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tv   Media Buzz  FOX News  February 18, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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howie: it's pretty obvious that president biden doesn't like
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going on television that his inner circle shields him from the press but suddenly biden was attacking donald trump in a televised speech from the white house. here's one reason. the president wanted to change the subject from his memory issues. in the wake of the stinging special counsel's report, saying he has difficulty remembering things and biden finally seems to be taking advice of those saying he has to prove his competence by going on the air and trotting out age saying how shop he is in private. trump gave his opponent an opening with the south carolina rally remarks recounting what he told a nato leader about the failure to spend what's required on defense if russia attacked. >> yes, say that happened and, no, i wouldn't protect you and i'd encourage you to do whatever the hell they want. want. howie: that prompted this biden address. >> no president of the history
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has bowed down to russian dictator. as clearly as i can say that, i never will. for god's sake, it's dumb. it's shameful, it's dangerous, it's un-american. howie: to which trump post canned somebody please inform our president that nato has to pay our bills. they're pay ago small fraction of what we are for the disaster in ukraine. the world got a stark and tragic reminder of vladamir putin's strategy with the invasion of ukraine. and alexei navalny and other leaders blaming putin for the demise. the press reporting that biden's lawyers unsuccessfully pushed the justice department to remove from robert hur's report the findings about memory issues bringing the president back to the very subject he wants to leave behind. i'm howard cu kurtz and this is
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media buzz. ahead of a rivetting televised hearing on whether georgia da fani willis should be removed for hiring her boyfriend as top prosecutor and when the romantic relationship began. the argumentses range from whether trump is damaging the atlantic alliance and the media should call him out and those saying the former president is looking for leverage and doesn't really mean it. >> this is trump trying to shock therapy on the nato allies because they've been free loading off the united states for decades. >> you have these unpatriotic republicans who are voting against ukraine and voting against israel because donald trump has told them to do that. they know he's against ukraine and israel. >> if you believe that securing our boarders is far more
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important right now for our national security interests, if you believe that should be funded first, what, that makes you a putin puppet, is that the new definition because that's false. >> talk about not possibly backing our nato allies in the event of an attack from an enemy, particularly russia, it's not helpful. >> trump invited a third world war in europe by cheering on more aggression by russia. >> when trump says america should get paid, the media hears russia should invade. the media might have found the new russia hoax in time for the next election. howie: now to analyze is ben domenech, editor in large at spectator and fox news contributor and ceo of rebel communications and media making the case that donald trump is threatening global instability by making these comments about nato and russia. are they overreacting to this story? >> i think they are overreacting in part because we've heard this
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type of thing from him before, when he was president. and i think he had a good point then and what we have seen is in response to ukraine ana lot of nation haves stepped up the amount of money they're spending and they're still many of them spending far less as a portion of gdp than thought out to and need to stand up because of the obvious security concerns involved. the idea that nato is supposed to be something where all of these nations can just turn to the united states in any kind of instance and just assume that we're going to be footing the bill on everything is completely baseless and it's not irresponsible to ask them to pay their fair share. howie: laura, isn't some of the story driven by on the record comments by top european officials who are worried that they might need to defend themselves in a trump administration without help from the u.s.. >> when you have the presumptive republican nominee for president going out and saying he would
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encourage putin to invade nato allies, should they not reach 2% of gdp for defense spending, that's a huge problem and president biden we saw proportional response and he had to say something to aidoo sure allies and stand up to vladamir putin, particularly in the face of the failure to advance ukraine aid and the fact that president trump as the head of his party has scotched ukraine aid time and time again. now, the nato allies have reason to be afraid. they trust what trump is and does and we see that they have increased their budgets over time particularly germany ramping up at 1.5% and moving to 2% of gdp soon. this is a process that's been happening since biden took the presidency. howie: where do people stand on the controversy and confirming it going to nato and i think one of the things that's still having a lot of residual
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approach with the value of voters that lived through the cold war and importance of nato in that time is defending that alliance. the value to america and it's america that had the original article 5 experience and post-9/11 and the willingness to defend everybody else that's a member of nato. >> yeah and that's something we need to keep in per spect and i have it's a force for american interests as opposed to against it. at the same time i do think that the criticism that the president is make asking one that's consist with the rest of his party. it's a myth to suggest this is somehow a trump alone position within that party. it's one that is working its way through a lot of different things and it was very interesting to me to see that 15 out of 17 republicans who voted against this aid package in the senate were all younger than 55. they're all the younger side of this coalition, and in the house, you know, the opposition to it has been even stronger among the more populous
