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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 20, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> ainsley: it is 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, tuesday, february 20, this is "fox and friends." a fox news alert. four migrants charged with robbing and strangling a passenger on a train. >> griff: and wild video showing migrants scaling mountains in southern california and where some of them are from may surprise you.
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>> where are you from? >>-- >> where are from? >> kazakhstan. >> steve: kazakhstan? just in, alexei navalny's mother speaking and she sends a message directly to vladamir putin, as x blocks his widow on twitter. >> i'm addressing you, vladamir putin, the solution to the issue depends on you. let me see my son. >> lawrence: and trump's assets like trump tower could be on the chopping block, what he has to pay just to appeal. >> ainsley: final hour of "fox and friends" starts now and remember what? >> griff: mornings are better with friends. >> steve: fox news alert, four hours from now, nikki haley is expected to deliver what the campaign is calling state of the --
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>> ainsley: former governor looking to narrow the gap in her home state. the latest poll from citadel, shows her trailing trump by 30 points. >> steve: that is quite a gap. >> lawrence: one haley backer saying south carolina is a tough state, a trump-friendly state. we hope nikki haley can make it respectable and move on to super tuesday. >> steve: people are wondering what is the big announcement going to be? is she going to drop out? she has other events scheduled later in the day. if we had to guess given the fact she was on the program yesterday, she sharpened attacks on former president trump yesterday, i wouldn't be surprised if she does more of
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that and lays out what is at stake. state polls are spotty, but he's still way ahead and her big donors say best thing that could happen toer had, if his criminal case force him out of the race. >> griff: one thing i'm watching for today, politico reporting while we wait to see what nikki haley will say in state of the race speech, key trump adviser is expected to put a memo out laying out how math for delegates coming out of super tuesday, by march 19th, trump will have reached 1215 threshold and virtually be impossible for trump not to get it. if that math is close to being
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accurate, if you're nikki haley, you have a tough decision process here. >> lawrence: it goes to her argument, in case he gets indicted and convicted she makes argument she would be the sole person in the race. if you look at ron desantis, they did not technically get out of the race, they suspended their campaign. those candidates are still in play. i think it still goes to the argument about what voters want and there is no substitution for support that donald trump has in south carolina and i think a lot of average-day people watching, simple politics 101, if you can't win your home state, how do you win other states going into super tuesday? >> ainsley: that is what tim scott was saying, how would you go forward to other states. i think if she does dropouts,
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she has a chance moving forward and money in the bank to united states00. if it is between donald trump and joe biden, they won't have another four years. she could start campaigning essentially right after this election. about a year, she could start saying she would run in four years. i said earlier, people in south carolina liked nikki haley, she was governor for two terms. i got texts saying, we don't like her, we like trump. some people do like nikki haley, she is getting 31 points and donald trump getting 64. they love trump and think what is happening, they worry about the state of the country and know he's a fighter. they don't care if he's indicted, they still want to vote for him. >> steve: general election is much different. what haley campaign is doing,
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trying to amass as many delegates as possible. when you go into the convention, it is about who has the most delegates and it sounds like he could sow it up by march 19th. if something happens between here and the convention, she is essentially the designated survivor and has the most delegates. yesterday on the program, talking about the top two people in the polls right now. >> this is the fact we can't have two 80-year-old candidates our only choices. 70% of people don't want a trump-biden rematch. let's put in someone that can send eight years, discipline, no drama, no vendetta or chaos and get things done for our children, grandchildren and future generations. >> ainsley: she might be waiting
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to see if biden will get out. >> lawrence: she issic maing the case for a general election. you have to win over republicans and using democratic talking points will not work. laura ingraham will do a town hall tonight with the former president and coming up at 8:30 for a preview of that interview. >> steve: speaking of former president donald trump, his real estate empire in new york could take a major hit and get sold off. >> lawrence: top assets could be on the chopping block after a judge ruled against him in his civil fraud trial. >> ainsley: kelly o'grady. >> he has vowed to file an appeal, he'll have to pay hundreds of millions of dollars
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to do so. the judge fined him $3 55 million dollars. he'll have to put up full cash amount in escrow, his own, from business associates or post a bond. there is growing speculation his new york assets could be on the chopping block like trump tower, championship golf courses. should the former president not be able to come up with the money, the state could seize his property or sell them in a fire-sale type of situation. they insist he has the funds. >> you are looking at close to $450 million. it is no coincidence, they know he is worth a lot of money,
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billions of dollars. >> billions of dollars and said he has the cash. if he can put up the funds, there are clear arguments for an appeal here. law is required testimony by victims of the harm done. not only did they not rely on trump's assessment to determine that, they lost nothing in the transaction, they can't file until it is official, once he posts money, all penalties are halted in the situation, according to state law. >> steve: i have a question, maybe rather than sell off trump tower behind you, could he take out a second mortgage on property and get money that way?
