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tv   The Five  FOX News  February 21, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., charlie hurt and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five" ♪ there's nothing like a bribe to keep your campaign alive. president biden fast tracking a plan that wipes out another t $1.2 billionan in student loans for 150,000 borrowers.s. biden pushing up his time line as his latest hail mary to young voters left disappointed by his presidency. all together biden has now cancelled $138 billion in debt for nearly four million borrowers. do the math on that.borr the president bragging about it while attacking republicans. >> my maga republican friends ii the congress elected officials anted d special interests steppn and sued us and the supreme court blocked it. they blocked it. but that didn't stop me a i er announcenad alternative paths f
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student debt relief for as many as possible. this is the most generous plan as possible and today we're doing it faster and quicker than ever before.d qu >> i don't have a worry at all. >> dana: the president will als blast out an e-mail to those lucky student loan borrowers as a way to kindly remind them who they need to thank at the ballot box this movement if that's not transparent enoughde biden post a video of himself eating with d family that benefited from the student loan bailout. >> taking care of two sons, student loan was just an albatross trying to take care of and when that eraser happened it was such a tremendous relief for the home. so thank you for that. >> i tried to wipe out all student debt, and the republican party went nuts. >> dana: but is there a better r way toty solve all of this? a gop-backed bill called the college cost reduction act would make universities at least
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partialluny on the hook for tho student loans biden wants to forgive withe, legislation bein billed as a risk sharing proposal. now where have i heard that idea before? >> greg: let's say joe biden had come up withet's a plan that actually split the burden? all right let's say you pay 250 buck25s a month on your college loan, right? the recipient for a while pays a hundred, government pays 50, the bank pays 50, the school pays 50. how easy -- share, you know, share thl e relief. >> dana: greg, let's give you l the etfloor. >> greg: oh, who is that guy, huh. >> dana: amazing. >> greg: he should be on this show. if you don't -- if you let him get away with this, we will continue paying and we'll keep paying because there's no incentive to stop this theft. and that's what this is, theft. this bill makes the colleges responsible if the graduates re don't get enough value out of do thein'r degrees, so that introduces valueat and
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accountability. it could kill all pointless l al degrees, and you could see academiaee finally caring aboutn don't know, useful affordable education. if you don't do this this is never go going to stop and the factop he openly brags about th thef ct it's comical because its a bribe. basically saying because you know he brought up maga e republicans. what he's saying is, you know those people you can't stand, truck drivers, cops, construction workers, they're n all probably extreme maga so we're going to take their money and use it to pay off your crippling lousn that amounts to 250 bucks a month right? he's assuming he's taking it from those people. i would use this argument. i would say to students, how would you feel as a graduate of columbus bee or harvard, we take your cash to pay off the truck e loans which is roughly the same monthly fee for the blue collar folks who bring you your organic blue berries from whole foods oo deliver your extra plush doggy e bed fromxt amazon. make it a trade.
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the truckers pay for your ee useles as degree and you pay fo their useful work. this is unconstitutional shall t it's arbitrary. it's morally -- it's kind of -- it's morally wrong. but, you know what? it'skn -- he's going to do did anyway. the republicans>> are the ones who opposed it butu judge the supreme court said he wasn't allowed to do kit and . even nancy pelosi agreed. >> judge jeanine: that is ana gd point nancy pelosi did agree and the supreme court said joe you'reid exceeding your authori, you do not have the right to cancel out student debt and, you know, the supreme court blocked it. and i lovee co this bill. i love this college cost reduction act.e ct so if you go to college and you can't get cana job based on th college education, well then maybe the college should pay the bill, not the government.ld why ar pe we funding it. and know what?we the whole idea of cost/benefit analysis that you always refer tost, dana, the guy who buys th f-150 who makes the cost/benefit