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conservatives within the republican base and donald trump is not out of step with the rest of his party on this issue. howie: well, some of the younger people didn't live through the human missile crisis and other confrontations with the old soviet union and, laura, trump is on tv for a long time and dominates the news and biden starting to heed that advice he's got to show people he's mentally fit and competent and not just have kamala harris and others say he's awesome in private. >> well, it's campaign season and we're going to see everybody in the cameras a lot more. we have to be careful though of just saying every time biden gets in front of a camera he's trying to get concerned about his age and every time trump gets in front of the camera, he's trying to distract from the 91 criminal counts that he faces and the $355 million judgment for fraud he faced this past week. i think that becomes a little bit overly simplistic and campaign season and we'll see
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everybody in front of cameras a lot more. howie: i would say it's been campaign season for awhile and doesn't seem to be a turn. in some ways it's not shocking death of alexei navalny and this is what the president had to say about that. >> make no mistake, putin is responsible for navalny's death and providing funding so ukraine can keep defending itself against putin's vicious onslaught and war crimes. howie: second time before he went before the cameras and putin are the one being blamed for this and made the pivot to wanigans try and use russian brutality as a reason to take a shot. >> yeah, i find the white house's reaction to this generally to be very disappointing and insufficient. here's why, we saw the news come obviously in the context of the munich of security conference ask you had kamala harris come out and give a bit of a spiel
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about that remarks of rules-based order and land blanch stuff on the space. the president promised devastating c consequences if alexei navalny died in president. that's what he said in 2021. now he shifted to we're spending more money on crew yanis. that's not -- crew crane. -- ukraine. that's not devastating consequences. if you identified a person under a dictatorship in a regime and said in the united states of america, don't mess with them. that meant something and now it seems like it doesn't mean anything anymore. howie: biden's side is since then we've had this war and imposed a lot of sanctions on russia and other things that obviously you couldn't allow from 2021. pivot for the response and pivoting. does it trouble you at all that donald trump has said nothing about navalny and obviously had a friendly relationship with putin?
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>> absolutely. he should and it's a layup for him to say something. it's something that i think would play both in his interests and that he could criticize the white house for not living up to its end of the deal. again, there's things that you can do that don't require for money from the congress and more money from the american taxpayers and go after the many of them, hundreds of billions of dollars that are out there in terms of the al guard available resources and not seized and pressure our european allies and frankly the ones going down with brittney griner before and there's a lot of other people currently there in russia who we should be trying and making a more active push to get back including vladamir keramurza in prison and haven't moved him to the arctic circumstance and will that's the thing that happens. he's in isolation right now and that's something i think people need to be prepared for. howie: laura, msnbc anchor alex whit said when asked if there's
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a link between trump's comments on nato and the death of navalny, doesn't that cross a line because evansville his own allies and family expected him to be killed eventually and i think to try and take words from donald trump and directly tie it doesn't sit well with me. >> well, it's not something they would co. i do think there's rising concern particularly and i agree with ben's earlier comments about the agreement on the right and the sort of drift toward supporting dictators saw c-pac in hungary and victor orvan as speaker and brand of right wing politics romancing dictators in love with vladamir putin going on tucker carlson's show and a right wing media operation that continues to support the romance with dictators with violence and trump continuing to support with his words and also a problem.
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it's foreign poll schism howie: remind you that the putin regime tried to poison navalny with nerve gass and recovered with and voluntarily went back in 2021 to russia to continue his activism and a lot of people thought that was a very risky thing that could well result in his death and sent to the punishment cells, isolation and he was losing weight and he was in failing health. but the president also pivoted to the what he called outrageous failure to provide more aid to ukraine than you addressed that. trump does reflect a party that is divided of ukraine. i'll grant you that. >> obviously but i have to push back against the idea there's some large romance among the conservative movement in america or the republican party writ large when it comes to dictators around the world. their natural ibramclination is against them in china and russia and can't just say one aspect,
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one particular portion of the american conservative media represents the whole. that's completely unfair. howie: when we come back, alejandro mayorkas gets impeached, take two. and the footing of george santos' old seat. ♪ cheese. [door creaks open] [ominous music] (♪) [ding] meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals are just for likes, try one you'll actually like.
