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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  February 21, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ >> ainsley: it is 7:00 a.m. here on the east coast. it is wednesday, february 21st. and this is "fox & friends." >> steve: thanks for joining us. we have a fox news alert for you. did you see this last night former president trump slammed the hefty new york fine in a town hall on fox news. >> they fined me $355 million plus interest and other things. if i didn't run. [laughter] >> i wouldn't have any of these lawsuits. you know that. >> griff: and the new ground zero for the border crisis? you are looking at it. california. >> don't realize the fence just stops in some spots there is nothing there at all. this problem has been going on for months here. almost a year at this point. >> griff: lawrence and i are going to break down those stats just ahead. >> lawrence: indiana parents pronouns are responsible for their child being removed from their home. implications across the country ahead. >> ainsley: second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are
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always better with friends. >> lawrence: that's right ♪ come on, in i'm sure glad to know you ♪ don't let this brother t-shirt throw you ♪ making noise with the southern voice. >> steve: tim mcgraw singing about a southern voice. myrtle beach, south carolina. right now they have got about 4e high close to 60. tomorrow, lawrence, when you are down in south carolina, it's going to be warmer in the 40's and 50's. and when we're there on friday, it's going to be 60. >> lawrence: i'm actually heading to myrtle beach right after the show. talk with some voters. have a diner tomorrow and see what they think is going to happen in south carolina. >> ainsley: where is your diner tomorrow in myrtle beach. >> lawrence: we will post it in the 8:00 hour. >> ainsley: want to get people there. >> lawrence: you don't have to
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rsvp. >> steve: people want to drop by so you can serve them coffee. flap jacks and coffee. >> ainsley: good biscuits and gravy your favorite in south carolina. the reason we are bringing up south carolina. obviously the big primary on saturday. laura ingraham had a great town hall with donald trump last night. they went to the heart of the question. would nikki haley be challenged the same way as donald trump when it comes to this civil trial? take a listen to the former president. >> a lot of dough. >> it is a form of navalny. it is a form of communism or fascism. the guy is a nut job. i have known this upon o. for along time and said it openly. no jury, no anything. letitia james is horrible attorney general in new york. campaigned on "i will get trump. i will get trump." went through a trial. turned out totally innocent on everything. and he fined me $355 million
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plus interest and other things. [laughter] if i didn't run, i wouldn't have any of these lawsuits. you know that none of them. they would have gone onto the next. look, nikki has no chance. if she ever did, they would go after her the same way. these are vicious, sick people. they are sick. i don't care about the revenge thing i know they usually use the word revenge, will there be revenge? my revenge will be success. [applause] >> steve: that kicked off with laura had asked him, regarding the settlement here in -- rather the finding here in new york. how he would come up with the $450 million worth of penalties and he said well, it's a form of navalny. it's a form of communism. he was, look, he -- it sounds like is he going to fight this thing as far as he can. but he does have to, it sounds like, come up with some of the money. just about 20 minutes ago we spoke to grant cardone who is a guy who does business across the country and after this finding
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was handed down by the judge, and the penalty stage was announced where it was going to be so onerous. grant himself said, you know what? i'm telling my team let's stop looking in new york for real estate because it's not worth it. here's what he said. >> when that ruling happened, it was like pencils down, don't touch it, don't go there. we invest for 14,000. investors at cardone capital that depend on cash flow. and if i can't predict the cash flow because of some ruling or because of the migrants or because i can't evict people. new york city just keeps doing every single thing they can to sell real estate in florida. until this thing is overruled, and i believe it will be, nobody, nobody in commercial real estate investing big money, we were going to put a billion dollars in new york city this year. we are going to put a billion dollars in chicago. and maybe another billion in los angeles. and we won't touch any of them now. texas, florida, arizona. go hard, go big.
