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tv   Fox Report With Jon Scott  FOX News  February 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PST

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the difference was the tone at the top. in that situation where our state could have fallen apart, my job wasn't to judge either side. my job wasn't to decide who was good and bad, who was right and who was wrong. my job as a leader was to pull out the best in people and get them to see the way forward. that's what we need in a president. someone who's not going to divide people, but pull out the best in people so they want to be patriotic, they want to love america, and they want to take care of each other again. [cheers and applause] john: we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. [cheers and applause] thank you all for joining us. thank you for watching our south carolina town hall. i'm john roberts. enjoy the rest of your day. [cheers and applause] ♪ minnesota community is morning after two police officers and first responder are killed in the line of duty but good
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evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ minnesota officials now naming the fallen officers and first responder killed this morning while working a domestic violence call. officers of paul and matthew were just 27 years old. paramedic adam was 40. a third officer was shot but is expected to recover. the suspected shooter is also dead we are also learning several children were inside the home during the dispute city officials announcing the new information in a press conference moments ago. we'll have the latest details on that coming up. but first. >> my job as a leader it was a pull out the best in people and get them to see the way forward. as we need and a president presidentsomeone who's not goino divide people but pull out the best in people so they want to be patriotic for they want to love america they want to take care of each other again.
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jon: republican presidential candidate nikki haley wrapping up a could be a pivotal town hall with fox news in south carolina. she took questions from voters on top issues as polls show former president trump holds a commanding lead in her home state. alexandria hoff is live in columbia south carolina for us. >> hi jon the former governor's theme this week has been foreign policy south carolina has a heavy military population she says it's especially important here she has been especially critical former president trump statement that he made he said russia quote should do whatever they want to nato members who do not spend enough on defense but she says that is dangerous, reckless fox news jon a roberts dove into that in the town hall that was held right here in columbia with the longshot gop presidential candidate hearest haley on that statement and trumps a lack of comment regarding the death of putin so alexei navalny. go to putin's about this open he
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is lying. we need to be aware of that. i think that is why it was so damaging when trumps said he would choose a putin and encourage putin to invade nato allies instead of standing with our allies that stood with us at 911. >> a short time ago haley kicked off her bus to her she's crisscrossing her home state this week with the goal of at least competitive showing in saturday's open primary. the latest monmouth university poll puts a former president at a 58 -- 32% lead over haley in the primary and at a rally in michigan last night trumps but the bulk of his time condemning the legal cases against him. speaking little of south carolina or haley did say he was no pond of vladimir putin. >> i stopped nordstrom it was totally stopped. biden came in and approved it but he stopped the keystone so he let russia build their pipeline to germany and other
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places. but he stopped the keystone 48000 jobs. >> south carolina senator trump advocate tim scott also offered this rebuttal to some of haley's criticism today on "fox news sunday." >> here is what i can tie about donald trump and foreign policy. without any question the resources necessary to protect this world according to the nato alliance those resources went up under donald trump because of his language. >> i do want to mention one moment that stood out from tonight's town hall bid former governor nikki haley was asked if she were to be elected a president and former president trump or to be convicted of a crime, which she pardoned him question what she said in the interest of bringing the country together that she would. jon: alexand alexandria hoff in columbia, south carolina thanks. let's bring in our panel fox news foxnews contributed syndicd columnist and david go packet chairman. after listening to the town h
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hall, liz do you think mines were changed? >> i think the more people see nikki haley the more they are impressed with her command of the issues and her willingness to offer solutions. i think a lot of people are tired of politicians who talk about all of the problems america faces without really offering any kind of practical anecdotes to that. so, on social security i applaud her for actually talking about the fact social security is going to go broke in 10 years and how we might fix it without penalizing people currently in the program. i applaud her for tackling things like excess government spending and trying to get costs down via more fiscal prudence if you will. those things are resignation but frankly the thing i think is most appealing about hers when she talks about what she did as governor. those things are very real. that is what donald trump does
