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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 20, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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will be all over him. if trump filibusters lo cares. >> my caution to biden is i get why he maybe wouldn't but donald trump will lean into the narrative of he is hiding because he is not up to it. and voters will believe that if he doesn't show up. he needs to show up and debate. >> that's a good point. >> todd: joe, they are not wrong. >> they are not wrong. i don't think joe biden will debate donald trump in the end. he will say i will not give a stage or share a stage to main feel is beneath me. in some sort of form they will make an excuse to not do one or two or three of those debates 70 million people watching because there is no teleprompter to save joe biden in those situations. they will find excuse to get out and hope to win by the basement strategy. it's not going to work guys. people will not accept that. >> carley: joe. thanks for joining us. have great day. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> steve: thank you very much, carley and todd. welcome aboard, folks. it is 6:00 a.m. on the east
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coast. it is tuesday, february 20th, 2024. that's a lot of 20s, this is "fox & friends." primary week in the state palmetto state of south carolina. nikki haley schedule today at noon a state of the race speech. after making her case to "fox & friends" yesterday. >> americans have said they don't want a trump-biden rematch. put in someone who can spend 8 years disciplined, no drama, no vendettas no, chaos. >> griff: plus, wild videos showing migrants scaling mountains in southern california and some of them where they are from may surprise you. watch. >> syria. >> where are you from. >> kazakhstan. >> where are you guys from? -- >> ainsley: a crash finish at the daytona 500 as william by run gets his first daytona win.
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the champ is going to join us live this morning. >> lawrence: we love it. "fox & friends" starts right now and fox is better with friends. >> ainsley: always. >> steve: mornings are better with news. we start with a fox news alert on this tuesday that kind of feels like a monday. at noon today. nikki haley is expected to deliver what she is referring to as a state of the race speech in greenville south carolina. >> carley: former governor is making a major push to narrow that gap ahead of this saturday's primary in her home state of south carolina. the latest poll from the citadel shows her trailing former entrepreneurship by more than 30 points in south carolina. >> griff: that's quite a gap. haley is vowing to push forward and the super pac supporting her is pouring money into states holding contests on march 5th we know is super tuesday. >> lawrence: so one haley backer saying, quote: south carolina is really a rough state. it's a very trump-friendly state. our hope is that nikki haley can
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make it respectable in south carolina. and move on to super tuesday. more on that speech in a minute. but, first, to a divong story on donald trump. the former president top new york assets like trump tower could be on the chong block after judge ruled against him in a civil fraud trial. >> steve: former president ready to pay the nearly $400 million bond needed for an appeal madeleine rivera is latest. >> those trump shoes cost nearly $400. anyway, look, former president trump's team says they will appeal the $355 million judgment against him. even when they do so, his attorney says they will have to post a bond which is the full amount and then some. it's unclear how he will fork that over. there is speculation he could sale assets from sprawling real
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estate portfolio could include trump power, trump avenue. trump did not confirm whether these properties are on the chopping block. they did say they're prepared to chop bond as they appeal. greater than the g.d.p. of some countries like micronesia a scare tactic. >> call it close to $400 million for something that he did nothing wrong. look, it's no coincidence and i will say it, they know by looking at his statements of financial condition that this guy is worth a lot of money. billions and billions of billions of dollars. >> new york attorney general letitia james praised the case against trump saying no one is above the law. she accused trump of defrauding businesses and banks for years. some say the judge's ruling will push invest wanted away from the big apple. >> i would never invest in new york now and i'm not the only person saying that.
