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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 20, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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i love that my daughter still needs me. but sometimes i can't help due to burning and stabbing pain in my hands, so i use nervive. nervive's clinical dose of ala reduces nerve discomfort in as little as 14 days. now i can help again. feel the difference with nervive. he's right with the details. now, here is the "the five." ♪ >> greg: hi i'm greg gutfeld, alon g with judge jeanine pirro,
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jessica tarlov, charlie hurt and she rides bare back on a bullfrog. dana perino, "the five" ♪ [yelling and chaos] >> greg: sucks tableo be a cop. all hell breaking loose in the sanctuary states oref americaka latest stunning vehicle shows illegal in nyc attacking nypd copstt tryinacg to make an arret a one person was a cuffed in the melee, just the latest example a of migrants showing their appreciation to a city that hooked them up with up to $10,000 worth of prepaid debit w cards per person. mayor adams casually brushing ofams f what happened as the wof bad whactors. >> you havpenee bad actors, yes. and any time you have 3,000
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peopleav who are placed in an environment that they cannot work, they have to sit around all day, you know, things like this have the potential to happen.wh this is what happens when you get this national problem on a city, we need the national tion government to assist and resolve this problem. >> greg: the visuals get even crazier in ill ale, fox cameras capturing x caa long line of migrants illegally climbing over a steep mountain into the us. the best looking man on tv catching up with some of them and you'll never guess where they're from. >> f china. >> china. >> c china. >> man where you from?? >> chew chin a. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china? >> yes. >> china. >> yes. >> georgia. >> china. >>ia china. >> greg: border patrol sources telling fox they apprehended nearly 500 chinese nationals in the san diego sectorst over the last three days. t
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remember this thhee president could have ended the migrant e madness with the stroke of a pen. according to acord new report b is sitting on an executive order he may sign ahead of the state of thee st union so he can pret to take action wile still blaming charlie thank you for coming today and taking the place of jesse watters. >> charlie: i'll do my best. >> greg: no, you don't have to work that hard.on it's a relief actually for all of us that he's gone. it feels like the border is bordering on clinical insanity c right now. it'sit almost as if a foreign power has found a weak spot like we're addicted to a drug, ll basically stupidity camouflaged as compassion and they're just driving to the end, breaking point. what say you? >> charlie: yeah, and of courset it's not that hard to find the weak point considering we broadcasted itd the entire timt and adams talking about a few bad feactors, yeah, okay, they' bad actors but if you're actually seriousbout about protecting your own country
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you're not letting the bad actors into the country. if you look back the last three yeares ws if we look at all the times we looked at one another and saidyo can you believe thiss happening, historic number of r got-aways, helps for i can number of terrorist watch list people that tried get througrou the border, all of these thingso how many times are we going to look. a each other the next eight months and say can you believe this? it's going teio keep happening.i and the idea that the biden administration is going to broadcast to the media that, ohm but i have this executive order that i might drop right before the state of the union address that's going to fix everything, not only does it completely undermine the biden administration's clay imthat, oh, no, i can't do anything about this, about you the other g is, how dare you, you know, play politics with this. and then third of all, it's not going to work because at tend of the day the idea of attacking donald trump for not being strong on the boarder and trying to blame -- you can try to blama republicans if you want but the idea you're going to blame
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donald trump for the border crisis is lieuot that's. it is a not going to work. >> greg: dana can you believe, that the debit cards go up to pa ten grand something we all pay for it's nuts. >> dana:a: t nicole at manhattan institute and wrote that piece for the new york post. f where'ors the new york times? anyone want to win a pulitzer prize this would be a story you d do that, $10,000 per person and that's not an incentive. i thought it was $50 bodega gift card. now i find out it's $10,000. a lot of the defenses were sympathy for sympathetic people. women and children families beiner dg separated. what do we see day ar day, a loh ofat single men, some single won like the ones there from china do they look like hard cases. and china won't take you back, because if you across our border, they're like we don't want is you back. and does everyone get a $10,000?
