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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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race and now there is only the one remaining. tomorrow night, john, there will be a town hall on laura ingraham's show with former president trump. you had the one yesterday and you will see president trump tomorrow evening as we get closer to saturday and special programming sunday night. i will suit up see what i can pull together for saturday night. >> also america reports will be there friday and saturday as well and catch up with governor haley one more time and hopefully the former president as well. >> dana: great to have you on the show today. >> saturday, sunday. >> dana: i know. if peter were watching he would be so irritated because the other day i was like no, i have to work on saturday. now i'm confused, peter, you aren't the only one. great to have you here. thank you so much, jacque. sandra smith will take you through the next hour of "the faulkner focus." here she is. >> sandra:.
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so much. more voices on the left speaking out about president biden's age and fitness. his verbal blunders coming rapid fire in recent weeks and this is "the faulkner focus." good to see you all. i'm sandra smith in for harris. the white house and president's campaign woohing black voters concerned about losing support among the key voting block. this harsh criticism from a prominent black radio host probably not going to help matters. >> he is an uninspiring candidate. there is nothing about joe biden that makes you want to listen to him. he should be leaning on people who are more inspiring him and more charismatic than him. if you want to call it the brains of the operation behind the scenes. that sounds crazy that we're saying that about a president of the united states of america. he has no main character energy at all. >> sandra: more democrats admitting the issue is not going
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away. >> president biden is going to have to go out and litigate this election. his age is going to be an issue in the election. >> sandra: more from mark meredith at the white house to kick things off. is the biden campaign ready to make some changes? >> right now no changes being announced. good morning to you. it is expected that a presidential campaign will be tough but it is also unusual that you would have an incumbent facing some of the fury from within his own party. over the weekend tlaib's turn to take a punch at the president saying she doesn't believe voters in michigan should support him in the upcoming democratic primary. >> right now we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. >> she considered to be one of the most left leaning lawmakers in the house is furious over the white house's support for israel and what she says are efforts to prioritize israeli lives over
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palestinians. this kind of bitterness among michigan democrats could have consequences. new fox news polling that shows in this month where things stand in michigan. former president trump leading biden but within the margin of error. the president won michigan over trump by a slim margin in 2020. president biden has repeatedly brushed aside questions about his political strength and age. he confused nato and ukraine this weekend and spark the questions about his ability. dean phillips had this to say. we force airline pilots to keep their hands on the airplane by 65. the president didn't talk about the primary. nothing else expected and off to california tomorrow raising money for the general election. >> sandra: thank you.
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power panel. doug collins, former georgia congressman. leslie marshall fox news contributor. welcome to both of you. doug, you first. what is happening in michigan? that's a six-point swing from where biden was in 2020 with trump now leading over the current president if there was a general election match-up of the two. >> i think it just shows a reflection of the time. polls are a snapshot in time. in michigan right now it is a microcosm for the democrats in this state with the issue with tlaib and the palestinian issue with a higher percentage of voters in that area. a general dissatisfaction with some of the left policies that haven't been fulfilled and michigan being an industrial state looking at the inflation issue and prices. we're still nine months away. this is the wake-up call for the joe biden campaign. not sure they will answer the call but they have nine months to fix this. here is the the big thing. these left progressives have nowhere else to go. if joe biden is on the ballot
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they have nowhere else to go and they won't vote for donald trump. i think this is where it needs to be put in perspective. >> sandra: the comments from charlamagne tha god calling the current president uninspiring and more should be looking at kamala harris. >> well, sorry i'm a democratic strategist. kamala harris, her numbers even among for instance are not as strong as joe biden's and so i would strongly -- i wouldn't disagree with him about enthusiasm. we saw a lack of enthusiasm but the numbers that came out in the last general election for joe biden that made him president of the united states and i believe that will come down again. i hate to say i grew -- i agree with everything doug said. the polls are out early but this is something very frustrating for me. i'm one of the peoples that supports a cease-fire. married to a muslim and know about the muslim community and
