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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 21, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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don't make sense't m. who wants an open border? who wants high interest rates? who wants all electric vehiclese you want to have choice ten you want to go to combustion, any hybrid. i think the hybrid are much better from that standpoint. but we were talking about -- we are talking about so much. it is all based on common sense. we want a strong military. we want strong choice in education. we want to have thingsucat i can make our country great again. what we are told with a open border is a disaster. we are destroying our country. we will change that fast and geo your energy prices down. >> laura: mr. president,ll thank you so much for e,we appreciate all your time. see you on the campaign trail t pier that is it for us >> todd: a fox news alert, president biden's youngest brother james, will face
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questions on capitol hill today for the impeachment inquiry into the president. you are watching "fox and friends," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. james biden allegedly used his brother's name. the president's younger brother will likely have to explain a $200,000 payment made to his brother on the same day a company send the same payment to james. hi, brooke. >> brooke: james biden will appear before the house oversight committee. jonathan turley says the evidence is clear. >> jonathan: there are plenty articles as to this open influence pedalling. his brother didn't even make this subtle. he harkened his connection to
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his brother, to use his name, on his official pitches. president biden had to know that his son and his brother were influence pedals. >> brooke: today's testimony focuses on this $200,000 given to joe biden from james labeled loan repayment and james received $200,000 payment given from americorps. hunter biden's lawyers are moving to dismiss his tax case after alexander smirnoff was accused of having ties to russian intelligence.
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hunter's lawyer says they would follow him down his rabbit hole of lies as long as it did and federal prosecutors mistook this photo of sawdust for cocaine. discovery confirms this is a photo of sawdust from an expert c carpenter. the impeachment inquiry is one week before hunter will be in the hot seat. >> todd: brooke, thank you. bring in kaylee mcgee white, washington examiner. i'm pretty sure republicans want specifics out of james biden. numbers are specific. my first question would be why exchange huge sums of money between joe and james? in my experience, i bought my brother a sandwich, i did not
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exchange $200,000 with him. >> kaylee: they denied corruption or influence pedalling, now they are admitting hunter biden and james biden were selling his influence, but denying joe biden had anything to do with it. there is evidence of james and hunter doing that, hunter in a particular message to a chinese business associate threatening his father was in the room with him and james was involved with americorp, and an attorney admitted he hired james for access to joe biden. this is influence pedalling. the question is whether joe
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biden was directly involved or had knowledge of it. his family members didn't seem to think he would care they were using his name to make a profit off it. defense for joe biden has become, maybe he wasn't actively corrupt, but turned a blind eye to it. that is still corruption. >> carley: listen to what tony bobulinski testified to last week to house lawmakers, he said james biden came into the deal because it was the feeling hunter biden was unreliable trying to do this big deal with cfc. they brought james biden onboard and he testified he had a conversation with james and said aren't you concerned if joe runs for president that you are doing business with the chinese and according to bobulinski, james
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biden laughed and responded plausible deniability. that exchange is something i'm sure is going to come up today. >> kaylee: absolutely. again, the biden family was well aware of implication of joe biden's political career, especially when he entered the 2020 race. he admitted hunter's tax issues became a serious problem in the 2020 campaign cycle. the lawyer denied it had anything to do with biden's political ambitions, but timing is suspicious. >> todd: democrats will ask about smirnoff. biden administration is trying to put him behind bars, democrats will talk about it and
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say it should be dropped. it comes down to tony bobulinski in the end. there was a big town hall last night, donald trump addressing political rivals, joe biden and nikki haley during said town hall. take a listen. >> she's not working, she's here, down by 30 or 35 points and everybody knows her. you are not supposed to lose your home state and she is losing it. i will challenge him right now, we can do you, anybody you want, i will take anybody from cnn, which is doing poorly in the ratings, by the way. i will take anybody, you have an obligation in this case to debate. i don't think he will debate, i don't think so. >> todd: any chance democrats let biden continue and will nikki haley continue to super
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tuesday? >> kaylee: joe biden couldn't bring himself to do a super bowl interview, i doubt he will get on the stage with donald trump. every time biden refuseings to do hits with the press or refuses to take questions or debate trump, the public will see that and realize there are concerns about his age he is not willing to address and they are going to blame that as the reason. as far as nikki haley, i'm not sure what she was trying to accomplish or win. i think she's trying to -- taking a gamble to be the last man standing in this. if you look at what the new york course decided for trump this week, trying to bankrupt him forcing him to put up millions to file a case, she is hoping trump is forced to drop out and she is the only candidate left
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to choose. whether that is enough of gamble to sacrifice her political career, i don't think it is worth it. >> carley: vivek ramaswamy, and ron desantis, tim scott, byron donald, tulsi gabbard and kristi noem are the short list for vice president. six or seven names. appreciate it. breaking overnight, colorado suburb stand up to denver democrats solidifying non-sanctuary city status. >> todd: the mayor joins us with his plan to keep migrants out of his city.