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this has nothing to do with trump. nothing to do with trump. forget about trump. this is not a trump situation. this is a new york problem now. >> trump is expected to appeal within 30 days. >> steve, lawrence, ainsley and griff. >> steve: thank you very much. >> ainsley: we were all in shock when we heard that nikki haley has a big announcement and speaking at noon today. she also that's in greenville, south carolina. she is going to drive up to the clemson area. she has a rally at 6:00. everyone is wondering is she going to drop out at noon going into her state where she is behind 30 points, might not look great if she loses in her home state if she wants a political future. but she does have this rally in clemson. would she cancel that if she does drop out? >> steve: it's interesting. because she was on our program yesterday and essentially secretary of defense that she would continue to run as long as it makes sense. here's the thing. she knows that and as lawrence was talking about a moment ago, that south carolina is a very tough state because trump is
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very friendly there. is very popular there. but she has got all this -- all these donors and all this money going into the super tuesday states where there are a number of open primaries. and, in fact, south carolina is only. you can be a republican, a democrat, independent and vote in saturday's primary. but, if you voted in the democratic primary, you can't do it. so, if i had to guess, she is going to say the state of the race is we're packing the halls, a lot of people are excited and we are in it to win it through super tuesday. >> lawrence: that's going to be the question though. is she going to stay in it. and as you rightly noted, steve, the one thing that she is banking on is 11 of those states that have those open primaries. one of the one things that has ticked off republican voters in a republican primary because they don't want -- you can make the case that she has independent voters typically candidates start to focus on
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those independent voters. candidate voting in our primary, griff? >> griff: any south carolinian running for office with that big of a gap in the polls would never do so but for the one thing that's really going this her favor, which is what she told you guys yesterday is people don't want a biden-trump rematch. watch. >> but this is a fact we can't have two 80-year-old candidates being our only choices. 70% of americans have said they don't want a trump-biden rematch. 59% of americans have said trump's too old and biden is too old to be president. let's put in someone that can spend 8 years disciplined, no drama, no vendettas, no chaos and let's get some real things done for our children, our grandchildren and future generations. that should be our focus.
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>> griff: she has got a point. if you add their ages together it's like 106-plus years old. that's why part of what she is making there. that poll that we just showed. put it up again if you can. preferred g.o.p. candidate among south carolinian primary voters, 64-31. that is a big number and considering that if either trump or biden were to win, they would be essentially lame ducks because they can't run for another race, she has to come back to this state. >> steve: there's a reuters story out this morning that talks about how nikki haley has got at least a dozen big donors and analysts who spoke to them. and they said that they believe trump's pending -- four pending criminal trials could force him out leaving haley as the heir apparent. >> ainsley: i think that's what she is counting on, right? >> steve: there are a lot of people who like anti-trump candidate. it's appealing to people because you are wondering why are they putting so much money in there where she is behind?
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ultimately, she can't continue to come in second. >> ainsley: people in south carolina are telling me it depends on the neighborhood. did you go into some of the rural areas they like trump. see all the trump signs in their yard. if you go into some of the more of the city areas, where you do have the college educated individuals, you have people with larger houses, they have nikki haley signs in front of them. but we have a lot of blue collar workers in south carolina. south carolinians love that state. and they go to church on sunday. they are happy just putting food on their table, saying their blessing with their kids. putting their kids to bed and giving them a normal life. just a regular life. not a ton -- a ton of wealth in south carolina. so, you know, they love trump down there. they like what he stands for. and south carolinians they love to hunt and fish and church. and they like donald trump. they like nikki haley. she was our governor. >> steve: twice. >> ainsley: this and they do like her. they like tim scott. but they love how trump is so
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strong. >> lawrence: here an opportunity to hear from the folks of south carolina. laura ingraham is going to be doing a town hall with donald trump. she is also going to join us 8:30 about a preview on what she plans on asking the former president at this town hall tonight from the great state of south carolina. >> steve: we are going to south carolina. we are going to be there on thursday. and we are going to be there on friday. >> ainsley: trump arrives at 1:45. he will be in greenville. trump and nikki haley will be there today in south carolina. >> steve: meanwhile, let's talk about the other guy. joe biden. you know, he has made it very clear he's running. he's not dropping out. but nate silver the guy from 538, the highly esteemed pollster essentially says that given the state of the race, let's go back to the state of the race, joe biden would lose today to donald trump. and lose significantly. and he said he put out in his silver bulletin yesterday that joe biden is probably a below
