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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 18, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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eric: fox8 hour tragedy for
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first responders in minnesota. three officers have been shot. they were responding to a domestic dispute and burnsville. that's a small city about 15 miles south of minneapolis. police there are not saying very much publicly right now but exactly what happened, this unfolding early this morning. we'll have it upd an update forn a few moments as soon we learn more. also at this hour, president biden once again blaming russian president vladimir putin for the prison death of top opposition leader alexei navalny. the president saying there is close no doubt putin is responsible at it is even more proof of a putin's brutality. the president now urging republicans to pass more military aid to ukraine. which would begin in year three under the russian invasion, the illegal barbaric invasion by vladimir putin. your three starts saturday. hello everyone this is fox's life i have eric shawn, hi
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arthel. arthel: hello everyone i'm arthel nebo. president biden criticize house members for taking a 12 day recess without taking up the bipartisan foreign aid bill. the senate has passed in a call with president zelenskyy yesterday, president biden blamed the stalled funding for russia re- taking a key city in eastern ukraine saturday, hours after it ukraine with through soldiers when their supplies ran out. the white house calls that quote russia's most notable gains in months. lucas tomlinson is life in rehoboth beach, delaware the president spending the weekend and working. what more can you tell us? >> arthel, after program ended yesterday president biden, after mass, spoke to reporters here in rehoboth beach he blasted congress for going on vacation without passing that aid for ukraine as well as to israel and taiwan as well but here's
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president biden yesterday. >> the idea that now they're running out of immunization i find it absurd i find it unethical. i find it contrary to everything we are as a country. parts of the ammunition they need. biden's comments to reporters came as ukraine was forced to retreat from a city in the east to having a rush of its first victory in months. president biden spoke about the death of putin critic alexei navalny. whether he ordered it, he is responsible for the circumstances and it is a reflection of who he is. it cannot be tolerated. >> the republican chairman of the house intelligence committee said today he is confident ukraine aid will pass. >> he's is made a number of pubc
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statements committing to finding a pathway for the eta for ukraine. i believe him i think we will. this does need to get on this is absolutely critical for your support and to oppose russian aggression. >> the president biden said he wanted congress to return home to pass the aid it built some critics said was rich coming from the president will he was here on vacation rehoboth beach and just days from now he goes out west for more fundraising for the second time this month. arthel: alright lucas tomlinson thank you very much for that report, eric? >> we are now in the final week of campaigning before the republican presidential primary in south carolina. there is still four more days of early voting before the actual primary that is next saturday polls show up for her president trump is maintaining his big lead over former south carolina governor nikki haley in her home state. she is trying to catch up with campaign stops around the state
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today while the former president will return to south carolina on friday. fox political analyst is standing by how this will play out in the palmetto state will get you in just a second but first let's get to alexandria hoff who is live in the states capitol of columbia what is going on in the race at this very hour? >> hey eric, great to be with you. foreign policy still a major talking point south carolina is home to 15 military bases. policy does become part of dinner tell conversations for many families and on the trail yesterday former governor nikki haley brought up some past comments trump has made about service members. we have heard that for the past couple of weeks now. her own husband was included and that major michael haley trump questioned his current deployment or she is really hit back is on trump's statement russia should quote do what ever they want to nato members who do not spend enough on defense here's what haley told me yesterday.
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>> why is trump siding with putin? it is a problem. and that's, for everyone in south carolina for military families what are you doing to encourage war? putin feels very emboldened when you say something like that. >> trump proponent south carolina tim scott weighed in on "fox news sunday" today, listen. >> here's what i can tie about donald trump inform policy that any question the resources are necessary to protect this world according to the nato alliance those resources went up under donald trump because of his language. >> a rally in michigan last night trump spent a bulk of his remarks on the legal issues including the 355 million dollars judgment against him friday and the civil fraud or trial for the former president called it election interference. >> the case is a complete and total sham it is a sham case. there were no victims, note damages and no complaints no nothing. there was nothing.
