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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  February 20, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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it's not you, it's your symptoms. so help get ahead of your asthmaca. get to the source. measured with simple blood testing. ask your specialist new colorre: or jimmy, you have something you would like to plug. >> oh, hot the. everybody calm dowore n tour sts march 1st in idaho falls. here's a full list of the dates this summehere'sr. why? gutfeld because the world's on fire. so i'm going to roast some marshmallow'm s some dirtytell jokes. so march 1st, colonial theater, idaho falls. issipp we rock right through to biloxi, mississippi, in july. all right. be aand that's going to be a hot one. >> fox across america. adcom get tickets. come hang out. all righ chart. bring some manure. charlie earth, heather zimmer, jimmy taylor, kat timpf our studio audience boxes news at night. ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm laura ingraham.
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this is >> laura: good evening,in everyone, i am laura ingraham and this isinin "the ingraham angle." thethink it was always for joig us here tyrants and training: that is the focus of tonight's "angle." his donald trump at risk oftical being america's first realnow, political prisoner? i thought a lot about this over the weekend.ew now with the unconscionable financial judgment in that new york civil fraud case, thest fani willis debacle in georgia tose knock trump off state balls and let's not forget jack smith criminal prosecution? what are supporters supposed ton think? there are various ways that. disputes cling to power.p political opposition is eliminated through censorship of opposing view intimidation ofsse freethinkers through harassment and also show trials, of course, imprisonment of the opposition. that is all part of it and always the threats to family.
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members and financial donald trump is facing all of that. now,we how do we know this is al political? aside from new york's totally novel application of fraud statutes or fulton county cans. same's with donald trump running a uncle rico trial, there is a southey point. had trump quietly retired from politics, none of us would have heard about the teacher, fani willis, or jack. they are pros at destroying before it gets too powerful. they are brutally vicious and efficient. china subject cades and tortured muslims and russia crushes the freedom protesters, and then announces sudden death. now, anyone who challenges the ruling authority now knows the o same fate can happen to them. and by the same token, oil list to prove himself to be real followers of the movement, they
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get special privileges and accolades. that is exactly what thew leades of the "get trump" crew are open will happen. fani willis standing on business was a witness. a clinic in black womanhood. tho he has a fraudulent businessman and those house of cards fall e madown but letitia james was t really smart. >> there were many winners today the special prosecutor jack smith and his brilliant legal team kno. >> laura: communist dictators,ng we know what we are getting, we annyare getting tierney. dissent is not tolerated,an period! all toe protect the tranquility and security of the motherland, bowl. north korea, russia, china, the rule of law is perverted and weaponize against inconvenient forces. everyone knows the game. security forces, government lawyers, judges, they are not
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independent. they are all political hatchet man for the communist party. anr thd since 2015 when trumpof announced his run for theon presidency h, financial forces n washington h have been unleashed on it from the deep state to the russia hoax to the lowlife d.a. in manhattan. they call hijailm pro vladimir n as they scramble to put them in jail, bankrupt him and come after his family. l anood by the way, they brag abot it. >> i look forwarard to going ino the office of attorney generalh, every day! defending your rights and then going home! >> we will w rise up together ad we will resist this president! and we will bring him down! [cheers and applause] >> laura: and friday, she bragged about getting her poolta political scalp claiming it will help the little guy. >> today, the court, once again ruled in our favor and in favor
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of every hardworking american who plays by the rules. donald trump and the other defendants were ordered to pay p $463.9 >> laura: this is not what america is supposed to be. this is soviet style political persecution. trump's original appeal camerigg from his message the american system run by and for the globalis t had become against the middle class and that is why i got so much publicity and so many people flock to him in 2015-2016. he focused on the trade policied sending millions of jobs overseas. we engaged in too many analysts, pointless wars.ll weio had out-of-control permanet bureaucracey and of course millions of illegals crossing the border. and america hating radicalss wel taking off the school spirit and of course, on all of that, he imwas right. but in their quest to not nearly
