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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  February 18, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> assay fox news alert minnesota governor now thing to
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police officers and a firefighter killed in burnsville early this morning. after responding to a domestic call. welcome to fox news live i am mike the governor also said there were other officers injured but details on their condition have not been released. madison is alive with the latest developments hello madison. >> hey mike this is still a very active and developing situation. police are not saying too much about exactly what happened with this whole incident. we know it like you said it happened in burnsville a small town 15 miles south of minneapolis. according to our fox affiliate they say the shooting occurred near kennelly road in burnsville parkway east. the police presence with 12600 33rd avenue we are starting to
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hear from some officials commenting on the shooting. calling the shooting horrific. he says we must never take for granted the bravery and sacrifices our police officers and first responders make every day. my heart is with their families and the entire state of minnesota stands with burnsville. we heard from minnesota senator amy klobuchar saying they heard about the shooting. the police officers were just doing their jobs protecting the community be there in her prayers. the minneapolis police chief is saying to keep burnsville police department in their prayers just a really scary situation out in that small town and again a lot of unanswered questions still and back out here at live in the big question that we have a is where is the shooter? what happened to them we are hoping to hear more about that event any other details on this horrific incident sometime later this afternoon. police are planning to hold a press conference we will of course keep you updated with all of the latest development in
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this incident. b6 madison thank you so much. for more on the tragic shooting left to officers in a firefighter dead former d.c. homicide detective fox news contributor ted williams joins me now, ted welcome. >> thank you michael. >> a reminder of the danger officers walk into every day responding to calls, right? >> you know, mike first let me offer my deepest condolences to the families of the three individuals first responders that were slain as a result of some kind incident there in burnsville, minnesota. but you are absolute rights. we see these officers on a daily basis. one of the things we need to keep in front of our minds is these are individuals who run toward a danger not away from danger. when you put your uniform on and
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you go out there to serve and protect, you do realize that unfortunately you may not be coming home. but these are the men and women of law enforcement. men and women from all over the country. you also have only it must include first responders. those are the individuals who are on the line there and they put their lives on the line for us, the citizens of the united states every day. thirty-six this is a developing story were getting more details we are hearing domestic call. how nerve-racking is that for a first responder when you hear explosive domestic situation? >> migmike, unbeknownst to a lof people when law enforcement are dealing with domestic relation incidents, those are some of the most dangerous incidents law enforcement officers respond to. we have had a more officers throughout the history of law
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enforcement in this country to be killed as a result of responding to domestic disputes and incidents. so, as you said it is somewhat unconfirmed but it is believed this very may have been domestic related. mike: burnsville, minnesota small town outside of minneapolis. certainly not the type of place where you think there be 31st responders taken in the line of duty. >> and no. that's one of the things about law enforcement officers. whenever they are responding whether it is a small town or a major metropolitan city where there is an incident of a domestic dispute they have to always be on alert because something could happen unfortunately has happened here in burnsville, minnesota. so yes law enforcement always have to be on alert but again i
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think we owe these individuals to put that uniform on a debt of gratitude a great debt of gratitude because they do the hard work. they go out there and serve and protect these communities. mike: amen. we are understanding some of the wounded officers on the scene we do not know their condition but were taken to a level one trauma center so that sounds potentially like there may be some more life-threatening injuries. >> yes. unfortunately i have heard the same. you just can't wrap your head around these men, these women, these first responders and the job that they do out there and how dangerous that job is. we are looking at it in real time here when we look at the facts that first responders,
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responding to some kind of an incident there in burnsville, minnesota three individuals are not going to be going home to their families tonight. mike: are people watching at home another reminder to value our first responders and the men and women who run toward danger and not away from it. >> yes. we see these police officers every day and all they are trying to do is to serve and protect their communities. it is not the easiest job in the world. we see there is excessive force used by some officers. i've always said we need to clear the police departments of those officers but that is not the majority of the men and women in this country that serve and protect us and keep us safe while we are sleeping in this country. mike: ted williams grateful for
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your time today would you please stay with us throughout the hour in case there's more breaking news? thank you very much, syrupy. >> my pleasure mike unfortunately. ♪ speak at sout excel criner wen primary days away presidential candidate nikki haley is pushing for president trump to comment on the death of a russian opposition leader alexei navalny. alexandria hoff is with the latest in the campaign trail hello alex. >> hi mike. as far as the race goes according to latest monmouth university both former governor haley is 26 percentage points behind former president trump here in the state last night the leading that dominating gop contender rallied in michigan spoke a little of south carolina perhaps even less about haylee y focusing the bulk of his remarks on his ongoing legal battles including friday's three to $55 million judgment against him in the civil fraud trial.