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analysis and says i can't afforo to go to college, i have to buy a truck and go to work right away. there is no punishment for d people who don'ton do that. and these mamby pamby kids are likefe i'm not going to have th extra $200 a month to inpr the end the supreme court said that he couldn't do it.t -- the first case, they didn't have standing and then said they did have standing the states that we are involved, it's clear he doesn't have the right. you talk about morally this is a bribe.a this is i bribe that biden is s trying to get young people with whom he has very low numbers, in spite of the fact that he's, yoe know, pro environment and pro choice, they think he's, you know, doesn't speak well. i'll leave it at that. >> dana: when the polls are bad, the biden team finds like some sugar high to figure out a way to t get through the next news cycle and you can bet you're going to hear this at the state of the union right on march 7thn
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what i think is they treat the government like oprah's favorite vehicles, you get an electric vehicle and you get a solar panel and you get student loan debt and shrinking blue collar workers with decisions like this >> harold: good to be back g aroundiv the table. i give greg credit pause you have to talk about this in thret ways and they're all equal. the third way we always talk eq about thisua is you have to bri these college presidents before congresse and begin this hi conversation. i love the value and v accountabilitiment that'als what the act should's be you give relief to kids, the second prong, you give relief to kids who want to be nurses and teachers and policemen and firemen and engineering and plumbers and electricians where we have a need economy. if you want to be a liberal arts major and art major that's fun i would love to have a conversation with world war one or world war ii with my plumbert
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but that's where the focus needs to be and unfortunately it's not. the third thing, when you look n atg some of the people, i look at this i know we all did, some people areth getting a break fr th e president, these resist people paying 12 or $13,000 loag paying many years and probably d paid interest above an id beyonr above what theig original loan . they took out.rt that being said the court was right, they did not have the authority to retire that level of debt and nancy pelosi and republicans, and aep court thats dominated by conservative dom appointees were right. maybe the president thinks if democrats get to, the majority they'll able to pass something like this but i would argue democrats don'ret retire everyone's debt let's prior to ties how we're going to do this. we have too much debt as a nation but giving people a break we're trying to make the nation more better and whole and if you cans things and build things a they deserve the break. >> dana: charlie do you remember when democratsir m lost their m when president trump wanted to put his names on the checks during the stimulus thing and
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they lost their mind. biden isde out there doing campaign announcements -- the money's coming from the taxpayers, it's not coming from biden's back pocket. >> charlie: everything that drives people craz'sy about dond trump isyt because he does it do better than politicians do, and he owns it he does it himself and drives peoplnte the biggest lie is the idea you're cancelling loans or th cancellinger debt. you're not cancelling loans you're just movingar it from tho people tha bt benefiteded from loans to innocent people who, pe you know, moopm and dads maybe d couldn't afford to pay tuition for their own children are suddenly on the hook for paying for the tuition for other people to get like underwater basket weaving or gender studies, whatever degrees from these massivwhe corporations that hav thes e massive untaxed endowments. i applaud republicans for doing this but this is an issue sitting around for a very long time that republicans could havo capitalized on and it is right
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in -- it should be right in their wheel house because it is a mass -- you know, who's the biggest actor in clemming loansg it's these massive universities. they're the ones that set the rates. they're the ones that make monem whether you default on your loans or not default on your loans or whether you get a job because of your degree or don't get a job. they benefit coming and going everndy single time. and they don't get a hair cut in this, and republicans, i would lovebl to see donald trump do i. donald trump couldld seize this issue anisd drive it all the wa home. and whether yo au do it in a different wa ay where you do it for truck drivers as well as the underwater transgender basket weaving degree or whatever, you know, i think they could make a tremendous political issue. >> iths that c a four year degri the basket weaving. >> charlie: i believdee it is. >> dana: youonly add underwateri adds another year.. one more quick point about thish at the same time all of this is going on, the biden administration at the education