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>> todd: really tough update to a story we've been following, texas search crews found the body of audrey cunningham who vanished while heading to skal last week. >> i sadly announce audrey's body was located at the trinity river. my heart aches with this news and i express deepest sympathy and condolences. >> todd: polk county are preparing arrest warrants for mcdougle, who denies any involvement. he has been in custody since friday on unrelated aggravated charges. >> carley: worst possible outcome. the town -- rejecting any
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sanctuary status, roughly 40 miles from denver, which is overwhelmed by illegal imknow grant says. 38,000 migrants have arrived in the past year. the mayor of monument colorado joins us now. good morning to you. you voted to become a nonsanctuary city. what does that mean? what is the goal here? >> good morning. thanks for having me. the goal is to make sure denver knows that we will not be accepting any bus loads of migrants into our community for the main reason we don't have a budget that matches theirs and we won't utilize taxpayer funds for what they decided to take on themselves as self-declared sanctuary city. >> carley: you are located an hour south of denver and in
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denver migrants are allowed to stay in shelters for 42 days and then find another place to live. if they make their way to monument, then what happens? >> then the town administration and police force will work with federal age s -- agencies to have them picked up. >> carley: what if they sleep on the street? >> it would be inhumane and too cold. >> carley: good clarification there. poll found 76% of people disapprove of president biden regarding illegal immigration policy and now we hear the president will announce
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executive action, nothing like waiting until the fourth quarter to make this potential executive action. what would you like to see the president announce? >> that he is shutting the border and will start deportation activity for illegals invading the country. >> carley: i'm sure none of this would have happened, this potential executive action, even addressing illegal immigration, none of this would have happened if governor abbott wasn't bussing illegal immigrants to blue cities. it sends a message. sending them to denver could impact your community. >> definitely could impact our community, we are northern end of colorado springs and they are concerned and passed their own resolution.
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i understand what governor abbott is doing, his communities are overrun, it is time to reverse course and the president has the power to do that, he has just chosen not to. >> carley: it passed 7-0, what has reaction been of residents? any pushback? >> no, i haven't had anybody reach out to me or anybody on the council against the resolution. make sure denver knows we will not participate in their activities. >> carley: thank you, have a great day. todd, over to you. >> todd: over to meteorologist adam klotz with the fox weather forecast, it is something i cannot deliver. >> adam: what are we talking about? big thunderstorms rolling across
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west coast, flooding continues to be an issue. todd, you lived out west and seen how raby it can be. it cannot handle the rainfall. san francisco has seen a bunch of rain. rainfall totals back through sunday to sunday. that is the case in places down in southern california, as well. still a little more rain on the way, most is clearing out but the ground is saturated, giving risk of flooding from san diego to los angeles and i-5 and inland. this moisture will run into the mountains and rain across utah and toward colorado. that becomes snow, if you are living outside of that area, mostly sunny conditions.
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61 for folks in chicago today. here in new york, been cold, still cold, 40 is the high. >> todd: going up a little bit. thank you. we ask you, we'll ask you again, keep asking -- >> carley: feels like we are begging. >> todd: still in asking phase. we want to see more viewers, that is you, send a quick video of you saying your name, where you are from, why you are up early, what you love about the show, e-mail friends first at, we watch them and comment on them, we should film us and post that. >> carley: do it on social media, great idea, put that in action. >> todd: get serious, this is a serious story, an american ballerina detained in russia for simply donating to ukraine. vladamir putin expert r&b /*
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rebekah on how the biden administration should respond. >>-- >> are you ready? we're looking at you. whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> president biden trip is off to a stumbling start in california and he's blowing off questions about gavin newsom. joe concha relive. >> hi, i'm taryn from port st. joe, florida, i wake up every morning leisurely to friends first. choosing a treatment for your chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more - can be overwhelming. so, ask your doctor about botox®.