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>> when we win back the white house we will have no higher priority than ending the weaponization of this horrible legal system that has developed around us. it's a horrible horrible thing that's taking place. >> haley feels there are higher priorities for voters than trump's own legal issues. she is crisscrossing from say this week with the goal of a competitive showing on saturday haley has criticized trump for past comments he has made about service members this is a heavily military state trumps lack of commentaries and problem about putin involved in alexei navalny's death. >> what you say about nato? what do you say about navalny? would you say about putin question if that's the biggest issue the second they may not be saying anything because he's distracted because of his court case that's a very big possibility. >> new hampshire governor has been a fierce advocate for haley he said this today on "fox news
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sunday." >> of trump's most recent comments overseas on putin that is undoubtedly going to hurt him. those are un-american comments they really are. the fact she is raising money and spending money on a campaign he is spending all of his money right now at least 50 to 60 million on his legal fees. >> this is interesting. according to the tracking firm at impact trump has received roughly $10 million less and add support then haley had here in south carolina. >> for more in 2024 campaign politics and spring political panel with me today on democratic jim kesler gentlemen welcome. let's start former president trump. last night and michigan on the new york ruling. >> the case was brought under consumer fraud statute.
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not one case was ever brought like this in the history of new york state. i wonder if they're doing that for political purposes or for election interference. >> how you see it, jim? >> section 62 beat which has 62n used many times. i read the entire decision. i don't like this will hurt trump politically certainly not any republican primary. trumps a bi the biggest problemt the judge. the once it testified against him. the case will be about january 6 in the georgia case or the biggest problems there is the ones who work for him a part of the republican team testifying against him. it is not the judge, it's the people inside the problem for him. >> fox news contributor and legal expert jonathan turley.
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>> he just impose a damage equal of the gnp. and the question is what is the basis for that? you just impose a 350 million or more in damages plus another 100 million it's going to come from interest in a case where there was $0 lost by the banks. >> bill, what is your assessment? what's the big thing is each of these cases is brought by a partisan prosecutor either in new york, georgia, jack smith is operating under the biden d.o.j. we really do see the weaponization of the legal system begins leading opposition candidate to the current president of the united states. i think voters see through this. every real estate developer in new york is probably reading that decision and shaking in their boots right now because as the former president said, this has never been done before but how many of these major democratic donors have done the same thing? not one bank wasn't repaid they were all repaid with interest on time they testified in favor of
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former president trump. so where's the damage? what's the story is red-hot and social media private equity fund manager grant cardona writing the following quote regarding trump $355 million judgment i bought over $5 billion of real estate in my career. every loan requires by law the lender to get independent appraisal including an estimate of the property's value my estimated value does not and cannot make for fraud. jim, what about that argument? >> i'm not going to comment on the size of the fine. that is up to the judge. but what we say a victim and if you look at the 2008 financial crisis the entire 2008 financial crisis is because real estate was mis- devalued. and a lot of time fraudulently valued. i stop this couldn't be a problem, these are ticking time bombs. trump very badly mishandled this case. if you read through the decision
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no remorse, no contrition no admitting anything is wrong. he is his own worst enemy and he is paying the price. >> i have got to jump in here in the 2008 financial crisis or liar mortgages people not paying back the money they borrowed it. here, everybody was paid back in the tweet you just read said the banks did an independent objective review of the properties to determine whether or not they were a good bet for them to lend the money. they came back and said yes so in terms of the victims of this, really it's a partisan play to impose a process penalty and the former president to make sure he is fighting as many lawsuits as possible to drain his resources so he cannot focus on the campaign going after president biden and his failed policies instead he's in the courtrooms. trying to defend himself. >> 2008 financial crisis was because of missed evaluations of real estate on a ramp at a level like we're just seeing a new york city of donald trump in which the banks turned their
