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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  February 21, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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but enduring dangerous surgery. what are they exactly like? this. >> this is a this is at to good one. so until i tell philadelphia, if you want to be graphic, this is the way you do it. supposed ohorse you well, you'ra on the horse if you want to be where the were. >> nrlie: i t know wo, they don the rider went or what of the lap dance. with you started with the horse we end with. luckily, the horse is in philadelphia.luckily , are smarn the people because the horse take.s the offramp and manages to draw. >> you know what happened? >> we escaped from a riding club nearby and took off. . >> so i saw the freewayfreewa and decided to just open wide>>n open. that's why you call them horsepowera: that'? al. >> that's right.e yeah. that's the origina.l line. i refuse to go. that's it for us. have a great night. >> i'll see you tomorrow
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. >> welcome to a special edition of jesse watters prime time. i'm judge jeanine pirro, in forn jesse. it was a bidene, affair on capitol hill today is theents president's brother, jim biden testifie jd behind a closed dooe deposition over his family's shadooy business dealings. much like the other visit said,s the biden family to capitol hill. >> it became a circus. okay. well, you know, see, i smoked crack at the white house insideh this circus went on.ok jim biden saying that in his 50 year business career,er his brother, joe biden, quote, has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest. but a labyrinth of shell companies, loan repayments and sworn testimonh y from jim's former business partners paints a completely different picture that's on top of the left-wingop thiset politico this week,
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reporting that quote, joe bidena was a central element of joe biden's pitch to potentialbiden' partners and investors in a deal with a hospital chain that collapsed amid a fraud scandahospitall. so to say that the president's brother didn't benefit from his name would be a flat out lie, but lies are all democrats have as the house impeachment inquiry continues to air demon's dirtmey laundry, democrats are looking for a quick was y out. so they're dusting off the old d russia, russia, russia playbook. >> not only is there no evidence of any wrongdoing by president biden, but it now appear bent s as if the house republican majority is being used by russias ho to interfereo in the 2024 election on behalf of donald trump. if they continue with this theyr investigation, they are simply doing the work of vladimir
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putin to help donald trump win an electio heln in november. >> it tells you the real danger that our congress is in i right now, having been held had trump and nowperati operating at the behest of russian intelligencng etin. and vladimir putin. >> you've heard this all before. >>ou heardit's the russia hoax r again. this tim ovee it comes after an interestingly timed indictment accusing an fbi informanti of lying to investigators about an alleged $10 million bribe between the ukrainian oil company burisma and the bidens back in october. chuck grassley reported this informant, alexanderbidens smir, was thoroughly vetted by two separate fbi field offices, which found, quote, no heads of russian disinformation. now, joe biden's departmentment of justice says smirnov,de who spent over a decade on the fbi's payroll, giving
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them credible information, is a liar who had high level contacts with russian intelligenceel. democrats think this is grounds for dropping impeachment. it's the democrats favorite talking point now. and jamie raskin is already saying, close the books. >> it's a conspiracy theory made up by russian intelligenc e pumped through smirnov into america. >> and then they've picked it up and they've been running with the footbalerica ant upl e. >> but it should be over now. they should close down the circus. >> it's over. what will they do? will they just move on to a nedw lie, a new conspiracy theory? >> even the partisan media wants wants the biden investigation to end. >> given bide this new information g about somebody who is acting more like a russiaiv thin operae than anything else. i think, you know,o pull they're going to have to pull back and what they decid
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e to do and how they decide to do itthey without having egg over t their face, i think is trying the . the blame elsewhere but they're the ones who have egg on their faces. democrats are acting like thisdr whole case relied on smirnov, i but that's simply not true. it doesn't change the fundamental fact. >> you see, it doesn't change the facts. industrial structure rule over facts is not true. the four things i just said, they're absolutely true. but hunter biden getting on the board, was he paid $1,000,000 a year? yes. did joe biden condition the release of tax money for the firing of the prosecutor? was a plane crash? yes. all thosall fourf those all foul things are facts. absolutely. regardless of whaty. the confidential source may or may not have been. >> what do you mean? had the trov e of evidence hasut in been out in the open for years. >> the emailths, text messages, photographs of the big guy with huntemessagr and jim's buss partners, the sworn testimony from the biden family, business partners who say joe biden was
