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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  February 21, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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-- one is college and one is graduated and doing great. do you think parents are the answer here? >> it starts at home. mr. fall wel is a big fan of mine and i'm a big fan of his as well. i agree with his comment and disagree with a lot of where he stands im being a former school -- a lot of discipline starts at home. we have to hold those parents accountable for their children's actions going on in the schools. >> dana: do you think the national guard will come in? >> it's up to the governor. i hope she does act. charlie baker in 2021 activated the national guard as bus drivers. i hope governor healey does activate this. >> dana: you need help. i'm running out of time but thank you for being on the show. we'll follow this story and have you back. thank you very much. harris faulkner is up next.
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here she is. >> harris: president biden was asked if there was a plan b. you know, a different candidate to take when is place on the democratic ticket because of his confusing actions and words that the entire nation is witnessing. biden thought the question was funny and laughed it off. the question remains, is there a plan b? by the way, he has a fundraising schedule that's about to get very busy. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the president is in california today, another big cash haul. three days of fundraisers. there was one california resident who could and maybe would take biden's place, governor gavin newsom. a spry 56-year-old. but here is the president. >> you are going to california. is this about coming up with a plan b for 2024? does gavin need to stand by? >> i'm looking at you.
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are you ready? >> harris: he is willing to pick anybody? he was kidding. joe rogan wasn't kidding when he echo what other political watchers have been saying. >> don't you think it's a ruse, him running for president? >> you don't think he is going to run? >> no, i think they'll get rid of him. i think they'll move him out and force him to step down. that's what i think. if i had to guess, it's just speculation, i would say they are setting up gavin newsom for it. >> harris: peter doocy has more. >> gavin newsom has been asked about this and said that he actually hopes to be invited to a second biden inauguration and when we talk to folks in biden world, the possibility of a last-minute switch at the top of the ticket, biden going out, somebody else coming in is not on anybody's radar at all at this point. they say that they would rather focus on things like campaign
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fundraising, $42 million in january, 130 million cash on hand. campaign manager is saying wheel team biden continues to build on its fundraising machine republicans are divided. judging from weak fundraising they are already paying the political price. set aside issues with age or acuity, president biden is under water on the issues that will decide the election. 48% approval on jobs. 34% inflation, meecely 26% on immigration. even the democrats who say they don't see a lane for a third party candidate won't back biden yet. >> are you going to endorse president biden? >> i'm not endorsing anybody right now. we'll see what happens. we have plenty of time here. >> and this likely won't help ease the concerns of people worried about biden going the distance. he had a little bit of a slip there on the short stairs as he was boarding air force one for
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the cross-country flight to california where all the events are just about supporting the campaign, raising money there. nothing official on the schedule. it is all just stuff for donors. harris. >> harris: it all takes energy. the world is on fire. let's hope he has a lot of it. thank you. power panel now matt gorman, vice president of targeted victory and former senior advisor to senator tim scott. welcome and mark penn, former clinton advisor and polling expert. great to see you both. mark, i start with you. the last time we were together on screen we had watched something from president biden which made you say that now you are concerned. first of all, talk to me about the level of concern that you are hearing from other democrats and whether there should be a plan b. >> i think there have been some issues of concern and i think the president has a real issue that he has to convince the
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voters he is up for another term. but democrats themselves like the job he is doing, approve of the job, are consolidated around his nomination. there is no plan b. plan a is the plan and they are going with it. >> harris: when you say democrats you mean older democrats. the younger voters are not saying what you are saying. that's particularly part of the issue with some of the fundraising he is doing, more pointed. we'll get to that in a second. matt, your thoughts. >> look, for starters look at his 2012 vice presidential debate against paul ryan. night and day. there is no thing here that will kick joe biden off the ballot. gavin newsom will come and save them. it will be donald trump and joe biden unless it's an act of god. i would be concerned if i was a democrat there isn't a lack of urgency. i see a lot of shades of the
