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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 18, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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regime into iran are the enemy. xi jinping is the enemy. we have a lot of enemies and we shouldn't pretend they are our friends. do you know why? will turn on us. that said tomorrow night i want to address this issue of mayorkas, impeachment. it's over policy, we are sending about president. now the republicans are doing it to condemn the democrats. that's all, we say bs and i'm going to explain to you like it's never been explained before, the purpose of impeachment, the history of impeachment and why mayorkas should be impeached. courageous small majority in the house, joe biden should be impeached for the same reasons. to motivate on l l ♪ ♪
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♪ if. [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ [national anthem] ♪ ♪ ♪ i love my if country, i love
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my country ♪ pete: we got cats, we got dogs, and we got nascar. today, 2:30 p.m. eastern time, the daytona 500, the super bowl of the cup series, they start their season with the super bowl. and we're here on "fox & friends" in daytona, florida. guys, it's the 66th running of the great american race. i wish you were both here with me, of course, but it is raining, and we will talk a little bit about the weather throughout the morning. we're hopeful the race will go off. if not, they'll run it tomorrow. don't worry, you're going see it. but we're at the the racetrack nice and early. it's good to be here. how you doing? rachel: good, it's great to see you, pete. you wondered whether the race was going to go, you're going to let us know during the show if
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the race is going to go or not? pete: yeah, stick with us. i've got, you know, inside information here. we'll be the first to know if they're going to run this thing. rachel: all right. guy: pete, obviously, a huge televised obvious, what kind of crowd are they expecting down are there? pete: that's a great question. the infield's packed. there wasn't a lot of activity last night, we came in in and talked to some folks because of the rain, but they're expecting over 100,000 people on site. so between the grand 1257bd and the infield, it's a big event. everybody come out to see who's going to be hot at the beginning of the season. and speaking of that, by the way, we did show -- our flight was delayed, weather, weather, weather, but i we eventually got here and got a chance to talk to one of the up and coming drivers, harrison burtonful finish he was rookie of the year, nascar x fin xfinity series is, he's flipped a couple of timesful you'll hear more about him and from that experience here in a moment of
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but he talked about how you prepare for the race. you can't deny that variable. we were in the garage talking to him last night. here's a portion of what he said. so it's raining right now. this is the night before. the race may not go on. how do you prepare for that? >> yeah, it's hard. the biggest thing is understanding we're in florida, right? the forecast says we're not going to race, and i've heard this so many times where we're going to a race and everyone in the garage says no way we race and all the a window opens up and we go race aing. so i always stay as much focused on to the race time is going to be when we start, but i'd rather stay ready than are to get ready, that's for sure. pete: stay ready rather than get ready. who knows, we'll see. 2:30 on fox today. by the way, throughout the show we've got richard childress, richard petty, kyle petty, richard petty's son, more from harrison burton as well as chris
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meyers who'll be calling the race, so don't miss anything before the big race at 2:30 p.m. eastern time. rachel: so, pete, when i saw the footage there, who's that teenage fan that pete's going to talk to, but that's a driver. [laughter] pete: rachel, it was one of the first times i thought, you know what, harrison? you could be my son. rachel: yeah, exactly, that's what i thought at first. pete: he's 23 years old, he's been racing since he was 2. you exactly right. rachel: yeah. he's "a baby face. [laughter] guy: pete, when they make this call one way or another, is this a race time decision in terms of the weather? how do they make that determination, safe versus is not in. pete: yeah, they try to get as close to race time as possible because they have the ability to dry the track really fast. they can dry that thing as long as they've got with an open stretch after it.
