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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 21, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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election. i sort of think -- >> love the hatred and contempt -- sorry to jump on you -- for donald trump is more based on personality, right? if he eases that, comes across nicer, more vanilla, to your points -- we only have 30 seconds or so -- could that change things? could that be enough to seal the deal? >> if it is doing a lot of work and that question. if he modulates himself -- that's not his thing. his brand is gold, black. that's not going to change. what might change is attitude towards president biden. >> very interesting. it remains to be seen in. i always learn something. thank you. he is our fox news decision desk director. genius with this stuff, precise. doesn't look at what others look at. we are looking at nvidia after hours trading up 10% right now on better than expected numbers. that will do it here. "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> dana: hello. i'm dana perino with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., charlie hurt, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ there is nothing like a bribe to keep the campaign alive. president biden fast tracking the plan that wipes out another $1.2 billion in student loans for 150,000 borrowers. biden, pushing up his timeline as his family -- excuse me -- as they appeal to young voters who have been left disappointed by his presidency. altogether, biden has canceled $138 billion in debt for nearly 4 million borrowers. do the math on that. the president bragging about it while attacking republicans. >> republicans in the congress, elected officials, special interests stepped in. the supreme court blocked it. they will pursue alternative paths.
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for as many borrowers as possible. this plan is the most replenishing program here today. they are dealing with it faster and quicker than ever before. i don't have to worry at all. >> dana: the president will blast out an email to those lucky student loan borrowers as a way to kindly remind them who they need to think at the ballot box this november. if that's not transparent enough, biden, posting video of himself eating with the family that benefited from the student debt bailout. >> take care -- student loans is something that was an albatross in trying to take care of. that happens, it was such a tremendous relief, so thank you for that. >> i tried to -- in the republican party. >> dana: is there a better way to solve this? this called the college cost reduction act would make
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universities at least partially on the hook for student loans that biden wants to forgive, but the legislation, being billed as a risk sharing proposal. where have i heard that idea before? >> greg: let's say joe biden had come up with a plan that actually split the burden. let's hear you pay $250 a month on your college loan. the recipient for a while pays $100, government pays $50, the bank pays $50, the school pays $50. sharing the relief. >> dana: greg, let's give you the floor. >> greg: who is a gorgeous guy? amazing. he should be on the show. if you don't -- if you let him get away with this, we will continue paying and keep paying because there's no incentive to stop this theft. that's what this is: theft. this bill makes the college is responsible, if the graduates don't get enough value out of their degrees. that introduces value and
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accountability. it could kill all pointless degrees, and you could see academia finally caring about, i don't know, useful, affordable education. if you don't do this, it's never going to stop. openly brags about this theft. it's comical. it is a bribe. it's basically saying -- you know who brought up these republicans. you know what he's saying, people can't stand truck drivers, cops, construction workers. there probably all extreme maga, so we will take their money and use it to pay off your crippling loan that amounts to $250 a month basically. he is assuming he's taking it from those people. i would use this argument. i would say the students, how would you feel as a graduate of columbia or harvard, we take your cash to pay off the truck loans, which is roughly the same monthly fee for the blue-collar folks who bring you your organic blueberries from whole foods or deliver your extra plush docking
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bed from amazon. make it a trade. the truckers pay for your useless degree and you pay for their useful work. this is unconstitutional. it's arbitrary. it's morally wrong. you know what? he's going to do it anyway. >> dana: he said the republicans opposed it, but judge, the supreme court said he was not allowed to do it. even nancy pelosi agreed. >> jeanine: good point. nancy pelosi did agree. the supreme court said "you are exceeding your authority, you do not have the right to cancel out student debt." the supreme court blocked it. i love this bill. i love this college cost reduction act. if you go to college and can't get a job based on the college education, may be, the college should pay for the bill, not by government. why are we funding it? the whole idea of cost-benefit analysis that you always refer to, the guy -- the f-150. who makes the cost-benefit
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analysis? can't afford to go to college. got to buy a contract, get to work right away. there is no punishment for people who don't do that, and these kids are saying "i'm not going to have that $200 a month, $200 extra to be able to live the life i want to live." in the end, when the supreme court told him "you can't do it" in the first case that went to the supreme court -- they didn't have standing, but then they did, got them saying that they were involved -- it's clear they don't have it. you talk about morally wrong? this is a bribe that biden is trying to get young people -- he has low numbers, in spite of the fact that he is pro-environment and pro-choice. they think he -- doesn't speak well, i will leave it at that. >> dana: the poll's are bad, and the biden team tries to get a sugar high to get to the next news cycle. about you will hear this at the stable union march 7th
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-- i think you'll hear this at the state of the union march 7th. you get an electric vehicle, you get a solar panel, you get student loan debt. in the meantime, they are shrinking their form a coalition of blue-collar workers with decisions like this. >> harold: i've set for a while, and i give greg a lot of credit. you have to talk about this three ways, and they are all equal. the third way is you've got to bring college presidents before congress and begin this conversation. i love the value and accountability. that's what the act should be called. you give relief to kids. the second prong is you give relief to kids who are nurses, teachers, firemen, where we have a need in the economy. if you want to be a liberal arts or art history major and be a plumber, that's fair enough. i would love to have a conversation about world war i and world war ii. >> dana: like roman aqueducts. >> all of that.