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howie: special election on long island that drew national media attention and house site belonged to the line fabricated, expexpelled and indicted george santos and dormer deck ick beat pillup, the re-pendants weighed in on the national implication. >> santos is a fraud. >> if you're a house republican
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this morning, you've got to be freaked out. you're not going to retain the majority. howie: donald trump's reaction was to blame maizey pillips saying she didn't endorse me and i stayed out of the race and wanted to be loved. that same day shortly after republicans were embarrassed by narrowly failing to impeach, speaker mike johnson brought the indictment against mayorkas by a single vote. >> president trump gets impeached by a single phone call and people are complaining about mayorkas getting impeached for what's happening to the country. this is real, real stuff happening and people are terrified. craig:t the republican caucus are doing the only thing they know how to do and foreign audience of one. you guessed it. donald j. trump. howie: ben, when it comes to impeaching mayorkas and three year record out of control
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illegal migration at southern border, isn't this more about the policy of symbolism and sense of keeping the media spotlight on the border issue? >> it is to a certain extent and that's the implication that many members who voted on this issue certainly would agree with. i would argue historically it's nationally a far more appropriate impeachment and original drafting and debate and ben franklin represented as being used against officials that had in his words rendered themselves obnoxious and the first impeachment of a judge that wrote the rules was for someone that had engaged in some fanciful speech but bad at their job for showing up drunk all the time. it's an inappropriate use for the impeachment and ramifications of this admin station and -- administration and wise to cast mayorkas aside given how bad he's been out of his job. howie: i knew we'd bet dbrox a
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1787 reference from you. laura, first time a cabinet officer was impeached in 150 years. didn't the house republicans impeach mayorkas for carrying out joe biden's policies and this will go nowhere in the democratic senate? >> they impeached ma mayorkas me because he's obnoxious and people will be lining up on both sides of the aisle. this is wild that it demonstrates that the republicans are in love with political theater and it has gotten to the point of the theater of the absurd and you cannot throw down and kill border security legislation at the same time you're impeaching the titular head of that border security. it's patently ridiculous to choose to do nothing but theatric but to continue the fight that you'd do something if you really cared other than
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impeach appointed officials. >> impeaching someone for not enforcing the law is justified and it's currently on the books regardless of what you think about the bill that was dismissed. i would never describe it as a border security bill and i've worked on border security bills before, but the media and obviously the democrats present it as such. enforcing the law is junior job in this role. it's absolutely appropriate to impeach him in that situation. howie: the long island election. ben, i'll give tom a credit for more moderate stance on illegal migration rather than running from the issue but didn't the seat flip because of santos? >> i absolutely think it did and tom figured out border security in a way that worked for him and obviously had once again the issue of the lack of republicans using early voting and you had a massive snowstorm the day of the election. so once again the former president trump was out this
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week bashing early voting. this is going to be a continued problem for republicans unless they decided to finally go in a different direction on that. howie: laura, everyone on local elections and aren't the pendants hyperventilating when it was a low turnout election and ben says in losey weather involving a democrat that already held the seat? >> it's different type of b weather. it's bell weather and everything is seen as bell weather now and we're thick in election season and it's not a batted thing to draw national conclusions and i might draw different ones than it means there's a blue wave. what you need to look at is the democratic machine is working and it's turning out their voters. i think you're seeing that the fact that the immigration issue will be salient and republican inaction even in the face of getting virtually everything they wa wanted in the bill and
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refusing to pass it is going to hurt them in november. howie: that's up for debate too. >> look at things like that . and draw conclusion. howie: there's trump's opposition to the bill. look, if it's a bell weather, tom suazie criticized and distanced himself from president biden and see if that's something that other people follow and fun fact, minutes before the election was called, george santos predicted the republicans would win and sent a group text to the republicans who helped kick him out of the house full of cursing so still getting attention. thank you, both. up next, how joe biden's team secretly pressured merrick garland to heavily edit the special counsel's report onos classifiedsi documents. ♪ new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa!