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>> we been trying to gauge south china voters and their feelings on the former presents a list of court cases so far it does not appear they have changed any minds because honestly sometimes for voters they have a lot going on in their own lives and can be hard to differentiate from each other. eric: that is for sure a spatial who are not paying attention for next saturday is the day, everything the pipe next saturday is the day for more on this let's bring in gianno coldwell fox news political analyst. how do you see it are voters in south carolina not buying what i haley is selling? >> unfortunately for her, no they are not. we see in the polling at least donald trump is ahead about 30 points. and at this particular point as i have said many times before what is nikki haley doing? what is her reason for staying in the race? there is no path for her after south carolina comes up against
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super tuesday donald trump is going to dominate that as well. so the question then comes to me what is the advantage nikki haley is trying to have in this particular race? she has a donor money but that is not going to be enough to stop donald trump. in addition to that fact that we are not seeing the residence or she really wanted to be which was with a democrat independent voters to cross over and vote for her we did not see that success in nevada we did not see that kind of success outside of new hampshire where she had a upttaken her voting base but agn you don't win republican primaries by counting on democrats no matter how much democrats try to make her. i don't understand what's going on here quite frankly. but it is the end of the road for nikki haley in my humble opinion. >> do you think team haley is trying to see how the former presidents legal and court woes are playing out to see if that would be an advantage to team
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haley? >> i think that's a part of the formula. but the fact of the matter is a lot of these court cases are not going to play out until closer to the general election or even after. so with that consideration in mind we are in the republican nomination process donald trump going on a very long limb here heat will be there publican nominee absent anything happening to him healthwise i don't know if she's in thinking he's an older individual and sometsomething could happen the. but the way the cards are stacked, the deck cannot be moved in the space of nikki haley. it's donald trump's race super this is a point where donald trump should be looking forward to the general election and is certainly concerned that back south carolina and joe biden's interest was to get the black vote donald trump needs to be going out and so with other coalition of voters that are outside of there publican. >> hold on me hold on for me
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just hold on, hold on we'll get to that let me stick to south carolina for a second period i want to take a look at this real clear politics average for south carolina republican primary you already mentioned it trump has 63.4% support with haley, with 32.4%. what is donald trump selling the voters like? ask donald trump, from what i can see, is selling experience. people do remember the trump years in terms of the economy. >> only jump in their white just trump's experience account and biden's experience doesn't? >> let me push back a little bit and say both of their experience counts but we see what one expenses gotten us and that's the current president of the united states. a lot of people believe the economy is going in the wrong direction despite what the numbers are in terms of the data pickups why is that despite the
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numbers? is it about how they feel? >> despite the numbers because inflation has gone down. we have seen that in the data however the prices have you go to mcdonald's tried to buy a meal is going to cost you much more. you go to the grocery store and buy chicken is going to cost you more. you go and buy just about anything is going to cost you more this numbers are not going down. we have seen joe biden's treasury secretary has said as much the numbers are not going to go down. people are not liking that and i am one of those people do not like the fact that everything costs so much more. even talk about what joe biden has then you can talk about the fact data has shown us if you are a poor person in america and you are a person in the middle class you're going to pay thousands of dollars more due to the inflation we have seen during joe biden's tenure that's problematic for many americans.
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you look in chicago your black residence like we are going to vote for republicans for good reasons and disenfranchise systematically african-american and a number of these different places and put able are not american citizens over them. illinois may become a purple state. the state of illinois in order to win statewide you got to have 20% of cook county. it encompasses chicago you get 20% there it is completely in play and donald trump if that happens, wow to win illinois a lleft-leaning state would be insane. but this is where we are and it's where we are because of joe biden's policies. i'm sorry i interrupted your just about to give me a laundry list of what donald trump is selling that the voters like to go ahead. emigration of the document that we can talk about the economy big. >> okay wait a minute wait a minute hang on wait wait wait hold on you are saying you listed immigration is number
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one. so why is the former president telling his people and congress to not pass any sensible immigration laws because he wants to campaign on it. does it make sense to have the border be a hot mess let's admit it is a hot mess it is chaotic down there. and it needs to be fixed. does it make any sense to hold onto that chaos and let it fester until late november election until january of president trump's becomes president trump again? >> well, here is the thing. reasonable is based on interpretation is not necessarily everyone's interpretation. [laughter] here we go. >> that consider undermine 7 million people coming in under donald trump was about a millin people come in the border was pretty much closed under president trump. arthel: the board is problematic
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no doubt. we got that. we got that, we got that it is horrible we got that. give me something else to forgo the try to tell me too go but i want you to go ahead with your laundry list just listed off again they can expound to give me the list. >> were on the world stage we had in that uk after that afghanistan with robert we had military officials being attacked daily. we have people who have died and our military because of my ron proxies there's a very problematic state of affairs that we are in in the united states of america due to joe biden's leadership and people at 12. arthel: how if president trump's becomes president get how can you do that? right now we are waiting for him to denounce putin and his responsibility by all accounts of world leaders that he is responsible for alexei navalny's death we have not heard from the president yet the former
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president, president biden spoken out but what about former president trump should he be speaking out against putin and denouncing him publicly and very harshly and forcefully? >> i would say he has said that many times could i speak on the situation as of today should he say something else about putin? sure he absolute should. we all know putin is a murderous dictator who is no good even russia people may have disagreements on that. we can go down the laundry list of what donald trump should be doing but what he is doing now according to the polls is working for the american people who want to see him in office. they want to see more than they would to see joe biden. i am just an analyst i work on the fox news channel. i am not a donald trump spokesperson but i can tell you people want donald trump in the white house more than they what joe biden in the white house up or even democrats are souring on the joe biden presidency and that is what it is.
