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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 19, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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available as vyvgart for iv infusion and also as vyvgart hytrulo for subcutaneous injection. additional side effects for vyvgart hytrulo may include injection site reactions. talk to your neurologist about vyvgart. ♪ >> carley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, monday, february 19th, this is "fox and friends." house intel chair mike turner issuing stark comments on the white house response to russian threats. >> i was concerned it appeared the white house was sleepwalking into a crisis. >> lawrence: and residents telling mayor eric adams how they feel about the migrant
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crisis. >> they snuck them into here with no transparency. >> you have obligation to your own black community to make sure our demands are met. >> steve: great american race is back, live from studio m talking about daytona 500 on fox. final hour of "fox and friends" starts now, remember, mornings are better with friends. >> steve: and mornings are better with news. iran showing first sign of restraint since the war in israel began. >> fears of global conflict grow. >> carley: it is a scary time. controversial death of alexei navalny is adding fuel to the
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flames around the world. hundreds of protesters have been arrested in the wake of his death. >> lawrence: benjamin hall has more on this. >> the one man who could raise opposition with putin, today around the world people realize that may not happen for a long time and regime is arresting everyone coming out to lay flowers to remember the man who could have changed the way russia stood. his body is missing. his mother went to visit the morgue and now navalny's wife is saying he was killed with the same substance he was poisoned with before. he was visited in the hospital
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two days before his death. frn is saying he was killed by the russi regime. president biden had warned putin if anything happened to navalny, there would be reaction. senator graham said more should be done, have a listen. >> do this, i got off the phone with two democratic senators, make them pay a price for killing navalny. it would allow the navalny family to sue putin's russia for killing their loved one. >> nikki haley comments on this and said russia must be held to account. she called out president trump saying he has not said nearly enough. >> it is amazing how weak in the
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knees he is when it comes to vladamir putin. vladamir putin murdered navalny, he is yet to say anything about seizing russian assets and allowing that money go to ukraine. he should be calling for that. he doesn't talk about anything. all he does is go on late night rants talking about his court cases. >> people around the world hope the death of navalny could lead to changes. vladamir putin is killing his opponents at the moment, according to sources. it is personal for fox, vladamir putin, was targeting people there and our cameraman and producer were killed there and navalny was seeking the truth, so was our team when they were
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injured. people are hoping something can be done to hold russia back at the moment, many feel this is too far. putin has no poen pons and with navalny dead, no chance of that changing. >> carley: they were deleting online information with posts including navalny. that comes as no surprise, the presidential elections are just a couple weeks away. >> alexei navalny is the one person who stood up and got 27% of votes in 2013. elections are coming up, vladamir putin will get rid of the hash tags and on television
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and with the killing of naval, it appears they are trying to stop any opponents and he has made it clear what happens to anyone who stands up against him. >> live report from european news room. >> nothing to worry about, that is what governor kathy hochul is telling businesses in the empire state after courts ruled against former president trump in his new york civil file case. >> kelly o'grady is in manhattan. >> that is right, a ruling sending shockwaves through the community. the concern being if this were to happen to former president trump, what stops real estate developers from seeing that same fate, it is a fate that could prove problematic for the new york empire. financial penalties are staggering. judge ordered former president trump to pay $355 million and