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gift card. and when president biden says he's going to sign this executive order before the state of the union so he can say look what i did, do they not think for one second the campaign genius of chris, who did the ho swift vote veterans for truth ad, is not going to be able to l take all of this footage and hang it right at the doorstep of joe biden? like of course htee is. i coulof cd even make the ad an don' it even know what i'm doin >>'m i don't know what i'm doin >> i don't know how to make an ad. >> would you do the piesest mean ad judge, imagine you're a country that has a super terrible gang problem an gand you have an opportunity to send all your ng gangs far away and never see them again, you would be venezuela. why wouldn't you do it >> judge jeanine: yeah, how do i know i'm from venezuela. we know that, that they're emptying out their jobs and not sending their best, to quote donald trump, he was right,
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they're not sending their best. the individuals that are here illegally, you can say they're asking for asylum not going through ports of entry, they're lick ants coming down a mole an hill in vary i couldn't tell parts of the country. and by the way texas is now working because the barriers, the bashedires wire, they have buoys, now they're all going to arizona and california. but what makes these people believe that thea any can come e and do this? i'll tell you who makes them believe that they can do it. joe biden, mayor adams, alvin bragg. joe biden lets them in, mayor adams saysadam i'm a sanctuary and doesn't even know in that interview that he did how he caa change it and not be a sanctuary city, and he gives them $10,000, and then we've got alvin bragg who allowed that video of those venezuelans to beat up those cops, it was promoted all over the country and i'm sure all al
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over the world and everyone's e saying this is great i can go to america an td then if they catc me five days later i can give them the finger, fingers i can gives them.i you know, we allow this to happen. and we're not proactive. we're reactive. we don't go to the border and say check within a poll, get fingerprints on these people find out who they are and let's not let them in. we don't even bother to do that we let them in and that's the end. and china, i have a problem with china. in the last, what, three days, almost 500ys have come in from china through the san diego truth is, that's more the entire year of 2021. so we know about the china spy crap, we know about their police departments or outposts or whatever they call them, the ll confucius institutes, you know,o we've got a real problem and we are inviting the enemy in and acting like wein don't know wa do, we know what to do we just don't have the right person in
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charge. >> greg: jessica, even you must admit this is crazy. c we're atra a breaking point her >> jessica: i appreciate that you already sound exhausted wita me and it's eight minutes and 17 seconds into the show. it is a huge problem and this has been for at least the last t several months a bipartisan huge problem, especially in the cities where the bussing has taken place and migrants have shown up here.ho i've spoken to friends who are genuinely shocked that people are flying here, to then walk acrosspe the border. because you can't get here from ba lot of these places, and trucking through terrible conditions, which is the old fashioned way. and that's why so many of these stories were compelling and why people were saying this is how i the asylum system works.hy and that's not to say that people who are in china don't haveth it bad, but it is to say you came from really far away to climb in to san diego.
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i think that it is important fon biden to take the executive actions that available to him but also to continue to push for the bipartisan senate deal. he have heard from some hard liners, you know, this is just a big am necessary city bill. james langford who are on the republican side is not an amnesty guy. the head of the border patrol union n hahas endorsed it and s you are never going to get something as good as this on the republicans, take the deal. and i want to talk a little bit benefit about suozzi who won th seat from george santos, swing direct had a republican 20 minutes ago and on a national level trump leads biden by 35 points the boarder. tom suozzi talked about closing there boarder but also finding more legal pathways coming here withims, legitimate asylum claio cut it to 9% deficit and he wont
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and his district had a hundred thousand migrants show up in the last year and a half. there is a pathway for democrath to bwae able to talk about this and maintain their humanity but also recognize the deep challenges of this and how unfair it is to people who are living in places like queens, which is part of tom suozzi's district >> charlie: it has been somewhat a bipartisan problem but the pa bottom line is that democrats have been the party of sanctuary cities, these debit cards, free phones, and, of course, ever single democrabit t running in for the democrat nomination put their hands up in support of free healthcare car >> jessica: except joe biden who won the election. >> charlie: and that is where the democrat party is >> jessica: except joe biden. >> judge jeanine: and no bail, w the democrats brought us no bail. >> greg: all right and now we ave to bail >> jessica: see what you did there. >> greg: yeah, that's why i'm ca here. okay, up next, the ladies of the view are panicking that donald trump will crushat d feeble joe biden in a debate. fear. crush joe biden in a debate.
