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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 20, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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,you play them enough. you can win hundreds of dollars. i down a couple hit black 35 on the edge, like $10 on it. i want a $180 on a $20 bet, $10 bet. >> i mean, come on. i was beaten. $5 bet ten. i was winning. i don't even think this is right for me to just take all this money from this casino . well, you know how i do tomorrow. do some texts. mary from albany, new york. maybe the nypd dance team is using dance as a stress outlet. i wouldn't want that job. you can also hit the heavy back to reduce stress. >> craig from claremont, california not all craig's are bad. >> craig's? it's like having a name. >> like, what's that name they call the white woman that they don't like, but i don't remember. i'm watter s and this is myom
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world. and welcome to hannity. wee to are reporting live tonigt from tucson, arizona. so in just four short days,d ni former president trump and nikki haley,kk they willlina square off in the south carolina republican primary and to the polls, president trump, while he holds a commanding lea hold d. a new suffolk poll shows him leading nikki haley by 28 points in her home state, now bringing his now in the reall clear politics average to over 25. now, it would be natural foratuf things to tighteorn in the daysa leading into any primary that's common now, despityse a huge deficit in her home state, nikki haley delivered, a speech earlier today announcing she will not be dropping outannoun o of this race any time soon. so far, governor haley has beefn struggling versus the former president after coming in thira in iowa, losing by double digits in new hampshire and losing to the option, quote, none of these candidates by more than 30 points in nevada. well, the pressure certainly por on the former governor in her home state.
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now, fair question governo, muse asked if she doesn't win her home state on saturday or ife stat she even loses by doube digits, where does she see a path to the nomination? certainly the pressure is on governor haley tonightme. but despite an enormous lead in the polls, president trump continues to campaigp continneae vigorously. and earlier tonight, he sat down with our very own laura ingraham for a town hall in south carolina. twcovere the two covered a numbr of topics, including a possible surprise campaign strategyse based off a shocking new poll. watch this. >> you may campaign in the bronx or at madison square garden. when might that be happening? very soon. m look, we have nine months yet, but i'm going to see about madison square garden and we're going to go to the south bronx and we're goingh to go to queens and other areas, because if you look at what's happenedbrd in new y, i'm not even blaming the mayor. i think the mayor has sort of been told to take a backseat to a little bit because they came after him violently. you know, they came after hiseam
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like they're going to indict him when he started speaking up. and now he's become quiet. thesnow hee are fascists we're dealing with. they're terrible people. and so i'm note him. i'm just saying we have 400, 500,000 migrants, illegal migrants in new york on madison avenue. ork,they're sleeping on madison avenue. they're sleeping on fifth avenue. it's horrible. what's on.ue >> i think there's a chance to win new york. people are very, very unhappy. now, we'll have more on that new york poll in just a moment. .and as the left continues to pursue their endless witch hunt s. laura did ask the former president if he's worried about becoming a political prisoner. >> here's what he say. we are turning into a communist country in many ways. >> and if you look at it, m i'm the leading candidate i got in. i never heard of being indicted before i was in.s, i got indicted four times. i have eight or nine trials,ecae all because of the fact that i'm o you know, this all because of the fact that i'm in politics. >> they indictedth ind me on ths that are so ridiculous. >> do you see yourselfo as a potential political prisoneruset
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in the united states? >> because that's their goal is to put you in jail behind lon your bars, make to do the rest of the rest of your life. if only that was in the polls. >> they wouldn't even be talking about me and i thd legal in the if you had retired from politics, would all these if i were out? i think although they hate me so much, i'm i think if i got out there so let's pursue this guy we can't stand this guy. and while trump continues to surge, while joe biden struggles only growing more apparent now, earlier today, when i am walking up star the small stairs, not the big stairs on air force one. >> wels,thl, once again appearel to stumble before actually catching himself. him now, despite the obvious struggles, accordingse to one "new york times" publisher, the white house is, quote, extremel publishy upset with th paper's coverage of biden's age and unpopularit. d does the biden white t evenreally expec their willing accomplices, their allies in the media mob? t