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that's what they're looking at this morning. guy: all right. rachel: pete, we're going to move to another race x that's the presidential race. but it's getting some, i guess, road barriers. i'm trying to go with the nasdaq theme here, at least for the front-runner, donald trump. and is that has been the trials -- pete: yellow caution flags, rachel. caution flags, yes. guy: speed bumps. we'll, lake, make a list -- rachel: we're going to make a list of nascar analogies to what's been going on with president trump. you all know that the judge in new york gave him a $350 million, you know, ruling that he has to pay back with, says he can't do business in new york for three years, also going after his kids, saying they can't do business. this might be the first case where you pay back your loan, and you make money and the bank makes money, but you're still in trouble. trump was at a rally last night in waterford, michigan, and this is what he had to say about that
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ruling. >> it's a horrible, horrible thing that's taking place. you talk about democracy, this is a real threat to democracy. and restoring fair, equal and impartial justice in america, we have to have that,s because we don't have that now. the decision yesterday in new york, you may have read about it, crooked judge, crooked judge. [background sounds] he's a crooked judgment by a radical left-wing judge was a lawless and unconstitutional atrocity that set fire to our laws like no one has ever seen in this country before. guy someone who seems to agree is jonathan turley. he wrote an op-ed e in "the hill" on this and wrote in part, quote: having campaign on bagging trump on any basis, the judge turn the law -- excuse me, tisch james. turned it into a virtual license to hunt him down along with his family and associates. the judge in this case proved
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the perfect judge. the size of the damages should shock any judge on appeal even the new york court of appealses to ignore the obvious inequity and unfairness. the united states supreme court could intervene. so already a whole discussion underway about the appeals process here which might take quite some time. pete: absolutely. it will be appealed. no doubt, they're going to appeal it as high as possible especially because of the exorbitant amount of money they're talking about. by the way, in this statement from jonathan turley, and i read a large portion of the opinion, the opinion itself seems almost cathartic for a jurist who struggled with trump in and outside the court. you can read through the pages that he knows it's a sham, but he's going to go through with it anyway because while, you know, get trump, and and we have to. and this is something you'll see the president continue to rail on on the campaign trail. by the way, he was in michigan
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last night, but donald trump was at sneakercon in philadelphia before that, i don't know if you guys saw that -- rachel: ray yeah, i saw that. [laughter] pete: it's a big sneakerhead festival, and he unleashed a new pair of donald trump golden shoes also that you can -- guy: golden, of course. pete: golden, of course, guy. come on, what else would it be? this is going to be the back with drop of the entire campaign, no doubt. rachel: yeah. it's amazing that in the middle of all of this, he still has his pulse on pop culture. if you're young, i mean, i had all my nephews texting at me last night if about sneakercon and donald trump showing up. i didn't know there was a sneakercon, but donald trump does know there's a sneakercon. the other interesting part about this, even nikki haley weighed in at one point in one of her rallies or town halls where she said, you know, trump is distracted by, you know, all these court cases. that's why you should vote for me, and i'm ready to do this. but it is interesting, there is
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election interference involved in tying him up. and he's been bragging like, look, i'm still going to these places after my trials, late at night. joe biden can't do that. but it is actually effective in hamstring thing him even with his energy, hamstringing him. he can't campaign at the level he want, right, pete in. pete: rachel, thank you for reminding me that naval ifly is still running. -- nikki haley is still running, i needed that reminder. [laughter] guy: okay, another big topic that could be front and center, inflation. there's this 25-year-old content creator who's going viral on the issue of inflation. you've got to work hard. watch this. >> not for nothing, these haircuts are, what, a mandatory $40? i just paid $40. when i was growing up, it was $20. $15 haircut, $5 tip. my car insurance in the last two
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years went from $220 to $270, now to $320. i give 'em a call, they said, sir, there's nothing we can do. i'm paying nearly $800, $900 a month for a nissan rogue port. sport. i'm paying $1,000 to not look masculine at all. guy: absolutely exquisite accent there from that young man. [laughter] you love to hear it. but what he's venting about is something that americans all across the country regardless of accent feel, right? this is what they've been living with for the last number of years under this presidency and, pete, it's not some sort of accident. it didn't happen on its own. it was exacerbated by policy, right? if that will be one of the big, i think, hits on biden moving forward. president no doubt. why does this hit people? because they're living it. they feel like someone's saying exactly what they're experiencing. every time they look down they