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arthel: ima journals are not a president biden spokesperson we are having a good conversation which i thoroughly enjoyed it thank you so much look forward to seeing you again. >> thank you. arthel: take care. by the way to an end today, today at 5:00 p.m. eastern to seek nikki haley exclusive town hall moderated by john roberts and then tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. easter former president trump exclusive town hall with laura ingraham as moderators are checked both of those out. arthel: those town halls are always a lively and looking for to them. meanwhile out in colorado colors are canceled tomorrow for what is being called a day of healing at the university of colorado colorado springs. that, after two people were found dead in a storm room over the weekend. please now searching for the killer they have not said whether the victims are students or what is behind the double murder or even who they suspect
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could be the murderer. christina coleman joins us with the latest on this baffling case. >> baffling indeed. police are not sank much publicly about this double homicide rate now. though colorado springs police do tell me they are working around the clock on this case. meantime there remains a number of unanswered questions. police have not publicly identified a motive for the shooting or stated any details about a possible suspect or their location. what they have confirmed as officers found two people dead with at least one gunshot wound east around 6:00 a.m. friday morning in a storm on campus. after responding to a report of shots fired. police say they believe this is an isolated incident and they are not identifying the two victims at this time. >> we recognize many members of our community are eager for meeting information. however it is our duty to
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provide the victims of families with support. we'll sure the details of what we have learned with them before we release them to the public. >> will have to be careful about what we share so we can protect both the investigation and subsequent prosecution. >> colorado springs a police also say they do not believe there is an ongoing threat to the community and their investigation continues to indicate this was an isolate incident part however they have not released any details on what has led them to make this determination so far but meantime this college community is grieving the loss of the two victims. >> our collective thoughts and heartfelt sympathies are with all of the victims, their grieving families and all the members of that use ecs campus who are facing this difficult time. >> campus is closed this weekend by day's classes are canceled as the community comes to term with the double murder. eric: really shocking, christina
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thank you. >> we have new details on that officer involved shooting in burnsville, minnesota it's about 20 minutes south of minneapolis. let's go to madison, what are you learning? >> we can now confirm that two police officers and one first responder were shot and killed in this incident. police are not publicly saying much about what exactly happened. we know there was a domestic dispute in that small city of burnsville as you said about 15 miles south of minneapolis early this morning. kate msp our fox affiliate in minneapolis are reporting a very happy police presence at the scene this morning. one of the shooting occurred near kennelly road in burnsville parkway east. we are confirming this information from officials with the minnesota police and peace officers association they say they are heartbroken.
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they say the entire law enforcement committees heartbroken and devastated by this horrific loss. still waiting to get some actual information from the police department, the mayor, other public officials but that minneapolis police chief or the small town of burnsville said they want to keep burnsville police department in their prayers. senator amy klobuchar said she learned about the shooting this morning that these police officers or their jobs protecting their community and that she is praying for all the families involved in this incident so just a really scary situation that is still very much so developing back out here live we are learning authorities do plan to hold a press conference sometime this afternoon for it will be sure to give you any information that we learn from this and again our team in minneapolis fox nine is on the ground right now any new information we learn we will be sure to bring it straight to you. arthel: absolutely it is just so
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tragic. and of course wheat to here at fox are very concerned for all the families involved and our prayers to them as well. madison and atlanta with all those details, thank you madison i'm sure we will speak to you a little bit later because we will have more on this ongoing story ahead. wwe'll take a break right now ad be right back. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it.