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he talks about what he did as president. she could be convincing to people that she not only has a theoretical answers but she has actually put the solutions in place and that they worked. jon: attempted to person race of court this nikki haley and donald trump. david, she talks about why he might be a handicapped candidate in the months ahead i want to get your reaction to this, listen. >> the problem is this is someone we are talking about could win the republican nomination. he is going to be in court march and april, may and june heat, by his own words said he'll be spending more time in court that he is on the campaign trail that is a problem. republicans will not win if donald trump is the nominee. >> the last statement of hers, when you think about that? >> donald trump can win as we are seeing in michigan this week were numbers came out showing of voters who were for donald trump
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in 2016 and voted for joe biden in 2020 are now leaning towards donald trump in 2024. the biggest take away from tonight's town hall and why these town halls are so important because you see the candidates in action for the biggest take away unfortunate for her is as her comment she wd pardon donald trump. in that, for many republicans they don't believe he should be on trial in the first place so it will not win her republican votes and the democrats and independents that she needs to win a place like south carolina because they can vote in the primary they will not like hearing this. and so for her that answer was as detrimental as a think she said tonight. jon: the fair to say that was a question posed by one of the attendees of the town hall she did not dodge it, she answered it. people want honesty from a politician. >> they did but from a political perspective she did not do anything to gain any votes.
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jon: one of the questions about the two leading candidates in both parties, is their age and she mentioned that as well, listen. >> are we really going to put all of our problems and issues in the hands of to 80 -year-olds running for president? we need someone who can serve eight years, fully working, fully disciplined and ready to get the job done. we cannot go and take the chance of doing this with 280 -year-olds. jon: that has been one of her themes from the very start of her campaign but it does not seem to be a resonating she is not the head of the polls in south carolina, at least not yet. quest it has resonated with democrats looking at joe biden. i think everyone in the country is aware joe biden is slowing down and may not be competent to be president for four more years. i like it would nikki haley says there's going to be at female
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president, me or kamala heresy. i think that is completely correct. people need to pay attention to that. it has not worked so much when she is attacking donald trump on the same metric in terms of how old he is because donald trump retains his vitality, his forcefulness on the stump i really don't think most people think he's got the cognitive deterioration that we are seeing in joe biden. occasionally he has a slip up. frankly almost anybody does occasionally if they are under the microscope 24/7 as he is. i think it's a very telling argument about joe biden i think less so with donald trump. jon: i want the plate to soundbites for surrogates for both donald trump and nikki haley. well, they're not surrogates i should not say that exactly but let me play -- mike ron desantis
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and chris catch up. i think she's playing to the mccain romney and we need everyone in but once you go in that direction you're really poison the well with the vast majority of republican primary voters. >> this is about getting the nomination at this point battling it out and collect the campaigns for what they are letting folks know when they vote for someone who were the actual voting for to say were going through two or three states and call it a day that is crazy that's them praying the former president gets a free ride he has not earned a free right he does not deserve a free ride. >> you heard ron desantis of cricriticizing nikki haley to se extent chris sununu is supportive of hers. again it comes down to whether any mines were changed.
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david, did she amplify some of the issues in this race? >> when you are starting at trying to beat your last performance of losing two none of the above you have a pretty big run runway from which you sy you have improved the reality is unless she wins estates and gets it delegates you don't get to become the nominee. nikki haley is going to have to show she can start winning it delegates if she's going to become the nomination he is not on it so far. we will find out here in a few in the fewdays that she can usee state to get a few victories. let's also keep in mind no presidential nominee republican or democrat can has ever gotten one 100% of th the party in the general election. it really comes down then to how many independents and persuadable democrats can donald trump big into the republican side and that's of these next couple months are going to be about for the trump campaign. >> it is the independence that we knew a presidential race.