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department re-did the financial aid web sitetrat and said it's g to remember so much remember the. obamacare web sit? such a disaster families all across this country to need to figure out a way to send their kids to school this career trying to apply for financial aid cannot do so and now they have all of their friends who ap arple getting accepted to schoo who maybe don't need financial aid and they can't make decisions until probably may 1st and some families are saying fine i guess we'll do a gap year i guess you have to work and these kidsyo were already in cod school four years ago and now they're in this situation, the biden administration hasn't taken it on the chin enough fora that but they should and you'll see more of that i'm sure. coming up, she's in a new york seize of mind.ay leticia james threatens to take away trump's iconic buildings. ♪ i never knew your cat was so cuddly. right, she really loves these delectable squeeze up treats. deliciously, de-lick-able delectables.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> new york's democratic attorney general leticia james is now threatening to seize donald trump's assets if he can't pay that egregious penalty in a civil fraud verdict. >> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgment, then we will seek, you know, judgment enforcement mechanisms in court and we will ask the judge to seize his assets. we are prepared to make sure that the judgment is paid to new yorkers and yes i look at 40 wall street each and every day. >> dana: wow. >> last night trump railed against the verdict. >> i have a lot of cash but that doesn't mean he can take it. you know what he did? i think he looked at my cash and he said well we'll take all of
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his cash. leticia james is horrible attorney general in new york, campaigned on i will get trumply get trump. they're sick and this judge is sick. he got overturned on this case by the appellate division four times already in this case. >> while democrats try to bleed his businesses dry top leaders are trying to bring back the russia hoax. >> what do you think we're all wondering question, what do you think putin has on him? i mean it sure seems like something. >> i don't know what he has on him but i think at he probably financial. >> i mean what do you think putin high school on him, on trump. >> there's a growing pro putin faction in the republican party and it's led by donald trump >> charlie: judge we definitely want to get to the russian hoax stuff because always good to go become to that but starting with this unbelievable verdict the effort by leticia james to go after -- the verdict may have
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been some ridiculous number because it doesn't matter it's based in reality it's not based in reality and it's almost like they're proud of how absurd this verdict is and they want everybody to realize how unfair and ridiculous it is. >> judge jeanine: she keeps saying it's not a victimless crime. it is a victimless crime. and she says the, you know, the people who are harmed are the people of the state of new york. well, the people of the state of new york who are being harmed are the people who are victims of assaults and muggings and who are being murdered in this city that she just ignores and doesn't care about. the police officers being assaulted by immigrants and, you know, the viral video goes around the world where people say, oh, you can come to new york and assault the police officers. look, there's a part of me that thinks that leticia james really wants, the way she says i go by 40 wall street every day. i really think this woman wants
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to come down that golden escalator and announce in trump tower she's going to run for president. i think the woman engauges in all kinds of delusions. this case is not going to survive an appeal. it's not going to survive an appeal based on several issues. it's not just that there was no victim in this case but they're using the business law in a way that it was not intended to be used. they're using it as a consumer fraud case, and the business statute was to be used, intended to be used against sophisticated actors. they used it as a consumer fraud statute. she's got it all backwards. and she had a judge who, from the get go, said the guy's a bad guy, leticia should go after him. this is the guy sitting on the trial. you can't have a judge sit over a trial who literally openly is saying publicly that he hates the guy. the bottom line is that she can seize the assets if he doesn't come up with the money in 30
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days which is a requirement for him to appeal. he's going to come up with the money and he's going to appeal. the appellate ate division has four times said a lot of these cases are statute time barred by the statute of limitations. >> one of my favorite things about donald trump is he makes politics accessible to been so he does something like earlier this week he released a copy of the eighth amendment on his web site which is, of course, the amendment against excessive fines greg and as our resident, you know, constitutional scholar, doesn't the eighth amendment protect him from that? >> greg: you're absolutely right i'm glad you read my column earlier today in the hill. >> charlie: in the tort reform digest. >> greg: exactly. i want to tush on the russia stuff. they say what does putin have on trump? i don't know because putin endorsed biden so we'll just leave it at that okay. that's something they conveniently left out. she said it will be paid to new yorkers.