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what they are doing in michigan and their anger about gaza and the palestinians. who will do more and supports a two-state solution? joe biden, not donald trump. so this community may be shooting themselves in the foot in a sense by trying to punish joe biden. michigan is one of the five states that it will come down to so they could actually end up with former president donald trump as president again because it will be a very tight race. >> sandra: we can embrace agreement across the aisle with your republican colleague, leslie. senator amy klobuchar who ran against him last election is standing by president biden. listen here. >> why do you think -- you ran against president biden in 2020. he promised that essentially he would build a bridge to the next generation. do you think it's time to pass the torch? >> again, i'm a believer in president biden because i believe he is a good moral person that has the backs of the
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people of this country and just the examples i cited, time and time again people have sided with that over election deniers and the like. so i'm proud to be supporting joe biden for president. >> sandra: a "new york times" columnist is arguing democrats should pick a new candidate at the convention. former obama speech writer responded to that saying the challenges we just don't know and will likely never know. if nominating biden is more risky is letting insider pick a lesser known and weaker general election candidate at the convention with three months to go. what say you on that, doug? >> i think if they were ever going to do it they're more set up in convention style to do that. pub can't aren't. i think donald trump will win because the real reason people are looking at what is happening at the border. looking at what is happening in their economy and looking at the scale of what's going on
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overseas. looking at this all in a bigger picture and rarely do you see foreign affairs come into play. you will see it this year. i want to go back that i want to emphasize here. the democrats have to be concerned. they won't lose african-american voters. what they are looking at, though, is three and 4% and 5% in different state. if that happens and donald trump is showing those polls at this point and gaining those voters because they don't see improvement in their lives, that's a situation democrats cannot overcome in states like georgia, arizona, hispanic voters in arizona and nevada and other places. >> sandra: on this idea of picking a new candidate and the question whether it's more risky than keeping joe biden on the stage. you say what, leslie? >> i'm laughing with doug on that. we're just -- in a sense we're a lifetime away from the election but just around the corner like tomorrow. it is too late in the game.
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i know that people don't like joe biden, don't vote for him. you don't like his age, don't vote for him. immigration, threat to democracy, abortion, those types of issues. at the end of the day most republicans will vote for the candidate likely trump. democrats will vote for the candidate joe biden and comes down to the sliver of independents in the five states and african-american voters he is losing them in mostly red states that he would not get and did not get last time around. >> sandra: the media coverage of the president's age. poll after poll shows voters are concerned about that. >> are you worried that sometimes issues like age can be dominant but discussions about some of those other issues on policy just don't get the bandwidth they deserve? >> yeah, i think that is a concern. it is easier to focus on age because everybody gets that.
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>> some media watchdogs argue president biden's age has been over covered. overstated and over analyzed. particularly when compared to former president trump's. >> sandra: those examples of what he is calling media watchdogs are liberal journalists or outlets, leslie. so do you, too, agree biden's age is over covered? >> i think it is. any time donald trump trips over his words i don't see the coverage of it that i do with joe biden. and i'm being honest here. both of them are older. i would -- most people would like to see younger candidates. again at the end of the day, you just will see people go i don't like joe biden's age but rather him over trump especially if they are democrats, independents or republicans who voted for trump one or two times before and don't want to do it again. >> the problem is biden's policies. the age issue is because he is the one right now with the
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commander-in-chief title. donald trump shows much more vigor and enthusiasm on the campaign trail. there is a big difference why it is being covered differently. >> sandra: we all have 80-year-olds in our lives somewhere and know they can be varying degrees of with or not with it. thanks to both of you for joining us. appreciate it. spirited discussion. d.a. fani willis not waiting to learn her fate. former president trump probably pretty interested to see what happens. what it all means if she and her lover get tossed off the election meddling case after that wild hearing last week. new outrage over the massive civil fraud judgment against former president donald trump. >> seems to me to be completely out of proportion to the actual loss here, which was nothing. strikes me to be constitutionally extremely dubious. >> sandra: growing calls the punishment did not fit the