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they complained of robert hur of watering down the language and then running to merrick garland about the den grading statementg statements of president biden's memory and said bind should not be criticized for practice that his predecessor openly engaged in. joining us now -- wait a second. i have tourette more. the attorney general refused to change a warning report the next day and joining us now sara bedford, reporter for the washington examiner and jacqui heinrich. could you imagine if merrick garland under pressure taken and watered down the report from the media reaction's report? >> i think it would be minimal and the media was highly critical of hobart hur for following jus dis-department regulations and given a lot of leeway to the way that the white house criticized robert hur in the way that the white house was critical of robert muller and
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bill barr -- robert mueller and the jus dis-department took a huge amount of criticism for their eyes intervening in the way the mueller report was going to be parasceved and i don't think the white house hat gotten enough criticism for this action. howie: jacqui, wouldn't this have leaked in about ten seconds and don't you think the media would have gone nuts over this? >> i think they would have and it's why they would not have chosen to adjust hur's language in any way and would have conflicted with this president's pledge to have his hands off doj and the letter in itself to garland and chafes at his position a little bit but end of the day, garland didn't do anything and biden didn't use any execkive privilege either and let the whole thing get out
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there in its entirety. howie: garland saving biden from the lawyers. white house spokesperson ian sames sent a letter saying it wasn't that he just willfully obtained classified documents but not enough evidence to charge him and nothing going over too well with the pressocore. turning to the key witness, a key witness in the republican impeachment probe of joe biden. fbi informant alexander s, many ir -- smirnoff has been indicted and the story deserves more coverage. what do you think? >> i think so. there was someone during the mueller investigation as well convicted of something very similar contributing to the steel dossier and was acquitted but there's some pair hells in that maybe the -- parallels in that maybe the basis of the cores of the biden family built on lies and i don't think the
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biden impeachment is undermining the one fact and so many additional -- so much additional evidence was gathered and this is the blow to the credibility of the allegations against the biden family. howie: i wouldn't say completely undermined but the indictment told smirnoff and burisma and energy giant and was public knowledge hunter biden was on the board and hired him to protect the firm through his dad and fbi now says that's a lie. big problem? >> huge problem. i think jim comey will have to lay out all of the evidence outside of this claim that makes the impeachment inquiry concerned about house republicans sounding off and couple of months and threatening to hold the fbi director in contempt by the 1023 form in which this witness makes his allegation. so with this guy now having his credibility shot, lot of onus on
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house republicans to make this form. howie: next on media buzz, huge large coverage of georgia da fani willis testifying alaska the prosecutor boyfriend and will she be kicked off the trump case? ♪
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howie: fani willis georgia da facing disqualification and facing combative testimony in a hearing by all three cable news networks and admitted to having a affair with nathan wade and both insisted there was no improper overlap for his hiring or financial benefit to willis. >> it's ridiculous that you lied on monday and yet here we still are. one of the emotions you tried to implicate i slept with him at that conference, which is extremely offensive. >> did you pay him back?
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>> for the cruise and aruba, i gave him his money before we went. you think i'm on trial. these people are on trial for trying to steal an election but i'm not on trial no matter how hard you try to put me on trial. >> when did it start? >> late summer of 2023. i don't believe in -- this is what you're really asking about. the salaciousness of all this. two slicesy lovers lying on the -- two sleezy lovers lying about their relationship. >> she was angry and many of them she didn't bring up. she obviously doesn't like being lied about and having her personal life dragged out into the open. and lie about. howie: what did you make about her rambling about love life and sex life and said she started dating married attorney nathan
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wade in 2022 but after she hired him as prosecutor? >> from a television perspective, it was rivetting and we were all glued to the tv all day during it and from a legal perspective, legal consensus is split about whether she will or will not be disqualified and agreement that her credibility took a major hit from this affair. she was unable to really give compelling answers. howie: at a minimum, everybody was saying what was she thinking. da asked why she kept thousands of dollars in cash in her home. why she paid or repaid nathan wade in cash for the trips they took including two cruises and why she didn't have any receipts. it was so raw that it made me cringe at times. >> i don't know that i agree her credibility took a hit. you heard people in the black community hearing her answer that black people keep cash in their houses and being like, yeah. there's that. i think also at the end of the