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what does show mean by that? no, we're not getting paid. we're not getting paid because there is no victim. where is the $355 million going to go if trump owes the bank zero? the bank agreed he owes them nothing because he fulfilled the contract. he broke no laws. you know, people, whenever they bring up trump they always say no one is above the law. no one is above -- well what law -- apparently this is a first as kat timpf pointed out i think yesterday, it is a about being below the law. trump is below the law, meaning you can punish him for not crossing into illegality much like the rest of us. generally anyone who works in contract law and i think harold will free because we talk about this a lot trump is a hundred percent innocent in this, it can't be fraud because who is it against. when i am in a contract negotiation i can present anything i want because the other side will assess it and
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come back with their number and then we agree. nothing hidden in a contract no one's that stupid but if you don't work in contracts you don't know this. i think this is all an act to keep trump off his game. that's all this is. but this is why we all need to move to florida, fox, because i never thought that my politics, political choices would affect my privacy, my speech, and my livelihood, but that's how it is these days. they're going to do -- what they did to trump they're going to do to you and me and how soon before i get arrested for public indecency and this time i will be innocent. >> charlie: harold does this bore you >> harold: couple things i think the judge laid it out well in the law, he has to appeal in 30 days and show he has the assets. i would not have gone on abc news nbc fox anywhere if i were
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the attorney general. she's up 1-0 in this, the former president was found libel and a big judgment was rendered against him. now he has an appeal. i actually think the former president, just my surveying of it, looks like he may have a stronger appeal here than he does in some of the other things only because this law in addition to everything said was really designed to protect the consumer and the consumer's not been hurt here so interesting to see what the higher court says. all they're doing is following the rules here and i think it's a bad look for the attorney general to be the out doing these things she's up 1-0 let the court make the next step and if you're going to do these things let the process pay out. >> charlie: how bad politically does this back fire. >> dana: on her. >> charlie: on democrats, yeah. >> dana: i think a lot. ba us she's overzealous partisan no dispassion, she's very passionate about going after one person and it shows instead of just following the law. i also think for a lot of people across the country, i still don't actually understand it and don't agree with it that you
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have to pay a fine like that before you can appeal. that seems really wrong >> harold: you have to show the assets. >> dana: epa with that it just seems like, even if you don't like trump you can look at it and say that seems unfair and feels like there are two systems of justice. i do think that it always takes the media too long to catch up to people like fani willis, or leticia james, but eventually they do and let's just say they get $400 million, is that going to pay the $10,000 per migrant for their debit cards? is that the kind of reinvestment? or can you go to 37th and eighth avenue and clean that crap up? it is terrible in this city. they've got -- like she's the attorney general you can do so much more than going after this and causing big problems for democrats in the long run. i guarantee in her circle of friends in her text threads they love it, she's dining out on this every night. >> something tells me even if
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they get the 400 million they're not going to spend it on. >> dana: 37th. >> judge jeanine: they seize the assets and according to a prosecutor's way of thinking you use it for the office to fight crime which she doesn't do. >> charlie: no, she does not. up next democrats clean the streets for kamala while residents are forced to live with the squatters. e forced to live in squalor's. ♪ i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and the majority of people experienced long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions
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horses. horses? homeowners in st. louis are suing over squatters on their property and asking them to remove them just like they did when kamala came to town aren't filth everywhere, smells, it's disgusting. it makes the front of their house unusable. they have a lovely front porch. they can't use it. but when kamala harris came they cleaned them all out of home base, city hall. so they absolutely have the power to move people on it. >> greg: carley a strip club with horses, i wouldn't ask for a lap dance. you could die. >> charlie: really? i would think you would. i would think that would be the first thing you asked for. of course you look at like parks, most of these parks, a lot of the parks are made for children and the idea that children have to play in, you know, among needles, among weapons, among all this
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disgusting stuff, all the remnants of people who are squatting. it's absolutely disgusting and it is a reminder that -- and when they clean it up for somebody like kamala harris and it turns it into some issue about a photo op. this is not about a photo op. this is about actually living and the unfairness of it. people pay huge amounts of money to live in these places and then all the -- and they get no benefit. it's a little bit like being at the drugstore and you're getting ready to pay some robot for all your groceries and then some dude runs out the door for all of the stuff for free. you're like what kind of a chump am i? and the company that allows that to happen are mocking those of us stupidly arguing with the robot machine to pay for your goods ieit's a cashier. >> dana: self check out. >> greg: harold the 1200 homes are taken by squatters but for some reason homeowners have limited rights in reclaiming their property. can you explain this succinctly
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>> harold: it's wrong. >> greg: thank you >> harold: i'm glad to see them doing it. i think every mayor and governor and for that matter every politician and particular executives have to ask the question about your city and state about policies to correct things. are things you're doing being done to enhance the community you live or erode the community you live in? and it's good the georgia legislature tried to do something to try to enhance. i felt for that st. louis homeowner association fellow who said look, it was not a political statement it was a statement about humanity. you don't clean things up because politicians are coming, i don't care republican or democrat, you should clean up for everybody, nobody should have the value of their property diminished because of that. this is like the greg gutfeld policy day because your value and accountability act you want to don't with education could be done here as well. our states and cities that are doing incredible things that give homeless people dignity and opportunity and more importantly