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crime. the shocking penalty in trump's civil trial and the next steps in that case. tom dupree, former assistant attorney general will weigh in next. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) were you worried the wedding would be too much? nahhhh... (inner monologue) another destination wedding?? we just got back from her sister's in napa. who gets married in napa? my daughter. who gets married someplace more expensive? my other daughter. cancun! jamaica!! why can't they use my backyard!! with empower,
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>> sandra: breaking news on the death of navalny. investigators told his lawyers and mother they would not release the body of navalny for another 14 days. they are saying some kind of chemical examination will be carried out on him before that date. the opposition leader, of course, died suddenly in a russian prison last week. his widow vowing to continue his fight against the kremlin and
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punish putin for his death. that just in. all right. we're now awaiting a decision in the fani willis misconduct case after a wild two-day hearing last week. we watched it together. a judge could remove the fulton county d.a. from the trump election meddling case. he heard dramatic testimony last week about their affair, their lavish trips together and the lies they supposedly told. >> did you observe them do things that are common among people having a romantic relationship? >> yes. >> such as? can you give us an example? >> hugging, kissing. >> mr. wade is used to women as he told me one thing. the only thing a woman can do for him is make a sandwich. >> did you or did you not by may 30th, 2023, have had sexual
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relations with ms. willis, yes or no. >> yes. >> let's be clear. you have lied -- i'll tell you which one you lied in. right here, right here. no, no, no, this is the truth, judge. it is a lie. it is a lie. >> sandra: jonathan serrie in atlanta. that was some of what we heard over those two days. it got wild in that courtroom at times. >> dramatic testimony. this week the judge in the case is expected to privately hear confidential testimony from a key witness to determine whether any of this testimony is admissible in court or protected by attorney/client privilege. that witness is terrance bradley, a former law partner of nathan wade. he initially testified that a disagreement related to wade's divorce led the two attorneys to end their professional partnership. but under questioning, he later admitted it was something more. >> there is an allegation you
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sexually assaulted the member of the firm. >> there was an allegation. >> as a result of that allegation you left. >> i did. >> you were no longer business partners with mr. wade. >> that's correct. >> fani willis claims she did not become romantically involved with wade until several months after she hired him as a special prosecutor. the defense is trying to prove their relationship began earlier than that and wade rewarded willis with vacation travel. >> every time i took a trip with my lover, i paid him in cash. where the hell did you get the cash? >> republican challenger nikki haley says all this litigation is distracting mr. trump from important campaign issues and that his mounting legal bills threaten to drain republican chances going into november.
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sandra. >> sandra: a lot to take in there. jonathan serrie on that for us. thank you, tom dupree joining us now. great to see you. what is the fate of d.a. willis? >> well, that will be decided in the next week or two, sandra. there is a good chance, in my judgment, this judge will disqualify her from any further involvement based on her conduct in deciding to hire mr. wade. her relationship with him and that sort of thing. there is also a decent chance that people close to the d.a. at some point you would think might step in. take her side and say look, you need to step aside here. we understand you want to maintain your innocence and fight. the greater good and public interest demands you step aside and allow a new team of prosecutors to come into this case. >> sandra: tom, what happens if fani willis is disqualified in the election suit.
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one says it is difficult to imagine any other district attorneys willing to take up this case. the reason for that is the case is so tainted by virtue of a fani willis conflict of interest the whole thing might need to start over and that's a big ask. weigh in on that, tom, has it gone too far? >> a fair point and hard to imagine any d.a. in the state of georgia eager to take over a bit of a moras here. if a new team takes over there is a good chance they might decide to modify the charges, drop certain charges against certain defendants or maybe get rid of the whole case. you can't assume if a new da comes in he or she will take the same approach and make the same decisions willis has taken up to this point. >> sandra: we'll keep watching the next steps. massive backlash over new york's
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civil fraud verdict against donald trump. he promises to appeal after the judge fined him more than $350 million and barred him from doing business in the state for three years. many are saying the enormous financial punishment does not fit the crime. senator ted cruz says it boils down to one thing. >> the judge's decision in new york is an outage. this was a partisan democrat judge adjudicating brought on a case by james. she campaigned saying i will get trump. this is power and trying to destroy donald trump. why? ultimately this is about attacking democracy. they want to stop the voters from voting for donald trump. it is dangerous. >> sandra: some headlines blasting the ruling include trump $355 million civil fraud verdict, the judge found. he inflated his assets.