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do they really expect them to ignore what are the obvious a struggles of what is a very weak, frail and compromised president? >> is that what they expect? and unfortunately for the white house, biden's failures and freefall in poll numberscogt cannot be hidden. now, according to a new moment surveyivcompromin's fail, bidenp is an unmitigated disaster, with just 38% of respondents now approving of joe and thepred job he's done as president. and when you dive into thoseen whens, well, it only gets worse. on the issue of inflation, whice h as of you know, has been one of the cornerstones of, quote, biden-nomics well, cont running completely out of control since he took officre ,only 34% approve of his job a performance. and aftef his r dealing with th fallout of his open borders policy for over three years, which has wreaked nothing but havoc acrossyears, every cor of our country, while just 26%fi approve of his performance on the issue of immigratioperfo
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but he's still blaming trump. what a joke. but perhaps most alarminig for the biden campaign is a new poll out of deep blue newr e york, my former home state, which shows joe up sta just 12 points on donald trump receiving under 50%. the this is one of the most liberal states in the country. >> now, this is a state that joe biden by wobiden by ovr 20 points in 2020, securing over 60% of the vote at the time. >> s vote o what does all of ths mean for joe biden as the 2024 campaign cycle now heats up? no, it's certainly notats good. a gallup report from last friday, it says political anga d economic indicators there are, quote, not promising fors qu biden that, stating the obvious. in fact, the report goes on to sa iny, well, presidents with approval ratings of 50% or higher close to election day. >> they've all bee% n reelected all but one president with a subpar 50% approval rating lost. so in the last poll from
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january, well, what was joe's approval ratinjanuarg there? well, it was 41%, not even close to 50. >> so what biden's poll numbers continuing to plummet, alarm bells, they ars e sounding out for democrats. it's like they got alarms going ,you know, 24/7 and frankly, rightfully so. >> and yet another g omen for biden. well, you have fivethirtyeight's nate silver. he a pretty scathing piece about the biden campaign yesterday saying a in, quote,sig he's losing now and there's no plan to fix the problems otherll than hoping that the polls are wrong. here wass ar reaction. fox news contributors lisa bonet and charlie hirsch. husocharlie former arkansas governor mike huckabee is with us. >> guys, good to see you alld t >> lisa, let m e start with you. that's a lot to absorb. e verg >> i mean, we are we're on the verge of south carolina . it's the home state for governor haley. age seemhaley.s to be getting more aggressive by the day. >>gry th it's -- it's gotten he
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but south carolina, frankly, is always you know, you can go baccarolinak to george w bush and john mccain. that was a pretty nasty race back in the day. >> what are your thoughts? pr, when you ask that question, where is the path? there is none. askedand she knows that. i mean, what does it say about nikki haley, about the weakness non of her candidacy, that she had to lie to us to get anyone to watch that press conference today. she had she had to pump gas. p >> she had to do bus. she had to lead people to believe that she was droppin ang out to get people to watch her press conference. pe for nikkipath haley, i think. and i think she knows that. i think she knowshe iss that shs not going away and she knows there is not going to be a path. >> i think what she wants is pats on the head from the mainstream media. maybe she wants a contracted cnn. >> she wants to be part of theea club. but i dontrt of th want to ment one thing about watching the trump town hall tonighont. it made me think that we don't have to live like this, sean. wehis, can have a strong economg we can have a strong border. we can be respected as a
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nation. but we need a change at that white house. and that changwe need e is donad trump. so i hope americans are watching and kno w that we don't have to live like this. it can be different. it has been and it will bet. again. hopefully it. you know, governor, i'm particular lee i don't know, maybe amused is the word, but i find it even bewilderingnd for the mainstream media mob i've i viewed them as sort of an extension of all things liberal democrat and they go with all the talking points they were called in and some guy named ian sams in the special counsel's officewhat is directing them what they should be reporting on. >> they're upsetld b that the mainstream media can no longern ignorestre what they tried to ignore for almost four years. and that's joe's a physical and cognitive decline. >> but they're in the whitee house that the obvious is being spokenwhobviou at. i don't think they have any a choice at this point.