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i think that's where the focus needs to be. the third thing is when you look at some of the people -- i look at this. i know we all did. some of the people are getting these break. these are people who have been paying, 12-$13,000 loan that they been paying for years and have probably paid interest above and beyond what the original loan they took out. that being said, the court was right to do what they did. they did not have the authority to retire that level of debt. nancy pelosi and republicans and the court that's dominated by conservative appointees were right. may be, the president thinks democrats -- they will be able to pass something like this, but i would argue democrats don't retire everyone's debt. let's prioritize how we are going to do this. we have too much debt as a nation. giving people a break or trying to make the nation better and more hole, fix and build things, they deserve a break. >> dana: dear member when democrats lost their minds? i didn't love it either, when president trump wanted to put his name on the checks during the stimulus.
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they lost their minds. biden is -- campaign announcements, blaming -- the monies coming from the taxpayers. it's not coming from biden's back pocket. >> charlie: everything that drives people crazy about donald trump's because he does a better than other politicians. he does it himself into drives drives people crazy. the biggest lie is the idea that you are canceling loans or debt. there is no canceling of loans. you are just moving them from the people who benefited from the loans to innocent people who mom and dads maybe who cannot afford to pay tuition for their own children. they are suddenly on the hook for paying for the tuition of other people to get underwater basket weaving or gender studies whatever degrees from these massive corporations that have these massive untaxed endowments. ipod republicans were doing this, but this is an issue that has been sitting around for a very long time, that republicans could have capitalized on.
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it's right in, it should be right in their wheelhouse, because it is a massive -- who is the biggest actor in college loans? it's these massive universities. they set the rates. they make money, whether you default on your loans or not, whether you get a job because of your degree or don't. they benefit with coming and going every single time. they don't get a haircut in this. republicans -- i would love to see donald trump. he could seize this issue and drive it all the way home, and whether you do it in a more egalitarian way for truck drivers, as well as the underwater transgender basket weaving degree or whatever -- i think they could make a tremendous political issue. >> is not a four-year degree, basket weaving? >> dana: it's only underwater. adding underwater as another year. i want to make one quick point about this. at the same time, date by
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demonstration and education department redid the financial aid website. they said it's going to work better. or member the obamacare website? they have to send their kids to school to -- they have to send their kids to school next year, and they can't apply for financial aid. they are getting their friends, who maybe don't need financial aid and they can't make decisions until probably may 1st. some families are saying "fine, i guess we will do a gap year and you have to work." the kids were already in covid school four years ago and now, they are in this situation. the biden administration hasn't taken it enough on the chin for that but they should, and i'm sure you will see more of that. coming up, she is in a new york -- of mind. letitia james threaten to take away trumps iconic buildings? but i got jesus here, and we were wondering if you might want to pray with us. well, not the actual jesus.
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obviously, but let's spend some time with the real one. lord jesus. we take this moment today to simply be with you. we are lost. we are broken. but we are not alone. help us to grow closer to you. this lent, jesus name we pray. amen. join us in prayer. this lent on hallow.