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this penalty is unreal. another warned dem elites just made him a political martyr. jonathan turley says the obscene award is testing the new york legal system's integrity. the one hope for u.s. businesses is the u.s. supreme court despite the deference afforded to states and courts, the court has occasionally intervened for excessive damage awards. without a single lost dollar from a victim. the court might find that to be a tad excessive. >> i think a lot of americans have legitimate questions. for one thing as you note, the attorney general of new york began her campaign saying she would get donald trump. she then brought a case that was unusual. not produces -- they are unusual
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when you don't have a victim or a bank coming forward saying we were defrauded here. the absence of that. the determination itself with interest, more than $4 hundred million it causes a lot of people to say hey look, this is a victimless crime. no one is saying they were hurt and yet you tag former president trump with a sanctions close to $5 hundred million when the dust settles. the court of appeals will get this case and take a very close look at the trial record, the evidence in determining whether a sanction of this magnitude is warranted. >> sandra: former president trump says new york businesses are going to bolt, tom, after his fraud trial ruling. governor hochul responded with this. >> a law abiding and rule following new yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about. they are very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> sandra: maybe they do have something to worry about, tom? >> i think the worry is if you
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are a business in new york you could get in the crosshairs of an attorney general who again campaigns for office on the theory she will get certain people and get defendants. if you are not one of them maybe you are okay. if you have the misfortune to be in her crosshairs making these campaign political promises to get you, that is a lot of uncertainty and not something a lot of businesses in new york would like to have. >> sandra: tom dupree, thank you. we're days away now, can you believe it, from south carolina, the republican presidential primary there. a huge task for nikki haley's campaign as polls show former president donald trump way ahead of her in her home state. a new wave of illegal migrants raising more national security concerns. >> you have to look at the known and suspected terrorists that have been apprehended along the border. a lot of vulnerability. the number of chinese nationals coming across the border. if americans want a fix to this
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the biden administration has authority. >> sandra: how illegal crossings at the southern border are changing and why the situation at our northern border is raising new worries. ben domenech in "focus" next. i know this might seem out of the blue, but i was wondering if you might pray with me real quick. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed.
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>> sandra: the southwest not the only hot spot. the northern border is also ramping up.
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the "new york post" cover canadian break-in. we're also seeing more reports of sophisticated smuggling operations there. in a small vermont town people are arming themselves over migrant worries, cbp data shows illegal crossings at the northern border are up a whopping 240% from 2022. down south in jacumba, california it is a new illegal crossing epicenter for chinese nationals in particular. fox has witnessed hundreds crossing there over the weekend. lindsey graham demanding action now. >> president trump says let's wait on the border. with all due respect, we cannot wait. it is a national security nightmare. a 2,000% increase in people on the terrorist watch list coming across the border in two years. 5 billion people could be killed by the amount of fentanyl coming across our southern border. i don't want to wait. i want to act now on the border.
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>> bill: bill melugin is in jacumba, california for us. it is unbelievable the numbers of people and from where they are coming that you are learning right now. >> all over the world, sandra. you can see some of those chinese nationals over my shoulder right now waiting for border patrol to pick them up. for whatever reason the cartels have chosen this random remote area an hour east of san diego to start pushing huge amounts of chinese nationals through the border in recent months. take a look at the video we shot a couple hours ago earlier this morning after sun rise. you can see people from all around the world waiting for border patrol to take custody of them and transport them. a lot of adult men from china and turkey, others from middle eastern country. some camped out since last night off the interstate. i was out here last night and got a chance to talk to handfuls of them. where are you from?