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2016 hillary campaign. the biden campaign says we think donald trump is a bad guy and the voters are just going to eventually see it, too. i think hope is not a strategy. i think that's what their message is ending up to be. i would be concerned if i was a biden supporter right now. >> harris: interesting what you say because we are starting to see some reporting on just that. but let's get to this in terms of just sort of reflexively thinking that voters will go out against trump. and now some democrats behind the scenes are expressing. you can't count on that. a brutal opinion piece hitting the president. biden can't keep up with the job. another writes biden rewrites an american tragedy. excerpt instead of uniting americans as he promised he has made us weaker and more divided in large part because he lacked the strength and integrity to do his job. those closest to him knew it and let it happen. we have seen three years of a presidency wasted at a time when
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america needed to make a fresh start and show the world we were back stronger than ever. mark, your response to that. >> unfortunately as a country we've been divided for a long time. almost split down the middle and when i worked with president clinton actually in 1996, we won by eight points. we broke the deadlock. we went for swing voters. you know, frankly both parties are emphasizing bringing out their base. as long as the parties do that one or the other will win. they won't unite the country. >> harris: i hear what you are saying we've been divided a long time. this was the man who said vote for him. he would only be here for one term. then second of all he was the man to get it done because he had north of 45 years of experience as a congressman, senator, vice president and that he could do deals and he could do those things to unite the nation. i hear what you are saying but
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he was supposed to be the answer back. matt. >> it's true. they sold themselves we'll be the adults in the room. and i think what we saw that unravel was the summer of 2021 with disastrous withdrawal of afghanistan laid bear the fact they didn't know what they were doing and they don't apologize for that disaster. there was a "new york times" article the other day where a lot of those far left activists they need to rely on to get out and be enthusiastic. anti-trump and vote for joe biden they are crisised out. >> harris: aren't we all? >> you have to find a way, to your point, if you rev up the activists to come out and vote against trump they are feeling burned out now. i would be getting very concerned. >> harris: there is that issue. what about the anti-israel vote? it is even inside congress now. we've seen it particularly with
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tlaib, what do you do with the -- they aren't threats. if you want their vote you have to do something different in supporting israel in a war they don't want. >> they are threatening not to turn out for a primary which the president is unopposed. talk about empty threat. i think at the end of the day the progressives will support joe biden. the question is whether the swing voters will or not. the swing voters are overwhelmingly pro-israel. >> harris: matt, one last point. despite skipping the republican primary debates, we haven't heard word yet whether or not this particular president will actually debate the former president, donald trump. let's watch this. >> we have an obligation. when you have the final republican and the final democrat. you have to debate. >> how many debates would you compat to? >> i would like to do it starting now. i don't think he will debate.
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i really don't think so. >> harris: staggering statistics on biden's border crisis how many illegal crossings have happened under his watch. it is more than the population of three dozen individual states. if we pop up that map, specifically can you imagine what that looks like? quickly, matt. >> i can't imagine him stepping on the debate stage period. you see him in public settings. 90 minutes one-on-one in a debate? i can't imagine that. i know trump will do it. i hope biden does as well. >> harris: the argument on your side of the aisle would be he has done this for so many decades of course he will have some the fighter, the warrior on the stage will come out. we haven't seen it even when russia, even when iran, even when others like china threaten us. we haven't seen that.
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>> call me pro-debate. i think both candidates should have three debates. we should have an unbiased commission on debates. it is an important part of our democracy and i hope they will come down and agree to it. i was disappointed last time there were only two debates. it is important that people see the argument and make the judgment which way they want to go. >> harris: do you think biden can do it? >> i think he can do it. we'll see him at the state of the union and how he does. does he move to the center or stick -- the next test that you will see him on a national stage. >> harris: a lot of fundraisers between now and then. house republicans are questioning the president right now questioning the president's younger brought james about the biden family's business deals. >> there is a biden family business. we don't know what they do except sell access, >> it stinks, it's shady.