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see the very same sticker shock. and when you look at the background of this tiktok creator, he said i didn't mean -- it wasn't my plan to start talking about inflation. we just ended up talking about it around the table all the time, and then it became clear, you know, why don't we share this because other people have to be experiencing it too. and that's a part of what -- his name is jojo scar lot that. he does is have a henning of an eyal -- italian accent. he talked to fox news digital, and here's what he said. >> my father, my mother, they've been working my entire life. my father's been working two, three jobs my entire life. he instilled that in us, so we all know what it is to work very hard for your dollar. and to be honest, just a lot of conversations at the dinner table and my mom and my father talking about prices, my father and his brother, my uncle tony, talking about prices, how pastrami went from $12.99 to $3.99 a pound, how sliced honey
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turkey. and to be honest, if they're talking about it, i put it out on on to social media, and everybody else is going through the same thing. i realized it's a topic that in a sense we all could agree on it, we're going if through it, and why not shed a little right on that situation. rachel: it's not exactly the sexiest topic, inflation. he's a content creator, he starts talking about inflation, lo and behold, it goes viral with gen-zers for exactly the reason you say, guy. this is happening to everybody. young people are feeling it maybe even in a way that some of us gen-xers and millennials aren't feeling it because we're a little bit more on our feet. if you're a again zer and you're trying to launch, boy, the frustration of knowing that this is, as you said, absolutely driven by policy, by printing money, by putting, you know, launching a war on american energy and hamstring thing american businesses and manufacturing, that's what's
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happening. and interesting that again z has a way -- gen-z has a way of venting in a a way -- we all vent to each other, they're vent ising on social media, and that's not good news for joe biden. guy: and we often put up all the graphics about price hikes under joe biden and the percentages that everything's up. i think we might need to add a new line item which is pastrami based on that sound bite from that guy. [laughter] but again, you fill in the blank. almost everything is up. prices up almost 18% overall under joe biden. and, pete, i think that's why when you see the economy improving in a number of ways, biden's approval rate aing on the economy isn't going up because those sticky, stubborn prices. pete: yeah. you know, you're exactly right. and, guy, you've read the same stuff, the white house is grousing about that. they're frustrated that they feel like the underlying economic data is improving, yet people's view i of the economy isn't getting better. and it's because those price prices are sticky, and their incomes have not gone up.
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from the small stuff to the big stuff. on my way in to the track today, i got a coffee at 7/eleven, it was $3.50. it used to be 99 cents. what are we doing here? it's a black coffee, not a mocha thing. of it's a regular coffee. and i talked to a small business other than in new york yesterday. you know what it is? we can talk about the numbers and the stats. all e said to me was, pete, when trump was in office, i made money. i had work. things were busy. and right now that's not the case. we can't find that, and the streets are not safe. so you can talk -- the white house can parse numbers all they want, but this is a gut feeling thing. more money's going out, less is coming in. you can't change that and, guy, you're exactly right, ideas and policies have consequences, and voters know that. rachel: yeah. and the trump economy wasn't 20 years ago, it was only 3 or 4 years ago, so people have a good memory. guy: people remember. we are off to the races on sunday on "fox & friends"
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weekend. let's turn to the headlines. that firefighter who was killed in a massive house expromotion, well -- explosion, he has been identified. trevor brown was with loudoun county's fire and rescue since to 16. 4 of the 11 first responders hurt in that explosion are still in the hospital. authorities were investigating a possible gas leak when the house blew up. the exact cause of that explosion still under investigation. early voting getting underway in the michigan primary. that's this weekend. democratic congresswoman rashida tlaib urging her constituents to vote for other options instead of president owe biden. joe biden. >> this is the way you can raise our voices, make us even more visible. right now we feel completely neglected and just unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. guy: a squad member pushing democratic voters in her state to go against the rest of the party, and she's trying to voice
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is her displeasure with the biden administration's hand thatting of the war in israel between that country and hamas terrorists. metlife stadium last night if hosting the new jersey devils and the philadelphia flyers with in front of more than 70,000 screaming fans, parking lot of the nhl's stadium series. the two teams having fun, the flyers sporting outfits inspired by rocky, and the devils, love this, donning sopranos-style sweat suits, classic. the two men joined forces to pelt a lone new york rangers fan with cake, who deserved it, during one with of the intermission. my new jersey devils would go on to win the game 6-3. you love to see it, and those your headlines. rachel: yeah. you know, one of the best parts about having guy is, who knew he was such a big hockey fan. bye if guy oh, or yeah. i watched as much of the game as a i could before i had to get to
