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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  February 20, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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some of the apps this new software might be used on include slack, microsoft teams, workplace and zoom. monitoring has messages are sent back and forth is done on a large scale. we took to the streets to ask workers about how do you feel about their employers tracking their messages with a.i.? >> i would feel like they are trying to get something out of me and get me in trouble or something. it would be sneaky, i think. >> i'm fine with it. i'm watchful of what i do on company time and company property and anything like that. >> i've seen a.i. being used and it is so flawed and messed up. i think it wouldn't be a useful investment of anyone's time or money anyways. foster trustworthy business vibe. >> a.i. is here and here to stay. >> bill: good or bad. perino will decide. >> dana: send me all the positive messages. great to see you, madison.
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other news for you now. the u.n. security council begins voting any moment on a resolution demanding an immediate cease-fire in gaza. the u.s. ambassador already warning the u.s. plans to block that proposal it would jeopardize a hostage deal. this is news. the u.s. plans to the offer a rival resolution calling for a temporary cease-fire when the time is right. all of those words very closely watched. we're watching this vote and bring you any news as it happens. a long line of illegal immigrants from around the globe climbing over a steep desert mountain to enter california from mexico and the remarkable scene. we have a lot right here. another hour of "america's newsroom." the hour was fast. another one. great. >> bill: i'm bill hemmer. good morning. illegal migrant crossings down sharply along the border with texas because they have initiated new standards for
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getting across the border in texas which has taken the cartels and shift the human smuggling efforts to the west and remote city in california named jacumba pushing california's southern border to the epicenter. >> dana: this video we showed you a few weeks ago. this was right when the situation exploded in that area. smugglers leading a group of migrants through a hole in the border wall allowed migrants to cross into the u.s. illegally. no problems there. nearby resident telling griff jenkins all you have to do to get around the fence is go over the mountain. >> this is an area where there are multiple fences, not like the fences most people think. that's a fence right there. most people don't realize it actually stops people. they designed this thought it would stop people from coming through. that's not the case. >> dana: bill melugin live in california. your reporting has been remarkable as was griff jenkins
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there before you. what do you know this morning as the sun has come up there? >> we have some brand-new numbers for you from cbp contacts this morning. yesterday there were more than 6,700 migrant encounters at the southern border. 208 chinese nationals were apprehended right here in san diego sector yesterday. right to that remarkable video you were talking about. that mountain is 50 yards away from me right now. this was remarkable to cismd immigrants from all around the world climbed up the mountain on the mexican side and scaled down it on the u.s. side. it is very steep and dangerous. there was a long line of dozens of them entering. they were part of more than 1,200 illegal crossings here in san diego sector yesterday. there were people there from central and south america, others from china and the middle east. we talked to them when they got to the ground and found a gap in the nearby border wall. listen. >> this spot has turned into a
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mass illegal crossing area. we'll show you one of the reasons why. people from all around the world are picking this spot because the border wall right here just abruptly ends. right at the boulder. there is nothing left past these rocks. migrants climbed up here and once they set foot right here they are in the u.s. and that's all there is to it. clothing, paperwork, food and bottles all over the place here. and take a look at this fentanyl bust in nogales, arizona. cbp officers at the port of entry seizing over 360,000 fentanyl pills, 333,000 were strapped to a human smuggler's body -- a drug smuggler's body. 330,000 as well as 4.7 pounds of pure fentanyl powder were found in a drug smuggler's spare tire. back out here live if you guys are wondering how people from
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kazakhstan, china, brazil, ecuador, columbia all end up on a random mountain in southern california together, it's because it is the cartels calling the shots down here at the california border. send it back to you. >> dana: thank you. want to bring in republican kevin faulkner, former mayor of san diego. you are a public servant at heart and you no he this part of california very well. call for number one, the numb pearls in the del rio sector in texas have gone down 76% in one month because governor abbott took action. the federal government might want to fight him on that but can't argue with the numbers. that meant california and arizona numbers have gone way up. what are you seeing in your area, kevin? >> that's exactly right. it's astounding what is happening in jacumba. it is unprecedented. we have never had it like this. if you clearly shown folks from
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all over the globe. middle east, chinese nationals. unprecedented here in san diego county. what we're seeing is we are seeing so many folks not putting a strain on resources and it is causing here in san diego county unfortunately dollars that should be going to be spent on local issues, homelessness, veterans and others are going for all of this. it is a complete failure, dana, of our federal government. we at the local level in san diego county are bearing the brunt of it. >> bill: you might have seen the story in the "l. a. times" over the weekend. when moving to the middle on immigration deliver electoral success to democrats in 2024? the point coming off that special election in long island. the good thing about the tom suozzi victory is he won. the bad thing is that he won. he doubled down on immigration, maybe that's a winning formula. to have immigration be the piniot yeah that everybody beats up on is not good. you are in a state.