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♪ ♪ >> new york's democratic attorney general letitia james is threatening to seize donald trump's assets if they can't pay the agreed just penalty in the civil fraud verdict. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, we will seek judgment enforcement mechanisms in court, and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. we are prepared to make sure the judgment is paid to new yorkers. i look at wall street each and every day. >> last night, trump railed against the verdict. >> a lot of cash, but that doesn't mean he can take it. you know what he did? i think he looked at him in cash
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and said "we will take all this cash." letitia james, horrible attorney general in new york, campaigned on "i will get trump." they are sick and this judge is sick. he got overturned on this case by the appellate division four times already on this case. >> while democrats tried to bleed trumps businesses dry, top leaders are trying to bring back the russia hoax. >> what do you think? we are wondering this question, speaker pelosi. what do you think putin has on him? it seems like something. speak i don't know, but it's probably financial. >> what do you think putin has on trump? >> there is a growing pro-pollutant faction in the republican party, and is led by donald trump. >> judge, we want to get to the russia hoax stuff, because it's always good to go back to that, but starting with this unbelievable verdict, this effort by letitia james to go after -- the verdict may as well
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have been a good, good chameleon, some absurd number -- coke have been a gig a million, some absurd number. -- it's almost like they are proud of how absurd the verdict is. they want everybody to realize how unfair and ridiculous it is. >> jeanine: she keep saying it's not a victimless crime. the people that were harmed were the state of new york. the people are victims of assault and muggings and who are being murdered in this city. she -- putting off police officers that have been assaulted by immigrants, and a viral video goes around the world where people are saying "come to new york and assault the police officers." there is a part of me that thinks that letitia james really wants -- the way she says "i go by wall street." i think this woman wants to come
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down the golden escalator and announce in trump tower that she's going to run for president. affect the woman engages in all kinds of delusions. the truth is this case is not going to survive and appeal. it's not going to survive and appeal based on several issues. it's just that there was no victim in this case, but they are using the business law in a way that it was not intended to be used. they are using it as a consumer fraud case. the business statute was to be used, intended to be used against sophisticated actors. they used it as a consumer fraud statutes. she has got it all backwards picks she had a judge who, from the get-go, said the guy is a bad guy. this is the guy who is sitting on the trial. you can't have a judge and sit over a trial who literally openly is saying publicly that he hates the guy. the bottom line is that she can't seize the assets if he doesn't come up with the money
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in 30 days, a requirement for him to appeal. is going to come up with the money, and appeal. the appellate division has four times said that a lot of these cases are statute time-barred by the statute of limitations. >> my favorite thing about donald trump is he makes politics accessible to everybody. like earlier this week, he released a copy of the eighth amendment on his website, which is of course the amendments against excessive fines, greg, and as our resident constitutional scholar, doesn't the amendment protect him? >> greg: you are right. i'm glad you read my column earlier today in the hill. [laughter] >> charlie: in the digestive? >> greg: i just want to touch on the russia stuff. they say what does putin have on trump? i don't know. putin endorsed biden. [laughter] i will just leave it at that, okay? that can be neatly left out. she said "it will be paid to
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new yorkers." what does she mean by that? no, we are not getting paid, because there is no victim. where is the $355 million going to go if trump owes the bank $0? the bank agreed he owes them nothing because they didn't fulfill the contract. he broke no laws. when people bring up trend, they always say "no one is above the law." well, what law -- apparently, this is a first as they pointed out yesterday. it's about being below the law. trump is below the law, meaning you can punish him for not crossing into illegality, much like the rest of us. generally, anybody who works in contract law -- and harold can agree with me on this because we talk about it a lot -- trump is 100% innocent in this. it can't be fraud, because who is it against? when i'm in a contract negotiation, i can pretty much present anything i want, because the other side will assess it,
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come back with her number, and we agree. there is nothing hidden in a contract. nobody is that stupid. if you don't work the contract, you don't know this. i think this is all an act to keep trump off his game. that's all this is. don't need to move this to florida. i never thought that my politics, political choices would affect my privacy, my speech, my livelihood. when i do -- they will do that to me. how soon before i get arrested for public indecency? [laughter] this time, i will be innocent. >> charlie: harold, as a levelheaded democrat, does this where you going into the stretch? >> harold: a couple things. i think the judge laid it out well what the law is here. he's got 30 days on his appeal. he has to show he has the assets. as an aside, i would not have gone on "abc news," fox