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all right we have to say goodbye, thank you both. >> thank you very much. jon: meantime former president trump lashed out again last night at the new york judge and has a staggering three or 50 million-dollar ruling against trump. >> the decision yesterday in new york you may have read about it crooked judge, crooked judge he is a crooked judge. by a radical left wing joe was lawless unconstitutional atrocity that sets fire to our laws like no one's ever seen this country before. >> we will get new reactions out ruling in trump's comments coming up south carolina congresswoman nancy mason. be sure to tune in tuesday night 7:00 p.m. for trump's exclusive fox news town hall with laura ingraham as moderator. okay back to minnesota were two police officers in the first responder were gunned it down in the line of duty early this
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morning. police said the suspect is also dead. madison is alive with the latest for us. >> jon, just a devastating day for this minneapolis suburb it all started with the domestic call in the middle of the night. a man was armed and barricaded with children inside of his home and it turned deadly for the two police officers and a firefighter. officials entered the home early this morning after four hours of negotiations for there is an exchange of gunfire between the suspect and law enforcement and asyou mention the suspect died. seven children ranging in age from two -- 15 years old were inside of the home and thankfully they did make it out safely. city officials have identified the men killed as police officers tran paul elmstrand and matthew ruge. 45-year-old firefighter in paramedic adam finseth. another when sgt adam was shot
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in injured but is expected to recover. >> this is a hard day it is a really hard day for public safety family. we are hurting. we are hurting. today at three members of our team made the ultimate sacrifice. they are heroes. >> the shooting took place in burnsville about 15 miles south of minneapolis. that the seemingly quiet neighborhood firefighters and ambulances and armored vehicles including one that was written with bullet holes. one neighbor said he was startled by the sound of gunshots. >> it actually woke me up there were a few loud bangs that sounded like heavy gunfire it's really scary. i think that happened that close to where you sleep at night is terrible. my kids are not at home this
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weekend thank god. >> the governor ordered flags to be at half staff starting tomorrow morning. there is a visual set up for 6:30 p.m. central time tonight to honor those fallen officers and firefighter. jon: just a terrible situation, madison thank you. police are sharing more details about the two people found shot to death on that university of colorado campus in colorado springs pout however many students are concerned about their own safety as a suspect has yet to be identified. the campus is supposed to reopen tomorrow christina coleman has the latest on that mystery. >> yes colorado springs police a just released new information on this double homicide investigation they have now identified the two victims is 26-year-old montgomery of a public, colorado they say she was and not a student at the university however the other
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victim is. police identified the sackett the secondvictim is 24-year-oldl parker, colorado heat was a a student at the university of colorado and colorado springs the corn is not determined that mmanner or cause of death in ths case colorado police say officers found montgomery with at least gun shot wound each friday morning in a storm room on campus after they received a call of shots fired coming from that building. so far no word at any arrest or suspect information. in a statement today, this afternoon colorado springs police said quote given this case is active in fluid in nation additional information about those leads and any potential suspect details will not be released at this time. investigative efforts of our continued to indicate this is an isolated incident between parties that were known to wanting to another and not a random attack against the school or other students at the university. the police chief also commented
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on the tragic nature of this case and that lives lost to the violence, take a listen. because i want to express my heartfelt sympathy for the families of these two individuals. a tragedy like this is on imaginable. i know there are many questions all of you have, cs pd is committed to find the answer we will do everything we can to bring justice to those we have lost. their family and friends. >> colorado springs police also say they are maintaining ongoing communication with the victims families and collaborated with the universities of police department as they work around the clock on this homicide investigation. jon: christina coleman reporting live for us thank you. much more ahead on the fox report we are live on the border were today our cameras saw a huge groups of migrants crossing the border in california. why this new wave is sparking national security concerns. plus a new york city mayor backing down from plans to turn
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a luxury high-rise into housing for migrants. the mayor getting it earful from new yorkers at a community meeting tonight. cb cotton is there life. >> jon that is right tonight harlem residents and nixing a plan to turn a luxury apartment building into a migrant shelter for their message for nero to see mayor eric matt adams after m with two lobster tails and lobster & shrimp linguini. it's one of ten next-level lobster creations. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. dry skin is sensitive skin, too. and it's natural. treat it that way. aveeno® daily moisture with prebiotic oat is proven to moisturize dry skin all day. you'll love our formula for face, too. aveeno® ya know, if you were cashbacking you could earn on everything with just one card. chase freedom unlimited. so, if you're off the racking... ...or crab cracking, you're cashbacking.