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replacement level candidate. think about that. below replacement level candidate at this point because americans have a lot of extremely rational concerns about the prospects of a commander-in-chief who would be 86 years old by the end of his second term. it is entirely reasonable to see this as disqualifying. it is also reason for democrats to be the adults in the room and acknowledge that someone who can't sit through a super bowl interview isn't someone the public can trust to have a physical and mental stamina to handle international crisis, terrorist attack, or some other unforeseen threat when he will be in his mid 80's. >> lawrence: such an important point. we played some of that charlamagne interview he did this week and you hear the criticism of joe biden. if you listen more and more to the clip. the only reason why he was criticizing joe biden because he thinks that donald trump can beat him. when you are looking at all of this analysis from democrats, progressives that are now criticizing joe biden. they are criticizing him for one
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reason. they want him replaced on the ticket because they don't feel like he can beat donald trump. it's not because they don't agree with joe biden's policies. they agree with him. they just don't think that he can be elected again. >> ainsley: this is a different joe biden than it was three years ago. they put him on the ticket because he beat president trump earlier a few years ago. but we have seen his -- we have seen because of hits mental acuity he can't finish sentences. bless his heart. is he like tripping down the stairs. do we really see him as our next president again? is he a leader? is he someone that is feared by other leaders across the world? >> >> griff: the determination, the answer to that question may be left up to delegates at the democrat convention this summer because they are not bound. we will find out. setting aside comments of decline. i just flew back in from jacumba, california. the issue of immigration itself may tank a biden or democrat nomination for president because americans are seeing. and the reason why i was in ha
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couple ba and why melugin took over for me where i just flew over, it is out of control. this video is migrants right from mind where i was doing live shots scaling down the mountain. jacumba 60 miles east of san diego proper. there is no wall like governor act, there is no wire. there are no containers. it's. >> steve: it's a mountain. >> griff: entire state of california is a sanctuary state. no law enforcement, no state or local law enforcement can cooperate with federal authorities to deal with this. and don't forget, as of january 1st of this year, all of these migrants, coming dhiewn mountain, by simply crossing the border into california qualified for free healthcare in california. >> ainsley: that's crazy. >> griff: just process that for a moment. by the way, did i bring some show and tell for you. these are id cards. mexican temporary visa i.d. cards. you will see all the names on
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them are chinese. they discard. they throw these down at the border. the second they cross. because they have temporary status, protection in mexico. but they don't want that because their goal is to come to the u.s. >> ainsley: held by a migrant that crossed the border. >> steve: chinese. which we have been talking about for a little while. obviously mexico has processed them. they have said essentially, go ahead. head north. laredo, that way. >> griff: a pass through. >> ainsley: forget remain in mexico. these are issued by the mexican government. >> griff: they don't want to be in mexico. they want to be in the u.s. they want jobs qualify for asylum. shear little bit guys of what they told us. >> where where are you from. >> india. >> griff: as you can see at love migrants here. this gentleman is from cameroon. >> cameroon. >> where are you from. >> georgia. >> georgia? >> i'm from colombia. >> where are from you? why are you coming to the u.s.?
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why come. >> because we love america. we need a nice life. a nice life. >> griff: coming for jobs? >> yeah. a nice job. a nice -- because our country very -- >> where are you from you. >> colombia. >> colombia. >> brazil. prime brazil. >> brazil. >> kazakhstan. >> kazakhstan? where are you guys from. >> kazakhstan. >> kazakhstan. kazakhstan? >> yeah yeah. >> where are you from. >> brazil. >> lawrence: so important to note, too. if you were to take these claims in front of an immigration judge based on some of the stuff they were saying, none of them qualify for asylum. coming here for economic reasons is not a marker to get into the country and, plus, they didn't go to a port of entry. i think it's important to note as you look at canada and you look at california, these
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crossings that are up now you will see a lot of that texas you may have seen some of the video over the weekend. those texas texas dps officersl as the national guard are crossing them back. crossings are coming way down at the southern border in texas. going to start seeing folks come from canada. the cartel are very sophisticated they will shift their operation in a heart beat. >> griff: they have a global travel agency. it was like a united nations conference there. did you listen to that? everybody from kazakhstan, to syria, a state sponsor of terror to afghanistan. along with the chinese, colombia, brazil, peru, ecuador. it's unbelievable the entire world now is coming because the cartels are exploiting our vulnerabilities which is now out west. >> steve: ultimately, because the administration says it's okay. they are going to get a day in court in 15 years. >> griff: catch and release. >> ainsley: unbelievable when you see that video. no wall. no border patrol agents out
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there. they just walk right. in you he find the ids on the ground. thank you so much, griff, for that reporting. >> steve: they are looking for those, by the way. >> ainsley: turn now to more headlines going to start this in texas. we just covered border in california now to texas. it is day 6 in the search for this little 11-year-old girl. she disappeared last week in livingston, texas. audrey cunningham last seen at school bus stop on thursday morning. the missing child's neighbor who has a criminal history has been taken into custody as a person of interest. he lives in a trailer behind the family's home and police are still looking for his chevy suburban. police arresting a student in connection with to a deadly dorm shooting at the university of colorado, colorado springs which left two people dead. nicholas jordan is facing murder charges and is being held on a million dollars bond. a vigil was held on the campus yesterday for the victims. 24-year-old male student. a 26-year-old woman who did not attend the school.