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if you are an illegal and come across the pass you are entitled to a long list of state benefits from california in sacramento. >> that's right. it is complete incentive. not only the healthcare but here locally our board of supervisors, the majority particularly one i'm running against said we'll provide you free legal assistance. that's a magnet that is not happening in other places. so to see the change that's happening in jacumba is not surprising unfortunately and so many of us are saying we need to fix this problem. we are absolutely bearing the brunt on the local level here in san diego county and it's unprecedented. we have never seen numbers like this. 100,000 encounters in the last 4 1/2 months. it's why so many of us are demanding action. this is not a partisan issue. democrats, republicans and independents. we're seeing what's happening and saying enough. >> dana: you know mayors very
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well. you were a mayor. blue mayors in many cities across the country especially denver, chicago, new york are all begging the biden administration for help. today president biden is headed to california. he will be visiting lots of different places, l.a. san francisco, up to mountain view in the north. he won't be going to san diego or not visit the border. i wonder if you think the mayors of any of those cities, the mayor of san diego or your governor gavin newsom will ask joe biden for the help that the state needs. i just read san diego had to close its migrant center after six months because a $6 million budget it had was broke after six months alone. >> it goes to shoe. those are dollars that we're not spending on the issues we should be spending them on locally. our homeless issues, our public safety, men and women that we're so proud of. so president biden should come to the border if he is in california. what we're not seeing and one of
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the reasons why i'm jumping back in, we're not seeing people stand up and say let's do the right thing here. not just virtue signal and make yourselves feel better. we have a real problem that needs a solution. it is impacting us as cities and counties. again this is real and unprecedented and that's why it's time for action. >> dana: before we lose you bill melugin was showing us the mountain that the migrants are walking over because there is no fence. if you could right now, what would you do to prevent them from walking over that mountain? >> you have to have more border security and by the way i'm so proud of our men and women in border patrol, dana, who were doing such a remarkable job but they need the tools and funding and resources to be successful and they aren't getting it. >> bill: kevin, thank you for your time. kevin faulkner there in san diego. and we'll see what we get when the day grows longer.