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♪ . >> dana: president biden heading out west for the democrat friendly take rain of california and also where all the migrants are showing up in san diego hoping top raise the fund raising machine the president perhaps wants to reframe his public image he's too old to be president another four years. it all started off rocky literally. biden's faulty footing will be the least of his worries though
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the media firing off more warning shots of the danger that lies ahead. the ladies of the view are worried if biden can handle debating trump. >> biden can lose, he can lose in a debate, trump will not. the people supporting trump will support him whether he's there. biden makes one mistake and people undecided are out. >> if biden ramp they'll be all over him. if trump ramp who cares. >> i think it legitimizes him. i don't need to be gas lit by trump. we all know who he is. we all know what he stands for. we also know that biden debated him twice and just like sort of mopped the floor with him. >> meanwhile the new york times is trying to beef up its image that they'll be as tough on president biden as they are on president trump the paper revealing the white house is extremely up sweat coverage of his age and unpopularity and saying we will continue to report fairly not just on donald trump but also on president
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biden. to this day i believe hillary clinton has great disdain for the new york times after what happened in 2016, but in this regard do you think that the ladies on the view are putting their finger on something and do you think biden will debate trump? >> jessica: so i think they're putting their finger on something but i think that they're at -- their conclusion is wrong. i think that he has to debate. i think that you owe the american people that. no matter what. and donald trump is extremely difficult to debate because it's so unpredictable. and you saw that with hillary. we're going back eight years now that this was happening and hillary really top form and an excellent debater and it was widely considered that she had won those debates but he throws you off, the way he talks and the kind of things he says you have to be when ity and quick and also pre paired. >> dana: and agile >> jessica: yes, physically and mentally. and i think that there is a risk that biden will come off as
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certainly lower energy but i think that his content will be crisper. his answers and understanding of the issues. i think he gets them better and he has this record to run on and if it's a complete disaster than the american public deserves to see it. right? and you can play down whatever characteristics you think are a problem and play up, you know, whatever arguments you want to make but if you're going to tell people you're going to go to the ballot box and make one of the most important decisions of your life which is what it is when you elect a president every four years and you don't want to stand there 90 minutes i don't think that's great. >> take yourself back to the white house briefing room, on it? i don't think we ever had too many tussles, you and me but that thing is that the biden team is trying to work the refs here right. >> charlie: yes. >> dana: every president does that but what i think is interesting is now the reporters are reporting on the fact the biden team is trying to work the refs and a lot of people that work in this current
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administration were junior staffers during the a obama years when the press was so nice, like oh my god the president tied his shoes correctly that was amaze so now they're surprised there's actual questions and pushback. do you think it will be effective or has the media given permission to go for it. >> charlie: when all of this began it was the defying of oh bomb that caused so many of the press to completely surrender any pre tenses that they're going to cover politics fairly to the point where the washington post and new york times had become only fan sites for whacko left wing people who hate donald trump. and now that some of their material is sort of fading, they're struggling. but any time a reporter is boasting about how mad somebody is. a them it's usually because they're in bed with that person and they're trying to sort of boost themselves with their colleagues in the press. but the problem, of course, is that -- and i think it is a interesting what you said,
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jessica, and i hope that they do debate, but the argument that we heard from the biden administration and others is that, no, donald trump is delegitimized therefore we don't have to debate him and now the truth is coming out very clearly, that's not the reason that joe biden doesn't want to debate him. the reason they don't want to debate him is because they're afraid joe biden will take it in the shorts if he does debate them. one last final thing i think is important obviously debates are all about managing those expectations and of course democrats want to lower those expectations as far as possible so that if joe biden doesn't fall down on his face in the middle of the debate. >> dana: he won. >> charlie: exactly. >> dana: he was asked today if he needed somebody in california to be standing by. watch him here. >> going to california, is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024, does gavin need to stand by. >> are you ready? >> yes, sir. >> well i'm ready. i'm looking at you. >>dana: trying to make a joke.