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drive him from politics, but to destroy him personally, they have damaged every institution that used to have prestige and respect. now new york had the crown is t the financiahel capital of the world, but today what entrepreneur would take the risk in new york now? you get sideways with would letitia james, for no wrongdoing byt on the way.o jonathan turley said the impact on new york business is likely to be dire.ho new york is already viewed as a hostile business environment tax with the top end of tax base literally heading south as texad and crime rises. the deep and concerns over arbiter of the law. governor hochul, she knows this is going to backfire. but of course that is the price she is willing to pay parent her political machine has told her to destroy trump, and she's going along with the plan. >> i think that this is really
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an extraordinarily unusualidinan circumstance that the law-abiding and rule following new yorkers who are business people have nothing toou worryum about because they are very different than donald trump and his behavior. >> laura: week, week, weak, weak. trum covp literally defrauded no one. and since covid, many w new yorkers left, left new york taking their business with them. this is another reason for them to bolt, and they will. governor hochul has proven that if you offend the wrong people, they will try to ruin you. lau it is not just corruption in the court system. it is the fbi, cia, doj, sec, fcc, the corporate press, even the military, all of these institutions are supposed tould exist for all of our benefitsbu regardless of politics. politics should never come into play. half of the voting public now believes that those institutions for the most part are just tools
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of the dnc.r thyou don't play ball or you ara disruptor think elon musk or trump, they will eventually make you pay big time. now, let's be clear, trump got 74 million votes in the last election. those people contribute trillions every year t to our g. so, are they all russian sympathizers, insurrectionist, mega maga monster class?si of course not! these aroe decent patriots who the government wanoplet to workh the american people. there are none so blind than thos te who refuse to see. in est the rabbit zeal to stop p not only will they sacrifice their reputations but hersta institutions. at this point, every country in the world understands the fbi and cia are nothing but branches of fbi. that is a terrible message to st send to the world appeared at their own institutions the
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establishment set them self up for a majoh ofr loss. p even if they finish off trumped legally, politically, financially, they will be shocked to discover that forr many, many years to come, their position will be significantly weaker because so many votersfoe and so many leaders and other foreign countries will know beyond any doubt that u.s. institutions have been weaponize for short-term political gain. so people like biden, they canpi huff and puff all they want oute world they look like hypocrites that will do whatever it takes to destroy their own political opponents. look, if they have their way,wh trumenp would rot in jail the r of their life and we all know fl that. they talk about democracy, freedom, following institution, that his no more meaningful from phrases from dictatorsco all over the world. wenmen can only hope the voters correct the situation and give us a government that truly respects the will of the people. otherwise, this notion that america stands for freedom and
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liberty will become harder and harder to take seriously. and that is "the angle" peerage winning a snell sol wisenberg to deputy counsel and fani willis spoke at a church over these weekend and said the scripture people keep sending me is nopros weapon formed against you shall prosper, but just because they don't prosper doesn't mean they won't form, even if you feel like everything you are doing in your life is the right thing. so, she is the victim it looks like, sol wisenberg. >> this is very serious. this is the second time she has made extrajudicial statements that are likely to affect the outcome of the case. it is totally unethical. it is a valid ground, i think, to have her taken off the casehe and to have the case dismissed. now the much worst thing she did was several weeks ago when she