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it was midday yesterday. this is new york now. stunning new video inside one of the migrant tents. you don't see this a lot, folks. nypd officers are being attacked in a new york city migrant shelter. the officers struggling to control the chaos. police say it started when one man was asked to leave the shelter not authorized to be there. later arrested for trespassing. when he refused to do so. not clear if that person is a migrant or what led to the scuffle. no officers injured as a result. want to make this point. we believe there are at least 200 migrant shelters throughout the city of new york where the migrants are being housed. this is rare to see video or even a camera inside one of the migrant areas. this did not go well. nypd had to come in. they have their hands full. >> dana: the tensions are
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rising. it will get worse. an amazing story. the house of cards it's called. remember we talked about those debit cards the mayor was proposing? turns out that actually they could get up to $10,000 each. and it was given to a no-bid bank that is on tap to make $50 million. nichole reported this story out of manhattan institute. check it out in the "new york post." it should not stand. >> i thought the pilot program announced two weeks ago they would experiment with $50 million. >> dana: in a no-bid bank contract. they didn't admit that until today. >> bill: how quickly will it get to 100, or 500 million or a billion? >> dana: maybe not a billion by next week but a lot. want to get you more about this. tomorrow james biden, the president's brother, will face questions from lawmakers on capitol hill months after house republicans subpoenaed him as part of the impeachment inquiry
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into his oldest brother president biden. david spunt at the d.o.j. with more. the testimony happening tomorrow. >> it will be a big day. getting the brother of the sitting president of the united states to appear on capitol hill as part of an impeachment inquiry into his big brother is a coup by republicans wanting to talk to james or jim biden for several months. they first issued a subpoena back in november for him to come in december but schedules, some issues back and forth prompted this to be pushed back until tomorrow. he will appear on capitol hill answering questions behind closed doors from republicans and democrats about business deals, if they relate to his brother, the president. james biden once helped promote a hospital chain using joe biden's name. it collapsed and faced numerous counts of fraud. part of a political investigation published over the weekend. house republicans including the man leading the impeachment
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probe james comer have always said joe biden is the brand. the brand other family members use to make money. the president himself called for an end to the impeachment probe. james biden testifies tomorrow. a week from tomorrow hunter biden will sit down and answer questions from republicans and democrats in person on capitol hill. he was originally supposed to come and talk with impeachment investigators in december but was pushed back after he showed up on capitol hill only to make a statement outside the building. hunter and james will both testify behind closed doors. it is possible, dana and bill, hunter will testify at some point down the road in public. his attorney he was ready to take questions. we'll see what happens there. back to you. >> dana: we shall see what happens. >> bill: the all-important vote of the u.n. security council happening as they speak. they are voting on a resolution for a gaza cease-fire to let hamas off the hook.
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will the united states veto it? >> dana: a looming showdown in south carolina. donald trump and nikki haley going tooth and nail. >> bill: the caller claimed to be from amazon is what we're told. looking to steal thousands of dollars from you and in this case it happened. taylor riggs, tom shillue on a phone scam you must watch out for. that's coming up. ♪ (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> bill: we're just watching this vote. u.n. security council, east river in manhattan will vote in a moment on a cease-fire in gaza. the u.s. will in all likelihood veto it over the proposed resolution. ambassador speaking on camera and see how it goes.
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they haven't voted yet. stand by. we'll get you to it when it gets underway. 19 past the hour. >> dana: four days to go until the republican primary in south carolina. the latest polls show former president trump in the driver's seat by a long shot leading nikki haley by more than 30 points. alexandria hoff is in greenville, south carolina where i believe president biden will be tonight with laura ingraham. >> hi, dana. that's right. former president trump will be here and nikki haley also holding an event at noon making an address. a lot of speculation about what this address means. she has been adamant she is sticking in this fight. she will continue to offer an alternative to trump and biden. it's likely we'll hear from this address today is a breakdown of what she sees as the path forward. south carolina and beyond. here is what she told the crowd last night. >> i promise you this. i am in this fight. i will take the bruises.