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the founder of wikileaks, making a last-ditch effort to avoid being extradited from the u.k. here to the u.s. where he faces spying charges. julian assange faces 17 counts of espionage and one count of computer misuse after wikileaks was accused of stealing and leaking government documents over decade ago. hundreds of protesters surrounding the house in london chanting for his freedom. president biden's touting response to the east palestine train derailment. some east palestine president don't agree he has been there since day one like he claims. >> 54 weeks ago, our lives changed forever. should have been the first thing on the leader of the free world's desk and the 54 weeks later, is he going to come and show accountability. >> ainsley: president biden waited 378 days before visiting that area last friday. and new overnight, elon musk
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providing an update in neurolinks first human patient who had a chip implanted in their brain. in an interview broadcast on x last night, musk said that some good progress is being made. >> the patient seems to have made a full recovery with no ill effects we are aware of, and is able to control the mouse around the screen just by thinking. >> ainsley: kurt the cyberguy is going to join us later on this incredible technology and tell us all about it. daytona 500 well worth the wait. u.s. army and gain the rock johnson helping to kick things off after the race was pushed off a day because of the rain. the great american race taking a stunning turn with about 8 laps to governmental now logano the outside they can't get around. oh. >> gets turned by william byron. laney, gets caught up. truex, hamlin and more. >> gosh, nearly half of that 40 car field getting caught in that
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massive crash. once the race resumed william byron in the number 24 car would end up taking first place securing his first career daytona 500 win after leading just the final four laps and is he going to join us next hour to discuss that wild finish, congratulations. we look forward to talking to him, those are some of your headlines, lawrence, hands it over to you. >> lawrence: thanks, ainsley. a fox news alert the biden administration will reportedly call on the u.n. to push for a temporary cease-fire in gaza ahead of the security counsel's vote. it's a sharp u-turn from biden's claims about standing with israel in its fight to defend itself from hamas terrorists who murdered more than 1200 innocent israelis. still holds more than 100 100 hostage. gospel congressman cory mills sits on the foreign affairs committee and was in israel after the hamas attacks and joins us now. congressman, you know, when you look at what is happening on the ground, when i talked to some of my friends that are in the idf. those terrorists and hamas are on the run. their leaders are trying to
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escape the country. why would he encourage a cease-fire now? >> well, unfortunately, lawrence, this is about politics joe biden is worried about upcoming election. he has seen what congresswoman rashida tlaib has made comments on in michigan regards to the muslims in the area of dearborn. this is purely politics over strategy. let's put this in perspective the israelis october 7th is the equivalent of america's 9/11. and could you imagine the outrage if we were told during our invasion of afghanistan that we should do a temporary cease-fire against al-qaeda or against taliban? that's essentially what you are saying here let's not forget. >> the israelis have made it very clear rescue of hostages. if hamas was actually willing to make hostages. if qatar was able to apply the necessary pressures. these pressures wouldn't need to be had.
