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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 19, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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bank be charitable and otherm organizations actually. and some mention of prayers, meditations, but you will beresa joining with millions of other people praying around the world and being committed to growingbe deeper relationship with god and it would be an honor to get too pray with you. wit >> trey: you know, alex, it takes a lot of faith to talk about that out here at the fact that you overcame your doubt and here you are with a nationally n known prayer app. thank you for joining us on ast sunday night. we wish you all the best. >> all glory to god. thank you for having me. >> trey: yes, sir, t thank you for spending part of your sunday night with us. i hope you have a great week ahead of me. until next week you can find uso on the trey gowdy >> an american woman missing in spain and her family and friends
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received bizarre text messages and found her security camera disabled. last person to speak with her is here live. >> carley: and migrants getting housing while u.s. citizens out on the streets. >> to illegal citizens so our future can be more productive. >> if there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum seekers, then that same housing should be first priority to those -- >> carley: we will tell you about the battle between city leaders and residents in harlem. >> todd: and charlamagne the god is not hiding how he feels about president biden. >> he's an uninspiring candidate, nothing makes you want to listen to him. he has no main character energy, at all, none.
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>> todd: no mean character energy. wait until you hear what he says about kamala harris. i like to think we have main character energy. you're watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. house republicans getting ready to present evidence at mayorkas's impeachment trial next monday. the white house talked about firing him. >> todd: madeline rivera live in washington with more. >> good morning. this is a lengthy profile from the new yorker magazine detailing the tribes and tribulations of homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas. hundreds of unaccompanied children were coming into the country and mayorkas did not call the situation a crisis because of a directive. the new yorker says the white house instructed mayorkas to
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avoid using the word crisis, but it was obvious there was one. mayorkas steered clear using the term even as of last month in an interview with bret baier about the illegal crossings. >> the numbers are historic and extraordinarily large. this is not specific to the united states southern border. >> you think it is a crisis now? >> bret, it is a challenge that we have been addressing vigorously. >> earlier this month, mayorkas admitted what is happening at the southern border is a crisis. the new yorker says biden's former chief of staff ron clain raised the possibility of firing mayorkas to reset the administration's message. he says i never considered
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firing him, i considered him a dedicated public serve nota. the trial will begin at the end of this month. >> todd: texas government greg abbott opening a -- in eagle pass, texas. it will hold 2000 national guard members to battle the border crisis. >> it is essential to build this base camp for soldiers. it will be good for them, improve living conditions, improve quality of life and sustain a strong moral for our soldiers. as opposed to be scattered places across thisregion, they be out of one place. >> carley: rosa is a retired cbp officer and joins us now. good morning. what are your thoughts about
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this military base that will be in your town of eagle pass along the southern border. this would be a show of force. do you think it is necessary? >> yes, i do. as a former law enforcement officer, i am excited about governor abbott using another tool available in his belt. it is sending a loud and clear message that he is serious about securing texas and the entire nation, in addition to what governor abbott stated now, i also see he's concerned in regard to money being put into this operation lone star. it makes sense it do this base, it will save money in regard to housing and feeding of troops on a daily basis. >> todd: apologies for stepping on you there. you mention taxpayer dollars, we can all agree this is necessary
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and governor abbott and taking a necessary step. as a texas taxpayer how frustrating is it your dollars are going to solve a problem that joe biden more or less unilaterally caused. >> that is the way everybody here at the border is seeing. a lot of money is being poured into illegal immigrants coming in and see tents being put up. there are millions being poured into the operation and who is flipping the bill? us, the taxpayers. >> carley: the federal government is not getting the job done. there was a battle over shelby park. illegal immigrants are passing all the time. texas national guard moved in, they say their hands are tied
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and not getting the job done. what does shelby park look like now? >> it does not look like what we are used to seeing, it is necessary. it is crazy to see how illegal aliens are coming in by the thousands specifically through that area. somebody had to take action. it is sad it isn't president biden and it had to be governor abbott. >> carley: this site will house 300 soldiers by april and house up to 2300 national guard members on 80 acres. thank you for joining us, have a great day. speaking of numbers, 900 people will soon be out of a job in west virginia because a tin plant can no longer compete with foreign sellers. >> todd: head of a local
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steelworkers union says we need to put america first when it comes to states. >> this is terry smith, baton rouge, louisiana, i start every morning with a devotional and "fox and friends first" is on in the background. ♪ ♪