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i will take the cuts. this is going to be messy. and i'll take the hurt because i believe nothing in good comes easy. >> the former governor pointed out within ten days following south carolina's primary 20 additional states will cast ballots. those voters deserve a say in this, too. trump advocate tim scott feels it is simply time for haley to hang it up. >> i hope she is dropping out of the race to be honest with you. here is what we know. she can't win her own home state. there is no other state in the nation. if you can't win your home state. >> we have been speaking to voters as well. we spoke with one man and broke down his thoughts like this. >> i will say this about haley. i think she is a true politician and i think she is a true patriot. but i don't think anybody can
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touch president trump. he doesn't even have to show up and he will get elected. >> former president trump is set to show up. he will arrive in south carolina today ahead of the town hall hosted by laura ingraham tonight. last here last wednesday. this morning the trump campaign released a memo break ping down some of the numbers here. they predict that the former president will have enough delegates to secure the nomination in three to four weeks' time, dana. >> dana: thank you so much. the ingraham angle tonight at 7:00 p.m. has a town hall with former president trump taking place tonight in greenville, south carolina. you'll see it right here on the fox news channel. looking forward to it. >> bill: get this. maybe the story of the day. a financial advise columnist was swindled into putting $50,000 in a shoe box and handing it to a stranger. here is how she says the scam went down. an alleged amazon employee called her and claimed there was
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fraudulent activity on her account. connected her to a cell called investigator and fake undercover c.i.a. agent who was able to dupe her into forking over $50,000. here is how she explained how she fell for it. >> anywhere where your radar went off? was there a moment it doesn't feel right? >> yes, the whole time none of it felt right. but the tiny chance that what they were saying was actually true was terrifying enough that i was willing to cooperate. >> did they make it -- >> you are under surveillance and watched. they make it seem like you have nowhere to turn. >> bill: or the police. she is 39 and now taylor riggs co-anchor of the big money show and tom shillue, fox news contributor and comedian. usually we go lady's first. in the interest of --
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>> dana: camera shots. >> bill: i don't say fairness. that wasn't right. do we believe her? >> we victims of her scam? $50,000 too much to pay to have a breaking story? i don't fall for any of these things. i got one from amazon yesterday. i get them from facebook every day. phishing things. if my wife texts me and says can you pick up milk. send me a picture, hold up a newspaper. i want proof that i'm talking to her. so i don't know how anyone faults for these kinds of things. the secret is don't answer your phone. the whole story started when she picked up the phone. hello. you take a chance. >> dana: scams are a big money thing. i was surprised and the judge brought it up on "the five" last night. gen z are 34% more likely to report losing money to fraud compared to those over 50. >> that's shocking. you feel we would be since we've grown up with these things they
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would be more sophisticated not answering your phone. they had changed their phone number so the caller i.d. had shown it was from amazon or the caller i.d. had shown it was from the office of the ftc and c.i.a. you think it's real with the caller i.d. >> dana: i didn't know c.i.a. has caller i.d. based on experience. >> bill: should we be more forgiving of her story? taylor, anyone who calls you and says we have a last four digits of your social security number, isn't that the red alarm? >> she said later she realized they only had a last four and couldn't name the whole thing. anyone can grab the last four if you start out the first five. so look, i want to be gracious because -- you have to be smarter. the scams are getting smarter and getting a.i. to sound like your mother on phone when they
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call you. saying your dad has been kidnapped. they are doing all sorts of things. be smarter, don't answer the phone and if you think it's fishy, why not call the police and call your husband. they wouldn't let her contact her husband. >> dana: it was weird. >> bill: you want to talk about something else weird? tony blinken apparently has some problematic terms within his department and he wants to make sure that you don't use manpower, you guys, ladies and gentlemen, and mother, father, son, daughter, husband, wife, all right? there is the list that you should avoid and you guys are struck from the record. >> dana: this kind of thing -- i want to say it's silly and laugh it off but you do have to resist this kind of stuff. this is where jordan peterson, the first guy. he became famous by saying i won't do it. he worked in academia. they said you have to do the following. he says no, i'm not going to do it. he became a celebrity.
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first guy to just say no in these ivory towers. we have to do that and say you know what? i'm going to say you guys. if you will fire me for saying you guys, so be it. >> dana: this is the secretary of state telling the staff of the state department and government employees might feel like they have to comply. >> do you not think we have anything else to do? i mean, bigger issues to be worrying about? also i think we have to be more forgiving. i say you guys all the time, right? why are we saying that's what we are focusing on and that is what, you know, seems to be going out on cable? >> dana: did you have watch the electric company? >> no. >> dana: it rolled over you. >> it was rita merino. >> dana: she was my graduation speaker from college. hey you guys. >> bill: i need you to meet me at noon on the east river with a shoe box and text you and tell
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you what to bring me. >> dana: make sure it's sketchers. >> i should be an advice columnist. i wish i could come up with 50,000. >> bill: thank you both. >> these kidnappers are babies and mothers to justice. they won't get away with it. >> dana: tension grows over combat in rafah as arab nations demand a cease-fire in gaza. will officials pander to hamas. donald trump may say goodbye to his new york properties after a $355 million fine levied against him. a live report outside trump tower. >> the government in power may like you now. p they can do this to someone they don't like they can do it to you as well eventually. i don't see a whole lot of business folks cheering this. you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus. obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you.