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day, jonathan turley said it best, she was combative and confrontational and made her case and a lot of people celebrated her on the left. if the former president had done the exact same thing, how would have people received that? you can sort of applaud that for more debate and it's rivetting to watch and there's more information. information. howie: there's a consensus on that. talk briefly about the snap decision to testify. she was angry when she got out there and that was the money that kicked off her case and perhaps her office with her. >> right, that was sort of some of the commentary that we saw was that, you know, these are prosecutors that have built some charges that are sometimes being stretched beyond, you know, the letter of the statute to charge trump because no one is above the law and, you know, accountability is at the forefront of the efforts so for
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a prosecutor here to have sort of chased it even being asked questions about whether she followed the rules and when she's enforcing aggressively part of the effort aggressively and impose as little credibility. howie: why she kept the relationship secret from colleagues in the office and her own father. wasn't it like eves dropping on a soap oprah? >> in a lot of ways. it was. >> there's a question of at what point was it unethical to hire someone or start a relationship and start a relationship with someone after you hired them or either way it's a dangerous spot to be in when you're having to answer the questions. i think she tried effectively to remind people that she's actually not the one accused of the sort of heart of the whole thing, which is the case that trump's involved in stealing an election as she put it. howie: certainly tried to do
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that whether she was successful, we'll probably find out in the coming days. meanwhile a new york judge fighting donald trump $355 million in that civil fraud case and involving everything and everything that letitia james was doing with a happy dance and everyone else was reveling in the jumped judgment and how trump it going to pay it. sarah. >> yeah, legal analysis of the merits and how it's going out the window and how hard trump hit financially and him and his sons are barred from doing business in new york for a few years and rules in the court system about the size of damages having to be commence rate with the actual underlying offense and no victims and no money lost and something that defense argued at length and this could be a short lived victory for trump's critics and it's
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precedent that the defendant is rich it can be grown to hit him harder. howie: take a look at this. >> they included the new york state judge i have to pay $355 million for having built a perfect company. great cash, great buildings, great everything. letitia james, that's another case all together. she's a horribly corrupt attorney general and it's all having to do with election interference. howie: judge ce eng engoron thap attacked during the trial bordered on pathological. at the same time, jacqui, this is true and trump made this repeatedly. nobody was a victim or lost money. the banks made millions on the loans for trump properties. >> yeah and i think that's an effective talking point that has been put out there and echoed by
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not just his supporters either. i mean, legal experts saying that this is sort of an unusual -- howie: case. >> -- case in that way. there's a worthy discussion of what kind of impact this might have on business in the state of new york. if businesses move out, i can't prefers with i'm a lawyer and no background of how unusual it is and what i note is that the sort of two sides of the record dug in on that reflection of the case and there's about a largest middle than we see in the middle cases in terms of legal experts citing donald trump. howie: tracking this and all the trial date of march 25th was set in the case of new york
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involving tesla a stormy danielh money. >> outside the courthouse, this courthouse people are being murdered and the situation and they want to keep me nice and becausey so i can't campaign anymore. howie: saratoga remarks isn't this of -- sarah, isn't this of all the four the least important? >> yeah, in term was implications of holding presidency again and nothing to do with classified materials for the defense and 2020 election. it's the oldest of the cases talking about something that happened eight years ago and this wasn't the plan from the biden justice department. the owe elections eversion case was supposed to go first and that didn't happen. happen. howie: got slowed up by the appeals and outcome that the democrats want for the weakest of the case and most likely for him to come. >> if he's convicted not looking at jail time in this case. howie: they brought as a felony
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but, jacky, aren't the charge -- jacqui, aren't these seen as the most blatant charges. this is coming first and energized in the past and his base gets more riled up. >> more defensive of him and he grows his strength in the polls and it's probably not the case concerning any fence setters in the election and need to reconsider my vote and not the folks of the biden campaign is hoping will be following headlines about cases and talking about january 6 in the media. howie: stormi daniels end of the 2016 campaign and doesn't feel like it was on the level of the other cases and pretty much.
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jacqui, stick armed. after the break, the strange case of the media making the public a secret russian weapon after the republican lawmaker challenged the white house. ♪ keep them looking their best with versatile utility vehicles, professional-grade mowers and the #1 rated tractor brand for durability and owner experience. so. you give eye exams. i give ... fresh starts. good eye health? that's priceless. “hero doc saves vision!” (laugh) well, i- “hero owl saves money!” ... sure. not just better eye health ... america's best. (vo) explore the world the viking way from the quiet comfort of elegant small ships with no children and no casinos. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person.