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sleep, woke up to a happy score. pete: guy was debating yesterday on the couch whether he would attend -- guy: i know, i was looking at stuff. rachel: and he's kind of impressed, i have a nephew that was a stanley cup winner. guy: you are full of surprises. rachel: who knew i had a viking-looking man as my neff if few? all right. [laughter] new photos show the true costs of open border policies as over 46,000 unaccompanied minors are apprehended since september. we have got brandon judd on that growing crisis coming up next. pete: plus, we're revving up and shifting into gear ahead of the daytona 500. speedway track president frank kelliher joins us ahead of the great american race. that is coming up. ♪ every where we go, you're the star of the show. ♪ everybody's wondering and wanting to know ♪
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♪ ♪ rachel: welcome back to "fox & friends." heartbreaking photos reveal at least 6 unaccompanied my gran children encountered by texas dps this week only emphasizing
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the ongoing humanitarian crisis perpetrated by open border policies. so far 46,000 unaccompanied migrant children have been accompanied -- i'm sorry, have been encountered by cbp. that is just this fiscal year with alone, continuing to outpace previous records. here with reaction is national border patrol council president brandon judd. brandon, welcome. we also know that 80,000 children have been lost by our system. what is going on here? have you seen any effort at all by this administration to address this crisis with children specifically? >> not at all. and there's nothing more disheartening for a border patrol agent than to encounter unace companied children. this is the reason that we got, that we became so outspoken back in the obama administration on the una accompanied children crisis back then. and you would have thought that joe biden, when he claims that he cares about a people, that he
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would put policies in place to protect these children, to stop encouraging them from coming, putting themselves in the hands of these dangerous criminal cartels. when they're in their hands, these children are abused, these children are neglected. they're not fed very well. and when they come into our custody, then we have to see that, we have to deal with it, and it is so -- it's heartbreaking to see how scared these children are. and it's unfortunate that biden continues to allow it to happen. rachel: brandon, i still remember that "time" magazine photo of donald trump, and they photoshopped a little girl looking up at him crying when, by the way, her mother took her across the border, took her to the united states unbeknownst to her own father. you have these situations where just like the photos we just saw, little children with papers safety pinned to them with the number of where they go. if i sent my child, brandon, across the border, across the most dangerous border in the world on this dangerous journey
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with just -- all by herself with just a paper, i would be reported the social services. but our government will simply reunite these children with the people on this paper, and there is no dn if a testing. i know that because my if husband was in congress, and they were trying to get dna, and the democrats were blocking dna testing to see if the children matched the adults who are being paired back with them once they cross if border. >> yeah. when president trump was in office, we had rapid dna testing, we could quickly verify whether these churn were actually the children of these individuals. now we have none of that. obama -- i'm sorry, biden got rid of all of that -- a. rachel: why? what was the rationale behind that? what was the rationale behind no dna test to match with the adults? >> he's never given any rationale for anything that he does. he just does it, and the main mainstream media covers for him, is so it's like it didn't even
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happen. we want to protect these children. we want to protect everybody that crosses the border illegally, we just can't do it because we don't have the proper policies in place. and that's what -- it becomes so difficult for agents to get up in the morning or at night, put on that uniform to go out knowing that we're not going to be able to do the job that is necessary to protect these people or protect american citizens. it's complete, total chaos, and this administration does not care. they give lip service, but their actions prove that they do not care about people. rachel: yeah. they seem to have a lot of attention on the children when trump was in office, but as the situation has gotten much worse, i mean, to this level, they show no interest in the children at all. our government is totally complicit in this, and so are those religious ngos which which just steams me. >> yes. rachel: brandon judd, i don't know how you and the border patrol keep your morale up, but we are backing you, we're behind you, and we're praying for you
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because this just seems just unbelievable. finish thank you for joining us this morning. >> and, rachel, we need it. rachel: yeah, you got it. coming up, we're gearing up for the daytona 500. adam is tracking the forecast along the track. plus, track president frank kelliher joins pete ahead of the great american race, and that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. (♪) grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes.