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>> carley: the white house is
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set to unveil major sanctions against moscow following the death of alexei navalny. >> todd: lucas tomlinson has more. lucas. >> lucas: good morning, carley and todd. president biden pledged consequences if alexei navalny died in prison, the president said sanctions were coming. >> president biden: we'll have a major package announced on friday and i'll be happy to sit with you doing that, okay. >> it is clear president putin and his government are responsible for mr. navalny's death. we will announce major sanction package on friday of this week to hold russia accountable for what happened to mr. navalny. and quite frankly for all actions over the course of this vicious and brutal war that has wageod for two years. >> lucas: european union passed
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sanctions and they say number 13 is in the works for alexei navalny's death. russia must allow an international investigation into circumstances of his sudden death. the eu will spare no effort to account in close coordination with partners and impose further cost for action including actions. navalny's mother is demanding her son's body be released to her. >> carley: live for us in washington, lucas, thank you. bring in former intelligence and author of "putin's play book,"
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rebekah. >> rebekah: remember, putin and rush have been sanctioned for 10 years and it hasn't done anything, but prop up the russian economy. the sector issure specialing growth and what the russians did is import substitution. putin has a phd in economics. he planned to invade ukraine for 20 years, it will not change putin, he has doctrine, targeted assassination doctrine. >> carley: if sanctions won't work, then what will? >> rebekah: what will is establishing relations. right now the white house, neither biden nor white house have leverage over russia.
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not like china with who we have de dependenceies. relations are so low, i don't expect improvement and biden boxed himself in calling putin killer. how do you negotiate with a person you designated a killer and who you want to grab if he travels. unfortunately, until the next president comes in, no hope to change putin's behavior. >> todd: putin has so much money, they are exporting gas to countries like india, that need gas. if we end stupidity with regard to climate change and catering to progressive left, we could sell to india and that would eshg eliminate money from putin's coffers.
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>> rebekah: exactly, it is idiotic what biden did, he cancelled keystone pipeline, russian defense budget increased one and a time half. definitely it was part of his decision calculus. >> carley: how do you think alexei navalny died? what are you hearing? >> rebekah: my assessment, navalny died in the hands of russian intelligence putin has a doctrine called wet affairs, which is spilling of blood. soviets have used this forever. navalny was a vocal critic of putin, leading a movement and position movement and so now that putin is up for reelection
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in march, march 15th-17th, he didn't want any kind of -- not that navalny was posing a major threat to him, putin wanted narrative the russians are supporting him and he wanted to punish him. he was held in horrible conditions. i was honored to translate navalny's letters, they were moving, they were giving me goosebumps. they are published in the free press, you can read them. >> american ballerina with dual citizenship, lives in california, arrested in russia for donates $51 to the ukrainian army. this happening while "wall street journal" reporter, evan gershkovich, has,a peel was rejected.
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to the ballerina, that individual is the latest pawn in putin's hostage diplomacy. >> rebekah: she was a dual citizen, russia, u.s. citizen. for russia, no such thing as dual citizen. if you are born in russia, you are russian and putin, i would never go to russia, as somebody born and raised and worked in u.s. intelligence, i would never make it out of the arraign. putin wants to portray no u.s. citizen is safe in prison right now. not evan gershkovich or paul whelan. my daughter is a ballerina and it would be her dream to dance in their theater, i would never let her do that. >> carley: this ballerina could be used for a future hostage
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exchange. if you are there, you should leave right now, sound advice. leticia james threatening to seize donald trump's assets if he doesn't pay the massive fine from his civil case. the former president responded on fox news and cheryl casone is covering it all. >> todd: in indiana, two parents looking to supreme court for help after state removed their son from his home because they did not use his preferred pronoun. former prosecutor breaks down their case next. (♪) i've got to go. ok. bye. mom! (♪) -thanks mom. -yeah.
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mr. trump and his sons. it would be $450 million with interest. leticia james is being clear she has no problem going after assets of trump and the trump organization and she says she will seize properties in new york if he doesn't cough up the money. watch. >> if he does not have funds to pay the judgement, we will seek judgement enforcement mechanisms in court and ask the judge to seize assets. >> cheryl: mr. trump did speak about this in a town hall with laura ingraham. watch. >> we have a lot of cash, that doesn't mean he can take it. he looked at my cash, i will take all his cash. this is coming out of the white house, whether that one or the d.a. -- >> laura: biden is coordinating this?
