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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  February 22, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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i felt i owe him at least to give that vote to him on that reason. >> >> laura: matt when i said, you can say i am done. this is too much. most human beings, would be too much. my heart breaks for him. for what happened. >> you can see in his eyes. you could see it in his eyes, i am not worry about my safety by the safety of the country and people. powerful remark. >> i think so, too. >> laura: that is it. thank you for watching. follow me on social, x, instagram, thank you for watching for the town hall. judge
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>> todd: switching his story, that is what lawmakers say president biden's brother james did yesterday when confronted with evidence he could not deny. >> carley: and champion -- keynote speaker at international women's day event because she served in the israel defense forces. she's here to respond to her critics. >> todd: a lot of speculation about president biden's political future, what do the people think? >> will joe biden be the democratic nominee this year? >> no. >>eer we're in the process of moving to arizona because of what is going on in california. >> costs are too high, we're leaving, we're done, we're out. >> todd: todd on the town. >> carley: interesting story from the folks. you are a man of the people, i've always said that about you. >> todd: you are watching "fox
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and friends first," i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. we begin with the crisis at the southern border and president biden taking a page out of the trump play book and reigning in the migrant crisis. >> todd: i thought he couldn't do that. ashley strohmier is here. >> it is unclear how this would be different than what was done under the trump administration and no final decision made. however, it was controversial under former president trump and has sparked anger from the left. aoc tweeted doing trump impressions is not how to do this, do not buckle on our prescriptions. mere suggestions is outrageous and the president should refuse to sign it. biden has said he's done all he can to fix the border crisis,
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listen. >> give me the power, i've asked for the first time since i got into office -- sgls white house spokesperson is blaming republicans saying no executive action can deliver policy reform and additional resources congress can provide and republicans rejected. major concern with record border crossings is number of illegal immigrants coming from countries with possible national security concerns. cbp reporting 1600 from afghanistan and vietnam, 2100 from vietnam and 900 from russia. >> georgia to turkey. >> guatemala. to guatemala and after guatemala? into mexico? >> car into mexico.
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>> car and bus, he said. >> those were border crossers talking to our bill melugin. trump tried to shut the southern border down to those crossing illegal and it was block by the court. >> todd: thank you. bring in fox news contributor don hofman. where ashley left off, the map of people coming from countries with national security concerns. if people from a country with national security concern stormed our beaches in military gear, we would call it an invasion. what is the difference when the end result, people entering illegally is the exact same? >> dan: well, we just don't know a lot about people entering the border and border patrol is overwhelmed there. honestly, look, we have almost as many democrats as republicans
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in the senate and house and neither side is going to get the exact deal they want. we are a nation of laws and there were good pieces of that border deal not ultimately arngs proved, increasing ice detention facility, tightening amnesty requirements. we have to be careful about not letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and the biden administration needs to take executive action and i'm hopeful they are asking our intelligence community about risk we're running. we don't have data and don't know details on people crossing the border. some could be terrorists and that is crave concern. it is a problem that faces democrats and republicans, the fact we can't get it done on capitol hill is disconcerting to me. >> carley: that is the political issue at hand. dan, expand on, that we're talking about 2500 people from
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uzbekistan and 850 from russia, 1600 from afghanistan and 6100 from turkey, among other nations of special interest. which means these people receive additional vetting from border patrol before they are allowed into the country. from where you sit as former chief who served in moscow. what are major concerns you have with the numbers? >> well, i'm concerned about organized crime. the extent to which they were able to make it and how they did it and where they got the money to pay for it. concerned about potential some may have terrorists connections and may be coming here to be part of sleeper cells and mount terrorist attacks down the road. those are things of concern to me and why we have a border, why we have the cbp and ice and why they exist. it is not functioning right now
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to great detriment to national security. >> todd: iran sent russia hundreds of ballistic missiles, official said there had been four shipments of missiles and would be more in coming weeks. anything from a military, from intel or any perspective we can do to stop this? >> dan: i don't know that we'll be able to stop it. one thing we've seen outgrowth of russia brutal invasion of ukraine is this century's access of tyranny. russia, north korea, china and iran align together. russia relying on china for export of hydro carbon and iran for drones and missile and north korea for artillery. classic substitution for russians and doing without western consumer goods.