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close to $100 million in interest. that will be tough in an election year temperature is perhaps the financing needs that could pose the biggest challenge. he or his businesses cannot get a loan in new york for three years. he response former president trump says he plans to appeal and his team warned the business community, every member should be gravely concerned with this gross overreach and brazen attempt to expert limitless power where no private or public harm has been established. governor hochul has tried to, reaction has been loud, one major hedge fund manager says this sets precedence for every
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prpt owner to be concerned. there are number of truckers social platforms saying they will not pick up in new york due to the ruling against president trump. one silver line, president trump has avoided the death penalty, his businesses will not be dissolved. he could resume in three years. you have charles payne coming up to talk about this. i will be tuning into that. back to you. >> steve: thank you very much. so that is interesting he may have to sell off assets for this gigantic, two awards. one is judgement on friday and the other the ejean carrol event. he is leading in the polls,
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donald trump is distracted. watch this. >> trump is doing late night rants about his court cases. he will be in court. we can't be distracted. we want eight years, no drama, no chaos and get things done for our children, grandchildren and future generations. >> carley: she used the word distracted, others would say embolden. this is a political hit jock. he was ordered to pay $355 million and there were no victims or lost money. if you are democrat, you may not care. if you are independent or republican, your antenna raises. >> lawrence: mistified by the
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attack line and mistified by the attack on his mental acuity, comparing him to joe biden. donald trump will probably be the nominee and she will have to endorse him because of the pledge if she wants to run ever again in a republican primary. curious what the pivot is going to be after she has to endorse him. >> politicians pivot and steve, i was watching that interview, she was not just talking about south carolina. she was talking about going to michigan and open primaries, those are not outward signs she plans to get out of the race any time soon. >> steve: you can vote, you cannot have voted in the
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democratic primary, what joe biden and clyburn wanted. you have to wonder if people were keeping their powder dry to vote in this and the last two remaining standing are former president and ambassador to the u.n. >> lawrence: i notice she made sure to put on the record going into super tuesday, 11 of those states are open primaries. >> steve: to her point, the open primaries are like the general election. >> you need independents to win a general. >> steve: you can't win just with your party, right, guy. >> carley: rocking not just red areas and border areas, it is impacting blue cities and blue states is the border crisis. this is a major issue in new
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york city. so much so there are so many illegal immigrants in this city, new york city is looking for places to house them. one option was a luxury apartment building that has been vacant for 10 years, it is in harlem. residents found out it is a housing facility for migrants and they are angry and frustrated and say, we have been asking for affordable housing and you say there is no money and now money is falling out of the sky and being given to illegal immigrants. mayor eric adams was confronted with this and angry residents voice concern and we had some of those residents in the "fox and friends" studio a couple hours ago and you spoke to them.
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>> lawrence: we have sound. >> dss and dhs are doing this, they snuck them in here and harlem with no transparency. we see beds being moved in and nobody was aware. >> this is a sign to this mayor, your people are looking to you, you have obligation to the black community to have our needs met. every other demographic takes care of their community, chinese, italian, jewish, when it comes to communities of color, black, get paralyzed. this will affect any election going forward. >> we were glad that mayor eric adams came to both of our community forums on thursday and yesterday. we are having a healthy conversation with him, as well as some other city commissioners
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to rectify and remedy what has been going on. >> unhappy panel earlier. >> lawrence: i have heard from my own family and i've been traveling to minority communities that are saying the same thing. it is personal for these residents. imagine you are a single mom, living paycheck to paycheck. you want to keep your kids out of trouble and schools are shut down. we don't have funding to ep coo the school open, but they find money to do this. folks in black and brown communities are feeling the democrats they give their votes to, but they are being put last on issues they face day-to-day.