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arthel: the influx of migrants at the southern border are getting to be a major headache for president biden. a new poll shows the majority of americans, 80% of th say the u.s doing a bad job handling the border crisis for the worse news is a 73% of democrats are giving washington and congress and negative ratings that is the highest level since president biden took office. this comes as we are getting some alarming new numbers from the border patrol agents there say the fastest growing group of people trying to sneak into this country illegally is from china. griff jenkins is alive with all of the details. >> that is right, arthel. the 20000 plus chinese and migrant set across the border in the last four months 90% are here in the san diego sector but
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let me step out of the way and show you we got a group of more than 200 you are looking now at the remnants of the migrants waiting to be picked up there's about 50 here a large majority 75% or more are from china. you have got also a few three syrian men one man from georgia. let me show a video we shot an hour ago of the large group they had just crossed the border. you can see them here they built a fire to try to stay warm it's very cold here. we can also show you the drone shot of the situation. the agency or there's only three border patrol agents on site with more than 200 migrants showed up on that's just another busy day we have seen the migration move from texas all of you here to the west they're getting hit head hard. the residents here are very upset about it they are concerned about one gentleman had this to say, take a listen. >> they are coming here illegally we have no idea why
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but they all seem to be not all of them most of them seem to be military aged males it's very cunning concerning for someone who served in the military. >> and back out here, many of the chinese migrants there is at least 100. in many art single adult men. there are some women as well and there are some children but the majority are men. it is, officials alarmed because it is very difficult to vets than we do not share information with china. they cannot be sent back we do not have repatriation with china many of them will get a silent m perhaps half or more that is one thing that is really compounding the issue. finally the bigger question is why now why so many chinese are coming and no one has an answer for that you col collective fisl year 2021 only four and 50 chinese migrants for the entire fiscal year because he southern border and now informants dealing as i mentioned with more than 20000. we will send it back to you.
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>> you can very well understand why mr. goudreau and his fellow residents and neighbors are alarmed. again do these people qualify for asylum i'm not sure if you are able to communicate with them have you been able to talk with them? >> that is a great question. the answer is that many of them say they are coming for jobs, for economic reasons yesterday overhearing the soundbite from the chinese man who said he was here to take the money and asked at one job he said i want to get a job. as we know it needing a job is not going to qualify for asylum. that's really part of the problem somehow the message south of the board and around the world is that you can come here and get released to better your life, to get a job and that is just not going to cut it. and of course the border bill that is now nonexistent had to stiffened at the asylum
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threshold and that is something certainly hopefully congress will continue to push for. because it making it harder to get asylum in the fact you cannot come and get a job to get asylum. that's part of the centerpiece of this crisis. >> absolutely. very unsafe. alright griff jenkins, thank you very much for that report and all of your great reporting from the board is there, thanks take care. eric: it someplace else people are alarmed over the migrant influx is in new york city. many new yorkers are outraged they seem billions of dollars of their tax money going to support the illegals. the anger forcing new york city mayor to do a complete 180. he's backtracking on plans for the manhattan luxury building into a migrant shelter when man did he get an ear full from the community. cb cotton live in new york city with the very latest on this controversy. >> these harlem residents are demanding a say in the future of
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this vacant luxury apartment building they made it clear this week they do not want to be a shelter for migrants and asylum-seekers, listen. >> what does this say? all of the homes will have resident asylum-seekers are not residents they are not citizens. >> the rent came after committee members spotted these bunkbeds outside the property. property and court records show company purchased the site about a decade ago through a public foreclosure sale you're around the same time and people nearby say it has remained empty ever since neighbors tell me they shared their concerns after learning city hall was weighing whether to turn the building into a temporary housing community for migrants. mayor adams showed up to a community meeting to save the se city would reverse course. >> i told the team find out what is going on here we are not moving folks into a brand-new building when you have long-term needs in our community that's not going to happen. giving migrants and asylum-seekers too.
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>> that is where the video ends we do not know what else mayor adams had to say. the city's department of social services tells us the plan now is to turn the building into high quality transitional housing for long-term new york city families with children expensing homelessness. neighbors are not too happy about that plan either. they're holding a community meeting today and we will be monitoring. eric: we've seen the resistance throughout new york city from new haber's, cd thank you. vladimir putin an ironic ground printed by ron is here to tell a sense how the terrorists and ten tehran can be defeated.
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eric: the houthis are added again. the iranian backed terrorists have not stop them from attacking shipping in the middle east. yesterday another houthis ballistic missile hit an oil tanker in the red sea. thankfully there were no injuries just now the u.s.