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anywhere. she's up 1-0 in the sheet. the former president was found liable. has an appeal. i think the former president, just my surveying of it, may have a stronger appeal here then he doesn't some of of the other things. in addition to everything that's been said, it was really designed to protect the consumer. the consumer -- it will be interesting to see what the higher court says. if all they are doing is following the rules, i think it's a bad look for the attorney general to be out here. she's up 1-0. you're going to do these things. let the process play itself out. >> charlie: how bad is this politically, does it backfire? >> dana: on her? i think a lot. she is overzealous, partisan, has no dispassion. she is passionate about going after one person. it shows. instead of just following the law -- i also think that for a lot of people across the cou country, i still actually don't understand it and don't agree with it -- that you have to pay
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a fine like that before you can appeal. that seems wrong. >> charlie: they freeze your assets. you don't have to give it to them. >> dana: it seems like even if you don't like trump, you could look at this and say "that seems unfair." it feels like there are two systems of justice. i do think that it was takes the media too long to catch up to people like bonnie willis or letitia james, but eventually, they do. let's say they get $400 million. is going to pay the $10,000 per migrant for the debit cards? is that the kind of reinvestment? indigo to 37th and eighth avenue and clean that up -- no can you go to 37th and eighth avenue and clean that up? it's terrible in the city. as attorney general, you could do more than this. causing democrats problems in the long run. i guarantee her circle of friends in her text threads love it. she is dining out on this every night.
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>> charlie: something tells me even if they get the $400 million, they are not going to spend it on -- >> dana: 37th and eighth. >> jeanine: they seize the assets. according to a prosecutor's way of thinking, you use it for the office to fight crime which she doesn't. >> charlie: up next, democrats clean the streets for kamala while residents are forced to live in squalor's.
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(♪) we come from a long line of cowboys. (♪) when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. (♪) ♪ ♪ >> greg: residents say no more to squatters galore. georgia lawmakers are proposing a bill that would make squatting a clear criminal offense. a whopping 1200 homes in atlanta have been taken over by uninvited guests. one property got turned into a covert strip club, complete with weekend parties and even live
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horses. [laughter] horses? homeowners in st. louis are suing the city over sidewalk squatters on their property, and asking to remove them like they did when kamala came to town. >> filth everywhere, it smells. it's disgusting. makes the front of their house unusable. can't use it. >> and kamala harris came, they claimed 'em all out of home base, city hall. they absolutely have the power to move people out. >> greg: charlie, a strip club with horses? i wouldn't ask for a lap dance. [laughter] >> charlie: i would think you would. i think that's the first thing you would ask for. >> dana: but it's a horse ass? >> charlie: you look at parks where you see most of these parks, a lot of them are made for children. the idea that children have to play among needles, weapons, all
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this disgusting stuff. all of the remnants of people who are squatting. it's disgusting. it's a reminder that -- and when they cleaned it up for somebody like kamala harris and make it like it turns it into some issue about a photo op, this is not about a photo op. this is about actually living, and the unfairness of it. people pay huge amounts of money to live in these places, and they get no benefit for it. it's a bit like being at the drugstore, you are getting ready to pay some robot for all of your groceries, then some dude runs out the door with all the stuff for free. you are like "what kind of a chump mri?" the company that allows that to happen is mocking those of us who are stupidly sitting there arguing with the robot machine to pay for your goods. >> greg: it is a cashier. >> dana: self check out. >> greg: harold, these 1200 homes are taken by squatters, but for some reason, they have limited rights in the reclaiming
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their property. >> harold: it's wrong. i think every mayor and governor, every politician -- particularly executives have to ask the question about your city or state, about policies to correct things. are the things you are doing being done to enhance the community you live in or ruin them? it's good that the georgia legislature decided to do something. the homeowners association -- "it was not a political situation -- you do not clean things up just because a politician is there. you've got a nice house? should clean it up for everybody. no one should have the value of the property diminished because of that. greg, you have been outspoken advocate, the greg gutfeld policy. the accountability ask that you want to do with education can be done here as well. there are states and cities that are doing incredible things to get homeless people, to give them dignity and opportunity,
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and more importantly clean up our streets. the state of utah which is not a democratic bastion, has decided to help provide housing, provide opportunity for people to support themselves to pay for that housing. private housing for many homeless in their communities. they may not have the skill we have in new york, chicago, los angeles, but there got to be things we can draw from these successes to ensure that no one is confronted with what that st. louis homeowner is confronted with or any of us are. >> greg: judge, i think we found kamala's secret weapon: she gets the streets clean to send her to different cities. tell her she is doing something important. >> jeanine: we can center with the garbage men. she can do the pick up every week and be great. look, this isn't necessarily about people who need housing. if you become a squatter in someone else's house and you create a strip club, i imagine you didn't need the housing. you are just trying to make some extra cash. >> harold: i agree 100%. >> jeanine: so let's get this straight.