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>> steve: one of the women said, i voted for joe biden and eric adams, this is not what i voted for, they are right. >> lawrence: this is what they voted for and you had an election and the media did not cover this and allowed the president to stay in the basement. there are voters that did not know what sanctuary city was. and thanks to greg abbotts, . and then what about the economy, suggestion we will allow people that came to this country will work and take the job from other taxpayers? good luck in november. >> steve: if somebody pulls up with a truck full of bunk beds, ask who those are for. unless a family of multiple
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children -- >> be on the lookout, bunk beds. >> carley: more news from border to minnesota, the governor ordering flags to be lowered to half staff after two police officers and a firefighter paramedic were killed in a shootout yesterday. the shooter barricaded himself with family including children before firing at law enforcement. the suspect was found dead after the exchange. an american woman missing in spain after officials say a man in a helmet spray painted the cameras at her apartment complex. her friends say they received suspicious text messages from her before she went missing. >> it is not something she would do, for her to meet a
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random person in the street of madrid and go off to some house, no. >> carley: her family will meet with authorities in spain today. body camera footage showing the moment a florida deputy saved a baby trapped after a car crash this month. the deputy and mom of the baby joined us earlier. >> i ran over to immediately help her and come to find out, there were two kids in the car. >> she is doing really good right now, she can open her eyes and move her legs. >> carley: the motorcyclist did not survive the crash. >> carley: no labels is looking for a third party leader after joe manchin decided not to join the presidential race. they still plan to run a candidate, a decision to push a unity presidential ticket could
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come on march 5. and guy, you are a headline on "fox and friends." guy benson, learned not to share what foods he can't stand while hosting "fox and friends." here is what happened when we made him eat his words. >> i can't stand waffles, so disgusting, it is wet, hot, sugary bread. >> >> carley: wets, hot, sugary bread sounds delicious. >> you say what you don't want and you get it next day. what terrifies me is $100 bills. >> you are not getting $en 100 bills. you are getting pancakes. >> steve: you said they were
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blueberry, they were chocolate chip. >> it is all gone now, thank you for taking the burden there. i had two bites for the cameras. >> lawrence: lee checked and said, can you bring some pancakes. we eat on fox. >> steve: it's a three-hour show, we get hungry. >> i feel officially hazed. >> steve: and it is not even 9:00 yet. we are just hours from daytona 500, 4:00 eastern this afternoon on fox. driver joey logano will join us in half an hour here on f&f. >> nascar shall ifs postponing the race on sunday because of the rain and it was unsafe. >> lawrence: check in with adam klotz. will there be a race?
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>> joey logano and race fans will be happy. after all that rain we saw over the weekend, things are starting to change out there, maybe lingering showers. it will clear off. take a look at the forecast, you see all the rain and the other story is moving into portions of california. that was active, you can tell over the radar loop. beginning to break apart 52 degrees, rain still across portions of central and eastern florida. that will track out. daytona 500 is 4:00 p.m., and it will be sunny. after all that rain, beautiful, sunny president's day for "fox and friends"s enjoying america's race. that isula, back to you guys. >> steve: that is the forecast we'll take. thanks. we have said regarding "fox and friends," you miss a little and
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a lot, you would have missed guy benson saying he does not like that. he does like bacon and eggs. >> lawrence: not carbs. >> i like the savory, if you want to see me forced to eat pancakes, set your dvr. >> steve: we are working monday through friday 6:00 a.m. to 9:00. coming up, charlamagne the god not mincing words on joe biden's unhill battle. >> he's an uninspiring candidate, nothing about joe biden makes you want to listen to him. >> steve: and he's our president, what it means for the president's reelection chances coming up. >> lawrence: and twins going viral. >> haircuts are mandatory $49. >> car insurance went from $220
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is it possible to count on my internet like my customers count on me? it is with comcast business. keeping you up and running with 99.9% network reliability. and security that helps outsmart threats to your data. moaire dida twoo? your data, too. there's even round-the- clock customer support. so you can be there for your customers. hey billy, how you doin? with comcast business, reliability isn't just possible. thanks. it's happening. get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to a $1000 prepaid card with a qualifying internet package. don't wait, call and switch today! >> lawrence: illinois officials.