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turkey? where are you guys from? ecuador. where are you guys from? china. china. what city in the u.s. do you want to go to? >> los angeles. >> l.a., los angeles. okay. and over the weekend fox news cameras witnesses hundreds of chinese nationals crossing illegally here in this jacumba area. almost all single adults. this is not normal. the number of chinese have been absolutely exploding down here in this san diego sector. to put that in perspective, look at this stunning graphic right here. cbp sources tell us in the last 4 1/2 months since october more than 20,000 chinese nationals encountered at our southern border. compare that to all of fiscal year 2021 when there were only 450 chinese encountered. we're up more than 4,000 percent
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in chinese since fiscal year 2021. it is not just them out here. jenkins ran into a group of men from syria yesterday. listen. >> where are you from? >> syria. >> do you know english? >> so so. >> why are you coming to the u.s.? why come? >> we love america and we need -- a nice life. >> coming for jobs? >> yeah, nice job and because our country very weird. >> those men from syria are what is called special interest aliens according to dhs because they are coming from what is called a special interest country. syria is a state sponsor of terror. those syrian men are supposed to undergo more serious vetting once processed by federal
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authorities. send it back to you. >> sandra: thank you for your reporting on that. ben domenech is joining us now, fox news contributor and editor of the spectator. what are we supposed to make of the 4,000% increase in chinese nationals coming over the border? >> i have to say when we come up with the idea of having laws that are designed to allow people to escape from the most horrid conditions, laws that allow them to claim asylum in situations where their lives are at stake the justification of syria is very weird right now is not something that was intended. that's not the way that is supposed to work. look, i understand your earlier quotation from senator graham. i understand he says we need to do something now on the border. there are two different things that need to happen. one is to have a larger approach to this which i think should wait until republicans have the opportunity to retake the white house and not have this be done
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under the auspices of the extremely progressive biden administration on this front. but on the flip side, i think the demand to have the laws on the books enforced and to be enforced according to their actual priorities is one that has to be hammered away at by everyone who cares about the border within both parties. that is something that i think the president is probably going to have to address in his upcoming state of the union. they've been teasing the idea he will do things when it comes to executive orders the try to clamp down on this. the truth is this is a situation of their own choosing, of this administration's own choosing. the porous borders whether the north or south are now leading to whole populations of people coming into the country who we have never seen before. it is really unprecedented as bill melugin was saying to see this sizeable population coming from places like china and syria. it needs to be addressed as soon
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as possible. we can't wait for another election to deal with this. >> sandra: we see the changing epicenters with those live pictures on california and texas, ben. meanwhile a new opinion piece by our own joe concha is titled hiding biden awoll as america faces crisis after crisis. it notes the robert hur's report. biden's terrible polling, continued high prices hurting americans and the crime crisis driving people out of blue cities. just an excerpt from it. this election year we have an octogenarian president who insists he is the only man for the job and acting like an absentee landlord of the country he is supposed the lead. what is going to happen here, ben? >> in sports you have the idea replacement level player. someone who can come in and deliver on what you expect from
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what is current. as nate silver is writing. biden is acting like a below replacement level president. he is not someone capable of delivering on the kind of promises that he made to people back in 2020 about addressing all the different crises the nation is faces and created more of them. he has led directly his foreign policy weakness has led directly to the war in ukraine. his weakness on the border has led to this type of chaos. i don't believe that they really have any plan within the white house to roll him out there and offer anything that can give americans confidence going into november. that's why i think democrats behind the scenes and increasingly in public are sounding the alarm about the need for something major to adjust on the part of the white house's strategy or potentially for joe biden to be replaced, which again they can do all the way up until the convention in august and even beyond that. >> sandra: you have the denial of the crisis at the border, now the acknowledgement of it.
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we still aren't seeing the president down there doing something physically about it. meanwhile five days until south carolina's republican presidential primary and the state's former governor is pushing hard for votes. >> we need someone who can serve eight years fully working, fully disciplined and ready to get the job done. we can't go and take the chance of doing this with two 80-year-old's. we've defeated a dozen fellow and i have one more fellow to catch up to. >> sandra: that is former president donald trump. polls show haley way behind in her home state. one republican strategist says she must be running a statement campaign adding you want to campaign to win and there is no path to victory for her. she must be running for some other reason. ben, to her point she did thin the field but a long way away
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from donald trump in those polls. >> surviving past the likes of doug burgum. as much as you can respect his political career is not something that boosts you to the point of being the nominee. i will be in south carolina in north charleston, columbia and greenville. one of the things i will hear from a lot of people down there they like nikki haley but liked her as governor but they don't think she is the right person for the job right now. they would prefer to run into the next election with donald trump. it's what we hear from most republicans talking to them. i think it is an election where nikki haley has made her statement already about who she is. she wants to have a political career going forward and so i don't think that she will last much further beyond her home state. in fact, i think you may end up in a situation where donald trump ends up winning every state on the way to the nomination. >> sandra: chris sununu with this prediction if former
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president trump is the 2024 republican nominee. >> the fear is that if trump is the nominee, ultimately biden wins and the next president of the united states is kamala harris. that's the reality of the domino effect trump would have in america. >> i think governor sununu is right to raise the possibility you could end up in a situation with a president kamala harris. the simple fact is it's an argument they've made ever since day one really on the republican side. enough people have heard it and decided they are willing to take that risk in part because of what trump stands for and represents and because they trust him on issues like the border that we're talking about today more than they do almost any other politician in the country. that's been a big difference. a big boost to him. i think what we will see is the weaker joe biden looks as we go along this year, the more that argument is going to fade into
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the background. >> sandra: to your point about kamala harris and those that might want to see her over him charlamagne tha god made that very point over the weekend, right? about biden lacking inspiration and possibly kamala harris would offer more. ben, great to have you on the program today. thank you so much. >> good to be with you. >> sandra: laura ingraham will host a town hall with president trump tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern here on the fox news channel. all right. more questions about this administration's priorities days after the deaths of three american soldiers in the middle east. secretary of state antony blinken took time to focus on another pressing issue, the threat of misgendering and more evidence of what women's sports are actually up against. >> this is happening at all levels, all states, all sports, all ages.