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and go long. >> steve: we all agree. >> ainsley: kevin o'leary said the same thing from shark tank doesn't want to invest in new york anymore. if you are a conservative, a republican, if you like donald trump, they're already going through our bank accounts to see who has shopped at certain stores. who is giving money to donald trump. and it's scary. it's scary to know that the government can do this. >> griff: it is. not to take us too far afield. one thing that i would like to see addressed. if you see divestment of new york by american companies, we have to be careful of foreign interest. and y you have got chinese investing in cities around this country if would literally not only drive away good american business, like o'leary is talking about but invite foreigners to come in and invest to keep cities like new york afloat, we are headed for a catastrophe. >> lawrence: griff, it's important to note we were also losing businesses in new york.
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over a trillion dollars in assets that had already began to leave because of the crime and high taxes. you had over almost 200 businesses that left the city as well. obviously donald trump was the political target in la tichina shah james said that on the campaign trail. but this is not just touching donald trump. anybody that understands real estate, even if you're not a republican or a democrat, and you're in business and you operate the way when it comes to real estate the way donald trump and every other businessman operates you can be under fire as well new york city and new york state. >> always comes down to value united states and grant went through when you talk to them about how as a businessman you value things when it documents buying and selling and stuff like that. look, and ultimately would come to new york right now. given the fact that you are
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absolutely right about the crime. and about a lot of stuff right there. but, given the migrant crisis and how the people of new york and businesses included are on the hook for some billions of dollars with the migrants. you know, these $10,000 cash cards that we're hearing about or thousand dollar cash cards. that's going to be paid for by the people who own real estate in new york. whether you are a homeowner or business owner. >> griff: steve, you are on the hook for a dollar in that bet we have got whether donald trump and joe biden are going to debate. >> steve: do you know who is on my side? donald trump. donald trump said he didn't think that joe biden would debate. >> ainsley: i don't think he will either. >> griff: he may be right. dodging questions on whether california governor could be the democratic party's plan b this election season. >> ainsley: president facing more questions about his age after he stumbled while boarding air force one yesterday. >> lawrence: jacqui heinrich is live at the white house with more. >> good morning to you guys.
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yeah, the president is in california for three days of fundraisers and comes on the heels of new fundraising numbers showing that last month alone they brought in a whopping $42 million, that brings their war chest cash on hand to 130 million. but the numbers in some recent polling for the president are not quite so favorable. a new monmouth poll puts his approval rating 39% among registered voters. doing even worse on immigration sitting at 26%. but does slightly better on inflation 34% approving. of course that 63% who disapprove is looming large. still, he does not appear too uncomfortable with the numbers he is facing. he says he doesn't care which republican he faces in november donald trump or nikki haley, and when asked if democrats need a plan b, he played off the question as a joke. >> mr. president, good afternoon, sir. you are going to california. is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024? does gavin need to stand by. >> are you ready?
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>> yes, sir. >> well, i'm looking at you. >> the president would be 86 at the end of his second term. both the campaign and the white house flatly reject any skepticism that 56-year-old california governor is running a shadow campaign in cases biden has to exit the contest for any health reasons. at a fund raiser in calvary last night biden joked by the way i know i'm only 40 years old times 2 you know the only thing i do know i may not run as i used to but i tell you what, i have been around long enough to know what is going on. so, recently, the president and the white house have been trying to sort of play off the president's age as an asset and play up his experience but when he was boarding air force 1, to head to california, at joint base andrews he had a little bit of a stumbling on the stairs heading up the stairs on to air force one and he was wearing these dress shoes that we haven't seen him in as much recently. they have been putting him in sneakers because we had noticed
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that every time he is wearing the dress shoes seems to be when he is having issues on the stairs. but he wore those shoes and had a little bit of a stumble going up the stairs. so we'll be watching to see if he switches back to the brand new black hoke can as that he was spotted wearing in delaware this past weekend. guys. >> ainsley: you would think his team would put some sort of a grip on those stairs and put him in different shoes full flight and the white house changed that to the shorter version. >> steve: can't somebody just carry him up the stairs? >> i think that's an image that no one wants to see. typically, they have him in the kohl hunt sneakers like dress sneakers. let's be honest a lot of people wear those including on the hill. they are more comfortable. the president when he is going to events likes to wear dress shoes and seeing him in the kohl hahns has been a recent development last six months.