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backs because for years and years they weren't getting paid is suddenly when they weren't getting paid the whole system collapsed. maybe there were not any victims yet but when you are 11000 square-foot building is actually 30,000 square feet that is fraud. mike: fought a word? >> the judge said monologue it was worth may be $18 million to been properties recently sold in the area that were a fraction of the size fraction square footage of the building there were hundreds of millions of dollars for this judge did not rely upon anything any objective lender would look at to try to determine the valuation of the property and in fact he is relying on the partisan letitia letitiajames the new york ag ton who campaigned on getting trump what she is doing as she is doing the law to drain his resources and no one should lose sight of it the reason trump keeps going up in the polls. biden keeps falling prey to matter what they try to throw at him people understand this is
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all political is not about the rule of law. >> you brought your a game thank you gentlemen, thanks very much. >> bresson present biden is agan blaming russian president vladimir putin for russian opposition leader alexei navalny he speaks on u.s. aid to ukraine. after speaking with ukrainian president ahead of the anniversary of the two-year invasion into ukraine lucas thompson joins me now is more. >> present biden speaking to reporters yesterday after church and rehoboth beach he reiterated he hold russian president vladimir putin responsible for the death of prudence critic alexei navalny. >> putin is responsible whether he ordered it or is responsible for the circumstances. it is a reflection of who he is it just cannot be tolerated. >> recall biden met at a summit in geneva three years ago so
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there's devastating consequences if navalny wanted to die in prison lindsey graham one symptom forces redline piglets present biden told putin if something happens to navalny you're going to pay a price president biden, i agreed to the price they should pay is to make russia state-sponsored terrorism like iran cuba and north korea. >> president biden also says he wants congress to return from his vacation and pass the foreign aid bill to get critical weapons to ukraine. >> it's about time we made sure congress come home, pass the legislation funding to nato. it is critical. our security depends on it. >> the critics say that it's rich coming from president biden speaking from a vacation here and rehoboth beach. a few days he has to the west coast to l.a. for the second time this month for more fundraisers. mike: at lucas at time and sent light up the road at the beach,
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lucas many thanks for the heads of the southern border at necks and speak with a mayorkas impeachment manager. that is straightahead. ♪ stay ahead of your child's moderate—to—severe eczema, and they can show off clearer skin and less itch with dupixent. the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, that helps heal your child's skin from within. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes, including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection.
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mike: more than 20000 chinese migrants across the southern border since october 1.
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numbers 50 times more than what was recorded just three years ago. griffin jenkins is live in california with the details. >> 90% of the 20000 in the past four months have come here to this san diego sector. and others that come from china and let me give you a look at the live shot. you can see mostly chinese migrants are gathering this is the remnants of what was left after a group of more than 200. i could offer also the drone shot they are lined up for transport the there really low n the bands. it addition to these migrant step people from other countries as well. let me show you what the big group to look like you can see the chinese migrants. many of them single adult males that raises national security threat question as to why they are here? are they here for nefarious purpose? i do not know.
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the agents don't speak mandarin to that's complicated what is striking about this group as we just learned three syrian men are among this group i spoke to one of them and i asked why he is here? note siri is a state sponsor of terror talk to mr. where you hear hehere here's what he saida listen. >> i'm from syria english? quick so, so. >> where you're coming to the u.s.? why come? >> because we love america. and we need a nice life. >> coming in for jobs? >> yes nice job. because our country. [inaudible] >> and out wanting ain't nice life in one take a job is not going to qualify for asylum. and this in case these three syrian men will be separated and go and be detained because of
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coming from syria for the chinese will be taken to san diego they may likely somewhat released because we do not have repatriation with the china. it's really complicated story with the crisis out here. mike: griff jenkins at live at the border in california thanks a lot. new york city mayor eric adams reversing course after pushback from residents over plans to house migrants in upper manhattan luxury apartment building. cb cotton is live with the latest. >> hyatt mike. the city reversal comes after some harlem residents made it clear they did not want to the space to become a migrant shelter but one committee organizers tells me people born and raised in harlem gets pushed out every single day. >> i saw this happen and i said enough is enough. we are getting priced out of the community. on programs that are right here in the community. help me understand that. help me understand why the harlem residents the harlem nights do not deserve the space?
