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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  February 18, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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the difference was the tone at the top. in that situation where our state could have fallen apart, my job wasn't to judge either side. my job wasn't to decide who was good and bad, who was right and who was wrong. my job as a leader was to pull out the best in people and get them to see the way forward. that's what we need in a president. someone who's not going to divide people, but pull out the best in people so they want to be patriotic, they want to love america, and they want to take care of each other again. [cheers and applause] john: we'll have to leave it there. thank you so much for joining us. [cheers and applause] thank you all for joining us. thank you for watching our south carolina town hall. i'm john roberts. enjoy the rest of your day. [cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> hello america i mark levin this is life liberty and love and sunday. we hear a lot about the law, the constitution, most is superficial and most of the information you get from the media especially news platforms is false, some of the outright lies, much of it influenced by the democrat party and the democrats within the media and so forth, one of the issues that's been front and center is impeachment impeachment of mayorkas the secretary of dhs and cabinet officer. what you hear the mantra you don't impeach somebody based on policy differences and you don't impeach somebody and open the door wide so they can turn and impeach you and we get this from people who brought to outrageous
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impeachment against donald trump that do not stand on the constitution. let's dig into this briefly you'll be more knowledgeable than any analyst in any former federal prosecutor and federal judge and anybody else on tv and radio and i'll tell you why, the greatest book was written in 1973 by raoul berger, he's deceased but the former professor at harvard law school was acknowledged in the scholar of modern times, he wrote a book called the unconstitutional problems as they say in 1973, stick with me i want to give you the basis for this. what is a high crime you heard people say impeachment is what congress says it is no it's not as a constitutional process but is also obligation th, high crid misdemeanors never met actual
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crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors were category of political crimes against state, what is a political crime it is not a criminal code crime against the state, what they meant by that is an attack on the society on the civil society on the culture and the governing system and not policy disagreements and not strong policy disagreements you take an oath to uphold the constitution if you're not upholding the constitution in your rogue and violating federal law that is a political crime against the body of politics. that's what they mean by that, misdemeanors per se describe criminal sanctions for private wrongdoings, he goes on lisa's high crimes and misdemeanors appeared to be words of art confined to impeachment without the ordinary criminal law and which in discovery had no relation to what an indictment would lie in a particular
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circumstance. what the framers of the constitution, they spent an enormous amount of time debating impeachment, the first issue that they debated the most was the creation of an executive presidency and what it would look like and so forth, the second biggest issue was impeachment they look to english common law and went back to the 1300s they looked at how parliament handled impeachment, vis-à-vis the king and they look to as much historical information that they could in order to come up with the language, they rejected the administration because they thought if we say maladministration is a basement for impeachment that congress could blackmail president. it is not what congress says it is it's with the framers of the constitution meant it to be. what is the language in the constitution, article two section for the president, vice president and all civil officers that would be cabinet secretaries and of the united states shall be moved for
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impeachment for conviction of treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors and other high crimes and misdemeanors, the path by which the framers arrived at the language is traceable in the records of the constitutional convention itself through madison's notes, we know where this comes from some uneasiness was excited by the breath of the power of impeachment for there were repeated assurances that impeachment was met only for great injuries, great misdemeanors, james iuorio later on the supreme court told the north carolina invention that the occasion for the exercise of impeachment will arise for great injury to the community to the nation impeachment said governor johnson at that convention is a mode of trial for great misdemeanors offenses against society from james wilson he was a great delegate from
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pennsylvania his expression of hope in the pennsylvania convention that will seldom happen is invariable that he too was concerned only with serious misconduct, the question is whether the impeachment of mayorkas was policy maladministration and illegitimate as the democrats and the media and three republicans keep telling you or whether it was legitimate, let's look at the articles of impeachment which i don't think any news platform has done and actually read from some of this, is it policy is a politics is an opinion nor is it clear violation repeated violation of law pattern of lies the other branch of government congress under the american people. number one alejandro mayorkas refused to comply with the detention set for in 235. anita: a of the immigration and nationality act requiring all applicants for admission who were not clearly and beyond a