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that was actually resulted just recently in gaza. the rescue of two israelis who are actually being held hostage you t. would seem and suggest this has become political. these are the comments from squad member rashida tlaib she represents the michigan area. let's watch. >> it's also important to create a voting block. something that is a bull horn to say enough is enough. we don't want to support wars and bombs and disruption. we want to support life. we want to stand up for every single life killed in gaza. this the way you can raise our voices. don't make us even more invisible. right now we feel completely neglected and unseen by our government. if you want us to be louder, then come here and vote uncommitted. >> lawrence: i don't understand how she is even still in the house after comments like that continue. she still is not condemning what
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is happening with hamas. >> well, that's right. not to mention the fact she was only one of two members in the entire house chamber who voted present when it came to saying that hamas should not come here and get benefits under immigration. >> lawrence: that's right. >> she has been pro-palestine the same way ilhan omar pro-somali when both of them swore an oath to protect america. look, the bottom line is joe biden is continuing to become more and more radicalized and even joe manchin has said that biden back when he was a senator is not how he is today where he is falling prey to the radical left. and so we need to be continuing to support israel wants right to its defense. we need to be continuing to look at strategies to try and go in and help to rescue the hostages who have been held since octobe. also, we have to understand that if hamas is on the run, as you just talked, about rightfully so, lawrence. that we should be pushing to go ahead and eliminate this terrorist organization because stopping halfway through, we
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have seen this not turn out well for the opposing force. and so, this would embolden iran. this would make them feel as if it was a victory, and it would be substantially just rewarding them for the murder and the heinous acts that occurred on october 7th. we can't allow that we must stand strong. but joe biden's hypocrisy just has no bounds. >> lawrence: it's just a stupid military strategy whether you have enemy on the run to allow them time to regroup. congressman, thanks so much for joining the program. >> you got it, lawrence. >> lawrence: you got it, brother. over to you, steve, ainsley and griff. >> ainsley: thank you so much, lawrence. great job. girl scouts in texas robbed outside of a walmart. can you believe that? what is going on in america. >> steve: border crossings hit record highs. >> griff: encounter migrants on her property. now she is too afraid to go outside alone.ter that's coming up. stick with us.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> griff: with all the attention down south, residents along the northern border are sounding the alarm on the growing migrant crisis. the number of illegal encounters setting new records spiking over 240% from 2022. our next guest found piles of abandoned clothes just outside
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her home, has caught migrants on security cameras and says it's so terrifying she won't go outside by herself anymore. christy bureau is rant of vermont. and she joins us now. christie, thank you for joining us. you are a part of this swanton sector and it is seeing unbelievable numbers. what is it like? >> well, you never -- it's scary to know -- you don't know what is lurking around you in your woods. we never know what we're going to find out back in our field. we found, you know, clothes as you see in the video. water thermoses. you never know what you are going to find out there. my son has been out there and, of course, patrol was following footprints. yeah. you don't feel too safe. >> griff: are you worried, christie, that there could be national security implications here that we could be at risk on our northern border, not just
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the southern border? >> absolutely, yeah. it's definitely increasing the amount of people coming over. you know, we don't see it daily. but at least every other week, you know, you see -- you see some kind of sign that someone was out there. we did have video footage on our trail cam of three people coming across. the guy in the front was -- saw our flash go off. so he motioned to the other guys to stay still. once i guess he felt it was safe, then he motioned for them to continue. so, it just continued on their way. our neighbors, they have actually seen people on our property as well going to our field. so, yeah. it's just kind of unsettling. you don't know what anyone's intentions are. >> griff: you say not every day
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but every week. the swanton border patrol chief in that sector tweeted how bad it is. you see here since october 1st, swanton agents have encountered or apprehended more than 3100 subjects from 55 countries. more than fiscal years 2022, '21, 2019. can you sustain this? this is a leafy pamphlet if you will, a sort of the story book little vermont town and now all of the sudden you have got 5500 countries, some 3100 migrants in the past four and a half months? >> yeah. it's just -- it's getting worse. it's just increasing. we have seen people walking down the interstate with backpacks. we call border patrol. they do patrol here more.
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we see them driving back and forth looking in the ditches. they're obviously seeing daily sign of people coming across. but we don't see that their definitely throughout patrolling more. >> griff: just in the last few seconds i have got left because we have got wrap it up. thank you for joining us. are the border patrol agents themselves telling you guys that you should protect yourself, that you should be concerned about this? >> they don't tell us to protect ourself. >> griff: are they making you aware of dangers because of the crossings? no not usually we protect ourself anyway. we are a hunting family here we have a lot of protection here. and that's all you really got to do is stay protected and lock everything up. >> griff: yeah. i have heard crossings certainly are down and rifle hunting season. christie bureau, thank you very much for taking time. >> thank you.