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sean he took a beach towel for me to draw my tears when i realized how sad they are at the white house over the way the prest tooks is treating thet i mean, my gosh, you've turned into a new york refugee having to leave your home state because of the wonderful reception you've been given up there. but i just think it's absurdof e that the white house is whining that somehow they just don't think they're being treated very well. well whining, welcome to our wo. and, boy, are they ever having a hard time adjusting to justto a tiny little biri look what donald trump has been through for the past eight years, it's been abs o absolutely the most relentless attack bee on him personally, legally, economically, socially in every way. and he's still standing up and fighting. that's still up i think a lot of americans are coming to donald trump and saying nobody else can take what he'sta put uphe with and keep getting p every morning and fighting for
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us. >> well, let's get your take, charlie. and guess the horse race is in n the news. >> we're heading in the south carolinaews,. >> i understand the defiance. nikk di haley came out.gettin you know, she's been gettingg more aggressive againstways president trump, who is always aggressive himself. he doesn't apologize for it.ork in is that going to work in the final days leading u tp to this primary on saturday? >> oh, i don't think. >> is at all. it? and i think that, you know, she's had kind of a lot of problems, i would say, with her campaign all along, starting with the fact that she is of run this. you know, i am woman hear me roar campaign does a lot of sort of identity politics almost like she's borrowing a lo t of techniques from democrats, which is a weird way tee republican party. >> but, you know, you know,arty once. i do and i think this is exactly right, you know, the idea that she ha s to punk int people and trick people into covering one of her campaigns is just sort of further proof. one of her events is further
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proof that it really is over. will, you know, she'll it appears that she's going to get beaten in south carolina. hopefl hopefully, she figures out how to get out and get out honorably y. >> and then and then we can sort of focus on the general election. get if this election is about the issues and not about all the noise that the media tries to bring into it and not about, you know, all the thingshi i that people want to make up and say about donald trump or whether he should be in jail her he s, t all this stuff, if it's about the actual issues that people care like about, like the econy and like the border and like crime. donald c should win this fighte. 80th 80% of the vote because 80% of americans across the political spectrum% , across economic, race, gender, everything, 80% of americansa want the america that donald trump is talking and hashe demonstrated he can he can bring nobodyng. >> this world that joe biden has given n us. >> yeah. you know, governor huckabee,
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it's funny that donald trump at one point actually said i'm probably one more indictment away froment being guaranteedbein that get reelected. >> i meare-en only he would comp with that line. you got to admit this. there's some truth, though, behind. it. ald that is i mean, i've always said that he seems to defywa political gravity and that cod, his polldicte numbers get up, go up. >> he he gets arraigne nds go his poll numbers get go up. he gets a mug shot. he's selling more t shirts online than anybody could ever wish for. how do you how do you describe this phenomenooun? have they so overreached and have they weaponizedized the justice system, so much that the impulse all has happened? >> a guy as strong as donald trump is, is he now become gu? ctim well, he's become a martyr in some ways. but i think what's he ha happeng people in america aren't as dumb as the democrats think.
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they to be. and that's as simple as i can put it. they're just not d that stupid. they see through this. they see the political persecutionssee thro, see joe wi boxes of records in his garageth records he wasn't even supposed to have. and gets, you know, a little, gee, we're not going to prosecute because you're old. and you don't know what the heck's going on. donald trump gets a raide ol his home early in the morning and they go to his wife's closet. s people look at that and they say, yeah, this ain't right. sowife's clo honestly, sean, whs happening is that the more they try to teartear down, g the stronger he gets. nikki haley, when she sayset chaos follows donald trump, she makes it like a negative. actually, what she really should admit is the reason chaos follow s donald trump is because it's the chaos of the opposition. it's the fbi, the cia, the irs, the doj using all of the powers. of government to create chaos for him. it's jus himt that he's the onet
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that just might have the capacity to no t stand up to it, dot to organize it and put it downwn once and for all and the give this country back to the people who should own it. >> now, let me ask elise about., no, no, no.vali varney. and this was the opposition leader. was in prison in russia that seems to have been murdered by thatsi, murderer and dictator by the name of vladimir putiugn. >> nothing surprises me.. and a of people have triede have to make the case that if republicans want the border secure first, that would be an america first policy. >> if they want our budget in balance the first before we consider more aid to ukraine, w it's we're like we haven't given a lot of aid to ukraine. aid wantd, everythingha to say about about putin being evil. >> i completely agresay aboue w. he's evil. he's a murdering dictator and he invaded a sovereignictatg country and he's killed innocent men, women and children. and, you kno thug.w what?
