your dvr to 10:00 p.m. eastern every saturday here on fox news. don't forget to follow us on social media. for more of me, and coming to a city near you. everybody calm down to her, tickets on sale at fox across good night from new york city, i am jimmy failla, see you next saturday. you can be a republican, a democrat, all we ask is that you don't be -- ♪


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