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appeared at the oldest african american church in atlanta and saidsing that the defense attorneys opposing her were racist.oo that is unquestionably unethical. it is tainting a jury pool that overwhelmingly elected her. why aren't more people talking y about this? i'm only aware of one person in the mae mainstream media who hag commented upon this and condemned it. it is very disturbing. >> laura: on this new york lift he should james case and the judgment come it took my breath away when i first saw it on friday. this is an effort to drive him not only out of new york but out of business. and that message to other entrepreneur porous or business people in new york is?e >> don't screw with the unit party. it is not just political candidates that are in the most danger. in a truly radical conservative
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candidate is in great danger but this kind of activity. all you need is a biased result and a d.a.o ac actually runs on indicting you. but really anybody is at risk. any business that runs afoul ofi the orthodoxy and any of the hot button social issues. i think it will have a real effect. it should be very embarrassingnd to the state of new york. and i can come i can't emphasize it enough. she ran on a platform of getting trump and oversaw the case totally improper in my view. >> lauraweis: former prosecutor andrew weissmann along with far left prosecutors are out circling the wagons. watch. >> this is really a decision that will cause a lot of pain, not just because of the number but because of the way ithn whih
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the company is restricted going forward. vevery, very severe decision. >> laura: sol, they want trump not to be able to move freelyndr even in his own companies.n hi they have a minor in his company and barred him from having anything to do with it for three years.i his sons are severely restricted as well. ani have never in my life witnessed anything like this when there is actually no victim and when the banks as a goodd friend of mine mentioned overe n the weekend, did their own due diligence on these loans. >> there io s no loss. the judge close about that inte the opinion. really, you don't need it under the statute. what he is doing is disgorging ill-gotten gains by trump allegedly, ill-gotten gains. but if there was no financiale loss by anybody, if people likeu
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deutsche bank testified, wence, wanted to do business with him but we did our own due diligence, how can therapy improper game to be disgorged? as for mr. wiseman, he is an expert on prosecutorial overreach. as you know, it is almost unheard of. yo u have to be pathetic to have the judge mentioned in yourth violation in an opinion and thae is what happen with him several. years ago when he was a prosecutor. >> laura: sol,p is any chance w, get to bring that up is a good night for me.g sol, thank you so much. o we are days away from trump taking haley on her home turf. the latest of the state of the race next. plus behind the scenes of thnae trump town hall in greensboro south carolina tomorrow night. you don't want to miss it. stay there.
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪sout >> laura: just days away fromnt the south carolina primary where nikki haley is down 31 points in her home state according to theh rcp average. but haley thinks the nomination is hers to lose. d >> i'm not stopping. i'm not going anywhere. we are going to do this for the long haul and finish it.if >> does that mean you will not support him if he is the republican nominee? that meanster. i will run and is
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going to win. you can talk about support later but you can ask him if he will support me lau when i'm the nom. >> laura: joining us victor david hanson of senior fellow ax hoover institute and fox news contributor. victor, politicians always do this until the last minute when .they do drop out, but this is kind of what happened to jiml bush in florida all of those years ago in 2016.that so, she essentially what working for biden at this point? that is what the conspiracy theorists think.e is >> she is getting close to thats point. there is a lot of strategiest pure george bush, remember 1980 kept at it even though he didn't have a chance to win. and maybe ronald reagan in '76 lost the first seven about polling ahead and all of the subsequent primaries and won's home state by 65 points. so i don't see any of thosep mi scenarios for her. i guess maybe she thinkssh
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donald trump might have legal problems and then she would step in. the only other alternative, she will go the full liz cheney and become a never trump her. i don't know what the strategy. she is hurting her chances forru 2028. >> laura: she has an enormousurd amount of money that the plutocrats have poured into our coffers. if she wants a political future at a all, and i said this after iowa, she wants a political after i willout ng.well but she keeps it going, keeps it going. at this point, what is the point? other than to helpng biden? >> well, i will disagrees slightly and it's always a badth idea to disagree with victor davictor davis hanson and that e won't have any shot in 2028. it will not hurt her chances because it was so low anyway.