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but anyway, the press is asking. >> greg: i'm deeply offended by the view. okay? they say, you know, don't debate trump because the platform gives that jut mays. well how about the view who gives their legitimacy on their platform to descendants of slave owners. right? on that table they have descendants of slave owners at the table. sonny check your privilege. i'm disgusted and speechless. this all kind of sounds familiar. we knew they were going to say trump's arguments are so poised they cannot be heard. the networks are doing this, we're not going to show donald trump. they cut him off when he's talking about immigration even though he was correct. it's not about suppressing poisonous ideas it's about suppressing trump because he wins over voters and they know biden's going to lose. they did the same thing with conservative speakers on campus right?
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they did the same thing with opinions on election fraud or covid banned on social media. they suppressed the laptop which is every bit as real as biden's grand kid which they suppressed as well and then they used lawfare to suppress trump either to get him off balance or to keep him so busy he can't actually campaign. i'm with jessica on this, if trump is so bad, then surely he'll sink himself. so let him debate. you know, why not? what are you scared of. and it goes back to what charlie said. this isn't about that. it's about the fact that biden -- he couldn't do a three-minute super bowl interview, do you think he's going to stand up during a debate. >> dana: 90 minutes. >> greg: they're doing work now for state of the unionen that's weeks away. >> dana: the other thing that happened is all of the media saying they're in trouble with the white house. here's this from the new york times op-ed says kamala harris is not a liability. she may be democrats' best weapon and i would really love
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to interview this guy to find out what sort of bomb shelter he's been living in. >> judge jeanine: yeah, could be i bomb shelter, could be under a rock or he could be not that smart. kamala, if you have to rely on kamala, just as well hand over the keys to the kingdom now. i focused on what greg focused on and that was sonny hostin basically saying that you can't have joe debate donald trump because it legitimizes donald trump and gives him a platform. so what do they have to do? the democrats have to de-legitimize whoever they want to debate. so hillary got questions about the debate from, who was it? donna bra brazil. okay so they were able to delegit hides there. and then joe biden got antony blinken to get those intelligence officers to say that the laptop was disinformation, russian disinformation so they could have an answer for joe biden to de-legitimize donald trump. no. the only person who's gas
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lighting is joe biden. he's gas lighting about his son's laptop that no one took money from a chinese-connected communist party. he told us the border was secure. he said that the special counsel brought up her, what we now know that he brought up beau. he lied to us about beau dying in iraq when we all know he died in a hospital. i mean, talk about gas lighting. this guy,r time he opens his mouth i have an anxiety attack that he's going to say something that's not true or he's going to fall as he was stumbling up air force one. look, joe biden when he gets on stage is a deer in the head lights and nobody's home. you just look at him. this week, i saw him, it's pathetic, it's horrible and yet the team in the white house, they listen to axelrod and caravel and their opinion was we won the midterms we're going to break we don't need your $0.02 and we keep winning over and over again and we're going to
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continue to work the way we're working with winter joe. >> greg: dana. >> dana: yeah. >> greg: kamala harris secret weapon way a nuclear missile is, right? we don't want to use it because it will destroy everything so let's stick to the conventional destruction of joe biden. >> dana: yeah. >> greg: exactly. >> dana: coming up democrat senator elizabeth warren stumped on why so many americans miss trump's economy. ♪
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hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. ♪ . >> charlie:. >> charlie: if you ever want to stump a democrat, just ask them this. >> why do you think that people, all the polls show that a lot of voters look back on the trump years and they think, they didn't like a lot about it but they think the economy was good in the trump years.