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more and more chinese margins are crossing into southern california these days. at 500% increase in chinese migrants from this time last year. that is raising alarms over national security griff jenkins is aliv live in california withe latest. how long am i known you and i called you greg, sorry about that progress that is okay. want to come with me alive i might as well be a united nations conference. we have migrants here from turkey india africa, from peru, from china a lot from china as well as of brazil. there is a guy giving a peace sign over though the guy in the middle said he is from cameroon and look over here will bring it
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this way quickly you can see also another line over here there are two -- 300 migrants out here. we have a drone shot you could take that and get the grasp of how would people around you from so many countries are. we ran into three syrian men syria is a state sponsor of terror and they will get exclusionary background checking because of that very reason. but as we stand here now i will just walk with you along the line. you can see all the migrants here at lighting up. this is part of the problem the chinese by the way you mention the 500% increase there were only 450 total chinese migrants in the fiscal year 2021 we have had over 600 since i have been on the ground this week and that is raising a lot of concerns from folks this man has i love new york you want to go to new york? >> or no progress where he went to go in the u.s.? >> i am from columbia.
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>> ready want to go in the united states? >> where you from? >> getting ready want to go in the u.s.? as you can see a lot of it migrants or this gentleman where are you trying to go in the u.s.? where? what city? >> as you can see, thank you thank you as you can see it's a language barrier here that makes it difficult for the agents in particular in the case of the chinese migrants because the agents do not speak very much mandarin will send it back to you. >> right griff at the border at what a challenge we have there, thanks griff. the migrant crisis is spiraling out of control in new york city. resources are increasingly strained as more of migrants arrive each day some big apple resident said they feel abandoned and fed up with the way the city is handling things
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cb cotton is live in a community meeting in harlem with more on that story. >> hi jon. community members learn to luxury apartment bones will be turned into a migrant shelter and they said no, not here when they protect new york city mayor eric adams in the meeting tonight there are far too many people born and raised here in harlem who have nowhere to go. >> what we are saying is that if there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum-seekers, then that same housing should be first a priority to those. [applause] this evening's meeting is the second and less than a week where people voice their concerns boxes of furniture including bunkbeds were spotted outside of the apartment building this month and neighbors were quick to go to elected leaders for the building has been empty for about a decade after development for market rate condos installed tonight the city admitted plans
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have changed. the building will be turned into temporary housing for homeless families with children and domestic violence victims. mayor adam said the community should change the change of course as a win. >> let's be clear on that. asylum-seekers are not moving into that location. i stopped it. >> still, and neighbors are not too satisfied with the new plan they feel there are plan the of shelters already in this community. said they would like the building turned into affordable housing for young professionals or senior citizens. mayor adams says he can make no promises but he will keep the condo going back to you. jon: cb cotton in harlem tonight thank you. still ahead on the fox report. >> president biden told the putin or something happens to navalny you're going to pay a price. president biden, i agree with you the price they ought to pay
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us make russia state-sponsored terror state like iran, cuba, north korea per. >> many are watching to see how the white house responds after vladimir putin's biggest political foe alexei navalny died in prison. us a massive judgment against former president trump in the civil fraud trial some say the three to $55 million fine the judge imposed is overkill we will speak with south carina congresswoman nancy mace coming up. is a rate based on you. not paul. you don't want to ride with paul. get a rate based on you with drivewise in the allstate app.