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nikki haley represents the past, a call back though a long timen, ago. and in a way come i think what she represents and sort of the last-ditch act of ae republican party thacot wants to be more corporate to us, lest populist, less in touch with its own voterson t. that is, unfortunately, the fal person you ended up with as the last fall back in case oflega donald trump having the kind of legal problems that you referenced. it is something that i think is increasingly unlikely.he that j is why you see the desperation from the joe bidenhg white house because they thought they had all of these outs appear they thought they had al' of these opportunities to undo donald trump success this year through legal and yet, what we see after the fani willis situation andng everything you represented inog yourue opening monologue, those chances are going awayg aw very rapidly. m theae american people are seen through them, which means your have to beat donald trumowp on
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your own terms, something that looks increasingly unlikely for joe biden to be able to >> laura: i want to get back to the destruction of these time honored institutions in a moment that the democrats are plu willing to sacrifice in their many about trump. the publisher of "the new york times" over the weekend said biden is a historically unpopular incumbene and the oldest man to ever hold this office.wh we reported on both of thoseset realities extensively and the, white house has beenth extremely upset about it.ou victor, the word came out over the weekend that the white house is furious that the press has i finally picking up on the fact that biden is deteriorating and has been for quite some time ey abefore our eyes. they are mad about it. >> yeah, i think it feeds into the scenario that you have a cognitively challenged president and nonpresent in fashion. he is unpopular. everyone os f th his issues arey
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unpopular and they were headed for defeat, they think. and so, that puts the onus on fani willis, alvin bragg, jack smith, e. jean carroll, you name it, alvin bragg. what they are trying to do is achieve something that they either can't do at the ballot box where they don't have any popularity, no and i think nikki haley doesn't understand that she's getting into a situation by upping the v criticism of trump. people view her as on that sidea the low-fare side of the system that is doing everything it can to destroy donald trump because i have no other option because they are not on the right side of history on the issues. as i said earlier, everybody agrees that he's inert. and the question isn't whether he will makeye it the next four years. the real question, is he going to make it in the next nine
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months? >> laura: victor and ben, thank you. good to see both of you. let's go to south carolina where a team is working hard behind the scenes to get everything set up for tomorrow's hour-long town hall with former president trump. i will be there in a few hours to see for myself.o. 20 make fox news contributor, raymond arroyo. you get to see it before it th . how is it looking out there? >> laura, it incredible a prizei fight ring behind me and i will be in your corner, your cut man. will be incredible. hundreds of people would be standing and sitting behind us tomorrow. this is, of course them at the scene for tomorrow trump bit town hall. trump together for an hour. b in a little bit i will be joined by a group of undecided voters. hai have been talking to them al afternoon. the things they have told me commit is curious what the big issues are this year for what is holding back their vote. we will share all of that before
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the show was over. >> laura: do we have any -- o that we will hand out?ay or is it likmoe regular candy? >> i will see what is in my bag. >> laura: okay, going back backward. all right, raymond. i will see you laterwith in thew with undecided voter panel. n nextat, the real reason europe needs us to pay for nato. tulsi gabbard next to respond.
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>> s >> so damaging when trump said he would choose vladimir putin and encouraged to invadelies nao allies. >> why is donald trump soan enamored of vladimir putin?na >> part of it is he is a wannabe dictator. he said the other day let'sid
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basically get out of nato and encourage putin to do what he wants. >> he said and ally did not pay their dues. he encouraged "to do whatever the hell they want." on >> laura: reality check, europe has been free writing on the american taxpayer, american military for now close to eight asdecades. even though all compliant, itt still has gdp pretty much matching hours, it is incapableh of defending m "the new york times" is even reporting the security conference scuttlebutt i ts thes most striking thing and the conversations about russia was the widespread acknowledgment that europe's military modernization plans first announce nearly two decades agon were moving far too slowlyow to match the threat that russia now i poses. joining me tulsi gabbard, fox news contributor.ur tulsi, donald trump said you had to pay your own way to .5% of