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about that, donald trump was presiding over an okay economy. >> you know, again, i don't know. i can't, i can't sprain polling. no, i mean, i can't. i can't. and i can't explain how the narratives come to be. >> charlie: so senator liz warren is totally bewildered on why americans miss the trump economy. no surprise warren was always bad with numbers remember when she thought one 1,000th of a native american meant she was the real deal. under trump overall inflation was just over 6% during his first three years. under biden up nearly 18% and your most important stat your grocery bill under president trump it was up 2%, under joe biden it's up 21%. so, you know, greg, this is one of these very simple cases and politicians always get it wrong. when you have a collision of ideology and reality and you stick with ideology instead of
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reality, you're always going to fail. >> greg: it's such a shame she could have drawn on the indigenous heritage, she could have said white men had more beads. she didn't have arrow heads she created one under her biography. that's what you call cognitive dissonance because she exists in a bubble and nobody asks her that question and this is where you're face of a choice between three things, one is telling the truth which will hurt you more, or lying and escaping without a scratch, or just throwing up your hands. this happens more and more every day. since jesse's not here, i will give a jesse example. >> dana: okay. >> greg: it's like, you know, when somebody asks you what makes a woman attract i have, right? a man can state it clearly, but if he does, you know, he's done, right? so instead he says, oh, it's a sense of humor, it's confidence or it's independence when he really wants to say a really who had body. so the only other option is, you have to say, you know, i really don't know what makes a woman so
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attractive. you know, that's something that we discussed since the beginning of time. there's so many variable. i wish i knew. >> dana: nailed it. >> greg: thank you >> charlie: dane a one of the obvious tells when a politician is doing it wrong with she immediately started talking about polling and narratives and any time a politician sounds like a political consultant they're losing. dana: she has a net worth and houses in cambridge and the penn quarter and success is great if you want to look at it that way but also, biden may have won the battle of the presidency and the primary that year but bernie sanders and elizabeth warren won the war. the administration is stacked with people that worked with bernie and warren, and the biden policies are actually warren's policies. and don't, don't anybody forget it. that's exactly what's happening. and now biden thinking that this is a good idea starts to pick up some of her economic themes, right? where have we heard shrinkflation and corporate greed.
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she wants to go after the grocery stores. i hope that for biden's sake he doesn't continue doing that but the problem for him is he is surrounded by people who work for her and bernie sanders and they are pushing forward their policies >> charlie: so true. is it a problem for democrats to man splain it not economy wembanyama no but i often think that woman splaining is better because it comes with the bells and whistles and how the household works. women make those decisions, you talk about the grocery bills and the car you're going to buy something else references jesse he believes women don't make those decisions and they doment i think that the surrogates need a better answer for these questions because they are going to keep coming. and it seems quite self-est to me that the way to handle it,
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and i have a much curbier job in the studios talking about these things versus out on the campaign trail, but give trump credit, say why biden's situation is better. the reason people think the trump economy is better is tax cuts. that's what it isment but there is so much evidence that biden has built a great economy off the heels of a terrible global pandemic that you have so much to talk about. so you talk about lowly unemployment under trump, it's lower under biden especially for bill cosbies and latinos. consumer sentiment the highest since 2005, the biggest jump. 76% of americans think they're going to be better off in a year than they are today. talk about oil production with 13.5 million barrels are being produced. it is a record, an historic record. talk about insulin prices. you don't have to insult him every time to be able to make the argument that biden is just doing better. gdp growth, 22% >> charlie: so, judge, do you
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think women are going to buy being lied to about how 48 the economy is? >> judge jeanine: no, because they go to the supermarketr day, because they fill their car up with gas every day. whether they're taking kids to school or after school programs or going out to dinner, wherever they are going. look, the women -- i don't take a position who buys a car or makes decisions, i don't really care. all i know is this. a woman knows how much is in her pocketbook at the bing of the woke and how much is there at the end of the week when she has to pay her bills. all right? and for liz warren to not be able to say and just kind of, oh, i don't know. she's so clouded by hate and ideology that she cannot, she cannot look at a sheet, an excel spreadsheet or the metrics and say this is why this and this is why that. but you know what? the most frustrating part of all this is the people in washington don't give a damn about any of us. they're all multi millionaires, here's a woman makes 164,000 i heard dana she's worth over
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$10 million. 's all about insider trading, all right? that's all about finding out about the deals before the rest of the public finds out. it's a game. it's' all a game. here's the bottom lean. you decide when your pocketbook, when you're doing better when buying your groceries or spending your money, and when you're not. and that's the decision, it's the economy and this year it's immigration, too. >> jessica: well, but just to say that the argument against the economy is obviously failing. >> judge jeanine: no it isn't. no it isn't. it's not failing. oh, donald trump >> jessica: donald trump needs it to crash so he can win. >> judge jeanine: oh, no. >> jessica: he doesn't want to be herbert hoover and now he has --. >> greg: i dismiss that. no, no, i dismissed it with an analogy that i don't want to be on the five when it's low rated. that doesn't mean i want the show to have low rated it just means i don't want to be here when it gets a low rating. that's what he said.