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we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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[♪] how you feel can be affected by the bacteria in your gut. try new align probiotic bloating relief plus food digestion. it contains a probiotic to help relieve occasional bloating, plus vitamin b12 to aid digestion. try align probiotic. >> i can't even understand or fathom the decision at all. there is no rationale for it.
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new york was already a loser state, like california is a loser state. there are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, uncompetitive regulation. it was already on the top of the list of being a loser state. i would never invest in new york now. i'm not the only person saying that. >> bill: could come down to accounts in green eye shades. donald trump slapped with a $355 million as a result of the civil fraud trial. the question is whether some of his new york properties could be on the chopping block to pay it off. kelly o'grady, fox business has a look at the ledger outside trump tower, fifth avenue. kelly, good morning. >> good morning to you, bill. i'm a numbers girl. the former president has to coble together not just $355 million but close to $450 million if you include interest on the fine. one path would be to sell off some of those properties like trump tower.
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$3 hundred million it's worth. doesn't get us fully to that number. maybe sell some of the golf courses. in a non-appeal scenario if he can't come up with the money the state could seize the properties, sell them for pennies on the dollar. he will still have to put up that full aamount within 30 days of friday's ruling. the cash goes into an escrow account and frozen and can't touch it or post a bond. that would allow him to use a mix of cash and assets. trump his legal team insists he has the funds. >> within 30 days even if we choose to appeal this, which we will. we have to post the bond, which is the full amount and some. and we will be prepared to do that. it is no coincidence and ill oh he say it. they know by looking at his statements the financial condition this guy is worth billions of dollars. >> here is where it gets more interesting. if he can put up the funds legal experts say there are clear
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arguments for an appeal. when you have a fine of this magnitude the track record is it gets reduced during the appeal process. there are no victims here and case law indicates this normally requires victim testimony. there was none during the trial. one wrinkle for you, bill, the judge could still bring back the decision to dissolve his businesses based on what a court pointed monitor finds during the review process. it brings up the question of objectivity going forward. >> bill: nice to see you outside trump tower. >> dana: israel launching air strikes completely obliterating a hezbollah depot in lebanon 19 miles from the northern border. hezbollah is an iranian proxy committed to destroying the jewish state. >> bill: now to the south in gaza. more evidence of the atrocities of hamas.