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it's time for a fresh approach to pet food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. jon: present biden's under growing pressure to respond after the death in prison of russian opposition leader alexei navalny meantime the president's urging congress to pass more military aid to ukraine after a huge setback on the battlefield. lucas tomlinson is live in rehoboth beach, delaware with the latest. >> jon, ukraine suffered its
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worst defeat on the battlefield as month as a retreat mckey city in the east that once housed 30,000 people lawmakers on r-uppercase-letter conflict more ukraine aid will pass. >> they just had their lost the first defeat since last may partly as a result they are outgunned 10 -- one by the russians. we can help solve that problem for them and we should. >> johnson has been a part number public statements committing to finding a pathway for the aid for ukraine. i believe him i believe we will. this doe does need to get done s is critical for u.s. support for your grade. and to oppose russian aggression. >> president biden planed the loss on congress of course this comes as ukraine counteroffensive failed. >> the idea that now were running out of ammunition we walk away? i find it absurd i find it
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unethical. contrary to everything we are as a country. i'm going to fight to get them the ammunition they need. >> the new research poll shows 74% viewed the war as important to u.s. national interests with 43% describing it as very important that munich security conference over the weekend ohio republican senator jd vance said the defense industry cannot keep up with the demand as current u.s. defense spending under president biden is at a near record low as a percentage of gdp and the american economy. ask can we send the level of the weaponry we spent for the last 18 months for the next 18 months? we simply cannot no matter how many checks the u u.s. congresss rights we are limited there. it's moving to another war the modern day war up the coast of yemen u.s. central command says american forces destroyed
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underwater drone for the first time since the beginning strikes into yemen and tehran's rebel army last month the daily bombardment by the u.s. military those strikes rebel army have continued. >> lucas tomlinson and rehoboth beat, delaware thanks. house republicans are launching an investigation into the biden administration funding of the united nations relief and works agency. last month or than a dozen other countries of the halted funding over the claims of multiple agency staff members could have been involved in the october 7 hamas attack. the house oversight committee said the evidence from israel is shocking 10% of staff have links to hamas or palestinian jihad
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23% have ties to hamas. nearly half of all of its employees have close relatives with official ties to militant groups. south carolina congresswoman nancy mace a member of the house oversight committee. congresswoman thanks so much for being with us. under the trump administration funding was cut off for you and rwa. the biden administration restored that funding, why? and should it? restored that fund to record ins were the highest contributor and by the way looking at the 10% figure looks like they are an extension or arm funding terrorism against israel. we should not be finding them in any way, shape, form at this time let's take a look at some of the video israel released of what they say is a worker
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actually moving a body insight in israeli back on october 7. we have obviously blurred the body but it's pretty appalling if in fact this is the case. >> appalling, disturbing and disgusting we know the biden bie administration has been funding terrorism they tried to give $6 billion in cash to ironic just six months ago this is a huge problem for joe biden. that puts the national secured at risk not just for the nine states of rallies around the world. >> on college campuses all over the country people are calling for more aid it to the palestins as a result of the israeli counterattack. and yet israel released this video of supplies being stored in hamas tunnels. the supplier, the aid that is supposed to be going to help the
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palestinian people seems to be going directly to hamas. >> no one should be surprised at unfortunately what this has done a show on the american people some of them on the left to they really are pit supporters and sympathizers with the races, bigots and anti-semites. this is a huge national security risk it's really important that we educate especially young people the truth about what is going on in israel how terrorism has killed jews for decades. hundreds and thousands of years. jon: let's turn our attention to the campaign trail and a former president trump's legal troubles. he was talking about the new york judges ruling in the civil case. the judge was a former presidet to pay more than $300 million as a result of the civil conviction inflating the value of its real estate holdings. what is your response to the