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the brand. the bank records and wire ths that showed4 mill the bidens made over $24chin million from their crooked ties with china, ukrain ukraie and r. if everything the bidens were selling was perfectly above, wh board. ask yourselves, why diy dll the bidens set up 20 shellompani companies to movese their moneyl around? >> it might all be new to cn bn because they've been pretending like all of this never existedqi . and the one question, on, the oe question that no one's been able to answer t is what were the bidens selling? this is all a classic misdirection by democrats deny ,deflect and discredit these thest thiss agains informant only gives democrats another excuse to call trump ara russian asset. what do you think putin has him on him on trump? well, oh, that's a good>> i
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question. what is he got? i actually think actua that mon donald trump views himself as a putin s leader, dictatorial figure. yeah, he said it. yes. and we should believe himd be that he wants to go down this road. and that's the problem that we're is th encountering oy with some of my repuslican colleague that there's a growing pro putin factiogrowinn in the republican party and it's led by donald byd trump. while they're at it, they get to smear the whole republican party, too. >> i know. they're really repub stupid people in congress who got comments. >> can they throw that word around having absolutely no idea what that means? no ide a what marxism means. they just like anybody they're opposed to is either a or a marxist. >> that shows you, again, how bankrupt intellectually, how bankrupt philosophically, how bankrupt spiritual
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the republican party is. >> i just got to keeituap sayinp it. >> donald trump. donald trump loves russia so much he should move therese. if he moved there, hit. hey, what if smear he shous anda hoaxes are all the democrats have for 2024? they're in for a rudate awakenig now, november 6th, when they realize the americanameric people are a lot smarter thane they think. >> and former hawaii congresswoman and former presidential candidate tulsi gabbard joins me now. tulsi, thanks so much for being with us. i mean, you're not only a former. presidential candidate, you're a four term congresswoman with with military service. >> but let's talk about this a informant who's recently been indicted forbo lying and giving a false statement there, using o one piece of information provided by this one personpersn to try to take down the whole claim. o dowregarding the bidens and they did with burisma, the head
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judge, it's very clear what jud they're doing. and, you know, if i were trump, i would say, gosh, thisre is great because they're revealing their hand re that they have no cards to play. really? they are. they areally. ey are i in such a state of desperation knowing that they can't confront trump. biden can't confront trump on the issues. he can't confront him on, you know, border't security. . biden's record is horribly can't confront him on the economys re. biden's record is horrible. people are still paying more for every da y necessities than they were before. he can't confront him on any of theseso a issues.ey are so as you said earlier, they're resorting to their, tire tried to play tired and triedd y playbook of throwing oute russ the russia playbook. lanumber one and number two, spreading propaganda themselfdy moves with the very ready help and assistance, as you've just showed, of the mainstream propaganda media thinking
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that thestream american peoplear are stupid and that somehow we will far fall for the liesicaner that they're telling us about how after three years of ofof oe open borders, with millions of people streaming across our border illegallyn bord , noh all of a sudden biden is the tough on border president. >> he really thinks we're going to fall for this. i think the american people are smarter thanthink thar this. however, we must remainig vigilant and paying attentioilan to recognize their propaganda for what it is, pure lies. all right. and it's interesting that they're using smirnov to revive the russiternoon a collun hoax. and, you know, when you ran for president in something like that happened to you. >> yeaurh, i was laughing to myself as i was hearing the words they're using because i've heard them so many timeo s for me, it was it actually started the day that i announce my candidacy for president to run in the democratic primary in 2020. maryjudge they were calculated. they were concerned about myey w challenginerg them and the
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problems within the democratic party. >> so the beginnin thg of planting those seeds of suspicion that somehow i had something to dsuspicioo with russia, putin and then, of course, secretary then secretary clintond , nton her stating very clearly that she thought i was a russian asset. >> the problem with this is that it works, which is whyne they keep going back to it. i experienced over and over during that campaign and still to this day, judge people believing hillary clintolln, wo the democrat who leads, lies without any basis or evidence and expressing concern. >> all right. last night, laura ingraham interviewed former president donald trump and talked about a shortlist foringr v.p. that apparently you were on. and the president commented that there was a big presenceer fowas r you in south carolina. so it's just you and me talking now, chelsea m. >> oh, it's just you, those girls? yeah. had you had conversations with the former president regarding o your possibly being on that lisn thatt?