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>> this is where it gets interesting, the judge ruled he cannot take out loan for any institution chartered in new york, morgan stanley, j.p. morgan, he could take out a second loan or mortgage at a second institution, he could get money from friends. there is a gofund me to help. small potatoes. he wouldn't want to sell off this, he is trying to regain control. >> steve: his house is at the top of the money. >> ainsley: it is a lot to find liquid money. >> lawrence: i'm less concerned how he will pay and more concerned about a justice system that thinkses it is okay to target a political opponent. the judge was okay with it, attorney general okay with it.
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we have thugs robbing people everyday and immigrants attack cops and you never see the d.a. or attorney general at those press conferences. >> ainsley: would anybody else be charged that amount of money? >> steve: never seen a case like this. >> griff: to lawrence's point, political optics and clearly seen former president trump rise in stature the more he got indicted, over 91 charges. in this case, political message is, here is a successful former president, we'll go after his money and take it, issue a warning from the bench that is exorbitant, there is no prez precedence with that amount of money. >> steve: he has to come up with
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north of $400 million in the next month cash. >> ainsley: it is like $100 million in interest. crazy. started at $350 and now maybe $450. fox news alert, four venezuelan migrants arrested for choking and robbing a man on a train on saturday. >> lawrence: todd piro has the story. >> todd: the four men robbed and beat a 49-year-old and the victim lost consciousness, but he has recovered. the four migrants were tracked down and their address is a shelter. this is all comeings as city fays major migrant crisis, seeing 35,000 people arrive since august of 2022.
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seeing a surge in crime by venezuelan migrants connected with the street gang, unclear if these individuals are connected, it is something to note what we are seeing in new york and chicago and cities throughout our great country. >> steve: it appears to be coordinated. >> ainsley: you just flew back. >> griff: just flew back from jacumba, california, bill melugin is still there. if you look in the center of the screen, you see migrants scaling down the mountain. it is wide open. this is where cartels -- on the other side is mexico, this side is jacumba, california, 60 miles east of california. you have migrants coming literally from the entire world, not only china, we will talk
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about the surge in chinese migrants, but from afghanistan, kazakhstan, peru, brazil, ecuador, migrants from afghanistan i met on the last day. we talked to the migrants and here is a little of what they said. where are you from? >>-- >> you can see migrants, this gentleman from cameroon? >> where you from? >> georgia. colom bia. why are you coming to the u.s.? >> we love america. we need a nice life. >> coming for jobs? >> yeah, nice job because our cou country -- >> where you from? >> colombia. where you from?
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>> i'm fbrazil. >> kazakhstan. >> kazakhstan. >> kazakhstan? >> yeah. >> where you from? >> brazil. >> griff: the syrian guys, that is the state sponsor of terror, they will get a deeper vetting by authorities. he qualified for california free health insurance but fact he's here looking for a nice life is not going to qualify for asylum and that is the problem. administration has broadcast, if you can get across that line, you get the american dream. with my interaction with the migrants, i felt like there was a sense of entitlement.