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gore for whatever reason had a slight stumble. notes worst we have ever seen. slight awareness whenever this happens. >> steve: well, he is 40 times 2. >> 40 times 2 plus one. >> ainsley: joe rogan been joking joe biden for gavin before convention time some point this year. >> steve: i have heard from the top campaign people there is absolutely no chance it won't be joe biden. so, stay tuned. >> ainsley: listen to this story. parents in indiana are taking their case now to the supreme court after their child was removed from their home by the state. they say it was over transgender care and improper pronoun usage. but the state attorney general says that's not reason why. parents who did not use the pronoun their kid wanted
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catholic couple in indiana asking the site hold them accountable after they say child removed from the home after they refused to refer to the son's preferred pronouns the name he wanted to be called instead of his birth name. >> i didn't want to take the indiana attorney general's word on this one. they said they removed the child because they were suffering from severe eating disorder. medical emergency the standard is the best interest of the child. and if parents can't take care of their child whether it's a transgender, a sith child it's obligation of the state to make sure step in. i don't think the justices are going to consider this case at all. >> and in a statement the attorney general from indiana says petitioner's child was removed because the child had a severe eating disorder. the petitioners had not been able to address that jeopardized the child's brain and bone health. the couple spoke recently on fox saying, quote: this is what
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every parent is afraid of. we love our son and wanted to care for him. the state of indiana robbed us of that opportunity by taking him from our home and banning us from speaking to him about gender. the couple also recently spoke. >> in june of 2021, we unfortunately had to become reluctant warriors when our child was removed from our home after dps became involved in our life. >> as father, i believe one of my main goals is to keep my children safe and i can't do that when the state comes into our house and takes our kid because we can't, in good conscience affirm his transgender ideology. >> the couple say if this can happen in a republican strong hold like indiana, it can happen anywhere, guys. >> lawrence: truly unbelievable. what else do you have to affirm as a parent. the kid doesn't make the food on the table and decide to eat the food, can they strip the kid
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away for that as well? i mean, just seems like government is now trying to be the parent and i think. >> ainsley: every person who has a child who has an eating disorder they are going to remove the child now? >> griff: this is about power. this is about power of the state. >> steve: right. ultimately, lucas, that is why the family is asking the u.s. supreme court to settle it. thank you very much. >> ainsley: the case is mc and jc, mary and jeremy cox vs. indiana department of child services and they are hoping the supreme court takes this up. they normally don't touch cases like this though. >> steve: it would be great to get a definition from the supreme court, finally. all right. meanwhile, it's about 7:15 here in the east. carley joins us with some news. >> carley: that's right, guys. we have a fox news alert to get to here and sad one at that texas search crews have found the body of audrii cunningham in the river. the 11-year-old girl vanished of while heading to school last week. prosecutors are preparing arrest warrants for the suspect who cunningham family friend.
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america's most wanted co-host callahan walsh joins us earlier. he said the father could be facing charges as well. >> it doesn't look like the d.a. is going to be charging the father. it doesn't look like he was involved in any way. however, throughout their investigation, they are going to be diving a lot deeper into this relationship and into macdougall's past. and if anything comes up that the father knew anything about this and if there is any inappropriate behavior prior to this, he absolutely could be charged. >> carley: officials have not yet revealed audrii's manner of death. in south florida a 5-year-old girl is dead after a hole she was digging at the beach caved in on her. a 7-year-old boy who was also trapped in the sand survived and was rushed to the hospital. two horrific stories here. the fire department say the hole was 5 to 6 feet deep. jury selection beginning today in the involuntary manslaughter trial of rust armorer hanna gutierrez-reed. prosecutors in new mexico say
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she loaded at least one live round into a gun and handed to alec baldwin during a rehearsal in 2021. the gun went off killing halyna hutchins and wounding the director. gutierrez reid could face up to 1 month in prison if convicted. baldwin faces involuntary manslaughter charge. the white house is preparing to announce major sanctions against russia on friday after the death of putin critic and political prisoner alexei navalny. countries like the u.k. have also issued sanctions on staff working at the prison where he was held. meanwhile, the european union is demanding the russian president be held accountable. but the kremlin is rejecting the eu's push for international investigation and navalny's mother is still calling for the release of her son's body. reportedly filing a lawsuit in a russian court. she wants her son back thousands of customers had their homes available to strangers due to a