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>> i have not had conversations with him about being on the listht of people he's considering for being vp. of coursof coue, i'd be honoredn asked to serve in that capacity, but just between us girls, i've taken on kamala harris on a debate stagee befoe . i would look forward to doing that again. oh st, i'd be in the audience for that. tulsi gabbard, we always love having you on. >> thanks for joining us. thank you. all right. and the legal war against trump is being fought on twon fronts. some cases were designed to put. him in jail. others designed to bankrupt him. ot desiglast week, trump was fi0 million, thanks to new york attorney general letitiathankssn james and liberal judge arthur engoron. trump is going libe to appeal the payments and most likely win. but letitia wantmosts blood ande wants it now. if the former president doesn'wt pay up, letitia sayst she's going to seize his buildings.
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>> if he does not have funds to pay off the judgmene hit, and then we will seek, you know, a judgment i, enforcement mechanisms in court. and we will ask the judg will seee to seize his assets. we are prepared to make sures as that the judgment is paid to new yorkers. and yes,rkers. i look at 40 stre wall street each and every day. >> letitiach and james is abusig the law to humiliate the former president by law seizing what hs most known for his manhattan he skyscraperiss. she should want to take trump tower so she can glide down that golden escalator and announce she's running for president. this isn't about the law, folks. this is personal. d gl theletitia has been plannis financial assassination for yearshe has. >> she's campaigned on taking downsh trump. we've got to stand up to the federal government. we've got to standstan up to bullies. and we've got to stand up to an enemy, an administrationd which
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is tough, tough and just. letitia made good on her promise once new york elected her. >> but this november, trump could be winning an. election himself. is he going to take revenge on every prosecuto ir, veteran politician that's dragged him in and out of court for the lasty poat dra year? >> he says no. i don't care about the revengewl thing. >> i know they usually use the word revenge. will there be reveng theree? >> my revenge will be success. jonathan turley is a george washington university law professor and a fox news, contributor. professor, thanks so much for joining us. i always lov joinie having you on the show. we already know that this case was unprecedented, that there was clearly no victim. the way they use the law, the businesswa law, and that bootstrap the consumer law to it. and there was an excess of fine. but for the former president to for p with 355 million, 100 million in penalties, that's a half a billion dollars, a half a billion dollars in order to appeal.