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israeli defense force unearthing video of the family in captivity during the early days of the war. it shows the mother and her two children, including a 1-year-old, the youngest hostage being held in gaza. their great uncle spoke to us about a month ago. >> we believe they are alive. we are hoping in our hearts they are alive and we are praying and hoping, we are -- see, we know nothing so we are really have not given up they're alive. we want them back. >> the idf are concerned about the family's safety and will not rest until they're home. >> you heard me say over and over again any action this council takes right now should help, not hinder, these sensitive and ongoing negotiations. we believe that the resolution on the table right now would, in fact, negatively impact those
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negotiations. >> dana: the u.s. ambassador to the united nations moments ago as the fate of the hostages held by hamas is still in limbo. the u.s. will veto that and have vetoed that. it doesn't mean that they don't have their own ideas. administration is proposing instead a rival resolution. want to bring in rich goldberg, senior advisor at the foundation for defense of democracy and it is very good to have you here. i want you to explain to us not the veto that we just issued because that was basically saying an end to everything. she is saying it is unreasonable. we have hostages. the united states did something unusual last night and news worthy. explain what that was. >> instead of simply saying that they were going to veto this resolution and i commend them for vetoing it. it should be. they decided to put forward an alternative draft. the alternative should have been
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we demand an unconditional surrender from hamas and demand the release of the hostages that remain. we want to put hamas and terror sanctions list. that's not the resolution. it contained a very important clause that said we call on israel not to attack the city of rafah in the southern-most area of gaza, which is where basically hamas is preparing for its last stand. if the idf does not go into rafah over u.s. demands, then hamas survives to massacre another day. >> dana: and the media didn't pick up on this. i thought it was interesting. i read that al jazeera that scooped the united states would do this. what kind of message does it send to netanyahu and his war cabinet. they're united in their mission. >> it is a game of perception. we're in psychological warfare in gaza when you think of hamas holding more than 100 hostages
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as leverage. six of them american citizens. so just because somebody in new york thought it was good diplomacy to put forward a watered down version of a bad resolution trying to triangulate evil and good, what it actually says to hamas is america is putting massive pressure on israel not to destroy you. that we the united states might hold israel back from finishing the job. if you are holding hostages up against the wall and israel is trying to negotiate to get the hostages released, why would hamas have an incentive to deal if they believe they are about to be safe in the united states? we're working against the hostage negotiations and under mining israel on the battlefield by putting forward these kinds of resolutions. >> dana: you mention the hostages. ambassador greenfield said this just a few moments ago about hostages at the u.n. >> demanding an immediate, unconditional cease-fire without
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an agreement requiring hamas to release the hostages will not bring about a durable peace. instead it could extend the fighting between hamas and israel. extend the hostages' time in captivity and experience described as former hostages as hell. >> dana: rich, there is intense focus on rafah. that's an area that the israeli intelligence is basically saying to us here call for three here rafah is the last place of hamas control and israel needs to dismantle it to achieve its goals. why do we know that? last week we were talking about two hostages freed it led the idf to rescue two of them. >> we also saw the israelis release a video they found from cctv in the tunnels that they've taken over that show the operational leader of hamas in gaza sinwar escaping and going
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to rafah. a tunnel system there. the command and control of hamas in rafah for their last stand. unknown number of hostages there. if israel does not go in to finish the operation in rafah, hamas will survive. >> dana: thank you for being on our show today. >> bill: watching that from the u.n. meanwhile one of the world's biggest pop stars took a tumble over the weekend. hemmer's celebrity news. >> a dancer slipped why they were pulling the chair across the stage. it with as in seattle sunday night. she kept singing from the floor and finished performing open your heart, everybody was okay and everybody is cool. madonna, age 65, dana. still doing it. >> dana: imagine if i was trying to pull you across the stage. this would happen to us. you would keep singing.
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>> bill: rolls around the ground. got the microphone. >> dana: she is a professional. >> bill: wanted to share that with you. a moment of levity. the white house lashing out at the news media complaining about unflattering coverage of the president's age and approval ratings. what? is there something to it? >> dana: an elite israeli swimmer getting booed by the crowd at the world championships. >> being here means a lot to me and to my country. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) ♪
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>> dana: anti semitism hearing its ugly head in qatar. they booed israeli swimmer. watch this. >> yeah, i'm so happy to be here
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and represent my country. being here means a lot to me and to my country. that's the best i can do. >> dana: dignity she had. despite the hostility she won the silver medal in the 400 meter freestyle. that's the best way, win graciously. continue on. >> bill: no irony it's in qatar. three of the major leaders of hamas live there and have for some time. she showed strength. now the publisher of the "new york times" has the paper's coverage of president biden says it is making the white house extremely upset. byron, nice to have you back on here. he is a historically unpopular incumbent and the oldest man to ever hold office. we've reported on both of these realities extensively and the white house has been extremely upset about that. he offered it. not asked it, right, byron? >> look, it is not surprising that the white house is
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extremely unhappy with portrayals of president biden not just in the "new york times," which is certainly not an anti-biden publication, but everywhere in the press and everywhere people can actually watch the president. because he has got two really bad numbers for re-election, 81, which is his age, and 40, which is his job approval rating, the real clear politics average. and that -- he is really fighting an uphill fight right now. the problem for the white house is it's not that people are reading "the new york times" and saying boy, i guess joe biden has really gotten old. they're watching him and coming to that conclusion with their own eyes. >> bill: so here are some of the headlines in the times. democrats in key states worried biden could be a drag on their races. why the age issue is hurting biden so much more than trump. eight words and a verbal slip put biden's age back at the center of 2024. which raises then the question, i guess we'll find out state of the union.