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doubt entitled to be admitted shall be detained for removal proceeding, instead of complying with the requirement mayorkas implemented a catch and release scheme were such aliens are unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts removal proceeding order to ensure removal of aliens order to be removed, mayorkas refused to comply with the tented mandate set forth in another section of federal law 235b1. anita: of such act and alien who is placed in the expedited removal proceeding determined to have a credible fear prosecution shall be detained for further consideration of the application for asylum instead of complying with this requirement mayorkas implemented a catch and release scheme were such aliens are released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts for removal proceeding that would ensure removal of aliens ordered removed, to violation of the federal immigration law,
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clear as day but there is more mayorkas refused to comply with the detention set forth in section 235 b1 b3 four of the act requiring that an alien who is placed in expedited removal proceeding and determined not to have a credible prosecution shall be detained until removed. instead of complying with this requirement mayorkas is simple bit it a catch and release scheme whereby such aliens are unlawfully released even without effective mechanisms to ensure appearances before the immigration courts for removal proceeding or to ensure removal in case of aliens ordered removed that's what people say follow the existing federal immigration laws. we do not need any more laws, the laws are extensive, precise and they require people to be held in people to be deported against them certain due process under administrative law judges all of that has been bulldozed by mayorkas and biden, mayorkas
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refused to comply with detention mandate set forth in section 236c of the act requiring a criminal alien who is inadmissible or deportable under criminal and terrorism related grounds shall be taken into custody when the alien is released from law enforcement custody instead of complying with this requirement mayorkas issued guidelines for the enforcement of civil immigration laws which instructs the department of public security, dhs officials and the fact of an individual's removable non- citizen should not alone be the basis of an enforcement act against him and dhs personnel should not rely on the fact of conviction alone even respect aliens of mandatory arrest and detention pursuant to the law. he supersedes the law with the memo. number five mayorkas willfully refused to comply with the mandate set forth in section 24182 the immigration act requiring that an alien order
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removed shall be detained during the removal. instead of complying with the mandate mayorkas issued again his own memo guidelines for the enforcement of civil immigration laws which instructs dhs officials the fact in individuals removal noncitizen should not alone on the basement of an enforcement action against them. personnel should not rely on the fact of conviction alone, personnel must not rely on the pacific' specifics of federal lw mayorkas writes his own federal law. number six mayorkas exceeded his parole authority set forth in two went to d5 a of federal law that permits parole to be granted only on a case-by-case basis temporarily and for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit, how did he violate that, he paroled aliens and moss to release them from mandatory detention despite the fact that the court of
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appeals for the fifth circuit concluded in 2021 per rolling every alien dhs that cannot detain as opposite of the case-by-case determination required by federal law, b, mayorkas created reopener expanded a series of categorical parole programs never authorized by congress for foreign nationals outside of the united states, he wrote his own laws including central american minors, ukrainians, venezuelans, cubans, haitians, nicaraguan, guatemalans and hung gordon's which enabled hundreds of thousands of admissible aliens to enter the united states in violation of the law enacted by congress under the immigration and naturalization act. number seven mayorkas willfully exceeded his release authority set forth in section 236 a of the law that permits certain circumstances the release of aliens arrested on an administrative warrant and that mayorkas released aliens and
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arrested without warrant despite a separate mandatory detention requirements set forth in federal law. what are the consequent is to the country? the case that he is committed a high crime is beyond dispute. these are not policy arguments. i spend more time on this program unraveling the lies of the media and the lies from the democrat party in the lies by the rinos led by mitch mcconnell than i do anything else. i have to be a counterweight to the propaganda being pushed out there. the consequences have been devastating as a result of committing high crime and misdemeanor high crime specifically that is crimes, political crimes against the body politics. during fiscal year 2017 through 2020 an average of 590 aliens each fiscal year were encountered as aliens appointive entry at the southwest border were apprehended between ports