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clean up our streets. the of utah which is no. a democratic bastian has decided to help provide housing and opportunity for people who support and pay for that housing private housing for many in the communities. they may not have the skills we have in new york or chicago or los angeles but there have to be things we can draw from these successes to ensure no one is confronted with that st. louis homeowner is confronted with or for that matter any of us are confronted with. >> greg: judge we found kamala's secret weapon. she gets the streets clean. send her to different cities tell her she's doing something important. >> judge jeanine: we can send her with the garbage men she can do the pick up every week and be great. you know, this isn't necessary will i about people who need housing, okay? if you become the squatter in someone else's house and create a strip club, i imagine that you really didn't need the housing, you're just trying to make some extra cash >> harold: i was talking about the homeless people. i agree he a hundred percent. >> judge jeanine: so let's get
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this straight. it takes six months to a year to get someone evicted from your house that you own and pay the mortgage on. by the way you're not forgiven the mortgage payment or anything else if there's a squatter in there. let's talk about the fact this began with tenants rights, landlords have no rights, whether you're in new jersey or new york, forget it. you have no rights, takes a year to get someone out. okay. now in this particular case in st. louis i think it is, they want to charge you with a misdemeanor and a fine. hog wash. if somebody breaks into your house, that is a felony, that is a burglary, in new york you face seven years. if they break into my house and live in it, at the very least it is a burglary and i want seven years, burglary felony i don't want a misdemeanor, that's number two. think about it, everybody out there, have you ever tried to repave your driveway or put a mailbox at the end of your driveway, ever trite to put a light at the end of use you are house. if i try to add a foot to the
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wall in front of my house, it's against code, you can't do it. but if someone comes up and decides they want to pitch a tent in front of my house and they're squatters and we can't move them out, they can start cooking, smells, they can throw out the garbage on the streets, the rats can come out, this he can poop in the sewer and more rats will come out. this is absurd. i'm sick of it. and 1200 houses in atlanta they have squatters in them? you know why? fani willis is too busy hanging out with wade and going on six vacations in five months. >> what about the horse? >> greg: dana, you have tons of homeless pitching tents outside your apartment. >> dana: yeah iealso they live out there. what do you make of all this. >> dana: i like this guy in the article from fox five atlanta, he said nothing good ever happens in an empty house. you can't -- you kind of can't believe that this is allowed that it's legal but my research
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it's oregon, illinois, st. louis, georgia, denver. i'm like, okay, wait, so this its everywhere? if i were kamala harris i would absolutely say if i'm going somewhere to raise millions of dollars for our campaign, i'm coming to your city don't clean it up. because it looks really bad on her and if you want to solve problems you need to show that you can solve some problems, i would do that. the other thing this really hurts people who are trying to climb the ladder. right? so legal immigrants who have come to this country, one of the ways they get afoot hold on the wealth ladder is to invest in property and they save and they live very simply and they get a property like this, and the democratic mayors of these cities are not doing anything to protect these legal immigrants and mom and pops that have figured out a way to have just a little bit of a nest egg by providing housing to people and you're going to let the squatters take it? i really commend lawrence jones, he did a big piece on this two
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weeks ago in atlanta, gave it a lot of attention and now they're moving so that's amazing. >> greg: i guess they're right kamala has sweeping powers. come here. elon musk anti free speech critics are seating over a big award he might be receiving. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey. you seein' this? wait... where's the dish? there ain't one. you're tellin' me you can get directv — the good stuff — and you don't need a satellite dish? oh, i used to love doin' my business on those things! you're one sick pigeon. them dishes kept the rain off our beaks! we just have different priorities is all. satellite-free directv... never thought i'd see the day. well, our lifespans are quite short... stream directv without a satellite dish. i'm going to do this thing with my neck, just for a bit. choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief
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easy to use and affordable. that's why force factor is vitamin shoppe's best brand of the year. unleash your potential with force factor and vitamin shoppe. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: standing up for free speech could help the world's richest man get the world's most prestigious award. a lawmaker nominating elon musk for the nobel peace prize saying the billionaire deserves his award for his, quote, adamant defense of dialogue, free speech and enabling the possibility to express one's views in a continuously more polarized
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world. he also said elon's tech companies like star link have helped make the world a more connected and safer place. all right, well, greg, you know, elon does have a lot of experience and a great run when it comes to free speech. he did it on twitter. he launched star link. he's done some great stuff. what do you think. >> greg: yeah. if the world was fair he would win, but i would win, too, for breaking up with staler swift so she could get on with her life. if anyone deserves this prize it's lon when you consider the areas that he's focused on, which is energy, survivability, that's why he's looking at mars, medicine with all the neuro link stuff, and of course free speech which is super important. i said this once before, by comparison, look at other billionaires, specifically the anti, the anti musk which is soros, who's undoing society while musk is preserving it or advancing it, soros is giving money to das that are literally destroying our cities.