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asked tiffany said she and other community members spotted these bunkbeds outside the property this month and learn city hall was awake what they do turn the building into temporary housinge voice their concerns to elected leaders neighbors tell us the building was marketed for luxury condos nearly a decade ago. the city's department of social services tells a box the development for the market rate condos sta installed preventinge project from moving forward leaving the building and the definitely empty. mayor adams showed up to a community meeting this week heard from frustrated residents. then it sa said the city would e course. >> i told the team find out what is going on here. we are not moving folks into a brand-new building when you have a long term needs in our community. that's not going to happen. you're giving a migrants and asylum-seekers. >> that's where the video cuts off. the city's department of social services said the building will be turned into a shelter for
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longer-term new york city families of children expressing homelessness. neighbors are holding another meeting this afternoon to call for the building to be turned into affordable housing for senior citizens. the veterans and young professionals will be there. back to you f pickwick cb cotton life of >> apple, thanks a lot. for more on the border crisis in the impeachment proce precedentw unsecured his secretary alejandro mayorkas let's welcome meant wyoming republican congress w what member of house judiciary committee harriet. congressman, welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> right off the top you heard my colleague at griff jenkins gs report from the california border chinese and some syrians coming across the border there. what are your thoughts? >> my thoughts are this is a pictorial image of exactly why we impeached mayorkas and now we need to be convicted or move from office this is resulting from negligence. this is a willful, intentional
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invasion of our country it is being facilitated by and funded by mayorkas and the federal governments. this is absolute insanity when you look at the people who are crossing the border. the risk to our security our national security we go to the issue in new york city the housing problems they have their are only being exacerbated by this uncontrolled illegal invasion across the border to use the same terminology this is crazy this is why we impeached mayorkas progress you made reference to mayorkas i want to play sound from him and will have you respond. >> i do not let it distract me from the work. what i have preferred correctness had prevailed? of course so. the fact that it did not does not slow me down and doing the work that i am a task to do by the president of the united states. mike: is doing the work? >> you know he may be carrying out the president and his own agency.
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but it is not what he should be doing under u.s. law. congress has passed the laws he is supposed to enforce. that is his only job. so, to listen to him to attack the impeachment is rather rich in light of the fact he has totally failed and refused to carry out the law as it is written. we had mayorkas in front of the judiciary committee. i don't think i have met with a more dishonest person van mayorkas he lied for hour after hour after hour as to what was going on on the board which is one of the reasons we impeached him. the american people want us to hold him accountable and they want to see this mo move forwar. i am hoping legitimate hearing and present to the american people what this man has done and violating our laws. six and pew research the% of saying handling border. 89% of republicans, 73% of democrats does that have an impact on the upcoming trial?
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>> that's it should i hope the senate will put politics aside and allow us to present a case as to why mayorkas should be convicted for the crimes he has committed against this country. again, the american people can see what is going on. i am watching the video you are playing right now looking at the invasion on the southern border it's not only destabilizing our country to national security threat it is one of the most inhumane things i have seen. i've been to the border now three times. once in texas, once in the tucson sector and once in yuma. to talk about the inhumanity of this administration is an understatement of the highest order. it is mind blowing what this administration has done and what mayorkas has done and throwing the border wide open to bring in people from all over the world. when i was down in eagle pass, texas i saw an entire room full of men probably 18 -- 35 years
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old from the middle east, from south america and we all have to ask the same question, why are they coming to our country question that the comments of the gentleman from syria were quite interesting. it's not because they are afraid for their life. he does not even know what to say he does not know the right answer is. he clearly is not entitled to asylum in this country. we are going to have to remove him and people like and we have to get control of the border. we have to return to sanity when it comes implementing and enforcing our laws for. >> congressman of the great state of wyoming thank you so much for your time. we'll see back on capitol hill soon. facing pressure to call the ground operations and rafah will have the latest from tel avivwe after th we break. (inner monologue) seriously, look at these guys. they are playing great. meanwhile, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. not to mention the kitchen remodel,
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brightens and awakens eye areas to appear more alert and youthful. this is a limited time only special offer. only $49.95 for everything you see here. call the number below or go to right now. you. mike: back to the top so we are continuing to monitor burnsville, minnesota small committee just outside of
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minneapolis area. governor tim wall said to police officers a firefighter killed early this morning after responding to a domestic call. more details as we get them. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu should not pursue ground operations in the country will fight until complete victory. trey yingst is live with the details. >> good afternoon. many conversations about the possibility of his in a really offensive into the southernmost city of rafah. it comes as talks between israel and hamas appeared to be stalled right now for a possible cease-fire. both sides saying the others demands are unreasonable and once again at demonstrations taking place here in tel aviv. the family members of those held hostage call for an agreement. >> overnight thousands of
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israeli gathered in tel aviv to call for the release of hostages held by hamas in gaza. these protesters say time is running out for their government to act and reach an agreement. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has were detected recent calling demands delusional. >> the essence for the release of the hostages strong military pressure. family members have 135 agonizing days for information about their loved ones paid 135 days for jill to be reached becket and their ongoing nightmare. >> stop playing games. got his team negotiating. put a fair deal on the table and end this phase. then talk about the day after without hostages being held.