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you know, when you think about it, where was that money going? is it an escrow or what? what happens? >> well, there's a couple of ways you can do it. i've always been a critic of these deposit7 vp rules. when they get to be confiscatory, it's like wanting to appeal a court, taking your home. but you have to sell your home to do it. and what you can do is you canoe either put the cash into an account or you can get a bond. m but the bonds will come at a premium, particularly for trump, who's been barred fromg i doing business in new york. so the way this worknes is by guarng that such a high penalty and requiring him to get a bond, you guarantee that even if he wins, he'll lose tens of millions of dollars. >> you know, professor letitia james talked about that tough with a great deal of glee about, you know, i walk by 40 wall street every day. have you ever seen a prosecutor or an attorney general who, after a win does thishi incredibly petty victory march
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? >> no. that's why this has a rather odd and worrisome feel to it. like a public execution fora a corporation. and is saying that i'm eyeing his properties only adds to that weirdnesm s. it also adds to the feeling of a lot of people in the business community. >> they see this., the risks are just too high. now in new york. ew yor keep in mind that new york hask been a magnet because of itse corporate law center that's been shattered and the faith in the legal system has been shattered. and it's going to have to be restored shto hav if this is going to if they're going to go forward to attract businesses. >>rward to well, it'll take a ll anyway. professor turley, than takk you >> all right. thank you. all right. the great cruller china is becoming a major problem at our border on a honey
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limited edition smart plus 10% off all basis ends monday only at sleep number, the one that is getting colder here in the states. >> but that's not stopping thousand is nohousandss of migrants from reaching our southern border every day or finding outines that the number of chinese migrants waltzing through our border is staggering. national correspondent delusion with mor e. >> well, judge, it has been like the united nations out here. we have people from all around the planet crossing illegally right here in her cooma, california. take a look at this video our team shot earlier toda videt here as another group crossed illegally. again, adults fromhe all around the world, these ones from china, ecuador and colombia as part of this group, we ran into a group of chinese men. we chi a remarkable exchangele e with one of them using a google translatorxce of app. trans and he explained to us how hlae and the rest of the chinese nationals got to the us.d
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[n takthe a listen. >> what are you doing with your visa? what's he going to flee fromm turkey. turkey airplane. ey>>did you land in tijuana, meo ? that.. >> yes. yes. do you wanu wantt a job? >> do you want to work to the job? >> yes. in the san diego secto r has been averaging over 1000 illegal crossings ever you single day. we also ran into another groupll yesterday from all around the globe. take a listen to them. where are you from? india. here youindia? where are you from? china. china. where are you from? india. indindia.a. china. china. georgia. georgia. georgia. georgi.georgi a. where are you from? india. india. china. china. man where are you from? china. china. chinnaa. >>
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now. china. china. china. china. ye chis. georg yes. china. georgia. china. chiniaa. mor >> and border patrol reports there have now been more than 140,000 illegal crossings in this san diego sector. just diego since october 1st. 20,000 of those have been chinese nationals. >> we'll send it back to younat >> thank you. now, you would think that during an election year, biden would do what's best for his campaign. and finall: yoy, the country, by the way, and finally close the border. but nod thin, the border crisist slowing down one bit. and biden's holding the door wide open. migrant crime as trumping th pu, is popping up in every corner of the country likime ase maryl, where a nicaraguan migrant crawled into a tow truck and went hog wild on residential streets. >> texas governor greg abbott m the tidalo ste wave of illegals himself, announcing plans to build t a military base for national guardsmen in eagle pass.
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the facility would hold nearly 2500 soldiers patrolling the border. but mexico's president isnt laughing at us, he says, build all the bases you want. the migrants are still coming from all. and it is like the governor of texas who has already set up a military camp there in texas. so put as many as you want. >> is that supposedly going to stop migrants? >> right. pure politicking. it's not serious. >> obrador short changed his tune since trump left office. thre trump had threatened him with major tariffs on alaten me imports if he didn't stop the caravans. but now that joe biden's in charge, he's back to walking all over us. and so is china. g is sending military age men through our border. >> and biden, not a word. >> the number of military age mt men that are showing
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with military haircuts clearly u . and she said you guys are showing up with six packs and military boots comin that are coming in. is not an insignificant number . in 2020, they had about 11-150 to 1500 chinese come across f the border. >> and in the first 11 monthsf of 2023, they had about 33,000 that that scares the hell outt f of me. >> well, it should. biden's open border policy is a giant f new to everyvery american who fought overseas. soamerican that we would be safe at home. >> i protected those border and to just see people walk across like it's no big deal. it's concerning. right. it's not the individuals. it's the process here. it's a free for all. i see people cross. i got pictures of people like their youtube influencers with their earpieces