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile. existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. >> carley: 37 million californians are waking up to blood advisories as another atmospheric river threatens the coast. the storm is expected to be the
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most impactful we have seen lately. torrential rain, strong winds and snow bring threat of landslide and power outages. here we go again. >> todd: heavy rain in florida forcing nascar to postpone the daytona 500. it is set to run this afternoon, on fox 4 p.m. eastern. adam klotz is here with the forecast. i may have tires that deal with rain, you can't do that in nascar, you would come in last. >> adam: they don't have tires that deal with rain. you have rain tires and slicks and they do not. >> todd: and the rav. >> adam: you set it up perfectly. everything clear in the middle of the country. a bunch of rain moving across the west coast and into
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california and continuing to see rain across portions of florida. the rain will go off today, this will dry up in next couple hours. been a long weekend. is it still raining in daytona beach. this will push off as we see this break up. still mostly cloudy this morning with the rain. by afternoon, this entire system drags off two or 3:00, 4:00 when the race is going. likely sunny skies. it is on the cool side topping off at 60. for your president's day across the country, once that system moves out, it is sunny, only folks dealing with anything, all of thattin raacross the west coast. it gets into the mountains and it will be snowfall. good for folks who like to go
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skiing. >> carley: thank you for saying we set this up perfectly. >> adam: you don't usually do that. >> carley: thank you in a big way. how about this story? tragic news for 900 workers who will be out of a job when a tin production plant in virginia shuts this april after international trade commission, itc refuse to allow tariffs on tin imports. the ceo of the company said, final effort to maintain tin plate production, we prove we are forced to operate on an uneven playing field and the deck was stacked in favor of importers. mark liptus, united steelworkers union joins me now. this is news you did not want to hear and did not want this to
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take place. explain in layman's terms why this happened. >> it is a total travesty, international trade commission, which is made of four commissioners that are american people. they are appointed to these positions, ruled tariffs were not necessary in order to produce tin plate. the congress department investigated four countries, determined 4 countries are dumping tin plate into the american markets and itc overruled commerce department and said it will be revoked. it is ae travesty and unamerica. it will jeopardize the food industry in this country, it will be a national court issue.
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really a sad day and i will do everything i can do to overturn this decision. it is the wrong decision by the government, they are supposed to be looking after america and its governments, not the foreigners. >> carley: what actions can you take to overturn this? >> we will appeal the decision, use our government supporters. senator joe manchin from west virginia and many others have been in our corner and are putting pressure on itc to overturn this decision. we have support in washington, this is not over. there is only three tin mills left in this country, we make food and aerosol cans. it is national security issue. if we go to war, foreigners will control the food supply for our
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soldiers. we are off track, the itc ought to worry about america instead of foreigners. it is a total absolute misjustice to this country and we're going to fight to overturn it. i have confidence we'll be successful in the final analysis. >> carley: mark, 900 people worked there, 900 families will be out of a job in april. what will they do? >> not only 900 peep and he will their family, it will affect the school system and tax base. foreign products are dumping product, if you stood on main street, west virginia, you see foreign still coming into our town at enormously high rates. we have to overturn this, it will affect the entire country. we have to fight with
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legislature and hopefully put enough pressure on itc to do the right thing, they should support america, not foreign countries. we know how to make good steel work. only 10 steel mills left in the country, only 10 steel mills are left. right now it is our plant, not a total shutdown yet. we will try to avoid that and put america back where it ought to be, supporting american citizens as opposed to supporting foreign countries. we're so far off track in this country, it is unbelievable. we have steel trying to buy u.s. steel, if that happens, the nation's security is in jeopardy. i don't know what the government is doing, they are not looking
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after america. we intend to fight until we win, as long as i have breath in my body. we have tremendous support throughout this country. legislators support our issue. we will continue to pressure the government and hopefully they will do the right thing. we're the greatest country in the world, we are off track currently. >> carley: senator joe manchin said this will weaken national security and alex mooney, a republican from west virginia said it is a blow to hard-working west virginia steelworkers. you do have bipartisan support. thank you for joining us. >> please follow this national issue, follow it and we'll continue to do everything we can to correct this injustice. >> carley: thank you so much. okay. turning to this.
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a curious and scary store. sabotaged security camera, weeks without contact and family and friends want to know what happened to this woman after she went off the grid in madrid. >> todd: yeah, the last person to speak to her is here next. [splash] before advil: advil dual action fights pain two ways. advil targets pain at the source, acetaminophen blocks pain signals. advil dual action.