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>> for the release of his son an american citizen who was taken hostage by hamas on october 7. >> i think a 19-year-old kid, he is a kid. he has a lot to live for in a lot of things to experience. i think he deserves that opportunity. >> us dipas diplomatic efforts continue to save the hostages inside gaza israel defense ministry is saying he has a country will continue to do everything possible to rescue those being held by hamas pretty also says israeli forces are preparing, waiting for those orders to go in to rafah. thirtmike: trait many thanks. >> let's make russia state-sponsored terrorism under u.s. law but let's make them pay a price for killing navalny. it would allow the trend to go to u.s. court and sue putin's russia for killing of their loved one.
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mike: fired lindsey graham reacting to the killing of opposition later alexei navalny hurried to posturing and drove a ceo at firefly aerospace bill weber president of free russia foundation natalia, welcome to both of you. let's start with navalny. what is your reaction to the death of alexei navalny? >> was like everyone else i was shocked to i am excited to do more. alexei navalny it was an opposition leader for many years. he was one of the most vocal critics of putin's regime. his personal enemy number one for vladimir putin and putin and natalia are two different historic figures. as a dictator. and alexei navalny is a charismatic leader, popular.
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came to power 25 years ago he is obsessed with this imaginary while alexei navalny gives us this vision of a beautiful rush of the future. we believed in it. can be normal and civilized bricks over to pay a comment via navalny's wife will ask you to react. >> i want putin and everyone around putin, potenza friends, his government to know there will be responsibility for what they did to our country. and to my husband. this date will come very soon. mike: what about other lowbrow political prisoners held in russia? >> after this brutal assassination of navalny we will see who is next i am very worried this target list of putin is my former colleague former vice president of russia.
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a firm advocate also ambassador or foreign minister is the heir of the soviet dissidents which president ronald reagan champion and freed the defiant american foreign policy and leadership for many decades. mike: the other massive story of the week appears to be rush out weapon icing space hears house intelligence chairman mike turner and i will get you to react to it. >> we need to make certain we avert what could be an international crisis. i was concerned it appeared the administration was sleepwalking into an inte international crist looks like now they are going to be able to take action. mike: bill, how seriously should the united take take that threat? >> it should not surprise anyone and i'm sure it doesn't surprise your viewers. like a lot of other domains russia and others have been operating in space for years. and so a launch we are referring to here isn't the only one.
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and it won't be the last one. i think the most important thing is can the u.s. to respond to it? and through the leadership of space force. and several operation firefly has been involved in over the last several months we proved that we can. our mission just recently we demonstrated that within 24 hours we co we can put up a loaa rocket and launch it to a precise location in space. so, while others move, all of these domains can be used for good, peaceful, prosperity -based reasons. just like a shipping lane. but they can also be weaponize. our job is to make sure you have the capability to operate their no matter who is operating. mike: talk about what you and the private sector doing to work in space to force the department of defense to protect national security? >> they are a customer they are one of our customers the commercial sector also has a
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real driving demand to get assets into space. to build communications networks, sensor networks, things that will help us here on earth at sea level. and while that grows out, and that capability can be used by the united states, our defense community, our intelligence community and friendly nations to united states but our job is to push as fast as we can to get there and make sure that capability at a moment notice can be used. >> thank you both very much. eight murder mystery on a college campus. that story is next. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ♪ vicks vapostick provides soothing, non-medicated vicks vapors.