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pictures in walking, listening, spotify as they cross the border. like it's a big joke, like like they're just going down to the store. it's just a it's a slap in the face to ever y american that's fought and died for this country. >> meanwhile, blue citery amery residents are looking around their neighborhoods and are seeing them fundedhborhood ment. change. amcks bes can't afford gas and groceries, but checks are being written out to illegals. >> the people are fed up. up. just ask chicago residents. they can tell you firsthandha what's happeningt is in their nk of the woods. >> all this asylum seeker lie, all this about refugees? no, no, no. what's happening is they are out to dregs of their jails and to the united states and to our communities. >> they are jumping up they areour country. and yeah, we feel some kind of way about it because it's our country. yeah, bl. black history month, the american descent into slavery. and i want you to know, brandon johnson, i understand
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what you're saying. about we still on the plantation. >> but what are you looking at right now? this. is what a free look like.e likend i'm telling you, we're gonna get our city back. we don't stamp our people. we don't get them ou t of our communities because they don't deserve to be there. you watch us. o bewe black out here and we go haddrill. thviously, you watch. i'm a great black one. just how we get down. >> oh, right, right. >> wow. former dea special ops divisionc director jarrett malts joins me now. all right, derrickr , what thee passion in that woman's voice is held by a lot of people because americans, especially in the minority communities in thehe brown and minority and black community, along with senior citizensit and veterans, they all feel they're being subjugated to these illegals who are not being vetted. and now we've got this influx of chinese, along with the chinese police departments and the confuciu s institutes, e and then the the sky craft the
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and spy craft that run across country. >> jhat is going on? >> george, thanks for having me. this outrage everywhere. i mean, angel families all over america paid, you know, burying their loved ones just yesterday in northern florida. there was an illegal who? someone on a motorcycle. but what's happening is the reckless o, dangerous border policies are causing chaos everywhere. every city is impacted. every cityy american red or blus going to be impacted. so you look at just on the fentanyl side, george, you and i have talked many times about this talke. we're losing almost 300 americans a day. but yet the chinese now are coming into this countryw at recorcod levels, setting up marijuana, grow operations all over this country. they're sending poisonous chemicals in addition to federal. they're sending the netizens, the scenes, the isolated scenes . they're sending silencing. it's writing people in the streets of americaople o.
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and now you see the citizens are starting to get upset. you have the newu have t gangs g from venezuela, you know, arugula, prison gangs coming in here terrorizing our citizens in new york. even the mayor of new york says the migrant crisis is going to destroyan new york.. no, the migrant crisis is destroying america. let me assure everyone starting to feel it. derrick, let me just interrupt:, you. experts warn of a national security risk after customs and borderu. patrol slash the question list only for the chinese migrants fromer 40 questions to just five. only for the chinese patro. why did the administration do that? >> judge that's a good question. it's insanity. i can't understand it, especially when christopher wray is telling the world .derstandthat china is the biggt national threat to our country. so how do you justify it? i don'ina ist know.derek, all right, derek ball, it's always good to have you on. thanksay have yo so much. >> thank you. kamala says she's ready to stepm
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progressive can save you from becoming your parents, but we can save you money when you buy can save you money when you buy a womaople. >> empty tubs of butter are for recycling, not for my leftovers. >> that's a big one. people. israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children in this orphanage. bomb shelter. we're praying for god's help. praying to avignon volcano. our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over 100,000lies a in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground reaching jewish people of all ages children, mothers, the elderly, even holocausift of t survivors. but we can't do it without you. suyour gift of $45 will make sue
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that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies our te and the hot,rist nutritious meals that they so desperately needo . >> our teams are working on the ground often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelternternatis this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of thesalem, international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel, let them know that we are not only praying for the peacewhat d of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe that's what god would have us do. do. >> i simpl the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than everifferenc before. thise. this is your opportunity , or v to make a lifesaving difference. difference. it's your prayersite
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that give hope to the people of israel. call scanner or visit our website now to make your lifesaving donation. >> now, biden knows he's losing the youth vote, sosing you resog to handouts, bailing out even more student loan borrowers on your dime. edward lawrence han s the detais for judge. >> this is a result of changing rules aroundesul the student lon forgiveness programs. ar to taxpayers that was announced today would be $1.2 billion and taxpayers will shoulder that. ultimately, sinc ebiden president biden got into office, he's nothas forgiven $r billion in student loans. the supreme court ruled the president needed congress to approve as much money as he wanted. so the administratio needen went about changing the rules on a number of plans to piece together student loan forgiveness. in the last week, the congressional budget office director testifiedveness the rue changes will cost a lot more. >> listen.