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this is where it's time for a billionaire like him or peter thiel to start investigating in the same kind of lawfare that's directed at trump but directed to soros-funded das >> judge jeanine: dana other individuals include barack obama who received this award. >> dana: he got it before he even took office. >> judge jeanine: that's right. and he got the peace prize i think it was. al gore, jimmy carter. how much would this mean to the conservative movement. >> dana: the thing is somebody always does this. somebody always on the conservative side of things recommends somebody they know will never get it but it gets attention and gets people talking. if he were to get any nobel prize it would probably be for medicine, if neuro link works as well as it sounds like it might be able to work to help people be able to live their lives after major accidents that might be something the world can agree on. this they're probably not going to be able to agree. in america, let's just say we had an american nobel prize and it was here. one of the things that has
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happened, twitter drives me crazy i can't figure it out i think the algorithm's all screwed up. i still i don't it every day i need to use it. won of the genius is the community notes piece. yesterday was a good example. wisconsin senate candidate announces he's running and he talks about -- he had a question about child trafficking in central america he said he's very familiar because he runs three shelter in central america so the democrats put up a thing that says oh, he's so rich he has three homes. no, that's not what he said, but community notes was able to say no, that's not through and that's one of the things that can figure out a way to level the playing field so there is more fair and free speech. >> judge jeanine: harold, elon is a very talented guy whether it's physics with spacex or medicine chemistry newer link or economic scientists, tesla. how much potential does this guy have and why hasn't he gotten a prize before this >> harold: i agree with dana.
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i wouldn't put him on the list for nobel peace prize. exercising free speech he should be lauded for. he is the most important technologist in my lifetime. >> judge jeanine: not just the peace prize other prizes >> harold: i'm not surprised if he's not used people who won a nobel in medicine and science have used. what he is, they ought to create an award for him, one of the awards he has, which wonder if i had the nobel peace prize i'd trade to be the richest man in the world to have moi prize. he has done so much to enhance -- politicians and business people should be judged on that there. what he's doing, free speech, medicine, batteries, artificial intelligence, giving us an opportunity to go to space and take things and make life better here. he deserves a ward for that. >> dana: he deserve a peace prize for being on this show. >> judge jeanine: charlie what do you say. >> charlie: usually when rich people get involved in
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theoretical stuff they make money by moving money around or hedge funders. this is a guy who actually builds things, actually makes things. he's the only private co-who has ever put people into outer space. and whether you're down for electric cars or not, that's fantastic, he's doing amazing things in terms of producing more and more cars. and i think his ability to -- the physical nature of what he does makes him realize that, actually, at the end of the day, all these theoretical arguments beef free speech is the only one that matters, the most important one, because everything comes in defense of that and he does it fearlessly and does it at tremendous financial cost to himself and he needs to be applauded for that. >> judge jeanine: yes. i think we all agree. the fastest is up next. ♪ p next. ♪ ♪
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight. it's important for young homeowners to let go of the things turning them into their parents. -my instruction manuals. -do you even have -that juicer anymore? -no, i don't. progressive can't save you from becoming your parents. but we can save you money when you bundle home and auto with us. he doesn't even have the juicer.
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♪ >> harold: welcome back time for the fastest. first up office and remote workers alike finding random recorded zoom meetings on youtube to pretend they are busy and avoid talking to co-workers.