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the whole world should unite against it. frankly, the continent of europy ane should have steppd up a lot more than we have $75r billion of taxpayer monies. >> a lot. i think the americany a peoplef we did secure the border, if they did get the budgetshould in balance, and probably they should make it a loan, not a gift, then they might be to open the door to that. but democrats say, oh, if you insist on securing the border first and you'rsecuri willing to allow in 5000 people a day, that means you must be a putin apologist. no, i don't know any. conservative, a putinativ apologist. i certainly am not one. i see him fothat is r what is we is. >> he's evil. . well, and there's also a sense of irony as donald trump is trup being persecuted by his enemies and by the president and democrats here in the united states. >> look, i'm of the mindset whic h this might be unpopular. i don't think ukraine can win this thing. we don't knon thisw what we're
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spending our money on. there is no accountability with it. there's no transparenc ny. ukraine has a history of corruption. so does joe biden and his family that has profiteds histof of ukraine as well. so i would like to seedely. some sort of deal together, if possible, as opposed to just throwing money at this you know, throwing money at the problem. >> but, you know, look, i justot want to make one point about, look, governor huckabee said, i think the dot j report has taken away joe biden's trump card. his whole premise this whole otr argument, this election cycle was the other guy is worse. >> and americans is know that's not true because we saw what things looked like undet tr trump. we've seen what it looks like under joe biden. nohenow we know that joe biden is a crook. he mishandled classified information since the 1970s and he was a senator or a vice president. nowhern since e. the authority you have as a president who is the ultimate authority on handling classified information, declassifying classified. so i think the muddies have become are the waters have become muddiee d and joentt biden no longer has really any argument to make heading into>>a
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2024. >> you know, charlie, i don'n: t think the republicans as slim as their majorities in the are supposede not to be potted plants. right. and i thind k for them to insist t on secure borders and getting our budget in balance with 34 trillion in debt and sayin g no more giveaways, maybe loans, maybe help in another way. that seems to be the right political formula to look s primaries, aleviou . you look at these polls, they all show the same thing. the american le are people are tired of nearly 10 million illegal, unvetted joe biden's immigrants that are crossing our border. >> there's been no vetting. we haven't checked their background. and look at the countries that are coming from. i mentioneis no d it many timesa china, russia, afghanistan, egypt, syria, iran, not vetted. and then, you know, we'll gett intointo more detail later in te program. but, you know, i think progr ths an 80, 20, maybe 85, 15, maybe
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9010 issue. yeah. well, in terms of what the american people want terms i want them to fight for that. >> and then we can have all those other conversations. and how quickly your experience, the biggest mistak ae the biggest mistake republicans on capitol hill caee is they didn't agre to die on the hill of protecting our border and closinf ting ourg border. they should have decided both chambers, republicans chambersrs decided that we will shut down the entire government if that's what it takes to force thisenfoc administration to enforce our laws and stoe lawsp and sean the border and stop the border invasion. theyd to do that.what and what they wound up doing actually was proving that even a more important, that a republican majority in the repu senate is havingsenate donald trump as president in the white house, because apparently the only way we're going to secure the border is to have the at the top ofr our executive branch. president trumexp, who is willig to do whatever it takes to secure the border. t and, you know, governor huckabee was just talking about the whole issue
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of chaos that that nikki haley is talking about. and he's exactly right aboututgo this. the idea that you're going to criticize donald trump foizr being this sort of nexus of chaos or whatever, when its reallyof is opponents who are bringing the chaos. >> but donald trump was elected to be a disruptor in washington. the chaos come s with that people, you know, obviously everybody would like lif e to be a bed of roses. >> they would like politics to all be nice and sweet and everything. not wh that's not where we are. and the reasonre donald trump gn elected in 2016 and the reason i think he's going to get reelected agai n 2024 is becaus people want disruption in washingto want din. goin they don't want this to keepy going the way it's going. and yoit igoing.u you know, i tk republicans do are the ah, the the less bad party on capitol hill. but even they don't get it don e . >> only donald trump in the white house gets these house. tion fld tr >> all right. exit question for all threeor of you . >> unless and until the governor and ambassador haley, i didn't hear what youu
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said, lisa, but unless ged until governor haley gets a win orts single digits even, should donald trump strategicallrumpy. governor huckabee, you're a smart politician. should he engage or, should ignore your advice, totally ignore her, focus on biden, but more importantly, focus on what he can do for d the people, what he did do for them. ignore the oppositioe n fromfral within. it's -- it's frankly immateriayl . lisa, engage your ignore shee ha ignore. >> she has to lie to us, hoodwinks to into watching a prs conference. there is no path to her for her in the primary. r there's not even a path at a convention. and so donald trump isher. the . ignore nikki haley. have your sights set on joe biden and the democrat party at large. >> yeah, everybody gavsightse hm last word. same question. even the press has moved on. donalds moon should move on and