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>> charlie: me neither. we have to go. coming up team biden is laser focused on the things that really matter, like misgendering people. ♪ matter, like misgendering people. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪)
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>> woman: why did we choose safelite? we were loading our suv when... crack! safelite came right to us, and we could see exactly when they'd arrive with a replacement we could trust. that's service the way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: joe biden's secretary of state is trying to warn his staff about the dangers of misgendering. according to a february 5th memo obtained by the national review, anthony blinken cautioned against problematic gender terms like brave men and women, or ladies and gentlemen. he suggested gender neutral terms instead, brave first responders or folks. the state department spokesman got asked about this nonsense frpts it's a standard government practice to try to encourage
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just people just to be respectful of one another and use the terms with which others are comfortable. >> well, does the secretary or anyone else in the building have an issue with the phrase ladies and gentlemen? >> i do not have -- hold on. i do not have any problem with the term ladies and gentlemen and i feel fully confident saying the secretary does not either. >> judge jeanine: all right, charlie, so why promote a far-left agenda and this activism in the state department when we've got wars raging in ukraine and gaza >> charlie: i'm impressed that was pretty bold to say he didn't have a problem with saying ladies and gentlemen. quite a stand. it's absurd and ridiculous. and the point of the absurdity, i don't know if anyone watches the movie the hunger games but all the leaders in the hunger games are so ridiculous, the opulence is ridiculous and absurd and at some point that
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becomes the point. when you listen to these dough debates with so many important things going on around the country and you have a president tabbing about junk fees and shrinkflation and all this idiotic nonsense they have no ideas they're out of ideas and they don't care. >> judge jeanine: dana the concept or threat they call it of misgendering, the state department is actually allowing therapy sessions for people within the state department because apparently there was an e-mail that went out to everyone, and they misgendered a few people. now we're paying for therapy for people in the state department. >> dana: go back to 2015 or 2016 and president trump was at a rally of some sort. maybe not a huge rally, but it was early days. and one of the things he said was, political correctness is killing our country and he got a standing ovation. and that moment sticks in my mind because it is things like this that remind everyone of why
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he said something like that. the state department might say oh, it's just a little memo, not a big deal. what are we talking about. no, this is getting into the minds of everyone that is one the recipient of memo and a lot are moms and dads and they also have sons and daughters and they don't want this creeping into their life. do you think a memo like this from the secretary of state is thrown in the trash can? no, bureaucrats take it seriously so that's why it seeps further and further into the government. >> judge jeanine: you know, greg, i don't know if you remember this, but there was a commercial, it was for the cia and a woman comes out and she says i'm a woman of color, i'm mom i'm a cis gender diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder. do you remember that. >> greg: of course. >> judge jeanine: she was advertising for the cia. military recruitment right now is at an all-time low, the lowest since '41. >> greg: yeah, the military is a killing machine, not a feeling machine. by the way, the response to a lot of this misgendering stuff
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will be come on it's not a big deal, just be nice. but the subject matter itself is trivial, but it has an opportunity cost. time, effort, and attention is spent to this trivial stuff. there are people that spend hours on these memos, and they spend money on this therapy, and there is a direct path from that to deeper and more long-term opportunity costs. it indolichol non-scientific non-biological decisions that affect not just the long-term unity of a military but long term physical and mental health of people. for the longest time we were told, longest time being the last ten years perhaps, that restricting trans surgery would put minors at risk for suicide. so if you did not -- if you argued about giving them drugs or doing surgery, you had blood on your hands. the reason why that argument was so important was that it silenced people. you couldn't come out and say, like this doesn't make sense. oh, then you want kids to die. now all this research is coming