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>> he has top people from the doj working in the district attorney's office in new york. >> cheryl: look at the properties here, trump tower, where he stays when he's in town. trump park avenue, he owns apartments there. 1290 america of the avenues. leticia james talked about 40 wall street, she is eyeing 40 wall street, and trump national golf club, springs, apartments and a condo on east 69th street. with the bond and -- todd, you are better at this, you are the lawyer, he will have to put down money here. >> todd: you have to think about optics. if you have armed agents going in and seizing property, that makes his case. donald trump goes on campaign trail and says look what they are doing to me, they can do
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this to you. >> carley: that is such a good point, politically -- >> cheryl: financially, i'm cringing, my stomach hurts thinking about this. >> todd: it will go to appeal, this is just the bond. >> carley: you think maybe he can get $355 million, that sosound outrageous. pause on that and talk about it later. there is a video we have to show you, migrants and police. >> cheryl: i ran across this video yesterday, i was shocked, but wasn't at the same time. this is from a migrant shelter, from a brawl that breaks out because nypd officers went to the shelter asking a man to leave. he starts to fight back and it is a mess inside. no officers were hurt. he was arrested for trespassing,
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they were hit with water bottles, backpacks, screaming. watch it here. [screaming] [video playing [ >> cheryl: then here is eric adams, the mayor, responding at a press conference. >> do you have a bad actors? yes. any time you have 3000 people placed in an environment where they cannot work and have to sit around all day, things like this have potential to happen. police officers went in and carried out their job and we're going to review because of that video. >> cheryl: this video has made the rounds and is upsetting. these are our men and women in
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blue, they are working to defend us and our safety in this city and having to deal with being attacked by migrants again, not like the time square brawl. there is no respect for our police men and women. >> todd: thank you. appreciate it. listen to this, parents in indiana taking their case to supreme court after their son was removed from their home by the state because the parents refused to use preferred pronouns. watch. >> in june of 2021, we unfortunately had to become reluctant warriors when our child was removed from our home after d.c. s became involved in our family life. >> as a father, i believe my main goal is to keep my children safe and i can't do that when the state comes into our house
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and takes our kid because we can't affirm has transgender ideology. >> todd: former if the prosecutor and trial lawyer joins me now. lawyers and nonlawyers alike how can the state of indiana do this? >> they are saying this is the reason the state went in. the proceedings are sealed and i will take the indiana attorney general's word on this because they were suffering from a severe eating disorder and suffering from brain and development issues. >> todd: indiana attorney general is not a hard core progressive, that does sort of explain a little bit. to the extent there is removal of a child from a house and not for physical abuse, if i'm a
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parent in another state, do i have to worry watching this right now that a state, my state can come take my kid? >> there is a medical emergency, standard is best interest of the child, whether a trans gender child, cis child, it is about their welfare. >> they have a good story and will push this to the supreme court, i don't think the justices will consider this. i don't think they will determine if the cox's are fit parents or not. >> todd: they have demonstrated re reluctance to weigh in on anything trans gender suit. we are following the gun armor trial in the fatal rust shooting. this is trial for the armorer, person in charge of the gun.
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what are you watching for? >> i am watching for how the prosecution handles this case in new mexico. we will see the trial of hannah gutierrez who is responsible for making sure the gun is safe, if convicted that gives alec baldwin a chance. if she's acquitted, it is to benefit of baldwin's defense team. >> todd: a lot of interest in this case, to your point, because of what it means for baldwin and you want justice for the young lady who died. appreciate your time. did you hear this? cnn reporter using profanity to describe former president trump.