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refuses to do anything. >> harris: more family members. hunter biden is set to appear before the same committee next week. how all this family testimony could play in the impeachment inquiry in progress into president biden. a former counselor to attorney general bill barr is in "focus" next. lord, you know what's on our hearts. you know where we struggle. you know where we need to be pushed. help us give it all to you. the good, the bad. help us turn to you in everything. amen. you should join me in more prayer on hallow. stay prayed up. jorge has always put the ones he loves first. but when it comes to caring for his teeth
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> harris: the president's younger brother james biden is now behind closed doors for an interview with house republicans. it's part of their impeachment inquiry of the president. he is not under oath but hunter biden will be under oath set to be deposed before the same house
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committee last week. lawmakers want to know about any business deals that may have involved president biden. republicans are confident there is plenty to find. >> there is the family that's the most corrupt presidential family in modern history. never before has a sitting president has been accused of such scandal and influence peddling. >> our justice department turned a blind eye to the biden family and it needs to stop. >> the lies, campaign, sweetheart deals. all that is part of this deception. >> harris: there is a new filing related now to the f.b.i. informant charged with lying about the biden bribery scheme. prosecutors are claiming alexander smirnov had ties to russian intelligence operatives. democrats and much of the media are insisting this is all a huge blow to the impeachment inquiry effort. republicans say there is a lot of evidence. fox justice department
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correspondent david spunt is live on capitol hill. democrats are hoping that would blow a hole in things. where do we stand? >> they are, harris, ultimately democrats are even asking the question about the f.b.i. and employing smirnov as a confidential source for so long. it came up today before james biden arrived on capitol hill. he is behind closed doors. it will be a long day for the president's brother, james, or as he is known jim biden. probably until 6:00 tonight. i tried to ask him some questions about using his brother's name in business. he declined to answer. he kept walking forward. his lawyer said he would have no comment. republicans believe that some of this interview today will potentially lead them down new avenues or confirm facts about joe biden's alleged involvement in family business affairs. democrats are likely to downplay what jim biden has to say arguing it is not related to joe biden, the president of the
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united states. the house republicans including chairman james comer of oversight have always said that joe biden is the brand, the brand that other families including jim biden used to make money. one week from today hunter biden will sit down and answer questions in a deposition. he will be under oath and speaking of hunter and joe biden, as you mentioned, harris, tossing to me, former f.b.i. informant charged last week with lying when he told the f.b.i. that both joe biden and hunter biden took $5 million apiece in bribes from ukrainians has contacts with high-level russian intelligence. meeting with the sources a few months ago according to a new government filing yesterday. the government wanted him held in custody but 43-year-old alexander smirnov was released pending trial. we know that alexander smirnov lives in las vegas and able to be out right now as this goes a little bit more toward trial and special counsel weiss says he is
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concerned that smirnov was actually using russian intelligence contacts to try to peddle lies about joe biden leading up to this year's presidential election. harris. >> harris: do they have evidence? >> the f.b.i. is the one that has to answer the question. the f.b.i., as i said, proved that they hired him and kept him on for ten years. they paid him over $1 hundred thousand, we don't have the exact number. he was a known informant. trusted informant for so long. that's where the question goes to the f.b.i. and that's what republicans ultimately are asking saying listen, if you have problems with this informant why was he on the payroll so long? >> harris: great reporting as always. let's bring on fox news legal editor and former counselor to attorney general bill barr. you heard me asking about the evidence and what we're looking at. top line shots on smirnov.
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>> how was he kept in the payroll so long considered this trusted informant and we had comments from representatives comer, jordan, and others and democrat jamie raskin all saying he was considered a trusted informant by the f.b.i. and they were very resistant to releasing information that smirnov had supplied because they were so concerned about compromising him. and so i don't know how he ended up here. another question i have had all along is why did david weiss, special counsel in the hunter biden case why did he sit on the information from smirnov once referred referred to him and sit on him for three years. grassley put it out. public pressure for him to investigate. that's the reason grassley wanted when im to look in the first place. we need to see if this is true or not. in a matter of a few months to turn around after sitting on it for so long and indict him for lying is all very surprising.