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direct all firepower on democrats and joe biden. all right. er oi appreciate you all, lisa. thank you, charlie. thank you, governor. always good to have you. when we come>> to ha back, a rey chaotic scene inside an illegal immigraninsidet shelter in new y city all caught on tap ae accor and that's just the new normal, according to the mayor. we'll check in with larry kudlowdiayorchec and much more e continue tonight. so you're telling me this bound to pass, gets us into the creation museum, too? yep. how cool is that? what are we waiting for? let's go. oh, is that a mastodon? i think so. >> this is going to be awesome. right now, someone be listed as the owner of your home. it's stealing thousands of dollars of your hard earned equity. anybody who owns property should worry about home title theft. there's no other crime that is so easy. so and so lucrative. your home, your equity and your piece of mind can all be stolen
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so we are american made from beginning to end. shop now at show allegiance .com. cri all right. joe biden's border crisis continues to create. absolutelyinues to chaos in ames big cities, frankly, big cities, small towncitiess all across the country. every town every city is a border city. evere look at what happened inside one shelter for illegals in new york when police triedor
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to make an arrest. look at this. >> this should not happen mayor in this country. and by the way, new york mayor eric adams says this eri is just something that happens these days. >> wow. takedays, look at this.>> d >> do you have bad actors. yes. things like this have the potential to happen. thinavi've said this over and ot again. even the most peaceful persohe n being confined to an area i with 3000 people. even if you are the most peaceful persof you arn, there m a time when you just. it just irritatewhen is you. this is what happens when you did this national problem on this city.
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we nee need national government to assist in resolving this problem. now, meanwhile, the state of michigan now asking its in wt residents to actually take in what they call, quote, refugey call eggs, a.k.a. joe bs unvetted illegal immigrants, because it will apparently, quote, build a more welcoming and inclusiva e for all.e a so to governor gretchen whitmer ,i have a question for you. >> what happens if one of joe's unvetted illegal immigrants hurts an innocent family that takes the m in? who would bear the responsibility for that governor? the answer hurt, it would be you. and in massachusetts, well, they've already askedachuse their residents to house illegals. now, maybe because the state is spendintte asked tog much onr them. and according to the local cbs station in boston, one catering company, they're getting paid $10 million to feed illegal immigrants for six months. >>s although paul goes on tonts explain that the state has contracts for housing illegals
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totaling more than get this, $116 million. there's one city and that quote, in some cases, the hotels are collecting money h from the states for three meals a day. 116 bucks for breakfast, 17 bucks for lunch, $31 for dinner. by the way, that means a whopping what, 80, $64 a day per person. >> somewhere in that4 age rang. now, add in the cost of education, health care, , policing, law and order. and that is a massive, massive financial burden on every person. burden osnot just massachusett is every state, every city, every town. >> it was reaction as fox business host, our friend larry kudlow is back on the showy kud larry, good to see you, my friend. oh, this is just something that happens. thes e days and would you consider adopting an unvetted illegal immigrant family? >> i think i'd feel better if they were vetted. we know they don't have radical associations and, you know, at least know something about them before they ever came in the country.
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aboud prefer that they respect our laws, our borders, our sovereignty. >> but this is just something that happens. >> we beat the hell out of cops in times square. they get let out. no bail laws. they flipped the bird to new york on their way to theway to sanctuary state of california for free health care. >> wow. are we that dumb? a a countrre wy? >> well, thanks for having me, , shawn. you know, president trump put it very well tonight in his town with laura ingraham. he called it migrant crime "mign and all the examples you're given. es youwe have gone after copsr s on the street going after cops and people in shelters, going. after prisons. they're actually worse in main than our homegrown criminals. that's what trump said tonight . and i think he makes a great point. migrant crime. nomigrant crime.w, if joe bidend at the beach and just let the wall be built and remain in mexico and catch and deport, we wouldn't have this problem. but biden has overturned all of
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the trump policies which were working very well. so now we're stuck with migrant crime. people in all over the world. i mean, that grip jenkins talking to me on the show tonight, bill malaga, andalusia ,asia, china, kazakhstan, india and. it's crazy. and they're not the best of the best. we're not getting their elites a . we're getting spies. we're getting criminals. we're getting terrorists. ards we're giving them green cards. we're giving them work permitsrn . another thing griff jenkins showed me, they actually have. you'll love this from the trump days. showedn in mexico cards. they have them. ths dro know what happen car as they come over the border? they drop the cards because they don't want the bordert bord officials to see them, because they want entry into the united states. i mean, it's actually there in spades. en's an amazing stor fisy. and one last point. one last point. governor abbott in texas is right.