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of entry there after mayorkas tenure in office the number skyrocketed from 590,000 to 1,402,021 over 2.3 million in fiscal year 2022 over 2.4 million in fiscal year 2023 similarly during fiscal year 2017 through 2020 an average of 130,000 persons who were not turned back were apprehended after making illegal entry on the border each fiscal year during mayorkas time in office, the number more than tripled to 400,000 in fiscal 221,600,000 in fiscal 2022 and 750,000 in fiscal 2023. during mayorkas tenure secretary home homeland security the backlog has more than doubled from 1.3 million cases to over 3 million cases the exploding backlog is destroying the courts ability to administer justice and provide appropriately relief
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and a timeframe that does not run into years or decades during mayorkas tenure secretary of homeland security approximately 450,000 unaccompanied alien children, minors have been encountered at the southwest border and the vast majority have been released into the united states as a result a dramatic upsurge of migrant children in dangerous and exploitive jobs in the united states. sex slavery, pornography, same with young girls same with women same with some men. what is going on at the border is inhumane, it is anarchy, it is chaos it is slavery, sex slavery, drug cartels are making tens of billions of dollars, now we have a problem with communist chinese nationals pouring into the country we have no idea who they are there not properly vetted and we don't have the personnel the personnel that they wanted to hire under the phony bipartisan act would be rubberstamping entry and parole
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in the illegality that mayorkas and biden have set into motion. mayorkas failure to enforce the law with million of illegal aliens into the southwest border has real led to the assignment border patrol agents from protecting the border from illicit drug trafficking to processing illegal aliens for release. mayorkas has degraded public safety by leading wide swaths of the border effectively and patrolled as a border agents are diverted from guarding the border and processing for unlawful release the heightening wave of apprehended aliens during mayorkas tenure the u.s. border patrol had an increasing number of aliens with the terrorist watchlist in fiscal year 2017 through 2020 combine 11 noncitizens on the terrorist watchlist were caught attempted to cross the southwest border between ports of entry, 11 and a three year. the number increased to third enter 15 to 2021 and 98 in
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fiscal 2020 to 169 in fiscal 2023 and only part of this year already 49. we do not catch them all. there hundreds of millions of people coming into the country called god ways and we don't know a damn thing about them and the ones we catch we don't know damn thing about them the cops, the nypd in new york who were solid and beaten by illegal aliens most of the illegal aliens that attack them are part of a vicious venezuelan gang now an international gang we now have a vicious venezuelan international gang teaming up with ms 13 we did not have this three years ago all kinds of consequences, economic, criminal self-worth our sovereignty is being destroyed in her enemy will push as many of their spies into our country as possible. don't tell me these are impeachable offenses these are
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policy differences or opening pandora's box to future impeachments and pandora's box to future impeachment for those who deserve it. i just read to you indicative read more of the article of impeachment citing specific sections of a federal law that has been in place for decades immigration and naturalization act duly passed by congress duly signed by presidents with amendments and so forth joe biden and mayorkas have decided that they're going to change your federal immigration law whether we like it or not and whether congress likes it or not and you're not can have a damn thing to say about it. the issue is 94 executive orders in the first day of office to open the border to violate federal law to change parole into change all of the conditions for people to come into this country, he is attracted millions of people trying to get into this country. our southern border has been destroyed, our northern border is being destroyed, our cities
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are being destroyed and i might add our culture, people are not assimilating into our culture it is being destroyed from anyone, now it is the opposite from one many in joe biden has done this, he can stop it and they use the phony bipartisan bill which had four republican senators supported, mitch mcconnell the lead which avoided been enshrined by every single violation of law that i just told you about every single violation of a criminal statute every single problem that we are facing would've been enshrined they would've waved it around saying we have a bipartisan agreement, everybody you are safe everything is fine it's not a problem now you know what impeachment is really about and now you know that mayorkas deserved it and even more the same article of impeachment should be issued now against joe
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biden. joe biden is the biggest slaver in american history by what is going on on the border and it is on his watch due to his policies and nobody gives a damn, certainly not the media and is being done intentionally and purposefully the same condition for a high crime apply to joe biden. i will be righ liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ to advance the future of golf, pga of america chose t-mobile for business. with a 5g powered innovation hub to analyze player performance and expand coaching tools. take your business further with america's largest 5g network.