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out that it's all bunk. there was no row search behind it. in fact there's no difference in suicide -- in fact, generally post-op trans has a much higher suicide rate than the general population. but the point was, this is all part of a bigger mow saying to keep people quiet. so if you question -- the 90 year old woman who was a volunteer for the multiple sclerosis society asked about what pronouns were, she lost her job. she had been there for 60 years volunteering. the idea is that, if we tell you that what you're doing could cost lives by misgendering, you won't do it. but it is he over now. >> judge jeanine: all right jessica, tell us why we're wrong >> jessica: okay. well, i think that the -- we've gone a lot of different places with this, but i think the trans suicide rate is not about the operation and the implications of that, it's about the bullying and the attacks and the quality
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of life for trans people in the country. >> greg: they looked at that. we can talk about it after >> jessica: we can, yeah iethey looked at at that and they -- >> jessica: and everything was honky dorie for trans people. >> greg: no, no, i'm just calling out the lie. i'm calling out the lie >> jessica: okay. i am one of these penal people that thinks if you lead an organization that has tens of thousands of employees in it that there has to be certain decisions taken that will make the few feel better. and i'm not saying that i am someone who has not been guilty of violating some of these rules, i certainly say ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, brave men and women and all of these things. but when you have that many people working for you it is important to send a message that you do care about every individual within that organization. does that mean some of it goes too far? absolutely. but does it mean also that certain people want to make an argument that things leak this are what are destroying our country, per se.
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>> greg: it's campusry language. it's come pullsry language. >> charlie: . >> jessica: do you think men and women are getting fired. >> greg: i just gave you an example >> jessica: the multiple clear so lady? i'm talking about the state department. if you told a hundred people, even the person who made the decision make that lives with decision and regret about it. >> judge jeanine: if every one of us who ran an organization were concerned about every person's sensitivities, we wouldn't be involved in the mission of the organization. we'd be just a feel-good organization that effectually does nothing. >> greg: it's a problem if nothing depends on your work. >> thank you. >> coming up madonna giving quite a scare after falling out of her chair. and that rhymes, greg. at ameriprise financial our advice
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♪ >> jessica: welcome back. madonna shocking fans after falling off a chair during a concert.
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♪ >> jessica: she's okay and kept the show going. >> wow >> jessica: greg. >> greg: that's not her fault >> jessica: no, it's the dancer's fault. >> greg: and what is the dancer wearing really? >> judge jeanine: high heels >> jessica: exactly that's the problem. i didn't want to say anything and move back to the last conversation. >> charlie: we always talk about the differences between men and women but men have a higher center of gravity than women do. they shouldn't wear shoes like that. they can't handle shoes like that. >> judge jeanine: wait a minute don't even go there. what are you saying. >> charlie: if your center of gravity is your shoulders you can't wear those shoes. >> greg: high heels. i learned that the hard way. [laughter] >> charlie: you're wearing high heels right now. >> judge jeanine: but you what's sad about the whole things is they have these headlines, madonna 65 falls. no the guy dragging her chair dumped her. >> she's the victim. >> i think they planned the we thing so we would talk about it. >> this he need to get her a chair lift.
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everyone no joe biden needs a chair lift >> jessica: like up the wall or like a ski lift. >> up the wall >> jessica: i'm sure you're all glad you listened to that. one more thing is up next. ♪ i was more engaged with my team at work and even later in the afternoon i used to get that after me kind
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you know what? i can show you the rest when they eat the child. yeah, yeah. get back on track. check this out. it went airborne. it ended up wedged between two cities in a parking lot in massachusetts and if you ever wondered what happens if you hit the gas instead of the brakes, this is what happened to the male male or female driver data male or female driver. >> go ahead, tell us. it doesn't say what they're targeting, the identity. >> it was definitely a woman. sorry. no question. no questions, your honor. judge, give me a break. it's my turn. >> okay. so six-year-old levi carter and his bus driver, larry ferris, have a bond. larry noticed that levi was not his regular self on the bus and he told the driver he didn't have pjs for school. pajama day, larry took it upon himself, went to the store, showed up with a vaginal device, and they left the classroom and levi wast happy. >> god bless the bus driver. have a great night


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