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>> carley: >> harold: residents confronting eric adams over the migrant crisis in the big apple. who is going to deliver this report? >> todd: ashley ashley strohmier. >> not happy with the way the mayor and city are handling this crisis, even after they decided not to house migrants in a vacant apartment complex, they
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were not told about the plans from the start. >> we want same opportunities given to these illegal citizens. >> we're talking about a building that has been sitting. we have enough shelters. every zip code has to come up and meet us first before they start moving here. >> what we're saying is if there is some housing that is available to provide for asylum seekers, then that same housing should be first priority to those who live here. >> the pushback from residents forcing the city to reverse course. >> listen, the complexity of housing new yorkers is so many layers of complexity. i have to house the immediate
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need first and my immediate need are families with children and those who are victims of domestic violence >> >> as of february 6, there are 66200 migrants in care of new york city and could cost 12 billion by 2025. >> carley: that is important story, you are back, your first day back from maternity leave. we have missed you. >> i have missed you, too. it is like your first day of school and after reading children's books for four months, you wonder if you can read a prompter anymore. my first day back is sad, you have to leave your baby for the first time, but you get to see your friends and do your job you
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love so much. it is bittersweet and will take a second. >> carley: total mix of emotion. i'm sure you didn't sleep when you were supposed to and todd has been through this, too. >> todd: i have. it is different from a mother's perspective. how is he holding up? >> last night first night without me, i think there were tears at home from both mike and the baby. i feel bad. >> carley: you are a great mom, your son is a beautiful baby and your whole family is and we're happy to have you back. and share you with your son. >> todd saw me walk by, he was like, who is that. >> todd: i said there is a stranger. >> i'm back. >> todd: stro, great to have you. >> carley: love you.
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>> todd: pay attention to this story, it is important, listen up. family and friends of anna, are speaking to authorities in spain today hoping for information after anna disappeared two weeks ago the. a man was seen spray paints a security camera at her apartment. she received a message saying she was going to go stay with a man she met at his summer house. sanna rameau received the message. i'm sorry you are going through this. you said the text message did not sound like anna, why did you say that? >> good morning. thank you for having me. that is not how she writes.
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everything was strange with the message. it is not something she would do, not at all like her. it was written in a sense i didn't recognize it. i know how she writes and it did not sound like her. >> todd: it sounded like it was translated like a komg puter, what do you mean by that? >> two messages were sent. one message to me written in english and the other message sent to her spanish best friend in madrid in spanish. according to her family it was spanish-speaking and her friend said it looks like it was used with a translator, the words were put together strange and that is just looks very odd.
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>> todd: moving on, this overarching behavior, running off with a stranger, not communicating for weeks, is that out of character for anna? >> absolutely, 100%. anna and i are very close. we have spent much time, traveled together, have almost daily contacts. she tells me everything about what she's doing. she spent a lot of time in madrid and went there on december 27th. she came to visit me in austria for a few days in the middle of january and i was supposed to go there in february. we speak often and were talking about our upcoming plans for my visit in madrid and told me she was looking for a new apartment and everything going on. for her to meet a random person
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in the street of madrid and go to some house, no. that is not ana. >> todd: she was overin madrid, she lives in fort lauderdale and she is going through a rough divorce. why is it described like that? >> i'm not sure what people mean with rough divorce. i don't know many divorces or separations that are easy. what i know, i don't want to say it was specifically nasty or rough divorce from what i know. again, obviously it is difficult to separate from someone you have been living with for many years, not a decision you make overnight. it is stressful for everyone. >> todd: police in madrid and fort lauderdale are being pretty
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tight-lipped about this. the american embassy being tight-lipped, what do you hope to learn from spanish authorities when you speak with them? >> i got a message today, they have no comment in regard to the investigation. what thatten means, i don't know, that is the message i received today. i am hoping i can be more open and discuss findings they have so far and if they have any leads that can lead us to what has happened to ana. >> todd: thank you for coming on and getting the word out, friends like you will help us. you and ana are in our prayers thchl is shocking 5000 police officers injured on the job in new york city alone. >> carley: that number is far too high, our next guest is former nypd lieutenant who was
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assaulted during the george floyd riots and he said that made him quit the force. he'll tell us what life is really like wearing the blue. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? sure, he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wow. so sudden. um, we're not about to have the "we need life insurance" conversation again, are we? no, we're having the "we're getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it" conversation.