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gdp, and most nations have notpu gotit to that level but trump pro putin sympathizer for saying that? >> laura, you have seen this tactic before where the bidenrt administration and hillary clinton and all of these warmongers start fearmongering. it is because they are trying ti distract the american people away from what is actually happening. when you look at what trump is doing, he is talking about very real issues the american peopleu care about. he is talking about our open borders, biden borders areee destroyingts. he's talking about rampant crime in the streets and now with nato, he is forcing the american people and nato members to become confronted with some vers serious and important questions for us. what is the role of nato? does our membership in nato serve our national security interest? if it does, how much are we thes
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american people willing to put on the line and our taxpayer dollars and an american lives. how much are these nato members willing to put on the line and their money and the lives of their citizens? we cannot allow ourselves, thehe united states of america, the american people to continue to be in this position where nato expects us to put up our money, put up the lives of my brothers and sisters in uniform treo protect them when they are not even willing to do that for themselves. >> laura: i want to remind everyone what donald trump said about nato, which caused such ah huge controversy back in 2017. they never forgot this, watch. >> nato members must finally contribute their fair share and meet their financial obligations. 23 of 28 member nations are still not paying what theyno should be this is not fair to the people and taxpayers of the united states. over the the last eight years, e
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united states spend more on defense than all other nato countries combined.e >> laurane: he out of that which you are never supposed to orders that everybody is to pay their fair share.emen there has been some improvement, tulsi, on this but clearly toe new york times" had concede quoting those officials ine munich that they are stilli not anywherenk near where they have to be if they think will lift the way lithuania, estoniaa lafayette, ukraine will be invaded by vladimir putin tomorrow. >> that is right. you know, it is interesting that biden, hillary clinton and the warmongers don't want this conversation to happen. they don't want this very simpl question to be asked: why did ii take donald trump to try to pressure these countries into paying the bare minimum toto? maintain their membership in nato if they were really that
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concerned about russia invading their countries and the safetyu security well-being of their e citizens? don't yoliu thindk they would b lining up making thesene investments in their ownem security, putting themselves on the line to defend themselves? this is a harsh reality that wey need to be confronted with hereo in ournt own country and these nato members need to be confronted with as well. >> laura: what do you think the reaction would be, tulsi, biden, kamala harris, antony blinken went around college campuses emmett basically made the pitch for the u.s. to go to war for former hinkeastern european countries. do they think that will work t politically for them and a groundswell desire for us to go really all in? >> and this is, this is really the sad and sickening truth is that people like antony blinken, hillary clinton, and others who
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are so willing to go wage these wars and other countries. they are willing to sacrifice, v other people's lives. i've been to ukraine a few times. i went there actually during my r deployment in iraq in w i made some great friends in ukraine who are terrified nowrc that their husbands are going tr be forcibly drafted to go fightd in this war. they are angry that the united states has stood in the wan y attempts to bring a peacel d, oresolution to this war. once again, who is behind this and who is profiting from it? ukrainian lives are being sacrificed almost 500,000, and you have these people in the military industrial complex saying, "no, keep fighting this war because they are not willing to put themselves or their children on the line." >> laura: tulsi, great to see you as always, thank you. texas locks down its borders, chinese national or palm rushing
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california puritan new disturbing report from the ground. stay there next. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> laura: four men are accused of robbing andcago strangling au 49-year-olggd man in chicago. new reporting suggest they may
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be here illegally. c joining us with all the details. dan springer. dan, what can you tell us?s this happened saturday afternoon and by all accounts a violent crime on aownt chicago train. a 49-year-old man was beaten, choked, robbed while writing that train. pothere was lia quick response arrest of four suspects within 45 minutes. they range from 18 to 22 and all facing serious felony charges ov robbery and aggravated battery strangle. they all gave 300 block south plymouth court as their address. we know that there is a large city run migrant shelter in what was a long-standing private club in that walk. it opened last may with more than 700 migrants and could go oup to 1200. chicago police would only say that "our office cannot confirmed an individual's legal status or exact address of residence."