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>> ramp up the campaign efforts to highlight the crazy -- trump says in public. >> todd: oh, my virgin ears. joe concha joins us next. >> carley: griff jenkins will look at what is coming up on "fox and friends." no swearing. >> griff: i won't listen to the dirty words. >> todd: what the f is coming up? >> griff: buckle up, former president trump discussing last night, we will talk to a real estate investor who told his investors to focus on florida and texas instead. new texas of the border crisis, sees spike in legal crossings avid the crackdown, lawrence and i will walk the walk and break it down. and looking to call squatting criminal trespassing, new law could help homeowners take back
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>> todd: a cnn reporter use guilty profanity to describe president biden's campaign strategy. >> president biden himself personally instructed some of his top campaign aides to be even more aggressive and highlighting some of president trump's more inflammatory and wild comments. we are told that the thrust of the president's direction was to significantly ramp up the campaign's efforts to highlight the crazy [bleep] that trump says in public. >> and that aired without the bleep that we added. joe concha is a fox news contributor and joins us now. joe, good morning to you. that was a quote that the source gave to that reporter. wasn't that she was pontificating. certainly a decision not to self-censor there. what do you make of her overall message that is going to be president biden's campaign strategy? >> first on the explicative used on the air. only friends and relatives are
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watching cnn at this point. this reporter likely kept that in there in the hopes of getting a little of attention and to look oh so edgy, right? cnn serves at the pleasure of the biden campaign and white house at this point. the source is trying to -- and we have seen a couple of stories like this lately, right? where apparently biden behind the scenes or somebody who is closed to biden behind the scenes they throw down a good old fashioned f bomb just to show how passionate this campaign is. and then we watch this president and we see there is not a lot of passion there at all as far as running for re-election and actually having a real campaign. i mean, guys, the president is in california right now, as you have been reporting, but he won't visit the border where thousands of people from china, for example, are pouring in. the border is the number one issue he is in a border state and he ain't talking about it. they can try to focus on trump all they want. people know who donald trump is. he is not running to be a
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preacher. he is running to be put. there are many imperfect things that donald trump will say. it's baked into the cake at this point. so they can continue to make this about trump. in the end, all elections are a referendum on the incumbent and the incumbent right now is polling lower than any president at this stage of his presidency than any in polling history. that's just the facts. >> todd: you often find these leaks coming from the white house with a curse word or with something that seems negative on the surface but behind the scenes it's meant to sort of communicate toughness or edge or something like that. the fact of the matter is, joe biden, does he have the mental capacity to do the job for the next year and for the next four? here is what donald trump said about that last night during the fox news town hall. >> well, he has declined and there is no question about it. but he was always sort of semi declined if you go back 25 years. [laughter] he was not one of the smarter people. he halves tried to be president many times. four times at least that they
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know of. all of a sudden when he is most diminished this is when he hit and he did it. >> todd: ed to the "new york times" complaining that joe biden complained to them that all the coverage provides is all about joe biden's mental state. thoughts on the white house trying to censor what is clearly a major campaign issue, can joe biden function in this job any longer? >> it is beyond insulting to intelligence to hear the biden white house blame the "new york times" that hasn't endorsed a republican presidential candidate since dwight d. eisenhower that the press has been negative towards biden and talking about his mental state, and, if they didn't do that, then the american people would think he is a okay. abc news did a poll last week that found nearly 9 in 10 americans don't think this man has the mental capacity to be president for another four years, you can't undo that perception and what we see every day. the other say something you can't kind of get a girl pregnant. you also can't kind of run a presidential campaign. this ain't 2020. there is no covid to hide
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behind. there is a record to defend. while everyone basically thinks you have lost your fast ball mentally and to trump's point he never had a knuckle ball to begin with, guys. >> carley: yesterday the president traveled to california for this really expensive fundraiser. take us to $250,000. before he got on the plane he got smacked in this face with this question from a reporter. watch. this mr. president, you are going to california. is this coming up with a plan b for 2024. does gavin need to stand by. >> yes, sir. >> are you ready? >> yes, sir. >> i'm looking at you. hoe whoa whoa. >> carley: are you looking for plan b? >> joe: it was a silly question but at the same time there is a lot of talk that former michelle obama will replace biden at the convention in the summer. undemocratic thing they could possibly do to install somebody on what super delegates say and
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taking the right of the voters away. long shot. >> carley: i wonder what kamala harris was thinking, joe, if she heard that question. what about me? i thought i was plan b. i'm the vice president. >> joe: she is plan z. >> todd: just to circle back at the top. maybe jen psaki for a moment. are you sure i'm not allowed to curse on air? let's be clear on that. >> joe: you can we are a cable news network and the fcc doesn't really control that you can without being fined. we're a classy organization. >> todd: joe concha stays classy. >> carley: where are you going with this. 15 seconds to get out of this and hopefully you don't curse the next 10 seconds now. hold your tongue. >> todd: that's quite a bar. >> carley: joe, thank you for joining us have. great day. "fox & friends" starts now. you made it. >> todd: you got lucky. >> lawrence: buckle up. we have got a big show. 6:00 a.m. on the east coast on


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