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they asked me what time lunch was. >> lawrence: they know what is going to happen. you have the terrorism aspect and then you have folks, they are putting them in poor communities and you have seen in harlem and boston, places we've been reporting of residents being upset because they are already poor and don't have resources. you also have this venezuelan wave coming in and they are rough and part of gangs. they are attacking cops. i have a video on my phone of them attacking cops in randall's island. what if a cop responds or uses force, there will be protest. there is no protest with them going after cops or going after
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people and stealing purses. >> ainsley: you have to prove asylum to stay in our country if you are coming from a country where you are persecuted, you can stay. how many people actually, do they send anybody back? i see this video and feel like the border is open, does anyone get sent back when their court date comes up? >> griff: great point. case of chinese, these are mexican chinese temporary visas, they discard them. come across the border to claim asylum in the u.s., we don't have repatriation agreement with china. we don't talk to their government, other than photo ops. what the individuals, many are
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single adult males, more than 20,000 compared to 2021 when there was only 450. there were 208 u.s. nationals come from jacumba yesterday. why are they here? are they aligned with communist chinese party. we don't have repatriation agreement, 50%, about half of chinese are granted asylum. >> steve: this is one reason why joe biden is tanking in the polls and according to axios, they will try to reset his presidency with the state of the union address and try to clamp down on the border. what is he doing and how far
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will they go? >> lawrence: he broke it with executive order, hope he can return back to the same thing. >> griff: can i offer him a tip, bring remain in mexico back, they don't want to be in mexico, we saw that. >> ainsley: id card has a chinese lady face and mexican card. they make it into the u.s. and they throw it on the ground. >> lawrence: kremlin launches another case against alexei navalny. >> griff: his mother pleading for the kremlin to release her son's body. >> this coming after days after russian opposition leader alexei navalny's death, now his mother is making a plea to vladamir putin to release the body of her son. >> on february 16th, my son alexei navalny died for the
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fifth day, i can't see him, they don't give me his body or tell me where he is. i'm addressing you, vladamir putin, let me see my son. i demand alexei navalny's body is handed over so i can bury him humanely. >> she visited with her son died and were told his body would not be given to the family until the investigation is complete and they said he died of -- >> the death of navalny is getting more suspicious, why hide the body if they have nothing to hide, right? it is becoming more and more obvious it is not just death of navalny in prison in far north of russia.
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it is a political murder committed by vladamir putin and his associates. >> yesterday navalny's wife blamed putin for navalny's death and promised to carry on his work. >> steve: looks like the widow of him has been suspended by x. >> ainsley: do we know it has been banned? she said the account disappeared today. >> steve: it is suspicious, we're trying to figure it out. >> griff: you know who can figure it out, carley shimkus. >> carley: i can't figure that one out. leave it to elon musk. i can report headlines starting with america's crime crisis. crew robbing a new york city gucci store yesterday.
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ordering employees to the ground, the trio escaped and are on the loose. the store closed for theest are of the day. a shopper said, it is new york, stuff happens, it feels like another day. that is the problem there. police in forth worth looking for a man caught on camera robbing a girl scout cookie stand. this happened outside walmart. guy walked up to the stand and grabbed a bag with $450, they think he is between 18 and 24 years old and that troup was raising for a summer trip to australia. >> carley: first chip implanted in their brain, musk said that good progress is being made.
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>> patient has recovery with neural effects and is able to control the mouse around the screen by thinking. >> carley: they implanted the chip in january after receiving fda approval to conduct the study last year. over to you. >> ainsley: coming up, as 1-8 retirees plan to return to work -- >> steve: a retired nurse heading back to work because of record high prices, she needs somebody to take action. >> griff: plus, laura ingraham joins us ahead of her town hall with former president trump. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything.
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>> griff: a person of interest named in the disappearance of shelby rose, 11-year-old. live from livingston with the details. >> good morning, it has been all-out search for audrey cunningham. we have seen boats on trailers going down this road, which lead to the trinity river. they have boots on the ground.