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>> nikki haley unleashing on president trump accusing him of siding with russia over nato. watch. >> remember, russia is not our friend, if putin's mouth is open, he is lying. that is why it was damaging when trump said he would choose putin and encourage putin to invade nato allies. >> todd: nikki haley is blaming the former president for the border crisis. >> president trump told republicans, don't pass anything until the general election. president trump needs to stay out and let us secure our border. >> todd: former presidential candidate tim scott is running to trump's defense. we had a safer world. putin stays out of ukraine. hamas stayed out of israel.
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indo-pacific china was not targeting taiwan. southern border, his last year in office, we had a thousand folks crossing illegally, today it is close to 6000. >> todd: haley argues this race is a contest between her and vice president kamala harris. >> carley: and charlamagne the god speaking out with harshest criticism of president biden yet. he is an uninspiring candidate. nothing about joe biden makes you want to listen to him. that is why he should be leaning on his vice president. >> has she met your expectations? >> she hasn't. president trump comes off more youthful. >> do you get blowback from the white house, when you say something critical from joe biden? >> yeah, and that is
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stupidest -- ever. >> carley: tell us how you really feel. he has made it clear it will not endorse biden and harris this time again. nothing to worry about, that is what kathy hochul is telling businesses in new york after former president trump was ordered to pay $355 million bucks. >> todd: i wonder what the businesses think about this? cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: good morning, yeah, good hochul making her best attempt to reassure new york business community it is safe to uprate in the state. >> law-abiding new yorkers and business people have nothing to worry about, they are different from donald trump and his behavior. >> cheryl: comments come after the judge ordered president trump to pay a $355 million
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penalty for deceiving banks and others, tied to overvaluing real estate. his sons penalized. senator ted cruz said this case was never about business, it was about politics. >> democrats have become radicalized and decided partisan politics matter more than the rule of weapon, they are willing to abuz government power to stay inure po. the judge's decision in new york was an outrage. this was a partisan democrat judge and partisan democrat attorney general. >> cheryl: claiming the verdict is a threat to all businesses. trump is expected to appeal that decision. >> todd: all real estate businesses at the least. even democrats are turning against president ovidio guzman
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environmental -- i don't want to call it agenda, it is insanity. >> cheryl: businesses are making money, he wants to stop that because of climate issues. taking aim at president biden for recent decision to limit export of natural gas and calls it shortsighted. >> i don't support what president biden is doing there, it is important for american liquified natural gas to replace natural gas russia was sending to europe. it is important for us to have benefit of selling that natural gas versus other countries like qatar in this world. i believe one of the united states massive strategic strengths is our energy, our clean energy and fossil fuels and i think that is a
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short-sighted decision. >> cheryl: he says clean energy in that sound bite. this is as qatar is set to announce lng deals. they will fill expected gap the u.s. is going to leave out there and think about our allies in europe. what kind of export does putin have? energy exports. this is short sided and that comment was true, guys. >> carley: got bad statistics to cover that might not come as surprise. data shows 5300 police officers were attacked on the job, including 1200 officers hurt by suspects in the last three months. next guest issa i lieutenant that was attacked during the
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george floyd riots and that is why he left new york. you moved to florida to get away from new york city. i want to start with your reaction to record breaking number. 5363 officers injured on the job last year, many struggling with suspects. >> it is an astonishing number, dramatic increase and expected between current trend and current d.a.s, it is unwinnable for today's cops. >> carley: i was talking to a group of police officers in new york city and they said rules constantly change and they never know what to do. are you allowed to put somebody in a choke hold? are you not allowed to? that leads to hesitation and that is not the place you want
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to be dealing with somebody that is dangerous. cops are among the bravest people and are not afraid to fight with criminals, they are afraid to be prosecuted by a progressive d.a. it is a no-win situation, they don't want to be the next youtube star. they are doing the right thing. >> carley: manhattan d.a. alvin bragg downgraded 938 felony cases in the last year, about 60% downgraded to misdemeanors. why would you downgrade a felony? what is impact of that? >> in the criminal justice system, especially new york city, there have been downgraded crimes, it is higher than in the past and not really a surprise.