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, and he put in place the samee rules as an income driven repayment. and we've evaluated the fiscal impact, undoing that regulation. and that's you know, it's more than 100 billion dollars. >> i think 125 ish was what we talked about in our education committee visit that we had recently added up. >> and president biden is two thirds to his goal of wiping out what the federal reserve estimates is $441 billion in student debt. ntt.the president saying today he found the workaround to the u.s. supreme court ruling and we'll keep going. >> so there's a student loan program to be ableg. to afford a college degree, but a lot of people didn't take advantage of it. e and i wanted to make sure they did. the ability to repay , though,a lot it become so burdensome, a lot of people can't even repayof. and they tried and they don't miss payments. they work like the devil every month to payk to girls. stude >> all student debt forgiveness is ultimately paid by taxpayers . >> judge, thank you.
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now, biden can cancel as much a debt as he wants. his poll s are still in the toilet, which is exactly where they belong. >> he's taking a beating on the border. 76% disapprove of his handling of immigration. and on top ooff that only 32% of the voters are confident in biden's mental and physical stamina to do the job. at last night's town hall, trump says biden's staff needs to take his keys away. >> he's declined. and there's no questiononald about it. tr but if you look at me, i feelifu and i really mean this and i would tell you, i think you tell me, too, because we've known each other a long time. >> if i was if i feel diminished. okay , let's use a nice term.n an if i felt diminished orway, declined any way, i thinky i know it. and i think i'd say i'm not shol running. >> somebody should talk to them. and some in the media selk thiei the writing on the wall, turning their eyes to the democrat bench. >> california coming up to plan
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b. are you read.y? jeani >> well, i'm looking forne i'm looking to you. he dodged that one.2 wait but is number two is waitingin in the wings. >> typically, if he had to pass the power to you for one second, one minute and haven it forbidden know, i ask with all due respect. >> but you know, wouldut are you capable? are you ready to step into the role and do whatever this >> id needlessly ready? >> but she's going to be a tough sell. >> an nbc poll shows only 28% of americans have positive feelings toward kamala 28%. >> florida congressman byron donalds sits on the oversight committee. he joins me now. all right, congressman, you know, i have two questions. the first one is going to be on joe biden. t and the truth is that every time the guy comes out, you're worried he's going to stumble or fall or mumble or something's going to happelln and everybody keeps talking about a cognitive test. no, he doesn't wan.everybodt tan and no one's calling for the 25th amendment. so we just have a we stuck
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with this for the next at least eight, nine months. eight- >> well, judge, it's good to bem with you. and unfortunately, yes, i think weonths?udge are stuck with thi, a couple of reasons. one, joe biden is stubborn and he's putting himself above the country because you can't have a commander in chief who just looks impaired like this. it's one thing to talk about the domestic issues that are that we're facing the border of being the number one issue in the country. and the fact that he's terribl h at this job and he's actually hurting the american people. but even a broadple. our adversaries see this. >> putin sees this gaping peering, sees this. the mullahs in iran, they see it, too. , putin thiand they see weaknes and they're pushing all over the globe. >> this is not about joer th bi. this is about our country. he rhould do the right thing and stand down. and if he won't do that, kamala harris needs to leave the cabinet to akaeds to vote ok amendment because the country does need coherent leadership. i don't think kamala harris will be a great president because the policies
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won't change. it'll be the same thing. but you have to be some level of coherence. >> do you think, congresswoman, she would even do that? going >> no, i don't. i think she's just going to sit therm to watchh hi him continue to decline. but that's why i say thisjoe bi is not about joe biden or anybody else. it's about our country. wedeout ou deserve a president s who actually looks the part on the world stagethe pa. >> all right. and just very quickly on this student loan, i meanquickl the,n that the money just disappears, the taxpayer jus who'sthese paying for the student loans for these kids, correct? cor >> yeah, it's correct. and this is an albatross around the country. s anjoe biden wants to send,d you know, $100 billion outdolla of the country of ukraine and other parts of the world. but here in americr a, he's forgiven $400 billion of loans that should have been repaida he. ars. that's not fair to thefair american people who did not go to college or t the oneso who worked hard to repay their loans. >> sure. wo congressman donalds, thanks for being with us. and why is the nationay isl guad being called to a high school