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rain. the setup here, mostly green. not a whole lot of breaks. daytona beach, currently 57 degrees. we're not expecting a ton of movement with this line of storms which means what you're seeing now is kind of what you're going to get throughout the day. yes, there will be breaks, but there's going to be more rain than breaks in that rain. this is what the forecast looks like all day long. not great news if you're hoping for a race. recent race delays, in 2021 there was a 6-hour delay, they do sometimes postpone to monday, it happened in 2020, in 2012. now someone who's dealing with that rain as we speaker pete, tossing it over to you. pete: oh, yeah. i'm dealing with it, but the next guy we're about to talk to is really dealing with it. the daytona 500's marking the 66th year of the great american race, and even the rainy forecast won't stop maas car's forecast as they prep -- they'll prep all day long -- in case the clouds part. track president frank kelliher
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joins us now, a man with a big job today, frank. you just heard what adam said. let's lead with that first. >> yes. pete: how do you manage the weather here? >> i was hoping adam had some better news for us this morning, but it doesn't feel that way. listen, we have been eyes wide open to the weather all week. we've been meeting almost every two hours all week and just looking at what possible scenarios could be. and then we just start working in reverse. we know how long that it takes to dry the track which can be upwards to three hours depending on how heavy the rainfall is. to run a full daytona 500, again, you're looking at another three hours. so we're going to keep our eyes on this weather. i'm a florida resident, i know sometimes things could change and where we sit on the coast sometimes the clouds do part, so if we have a window of opportunity, we're going to do do our to get the race in today. pete: it's a big track. drying that thing does take time. you've got a big show. >> yes. pete: obviously, people come --
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there's already tens of thousands, there'll be hundreds of thousands of people here to see the race, but there's some pretty special guests. >> that's right. this is our ninth consecutive sellout, and we announced we sold out the entire grandstands as well as the infield back in november. so people have said is yes to the daytona 500 a long time ago. this place is on fire. campers rolled in well e over a week ago, and we do have a great show in story. we have the thunderbirds back, miss america is going to be behind the wheel and driving the pace car leading the 66th running of the daytona 500. dwayne "the rock" johnson, he's going to give the command if, and and he's going to have some really special folks with him. dj khaled's going to be dropping the green flag, and pit bull's doing the prerace show. pete: that's a heck of a party right there. >> the party is really big so, again, we're mindful of the weather, but we want to do everything we can to get the
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show on. pete: you're right. any predictions for today? >> as far as -- pete: or tomorrow on anything, how about the race itself? >> oh, i mean, we saw, i mean, it's a ford front row which has not happened in a long time. pete: yeah. >> then to you had toyota sweep the duel. the duels, that was some great racing. truck series, that was great racing as well. ricky stenhouse jr., he's been an amaze manying defending champion for us -- amazing. he did not get into the 500 last year as a favorite, but he silenced everyone and just crushed it to where anyone can show up can and win on sunday. thinking about kyle busch, this is his 20th try at it. so so many fun storylines, and we don't know what's going to happen rolling off of turn four. pete: the 20th time. >> could be, man. pete: it's always a surprise. and we talked to harrison burton the last night. he said he was leading with 10 laps to go, and he had a big wreck. flipped the year before. he's brand new, so anybody can be in the mix at the end.
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>> yeah. no doubt can, once the green flag waves, it's an exciting vent. pete: awesome. thanks for being here. >> thanks for being here. pete: good luck today. we're pulling for you, for the track. the fans are here. we were in the infield yesterday, the energy is real. >> fans having a good time. pete: no doubt. watch the daytona 500 today at 2:30 p.m. eastern time, adam's going to do his work on the weather maps for us, see if we can get that thing n. all right, still ahead, training like rambo. sylvester stallone's daughters reveal their dad hired a navy seal to teach them self-defense not before they moved to afghanistan, but before they moved to new york. that story still ahead. plus, the death of kremlin critic alexei navalny sparking outrage across the world. what it means to putin's power just ahead. dan hoffman outlines it all coming up.
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arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. guy: protests breaking out in russia after kremlin critic alexei navalny died, many believe that his death was no coincidence. "the wall street journal," fearing his fate, better positions putin's political ambitions. the editorial board writing, quote, navalny's death may be a sign mr. putin feels secure and, therefore, can risk provoking protests about and a half ifny's fate -- navalny's face fate. his death wounds russia's opposition for the foreseeable
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future. former cia station chief and fox news contributor, dan hoffman if. dan can, what do you think of that assessment from the journal's editors? >> i have a slightly different take which is that i think vladimir putin opinion felt himself more weak. he's got elections coming up march 15th, and he felt like he needed to demonstrate to his own security services and the population writ large that anyone who betrays him would suffer the sort of consequences that we've seen from the if decision to kill navalny if. this was a decision, obviously, that could be made only once, and vladimir putin notably decided to take it today, a couple of days ago. and i think it definitely reflects the extent to which putin is concerned as these elections approach. guy: how legitimate though are these elections, right? why would he be concerned? if he's killing critics, he can certainly rig things to his favor as he has allegedly in the past, right? >> right.