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data breach. the company saying we have now confirm as cameras were coming back on line about 13,000 users received thumbnails from cameras that were not their own and 1,000 users tapped on them. the investigation into this situation is ongoing beyonce making history by becoming the first black woman to top a country music chart. her song "texas hold'em" coming in on the award's top country song list. another one of the tracks 16 made it on the top ten. february 11th shocking fans with the genre switch. those are your headlines. now, let's check in with meteorologist adam klotz for our fox weather forecast. hi, adam. >> good morning, carley. fairly chilly out here on fox square. a lot of folks in the far eastern united states feeling that but that's not the case for everyone. the big weather story here on this wednesday morning is all of that rain we continue to see across the west coast. those are big showers just since
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sunday some locations over 8 inches. way more than the state would generally see in the month of february. this has come in the last few days. there is still at least some flash flooding possible from san diego running you up towards los angeles. over the next day or so. and then all of that heads out to the mountains. that means snow is on the way. i will leave you ultimately with your forecast across the country. fairly mild in the middle of the country, actually. highs today 70 in kansas city. and 60 in chicago. those are your weather headlines for now tossing it back in to you griff, and lawrence. >> lawrence: thanks, adam. calvary becoming the new southern border. the loan star state taking efforts to secure the rio grande. migrants are starting to shift west. >> griff: that's right. lawrence, i just came from jacumba, california where i spoke to hundreds of migrants. take a look into migrant migration. this is really important if you look our san diego sector which is where jacumba was up 73%
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january of 2023. tucson sector, where you've been, where melugin was in lukeville, hundreds of migrants, 182% up from this january last year. let's go back out to the rgb sector. >> griff: where you spent so much time. >> lawrence: yeah, griff, if you hear the administration the talking points are starting to shift. they are saying the border numbers are down at the southern border. when you look at the rio grande sector it is down 59%. look at the del rio sector see some of our report something down 76%. it's because of the efforts of what texas is doing with the constantini know wire with the shipping containers and the texas dps top chulo. they are all coming across there move you out here out west. where we have seen the terrain
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there. it is wide open space. let's go to the next one. i want to talk about the chinese that is a national security risk international property standpoint up 500 percent. >> lawrence: that's a shocker, griff. i remember when i first started reporting at the border i might see chinese national here and there increase of 500 percent. why is it happening? >> griff: look 452 in the last three days. it started when i was there and then when melugin were there only 450 total the entire fiscal year 2021. now, you do see the caravans coming and their crossings. but, if you look at the 1.3 million migrants from central and south america that came through the pipeline to go to places like eagle pass and del rio. they are all going out west, too. which is compounding the problem. and i want to just get to one more thing, lawrence, because they're talking about the flow. this is the difference. this i saw suitcase after
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suitcase, people that had no dirt on them. look like they just woke up and took a shower. i thought how is that hang? they're flying into tijuana and the cartel is driving them. >> lawrence: chinese nationals flying. >> >> griff: all of them. afghanistan, ecuador, peru, kazakhstan and from china. now, the cartels are driving them from the airport. they told me on camera. a man from ecuador paid $1,000 to go from the tijuana airport to the border crossing in jacumba. i interviewed him shortly after he came out. now, the san ysidro port is where they are ultimately driven back after apprehended or when they are encountered and then, of course, as we know, a majority of them will be released unless they are security threat. but, as we have also showed. >> lawrence: they don't have the barrier there. >> there is a shot i shot there. this is where corey got a row talk to in the last half hour took me to how wide open it was. here is a little bit where he
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said his governor should come, lawrence. take a listen eastern san diego where i live when you came down i would like to personally invite governor newsom and take him all along the border and show him the massive humanitarian crisis happening. >> lawrence: hang at the border. every resident not just corey. all of them i talked to they say they're impressed with governor abbott has done. they see their governor, gavin newsom is turning a blind eye in a state that is officially a sanctuary state that just on january 1st started offering free healthcare to non-citizens. >> lawrence: with the numbers we are seeing, he is going to have to do something. he can't ignore it. we will send it back to steve and ainsley. >> steve: great job, guys. straight ahead, joe biden vowing major sanctions against russia in the wake of the navalny's death last week. as we learn another u.s. citizen is being detained by the kremlin. her story coming up.