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officialngs aren't lifting a finger to. juveniles were arrested on gun charges after the kansas city super bowl parade shooting last week. and yesterday, an 18-year-old and 23 year old were charged second degree murder over one deadly parade shooting. >> one of the suspects told police he was just, quote, stupi being when he escalated a fight with another group and eventually started shootingo into the crowd. and you can't count on parentsud to keep their kids in line any more either. >> the mother of one of the suspects set up a go fund me for her son to help them get through this, quote, tragic time. thwe're seeing violence like ths crop up across the country with students starting massive brawls in school, targeting teachers and students and no
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doubt there will be. >> it's getting so bad that one school in massachusetts is calling in the national hey. to help with securit and some kids are just bad, but in many caseess, parents are responsible for their children. the parents of michigan'.shan cr school shooter, ethan crumbly, were both charged with involuntaryum manslaughter. his mother, jennifer, wasanslau actually found guiltghy earliern this month. wallace father james is still on trialth . >> joining me now, attorney and retired nypd inspector paul monroe. okay, paul, we've both seen this over and over again. when i waswhen d.a., i prosecutd a parent for allowing a childd t to get a gun and shoot another child. i convicted that person of manslaughte r. and but we don't do it enough. in fact, people think, oh, my gosh, it's never been done
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before. >> why don't prosecutors do this? you know, it's a good question why do . >> i mean, generally in our society, we're a little bit reticentn ou to, impute the responsibility for something that the child does to the parish, unless you really have egregious circumstances. and i think a lot of us in the legal communit hesitan yy have e bit of trepidation about this case because i would call thisti maybe the outlier. that's about as far as i think we shouls asd go in imputing the responsibility of the child to the parent. >> and in this cas e, the circumstances were so egregious. you know, the juror said tha gious.t the reason they convicted primarily was because the mother was the las t one tohe handle the gun. but there was also the fact that he's 15. he shouldn't have ha f 15.d a gn to begin with. they were supposed to secure it. and then the idea that theo begy came to the school, they had a meeting with the teachers g wi seemed to bedy slipping down. he'd been drawing these bloody images, etc.. he's at the meeting. and, you know, we don't know if the parrot knew or nott , but sn knew that he had access to the gun, but the gun was in his knapsack in the meeting. so, you know, i think the jurors looked at that and said, okay, this is onet
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where we do have negligence, which is what you need. it's theav same charge, by the way, that alec baldwin is looking at. you negligently handled a weapon and it resulted in somebody's death. >> you know, but it's not justr, at that particular scenario. you look at these kids and they're taking pictureouk as with their other images, with their cameras. >> i mean, there's no accountability cam and i don't think there's any question, paul, that we're going to see more of this. see but -- but what can what can schools do iiff they have to cal in the national guard? >> what does that tell you? yeah, bad news. you know , i would argue the national guard here is a very bad idea. i would say that this interim steponal gua there, which would have been some sort of school security like we have here in new york city, really sorlit cops. they're used to dealing with kids. the idea that we're going to go too far and not somethinidg thi national guard, but they are really sort of military. you know, you can have guye s, what, in fatigues with m-16s. >> it's not a good idea in a school. so fatigs . m16s. >> the problem is, is that we're seeing, along with the defunding movement, we're seeing a defunding of the school safety program that is getting rid of. there' s new york is recruiting, there is out. >> this is a trend across
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the country. >> and the national education agency is there. >> statistics, education, statistics, 80% of the schools80 in this country are reporting misbehavior from the kids. on the rise to covid. they weren't socialized in a ke they point in their lives. they're getting raised by tick oktock and there's no school safety to keep them in line. those are government stats. that's notvernment me. right. and i think they call for the national guard. but it's good to have a differenceri cal of opinion. it's always great to have you out tomorrow. we like to have you. all righe t. carlos husband went on national television to confesons his lovs for dr. jill. oh, there they are. kissin veg who stuffed up again. >> so you need my next valium from is -next. hhhhh! -next. hhhhh! >> just sign acts. breathe. it is. wow. sign phoenix. >> breathe.