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you put up barriers, right? , whatever.e i would say a wall. all he did wasi wo put up chicken wire and the numbers have come way down. and soken now the crisis has mo kind of from texas to san diego . all right. which is where milligan was reporting from tonight. but the barriersorting work, the works, walls work. what doesn't wir work is joe biden doesn't want to do it. and he's going to probably sign an executive order soon before the standard unionr soon that is going to make this story even worse. >> you wait and see, republicans and this goes back to our last segment a little bit. if if they would hold strong, withremain and mexico has to coe back building the border you wall that trump started. finish the wall. if you get those things done and it was razor why are they talking about an eagles pass in texas with governor? th >> and then one other thing. if we're going to help countries out against real evil and injustices we're going
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to do that. why can't it be along? when donald trump talked about that iraq, they should pay us back in oiltalked a? oil >> i thought that was a great idea. america cannot. afford to be fighting proxy wars. >> and, you know, the numbers better than anybody, larry, especiallyr than with $34 trilln in debt. i fearh 34 what when we have $1,000,000,000,000 a year in debt payment alone. bemean, before we spend one dime on social security, medicare, defense that scares me. well, the latest biden baseline on the budge t, the cbo, sean, will be at $48 trilliontrilli of publicly debt or 100 and nearly 120% of gdp. that number, the way was 48% of gdp, just a few ago before. biden took office. so, yeah, we have a major wee m. new i mean, let's come back to new
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york. eric adams, who says, you know"f what, stuff happens. i mean, that's the silliest thing i've ever seen. see that news conference you play. he's going to give them debit cards. okay. which in the "new york post" today, nicole, jillian hastwo estimated it will cost about two and a half billion dollars in the next couple of years. debit card short. it's like come over. he be going to incentivize you. we're going to give you money exist here.r yo whether you break the laws or not, whether you break that border laws or whether you come here and rob stores, go after g cops, go after prisons, go after shelters, it doesn' t matter. >> we're going to help you out. this is nuts. thiss insanity.nity and that's why this has become such a big national say political issue. and i will say this. i will says that you'reyo going to need a tough guy. trump tough to stop thisp toug. >> now. you know, larry, you're nott shr children of compassion. that these incidents of attacking cops, beating themn
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up in times square. that's just something that happens these dayciins. you've got to get a little bit more. these are different times. we're in more and more insanity. we'll give you a debit card. sean, thanks for having me. >> s you a debit carseand. well, apparently they giving one 500 to $1000 a month. i don't know.y kudl where's that money coming from? all right. larry kudlow, thank you. when you. we come back, hunters biden's lawyers. they just felt the need to clarifyhe something that came out in a special counsel court filing last week. his lawyers say that images that are purported to show cocaine, that it's actually sawdust. is now, this is a test for all of you at home. we'll show you the picture o. >> you get to decide. straight ahead. come on, guys. you know, we hate to ask for help, whether it's asking for directions or taking care of ourselves, we want to sit. but if you're over 40 and not
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america is listening. >> all right. >> things are not going so well for members of joe biden's family nows , daughter ashley just reportedly had to pay offre about $5,000 in taxes she owed in pennsylvania. if it was a republican, they'd probably be in jail. lawyers for his son hunter had to explain in court a filing that this photo. >> take a look at this photo right here. look at that photohat from his phone that the government prosecutors claim show linesat h of cocaine. >> that's what the government pros. utors are sayingat the they're saying that saw us take a good look at sawdust and wind up in perfect little lines. >> tak e a close look. de does that look like sideshows to you? we'll let you decide that. by the way, hunter was also just moved to dismiss the move. to dismiss the entire federal tax case againstentire f, him s, among other things, he is a victim of selective and vindictive prosecution.