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>> ainsley: plus, former president trump not mincing words on the new york civil ruling. >> 355 and what we did -- in fact, my financial statements were conservative. everybody made money. there was no victim. >> ainsley: jonathan turley on what is next. ♪ sister monica claire. because of tiktok, i've created a community where people can feel safe asking questions about spirituality. i try to provide a really accessible way of them learning about religion and spirituality, that's not intimidating. somebody in the comments said, i have no idea how i got on nun talk, but i'm not mad about it. i'm going to teach you how to pray. i'm going to teach you how to meditate, how to connect with a higher power, because we need that. we need strength and comfort. if you think you have dupuytren's contracture, there's a simple test you can take—from anywhere. try to lay your hand flat against a surface. if you can't, you may have dupuytren's contracture.
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>> letitia james horrible a.g. in new york. campaigned i will get trump. i will get trump. we went through a trial turned out we are totally isn't on everything. and he fined me $355 million plus interest and other things. but they say it's the most egregious punishment anybody has ever seen. tim scott knows that he sees it. the 8th amendment, excessive bail shall not be required nor excessive fines imposed more cruel or unusual punishment inflicted. that's the 8th amendment. excessive fines. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in courts and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. >> ainsley: former president trump railing against the civil fraud ruling during last night's town hall here on fox as new york state attorney general latisha james threatens to seize
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his assets if he doesn't pay up. here to react is fox news contributor and gw law school professor jonathan turley. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning. he uses a great case. i mean, the 8th amendment cruel unusual punishment. that can't be inflicted. dolls very a good case here? >> well, he has certainly a good case about the excessiveness of this judgment. whether it's under the 8th amendment or due process clause, we'll have to see. the supreme court rarely gets into these issues. there have been some cases. for example, there was a case involving bmw with the imposition of punitive damages. what's interesting in this case is that james is going to argue not punitive damages. disgorgement taking back ill gotten gains. when you drill down on this
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opinion there is nothing there. you can't really figure out how he came to this figure based on any real hard numbers. he basically high balls everything that calculating and a lot of speculation. if you had been honest with the banks they would have required higher interest rates and you wouldn't have as good of a deal. the trump corporation was famous for squeezing banks because they wanted his business. and they said that on the stand in front of this judge. they said we made money. we wanted more loans with this -- what they called a whale client. >> ainsley: you mentioned bmw. i understand a company having to pay out this kind of money. have you ever heard a penalty for an individual this large? also the statute hasn't been used in this way against an individual. a crime. the company didn't go bankrupt. the loans were paid of o. everyone made money. even the "new york times" couldn't find in decades a case
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that really looked like this one. for something this is what she came up with. >> ainsley: everyone made money. >> the argument of the court still fraud even though you didn't cost anyone a dollar. even if you accept that. because overvaluing, undervaluing property is very common in the real estate area. even if you accept that this is fraudulent, the question is why this nuclear option and the glee that people are expressing that he might have a fire sale of his properties really shows the discomfort that many of us have with this opinion. >> ainsley: oh yeah democrats love. this they are cheering. someone say they were at a bar when this ruling came down and the whole bar started cheering they were at ivy league university. today republicans are interviewing joe biden's brother. now, the purpose here is to see