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>> harris: i wanted to put it into context for our viewers, too, if you say you trust a guy and keep him that long he is valuable. okay. david spunt just reported we still don't know the dollar figure of the cash yet but something retained him. let's move. the chairs of the house judiciary and oversight committees want more information now for their impeachment inquiry into president joe biden and want to interview amos hockstein, a former biden aide. he worked at the lobbying firm, blue star strategies the i.r.s. whistleblower has testified about already, ziegler claimed that company failed to report nearly a half billion dollars in money paid to ukrainian energy firm called burisma. we have heard the word over the years. that energy firm was the one that paid hunter biden a lot of money to sit on its board. he doesn't have any energy background or any kind of resume that goes with it.
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they liked him enough the move him. do you think his last name made a difference? republican lawmakers want d.o.j. files on patrick ho. he is connections to a china-linked energy firm that gave hunter a lot of cash. they like hunter biden a lot. ho was sentenced to prison for bribery and money laundering. these two people they want to talk to. >> very interesting and have information helpful to all of us. there is no biden family business without joe. the reason today's interview with his brother is so important he hasn't been interviewed before, two. think about this for a second. he dropped out of college, opened a couple of nightclubs and next thing you know he is brokering major deals with
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chinese energy conglomerates how was he able to do that. what were they seeing as the benefit in working p james biden. >> that's the big question. >> what was he doing to receive all that money? so this is where the link is very important. before -- up until now the committee is interviewing business associates. james and hunter biden are the connected tissue between the associates and joe biden. so it will be interesting to see what comes out of today's interview. >> harris: you hit the nail on the head. this is our national security. what were these other countries getting for their relationship with the bidens and money that was flowing? >> they were working with people with no experience in the field. james and hunter biden don't have any energy experience. and so again what were they seeing as the benefit as the payoff? was there any kind of impact on u.s. policy as a result of
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working directly with joe biden's family? >> harris: hunter biden's legal team is lashing out at his dad's d.o.j. ahead of his gun trial accusing prosecutors of not sharing all their evidence in an attempt to prevent hunter from getting a fair trial. they point to releasing this photograph. hunter's attorneys claim it shows lines of saw dust. that's not cocaine, they saw. it's from a carpenter friend of hunter biden's who sent it to show he kicked his coke habit. they are filing -- the prosecution surely realized it would prejudice mr. biden in the public eye. mistaking sawdust from cocaine is a story like from a police academy movies than what should be expected in a high profile unties department of justice. he is charged with lying on an
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application about his drug use. >> it is strange. so much drama always when it comes to hunter biden and the d.o.j.'s prosecution. >> harris: what do you make of the picture and all that's being said about oh, it was a way to show his friend was off coke? >> it's hard to sociality i'm curious to see how the d.o.j. responds. the context is the government is required to turn over any exculpatory evidence or information they have for the defense so the defense can prepare for a trial. they say you got this wrong. a picture of saw dust, not cocaine. if the d.o.j. made a mistake that does reflect poorly on them and sloppily and it is possible and we need to wait to see how d.o.j. responds. it is not going to affect the heart of the case. doesn't call into question the credibility of the prosecution and a public relations campaign
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more than anything else. chip away at the credibility and integrity so in people's minds there are question marks as to whether he did anything wrong at all. >> harris: i wonder if people had a similar thought like i did. it goes to the issue other people knew he was on coke or otherwise you wouldn't send your friend a picture like that you were off coke. when he was filling out the gun form it goes to what people -- it speaks to his character and actions what people would have known about him at the time. that's what i thought of when i first saw it. we'll move and have you on again. thank you. stunning new border numbers, spotlighting just how bad the crisis is. that could be almost any picture or video you pick. one report reveals the biden administration has just let go millions of illegal immigrants into this country. no, we don't know where they are doing or who they are or who they are connected to but they are free. the final two republican presidential candidates are throwing jabs before saturday's