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they are getting amped up for that. raises the question if it is biden versus trump will there be a debate? the ladies at the view were having this out. each setting up their verbal wager. watch here. >> biden can lose. he can lose in a debate. trump will not. people supporting trump will support him whether he is there or not. biden makes one mistake and people undecided are out. >> if biden flubs they will be all over him. if trump flubs who cares. >> my caution to biden, i get where he maybe wouldn't but donald trump will lean into the narrative he is hiding because he is not up to it and voters will believe that if he doesn't show up. >> bill: we have seven or eight months to debate this, don't we, byron? >> you have kind of a focus group there. clearly they are very scared of joe biden being on such a high ware act for a long time in a debate with a very hostile opponent on the other side.
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i think that the bottom of this is this idea of the comparison between trump and biden here. now, i've said a lot of times that trump is too old to be president, too. he will be 82 years old at the end of a term if he were to win. but in terms of just a binary contest, if you look at donald trump on one side and joe biden on the other side, trump appears far more energetic, vigorous. if you've watched his rallies he goes on for an hour, hour and a half. they are real shows of energy. yes, he has made some gaffes. he referred to nancy pelosi several times as nikki haley in one of his rallies. he is not without gaffes at all but clearly when the public is trying to say who is the more energetic, vigorous, physically durable of the two candidates it is clearly trump right now. >> bill: you can see that plain as day yes indeed. nice to see you on the show with
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us today. thank you. >> dana: back at your old stomping grounds. atlanta airport taking drastic measures to keep homeless from sleeping there and why some think it could worsen the city's homeless crisis.
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(♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. >> dana: the world's busiest airport is limiting access to terminals by rising concerns over safety and security. atlanta international. what's going on there, jonathan? >> hi there, in recent months the problem got so bad that you could often see 100, 200 or even more homeless people sleeping right here in the airport terminal overnight because it is public property, there were limits on what police could do. so city council has revised a loitering ordinance to close the airport to the general public 24/seven but when you read the fine print, you see it allows exceptions for airport personnel. ticketed passengers and those meeting them or seeing them off.
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>> you are not banned. pick up grandma and put her on a flight. everyone is welcome transacting business at the airport. >> so no changes expected for the average traveler, but limiting airport access to homeless people and the potential of arrest concerns some advocates for the homeless but city officials say that this new revision to the ordinance really keeps arrest as a last resort. it allows officers to approach people they believe don't have business at the airport and if they don't have a reason to be here, to first ask them to leave voluntarily before actually taking any action, dana. >> dana: all right. airports across the country. atlanta is a busy one. >>
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>>-neuro link allows re laoed users to use only their thoughts to work a computer and could help a lot of people if we can perfect it. >> dana: a cute moment from a family in washington. the night they brought their newborn baby home from the hospital. the family's dogs and cats gathered around the crib. the dogs and cats sleeping together and now they have a new baby in the house. >> bill: it was born into a veterinarian. >> dana: that's is a cute nursery. congratulations to those nice parents. >> bill: born into -- >> dana: that's right. like to check in with him in ten years and see what the issues are. >> bill: we bought a zoo is a good film. >> dana: sandra smith is next. here she is. >> sandra: we have the fox news alert for you as wto


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