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wow. this is the guivy that the statute of limitations were allowed to pass on the big burisma earning years.other, and joe's brother, jim, well, he just was exposed by politicoo for allegedly using joe's name to profit off a hospital company. no experience, of course, apparently promisinga hospit, t could get joe to join the company's board and take a financial stake in it and secure additional investments from people incure the middle east. >> and according to politico, when none of that happened, c that company they went under, jim biden, he still got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars. well, clearly, jim has thourl some questions to answer. and guess what? he will be faced with them'l tomorrow when he sits for a transcribed interview with congreseds as part of the biden impeachment inquiry. now, we also reached out to the bidensachment hed ou for commene have yet to hear back. i am shocked. it was reaction.shoc fox news contributor and of course, george washingtoked.n university law professor jonathan turley is with us. you know, jonathan, your analysijos, this has been
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really, really biting and really tough. forget about the $5,000, you know, tax delinquency that usually in most cases nothing. toto be fair, the consultang jim biden had no experience running hospitals, but did understand the federal government and he go t paid and then the hospital went under. how does tha that look to you? >> what do you what wouldth you call that? loo >> well, it doesn't look good. but what's really interesting is that some of us have been writing about that company for yearompanys. i and the reason that's important is that president biden has ripp, y diddly suggested that he didn't know anything about the businesses deals of his son. he expressed a lack of knowledge, influenceby peddling by his family. that's demonstrably untrue because there were plenty of articles, not just this recent one. there are plenty of articles
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as to this open influence peddling. his brother didn't even try to make this subtle. i mean, he actuall untrue.y reat of hearkened. i his connections to his brother's ability to use that name on his official pitches. and so president biden had to know that his son and his brother were influence peddling. and you've got to stop and askps yourself then what does that mean? right. influence peddlingt is corrupt >> it's a form of corruption of the united states government is opposedtion internationally. >> igof the president knew that his son, his brother were influence peddling, using his name to gain these benefits, then he was also corrupt. >> and it's also not trues that money has to go to presidentto to constitute the ill gotten gains, influence peddling or corruption. the courts have said repeatedlty that money going to family members is a form of corruption
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that can be applied against the principal. so we have to sort of cut throug coh lot of the nonsense here as this evidence continues to build against a the biden family. >> so you started out your comments by saying somethiny sayig that is almost entirely dismissed by everyone else in the mainstream. >> joe biden as a candidate, as president, said over and over again, i never one time ever spoke to my son, hunter my brother or anybodyfo for that matter, about the foreign business, not one time. what have we learned? accordin thermes coleman, his committee, that there were all these shell corporations. he's talking about tens of millions of dollars. russiahe is taabou china, kazak, romania, ukraine. i mean, a lot of money. ten. they've identified ten family members. again, tens of millions of dollars, grandchildren being paid. >> i'd likomaniae to know what y did for that money. >> and yet it's dismissed
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the lie as dismissed. now, that to me, is not a small, insignificant lie. that's a pretty big lisie in of the fact, in light of devin archer's testimony that he knows of at least 20 plus phone calls, that the big guy was on with hunter. and as far business partners or the timeh s of the leveraging of the billion dollars to get the prosecutor here in ukrainee fired. so his at the timefired drug addictesod son with no experience in ukraine or energy could be paid millions. >> nobody else in the media wants to talk about that. .lse in tjonathan turley i woule there'd be a little intellectual honesty.. >> say this doesn't look right. >> well, it's a case of willful blindness. that's the type of thinghonesty. you see with state media so that they simply won't reporte the facts or they just categorically deny them. it's not just archer. se the house committees have shredded the president's. s you know, archer, of course, talked about calls being to
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the president. >> dinners in which he called in was put on speake dinned r p other associates have talked about dinners with these associatest . a >> it's a tissue of lies at this point. you know, it really you know, it's pretty amazin g, the double standard. >> it's -- it's it's one standard. the hillarit ie y clintonfo the clintons, one standard for the bidens. and whole other differenton standard for donald trump, which is whyald think that he s to find that conventional political gravit ev and every time they attack him, indict him, his poll numbers go up. him, p jonathan turley, thank you, sir. when we come back, a big updatoe in the kansas city chiefs super bowl parade shooting. we have a live reporn kat. higl also, more highlights from laura's exclusive town hall tonight with formerusiv president donald trump. they were in south carolina. more of that straight ahead as we continue. right now, someone could be listed as the owner of your home and stealing thousands of dollars of hard earned
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or visit us at missile. jus >> all right. two men have just been chargedtg in connection with last week's tragic shooting at the kansas city chiefs. icg at thesuper bowl parade. fil matt finn, he's live with the very latest tonight. matt, what aiv tragedy. >> very sad. what's the latest? john, prosecutors say thoseen two men are being charged with second degree murder and theyhargedsecond got into at with at least one other person aftea r the city chiefs parade last week. >> that's when the pair pulled out their gunsthe pair p, start, ultimately killing one woman and injuring 22 other people. toda y, a kansas city prosecutorto announced that 18 year old dominic and miller and 22 been year old lindell mayes have been chargechd with second degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon. they're being held weapo on $1 million bail. investigators say it was miller's. firearm that hit lisa lopez galvin killing her.