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some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts, or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here! craig:t this was bizarre. mike cameron of the house intel committee asking president biden to declassify information and threat the national security administration and coverage exploding and details soon
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leaked to fox and many other outlets. >> america is affiantly facing a national security threat from russia so terrifying our own government said they couldn't tell us what it is. >> was mike turner's objective to kind of wake house republicans up a bit about russia's intentions or the reality of russia? that's an interesting idea. >> anyone that recalls the chinese spy balloon knows chairman turner released the announcement for this effort. >> putin's efforts to launch a nuclear anti-is the lite system in space. antisatellite system in space. howie: how did the white house react to this comment in public? >> surprised and not expecting to take questions and jake sullivan was there to take questions and the briefing was delayed for white awhile and turner put out a letter to members and a press release that
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geared up the media to look into it. the fallout has been sort of the question posed by people, what was turner trying to do to his colleagues? was he trying to get them interested in passing 702, fisa reform or fast track ukraine aid. howie: which he's been in favor of. >> my sources are saying he was trying to move the white house on something, not congress. howie: funny because they're usually discussed quietly behind closed doors and only took hours for the leaks to begin for major news organizations and reveal this was a not yet functioning russian weapon in space and some called by shorthand of a space laser or antisatellite weapon and was it responsible for the media to run with this and let the chemolinn know we know what
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they're doing -- kremlin know we know what they're doing. howie: that's an answer the white house was cagey on and they've not outright said that sourcsources and methods of intelligence gathering said they've had concern. howie: glad you raised that and we get this information is often through human sources and it certainly is a possibility that this jeopardized that. >> right. we don't know exactly how this intelligence arrived at the u.s., but what we do know is that turner was concern that had the white house wasn't doing enough to address it and said in his press release the white house wasn't talking to allies and partners and i learned that it was allies and partners that they needed to talk to and they were trying to talk to other countries that are trying to get their assets in space. china, russia, iran, and india and the u.s. are the five countries involved in the space race. they believe that russia would respond uniquely to china and india going against them on this. that's what was underway. howie: bottom line, you don't have a problem with the press revealing the nature of this
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secret russian weapon? >> i don't know. it's bound to happen when there's a press release and we'll ask questions. howie: that's our job and your job for the white house. jacqui heinrich. thank you very much. the aftermath of the super bowl and john stuart reading up on both presidents. ♪
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howie: what a horrifying tragedy as thousands in kansas city turned out for a parade celebrating their super bowl champions and gunfire e republicanned and one woman was killed and more than 20 people wounded, half of them children. some as young as 8. it sounded like a mass shooting but police who have now charged two juvenile suspects with gun offenses and resisting arrest say they opened fire on each
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other. some of the chiefs including patrick mahomes posted messages of support. travis kelce said he was heart broken. none of this takes from the dramatic overtime win other the 49ers and travis kelce angly approaching andy reid and saying he crossed the line. some might have had something to do with record breaking audience of 123 million. i wasn't surprised as someone that's been on the daily show and interviewed jon stuart many times and think it's pretty funny when he returns to the program after nine year absence and only on mondays and when stuart talking about joe biden's memory problems, he did this. >> the footage of the president unable to recall simple facts must have been brutal to watch.
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>> james webb, i don't remember ever buying something for myself. >> do you recall you were ma married? >> i don't remember that . howie: i thought there goes the library rale crusader again beating up on -- liberal crusader beating up on donald trump. then he turns it to the current president. >> the president was on front of and on top of it all coordinating and directing leaders. >> did anyone film that? because if you're telling us behind the scenes he's sharp and on top of it and in control,
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film that. that would be good to show to people. instead of the tiktok where he goes [inaudible]. howie: stewart's executive producer spent a longer time making fun of biden than mobbing trump send aing a signal he'll take on both sides and left wing viewers complaining how dare you. i'm howard kurtz. we only had to rewrite the show about nine times this week. subscribe to the podcast buzz meter as i rip on the day's top five stories and apple itunes is a good place to do it. back here on sunday, 11 eastern and only media analysis show on national television. ♪
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eric: fox8 houtr