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it normally takes six months to a year to get someone evicted from your house that you own, that you paid the mortgage on. you are not forgiving the mortgage payment, the rents, or anything else if there is a squatter. let's talk about the fact that this began with tenant's rights. landlords have no rights, whether you are in new jersey or new york, forget it. you have no rights. it takes a year to get someone out. now, in this particular case in st. louis i think it is, they want to charge with a misdemeanor and a fine. hogwash. if somebody breaks into your house, that's a felony and burglary. in new york, you face seven years. if they broke into my house and live in it, at the very least it's a burglary and i want seven years, burglary, felony. i don't want a misdemeanor picked that's number two. now, think about it: everybody out there -- you ever try to repave your driveway? ever try to put a mailbox at the end of your driveway? ever try to put a light at the end of your house?
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if i try to add a foot to the wall in front of my house, it's against code! but, if someone comes up and decides they want to pitch a tent in front of my house and they are squatters so we can't move them out, they can start cooking, smells. they can poop in the sewer, and more rats will come out. this is absurd, i'm sick of it, and 1200 houses in atlanta have squatters in them. you know why? fanny willis is too busy hanging out with wade and going on six vacations in five months. >> harold: what about the horse? [laughter] >> greg: dana, we have tons of homeless pitching tents outside of your apartment. also, they live out there. what do you make of this? >> dana: i like this guy in the article from fox five atlanta. he said "nothing good ever happens in an empty house." you kind of can't believe that
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this is legal, but my research is its oregon, illinois, st. louis, georgia, denver. okay, so this is everywhere? if i were kamala harris, i would absolutely say if i'm going somewhere, to raise millions of dollars for our campaign and i'm coming to your city, don't clean it up because it looks bad on her and if you want to solve problems and you need to show that you can solve some problems, i would do that. the other thing is this really hurts people who are trying to climb the ladder. so, legal immigrants have come to this country, one of the ways they get a foothold on the wealth ladder is to invest in property, and they save, and they live very simply, and they get a property like this. the democratic mayors of these cities are not doing anything to protect these legal immigrants, and mom and pops that have figured out a way to have just a little bit of a nest egg, providing housing to people. you are going to let them take it? i commend lawrence jones, who
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did a big piece on this two weeks ago, gave it attention, and now they other moving. it's amazing. >> greg: you are right that kamala has sweeping powers. [laughter] coming up, elon musk's anti-free-speech critics will be seething over a big award he might be receiving. ♪ ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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there's nothing better than a subway series footlong. except when you add a new footlong sidekick. like the ultimate bmt with the new footlong pretzel. nothing like a sidekick that steps up in crunch time. [laughing] not cool man. every epic footlong deserves the perfect sidekick.