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command has been revealing the houthis are deploying underwater vessels to attack ships the u.s. command had to repel five strikes against our warships in self-defense. this comes as a houthis are said to be using iranian made drones having them and there are soul drones or rushers also using against her green. the partnership between vladimir putin and the radical theocratic regime in tehran poses a threat not just to the west but to world peace our next guest is warning more needs to be done to defeat and dism dismantle the terrorists of tehran. reza pahlavi is the crown prince of ironic has long been campaigning to bring democracy to his country. your royal highness welcome, good to see you at fox news for. >> good to see you again. eric: let's start with the what do you think the bite administration should do? what can the administration knew that it is not doing now to try and get the message to tehran to
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stop its terrorist ways? >> first and foremost what i would like to point to is that every time the position of the u.s. administration regardless whether it's republican or democratic one has been a tough and strong with the regime, the regime has a tactically tacticad and calm down and terms of its hostile or aggressive behavior but there is a direct correlation between the two. every time there's been a soft position or not enough pressure they took advantage of it and got emboldened to take further actions example what happened a while ago with the hamas attack against israel the proxies are operating as usual the regime's funding and training them trying to create more regional havoc and instability and at the same time get all the credit they can buy with the proxies do without necessary taking the hit or the blame. what needs to shift therefore is far more pressure on the regime that's the only way to push them back. that is not enough to solve the
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entire problem but it is a start. eric: it seems like the opposite in ways been done. the administration releases $6 billion in oil revenue there's $10 billion in electricity a bill for my rock they could get at the same time. is that the way to handle ironic? this we have sanctions in the books against the regime oil sanctions which were not in fact implemented. meeting the regime had access to $90 billion of money, more than they should have received paid of course they're going to use it to their purposes in solidifying even further the activities in the region. so just by imposing the sanctions that have been called for you can maintain the pressure and i would set you can increase the pressure. let's not forget the chief operator is the irg seat. both at home and abroad the eye rgc are america's allies in europe are concerned have yet to
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be put on the list of terrorist organization f without the additional step to further limit and curb the regime's ability to maintain repression at home and continue a campaign of aggression abroad. >> why is that not being done whitey things are not being part of the terrorist watch list? they took the houthis off and put them back on after the attack records the houthis were unlisted the next thing is wages pointed out. obviously this is not the way to deal with terrorism in general. and as such it requires tough leadership, strong leadership and a decision to really take the bull by the horn as opposed to sort of retaliate only very cautiously even preannounced were not going to do x, y, and z that is not a tactic to follow. but then again the strategies with people like that should advise much better than they have so far with this administration needs to do to at
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least try to reduce the problem. to fif ursula bonnie former president trump assassinated him when he was at the baghdad airport. and now his successor was of the baghdad airport last week and went in for meetings. do you think there should be an assassination program against some of the iranian top leaders with that put them back on their heels? >> certainly when the soleimani was killed it almost brought to a halt executions back home. the regime took a very strong message there's actually a graph you should check out between the number of executions in iran between the obama administration and the biden administration it was literally cut to half that's because of a much stronger position by the u.s. administration under president trump. the numbers have increased again. again to that effect the more pressure or certainly
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retaliation should and after the three americans were unfortunately killed we saw the retaliation that brought a lesser aggression or minimizing their attempts of attacks against american personnel and troops. it shows toughness does work to some extent it. but our problem is not going to be the result by the regime is slowing down on its aggression. we need to put an end to the regime at once and for all it is the source of the problem but is the source of funding, radicalism, nuclear threat, you name it. everything is somehow connected to this regime. ultimately this solution should not be anymore the pursuit of something that has been on for 40 years by western government which is an expectation on of behavior changed by a regime that simply cannot be different than what it is. and ultimately cited the iranian people who are the solution. who are like-minded to have the very same values of freedom and
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democracy and human rights it's time we start helping david against this goliath and give david the chance for. >> working people go to get more information? >> i'm so sorry. so for working people go what can they do now and 20 seconds left to help? what you mean people? the most important element in the use of social media will be able to give so much more information that is accessible if you want to hear w the ironic people are asking for and that way anybody can help and contributes to boost their ability to succeed in their campaign for freedom. craig: the crown prince of our own we think it we thank you for your efforts to try to bring democracy to our rod hopefully the message will get through to those in power good to see you. we will be right back after this. using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra conforming inner springs, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. save up to $800 on select adjustable mattress sets,