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polk county shall if officials are focusing on particular areas. while audrey has yet to be found, we have a person of interest in custody, dawn -- don mcdougle. he is believed to be the last person to see her. he has not confessed to the crime. he was a friend of her father and he was allowed to take her to school from time to time. the sheriff says they are not ruling anyone out, charges have not been filed until the investigation is complete. they are looking for video of
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mcdougle's movement. >> steve: it breaks your heart, i hope they will find it. thank you. >> ainsley: everyone say a prayer for that little girl, that she is found alive. thank you. inflation continues to squeeze americans out of retirement. resume, reveal one in eight plan to return to work each year, as result of high cost. back working today at the age of 70, joyce fleming joins us now. good morning. thank you for joining us. we heard your story. we go to diners and everyone has similar story to yours. why did you decide to go back to work? >> just rising cost.
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after the pandemic hit. an example, i had a fence estimate and after the pandemic it was $2000 more. >> ainsley: you were excited about retiring and took care of your grandchildren and now you have to go back to work. >> it is difficult. i had to go back to a financial advisor to rearrange my finances, realizing if i want to continue to live my lifestyle, i need to add a few more dollars to my budget and had to go back to wok. >> ainsley: numbers from 2018 and 2022, you have to have $8000
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more in your bank account to continue your lifestyle and now we're in 2024, i wonder how much it has gone up now. tell me about your job and what you are doing and how you are making ends meet now? >> i'm a nurse and went back to work with a small paying job in a call center at an amusement park and it defendant's exhibit pay much. i took another job as a nurse and worked for a while. right now i'm looking for something more locally and closer to home so i don't have to pay or get involved in gas prices. >> ainsley: thank you, we wish you the best. laura ingraham is coming up, more "fox and friends," stick with us.
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>> ainsley: former president trump and nikki haley facing off in the palmetto state. haley scheduled a state of the race today at noon. new poll shows her more than 30 points behind donald trump in her home state. >> lawrence: trump ahead of an exclusive town hall tonight with laura ingraham. laura ingraham joins us live with a preview. hi, laura. >> laura: how are you? >> lawrence: i've been excited about this, i know you can break this down. there seems to be disconnect between donor clas and what republican primary voters want. can you lay it out for us? >> laura: there is a lot on the
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line in this election, one issue is china. what our relationship going forward will be with china, whether trump would slap tariff on electric vehicle component parts and that is trillions of dollars for china. when trillions are on the line for global interests abroad, there is a lot of money pouring into joe biden and republican candidates who seem more hospitable to old ideas, that is why nikki haley has gotten support from koch brothers and so forth. >> ainsley: what is going to happen with her speech at noon? do you think she will stay in the race? what if polls are right, what happens afterthis? >> it is hard to see what they are thinking in the haley
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campaign. everybody got mad because after iowa, where she performed so poorly and new hampshire, which is a hospitalable state, she couldn't get the job done. as a political analyst, that was time to reach drop out and reach out to president trump. she is now 30 points down in her home state, it is impossible for her to win on saturday, she knows that. she probably has consultsants telling her there is a path, there is no path. she is helping joe biden and not helping herself if she wants a future in the republican party. the time to have dropped out was
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a month ago. >> lawrence: we've seen democrats become critical of joe biden, there is no path for him. i'm curious, do you think joe biden, is he going to be on the ballot or do you think democrats replace him? >> laura: i think it is hard for them to do that. from the beginning, i said this is the guy they chose in 2020, throwback to yester year of more moderate party. he became captured by the far left. right now, are they going to pull convention super delegate move against biden? it is hard to see that happening. i've known biden for decades in washington and he's one of the most stubborn in politics.
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>> ainsley: lawrence brought up nate silver, the famed pollster. he said he thinks he's heading for defeat because of age and declining job performance and it is reason for democrats to be the adults in the room and acknowledge someone who can't sit through a super bowl interview does not have physical and mental -- what is your reaction to that and what joe biden is trying to do with the u.n. council? >> laura: he is caught between a rock and a hard place, you are seeing pro-hamas segment rising up. rashida tlaib saying everyone vote for essentially other, not joe biden to send a message.