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>> and today, the prosecutor said even more people might be charged. decline the prosecutor declined to comment on just how many shootershow ma might be out thet now, of the 23 people who werest shot last half of them were under the age of 16. >> two other minors were charged in juvenile court last week on gun charge s. >> they have not been identified, but they could be charged as adults. john harris for the worse. all right. thank you, matt. we appreciat me it. now also during laura ingraham's town hall, president trump tonight. well. laura im'town, a lot happ. course of all of this and they spoke biden's border crisis. >> let's take a look. i had the safest border in the history of our country, recorded history, because i can tell you about a thousand years ago. but recorded history of the border by far. we had a down pat between guys m like tom homan and brandon juddn and unbelievable people that you have on your show. we had a greatdo. all of biden d to do a stay at the beach. you know, he goes to the beach. [ldy says said he looks great in a bathing suit, so he goes
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to the beach. if he went to tha bathe beach and didn't do it, but he canceled everything, remain in mexicinico,o catch and relea >> we have catch and release, but we had release in mexicocaa and he talked also about who was vice presidential candidate running mate. maybe if he gets the nominatiomn ,he was fox news contributor jason chaffetz also joining us. i'lltion kick founder clay trav good to see you both. jason, let's taljak about that answer, how important that issue is to the country and who do you think would be the best vp choice besides yourself? bes yo well, look, donald trump showed why he's leading in the polls and why he's beating everybodyur becaus the command of the facts, we had four years under donalldd trump. they were quite good. i happen to think this election is going to be all abouthappenr security. security, their wallet, security at your home security and your neighbor securitydona at the border, security overseas. and donald trump dominatesld don on all of those, not again only against the republican candidatesst are out there, but also in the general
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election. >> that'l . s he's surging. fun he's got a fun way to communicate. >> he's this billionaire and he communicates so well with blue collar people republicans, have a bench for vice president. i thought his answer about it not being nikki haley, but a cet of people's face. senator tim scott, i think,m is obviously a strong candidate. >> the other two people that i think are reallyng strong candidates that aren't on anybody else's list right nog w, congressman john ratcliffe, who is his director of national intelligence, and robert o'brien, the former national security adviser. they worked side by side with donald trump for years. he trusts them . they know each other. they work hard. they're compatibler and wo, they're telegenic. and i think they would both be great vice presidents bot as well. ea >> i'd likn:e your take on thisa because the media. donald trump mixes up vice president. >> i don't know whether it was pelosi or somebody i don't rememberomebody,rememb.
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and, you know, i'm listening jod they're trying to make a comparison that joe biden would argue is note hadte a clean event meaning issue free either mumblingan mumblingo stumbling, you know, not knowing whether to exit stage left ot knowr right or not beine to walk straight in months. donald trump has one. see that he's old and he's cognitively impaired like joe. >> and i'm like, okay, i watched this guy tonight. >> there is no comparison, not even by a long shot. b, >> and the mob, the media. well, that's their that wasdon' their attempted narrative. >> i don't think it's workinthg >> they can't defend joe biden. so they try to trump. that's their entire game plan. did you see earlier tonight, first of all, they got biden going up the baby stairs on air one and there's a reports now there he is tripping on his way out to california to raise money from hollywood donors. but there' he iss report now that when he comes down the baby stairs and i say the babyt when because it's nott
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the full stairs that you would usually exit. air force one majestically wave and then go down. they have a secret service agent stationed at the f the stairs to potentially catch him. pote on.what's going he's incompetent. he can't be president. if he runs. he's going to geheincompt t hisd by trump. >> i don't think he'll be the nominee. >> i tend to agree. and you're right. he was going to be a little baby steps. clay, he still can't make it. i have a problem. anyway, clingot, good to see yo, jason. thank you. more "hannity" straight ahead. so would you get to national hot tenders in three mandarin orange tenders? >> i would you to three classic tenders for big butterfly shrimp. >> four of a kind. i went, oh, okay. is it always a competition? >> i am the shrimp, but are you over 50? would you like to get up to 33% more income and retirement then call now and get this free book annuity. do's and don'ts for
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