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>> welcome back america we have two great guests former ambassador to israel from the united states and the trump administration david friedman and craig shelley the number one biographer of ronald reagan has a fantastic new book with lessons that we can learn the first david friedman, it is my contention that israel is fighting the two front war, one militarily, dud to diplomaticaly militarily they are surrounded by palestinian terrorist, iranian terrorist, has below, the who houthis, hamas, iran and the rest in their winning the war against hamas in then they have a war going on to diplomatic war with the united states administration turned on israel and executive orders targeting jewish citizens
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issuing executive orders choosing israel were crimes, obviously they cannot do that with hamas because they do that every day also trying to organize the middle east and the rest of the world to impose on israel a palestinian state, whatever that means and worse, you were the ambassador to israel and you have a home and you live there for a good part of your life, your family does and you're watching what is going on, what is your take on this. >> i never seen the united states turn on israel it's frustrating and totally contrary to the way that we manage the relationship when we were in office. joe biden started off with references to israel indiscriminate bombing and then he change that to over-the-top military activity, it is a complete lie if you look at the ratio of terrorist killed two civilians as a lowest and modern warfare israel does everything
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that he can to avoid civilian casualties and joe biden is not giving them any credit what so ever. it as you pointed out the executive order on its face targets for israel is that nobody heard of on a local law enforcement issue with regard to violence against palestinians even though the vast majority of violence occurs by palestinians against israelis but writes in this broadway that could target anyone that the state department deems uncooperative with their view of peace and prosperity, as you point out the whole idea of the palestinian state he is negotiating with europe and the saudis with the palestinian state but is not negotiated with israel or the one country that will literally be destroyed by the state because we know it'll be a terrorist state and if you want to add insult to injury he brings to the white house the king of jordan jordan is a palestinian state or 72% of
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mandatory palestine most of the population are palestinians, king abdullah's dad killed 25000 palestinians and uprising called black september this guy who oversees a monarchy with no freedom is what are the least three places in the world he from the white house podium lectures israel on establishing a second palestinian state while joe biden tries to find the right place to stand. we are in a very dangerous place in israel and of course iran ahead of the snake is stronger than ever, richer than ever and when we left office they were broke and soleimani was dead and the only thing joe biden has not done is bring soleimani back to life, short of that iran is a wealthy country they don't enforce any of the sanctions and the money that iran makes from selling oil to russia and china the two greatest enemies that money is being used to show block shipping lanes from the
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houthis to killing americans into syria and has below killing americans to hamas, you see in three years, three short years how the world has turned upside down and especially the middle east under joe biden. mark: nobody can explain iran policy except a handful of us and they want to strengthen iran they have a belief that others talk about michael dolan and others which is basically iran should be just as powerful as israel that way we don't have an oppressor nation israel and everybody is equal and their cultures will come together they will learn to live together, are these people nuts do they read what the terrorists say and understand iran has a country is not about another country they are attacking our soldiers they won't touch iran, the fact is if israel follow what biden wants them to follow israel will
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commit suicide. >> iran with a nuclear weapon is the greatest threat that america would face, forget about israel israel will be in the shorter line of fire but the iranians hate america more than they hate israel and a nuclear weapon in the hands of the iranians will put every person in america at risk these guys are nuts the theocrat, people who want to bring about the coming of their redemption and their warped theology. there is no credible theory in which the world is better off being anything other than broke in a baron of weapons and the doing exactly the opposite. >> when we return anthony blinken is an ideologue that's why they brought i in and apologist for the iranians and then he brought in which is accused of aspiring and in the case of biden he is more of a million he's worried about
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dearborn michigan in his election and making outrageous private and public statement of a prime minister of israel and he wants to remove the prime minister of israel and put a lackey in there that will do what he wants to do all of this is going on and in biden's mine i would argue he wants to get reelected and blinking sees an opportunity to push the obama agenda i want your thoughts when we return, we'll be right back (♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else? with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. if you have chronic kidney disease
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counter trump's appeal.