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well, they sent first gentleman doug emhoff to hard hitting they so an interview with journalist andy cohen, where he didn't do his wif e favors on a dime. >> i'm traveling the country , traveling the world, doing everything i can to support her as a husband. yearupport as, because if i'm nots being great, it's almost like nationalst a security issues. >> yeah, i know. i don't i don't think i need>> v her to be far right. >> have you ever seen the living? kn>> i? ha! now, if you've seen the show veep, you'll know that's a huge dig at kamala because wors have meanings. >> and what we mean to say when we speak those words can mean so many different things. >> we can confuse our own meaning and misspeakn . >> he might have a point there, but it's not all bad for doug. despite the chaos his wife's gigs causehid him some brownie i points in hollywood. >> she's head of the space. she's really busy. so now is the press. let's go, doug. after the show, let's go tots
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space. we can see that architect >>at i'm that better whe. so when they came to the white house. oh, my god. that's why i tried t to audition as. how did that some dance moves. yeah>> i, well, it wouldn't be i democrat interviewth without a little pandering. >> she loves old school hop. okay, so bay area. okay. did she calls you fresh? >> she does.he okay, doggy. doug. >> doug fresh came. came to our hip-hop party. what's your favorite beyoncé song and what do you think of her new country musicr favo? oh, okay.ce oh, i love the new song. i've only heard one. the harlem song. >> yeah. so good. yes. so heard i've been listening tot nonstop. >> and of courselistening to, se to give a shout out to dr. jill after sharing a kiss last h year. >> which part second lady do p you have the best relationship with? our first lady.
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yes, he does. first. ctly she's awesome. how often do you and the vp go on double dates o with produceal and. and we're working so hard, but we are with theml th all the time. we love the four of us together. it's greatreat. . a >> atlantic coast. hamilton is a huge bravo fan. i she joins me now. t all right, tommy, how fitting he is it that the first husband or whatever the second husband is saying that he loves veep? >> listen, judge, i watch a lot of bravo. i watch that so that your audience wouldn't have to. and i got to say, i nearly spiti hear out my drink when i heard him say that. a moment of honesty, thay but aa say, you know, as much as bravo is entertainment in povor taneme ,the way that andy cohen questions people, it's probably qu as difficult as the rest of the mainstream media questions this administration. >> sedia o it was interesting, though, to watch dougie fresh try to be hip, tryo se make cara look hip. i don't think he did himself or hir any favorsn't thin, but he s exactly right.
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>> he is living real life. v yeah, itanvors was amazing. and yet, you know, at the same time he says he helps her.s he says on a dime. he goes all around the worlde wo with her and all arounrld county to support her. i that must be a heavy burden for hieavym. it must be. you know, i watched this wholede intervieveraw. t impo he talked several times about how he gets to travel now. he gets to meet importanrttople. tgs people. but he assured us that is always so busy when the phonuste rings, she int must answer it. yes. i mean, this entire interview reallyerke doesn't make us feely more comforted that she is really a heartbeat away fromr being our president of the united states. and. yes. prest of thed st is. tommy. anyway, thanks so much fors being with us tonightomi.r bet.e and everybody, make sure you tune in to the five every day, weekdays at 5:00. that'sdays a where you'll see mh and that's all for tonight. thanks so much


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