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whatever sanction the biden administration thinks they are going to bring on russia to change putin's behavior or punishment for russia's murder of alexei navalny, that will not change vladamir putin's calculus. he's fine relying on iran and other dictatorships for support he needs. >> carley: good point, this says something about the military cooperation between these two countries and says a lot, a lot of questions about what this will mean going forward with the war in ushg yoo. thank you for joining us, waking up early. u.s. ambassador to russia calling on putin to release evan gershkovich after meeting with the american detainee in moscow. >> when the kremlin uses lives as bargaining chips, real people suffer. u.s. citizens wrongfully detained in russia remain a top priority for me, my team and entire u.s. government. it is unacceptable that evan
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gershkovich and paul whelan still languish in russian prison on baseless charges. >> carley: evan gershkovich is in good spirits, he has been detained since march of last year, accused of espionage. ambassador is also calling for release of paul whelan, who has been jailed since 2018, he was arrested on espionage related charges and earlier this month -- detained after raising funds to support ukraine. her boyfriend believes vladamir putin could be using her as a pawn. >> they were saying toy moo, she was like so calm and yes, i'm russia, i'm going home, i'm fine. >> do you think eventually there will be a prisoner swap for her? >> the fact that russia made
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this public makes me believe that that is a possibility, this could be -- i don't know. i'm hopeful. >> carley: she became a u.s. citizen in 2021, if convicted, she could spend 20 years in russian prison. >> todd: rebekah refers to this as hostage diplomacy, it is horrible. >> carley: state department says even if you miss your family and you are an american or russian american citizen, do not go to russia right now. you may remember this, riley gaines said she was assaulted after speaking at san francisco state university last year. major development into the students responsible, we'll tell you what happened. >> todd: you will not like it. and workers in toledo ohio are gathering for president biden's green energy agenda.
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they want government to save their job and not ban their cars. one of the workers,a tending the rally is here next. >> i'm here with "fox and friends first," this is how i enjoy my day with sausage and strawberry muffins, it helps me start my day with old-school newspaper. ♪
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>> welcome back, we are tracking one major weather social security sweeping the country. will bring plenty of rain. green is stretching from gulf of
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mexico toward canada, big swaths to southeast and will get to midwest and mid-atlantic and along the east. initially working through the great lakes and midwest, indiana and ohio and mid-atlantic on friday bringing decent rain on friday. not expecting a huge risk, possible risk of flash flooding in indianapolis, cincinnati and lexington and columbus. this shifts east. here is the hour-by-hour forecast, big showers running you through overnight tonight and into friday morning. it does warm up with it, how much rain are we talking about? not a huge rain. you see isolated areas, one to two inches. south carolina, big weekend coming up, this system will impact folks friday and saturday
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and tracking rain moving in across the area. >> carley: live in the studio, just feet away. workers in toledo, ohio set to rally against electric vehicle mandates today. president biden's agenda will keep hurting jobs and keep them from buying affordable cars. rallying against tailpipe emission and -- in some states. toledo refining company joins me now. scott, good morning. this rally will be held later today. make your case here first. tell us about this event and why you are holding it. >> we have an circumstance sem blee of bipartisan stakeholders that are concerned about the pace of electric vehicle mandates. we're arguing it will cost good paying jobs in the midwest.