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since august 2022, chicago hasem 35,000 migrants flown up from the southern border. 13,000 of them moved to shelters and it is costing the city of fortune. the governor in cook county board president as the stateal legislature for another $250 million to deal with the crisis. the city has already spent gro nearly double that there is growing tension in the. city what to do and how much they should cost birds of fouran men accused of this crime are currently being held and expected to be in courtco tomorrow. laura. >> laurauple: dan, thank you. to them, california wheree illegals are pouring in from around the globe, fox news correspondent who has been all over this, bill melugin has alll the details, bill. >> laura, good evening to you. over my shoulder, you can see ad camp full of illegal immigrants all around the world, including china and theaste middle east as this area. an hour east of san diego's new cartel smuggling hot spot. take a look at t this video we shot earlier in -- remarkablelo
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image with huge long line of migrants scaling a massive steep rocky mountains in an effort tod get into o who kuma here. they climbed over the mexican side and walked down this mountain, incredibly dangerous and made it to the bottom and i talked to some of them here thes came all over the place. take a listen. >> where you guys from? columbia? where you from? >> colombia. >> where you from? >> brazil. >> kazakhstan. y >> where you from? >> kazakhstan, kazakhstan, keswick stand?d fo where you from? brazil. >> in the meantime hundreds of chinese and nationals crossingju illegally in the san diego sector including jacumba and t number of chinese exploding and this is not normal. to put in perspective for you. take a look at this graphic, telling fox news four and a half
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months since october 1st, more than 20,000 chinese nationalsute encounter at our southern border. that is up more than 4000% over all of fiscal year 2021 and there weremigr just 450 migrants encounter. and laura, the politics of the california border, obviously, very different than texas.ther out here and no razor wire, notn shipping containers, no state troopers, no national guard. california is theya sanctuary se and not trying to stop any of this. i will send it back to you. >> laura: bill, thank you so much. next, a panel of undecided south carolina voters tell us what issues matter most to them and what can trump say tomorrowe in our town hall to win their votes. stay there. ♪ ♪
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march and april, may and june. he, by his own words, said he. will spend more time in court than he is on the campaign trail. that is a problem! republicans will not win up donald trump is the nominee.olls ♪ ♪ >> laura: now, she iubles trailg in the polls by double digits, t but that yesterday's foxturd town hall with nikki haley movee the needle in saturday'sm primary? what do voters need to hear from her or trump to make their decision? we decided te, so ask them.ot ramin is back in south carolina with a panel of undecided voters, jason, tracy, eric,ee dakota, and matt, all right, ray, it is great to see the panel there? >> what was the biggest issue fosue r them and number one isse they go to the polls and whatimi was it?ou immigration bureau the border a and immigration. why? jason, you are pastor but why are you concerned about this issue? >> just ththise amount of fenta anand drugs coming over.een
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i have been to way too many funerals of people who overdosed on fentanyl and the resources being used tusedo house migrants could be used to help them, the, homeless here. >> tracy, you also concerned about the border and what to do about the 10 million people who have come into the country under biden. >> that is what i'm worriede. about, the logistics of finding these people and sending them back home. gre nikki haley said e-verify does i what she would use. that is great, but criminals are notknow looking for jobs. e-verify will not affect them.nm i would like to know how we can ta iget them. >> the code is a student in south carolina. you are concerned about thenk border. why? you would think that students would be concerned about this.cs >> because at school i started criminology and my colleagues are talking about it all the time aboutit the f epidemic froe border and ravaging even our campus. >> matt, you're a big concern?