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i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin". ♪. mark: ambassador freedman the trump administration came up with a plan that worked all the piece deals breaking on the abraham accords, terrorism had the world for honest there iran was in a box it was crumbling and then incomes the biden administration like arsonist they like the place up and put all the pressure on israel not their enemies, israel what you make of that. >> nothing will come of it the reason why we were able to establish the new piece deals in the middle east that have been achieved in 25 years because we supported israel and tough on iran that is a formula in the way to be respected within the middle east, tough on iran inside with israel in these countries will gravitate towards israel because more reliable and beneficial ally that was a formula it's not complicated and he's done the exact opposite he follows the same path and he
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will speak to the western world in glowing terms of peace and that he speaks to his own people in arabic and speaks how he wants to kill every jew, biden will offer these platitudes about israel from time to time but he has the guys named john feiner which i don't know he works for the state department fairly senior position he sent them off to dearborn michigan he gives a speech and he apologizes for every aspect of support that biden gave to israel and says it was all his mistake, the real joe biden needs to stand up and say who is because in this election year he is saying two different things to do different audience he has a pro-israel segment and unfortunately shrinking within the democratic party that is trying to placate and a highly anti-israel segment growing within the democratic party that he wants to placate even more and is tripping all over himself trying to thread the needle. >> as a result israel has a two
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front war, diplomatic, the united states is leading in the arab countries and some of the terrorist against israel organizing and trying to pressure them enforce benjamin netanyahu out of office and of course israel is having to fight a real war hand-to-hand combat in gaza which it is winning and it cannot win and take it to the hamas leaders let me ask you this about the united states the horrendous vile spread of anti-semitism in our college and universities in our streets and the media and the democrat party wouldn't you think at this point a real statesman and a leader a president of the united states would give a speech to the nation it's so bad it stinks like 1930s around here and islamic phobia and the private justice and education barely lift a finger, what is your take on that. >> is so disappointing it's
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despicable because jews are at risk at every college campus including the most elite college campuses he should go to harvard or columbia and get up and say that the united states will not tolerate anti-semitism on campus in the united states will withhold funding for any university that permits its faculty or students to publicly create an environment in which you don't feel safe. any other minority would be doing that but he doesn't think is politically necessary and that's why he's not, he's not letting israel when the war they are doing great by the way they are down to four battalions out of 24 and they will win this war if america will take the handcuffs off of them in the only way to achieve any peace and stability in the region is not there executive order which is ridiculous is by letting israel defeat the horrible enemy and move forward and rebuild only after hamas is obliterated. >> i think biden takes his
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orders from thomas freedman you are i remind you is an absolute kook. i think anthony blinken who john mccain said was a dangerous man not qualified to be deputy secretary of state let alone secretary of state in the sky that they had to remove under suspicious circumstances and need to stick it in the people he brought in back channeling with iranians when they were supposed to be negotiated to try to prevent iran from getting nuclear weapons. i will say this the buck stops at joe biden and joe biden has been the worst president in the history of our country but also the worst president towards israel, final comments. >> i think you are right, just to be clear the idea of forcing upon israel a palestinian state which will undoubtedly be a terrorist state the vast majority 80 plus majority of palestinian side with hamas glorify hamas, exalt hamas
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taking those people and giving them independent state within a few miles of tel aviv or jerusalem is going to destroy israel, that is where joe biden is heading to be no mistake about it. >> it would be nice of the conservative and out of congress will be more aggressive and challenging him this is a rogue fall under foreign policy in a rogue secretary of state who have taken it upon themselves to blow up the middle east as they have other parts of the world and were supposed of check and balance in this country, mr. ambassador thank you for everything that you have done and everything that you're doing god bless to you and your beautiful family. we'll be right a car is a car... is a spa. an office. hi! hello! a cinema. so automated. yes, the definition of a car changes... but one thing stays the same.