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we are arguing it is punitive to the poor because of the differential cost in evs, we are arguing they don't have supply chain wrapped up, one country owns 70% of supply chain and energy intensive to mine and process minerals that go into battery electric vehicles, that is a net loser for the carbon footprint and concerned about shifting production, refining capacity that is important to national security from this country to countries that don't make it cleanly as we do. the fuel nor process is clean. we are arguing let's preserve refining capacity we have now, pump the brakes on mandates and save jobs. >> carley: you are right, this would be counter productive to ultimate climate change agenda. it is clear he's saying, i'm
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doing all i can to appease the climate change people. what he's calling for, it would be nearly 70% of cars people see in dealership lots and would be all electric vehicles in eight years time. practically speaking, what does that mean for the american worker and the oil and gas industry and auto industry and what does that mean for the consumer, just some average american who wants to buy an affordable car? >> well, study by consumer energy alliance is alarming and highlights for middle-class family to finance comparable electric vehicle vehicle it would take 39 years through traditional financing, traditional auto financing to pay the differential. if you talk to any retailer, any
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car dealer, they can't get rid of them. we don't have the infrastructure in place to make this work. what we're saying, it is unachievable and bad for the consumer and we're really concerned about the jobs. here in ohio, much of our proud heritage is to supply the auto industry just north in detroit and that is dependent on the internal combustion engine. these are components and we believe this will cost jobs in our industry, auto industry and huge network of supply chains. >> carley: without question and only 9% of cars sold last year were electric, they are expensive, unreliable in cold and not enough charging stations. the rallying cry for today's rally is save our jobs, don't ban our cars, a bipartisan event
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happening today. great to see you. todd, over to you. >> todd: we got madness, l lsutigers stun the wildcats with epic buzzer beater. >> gets it back and the shot is good! in on a broken play and lsu wins it. >> todd: 12 seconds remaining kentucky blocked lsu from shooting. tigers player jordan wright tossed the ball and falling out of bounds and caught the ball and scored it as clock hit zero, 75-74, marking tiger's second straight win over ranked opponents. >> carley: who doesn't like buzzer beater. >> todd: 15-year-old charlie
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wood, son of tiger woods is attempting to qualify for his first p.g.a. tour event. he will tee up today in florida at pre-qualifying tournament, top five players advance, if the younger woods make the cut, he will play with rory mcilroy, lowrie, justin rose, he talks like him, walks like him. regardless what you think about tiger, awesome story. >> carley: it is tiger woods dream come true, you want your son to follow in your footsteps. good luck to him. new york will hand out tens of millions of dollars to migrants and some could get more than $1000 a month. >> todd: i hit the streets and asked questions. what do we do with free money if they got it? wait until you hear the answers,
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we'll share them next. >> todd: this city is giving illegal migrants $1500 a month in living expenses. >> that is a tough pill to swallow. >> it starts at the border, coming across the border, legally, illegally. my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. at typical insurance, you're just another senior.
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what a change it made so fast. (jason) i was 424 pounds. so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. i don't ever want to go back to wearing a 4xl shirt or not being able to climb up stairs without taking a break. so i'm committed to golo for life. (announcer) whether you need to lose 10, 20, 50, or over a hundred pounds, lose it the right way with golo. go to that's >> todd: massive migrant welcome center in san diego shutting down today, six months after it opened and surrounding towns are worried unvetted migrants will head to their communities while the border remains opened. >> where are you from? >> india. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> china. >> where you from? >> georgia. >> where you from? >> china.
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>> china. >> china? where you from? ecuador? >> ecuador. >> colombia. >> mexico. >> carley: mayor wells is mayor of el cajone, california and joins me now. as you just heard, people from places all over the world including countries with national security concerns with the u.s., what are you seeing right now and what is your concern now that this migrant center has shut down? >> over the past few months, we've seen 100,000 migrants come across the san diego border. a lot of them are absorbed by this shelter. they spent over 6 million and now say they are out of money. we will see migrants
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congregating in our streets and border patrol says we will go from 300 drop-offs per day to maybe 1000 drop-offs per day. it will become a problem quickly. >> todd: that is the question, where will individuals go? you mentioned the streets, some point, you have to go inside. where is inside? in people's home like mayor of sanctuary cities want to put people, in buildings? where is this, mayor? >> we have no idea. they operate in secrecy because they don't want to talk about the migrant crisis because they know people don't like it. in the past, homeless people they put into hotels and a lot of them in my town, they spent up to $8000 per person per month to put someone up in a hotel. it ruins neighborhoods and
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destroys the hotels and our security infrastructure. it is really bad for everybody. i think there is only so many hotels. we already have got serious homeless problem in california, lawless problem. this compounds the problem. >> carley: chinese migrants are fastest growing group of border crossers right now, does that match your experience? wla is your reaction and what are your concerns there? >> that is a real thing. i went to the border recently to see what was going on. i came across an encampment, probably 150 people, every one of them were chinese migrants, all young men. that is a serious concern. china is not neutral with us, they are somewhat an enemy, in a cold war at this point.