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bragg's day one memo says he will do exactly that. it is progressive agenda and what he and other d.a.s are doing. i want to point out the legislature has not helped in new york either. even if the d.a.s wanted to keep up from the bail reform to the unnecessarily aggressive discovery laws, d.a.'s office couldn't keep up. we are not surprised here. >> carley: it is not a surprise, new york city crime keeps ongoing up, that is a shame. thank you for joining us this morning, have a great day. thank you. >> carley: our favorite public service announcement, we want to see more of you guys, send us a video, where you are from, why you are up early and what you love about the show, e-your video to friends first at
2:50 am i love the guy that says he has his devotional and has us on in the background. >> todd: are we the devotional? he made sense, god then us. >> carley: president biden sleep walking into another issue. congressman cory mills will respond to that. >> todd: lawrence jones will respond. lawrence i love your video segment, can we borrow that? i want some. >> todd: why don't you send in a video of you watching us in your office prepping for your show? we'll talk to the producers. >> lawrence: or in the car on the way to the studio appearing to watch. >> carley: take it away. >> lawrence: coming up, a lot happening on the world stage, iran urging proxies to exercise
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restraint against u.s. forces after senator lindsey graham urges aggressive move against russia. >> make russia state-sponsor of terrorism under u.s. law. >> lawrence: nikki haley tells us how she would handle the aggression and rob spalding has what he thinks it mean. and new yorkers taking eric adams to task over plans for migrant shelter in >> harold:. we talked to residents. plus dr. marc siegel on new who warning about likelihood of a new pandemic. and greg jared on possible supreme court ruling on trump's ballot battle and joey logano joins us ahead of the daytona 500. that is coming up on "fox and
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(bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos. >> todd: congressman mike turner raise stipulation or plans to put nuclear plans in united states. >> this is about russia and the administration taking action. and that is what is important. we need to make certain that a vert what could be an international crisis. i was concerned that it appeared that the administration was sleep walking into an international crisis it looks like now they are going to be able to take action. >> todd: florida congressman
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cory mills is on the florida house committee. thank you for being here. the "new york times" reporting that ourselves antony blinkenen raised the possibility of russian move chinese and counter pars on friday and saturday sidelines of the munich security conference. mr. blinken's message was blunt it would take out not only russian satellite but those in new delhi. action is being taken. but, that said, are you confident that this biden administration is giving this issue both the attention and full action that it warrants? >> well, i think that the, you know, raising of concern for this is certainly warranted. i mean, when you think about the idea of a outer space detonation and what that could do not only would it potentially knock out satellites but also make certain areas uninhabitable for satellites given the radioactive
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continuation. so i think we would have to look at things, utilization of the 167 outer space act. i think that we could look at partnering with others to look at this different types of violations. i think it was good raised for concerns. but i don't like the manner in which it was done. i also find the timing of mike turner's release to be a bit questionable given that each time one of these increased threats occur it's around the time that the u.s. house is going to take up an authorization, a reauthorization on things like section 702. or fisa. and so i do think that -- in police work they call it clue on coincidence. it is a severe there the and something we should consider. >> todd: turner taking heat it's all about you guys. why are you talking about it so soon have to wait and see and see how it all plays out. quickly on the treaty. do we trust putin to adhere to a
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treaty. >> no. that's why president trump removed us from the idf. my bigger concern the way it was raised and brought up. exact same time that the senate was trying to push a ukraine supplemental and many of us not willing to support another dime to ukraine and want to put america's borders first. this was a way to try to provide cover for them. the reauthorization of section 702. this is the thing shah supposed to be the foreign intelligence surveillance act but abused by the fbi 287,000 times to try spy on americans. in my opinion this is unconstitutional it. should not be reauthorized in the way it's currently fashioned. this is one of the potential leaks was to try to go ahead and enable a pressure chamber to be created by the american people. >> todd: meantime, at least 400 people have been reportedly detained across russia since alexei navalny's death. ends lindsey graham saying we need to make russia a state sponsor of terrorism in response. do you agree with that, congressman?
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>> no, i don't. in fact, i don't agree with most of what lindsey graham says. lindsey wants to continue to try warmonger more things with ne-yo conservative approach for ukraine or iran. this is a guy who says hit them hard fight them there i don't think that's necessarily the right response. i will say the political percent cushion of one his opponents, navalny, which we know is very clearly going to be a murder that occurred think is a guy who in 2021 sentenced to 19 years for extremism and then sent to the most highest max security prison right there by the artic circle to mysteriously disappear. political persecution is something that we definitely look at. again, that's going right here at home if you think about it. look at $355 million just levied in new york. i don't know that we can continue to point fingers whenever we are actually utilizing the biden administration political persecution to come after their opponents. >> todd: congressman cory mills, thank you, "fox & friends" begins right now. >> steve: thank you very much, todd. it is 6:00 on thst


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