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if the president made money from his brother and from his son hunter and they are questioning about this $200 check. this payment to joe biden how does he explain that? >> well, the important thing he is going to have to explain it. for those of us writings about the bidens for years, i have actually been writing about the influence peddling with the biden family for over a decade. this is amazing moment bidens have never been called to account this deal really sort of captures james biden's business. business. this was a company that left a lot of people holding the bag. but not the bidens. they got a lot of money before this business collects. >> ainsley: we have a lot of questions. there are photos, hunter's attorneys have submitted some filings, this happened yesterday there are photos that show what
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looked like lines of cocaine from hunter biden. hunter's attorneys now saying look at that photo right there it's actually sawdust. it was taking by a carpenter who sent this picture to dr. keith ablow who was then biden's psychiatrist to illustrate that the carpenter had overcome his addiction. are you buying that? >> well, the reason i don't buy the overall argument is it ignores the other photos, right, of drug paraphernalia. it ignores that they found the pouch that contained his gun covered in cocaine. now, that wasn't from some arts and craft course. that was real cocaine on the gun. okay. so i don't know what they hope to achieve but this isn't going to get them where they need to go. >> ainsley: he wrote about it in his book as well his drug addiction problem. thank you so much, jonathan, for coming on. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. mid-air scare. a flight forced to make an emergency landing after the wing
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started to come apart. and biden vows major sanctions against russia in the wake of navalny's death as we learn another u.s. citizen is being detained by the kremlin. an expert is going to weigh in on that, next. ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. ♪
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us from our nation's capital. cliff, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. good to see you. >> steve: all right. so the biden administration is talking about more sanctions. and we know sanctions don't work because they haven't worked so far. you got a better idea, don't you. >> i think a number of things could be done. wouldn't it be good to punish putin by destroying and disseminating destroy his military. whether a if we had an ally to do that for us. we do. called ukraine. we need the weapons that biden hasn't given them so far so they can defend themselves and do damage to putin's military atacms, that sort of thing. i would immediately begin to give the ukrainians what they need to hurt putin's military. that's the start. i think also, very important, biden said he was going to ban, pause, leg phi natural gas
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exports. now they depend on american national guard putin would love to see we need your help. that would empower and enrich him. don't do that another thing suggested by gary, the former chess player. bret stephens in the "new york times" is $300 billion worth of frozen foreign reserves that we have. that could be taken and given to the ukrainians to support their defense of war against the -- against russian aggression. many other things that could be done if you want to be serious about this. >> steve: you would hope they would want to be serious about it, cliff. going back to you mentioned bret stephens in today's "new york times" talks a little bit about the single most important thing we can do to hit back at russia and putin is to enacted legislation to confiscate the 300 billion in frozen russian bank reserves to rebuild ukraine.
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so, in other words, what you guys are suggesting is take russia's money and give it to ukraine and rebuild the country. >> rebuild the country. first, defend the country because what putin seeks to do is to erase the freedom, the independence, the sovereignty of ukraine, and subjugate its people. let them defend -- let them defend themselves and let them have the funds they need to defend themselves. that would be a big start. and, putin is a very ambitious guy. i have been writing for years. he sees himself as the czar. what does the czar do in good times? he expands the empire in bad times he restores the empire. what putin is trying to do is he restore the empire by taking over ukraine. that won't be the end of it for him. he has other ambitions of other former soviet possessions he will want to take over some of them belong to nato. >> steve: do you have confidence, cliff, that the administration will do the right thing? >> i don't have confidence. i at best have hope. >> steve: we all have hope. all right. cliff may, nobody knows more about this than you.