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hi, i'm kim, and i lost 67 pounds on golo. when i was diagnosed with breast cancer,
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food became my comfort. i didn't think i looked pretty anymore, so i let myself go. i've seen the golo commercials for a while. what stuck out to me most was there was no celebrity endorser. the testimonials were from real people. what cancer took from me, golo gave back. (uplifting music) ♪ ♪ >> jeanine: standing up for free speech could help the world's richest man get the world's most prestigious award. a norwegian lawmaker, nominating elon musk for the nobel peace prize, saying the billionaire deserves the award for his "out in of dialogue, free-speech, and enabling the possibility to express one's
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views in a continuously more polarized world." he also said elon musk's tech companies like starling have helped made of the world a more connected and safer place. greg, you know elon does have a lot of experience, and great when it comes to free speech. he did it on twitter. he launched starling. he has done some great stuff. what do you think? speech of the world was fair, he would win, but i would for breaking up with taylor swift so she can -- >> greg: if the world was fair, he would win, but so what i for breaking up with taylor swift so she can get on with her life. they are focusing on energy, survive-ability, why he is looking to mars. medicine with the narrow link stuff. of course, free-speech, which is super important. i said this once before: by comparison, look at other billionaires, specifically the anti-musk, which is soros, undoing society while musk is preserving or advancing it. soros is giving money to d.a.'s
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that are literally destroying our cities. a billionaire like him or peter teal to start investing in the same kind of law fair directed at trump, but directed to so soros-funded d.a.'s. >> jeanine: other individuals include barack obama who have received this award. >> dana: before he took off office. >> jeanine: and he got the peace prize, i think it was. al gore, jimmy carter. how much would this mean to the conservative movement? >> dana: the thing is somebody always does this. somebody always on the conservative side of things recommends somebody they know is never going to get it, but he gets attention and gets people talking. i think if he were to get any nobel prize, it would probably be for medicine if neural link works as well as it sounds like it might be able to work to help people live their lives with major access to that. i think it's something that the world may be able to agree on. let's just say that we had an american nobel prize and it was here.
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one of the things that has happened is -- twitter drives me crazy. i can't figure it out. the algorithm is screwed up. i use it every day, i need to. one of the things that's most geniuses the community notes peace. yesterday, there was a good example. there was a wisconsin senate candidates who announce he was running. he talks about that she had a question about child trafficking in central america. he says he is very familiar because he runs three shelters. the democrats put up a thing that says "he is so rich, he has three homes." [laughter] that's not what he said. it's that community notes was able to say "that's not true," and that's one of the things that can figure out a way to love the playing field so there's more fair and free speech. >> jeanine: herald, elon is a very talented guy, whether it's physics, spacex, or medicine, chemistry, neural link, economic scientists, tesla. how much potential does this guy have, and why hasn't he gotten a prize before this?
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>> harold: i agree, i wouldn't put them in the list for nobel peace prize. exercising free speech should be something that he should be lauded for. he is the most important technologist of our lifetime. >> jeanine: not just the peace prize or other prizes. >> harold: i wouldn't be surprised if he has not used some of the things that people who have won the nobel and medicine and science have used. what he is -- i think they may create award for him. one of the awards he has, which i wonder if i had the nobel peace prize i would trade with him to be the richest man in the world if you won my prize. he has done so much to enhance humanity. i think politicians, business people -- but he is doing, whether it's free speech, medicine, batteries, artificial intelligence, giving us an opportunity to go to space and make life better here, he deserves an award for that. >> dana: you deserve the peace prize for being on this show. [laughter] >> jeanine: charlie? >> charlie: obviously, when rich people usually get involved in theoretical stuff, they make
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their money by moving money around, hedge fund-ers or -- this is a guy who builds things. he is the only private company that has ever put people into outer space. whether you are down for electric cars are not, and that is fantastic, he has done amazing things in terms of producing more and more cars. i think the physical nature of what he does makes them realize that all these theoretical arguments, free speech is the only one that matters. it's the most important one. everything comes in defense of that and he does it fearlessly, and a tremendous financial cost to himself. he needs to be applauded for that. >> jeanine: i think we agree. "the fastest" is up next. ♪ ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. ♪ ♪ >> harold: time for "the fastest." first up, office and remote workers are finding random recorded zoom meetings on youtube to pretend they are busy
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and avoid talking to coworkers. it works. whenever greg stops by my desk, he knows what i'm doing. [laughter] your honor? what are your thoughts? do you ever do this? >> jeanine: no what. [laughter] >> harold: charlie? >> charlie: it's genius. i wish i knew how to zoom. [laughter] what's annoying is now -- when you see somebody coming out and you do this, they still walk up and talk to you. not on the phone, but i'm pretending to be because i don't want to talk to you. it doesn't work. >> harold: how often do you do this to them? [laughter] >> dana: i am too busy for this. if you are doing this where you work, you are not busy enough, so you either need to figure out more work to do and leave that job and get another job or waste somebody else's time. do not waste your employer's time and money. >> charlie: that's the most danna answer ever. >> in the green room, you told us to. [laughter] >> greg: i hate to break it to you guys. this video was viewed 290,000
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times. most of it was at home, which means they are trying to hide porn usage, so when somebody comes in, it's a zoo meeting -- it is a porn block or to escape detection. >> dana: is that for real? >> greg: yes. >> dana: oh oh. >> jeanine: that's why i don't do it. [laughter] >> charlie: so you knew that? >> jeanine: no, but it makes sense. >> greg: kids sitting there, his parents come in. he just hits that button. >> dana: "i'm 14 but i'm on a zoom." [laughter] talking about filling customer orders. [laughter] >> jeanine: i hate somebody looking into every second of the meeting. turn the thing off. just listen to me. you not i mean, harold? >> harold: where is that? [laughter] "one more thing" is up next.