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>> griff: still ahead. former president trump's biggest assets could be on the chopping block as he looks to appeal the new york ruling. >> within 30 days even if we choose to appeal this, which we will, we have to post the bond, which is the full amount and some. >> griff: plus, biden continues to face execute any from voter and the media. could his upcoming state of the union be his last hope to turn things around? our political panel is next. ♪ i told myself i was ok
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disturbing questions for democrats. joining us right now is "wall street journal" assistant editorial page editor and author of that column, james freeman, seen screen left right here, along with former new york state senator and democratic strategist david carlucci who is screen right. all right, guys, good morning to you. >> good morning. thanks for having us. >> all right. so, james, it would seem that donald trump got some very bad news regarding the trial last week here in new york. but when you look south to atlanta, and you look at the fani willis case there is a lot of problems because it looks like misconduct. >> yeah. i think as bad as the financial news was in new york. i think both of these cases are good news for him politically. you are never sure whether the people bringing these political prosecutions are trying to ensure that he is the republican
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nominee or prevent him from being the republican nominee. but, you see a very ideological partisan process in both cases. and the problem in atlanta, the two problems that fani willis has conflict of interest issue and then also question of whether she has been honest with the court looking into that conflict of interest issue. and i know a lot of people in our industry have been talking about her forceful. her fiery presentation. but, the facts are really bad for her. i think it's something anyone in any business would recognize as a conflict of interest. beyond the sort of timeline of when the relationship began, when you're paying a vendor and not disclosing financial or a romantic relationship with that vendor, that's a problem. and then when it was brought up by one plaintiff trump's co-defendants, she avoided talking about it for a long
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time. and then now there's this question of she and her former romantic partner and vendor been honest about the timeline of their relationship. >> you left out they went on vacation together a lot. no record of reimbursement. >> steve: keep the money under the mattress. david from, where you sit, how do you see these cases? >> yeah. definitely doesn't look good for fani willis. the reality is the charges are the same against donald trump. and, yes, some of the headlines might see prosecution is falling apart. but it's not falling apart against donald trump. it's just the fani willis team. so we're going to see what happens here, what the judge decides. but, at the end of the day, this case will most likely be the same. it will just be delayed. so, i think when people see these headlines out there, some might be confusing at first, but, the issue is still there
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front and center. that donald trump is the problem here. and when they actually look at the charges against the former president, they are very serious. so, even though it is a little confusing to the electorate, at the end of the day, the charges are still against donald trump and that's the severity that's going on here. >> steve: right. the question is whether or not they change prosecutors. stay tuned for that meanwhile, david, you know, joe biden, we were just talking about how nate silver sends essentially joe biden would lose right now from where he sits because he is too old and democrats have no plan to fix it. there's an item that apparently is in axios, it says that at the state of the union address, essentially joe biden is going to go out there and be a different person. and that's going to be a reset. also, it sounds like through some sort of executive action, they are going to do something about the border. so, that's a big mountain he has got climb on tv, live.
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>> well, it's a great opportunity for the president. we saw him in the last state of the union where he was having an interchange with congress. he showed that he was sharp. that he was on top of his game. and even though we get these 15 second clips of president biden maybe forgetting a word or making a gaffe, that's something that he has done for a long time, right? he has had a career of gaffes. but, that doesn't change the integrity, the intent and the results that he has gotten. and i think he is set the table and put an ultimatum across to say look, come to the table on border. come to the table on funding our allies and doing the things that are important for the american people and really get that clock ticking towards the election to say hey, look, i'm doing my part. what about the g.o.p. and leadership in congress? you need to do your part i think it could really reset the table and set the tone marching in to the november election.
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>> steve: james, 15 seconds, can he reset at the state of the union? >> i don't think so. being able to read a speech, if that's the bar that's being set without stumbling on the way to the podium or having some long, awkward pause, is not a very high bar. i don't know why the white house is saying he won't do a cognitive test. i think that's a better way to put these questions to rest. >> steve: all right. james, david, guys, thank you very much for joining us live. >> thanks. >> thanks a lot, take care. >> steve: meanwhile, look at this image of surveillance stuff. girl scouts in texas robbed outside a walmart selling cookies. what is going on in america. we're going to talk about that. plus, a breakthrough in police technology. an exclusive look at the new way officers are getting deadly drugs off the streets of new jersey. >> this is where you do all the work, right? >> yes, sir. this represently indicates what would normally be found in laboratories. so we would process the drug. most of the hill we are seeing now tylenol mixed with fentanyl.