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judge's ruling at success of any have no victims went to continued to do business and did not see anything wrong we will see this on appeal but it shows there is a two-tiered system of justice here. joe biden had a loan supposedly have loans without documentation, money funneled from adversaries like a china into his bank account and bank accounts of his family including children and grandchildren. where's that investigation? where's that conviction of the evidence is everywhere of joe biden's corruption? it just goes to show there is a two-tiered system of justice in this country. jon: the church judge also saie former president cannot hold office that is cannot run a corporation or a company in new york for the next couple of years, your thoughts? we also saw some of the kids complain they should not have been involved in the lawsuit but
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what you are seeing looks like an activist judge we have seen that in colorado and the supreme court just rebuked those of judges. we are seeing that all over the place right now. activist judges taking on donald trump. what i do know about donald trump is that he is a fighter and he cares about our country hery sine american in putting our needs first over anybody else's regardless of your party and political affiliation he is who america needs right now. ask eric congresswoman nancy mason republican of south carolina thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> from the courtroom to the campaign trail former president trump was all smiles at sneaker con in philadelphia he unveiled a new line the gold trump branded high tops with a 400-dollar price tag. matalin reports on the twists and turns of the term campaign. >> a slew of legal challenges is not made a dent in former president trump to lead the
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republican race for the white house. they've only emboldened him one of his latest targets judge arthur ordered trump to pay roughly three and $55 million in his new york civil fraud trial. trump railed against him during a rally in michigan saturday. >> nothing like this is ever happened. this judge is a lunatic if you have ever watched him and the attorney general may be worse. >> trump is referring to new york attorney general letitia james who brought this case against him. he sided with james trump deceived banks and lenders for years inflating his business assets to secure better loans. trump's speech in michigan comes about a week before the battleground state holds its presidential primary pit his remaining opponent former south carolina governor nikki haley is urging republican voters to turn the page on trump. arguing his legal woes are not only a political problem but a financial liability as well. >> you look at the factories saw on his campaign reports he is $50 million of campaign
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contributions to pay for his personal court cases. now when you look at that the part i worry about was the rnc is now going to be the piggy bank for trump's legal fees. the rnc is almost broke already. >> trump is looking to make inroads with voters in michigan were president biden is facing growing criticism among arab-american voters for his support of israel and its war against hamas. fox news poll shows trump leading biden 47 -- 45% in the state. the two-point edge well within the margin of error. jon: madeline, thanks. the main assessment in the disappearance of madeline but not for that case that story and a trip around the globe when the fox report returns. ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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jon: m headlines for you now from around the globe. ukraine is withdrawing its troops from the key eastern city after months of intense fighting with russia. russia says it has retaken the city after ukrainian president zelenskyy said the military they are ran out of supplies. in germany, and security secretary mayorkas met with guatemala's president at that munich security conference for the pair discussed immigration, crime and other important issues. in vatican city pope francis urged world leaders to end the civil war ensued on he also. for peace where the catholic mission of our lady of africa was recently set on fire. in france the lemon festival is looking ahead to the summer olympics in paris paid the
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traditional mardi gras celebration has sculptures of athletes made from lemons and oranges. that is a look at some stories from around the globe. a german man who might've been involved in the disappearance of british toddler madeleine mccann is on trial on sex crime charges. he was never charged in the disappearance german prosecutors are exploring other cases against christian bruckner. stephanie bennett has more from london. >> it was christian bruckner's first public appearance in court since he was named in the name set main suspect in the missing madeleine mccann case for years ago. however this weeks at trial is unrelated to her disappearance. and said the 47-year-old german went to to trial at the state court in northern germany on friday to face and three counts of rate. >> into of sexual abuse of children. the allegations date back
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between 2,002,017 in portugal were at the time he was living and working odd jobs. the trial was ultimately postponed by a week to rule on whether the lay judges should be removed over tweets in which she allegedly called for the killing of a former brazilian president in 2019 citing her work as a child psychologist as a potential source of a bias in the case pick of the chamber will now decide on the defense's motion as to whether or not they lay judge should be dismissed due to concerns about bias i will then announce his decision at the next hearing and then we'll see what happens next. it is possible a substitute lay judge may then be deployed. however there were already substitute lay judges who are involved in these proceedings. >> 's previous criminal history contains a slew of convictions including petty crime and theft in fact he is already behind bars serving a seven year sentence for raping a 72-year-old american tourist in 2005. the part of portugal's region