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>> the wall has not been cold completed and we have to get that done but i cannot met an i american who will live open the door. >> eric, this you were impression about early. >> human trafficking it for me. destroying our america as far as the thought of children being r molested seconds me. >> meals also. laura, i know you have a question for the panel. >> welcome i would like to know what everyone thinks about the additional request for $60 billion more for ukraine, trump tried to get $5 billion for a law and merely reject and for his time in office.on so that put us up $160 billion for ukraine and l obviously at m stalemate there. >> yeah, who supports more funding for ukraine? oh, i got one in the back. why? >>east it's about defending ukr. from russia, but i would ats least like to know where the sen money is going to appear there
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has to be a sense of accountability. we continue to sin so much money but when is another country l going to pay their way? u >> go ahead, tresa. i would like to see squeeze russia financially so they are not able to continue the war more than throwing money at zelenskyy and not knowing where it is going. >> accountability, where's theeh money going? who was getting it? ukraine just lost the city. and they said they had no weapons. where's thome e money for that? >> i know some of you also were concerned about inflation and what ithatast is doing. that was kind of the second-tiei issue. why is that so important?oing how are you feeling at this community, a request work >> going to the grocery store, youo buy hamburger helper because it is so expensive for the average family. they can afford it. what are they going to do? they can afford it. >> and other big issue and youda heard haley raise it, she has made the age of donald trump and
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joe biden central to hers campaign. does donald trump's age concern you all?ld >> no. >> not me. ld t>> no. >> we tried to go more to younger people running for office. >> a okay. laura, another question.: we >> laura: well, i think the bottom line is what do you think our role should be in the world when $37 trillion in debt and we can't defend our own border?d i mean, people are being calledg pro putin sympathizers if they don't think we are spreadingin yourself too thin. b do you think the pro putin sympathizer line by haley and s others, is that fair or accurate given what so many voters and obviously trump believes? >> no, go ahead, jason, i nod. >> no, like i said, we are spending way too much money. no american voter should beh th homeless in this
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>> matt,h you want to add? i would agree with what he said and not standing by putin byby supporting ukraine. the issue is we need to know where the money is going and why haven't other countries who want ukraine to win this war pay their fair share? >> tresa, they have tried tosupp pitch this if you don't support sendinyog more money to zelensky in ukraine, you are putin sympathizers.g en >> how about becomingd independent energy and all that well he is selling to europe, china and whatnot? then he won't be able to fundmod the war. >> dakota, do you have any concern about this? i energy independence is very important. we built two big dogs in germany to give them energy but when we were making it under the trump administration but those docs are not being used because biden cut it all down.line >> that east pipeline. >> what do you make of nikki haley's contention that donald trump will spend the resa of the campaign in a trial, in a
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courthouse? does that concern you? >> you half to look at the charges in general. you can actually see how bogus they are. >> bogus or not, he will be inel court. it is a little bit of a concern. i do think they are bogus, but it might be concerning. >> eric. >> all of these cases have helped trump in the polls. >> i pt doesn't seem to be hurth him. go ahead, laura, you want to something else else. >> dakota, the issue of gun control that they like to call gun safety is something the left things will really get suburbanu women out there and other young people that they were concerned about that. do you think that is something that will be effective push for the democrats? >> definitely do. i think the democrats will playe their games like they usually do, but at the end of the day, this is a constitutional issue. they need to understand the constitutional it says the second amendment is the freedom for the right to bear arms.
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so i think we need to not be looking at taking that away. i think that will be very important. i know my members in college republic chapter think it is very important. >> matt, you voted for donald trump last time. not this time. what is holding you back?im >> i wouldn't say this time. i wouldn't classify it as that but the thing i want to hearite from donald trump quite some time, we hear the vendetta but i want to hear the plan to movemoe the country forward. let's put the past behind and let's not worry who we have to pay back. let's worr y about how to moves co the country forward. > l laura, we'll let you clot out with a panel. y >> laura: guys, what do you need to hear from former president trump tomorrow to make your decision on whom you will vote for? >> for me, how is he going to win. we have to win. west have lost two national elections back-to-back. he said it is about the winning, let's win. >> what do>>hat you want to he tracy? i would like for him to stop
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calling people names. he hast great policies. let's hear about the policiesan and move on. >> it s waneet to see how he wl bring inflation down. because it is effective. i can't read as many people as i normally would. >> guys, we are out of time pure nel laura, we will see you tomow and bring the panel back to lood town hall. t wait, raymond, panel, we will see you tomorrowi we will be there in a few hours. remember, tune in tomorrow and if you have questions you want me to ask donald trump, you can't tweet me or x me is what they areow calling it now and i will consider asking thosel be questions. we will be in greenville, south carolina, this will belicy foreign policy, domestic policy, legal policy, the weaponization of government, the borde r >> carley: it is a busy day in
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south ca a


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