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we are told to police officers and ems responder, they were shot and killed. three members of law enforcement and first responder dead tragically and burnsville this is just outside of minneapolis. this it demonstrates the dangers our countr countries law enforct and first responders face on the front line. we must always think of them and thank them. this screen is a site and burnsville will this occurred they were taken to the medical center on the left of minneapolis. again the very latest sadly this morning 31st responders to police officers and a medic shot and killed in a domestic dispute after they responded to that part will have the very latest as we get it here on fox news. >> the legal and political worlds are still catching their breath after thursday standing and defiant testimony by fulton county georgia district att attorney. the d.a. was a surprise witness and a hearing on claims of
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misconduct over her affair with prosecutor nathan wade whom she hired to lead the states election meddling case against former president trump the judge says he will review evidence and schedule another hearing as soon as a friday. let's bring in civil rights attorney fox news contributor leo terrell. leo, first of all is it unheard of for prosecutors on the same team to date each other or be in a romantic relationship, is that unheard of? >> it is heard of. thank you for the question if there is going to be a relationship it should be disclosed only to the judge to make sure the judge is aware but to all the party. this relationship was kept a secret and that is the reason why you have the motion for disqualification because evidence has been presented there might be a conflict even if there's not an actual conflict conflict there might be the appearance of a conflict. arthel: thus far has the defense
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team been able to prove the conflict you are talking about that willis potentially benefited financially from taxpayer dollars by hiring wade? has that been proven thus far? >> i think there is evidence if you play judge for a sec of the evidence that is been presented so far there is an eyewitness who used to live with it annie willis who testified under oath the relationship started back in 2019 and 2020 that is one piece of evidence. the absence of reimbursement for any willis testified she paid nathan wade and cash receipts there is no paper trail. there was a series of trips where there was a wining, dining, trips all over the country between a wade and bennett willis so the question is, is there enough evidence or is there at an appearance of a conflict i will submit to you there has been enough evidence so far for the judge to make that disqualification decision.
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arthel: will get that in the second you talked about the person you are referring to is robin she is for any willis is a former college friend who acknowledge on the stand issue no that a falling out with willis led to the d.a. telling her to resign or be fired due to poor job performance so can she be considered a reliable source? >> that is a good question. here is the issue. her separation from the company or from the district attorney's office is that relevant to her testimony of being an eyew eyewitness? there were a couple of questions because you are the lawyer here you know it's relative you know that's relative that's what they were doing as a disgruntled. >> yes and the question here is the judge is going to make a credibility decision sometimes you put witnesses up there who may have a shady character but yet their testimony can be
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believed in that ultimate decision is going to be made by the judge as to whether or not she is truthful in the testimony of the knowledge of the relationship. arthel: that is the trick if in fact they work forth rights under oath as to when their relationship started. even if there is no legal issues with the actual relationship itself it leo i wish i had more time the breaking news has cut it short i had more staff to discuss with you pup. leo thank you very much will talk about it another time, we will be right back. every day, more dog people are deciding it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. a lot of new dry eye patients
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arthel: rain delay for the daytona 500 the race will now take place at monday, that is tomorrow afternoon. only the third time in history that it will be held on a monday. "fox weather" brandy campbell is life at the track in daytona beach, florida. do you tell it's raining hard ac. yikes. >> the rain has been coming down all morning. honestly it's been nonstop they made a good call postponing the race until monday at 4:00 p.m. we got the news while we were at live on the dot. when the fan zone right now. you can see there's no one here besides media at this point.
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it's full of fans having fun drinking and eating we would have had quite a bit of fun happening here. instead i've been talking to fans that are still camping out in the infield. quite a few of them have told me they're going to have to head out early because of the race taking place at a later date unfortunately. some people packing up and leaving. other people telling me they are going to have what fun they can today for the daytona 500. but again happening tomorrow is also going to be a doubleheader the xfinity series race will happen at 11:00 a.m. daytona will be at 4:00 p.m. aty that is happened were running with it this year but unfortunately whether has taken over the story for this week in breath that i was going to do just news reporting for this week it has turned into a big weather story here back to you. [laughter] arthel: that is why we need a fox weather it we need you paren looking at the forecast tomorrow is going to be partly cloudy. there's not going to be enough
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sun to dry the tracks i don't how they'll get that debacle excels off the plot the machines yes. [laughter] arthel: art we have to go. brandy campbell thank you. lexus cars go 180 miles an hour he cannot do it on that. it isn'tisn't florida called the sunshine state? what is with that? >> it has to rain sometimes. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) >> woman: what's my safelite story? i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, i chose safelite. they replaced the glass and recalibrated my safety system. that's service i can trust.
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>> assay fox news alert minnesota governor now thing to


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