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where madeleine mccann it missing but he was named by german police as the man responsible for madeleine mccann's abduction. again he denies involvement in a suburb in charge of british 3-year-old went missing in may 2007 after she vanished from a vacation apartment a in portul her parents were with dinner at the time a hundred yards or so away still remains with the highest profile missing person cases in the world. for now, this week's unrelated trial could keep him behind bars after his sentence was due to end in late 2026. if he is found guilty could be facing anywhere between five and 15 years in prison. jon. alright stephanie bennettall rit reporting, stephanie thank you. coming up nascar puts the brakes on the daytona 500. the crown jewel of racing is postponed and when drivers will be able to start their engines. after last month's massive solar flare
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added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs forward-thinking solutions to take on the next anything. ♪ ♪ ♪
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jon: the daytona 500 is delayed until tomorrow. heavy rain across florida is pushing the nascar opener back a full day for the first time in more than a decade. "fox weather" correspondent brandy campbell reports. >> if it were not for this nasty weather i would have 48 nascar
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drivers speeding around me here at the daytona international speedway. instead, it is drenched and very empty. this after nascar decided to officially postpone the daytona 500 until monday at 4:00 p.m. because of weather. this all due to the cars being unable to drive on they told us wet track. it is a third time in history the race has been moved to a monday following those in 202012 in 2020. the news comes after the saturday cspan date series race was moved to monday as well mark in this the first doubleheader on a monday for the daytona 500. some drivers will have a long way to go if they are and both races are ran into anthony alfredo who will be doing just that i got his reaction to this postponed race records it's unfortunate but nascar is not the most amazing sports everyone sticking it out with us. there are four of us may be five running both races are the first time ever at daytona. i've got 800 miles on deck. i'm deafly going to be an exciting day big rex nascar also
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canceled activation in q and a sessions within the fan zone and those happening in front of the stadium. >> quincy does what it is you can't change it. we still had a blast this weekend progress is going to be great and this is what we've got. it is a little disheartening but we will make it work. >> is nothing we can do about other than be prepared for that soy but rain gear. >> a mixed bag of a people can do some obviously will stay and watch the race we have also seen many people camping out reporting from daytona beach florida and brandy campbell back to you for. >> brandy campbell at the daytona international speedway. in the rain thanks. coming up on the fox report a major letdown for powerball ticket holder who was convinced he was the winner. details on this multi- million-dollar mixup next appeared not flossing well? then add the whoa!
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of listerine to your routine. new science shows listerine is 5x more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gumline. for a cleaner, healthier mouth. ahhhhh. listerine. feel the whoa! (vo) welcome to lobsterfest. is your party ready? ready to attack this new lobster & shrimp stack? ready for your lobster lover's dream to come true? they're two of ten lobster creations, only at lobsterfest. plus, cheddar bays for days. but lobsterfest won't last, so hurry in. ♪ ♪ every road, that's wrong ♪ ♪ seems like the road i'm on ♪ ♪ every sign ♪ ♪ just seems unclear ♪ ♪ ♪ and i, ♪ ♪ i wish i was here ♪ it's hard to explain what this feels like.
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him him. >> you might call it an unlucky powerball draw for a washington, d.c. man he claims he was denied $340 million jackpot over website mistake. he said the d.c. w lottery webse showed that match the winning numbers for days online but when he tried to redeem the ticket at
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a licensed retailer he found it did not match the winning numbers pulled during the life powerball broadcast. now he's suing powerball and the d.c. lottery. it turns out snow days are not just for kids, the st. louis zoo sharing the video of a polar bear after a fresh six sense snowfall, he could not resist rolling around and fresh flakes in 2015 he joined after being orphaned in northern alaska he seems to enjoy sharing his love of snow with snoop visitors. a special programming reminder 2:97 p.m. for former president donald trump exclusive town fox news town hall, laura ingraham is the moderator. that is how fox reports this sunday february 18 of 2024. i am jon scott, thank you for joining us we will see you next week. ♪


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