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>> steve: who knew. that's coming up shortly. first, elon musk says neuralink first's brain implant patient can move a mouse just by thinking about that. we're going to talk to kurt the cyberguy about that. and the kitchen essential you didn't know you needed. kurt the cyberguy joins us for tech tuesday. good morning, kurt. you're next. ♪ if you want to leave ♪ i can guaranteeant ♪ you won't find --
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>> carley: we are back with couple headlines wild video. police in fort worth robbing a girl scout troop. this happened outside of a walmart while kids were selling cookies. a guy walked up to their stand and grabbed a bag that had $450 in it. this is the guy police are searching for. they think he is between 18 and 24 years old how dare he. clearing after texas a&m incarnate word overtime. a big fight erupting during the post game handshake. >> oh, no. this is not good. this is really not good. we have got punches being thrown. this is really bad. >> carley: yeah. i would say. so no word yet on what sparked
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that brawl or if anyone was hurt. both schools are working on disciplining students. those are your headlines. yikes, ainsley. over to you. >> ainsley: lawrence knows that area well. >> carley: bad blood, apparently. >> ainsley: yes. is he from texas. thank you so much. carley. check this out. new overnight. elon musk sharing update on the first ever brain chip implant on a human being. >> full recovery no ill effects that we're aware of, and is able to control the mouse around the screen just by thinking. we are trying to get as many button presses as possible from thinking. >> ainsley: here to react onto this is tech tuesday kurt the cyberguy. >> very promising news, right? >> who would agree to have a
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chip planted in their head if you are quadriplegic or vice presidential soilth sort of of illness can't use your hands. this allows you to think mouse across the screen, calling a love one, whatever you think that will happen. >> and i would do it in a second if i were one of those people because it does look promising at this point the question how often and how long can this happen? how long will this work? he is saying it out crowd. we need to keep doing it as much as possible. try to control a mouse by thinking think about that if i were now in a wheelchair, i would be able to think the wheelchair forward. if i wanted to say have some sort of device that's assisting me, can i now communicate with it just by thinking. it is really a life-changer for so many people if, indeed, this sticks. couple questions we have out here who is this person? why aren't they public in when do we actually get to speak with them or see some of this
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activity hang? very promising but still a little raised eyebrow wondering a little more detail would be nice here. >> ainsley: yeah. they say it's the size of a coin, can you play games, call loved ones, just browse the web by thinking. treated autism, depression and obesity. that's amazing, kurt. when will we see more patients be able to take advantage of this? >> i have a feeling that when we were looking for is they were looking for this first trial to see if it was successful and then now we'll start to see more candidates coming to the line to try this out. i still think we have got some time to go here to see how this first patient goes. longer term, then we will start see more candidates come into play. then i think they are going to learn a lot about how this isn't is and isn't working for people. >> ainsley: tell us about the cocoa press. 3-d printer and make a vase out of chocolate and actually eat it? >> le weinstein is her name.
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it's amazing device that since about 2014, i think it was, she started working on this from university of pennsylvania, an engineering student. >> not a alcoholic la tier has figured out a way machine sculpt chocolate in 3-d, make a chocolate rose. i have seen people make their names in the chocolate. word is that dark chocolate comes out the best here. they had a little bit of palm oil so it doesn't bind the machine and stays pliable because they need it in a molten form as they are making the 3-d objects. although they are beautiful objects that come out and then apparently there is always a little left over which would be my favorite moment where you could just eat the little remainder before it's all done. >> ainsley: i watched that report, too, the video she said the dark chocolate was the best. buy the chocolate sticks and put it in the machine. buy the machine and create whatever you want. it's really cool.
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the machine starts at like $1,500 and the professional package is 4,000. >> dyi version and professional one about 3500 for the professional one up to 4,000. >> ainsley: okay. kurt. this is so fascinating. check out his website okay. kurt, great to see you. a fox news alert. nikki haley expected to speak at noon today ahead of the south carolina primary this weekend. we are going to see what she has to say as former president trump could see some of his most iconic developments on the chopping block after what is happening here in new york in the courts. a live report at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪
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