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hard to think that is not motivating what is going on at the u.n. today. they are not calling for immediate ceasefire, but a ceasefire as soon as practicable. that is language they are using at the u.n. we have 100 hostages still being held. they are not doing that, israel is supposed to throw up their hands and say we're going home now? biden is trying to play to the far left base and be somewhat hospitable. it is hard to do that. i will ask trump tonight at town hall and be curious if he goes into much detail. there is peril for both candidates on that question and it is a tough one for sure. >> lawrence: laura, i got to ask, how will you keep control of the former president?
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it is tough to keep him on task. >> laura: yeah. well, i always tell the former president, i've known you for trif years, your tricks don't work with me, stay on point. we'll have a lot of fun tonight. >> ainsley: have you been to greenville before, so beautiful. >> laura: only one time before, it is a gorgeous town. >> lawrence: good luck tonight, we'll be watching. >> ainsley: coming up, california teachers suing governor newsom over woke gender policy, one of the teachers will join us next. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts
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>> steve: last year, two california teachers sued their school district in california saying they had to lie to parents regarding their children's gender status. now they are suing governor gavin newsom and the attorney general out there directly over what they are calling a dangerous political agenda. california teacher and plaintiff, elizabeth and her attorney paul jonah join us now.
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good morning. elizabeth, explain why because of your school sdrith you have had to lie to parents? >> well, a policy was rolled out to all teachers and it required us to when meeting and speaking with parents to withhold critical information about their child's mental health and refer to that child by one set of names and pronouns in front of parents and during the school day change to another name and set of pronouns that parents were unaware of. basically i was teaching this child to live a double life. >> steve: man oh, man. so explain you have had a student or students in your class who this applies to, how
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did this make things challenging to you? >> well, it was tricky, it was confusing. a teacher is a busy person and in addition to my roster, i was supposed on to memorize name and unique pronouns for a number of students. this is becoming a fad, especially with young girls and empire cal science has proven that. seven girls wanted different name than my roster, variety of interesting pronouns like they or zeer and so forth. it is difficult to remember that in a busy, hectic moving environment. >> steve: right, no kidding. i imagine you would get in trouble if you did not use the
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pronoun they wanted. the governor's office says federal law is clear that the governor is not a proper party in this case. it sounds like the judge ordered the ag and governor in on this case, right? >> court ordered them named defendants. school district pointed to the state and said the state is source of this public and the governor and attorney general are roped in under the court's jurisdiction. >> steve: you are involved because this is a chance to end this policy, right? >> absolutely, the court issued an injunction ruling last december blocking policy under first amendment and holding it violates parent rights. the governor and attorney general know what is at stake.
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this has been a top priority for state of california and enforcing gender secrecy policy and this case presents the best opportunity to do this in california and throughout the country. >> steve: thank you for telling us about your challenging circumstances, i don't think anybody had an idea it was like that. keep us posted. good luck. all right, six and a half minutes from now, bill hemmer takes over. >> bill: biden team is not happy with his coverage, we shall read the headlines coming up. trump says he will appeal his giant fine. who gets the money? charles payne is on it. california has a big decision coming up, target of cartel and king charles barkley says the folks in san francisco skewed up the city. it is on camera. dana and i will see you top of
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relieves pressure and instantly adapts. sleep better. live purple. right now save up to $800 off mattress sets during purple's president's day sale. visit or a store near you. >> we have a couple of breaking news stories to get to. chicago police have arrested four venezuelan migrants accused of choking and robbing a man on a city train on saturday. they gave police a city-run migrant shelter as their
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address. video is circulating showing new york police officers having to fend off attacks from migrants in randall's island. they were there to kick out a man not supposed to be at the shelter. he was arrested for trespassing. the officers are okay. today one of the migrants charged in the beating of two new york police officers last month in times square is due in court for a hearing. to another alert here. the x account for alexei navalny's widow was online after being suspended earlier this morning. unclear why that account was taken down. evan gershkovitch in court today. his latest appeal has been denied. the "wall street journal" reporter has been held in a russian prison for ten months. those are the headlines. over to you. >> ainsley: busy day. nikki haley will speak at noon. bye, everyone. >> bill: good morning. we might get an update from the u.s. supreme court on former


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