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south carolina primary. >> she is not working. she is here. she is down by 30, 35 points. everybody knows her. you aren't supposed to lose your home state. >> we'll do everything we can to show people you don't have to settle for trump and biden. >> harris: republican congresswoman nancy mace is in "focus" next. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪ ♪to my astonishment.♪ ♪my doc gave me a script i got it done without a delay.♪ ♪i screened with cologuard and did it my way.♪ cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ i'm jonathan lawson, here to tell you about life insurance through the colonial penn program. if you're age 50 to 85
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from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. (♪) grace didn't believe in magic. but her daughter was happy to prove her wrong. you were made to dream about it for years. we were made to help you book it in minutes. >> you aren't supposed to lose your home state. she is losing is big. really, i said bigly and bigly -- she wins it bigly. i just she just can't get herself to get out. >> harris: former president trump there tearing into nikki haley's campaign last night. the republican primary in haley's home state of south carolina is this saturday and despite trump's 23 to 30 point lead in a variety of polls
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depending what you look at. most of them around 30 points. haley is insisting she is in the primary race for the long haul. trump's campaign has a different take. here is a post. she is going to drop down to kiss you know what when she quits like she always does. alexandria hoff is in greenville, south carolina with more. alex. >> hi, harris, the campaign released a memo where they said nikki haley will get a you know what kicking on saturday. they aren't holding back on the language. nikki haley said she is prepared to take the cuts and bruises because she is in it for the long haul. a state of the race address yesterday where she confirmed she is seeing this thing through well beyond south carolina pointing now in the ten days following another 21 states and territories go to the polls. today haley said those voters deserve an option, one she feels can defeat president biden. >> i very much see myself as a republican option that people
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can realize when you see donald trump can't win and you no he that we have to turn this country around. then i am your alternative. that's what i've always tried to say is let's get somebody who can win. >> in terms of this race according to the latest suff trump has a big lead. he arrived for a brief stop in south carolina yesterday to sit down with laura ingraham where he teased during that that another big south carolina name, senator tim scott, is a potential running mate. >> always the first quality has to be somebody you think will be a good president. if something should happen, you have to have somebody that will be a great president. a lot of people are talking about that gentleman right over there. [cheers and applause] he has been so great. >> both haley and trump both
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publicly agreed yesterday that sharing a ticket together at this point would be out of the question, harris. >> harris: all right. alex, thank you. nancy mace of the great state of south carolina, member of the house oversight, armed services and he veteran affairs committee is in "focus" now. it's on saturday. anything changing about the race in your home state that we need to know about? >> well, other than the fact that donald trump is running away with his big win on saturday. we expect him to win by 30 points or more. that's not changing. i told the president last week that the enthusiasm that i'm seeing on the ground here in south carolina is greater than it's ever been. he is going to win not only south carolina, win huge but win every single state in the primary despite the media, despite what his opponents say in this race so far, he will win it all. >> harris: i just want to go through this. i don't know if people realize
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about how much money is online here for the president after some of the cases here recently. it is almost $1 hundred million in interest on top of the $354 in the fraud case. are you concerned at all as you look down the road past south carolina for the president? >> i'm not at all. what the american people are seeing and what i hear on the ground in south carolina is they see a two-tier system of justice, a double standard, one for donald trump, and one for everybody else. that's why you are seeing the enthusiasm ratchet up in the wake of this election on saturday. you know, he did a great job. he killed it on the stage last night at the town hall in greenville and will crush it in south carolina. there is so much momentum. you see polling data independent voters are leaning toward donald trump. you look at joe biden and his approval rating. the guy is going down. donald trump can beat him in the general election. >> harris: that's the polling.