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is alive with the latest in this developing story hello christina. >> hyatt mike as far as we know the killer is still on the loose. people have not announced any arrests yet colorado springs police tell me they are working around the clock on this case a. they say officers found two people dead with at least one gunshot wound each around 6:00 a.m. friday morning on campus. after responding to a report of shots a part of the demo homicide has shock to the community. there is a campuswide lockdown friday for about 90 minutes after the two victims were found dead. >> i want to express my heartfelt sympathy for that families of these two individuals are. a tragedy like this is unimaginable. i know there are many questions all of you had cs pd is committed to finding the answers appeared will do everything we can to bring justice to those that we have lost. they are family and friends. >> colorado springs police this is an isolated incident. they do not believe there is an
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ongoing threat to the community. police are not saying much publicly about the case at this time they have not released details on a motive for the shooting, a suspect description or anything about the identities of the two victims. what local authorities and school officials have made clear is that they are coming together to mourn the loss of these two people and heal from this violent incident. >> we are the mountain lion family. and we are stronger. now is the time to lean on one another. to reach out to one another. to grieve, and to borrow strength from each other. >> university officials also see a healing walk will take place on campus tomorrow afternoon to help the community cope with this tragedy. mike: a shocking story, christina: thanks a lot. first lady jill biden setting up a role in the white house and the president faces increasing questions are his ability to run
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like a somewhat attention is paid in language of my events there is reference i don't remember that my son died.
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how dare he raise that? >> present biden pushing back on the report that characterized him as an elderly man with a poor memory parade the white house also deploying first lady jill biden to go on the offensive it. this a political headline summing it up biden campaign secret weapon float us for more tort role in the reelection bid author of u.s. first ladies and making history and leaving legacies. welcome. >> are to be with you. >> is a possible jill biden is the secret weapon? be the best surrogate for this president because her approval rating is higher than his question about the first lady's approval ratings generally are higher than their husbands approval ratings. first ladies have over time we'd seen this, influence a public perception of the president. all of the campaign assets the president, the candidate is the best asset. no is closer in the inner circe
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of course than the first lady the vice president has a role to play in this too of course. but the first lady is a profoundly important asset to put out on the campaign. mike: i want to play a clip from jill biden and i want you to react to it. >> he can do it and i see joe every day. i see him out traveling around this country. i see his bigger, i see his energy. i see his passion. every single day. hit aage is an asset. >> of the first, first lady to push back about age. >> absently not of course the first ladies are fierce defenders of their husbands and especially their personal character and their personalities and their abilities. nancy reagan did some of this in 1984 after the first debate with walter mondale did not go so well the president had been over scripted with it too many statistics in detail and she stopped all about.
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she actually did it say it publicly she thought it was an insult to older americans to take him on for his age granted he is not as old as president biden is not as old as president trump for that matter. mike: your book talks with the revelation of the role of first lady's t tells about a pre- >> has two books we did in a year. right, one for co- authors believe this one important points of view want to talk about inclusive history in our country we have tinkled the story of these women. we covered everyone from martha white's washington to jill biden would look at their influence on politics and policies in global diplomacy. overlaid that with the role of women at the time they were serving. that evolution is well from being in the background to having a public stage of their own. mike: we have seen some women first lady and hilary clinton ran for president there's speculation whether other first ladies have ambitions about
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running. so has filed the evolution of women in this country, right? >> absolutely the their place oe political stage. whether in the background or upfront trade secretary clinton of course holds a unique place in our history as a first lady ran for office. it was not elected, ran for senator was a cabinet officer that's a very different model but of course in the past we have had others like eleanor roosevelt the first to actually speak at a convention not a republican convention but at a convention. the first, first lady to vote was florence harding. made a point of having a photo of her on the south lawn doing that. again, encourage to women to get involved in the process. mike: anita mcbride@thank you for being here on this weekend. >> thank you for having me, michael. mike: daytona 500 outside to kick off on monday at 4:00 p.m. after rain forced the great american race to be postponed today. this is the first time since
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2012 the race has been postponed due to bad weather. that is all for this hour of "fox news live" of fox news and sunday it was shannon bream us up next too. thank you for watching print enjoy what is left of this a presidents' day weekend. have a great day. ♪ subway's tuna is off the hook! it's 100 percent wild-caught. this tuna is fishing for a compliment and i'm taking the bait. alright, i'm all punned out. i'm o-fish-ally finished. get it? try subway's tasty tuna today.
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♪ ♪. shannon: i am a shannon bream more pressure on the present to today with putin after the


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