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fox business network is in chicago with the latest. hi, kelly. >> we are learning that through join statement the county and state say we need $300 million to get through the year and will pledge the bulk of this and the county will contribute and that leaves another $70 million unaccounted for and unanswered questions from the mayor. he had a heated back and forth with reporters who asked what his plan was and when he would pledge from the city. he said, what about the governor's pledge to give 2000 beds to migrants. this is reference to the winterized tent to be built. johnson says with additional
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$250,000, the city won't be able to keep shelters open for long, potentially shutting down by the summer. expected to ramp up pace of buses heading north as democratic national convention hits town in late august. >> all i'm saying is that. >> the governor spokesperson tells the chicago tribune she stepped up to cover additional $70 million and have to ask what plans are for the remaining $70 million to fund this humanitarian response. governor pritzker is expected to
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receive pushback on plans and ideas for helping the migrants sent to chicago. >> lawrence: i just got back from there and people are not happy. an age-old problem haunting president biden's campaign, is he fit to serve another four years? even his supporters are voicing concern. >> he is an uninspiring candidate. donald trump is three years younger, but comes off more youthful. >> biden should step down as a hero, the party should help him. >> lawrence: here to react is t
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tezlyn. what do you think is the driving force of being anti-biden right now for charlamagne? >> i don't think he is anti-biden, charlamagne will tell you how it is, he is an independent speaker. the interview was nine minutes. three minutes was about trump being a threat to democracy and two minutes about how he supported kamala harris and wanted to see more of her. what charlamagne has done is challenge both sides and end of the day, democrats are upset and republicans are upset when he makes a comment. he does not plan to shut up any time soon. it is not -- he endorsed kamala harris, and he will tell it like it is.
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he is like this in real life. when he calls me, it is not to tell me how great of a person i am, it is to challenge me to do better. folks will continue to take issue with what he says and he will continue to tell it like it is. joe biden has a problem with being uninspiring candidate and trump has a problem having over 90 charges in the court system. >> lawrence: i know you are a straight shooter yourself. one thing brought up in the interview, he believed kamala harris can be reformed and rise to the occasion, what do you think? >> tezlyf figaro would agree with charlamagne in that she should speak up and assert herself. there is talk she's been hidden and set to the side, they say vice presidents don't have to
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speak up temperature is a new day and new time and charlamagne believes she can be a stronger candidate on the candidate trail. i think governor newsom, i enjoy fox news when governor newsom and governor desantis went head-to-head. charlamagne is saying, let's have a conversation, do not be afraid to go to fox news or cnn put on our big panties and drawers and put it out on the table. >> lawrence: i would love to interview the vice president any time. thank you for coming on the program. >> thank you. >> lawrence: coming up, forget about it, you like that from a texan? s staten island twins are going viral for their take on inflation. >> these haircuts are $40, i
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paid $40 to watch fashion. >> car insurance went from 220 to 320. >> lawrence: they will join us next. it can help you reach them with confidence. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 of our clients are likely to recommend us. ameriprise financial. advice worth talking about. here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie.
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>> carley: the twin content writers join us. you say what everybody is feeling. what has reaction to your videos been? >> good morning, carley, thank you for having us. reaction is bigger than i could have imagined. it is amazing. >> carley: nicky, you guys are right, it is crazy, you have to win the lottery is afford the cost of living, especially in new york city. >> growing up in the neighborhood, $15 air cut and $5 tip. now 40 or 50 for a haircut and he's going bald. >> carley: you do contents creating a a profession, what were you doing before that?
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>> we were in the union working for dep water department fixing water mains. >> construction, pipe jobs, whole nine yards, we were doing that and now content full time. >> carley: your goal is to become actors. i could see it. being a union worker is a good paying job, even union workers are struggling. i know your dad is a big part of the views and complaining about cost of groceries. do you do big sunday dinners? i'm sure those are expensive, as well. >> sunday dinner in our house is a staple, amazing and we're sick of the grocery bills. >> carley: your dad, his name is joe, and you have an uncle tony. >> ies ironically, i have an un
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j tony. >> carley: if you watch on tiktoks, you are at the dinner table complaining about the price of things and things are getting more and more expensive. >> it is unreal. woo are a product of our environment, they have been complaining about pastrami going up and we are seeing it first hand. >> carley: if you can't laugh, then you will cry, thank you for finding laughter in the real take on the state of the economy. i was watching your dad's video. it is unheard of. >> carley: $28 for rollatini, that should be a crime in itself.
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>> carley: what is your instagram account? >> guys, our at nicky scarlotta. >> carley: two t's. have a great day, see you soon. coming up, governor hochul ensuring businesses are safe amid trump's fraud ruling, some aren't buying it. charles payne on the new york real state coming up next.