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part of shall -- part of it is the border. the biden border crisis. it will only hurt him. for president trump, this new analysis now, fox news analysis of data finds nearly 7.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed the southwest border under president biden. that's more than the populations of 36 individual states. for example, more people than live in the states of massachusetts, missouri, or wisconsin have crossed our border. dhs numbers highly how overwhelming the biden border crisis is and show the federal government has released more than 2.3 million illegal immigrants at the border since biden took office. we don't know where they are or what they're doing. all of this to a former president who didn't have this going on and has a plan now. >> absolutely.
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joe biden's approval rating on immigration and the border is suffering at 26%. the vast majority of americans regardless of political party affiliation don't support joe biden on the border. we all know that on joe biden's first day in office, he turned back every good border policy of donald trump's by the time the sun had set. this did not happen under donald trump. donald trump built over 450 miles of wall along the southern border. you know how many miles of wall joe biden would like to build and add to that? 21 by the time his first term is over. the remain in mexico, title 42, all of those things donald trump is the the man with a plan and can beat joe biden and secure our country. >> harris: the politics on the left are really pressing against joe biden. it is an uphill claim for him because he actually needs the votes of the people who don't want him to really take action on this. i guess it's why they didn't take up hr2, which was a border policy that republicans had put
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forth months ago. eight or nine months ago. they came up with their own that was a non-starter. the northern border crisis is sparking some consideration. national security concerns now despite more agents, cdp is now offering $20,000 in bonuses and $1 hundred thousand starting salaries and a bid to recruit additional staff to crack down on illegal crossings. your thoughts on this. >> well, it's no question about it. when you look at secretary mayorkas and how early on he was denigrated our border patrol agents, the morale is very low. they put their life on the line every single day, their life at risk. they get assaulted and battered by secretary mayorkas. the morale is very low. in my district we have a border patrol training academy. they are making great sacrifices for our nation to protect us and national security and we should say thank you. >> harris: i think we need to at
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least answer the red flag warnings that we have another border to consider. if you put that back up you will see vermont and all those states. canada what has a tremendous amount of wilderness. we can't ignore something while the other place is on fire. basically, congresswoman, we now have two situations we need to hire for. last quick word. >> two massive situations. republicans have led on border security. we passed hr2 in may of las year and a homeland security appropriations bill. two bills that had border security in it. senator schumer and democrats in the senate refused to take up the measures. >> harris: that's right. congresswoman, thank you and we'll be watching your good state this weekend. >> thank you. >> harris: democrats even further divided over the israel/hamas war. if they could be. and that conflict could be huge trouble for joe biden in a key swing state.
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new york city's mayor responds to another violent attack on police officers by illegal immigrants. >> any time you have 3,000 people who are placed in an environment that they cannot work, they have to sit around all day, you know, things like this have the potential to happen. >> harris: wait a minute. because they came here illegally and have to sit around and can't find jobs, they get to terrorize the rest of us? how is that america? how is that america? that attack that's happened again is ramping up criticism of mayor eric adams' push for a new paid debit card program for migrants who are here with no fraud guardrails. they can do whatever they want. jason chaffetz in "focus" next. to turbotax... i broke four generations of family tradition
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[shouting] >> harris: they clearly don't want to be in this country. wow. it's happened again. new york city police officers attacked again by people who crossed our border and are
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breaking american laws. the biden border crisis is spiraling. who will protect our law enforcement from them? nypd were actually trying to arrest a man on thursday when a brawl broke out inside a shelter for the illegal immigrants on randall's island. they moved all the sporting teams and young people off that island. adolescents who had soccer and all of that. a huge recreational place in new york city. they moved them out to make room for people coming across the border. no court dates, nothing. they are here. they were pummeled with cushions, bottles, backpacks, all the things they threw at police officers. mayor eric adams now again begging for help. >> do you have bad actors? yes. and any time you have 3,000 people who are placed in an environment that they cannot work, they have to sit around