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it makes me nervous to see enemies of our nation congregating right in our city. el cajon is east of san diego. we have a trolley drop-off station and border patrol is dropping them at the trolley station. >> todd: griff jenkins said they are coming through california, not texas. that is scary. mayor wells, thank you. i hit streets of great city of new york to talk to everyday americans about the migrant crisis and other issues facing our nation, here is how it went. watch. >> todd: this city decided to give illegal migrants $1500 a month in living expenses. as a new york taxpayer, what are your thoughts on that? >> tough pill to swallow. it starts at the border, they need to deal with that. >> todd: what could you do with
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an extra $1500 per month? >> kid education, pay my property tax, which goes up every year. >> a lot. i have three children in college and parpayments, i would make it useful. >> todd: the president is in your great state trying to raise money, do you feel the president is in touch or out of touch with the people? >> out of touch. >> whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. >> todd: if and when gavin newsom is the nominee, what does that mean for the united states of america? >> i try not to think about this, honestly, i'm not a gavin newsom fan. we are in the process of moving to arizona. taxes are too high, cost is too high, we're leaving, we're out. >> todd: what would you do with extra $1500, you think about your kids, their education, we view through our children once
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you have them and the government is putting somebody else's family above yours and you are the taxpayer and not even kids they are putting above you, it is single adult migrants and 99.9% of the time do not have a valid asylum claim. they want the free stuff in our country and your kids have to pay for it, it is not right. >> carley: i agree there. i like that woman who when you asked is president biden out of touch? she iss like ha, yeah. this $1500 a month for illegal immigrants, it is a proposal, would be on a prepaid credit card. mayor adams is saying it will save the city money because they are providing food like a buffet-style meal and bagged lunches that migrants aren't eating and it is going in the
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trash. maybe that is true financially, if you think about handing somebody a card of money, especially when you think about residents struggling or the homeless, it is not a political winner whatsoever. i don't think this will pass. >> todd: you are bending over backward for people you have given charity to and they turned down that charity. if your kid is not eating, you wait them out until they get hungry enough until they eat it, you don't want beautiful meals? here is $1500 of my taxpayer money because you don't like a sandwich. >> carley: two years ago, mayor adams was welcoming people and now singing a different tune. what a difference two years makes. an arizona d.a. refusing to extradite a murder suspect back to new york because she thinks alvin bragg will mess up the
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case. cheryl casone has that story next. >> todd: and champion cyclist banned from speaking at an international women's day event because she served in the idf, israeli defense forces. she is here to talk about her service. >> i'm a jan, an artist in georgia, i'm up every morning with "fox and friends first" painting. [cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha.
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hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here!
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what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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you can make money the hard way as a bullfighter or a human cannonball... or save money the easy way, with xfinity mobile.
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existing customers can get a free line of our most popular unlimited plan for a year! not only will you save hundreds but you'll also be joining millions who have connected to america's most reliable 5g network. sure is a lot safer than becoming a stuntman for money. get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. plus, get the new samsung galaxy s24 on us. >> carley: arizona county attorney refusing to extradite suspected murderer to new york because of the city's soft on crime policy. >> todd: cheryl casone has more. >> cheryl: good morning, attorney rachel mitchell is refusing for extradition.
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>> these are mandatory prison sentences and having observed the treatment of violent criminals by the manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, it is safer to keep him here and in custody so he can not be out doing this to individuals in our state, county or anywhere in the united states. >> cheryl: the suspect is believed to have bludgeoned someone to death. he committed a carjacking in arizona, stabbed that woman driving and walks into mcdonald's and stabs a woman several times. it is thought to be political. it is deeply disturbing the d.a. is playing games. it is a slap in the face to the victim.