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♪ >> dana: time now for "one more thing." i saw this and wanted to share it. this is drone video tracking a wolf pack tracking through snow. the wolves working together to create this tunnel to get across a very snowy landscape. the strongest wolves lead the pack as the young and elderly follow in line as it should be. that is nature, everybody. right there. >> greg: remind me of the border, dana. >> judge jeanine: that's what i was going to say. i can't believe you said it. >> greg: tonight we have another great show. we have the great chef andrew grewell, charlie an not, kat timpf and tyrus. greg's fox news. fox has always been the forefront of technology. now introducing the new fox cam. take a look at it getting ready to dawn it.
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he puts on and wherever he goes. this is actually in a village of bag shot in the suri, is that how you say it? you can find out everything you need to know from this little fox. >> dana: fox news. >> jesse: where is it in. >> greg: suri. >> dana: fox news alert. judge? >> judge jeanine: heard of puppy eyes but have you ever heard of seal eyes? eve baby seal with a gaze that no one could possibly say no to. isn't she sweet? >> dana: give her more sardines. >> judge jeanine: she is a baby. >> dana: she looks like that so you won't kill her. >> judge jeanine: tonight, i'm hosting "jesse watters primetime." >> harold: who you got on? >> judge jeanine: i got a lot of great people on. >> greg: where is jesse by the way? took two days off?
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>> greg: i love his music. >> judge jeanine: tulsi gabbard in the a block. you know whose short list she is on. >> dana: greg and i are on everyone's short list. >> judge jeanine: yeah. i get that. >> dana: all right, harold. >> harold: a man just became the first to climb kilimanjaro backwards. set out to raise money for the british art foundation in memory of his grandfather ian who passed away from a heart attack. the journey took the personal trainer 8 days and involved a neck strengthening device so he could look over his shoulder for long periods of time. you should have this guy on "jesse watters primetime." >> greg: how do you know he didn't walk down and play the things backwards. i call bs on this. took a helicopter and walked down and this all filmed backwards. >> harold: this is for charity. >> dana: hey, harold, it's a good thing you told us for charity at the top. >> harold: for charity.
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>> dana: greg and i were entering dangerous territory. charlie, you get to go since you didn't have time yesterday. >> charlie: this is a good one. so, in philadelphia -- outside of philadelphia if you want to beat traffic, this is the way you do it. you are supposed to be on the horse if you want to be. >> dana: you asked where the horse was. >> charlie: i don't know where the rider went. >> greg: lap dance. we started with a horse and end with a horse. >> charlie: luckily the horizons in philadelphia are smarter than the people. the horse takes the off ramp. >> dana: what's the story? what happened? >> charlie: escaped from a riding club nearby and took off. >> judge jeanine: is he in a rush. >> charlie: saw the freeway and decided to wide open. >> dana: that's what you call horsepower. >> charlie: that's right. original. >> dana: come on. >> greg: i refuse. >> dana: that's it for us. have a great night. we'll see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ ♪


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