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he will rig the elections as he has in the past, but he does rely on his security services to make all of -- all of that happen. and remember just last summer the head of the wagner group, jeffny prigozhin, launched that mutiny. so putin has to be concerned about his inner circle. that's why he chose to poison navalny with that banned chemical nerve agent in august of 2020. he could have taken all sorts of other measures to have killed that'llny at that time, but he wanted to leave some bread crumbs leading all the way back to the kremlin and maybe not so plausibly denial, but enough -- deniable, but enough to show his security services that the they'd better tow the line or else they'll wake up like navalny. guy: so these are sort of, like, internal shows of force, it sounds like. just a word on the protests that have erupted. relatively small, but still that's an act of courage. any dissent whatsoever from this
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regime can get you thrown in prison or worse as we've seen, so for people preponderance being willing to take to the treat ises, that's really -- streets, that's really having. -- something. >> yeah, i think that's true. before navalny went back to russia in 2021, he knew he would be ared and probably would die at one of those siberian death camps, and he told his followers in a video -- remember, he had over 6 million youtube followers as he exposed mass irv corruption in vlad police officer putin's -- vladimir putin's kremlin. he said if he was killed, it would demonstrate the weakness of the regime, and he emphasized that is power. [speaking russian] he said it in russian are. and i think that is going to be his legacy. we've seen hundreds of russians being arrested in spite of draconian denials of freedom after -- of assembly and speech in russia, and i expect that to continue and this to be navalny's legacy. guy: president biden a few days ago was, of course, outraged by
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this killing of navalny. he had said back in 2020, biden had, that there would be consequences for russia if navalny were to die in custody. biden was asked about that and he said, well, a hot has happened other the last three years. sort of unclear what the u.s. can and might do. what do you think about that? >> right. president biden said that at a summit in the spring of 2021 with vladimir putin and, of course, since then russia invaded ukraine, and the united states has a armed ukraine and mounted sanctions, additional sanctions against russia. i think what we could do is bring the house back into session and pass that ukraine aid bill. ukraine is on the front lines defending europe against russia. no, it's not -- it's ukraine's existential war for their survival, and they've caused over 300,000 russian casualties. that's winning as well. fin lan is now a nato member. -- finland is a nato member, and we're able to provide the kind of defense and deterrence
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against russia. i think we need the house back in session to talk about that threat to our space satellites and also to pass this ukraine aid. if. guy: now, i saw a pew poll this morning, 74% of meshes -- americans believe that the ukraine war is in america's best interests. so that could inform if the debate in congress as well moving forward. dan hoffman, thank yous so much for your time this morning -- thanks so much for your time this morning. >> thank you. guy: rachel, let's take a look at some headlines. rachel: yeah. i suspect biden's consequences against russia are, quick, send money to ukraine. thank you so much. moving now to your headlines. children's mercy hospital announcing some great news, all 12 children who were hurt in the chiefs' super bowl parade last week have been discharged from the hospital as of yesterday. none of the children were shot in the incident that killed a mother of two and hurt 22 others on wednesday. two teenagers have been arrested
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in connection to the deadly shooting according to local reports. three people are still in the hospital. the prime minister of the netherlands is urging his fellow european leaders to top complaining -- stop complaining about former president donald trump during the munich security conference yesterday. >> stop moaning and whining and nagging about trump. i'm not in america, i cannot vote in the u.s., and we have to work with whoever. all that moaning and whining about trump, i hear that constantly over the past couple of days. let's stop doing it. rachel: the dutch prime minister is leaving his position in july and is currently the front-runner to be the next secretary-general of nato according to reuters. civil vest iser that the loan's daughters revealing their father had a them train like rambo with navy if seals because he was concerned for their safety in new york city. smart dad. one of his daughters told the new york post, quote, sophia and i got our butts whupped by these
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guy, and i'm not surprised my dad had us do something like this, because our entire life we grew up with him doing these sort of military self-defense trainings. i've got to find some navy seals for my daughters. those are your headlines. but stay with us, because still ahead natalie grant kicks off this season's faith and friends concert series with a special live performance. but first, a new gallup poll finds going to church has a remarkable impact on your happiness. religion correspondent lauren green is here this first sunday of lent. and she reacts next. ♪ gears from delivering part-time... to streaming full-time! so i made their moves count... filing with 100% accuracy and guaranteeing their maximum refund. ( ♪ ) intuit turbotax.