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very important there are lessons we can learn from reagan his presidency, his candidacy that i think are crucial today and people are running around mostly people the never supported reagan and never would support reagan telling us what reagan thought. our buddy is craig shirley the search for reagan, why did you write this book and how would it impact us today. >> i wrote it because there's so many lies about reagan over the years and napoleon once said histories lies agreed-upon i want to refute about his compassion in his handling of gorbachev and so many issues but also i wanted to write it because i wanted to explore reagan's considerable intellect and compassion both of which he had a great deal of. >> how do we apply this today, i feel like a lot of republicans and conservatives think the world began with them and by the
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way that's how marx's used to think but we conservatives believe history is crucial the ronald reagan to biggest landslides in the republican party history and he was a conservative, how did he do th that. >> he was a democrat for many, many years, long before he was a republican so we spoke to democrats, cultural democrats and economic democrats in a way they never heard for a republican not from gerald ford or richard nixon so he was able to reach conservatives in the republican party and the democratic party history was important to him in at the reagan library was the declaration of independence and the constitution two very important documents to reagan and he cited more framers and founders and philosophers in the eight years of president the most president and a lifetime more than joe biden. >> in this he tapped into
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blue-collar america so-called working-class america, the union members nonunion members. in many ways the way trump has as well when you say. >> absolutely, they are both populist in their own right. reagan is overlooked is a conservative but to him conservative was to be a populist and anti-too much corporate power anti-too much government power and that's what a true populist is against any concentration of power that is donald trump's message and a lot of his issues whether abortion attacks cut strong national defense they all came from ronald reagan. >> we'll be righ
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>> welcome back america you'll hear the supporters of gerald ford, richard nixon and mitt romney whose father opposed reagan and all these people talk about we wish reagan were back we were reaganites or what would reagan do and even get this from chris christie which is laughable since he worked for bush but all of that aside craig shelley you are the historian
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isn't donald trump ready to get the same people the same institutions, the same establishments trying to cripple him. >> absolutely this is an age-old problem with the republican party going back to taft versus eisenhower back in 52 and flashforward to goldwater work and traverses rockefeller to ford versus reagan and reagan versus bush and reagan versus the republican establishment there's always been an outside element to the republican party in the insider republican establishment and you and i witnessed during the time that we worked for reagan we saw the fights of the republican national committee in the fights within the reagan administration itself, people who do not have reagan's issues at heart were his best interest at heart were constantly pushing their own agenda and i can't think of any better example of henry kinzinger, reagan broke with that and before that coexistence going back to truman, reagan was
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the first one to say we are not going to coexist with the soviet union were getting defeat the soviet union and transcend the soviet union and consign them to the aspen of history that upset a lot of establish people in washington because they were losing the same peers in the published power and privilege position of money because reagan was challenging the status quo. >> reagan never started in the endless wars he went back to her allies the soviet union duking it out among her satellite and allies and so forth, peace through strength i see trump peace through strength and reagan trying to strengthen and i see trump saying you better spend more money, i see similarities i see him taking out soleimani whereas reagan tried to take out qaddafi things of that sort nic the same enemies. let me ask you this quickly didn't they say reagan early on
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would launch a nuclear war i remember the whole dock you series on this by abc news didn't they say he was a threat to democracy in the dictator was and he called hitler all the same things of the mazi pilip due to donald trump as well? >> identical the same playbook run against ronald reagan is 76 and 80 and 84 is being drawn against her pulling from the same playbook against donald trump the same old tired accusations from the establishment from the media classes the left-wing media and anybody who defends the status quo and opposes anything that challenges them reagan only committed troops twice in his presidency once in grenada and liberated grenada and the other time in beirut he really learned his lesson about not overextending the committing troops to admissions like that. >> i would appoint this out we go from election cycle to
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election cycle and the democrats do the same damn thing in the media every time but in the case of trump i would argue it is even worse because now using the criminal justice system for using the democrat das in the democrat attorney general and the democrat prosecutors to try to take out donald trump. they tried that once with ronald reagan but it did not work. >> you raise an important point. everybody in america had some problem with a form of government either the school board or local police or the irs they had some problem or they felt out of control and unfair government in they see trump going through the same thing with liberals controlling an instrument of government and special counsel like the congressional committee or something else like this were down in georgia or something like that so that bounces off trump because the american people sympathize and understand what is going through that is
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why his support grows every time the left attacks him and they don't understand everything the use government to attack him it makes them stronger. >> you want the public to understand when you hear references to reagan with trashing trump it's the same people the same ideologues who trashed reagan. craig shelley, great book the search for reagan it is brand-new you can get on on my social sites it is coming out, read it is fantastic it relates to everything going on today, god bless you. >> thank you ver nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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american citizens, i want to apologize to you. you love this country. you put your neck on the line. they are trying to steal your business for the trying to put you in prison. they are trying to destroy your family. that is not the way it supposed to be. this is supposed to be america. the democratic party is an authoritarian party led by a very nasty mentally ill, and competent bully. all of the democrat prosecutors on his own to take you out, to get you convicted and he has his democrat judges helping. so on behalf of tens of millions of us who are very, very grateful for what you did in four years that are very upset for what you're going through now. we are very, ver hope to see you next time on alexei navalny -- "life, liberty


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