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sir, thank you very much. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: you bet. 17 minutes before the top of the hour. the alabama supreme court ruling that frozen embryos can be considered children. the implications of that coming up. plus, atlanta homes taking over by squatters. >> i would say i'm close to 60,000 in damages. a little over 30,000. >> steve: well, georgia republicans are taking bold new action. fox news contributor caterina kemp is coming up next. ♪ here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> ainsley: we are back with this. the alabama supreme court defending a recent ruling that frozen embryos during fertility treatment can be considered children under the state law. the decision was issued in a pair of wrongful death suits brought forward by couples who had their frozen embryos destroyed in an accident at a clinic back in 2020. the defendants can ask the court to reconsider their ruling. but alabama's chief justice saying, quote: even before birth, all human beings bear the image of god and their lives cannot be destroyed without facing his glory. the court has previously ruled that fetuses killed while a woman is pregnant are covered under alabama's wrongful death
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of a minor act. the justices believe this applies to frozen embryos. some are warning about the potential impact the ruling might have on fertility treatments. at least one clinic in alabama has put their ibf treatment on pause now. >> lawrence: this is interesting. we will be following. taking action against a major squatting problem in a state. one atlanta homeowner told me about her story earlier this month. >> also angry. >> and when you wanted them to leave. what did they say? >> they refused. they acted like i was doing something wrong. drug felon. 06,000, damages little over 30,000. sorry no lights they cut all the wires. they cut a 2 by 3 hole and got in that way. >> lawrence: what a crisis. the rule would make it clear
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trespassing. heroes of mansions globals on fox business katrina campos. thanks for getting up this morning. it's not just georgia, it's florida. all these states are dealing with this issue. >> thanks for having me, lawrence. the fact there is something called squatter rights tells you there is a problem as we have seen this past week, our justice system is broken and it's protecting the wrong people. what's really disheartening about this story is that hard-working people are being forced to defend their asset, right? spending time, money and energy. and for me the hardest part, also, your home is supposed to be your haven. it's supposed to be where you basically set your foundation for your family nau that could be stolen is mind blowing. every state has different laws so difficult. a difference between trespassing and squatting. >> lawrence: it's crushing the real estate market, right? >> um-huh. we have never seen something like this before. don't think it can't happen in your neighborhood, right? i'm seeing this happen in very
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affluent areas. and this didn't happen 15 years ago. but it's very prevalent today it's gotten very expensive because what we encountered after covid. something that we are seeing seeing around the country and it's sad. >> katrina you have new series coming out and we want to play some sound from it. >> so what are your concerns though because you do have children you concerned about them being able to achieve the american dream home ownership. >> of course with you interest rates being rather high. >> nowadays if you are looking for a home it is way off. it's too much. >> lawrence: it's the american dream to own something and you start by owning a house. >> it's the american dream um this week on fox business we are covering rebuilding that dream and giving people hope that it is attainable, even for the younger generation. >> so many of us are worried about being able to do it. katrina, if you want to catch it
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hitting home rebuilding the american dream all week on fox business. make sure you catch her show as well. i'm sure there will be a new show coming out. thanks so much, katrina. >> thank you, lawrence. >> carley: let's get social, garth brooks giving travis kelce the seal of approval her his intoxicated rendition of friends in low places. the country legend inviting the super bowl champion to the grand opening of his new bar ♪ blame it all on my roots ♪ i showed up in boots ♪ and ruined the niners affair. >> i loved it. i thought it was fantastic. the big man, i'm just telling you this, i will be a grand opening -- i will send a plane if you want to come and get another shot at the title. >> heck, yeah. friends in low places bar and honky tonk in nashville holding grand opening next month. maybe he will be there. sylvester stallone daughters
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train like rambo with navy seals before they move to new york. all because he was concerned for their safety. >> you live in new york and you are worried about this? >> this is way scarier than new york. >> these are real rambos living on your own in new york you have to know how to defend yourself. >> sis stein stallone calling the training grueling. that's a good dad there. a creative mom is going viral after sharing how she gets her kids to eat more vegetables. watch this. >> this is how i get my kids to eat entire head of lettuce. i just take romaine lettuce. i wash it, i break it up into chunks and these acts as little lettuce chips. like scoops for the dressing. my kids have so much fun eating salad this way. some viewers love the idea. one saying quote we have been doing this since the last time you posted. my kids love it. salsa, ranch, hot sauce, yogurt. it's great. others have not buying it. there is no such thing as
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lettuce chips it's cut up lettuce. that's called tricking your kids into eating healthy. if you think i'm not doing it, you're wrong. >> lawrence: my brain is still stuck in the headline of rambo's daughters. >> carley: it would be. >> lawrence: approve my shot? >> carley: oh, for sure, lawrence. >> carley: i'm going to go google and see if they are single and report back. >> lawrence: thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> lawrence: hefty new york fine in a town hall watch. >> $355 million plus interest and other things. if i didn't. [laughter] >> i wouldn't have any of these lawsuits. you know that. ♪ this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be, try one where you'll know what you get. i told myself i was ok
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5:00 am
>> steve: welcome aboard, folks, coming up on 8:00 on wednesday, february 21, this is third hour of "fox and friends." >> lawrence: donald trump in a town hall on fox news. >> $350 million. everybody made money, no victim.


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