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competing against a mediocre male who beat every female country in the nation by seconds. how can we say that this is fair? >> sandra: former swimmer riley gaines says title ix protections now mean nothing after a transgender swimmer smashed yet another women's record. seattle radio host jason rantz in "focus" next.
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>> sandra: days after the u.s. struck iran proxies who killed soldier in jordan our secretary of state warned his staff about another threat, misgendering. the national review reports in a february 5th memo secretary antony blinken cautioned against problematic gender terms like brave men and women, son and daughter, or husband and wife. he suggested gender neutral terms instead, brave first responders and spouse or partner. senator ted cruz posting as the world burns, the biden administration is focused on the really important stuff. these people are nuts. seattle radio host jason rantz joining us. it does sound nuts.
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there is a lot of important stuff going on in the world. should this be a priority? >> of course not. it is what you do if you're completely unserious about a job at hand. imagine for a moment what our enemies are thinking regardless of whether or not we just dealt with iran. look at any of our enemies. they are looking at our vulnerabilities. right now one of them clearly is this dedication to wokeness that is pushing a lot of americans away because not only are we focused on the wrong things. taking a step back from this one particular department. looking across the board. who is more likely to join the military. folks with 0 interest in being lectured about misgendering. the language that the left uses when it comes to misgendering. in the context of what happened in iran we're told this is harmful. not saying someone's personal pronouns 0 or z, air shaped noises. they don't mean anything and yet we are being told it is harmful.
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what's harmful is the violence against american interests and our allies and that needs to be the focus. >> sandra: a lot of important issues should be the focus. riley gaines meanwhile is outraged after a transgender swimmer broke yet another women's college record saying quote, the male swimmer from ram poe college sets another school record in women's event. now tell me again the strides women have made when society applauds a man for pushing us off our own podium. title ix means nothing at this point. the 1972 civil rights law. she posted this before. less than mediocre male swimmer to a record smashing competing against the women. where have we seen this before?
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how much longer will they let this keep happening? >> until they suffer significant political consequences. the democrats are doing this to their own peril. poll after pole is clear where the american people stand. they want general respect for people transgender. no one is saying otherwise. where we take a stand where we pretend there are no differences between men and women and there clearly are. to a radical activist they don't hold that position. they pretend there are no differences and to the detriment of women who fought for generations for basic fairness, for equal access to sports and sports funding. we have someone biologically male taking away opportunities from biological females. if you want to have competitions with transgender athletes, okay, create a third league where anyone can choose to join. they you are making the choice to compete if you with
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biologically female against biologically male. if you are a kid on any of these teams you feel a lot of pressure not to say anything. the second you step up and say something you are immediately accused of trans phobia when it is just about basic fairness. >> sandra: some believe that separate group shouldn't exist either. either biological male or biological female but something to watch it keeps happening. some people in london are furious at the mayor there over reports about a future art piece in one of the city's most famous sites. it will show casts of the faces of hundreds of transgender prostitutes in trafalgar square with a cost of a million dollars. they were expecting a statute of the late queen elizabeth second. he said that's in the works and supports a fitting memorial to the late queen and not blocked
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the process. quick reaction. >> not all heroes wear capes. they wear dresses and sell their bodies. that we're doing this and considering this seriously is such a joke. it really tells you how far the left has come. you will prioritize this over the queen is just so incredibly silly and it's offensive. no one is asking for this art. no one thinks this is actually important to say as a message, whatever the message is. i guess they're heroes because they are a marginalized community. >> sandra: he denies it is taking priority. there are londoners up if arms about what is happening there. thank you for joining us. and thanks for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm sandra smith and back at 1:00 p.m. eastern on america reports. "outnumbered" is after the break.
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