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still, she has a point as somebody that has lived in arizona and new york. arizona jails, i think you should stay there. >> carley: that guy can't be on the street, too big of a risk to send him back to new york city. there is an update on riley gaines, what is going on there? >> cheryl: this is interesting. by the way, that attorney will join "fox and friends" later in the morning with y'all at fox news. so riley gaines, champion swimmer. she has got this assault investigation that has been going on, an incident at the stanford campus. look at the scene in april of 2023. watch what happened to her. [screaming] [video playing]
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>> cheryl: so that's the scene from her perspective. an e-mail obtained by fox news, she was told after thorough investigation, alleged charges have been suspended. any videos you may have in your possession and content information for anyone with digital evident, please do so in the case may be further investigated. they are putting the burden on her. she said, i told them over and over and over and over and over and over again, i got all the overs in, what happened. both officers were there, it is not like they did not know what happened. putting the burden on her for evidence is something else. >> carley: not her job, she is the victim. >> todd: hostage taking and
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assault legal in san francisco. jewish kick boxer who served in the idf has been removed from a women's day event, the women's empowerment group said in recognition of the current situation and sensitivity of conflict, the board of inspire will change our keynote speaker. leah goldstein was that speaker. what did you think when you were uninvited? >> i was in shock, my presentation has nothing to do with politics. i've been speaking for 11 years and no one ever has come up to me and said something you said offended me, and i'm being removed because i served in the idf 30 years ago. quite shocking to say the least. >> todd: and it was compulsory, you had to serve, you did not
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volunteer. have you received any other explanation from organizers of the event? >> no, they said they were afraid, there was escalation going on and their sponsors were going to pull out, they were concerned about safety. the e-mail was sent to the bureau i work under. they said i would be replaced and if they could recommend another speaker. >> todd: you mean the speakers bureau that serve as an agent. what were you going to speak about? >> i just speak about my life, motivation, inspire about the stuff i've gone through working in an all-male environment in the middle east, i talk about my athletic career, winning races across america. i talk about life. i keep away from politics and religion, those are sensitive
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subjects. this is shocking to me. i thought, is this a joke? unbelievable. i was in a daze because nothing like this has ever happened to me before. >> todd: would your compulsory service, in the idf change your speech in any way? >> no, i mean, the idf has nothing to do with it. even if i didn't serve in the idf, they would have replaced me. the theme of this conference is inclusion, diversity, safe space for women. of course, if you are jewish, the question is they are disinviting me, what about other jewish women, are they excluded? if i was a palestinian woman, would i be removed? as a jewish woman, i wouldn't feel offended listening to a palestinian woman talk about her life experience temperature is simply because i'm jewish and
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idf is just an excuse. >> todd: that is chilling, that is not right. thank you for joining us, you are a good speaker. over to you. >> thank you. >> carley: always welcome to speak on "fox and friends first." we have a fox news alert. cellular network users reporting outages with at&t, verizon and boost mobile across the u.s. and some are back online, the outages sparked panic with sos messages and not being able to make 911 calls from their cell phones. we'll monitor why this happened and bring you updates as we get them. scary stuff. >> todd: joe biden's handlers have their hands full during his trip out west. here is nancy pelosi leading the president to the tarmac and away from reporters. >> carley: lawrence jones is
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having breakfast with friends in south carolina ahead of saturday's primary, hi, lawrence. >> lawrence: good morning, family. this is first time this has happened in my career. there are lines all the way down the street for people to have their voices heard in south carolina. big race with the former president, donald trump and nikki haley, who used to be the former governor. donald trump is ahead in the polls right now, what do people say about their former governor and former president? we'll talk to them live, plus kristi noem, someone considered on the short list for vice president, she'll be coming up in a moment on "fox and friends." don't go anywhere. (bridget) with thyroid eye disease i hid from the camera. and i wanted to hide from the world. for years, i thought my t.e.d. was beyond help... but then i asked my doctor about tepezza.
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(vo) tepezza is the only medicine that treats t.e.d. at the source not just the symptoms. in a clinical study more than 8 out of 10 patients taking tepezza had less eye bulging. tepezza is an infusion and may cause infusion reactions. tell your doctor right away if you experience high blood pressure, fast heartbeat, shortness of breath or muscle pain. before treatment, tell your doctor if you have diabetes, ibd, or are pregnant, or planning to become pregnant. tepezza may raise blood sugar and may worsen ibd. tepezza may cause severe hearing problems which may be permanent. (bridget) now, i'm ready to be seen again. (vo) visit to find a ted eye specialist and to see bridget's before and after photos.