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works like a charm because whenever greg stops by my desk he knows what i'm doing. your honor what are your thoughts on this thing here. do you ever do this? >> judge jeanine: no >> harold: charlie? >> charlie: i think it is a genius, i love it. i wish i knew how to zoom. what's really annoying now when you see somebody coming and you put your ear, they still come up and talk to you. i'm not on the phone but i'm pretending to be but it doesn't work >> harold: how often do you do to hemmer. >> dana: i don't do this i'm toos abouty for this. and if you do this at work you're not busy enough so you either need to figure out more work to do leave that job and get another job or waste somebody else's time. don't waste your employer's time don't waste the money >> harold: the most dane a answer ever. >> dana: thank you uii hate to break it to you guys this video viewed 290,000 times most of it
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was at home, which means they're trying to hide porn usage. so when somebody comes in, they flip it over to the zoom meeting. it's a porn blocker to escape detection. they made it sound like something else. now do you see what it is. >> judge jeanine: yes. >> dana: is that for real. >> greg: yes. >> dana: oh. >> greg: yes >> judge jeanine: that's why i didn't like it >> harold: so you knew that >> judge jeanine: no but it makes sense. >> greg: that's exactly what it's for. some kid's sitting there his parents come in he just hits that button. >> dana: hi i'm 14 but i'm on a zoom. >> greg: yes. >> dana: talking about fulfilling customer orders. >> judge jeanine: i hate it. i hate somebody looking at you every second of the meeting. i mean like turn the thing off. just listen to me. you know what i mean harold >> harold: where is that horse? one more thing is up next. ♪ d: where is that? [laughter] "one
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your freedom to book fact. number one more thing. i saw this wanted to share it. this is drone video capturing s a wolfpack trekking through snow. check this out. the wolves working the toget togetherwy to create this tunnel to get across a very snowdscape.y land the strongest wolves lead the pack. as a young and elderlyd elderl follow in line as it should be. >> that is nature. everybody reminds me of the bord, dana. what >> that's what i was going is ii simplyev. e okay, you're next, though. oh, okay. tonight, we got another greae gt show. >> we have the great chef andrew grill, charlie arnold, cat championgrewell,, tyra. >> hey, let's do this. new greg's fox news. you know, fox, as you know, hase always been in the forefront of technology. and now they're introducing the new fox cam. let's take a look at it. it actually isk at. here's the fox cameraman getting ready to don it.
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>> he comes over.n he's not on union so we can make him do whatever he wantits get over here. fox and he gets up. he has to put it on. he puts on the fire and thene he just wherever he goes, thisou is actually in a village of bagshot in the surrey. >> is that i youhow yo said sokw you can find out everything you need to know from this little fire as it goes around. it's in surrey. but the u.k.. yeah. fox news alert. yeah. there you go. okay., okay, now you've heard of puppies, but have you ever hear have yod of seal eyes? >> this is a she's a baby seal with a gaze that no one could possibly say no to.r mo >> isn't she sweet? give her some more sardines. >> d sardine, she's. >> she's a baby.that she looks like that. so you won't kill her? yeah. yoall right. and tonight, i am hosting jesse watters prime time oh eight oh oh, you got it. greah, wow o. >> i got a lot of great people on jesse, by the way. >> okay, you know what? i have on stephen miller and isi
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have bob. i love his musicc. . >> aaron and i tell him, gathered in the block, you know ,he made this cheese that will re coming in a big jet airline . >> greg and i on our onll rig everybody's short list. do you want a big. yeahht, ha, i get that. all right man just became the first to climb mount kilimanjaro backwards. 32-year-old ben stewart set out on the inverted adventure to raise money for the british heart foundation in memory of his grandfather, ian, who passedssed awa heart away fe attack. the journey took the personar 8g trainer eight days and involved a neck strengthening device. >> secould o he can look over his shoulder for long periods of time. >> you shoul gd have this guy g: on jesse waterfront. >> yeah, well, why do you hold n ? justin walked down and did play that played the thing backwards. yeah. i call b.s. on this. he walked out and everybody else took a helicopter down andand walked down. >> and then he this all fell backwards. this was 46. this.ey, haro is like the track. >> it's a good thing you told us that was for charity at the
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top, guys. for charit >> dana:y for you,didn't h but enduring dangerous surgery. what are they exactly like? this. >> this is a this is at to good one. so until i tell philadelphia, if you want to be graphic, this is the way you do it. supposed ohorse you well, you'ra on the horse if you want to be where the were. >> nrlie: i t know wo, they don the rider went or what of the lap dance. with you started with the horse we end with. luckily, the horse is in philadelphia.luckily , are smarn the people because the horse take.s the offramp and manages to draw. >> you know what happened? >> we escaped from a riding club nearby and took off. . >> so i saw the freewayfreewa and decided to just open wide>>n open. that's why you call them horsepowera: that'? al. >> that's right.e yeah. that's the origina.l line. i refuse to go. that's it for us. have a great night. >> i'll see you tomorrow


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