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pete: heading off to church today will likely give you greater life satisfaction. a new poll revealing the majority of those who attend weekly religious services are very satisfied with their lives. it's a topic our next guest highlights in her brand new book, "light for today." fox news' religion correspondent lauren green joins us now. lauren, congrats on the book. we'll talk about that in a moment. but first, explain this study
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for our viewers who, you know, this doesn't surprise you. why is this the case? >> well, it doesn't surprise me because we understand the people who go to church actually find the answers to the big questions of life. i mean, religion is not just a set of doctrines that you believe in, but it has a set of answers to the big questions of life. why am a i here? what's the purpose of my life, you know? how do i treat people? these are the answers that that everybody wants to find -- the questions that people want to find the answers to. just think of the grammy song of the year, what am i made for? that just shows you the angst of this age. and so the bible has answer as to these questions. i mean, if you think about psalm 37, delight yourself in the lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart because god knows the desires of your heart because he made your heart. so he understands. taking your heart felt desires to god and delighting in god will give you those big answers. and there's a contentment along with that. so no matter what happens in life, you can be content because god nose your heart.
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and, you know -- knows your heart and, you know, he's in charge of it. pete: beautiful. you're exactly right. we do go -- we're adrift in a culture right now with none of those answers and a lot of instant gratification but nothing deeper. you a meet that in biblical triew. let's talk about your book with. you were not intending on writing a book, but you were push out information, devotionals every day, and someone said, this should be a book. [laughter] tell us about "light for today." >> it came out after, i was writing these thoughts for the day after my first book was published i've -- five or six years ago a, and they were just daily devotionals, and these thoughts for the day came out. and and soon i had over 450 of them. and i thought, wow, that's a lot. [laughter] and then about a year and a half ago a someone from broad street approached me and said, hey, would you like to write a devotional? i said, well or just so happens, i do have these thoughts that
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can be converted into a devotional. and it really is working out daily life. we go to church on sundays to get our batteries recharged, to we can with with other believers, but our real living out of faith happens seven days a week, at the workplace, on the subways, trains and buses. that's where our faith is really lived out. pete: yes. beautiful. i believe you have an excerpt from the book i'd love for you to share from "light for today." >> i'm going to read it. it's just from one day. it says doubt and unbelief are real as aspects of our lives. sometimes we're embarrassed, we admit we have doubts, but jesus understands. jesus knows that the world's sounds and visions, what we see and here, are so strong that they often have greater influence on us. it's the seeing is believing philosophy. but jesus operates on the believing is seeing track. he has compassion for our unbelief, especially when we boldly admit it and ask for his help to overcome it. you know, it's just the phrase
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that says he comes to, you know, i have faith, but overcome my unbelief. i mean, that's what we're all a going through, right? pete: absolutely. such wisdom there, or lauren. and i would encourage our viewers to check it out. the book is "light for today." it's not too late to start a devotional for the year. check it out in this lenten season. lauren green, congratulations. >> thank you so much, pete. thank you so much. pete: awesome. we're blessed to work at a place where we have a religion correspondent and one as competent and wonderful as lauren green. and now, the by the way, we're about to kick off a wonderful sunday series for this lent season, reading a prayer from the hallow app here on "fox & friends" weekends. so if you would at home, close your eyes, bow your head. from hallow. dear lord, we thank you for this gift of life and for being our god. you are a faithful father, and
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you never abandon us in our time of need. today we bring to you all those who are undergoing trial or suffering in any way. be with those who are sick and experiencing pain, help us to bring them your consolation and if healing. be with those who are struggling under the weight of their cross. help us to carry it with them. be with the loan wiliest -- loneliest person in their community and be with anyone who is feeling lost right now. help us bring them your peace. o jesus, we surrender or ourselves to you. take care of everything and amen. i've had a chance to be a part of some of the daily scripture on hallow during this lent season. check it out. it's worth your time as we worship the lord. more "fox & friends" moments away.
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lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. our financial planning tools and advice can help you prepare for today's longer retirement. hi mom. that's the value of ownership. there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add on an all new footlong sidekick. we're talking a $2 footlong churro. $3 footlong pretzel and a five dollar footlong cookie.
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