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♪ >> todd: lawmakers say first brother james biden contradicted himself yesterday when presented with evidence he could not refuse. brooke singman with details. >> he originally claimed he had no involvement in the hunter business deals story came couple bring down when they confronted him with a copy of an agreement with his own signature on it. the president's brother says he does not remember signing it the lawmakers are not buying it. >> what's your overall assessment of james biden's testimony today. >> interesting. >> was he truthful? >> he contradicted himself. >> there is this cefc entity
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that was paying at love money, chinese-connected. it was going into the biden family's bank accounts. and he tried to pretend as though he didn't know that cefc was connected to the chinese government. >> james insisting his brother has no ties to the family business deals saying, quote, in his opening statement i have had a 50-year career in a variety of business ventures. joe biden has never had any involvement or any direct or indirect financial interest in those activities, none. i have relied only on my own talent, judgment, skill and personal relationships and never my status as joe biden's brother. but, again, lawmakers are not too sure about that. >> just with hunter, just with jim because of the power of the brand. the influence with joe biden that that would entail. >> we have numerous whatsapp messages and oemails provided to us by the whistleblowers
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intimately involved hunter, tony bobulinski, rob walker and others in selling access to his brother's to foreigners yes. >> hunter biden is up next in the biden impeachment inquiry and he will testify next week on wednesday. guys? >> all right. brooke singman live for us, thank you so much. california democrats stepping in to protect president biden visit to the golden state. house speaker emeritus, nancy pelosi holding onto the president's hand as they walk around the san francisco tarmac and los angeles mayor karen bass saved him from the press. >> win re-election? >> going to win re-election anyway. [applause] >> david webb is a fox news contributor and david joins us now. seems like the surrogates got the message keep joe from himself and don't let him get away with a gaffe. what say you, david? >> at least they didn't have the secret service agent between
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pelosi and biden holding both their hands so neither of them trips. i wonder who was really propping the other up. but, notice something that karen bass said there. he is going to win anyway. so they said he is going to have great state of the union but in case it doesn't work out he is going to win anyway. guys, we have got to start these segments when you have this much coverage, these many points because biden hit all the points. we got start earlier. he hit climate change. he is in california or c cali-nutty however you want to see it on clims climate change. they didn't go down to skid row. multiple bigger than 54 city blocks. they didn't go to all the over areas of san francisco. they went to pacific heights where friends of mine have sold their houses and left. but, yet, the residents are left with the poop on the streets, the needles, their kids can't go to school safely. he didn't go to the border. he could probably find some of his son's ever cefc -- i'm just
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kidding, employees down there coming across illegally. he hits all the points when he goes there and he even goes after trump. evidence tries to equate republican senators with racist and comment about 1972 i have worked with senators and i worked with real racists like strom thurman forgetting to separate the two in his remarks. strom thurman was southern dixie democrat if you want to put it in full terms or democrat in any term. this is the part of the propping up that they want to pretend that biden is ready to go but is he not going to oakland. he is not going across the bridge so he can go see what is going on in oakland, california where black people are suffering, where latinos are suffering. anyone with any ethnicity. asians, big population in the west coast and san francisco, they are suffering. >> carley: could you imagine if
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somebody grabbed former president trump's hand and held his hand along the tarmac and then answered a question for him? that would never happen. so really quickly, david, before we let you go "fox & friends" can start. the latest quinnipiac poll shows 54% of voters say they do not think that the president has the mental fitness to serve. there is also a physical fitness that's about the same number. about 20 seconds to you. i'm sure that image on the tarmac won't help his case. >> look, everybody has got eyes. hopefully your vision is good. see for yourself. we have a man who is addled, clearly, who is incompetent in many ways. and, frankly, lies to the american people never which way just to get ahead. >> carley: yeah. they are hoping that the state of the union address will be a restart but then robert hur is going to be testifying bulbly a few days later, so we will see how that news cycle plays out. thanks, david. "fox & friends" starts right now.


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