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all day, you know, things like this have the potential to happen. this is what happens when you get this national problem on a city. we need to national government to assist and resolve this problem. >> harris: the mayor is facing trouble because it's over that controversial new $53 million plan to hand out free pre-paid debit cards to asylum seekers. a "new york post" op-ed argues people could be pocketing up to $10,000 of taxpayer money each with no restrictions or fraud control. i remind you, the struggle at the border to vet these people, to figure out who is here and who can actually be here for an asylum claim, who is not. they let 2.3 million go in this country. we don't really know who is among them. eric adams migrant debit card debacle with crush new york city as it swipes from taxpayers in
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the "new york post." it argues the program is worse than unnecessary. after all, free money for migrants won't slow the waves of people coming here, it will put it on steroids. jason chaffetz, fox news contributor. look, i don't alternatively use the word migrant and illegal migrant. let's call it what it is. these people have come here, there is not enough vetting going on. we can't put a bracelet on everybody. give them a cell phone and court date. many didn't go through checkpoints. they will further -- not everybody, some of them further break our laws. they seem angry and they are going after the cops. >> well, america is angry at this. who does mayor adams represent? he does more to protect these illegal immigrants. make sure they are given money, they are taken care of and you know what? donald trump is going to come into that city and will rock the boat because he will go to madison square garden and go to the bronx and tell those people
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the reason you don't get your benefits is because those people that are here illegally get theirs. they are kicking your kids out of their schools and getting rid of their playgrounds and taking your housing and guess what, they don't fight for americans. democrats are breaking all the social contracts we have in this country. the reason these people come to america is we believe in the rule of law. you break the law, there is a consequence. if you are a sanctuary city, you are a sanctuary state you are coddled. you can beat cop, stay here and get benefits. it is so wrong. >> harris: i can't imagine including new york city any city in america where $53 million handed to people not american citizens will not rock some real problems on the streets of those cities. especially here in new york where things are high already. the cost of everything. tempers are flaring in chicago, too, jason.
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let's move there because as you often said, this migrates all on its own. people are fanning out all over the country. chicago city council meeting that's going on right now, in fact, is all over massive illegal immigrant crisis and that sanctuary city. people who live there as american citizens are furious over the millions of dollars in resources going to the illegals who so many communities there are in need. they need those resources. the video will look strange. we just took this. it is going on now. it's zoom and you see the countdown a little bit. listen to the words. >> that's what is up and that's what has happened in the united states right now. all this asylum seeking lie, all this about refugees, no, no, no, what's happening is they are emptying out the dregs of their jails into the united states and to our communities. they are junking up our country
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and yeah, we feel some kind of way about it. it is our country. it is our country. we're going to get our city back and stand for our people. we are going to get them out of our communities because they don't deserve to be there. not another dollar for the illegals. if the crisis is so bad the city council members are so concerned to donate their salaries to the cause like a real public servant should. >> harris: again, it looked strange on screen because when we caught that a few moments ago we had to show it to you. it gives me chills. they are junking up our country and it is our country, jason. >> amen. i don't know who was saying that but very well said. >> harris: those are citizens in chicago. >> yeah. that is the grassroots sentiment right in the heart of what the democrats think they are doing a favor for people. it is going to divide them. it is dividing our country. it is so fundamentally wrong top
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to bottom. >> harris: just listen to that first person who spoke was talking about in terms of who is coming from these countries. they are emptying out their jails. that person's opinion. look at the video. i want democrats to answer back on the beatings on the cops. are they really sending us some people who are willing to break every law after they've already broken our sovereignty law at the border? >> they are coming by the millions. this is not just a one off in chicago or new york. it is hard to fathom but this is really happening all over the country. >> harris: jason chaffetz. thank you very much for being in "focus" and glad you were here for that burst of breaking news from the meeting that continues today. appreciate it. "the faulkner focus" grateful for you watching. "outnumbered" after the break. because there are places you'd rather be.
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