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>> steve: on monday morning, this is your shot of the morning. we are welcoming two new members to the "fox and friends" family. producer ashley and her husband pat are celebrating the birth of their twins jackson and skyler, were born on february 7, seven minutes apart and this video will be held in a place of honor their entire lives. >> carley: they are beautiful, we love you. congratulations. >> steve: we are so glad you are born. i had to do that, ainsley is
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off. >> beautiful kids. trump's civil fraud case could cause businesses to flee new york. >> we are seeing these things happen and trump is doing late night rants about his court cases. we can't be distracted, put in someone who can spend eight years and get things done for our children, our grandchildren and future generations. >> here to react charles payne. i keep hearing this, the whole line of bullet points. $350 million and has to wait three years to do business in new york. does he want to come back after three years? >> a trillion dollars of
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businesses left new york. >> with a t? >> a t. a trillion dollars. big thing in the stock market, biggest worry is commercial real estate, new york community bank, the stock is down 52%. commercial real estate is in trouble. crime, the anti-business rhetoric, they continue to flee. here is an interesting thing, listening to governor hochul's conversation on the radio. >> she was saying no be prosecute, nothing to worry about. >> for the governor to say that, that is a red flag. she is talking about businesses fleeing and why they should not be afraid. they are different from donald trump and his behavior. what do you mean his behavior? if you get out of line too much,
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they will come after you. a lot of people, a lot of republican voters see him as a victim. they are going after him as a political thing. not one single bank said we lost money with donald trump, no one filed a complaint, not a single bank. he has a thousand people working for him, buildings with people living in them. other people watching this very worried, should i invest more in this city. >> only time this law has been used this way, against this man. good to see you, weekdays 2 p.m. eastern time. coming up, take two, daytona 500 is today on big fox. 2015 daytona 500 winner joey logano coming up next.
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check in with dana perino to let us know what is coming up at the top of the hour. >> dana: great to see you. nikki haley tries to close in on her rival, her home state's primary is this saturday. and whopping 364 million to donald trump, not been truckers bring pain to new york. on the democratic side, private concerns about biden spilling into the public eye, biden can't ignore it, but may try. dingell will give her opinion and trey gowdy will be here on "america's newsroom." tual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost.
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we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow. ( ♪ ♪ ) start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. do you like that bone? i got a great price on it. did you see my tail when that chewy box showed up?
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for you for me and for our family. so for us at newday, to have the opportunity to turn around and help those people at this point in time. it's a labor of love. it's a noble service. and that's what we're all about.
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lo >> start your engines. daytona 500 airs today at 4:00 p.m. on fox. >> steve: two-time series champion and winner of the 2015 daytona 500 joey logano joins us now. >> good morning. how are you? >> okay. yesterday was a wash-out. so when the race was supposed to be happening, when you were supposed to be driving 200 miles an hour what were you doing
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instead and what were you thinking? >> well, i was -- i don't know if you guys spent much time in a camper with three kids under six years old, it was a busy day. we're ready. the sun is popping out here. we have a couple races today. xfinity race first and daytona 500 at four. >> you are used to being in tight quarters with loud noises and helped you with the kids in the camper. you were driving the new ford mustang dark horse. one of two new body types debuting for nascar this year. tell us about the car. >> it's really fast. putting on the poll for the daytona 500 huge accomplishment. it was great. that's a starting spot. it's all about the finish: we have a lot of fords in the race and a lot of teamwork to make
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sure that the mustang is the one out front and pull it back here later today. >> do you feel more prepared that you have a couple more days to prepare for the race? >> if we weren't ready by sunday we aren't going to be ready. we've had all winter to keep going over the strategy and different things that can happen during the race. we ran through every what if you can possibly think of at this point. >> indeed. we'll watch. you are in the number one poll position. joey, thank you very much. folks, watch him driving at 4:00 eastern where he finally gets some peace and quiet away from the kids and camper in the car going 200 miles-per-hour. >> dana: the less stressful job is going 200 miles-an-hour in a race car. >> dana: good morning. the south carolina primary is now five days away. former president trump firing up his


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